The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 09, 1894, Image 8
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1894 |, C. WILDER'S SOUS CO., MACON, GA. [ratractors and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. Bb«r, rough and tfrawed, shingles, I *th«r, and dealers In mixed paints, lead, , lime, plaster, cement and builders' herd wore. 614 TO 623 2 HJBD STREET. (OUTH MAGON AND WEST END |tem» of Picked Up by the Telegraph’s Special Suburban Correipondent SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS G.lh.r.d on , lUlNf That Will Infer,,, F.opl. In All Part, of th. City— anil Heading. Tho funeral of Mr. Warren John* tonic place from tlio resilience of Mr. Hreon Johns on east OfiMbOTpA street on Suiunlay morning. Tlio'attemllnK minister on,Hie occa sion was tho ltcv. J. W, Owens of draco McUiodlst ekurcii. A lame mini- lier of sympathizing frlemls w ere pres ent n* the hour approached. Tho re- mnrks [undo t>y the reverend gcutlo- man on tins occasion were very ini- pnwlre niul feillrigly tittered, h-itvlug eoiisolntlun to tho deeply ainii-lod mother nud hrolher. Tho lntenm-ut took place ou the fam ily lot In tho South Alarum cemetery, whero a large number had already con gregated. Thu pall-beam* ware Mcaan. Harry Griggs, W. T. shtuhol- mt, Alannlo Engel, J. r. Porter, it. it. Gr.or and J. A. Kennedy. Mr. Johns lias been 111 far ft long time, niul nlwut ten days ago scouted to lio bereft tit once of nil strength. J-'roin this period ac gradually lii.ramu .worse, until death relieved him of Ills pains ou Thursday evening. Ills mother, n very aged lady, nud one 111101111% Mr. Uroeu Johns, nlono mir- v.vo hint. Ho was next to tho last of thirteen sons nud daughter*, who aro all dead save one, and bad been resident of Slnoon'for n ntimher yews. Ono of the pleasantest reunions that tills taken plncu for somo tiiiiu was lid,l at the residence -if .'Jr. Kiigoho Jeffers, on east Ash street, ou Friday eveuiug. On this OOClslon Miss Hitchd .letters entertained several visiting friends and many of her lady and gentleman nc- qiidliituuv*. The luil'us were cos- tuinetl In evening drosses of beautiful Mjle and pattern. ‘Che evening was wh.lisl away tn social Converse, games and music, many e\i|ipsito pcrforuie ticlng among tlio guests. During tho oveuing tho company Were in- vtted to partake of Mffeshmeuts, and In a motucot tho ladles were esoorlcil to a table loaded w.tli all the delica- ol«s of tho season—fruits, lees, cake, etc—to which duo Justice was ndmtn- Utervd. A musical quartette of vuuti; gentlemen added greatly to the unlvei- nal enjoyment of tno company by tho 1m utlfitl selection* cheerfully am ir, lot ted, vocal and lnstnmiemal, by Messrs. Calder and .hums UousOalu, Bryant Nix nud Jolm Martin. The fol lowing ladles and gontlitcrien were pres- out during tho ereultig: Ml.-,* ltcsslu smith ef ltuiiiswleh,* Riddle and Maude HUldlck, Misses Minnie and Salllo Walerlnmse, Miss Mattie bang- slim, Miss Mottle CroiVf>nl, Alls* Pa .lie eh,-Veils, Miss Knclicl .lolt'ol-s, .Messrs. John Tbotapsoai. K and W. AVatcrhouse, IV. It. Haddocks, J, H. Gray, Am unit 10. Jeffers, U. It. craw- font, llnrry Kocklilll, W. W. Cone, i-.,|, ltlihllrk, Ali-s. Martin, Airs. Calhoun, Airs. WiUrrhimso. Miss Durden and Mrs. iAsmard. Mis* Itessio Smith of llmuswlck is ep.-uillng it few irmti very pleasantly with her sister. Airs. Milligan, on Sec ond street, nml with her young frleml, Allss Itaehei Jeffers, on Ash Mi-eel. Shire her arrival Alias Smith luis Pern the recipient of many social favors front friends aud newly trade acquaint- uiuv*. Tlio tittle building belonging to Airs. J. shattll, on west Uawiiimue street, and whleh has Isssi occupied ns a tub- urlKin missionary station und>- the mi:piers of Alulls-rry street McthOdilt church, Is at pivsoat undergoing n- lniirs and Is being nude Mount mid comfortable tor the winter, liven- ore held ever.v Sunday In tho building, lid by some of the youug laeu of the eongivtr.itlojg The little child uf Mr. and Mrs. J. Moline'S illeil at 111* home on west lift- xd street, West Kmt. on Wednesday night, lifter on llnyss of thirteen in, iiihs. The funeral took place 1'relay nfternooo and was w.'d at- Vadeil. Rev. J. O. Chester of Ccntcn- i.ry MethoiUsI church bondueteil the religious enrcbca ooouect *1 therewith at the house anil Uoeo Hill cemetery, where the burial took pi ill* Tho wood cutting brigade hat done effictont and Im,slush!.' seri-.V.. in \v,„t Knd during till' loot week, and die im pact of the landscape nlung the side streets 1* const,k'rohty Unproved. Air. John Watorheuse of the Georgia Southern railway Is quite II at Ids res idence >m Thiel street, near tho Cen tral railroad. Miss •foveas of Alabama is visiting Misses Mamie amt Minnie Waterhouse nt their heme eu Second street. The store room of Mr. John Holmes on the summit of Daly's hill, on Sec ond Street, South Mar-vj. was rebbed on Saturday night, tt I* conjectured tlut the thief euacralol hbnsett m the stem while It was throated iiith rus- tonuvs on that night and held himself .n abi-yancv. awaiting a favorable op portunity for his efxnutons to tiegln Air. Holmes aoOO s iw tluu KM bad Or. Price's Cream Baking Ponder Most Perfect Made. been taken, ns well nt a lot of sugar, coffee, Hour and meat. No trace of tho money or goals has yet been de tected. It Is rumored that In tho near future. In tho course of a few weeks, tho little blind god will romme Ids antics in South At,-icon, and the happy consum mation of one or two engagements will take pUre. Tho readers of the Tele graph will be In touch of those rumors us the days elapse. In the garden of Mr. Charles Tank- erdry, on Stratton street. South Mu- con, Is now growing ft vegotable curi osity that baa attracted the attention of several market gardeners of the comity. Air. Tankers!,,y in the spring planted a lot of eolkird seed and In dll,, till!,- lie- plant* w- r,- l.nv ,-a--ii--li f ir transplanting, which was done, and from Dlls lot came one plant that reached the ordinary height and ext, nt of top, but the stalk, held itf the gi'"im,l by a sl:-,il. :i< I -r r, .t *, rap- I lly iin r,-;i-,, ,1 in - ii",■ 11ml'«-1, ,i*,- niiiil. nt a recent measurement. It was fouuil to bo fifteen Indies around. It Is about ten Inches hlRh from Hie ground to where the leaves begin to form. It Is quite n monstrosity of the vegetable world nt«l lias bi-eii seen by itinuy peo ple. Tho residents of Rim and Third streets nro loud in their complaints and remonstrances to the electric light company at Hie present condition of tho light nt Hie Inlerseetfon of thoso iilreets. Sometimes it patches nt tho usual time that the light appears on the other post* and will perhaps hunt for an hour, to lie extinguished and remain so for perhaps four hours, when tho light Is iignln seen to appear. Something Is wrong with the lighting npplinnre, ns It occurred once before, when n new npii.-ir.ilus was subsll- tilled entirely. It Is hoped the nnthnr- Hies Interested will give tills matter I heir Attention, ns the citizens nt this point do not wish to he deprived of tho advantages nml benefit of this light. HE WAS FASTIDIOUS. lavt the proverbial ,brass monkey, so ■wlilely known tn story ain-J conn, and IHconTxo ttWoro govenvment mules of no toss witnriety, and moreover, the tramp who cuts wood In the backyard for a meal of vlctoits—'let -all -these re tire and t-ako -a back seat -In favor of this original scapegrace, Yestcrd-ay afternoon -a piety of gen- ’tlemen, who had taken refuge from the rain *n one of the drug stores down town, and who bad Just stepped to the dear to watch for a cessation of the downpour, when an ugly looking fel low praaonted ,‘himself o the most 'ac cessible of tho party and addressed him at follows: "Cm you held a mum. In need?" "How .much lib vou wortt?" one of the mm mid reaching down Into hli vest pocket for a stray nlcklo. "Oh, it dollar will do.” he answered, advancing -at: the -mam who was Still tearing at the lining of ihls coat. “A dollar?" nil exglhlmcd in ehortis. Aon had hebter bo bIM to get -the price of a •nmd’wlch out of t:hla crowd. Hay. whnt would you do with a dollar ui.yhow?" "OentlenMn.'' the tiwmp st irtel out, -complacently sealing htmself on one leg •vldi-nSly fop a longthy appeal—"gen tlemen, I will not abuse your aharity and wtlt therefore be perfectly plain vvllh you—d want to get on order of rice I,Into nml a oouple Of bottles of boor." If-a policeman had not happened nloiur Just at t-hit montenit. the tramp would have fared badly Indeed. TWO LlVEH SAVED. Air*. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City, III., was told by her doctora that who had consumption nnil that thcro was no hopo for her, but two buttles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her, and she tmya It saved her life. Mr. Thus. Eggers. 139 Florida street, Han Francisco, suit ml from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion. tried Without result everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr King's New Discovery, nml in two weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful. It la such results, of whleh these are samples, that prove the won- derful efficacy of this medicine In coughs nml colds. Free trial bottles nt It. J. Earner & Son's drug store. Itcc. War sixe, 50c. and it. MAGNETIC NERVINE' Is sold with wrIHm fluarantto to runt n;s and NfUr»tnlH uDilWuktv flllDt'WH.i'Alt.nasl lt\ ox* v « usoof Oi'itmi, Tobxoco %ud Aloo* » m t POHE - AFTER. SjJ Brain, eswtoa Nllaorr, tnaanltj •i,a*oll?h'{ U*rritH'Mi, ImtM't. iD'jr, Lo«t Fow*rJn olthrrm'i, InvohsoUry lawn. CAuml «»«Drain and * V* kow “* A month'll trvat* “I' tl t»n 9u tt vuJvo Af«nt. GOODWYN 4k SMAth, 8ol« Ajr«nts. Cherry Street and Cotton Av*nu«. Ifaoon. Qa.* STATE OP OSORQIA, COUXTY OP <Vorslo 8. lHnof* of »ua state havinff applied to me for lettcw of a«lmlnlstra- tKm bonte non on the catau of It. K. UlraeM, •enter, late of said III 111*.—-To whom It may concent Mrs. UU‘ H. K. Iliniv* senior, Mte of «tid county: This is to cite oil anil simruiar i\w hem nml cralKom of Mild n. K. ljiiutA. senior, to be anil nppeni at the November term of «u4d court and ihow aftusa, if env they wn, why let- k-i« or adinlnb»tration de boafe non should not f>e smwuevl nppllcnm on iht o.stAto of *4shl It. K. HI nos, senior. Wltne&s mv otHclat dianature. C. M. WILEY, ordinary. BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. Wlfl be urld before the court .louse )oor In the city of M.icon. durtnjr the l'«al hours of sale, ou the flrst Tuesday In November next, the follotvins property: Ono M.ia>n «v Hanihn orsan. one oak Ixick case, one lot of books, one square oak table, two plush bottom rockers, t>ao skin mas, one oak bedstead, one plush loung<. or.c marble top table, one tHrpetasat rocker, two hUh back oak chaira one hat rack, one Urge cans cent rocker, two rustic benches, two chairs. Levied on as the property of Mary E. Kelson to satisfy a diMroes warrant for tent and cost, issued bv J. IL U Geidtne. Justice >f the peace, in favor of Roland u HtU, trustee, vs. Mary B. Ncl»>n. Levy nud* and returned by a constable.* Q. B, Wi^rcuiT, sheriff. ’ It takes a great head ,! to engineer a great Clothing Store. It is only a keenly watched business moving on a large scale, sending out. daily great quantities of goods, that can maintain a strictly fresh stock. Smarter people than ourselves admit the low prices now quoted of the tilings advertised by us daily. They were brought under the new tariff wilh a sharp turn. Cash and MACON, GA. SI to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET Engines, Boilers, dins SAW MILLS, Machinery AH Kinds. YOTJ MAY not pet ona of tho prizes I offered for eolvlng my puzzles, but thero ta u prize for evety customer In the low prices I make this . month. GEO. T. 13*38LAND, Jeveler. 320 Second street. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores gr and potassium Latarrn, Malaria gr Wakes ! and Kidney Troubles S: Marvelous Cures SE in Blood Poison IE Rheumatism Spand Scrofula I*. P. P. rurlOoa tb<» blood, balldnup , tlm weak nnu <n<t>llttPtod, given Htrettgib to weakened nerves, expels ’ aUeanoa.Klvir.g tbe p.itlobt holtb and . hopplaons wbvre slckno«s, gloomy. t feelingsnn^iMUadofir^Wirovoh^* . Por nrlir.try.xroondftry *nd tertiary eyphina. for blood pouonlog. rnerou- ' rlollM'H n. iimlarln, djrap«psia. and , in nil blood nod skin dlaeaaes, llko t>:iit. t,i'-. I'li'M.i- H. *>dI < hronioulcers, " tvtt.-r. - aid • i. . *T.vnlj»f>ias, , eczema-we may mv, wjfhout fear of cantradlctlon.thotP. P. P. IstliobesU • blood puriDerln tho world,and makes , euive, epooily and poruanont euros , Lndien wboeo nyatems aro poisoned and n lioao bloodla la ao lir.pnro cnmU* • tit'ii, due to iQcnntrnal trrcgularlttos, nronoouilarly beuoOtod by the won derful tonic and blood Cleansing prop- . crtieaof P.P. r.-Prlckly Aab,Poke Itoot and Potaaalam.. ^ . 8»'RiSoriVLi>. Ml. , siuK. 14th, 1803. —1 can Hponk Id tho blgneat terma of ■ ymirmodlciuo from my own perronw • k hew lodge. I wsssfTedtwl wit h heart diiMtAne, pleurisy and rtipuiantlsu. *oc tJ.%yenrr, was treated l>y tlio vcrylwat phy Micians ana epeut hundreds of «!ol- lnrs, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. Ibovo only tnkcu ono helps of yonr P. P. P,« and can cheerfully any it haa done me mors good thauati) thing I ha vo evortnken. 1 enu rocorrnnond your medlclno to ell soflereraof theabovodlsx'nnea. MI18. M. M. YU ARY, UprlosfleJd, Gruoa Oouciy, kto. ' Are entirely removea by P.P.P* ‘ —Prickly Ash, Poke Root ond Potas sium, the greatest blood purlfler on « earth. r « ABTtRDRirw, O.. Jnly 21,1891. • ff—m Iaii’pMAN linos., tiavirnunb. Os.: Dbar Hiiw—I bought a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Springs,Ark..and , it hns dono mo tooro good than tnreo laonthn* troaiinoututtho Hot Springs, boud tbroo bottles O. 0.1). « ne. D ecl,any raEwTOtT . Aberdeen, Brown Oounty, O, Cnpt. J, U. Joboaton, ' To all vhom it may concern: I here- 4 by testify to tho wonderful projMtrtles . of P. P. P. for eruptions of f ho ekln. I suffered for soveril years wlthnu un- * sightly and disagreeable eruption on , my /net*. I tried *v**ry known n*ine- dy but In vain.until P. P. P. wa» usod v « end am now eatlrely cured. (Slgnod by) J. D. JOHNSTON, * Havsnnah, Oft- « •kin Cancer Cured, TeeHmony/rom the Jfjyor o/SrjvinJaSm * 8kquin, Tby., January 14,1893. * Stasiks. Lippman Broh.. Havaunan, « fliu Gentlemen—l have tsied your P. , P. P. for a dlnenso of tbu nkln, usually known as ekln eancor.of thirty years* . standing, nnd found great roller: 1C puriUoa the Mood nnd rctuorea nil Ir ritation from the seat of the disoas^ ■ aimt prevents any sore a. I have taken five ... •©. it has also relieved nu* from indigeatlon aud sUMuach 1 troubles. Yours truly. , CAPT. W. II. RUST. Attorney at Law, * bgok m Blood Kscoses Mailed (ret ' ALL DRUaOZSTS SELL XT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Llppman'i Dlock,8avnntit\la,0* A Whole Flock Benjamin Franklin U*rJ to aav that If h« obtained but one Idea from a book he considered himself well repaid for his inyettinent. There is a silent but pc’^nt missionary thal cot alone suggests Ideas to men. but tells them what the thinkers of all time have doni with these tdeasi a missionary that represents the very fountain-head of all knowleJge, that unlocks the secrets of nature, and “Chains the Elements To our chariot wheels." This missionary It the justly celebrated new edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, aud It arpreis to every human being who cap read. If yvu bavo any special beat or Inclination for any particular branch of knowledge open the BRITANNICA and Ideas will flock so you. If >ou are young, with your life before you, it will furnish you with lisas to advance yout but mess interests, and to make you a mors useful member of society. If you are a tired bread-winner It will amuse and enliven you with stories of travel with quaint and beautiful mythological te/.ends, and with the facts about animals * It i irtsome. and It lasts a life-time. It Is cosmopolitan And Democratic For it mjkf > no distraction between the rich and the poor, but says to both: " l am yours almost toe the asking.** TUN CENTS A DAY wlB buy It, bat you Should order at once If you wish to take •d\ antage of the special Introductory offer. the Constitution, ATLANTA. <SA Or call Jit branch omc*. 60S Mulberry jtrett, Macon. Ga.. ur.Vre you wild find tn the Brutantca reading rooms com plete seta of thN magnificent library and receive courteous uiieotioo. | LEADS THE WORLD, f h jhhpv\ amer,cAn uJLIUULj J cut glass. 2 ’ Hlgtiort World'* K»!r. (S ><Su^>v , f you want 1Iie | finest quality cut| glass, buy goods § having this trade* 1 mark. $ CHAS. H. SOLOMON, Solo Agt. (* GEORGIA. D1BB COUNTY.—II. Q. Cutter, executor, and Mrs. Mary A." Ayres, executrix, of the «*tate of Asher Ayres, late of said county, deceased, having reprvuomted to this court that they have fully discharged the duties of add trust, this Is. therefore, to noti fy all wrties concerned, <to file objec tions, if any «hey have, on or before the first Monday In December. 1S34, or else letters of dismission will then be issued as ticked for. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—A. A. Cul len. administrator of the estate E. W. Melton, late of said county, deceased* having represented to this court that he hax fully discharged the duties of said trust, and now asks for letters of dismis sion. This Is to notify all parties con. corned to file object Iona, If any they have, on or before the first Monday in December. 1KH. or letters or dismission will then be granted ns asked fc c. m. wzur; Oi LOOK OUT FOi Window Glass, Manl o. P. & B. E. MACO| SASH OOORi LUMBER, M\ AT LOWEST M&Dffitt WHO] G. Berzid & Co. litis outlet, potent in the markets of the world in reducing the costs of things, warrant the repetition of our own old proverb: Aggregation is Economy. AGENTS r *»w. Mhrral BaWry I l boGM*rio u»v*L Tub fan r. o. vicxuiY, i L. Cohen & Co., J. L. MACK, MAnsffor. - - - Macon Oa.j MACOH SASH, DOC INCORPORATED CONTRACTORS! -AND MANUFl Sash, Doors and Blinds, Dealers in Paints, Glass, Ceml BUILDERS’ HARDWAEj FOR SALE. The sale of the Twiggs Oil and Fertll-j l/.er Company of Jeffersonville Twlggs| county. Georgia at public auction to held on Wednesday, October 10th at lil oVIo.'k noun, at lh<; cirri-**- of Talbott A.I Sor-s, Mat'o-j, <>.i. This plant consists ofl the following machinery: I One hydraulic press, with fifteen steel! plate botes; two C2 heaters; one sc toll four-high 30 calendered crushing rolls; onof direct ju.-ting st'M'n < <ike fonuer; one Iin 1U duplex-acting steam pump; one No. j ‘’Climax" hull?r; two IW-i’iw lintcrsl with feeders »nd condersers; one hantf scr«n, with elevator, etc. .one comblna-l tlon reel and shaker; one cake breaker! one cake grinding mill—French buhii stones; two Cft.xBft. Fettling tanks, wltlf lixtuns; onr* rt-veiving tank; holding tanx for pressure pump! with all necessary pipe connections*! one portable cake table, and all shaftings, pulleys, hangers, bearings! couplings, collars, counter shafts eleva-I tors and conveyors complete, for n 11 f! teen-ton oil mill; one CO-ll. 1*. "Talbott”! stationary, side crank engine and one SQ-f H. P. "albott" steel return tubulaif boiler; one tertllizer mixer; one revolving reel; one set of crushing rolls; one 48 to! runner Aesopjs ktone corn mill complete^ one fifty-ton railroad track scales, wltl 31-foot platform; one 400-pound platforn scales; one 600-pound bale and barrel scaleo and two regulattwi trucks. I Also, one complete ginnery, consisting oi four C0-J3aw "Dagle" gins, with feeder! and condensers; oqo "Thomas" direct! acting steam press; one seed cotton ele! vator complete: one 5-ton wagon scale! Also, one 40-H. P. "Talbott* otatlonnrji engine (center crank), and one 50-H. Pj return tubukir steel boiler ("Thlbott**). All of the above machinery is In first class ‘order, navlng been used only few months. The above cotton seed olll mHl and ginnery, together with the* lands! on which it stands, will be sold to the! highest bidder on the above mentioned! day by resolution of stockholders'. Terms: Certified check for one-tenth of| bid, balance to be paid ten days after! date of sale. For further information we ] refer -you to Talbott & Sons of Macon, I Ga., or J. C. Shannon and R. H. Cars-.| well of Jeffersonville, Ga. TWIGGS OIL AND FERTILIZER CO. Per Ellis M. ’Talbott, Sec. and Treas. ,. W a L a Douglas !• THK BEST. NOBQUEARINQ, $5. CORDOVAN. FRENCH&ENAMELLED CALF * Ws&FmmmMMii ♦ 3.5?P0UCE t 3SOU5. Bovs'ScikhlSiioes. ♦^'Bestdonso^ a -SEND FOR CATALOGUE * . r W*I-*DOUOLASL BROCKTON, MASKS. You can navc^ninntjy b^purcbaalnu W. 1 Because.xvc are the largest luanufactofrem of advertised shoes in the world, nod rOarautce tiie value by stamping the name awd price on the l>ottom, which protects vou- against high prices aud the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom work lu »tylc', eny lilting and wearing oualitlcs. W* hav/e them cold every, whereat lower prices for tkevulue given tlui: any other make. Take no substitute. Ifrov ^ - v-rm. Sold*■' ROCHESTER SHOE CO. 613 OHKKRY STREET. Real Estate Agent. 365 Second Street. FOR RENT—Several nice homes In Vlneville. t t . No. 507 Orange street. •’ * No. 1071 Walnut wtreet. V No. 103 Ross street. I want to sell real estate In the city or country. Call nnd see me. Dairy and grass farm for rent GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-Samuel R Jaques, execAitor of the estate of Richard W. Jaqoes. late of said county, deceased having represented to this court that he has fully discharged the duties of said trust and now asks for letters of dismis sion. This Is, therefore, to notify all par ties concerned to nie objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in December, 1894. or letters of dismission will then be granted ns asked for. flhls third day of September, 18W. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary, L! y . S a P ,ntere8 t on fiepc upward Real estate loans the monthly inatallment plan, and lc on good securities at low rates.- L, depository for trust funds. Will ael sdminlau-ator. executor, guardian, celver and trustee. H. T. POWELL;. H. a. CUTTER...........vice’-Prealc S. W. CANNON... Cas) - EICHANGE BAS OF MACON, QA. H. J. tsmar, Oso. B. Turn Frssld.nt. Vlce-PresU J. W. Cahanlss, Cashier. Ws solicit the business of m'rohi plantar, and banka, otlerlnr t courtesy. promptneM, safety sod 11 shty. The larsest capital ,na aur of any bank In Middle Georgia. ! BANK £ MACON, GA. IL' J. Lamar, President; Qeo. B |rte* Vlcs-PmUmt; J. W. Cashier; D. If. Nelllgaa. Accounton CAPITAL, 1200,000. BURPLUtf, J Interest paid on deposits S per P* Msiuw. Economy is the roe weslth. Deposit your savings say will be increased by luterest* pounded fc*ml-annually. K. H. PLANT, PRESIDENT. OF MACON® A. CAPITALISURPujs, $260,000 t M. Johnston. Prsident J. D. Stetson. Vies Pro.Id*nL t» P. HH!yer. Cashier. ; ne American national Ban! , „ MACON, GA. 7 CAPITAL.,>-r b* .» ..>250.000.00 SURPLUS CM , MM l*ra»at capital of any national bank In O.ntaij "ocorii-i’" ‘to«SS U °°‘ *° d LndlvMUlU ^ 1 «SStal Stantion^^Silpoi L C. PLAHT r S SOC BAuIsTKEPi, BACON, GEORGIA. - - ESTABLISHED 188* Banking in all its branches. Interest allowed on Time Deooeit& b' c handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild London for all European points. W. WRIGLEY, CAS HIE £U