The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 13, 1894, Image 2
THE AlACOU TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORimrG, NOVEMBER 1% 1894. . FLED SI fIBSI SUL SENATORS GATHERING. Several of Them Conferral at the Sen- ■ ate Chum her. Ihe Chinese Warriors Coaid Stand the Japs’ Attack From the Bear, .. Sot CHINESE WERE WELL PREPARED ih»r Luk>< the iMnurf Sift#, How* •v.r, to n« a Fight—Tli. Soil Squadron of the Ctiluw Wmt Smelly ftoutfld. London. Nov. 11.—The correspondent of the New* at Toklo gives the Conowloc additional detail* of the car- lure of ToMen-Wan by Geo. Oyama. Six forts placed la strong position* on TaRen-Won hay. mounting eighty gun* of various efzes and pattern*, together with all the store* of ammunition, etc., were captured^ The narrowest part of the land at TaUen-Waa la seven mile* wide. Thl* strip of land was Oiled with a network of telephones and other ad vanced syotems of communication and the place was protected by powerfully arranged batteries and other defense* against a aea attack. Gen. Oyama. therefore, considered It advisable to make an unexpected attack from the rear and In this he waa completely suc cessful. The demoralized enemy were routed in confusion and panic. The Japanese parliament haa been summoned to meet at Toklo December ’Washington, Nov. 12.—Senators are begteutng to return to the c.ty, a num ber of tnem being here today. from- inent among those wuo have arrived are Senators Gorman, Camden, Ran som and Harris. The diet three named were In conference tor a >oug ume this afternoon, Hr. Ransom to the senate chamber as sooa, as he ar rived. dir. Gorman, when asked about the conference, ea.d that U was tin Impromptu gathering, It being the first time they hod met since tbelr depart- ure from town to engage in the work of the campaign. He denied there was any polltxal significance In the con ference. None of these three senatora would discuss the subject of die organ ization ot the next senate. Senator Harris arrived today ond spent a few minutes at his committee room. Senator Voorhees came la on the afternoon train and leave* shortly for Virginia Hot Springs, remaining there until the first week In Decem ber. Mr. Jones of Arkansas Will reach here next Thursday and Mr. Black burn Is expected the first of next week. Senator Peffer has returned from Kan sas but Is non-committal as to the policy of the Populists la the matter of organization. CASSIUS DID NOT HARRY. Can Find No Justice Who Will Per form the Ceremony. *. The two Americana who ttvre ar- ard til Richmond, Nov. 12 —Gen. Cassius I M. Clay has not yet married Miss Dora rested on board the steamer Sydney at Kobe nave been released under a writ ten mirtuue* tint they would give no assistance to the enemy. They have also written a letter expressing thanks for ths kind treatment received wjitle under srreet. The Chinaman who was arrested with them has been oeort to Kir 03 him*. A dispatch from Tcklo to the Central New* say# Count I to Huobuml, the Japanese prim* minister, reports that th- J.i-pjiueae at 'fallen-Wan .laiv# de stroyed all torpedoes by th* enemy laid there arvJ captured several torpedo bona with their apparatus. The tor pedo barracks an Ta.ien-Wan were oc- 0U>!»1 by the Japanese without dis turbing the mine*. Important mens of the position and of all the torpedo lines laid war* also sol red. When the Japan** fleet, with transport*. entered Tatten-tVsn bay It w*h num .red a Chinese squadron tied appeared outside end a naval en- cXjturrer appeared Imminent. Suddenly, however, the Chinese, observing the J«’ .hum fleet, steamed rapidly aw-.iy to ward Wet-Hat-W*l. A dispatch from Fuaon. Cores, report# another uprising of th# Tong Hakls In th- province of Kycmg-Sang-Du. The rwliel* were dispersed by Japanese trooM. who klfied six and captured twenty-nine. JAPAN Wild- ANSW8R. Richardson, a 15-year-old girl. The venerable general came to R.cbmond last Friday and applied for a license to marry Miss Rxliardson. Upon consent of the giri’s brothers, Clerk Tudor iwued the papers. The marriage was to have been celebrated Saturday. It Is reported that more than one Jus tice has to perform the cere mony, owing to the ages of each Gen. Clay’s children are strenuously opposed to the nuptials for this rea son. snd It is said have visited him re peatedly to utter a protest against the marriage. It la supposed that their worda had some bearing with b'ra. There Is no little concern manifested over the proposed and so numerous have been the calls by In- qn'r'ug friends and the curious publ'c that Gen. Clav has forbidden them to enter his premises. HWlill Julian's reductions are immense on all classes of Dress Goods. Juhan's 25 cents Vests have no equal. . Juhan sells good Comforts at 50 cents. Juhan sells a good Gent’s Vest at 50 cents. Juhan has a full stock of warm Gloves. Juhan has a line of $10.00 Wraps for $2.50. Juhan sells 25 yards Cotton Flannel for $1.00. Juhan has a special line of Underwear for children. New shapes in Chemisettes just received. MR. SHEPPERSON WRITES. He Sees No Foundation for the Esti mate Recently Made by Ur. Neill. CONTRARY TO COMMON SENSE. With Raduc»d Acreage Next Tear, III* Great Statistical Expeit Think* That Cotton Will Ilegaln Ite Hammer Price, EXPRESS OAR ROBBED. Winchesters Drawn On the Engineer - and Express Messenger. DENNY WIDE CONTEST. Owens Has No Cinch on the Seat of Btvuauii.uge. Washington, Nov. 11—Although for- ■nul acceptance by Jepro of American mrdl itlcm already agreed upon by Cbl- 1*1 few not yet reached she State Do- psraiwnt, no doubt wha.lever 1* enter- tinned In dlpiomatlo circle* that It will be forthcoming e* promptly ns the Japanese government osn act wlthMft eanvlflclirg cere-nonius avoidance of un due haste. The reply to the proposition of I'rsiddent Cleveland to momentarily •vcprtMed. snd confidence is felt that It will convey Japan’s assent. The rea son for this unusual degree of confl- denuo Is due to the knowledge Out Ja pan ha* practically but a single altor- mauve either to accept tills proposition, or to mnsMer en ultimatum from Groat lmtulu and the allied powers. fflt 1* understood that while President Cleveland's offer to median. sbnply psssenlod a. general proposition, with out denlls of procedure, Japan has been mod# aware that Chinn concedes In jdveoco mn*t of Japan's probable claims, ns far as cash Indemnity and Cortsn Independence are ooncerned, but does not expect lb!!!* tiny pirUtton at a portion ot her territory will be Involved. Lex-ngton, Ky., Nov. 12.—Judge Demiy us-, determined to contest tue election of W. C. invent). He su.ti ius. u.gut: “1 have eviueuco Horn an over tue d .strict tiuit convinces tuc beyond a reasonable doubt that 1 was etected by a good majority upon the face of returns. Besides, 1 owe ,t to my friends wno Insure mo the.r sup port. I will state my grounds of con test explicitly in the notice the law requires me to give the contested holding the certificate - of olccUou ou rtAi the face, ot the returns.'' STOLE THE DOG COLLAR. The Championship Belt a Temptation to lows’ Burglars. Davenport, la., Nov. 12.—Tho Richard K. l r ox diamond championship belt, ex hibited by James J. Corbett In the win dow of C. E. Sheriff's drug store, was stolen last night by unknown men. The belt was valued at M.000. Corbett won too beu in tights with Sullivan and Mitch ell, but had to win one* more before It became his porsonal property. ANTt-PARNELLITES MEET. Decided to Accept the Check From Glad. stone. . EVAaS IS THE MAN. Full Unofficial Returns Give Him n Good Plurality. Dublin, Nov. Nov. 11—The enti-PtrnellUes met today, with their leader. JusUn Mo Csrlhy. Ip the chair. They dorlared that the acceptance of Mr. Gladstone's snd Lord Tweedmouth'i celebrated checks wee jueufled. ts these contribution* to the Irish cause were mode spontaneously. The betting similar, the meeting resolv ed. was not * party matter, as the party was not responsible for It. The circular - bad been mu out. the resolution added, through the blunder of a clerk. Th* meeting deprecated newspaper discus- Hons of party differences ss cnlculsted to injur* the Irish caus*. Before th* de bate concerning the checks was closed a resolution protesting against sccptanct of them was rejected. The meeting do- clsred that it was the Liberal partly'* paramount duty to esc ure the autonomy ot Ireland. Nashville, Team, Nov. 12.—Unofficial returns from every couuly In the slate give Brans (Republican) for governor a plurality of 1,854, Tho figures are carefully comp.led and the official count w.H oof matcrlatly chitugo thorn. THE CZAR'S FUNERAL. Body Taken Aboard th* Train for St. Petersburg. Moscow, Nov. 12.—Th* body of th* Car was taken from the Kremlin at 10.10 o'clock to-day snd conveyed to the railway edition en route for 6ti Ps- tetaburg. The procession from the os- thsdral of th* Arohsngal M.cluel to th* •melon was mu oh the situs as that Sima ai upon tli* occasion ot th* arrival of the body and lu coaveytmcs to th* rathe- The eireeU were lined with people wad troops, and the sumo mourning decorations were displayed. A special service was held at th* station prior to tho departure of thtTfuneral train. FRANCE AND MADAGASCAR. Paris, Nbv. ll—It to officially an nounced chat tho government will ask the ofcmmbees for a credit at U,000.000 franc* for th* purpose of prosecuting the ttsmpalgn In Mmtagnerar, The gov ernment also announces that 16,000 troopa will be sent to MAdagaecur at A RESULT IN DISPUTE. Jersey City, Nov. 12.—Ihe official canvass for congress give* McEwzra (Republican) 23,507 and Stewart (Dem ocrat) 23,205. The board declared Me- Ewan elected. Thla action cf tho board doe* not appear to bo final, the vote been canvassed without regnrd to it mlM’ng precinct, the vote* from which are now being gone over by tho oourt from tho tally sheets filed with tho board. If tho results from the tally sheets show any marked chnnge. Col. Stevens will demand n recount from the boxes. ’NO LONGER IN DOUBT. New York, Nov. 12.—The result of tin- election for alderman In the thir teenth fiseedbly d.atrlct, about which there has been an mneb doubt, waa finally settled today. When the re turns were compiled at police head quarter* last week B. H. Cushman (Republican) had • majority over F. J. Goodwin (Democrat), tho vote In one election district missing. The mleeitig dlstrloi was hoard from today, and the total vote !■; Goodwin 4,000, Cushman 3,003; Goodwin's majority 07. MINISTERS ENDORSE IT. _ _ „ Ofc, tf. C* Dm.R.V.PnatCK: l*dr For wm« dt or seven jrrwi my urtte * * I t&iuL VO toil* til six mtu rlereri KxroHto Vr\thT»i'Usi« .nd mx Misih«l lite»r«nr." To tho m rpttaa ot Um oommunlvjr tho joy of myxclf xnd ftnuly, ui long btforo tho ulGtt th« bwt \ «.a 0 her osn ffuswvts OC tt* medldae »t* *yuu4.; curM. \oun truly, Bw.T. HrSTUO^OK. toSrat tbsmSS^c^ Cf **^oriPte l, sa n*\l!d:i# BILLIARD MATCH. New York. Nov. U.—Th* billiard match between Jacob Schaerer and Frank ivse was begun today ax th* Madison Square Garden concert halt Tne men are to play the fourteen-inch balk line game, anchor shot* barred, for alx Mehta mo points each night. Phaefer woo tonight’s game after seventeen Innings by a score of 900 to MS. in the sUttenth toning th* score stood Schaefer ttt. Ives M Sh»e- fer then went is snd scored 12A running out th* gams- Schaefer's average was U 6-17, Ires' for sixteen Innings, KW. High runs: Schaerer ts, Ives 116. KILLED'BY A CASHIER. Saltern. Kan., Nor. 12.-Three masked robbers attempted to hold up the bank at Silvan Grove. Kan., forty mile* west of here at noon today and one of their number met death in an unusu ally tragic maimer. He -via abut by tBb cashier of the bant, John Calone. and when dying waa perforated with bullets by bis own comrade* to save themselves from exposure. MURDER AND SUICIDE. Gibson. La.. Nov. 12.—New* wus re- celvt-1 here this afternoon of * tragedy s quarrel over a **tne of cards, when Evan* drew a gun ani mortally wound ed Bergeron, ahsn. realizing tbs enor mity of his crime, he placed the ptotol to his britot sad killed himself. Charleston. S. C.. Nov. 12.—'With a view to finding out Just how much credit wo* to be given to the recently published statement of the present cot ton cron ot 1D.004.000 bales ,an,I to put before its readers a trustworthy and IrWelUgent statement ot the cotton situ ation at the present time, the Newe and Courier applied t)> Mr. Alfred Shepper- son. the well ktnwn New York cotton Stauedokin. and haa received the fol lowing very lucid and satisfactory reply: ''New York. Nov. 8. 1894.—Cotton has declined again today, chiefly, I under stand, upon a era peatlmate just 'soued by Mr. Neill of New Orleans that the crop will be over 10.000,000 bales. The Crop Is undoubtedly a large ne, but 1 confess that I am unable to see any basis for such a large estimate. The largest crop ever grown in this country wa* than which waa planted tn lSfD. The yield of -that crop was probably 9,200,000 bales. The oommercltl crop ot that season wan 8.874.000 bums, and lie difference between this and thy quantity which I have given as the probable yield wan marketed In the following season. There I* no evidence whatever to prove that the acreage,of the oop now being marketed was any larger than that of the c:oo of 189J-91, n..r Is thore any reason, to my mind at least, to prove that the weather conditions have been more favorable this year Dun In 1890. l am at Alow, tnerefou. to understand to what cause or esutes can b* reasonably attributed a yield so much In excess ot 1890. The acreage In 1890 was 20.600,000 seres, tad I do nut think any one has eUl.n.-l. or Mil claim that tt was any more-this year. The department of ngricultu.-* hie neon making since February 1st, a careful In vestigatlcn of the cotton acreage and hoe employed a epeytal ugint for Ihe purpose, who has traveled throughout the south an dbae [nvysMgtted tho matter, a* J am Informed, ,n me n.wt thorough manned possible. The acting secretory of agriculture wrote me in October 26 that the result ot the lures- tlgstlcn was that the acreage in 1893 waa is,5:5,000 acres. There has been but a small Increase this year over 1893. the department of agriculture calling the increase lees than 1 per cent., eo that the acrage of the new crop Is, according to Che depar- merit of agriculture estimate, about 19,850.000 sores. Let u* assume that the department ha*. underestimated In Its esttmic* anil chat the acreage le oa much as 20,000.000. This, as you will see. Is 600.040 acres lees than In 1890, and yet we are asked to believe that upon an acreage ot 500.000 acres lew than In 1890 a crop of LOOO.OOO bales' more has been crown. I am not prepared-to ac cept such s conclusion, because it Is ut terly repi’enact to common sense. At these low prices, or anything like them, the tendency will be to largely 4ncresee.l consumption of cotton every where and there will evidently be upay the part of Spinners a general .dtopoettlon to buy cotton greatly tn excess of their de- minds for th* season, because at these prices they osn well afford to carry In th* mill warehouses a large supply ot cottoo Into the next season. There can be no Question that unless the prices advance greatly by th* time for th* planting of the next crop that the acreiwe devoted to the planting of oot- ton will be reduced to an extent that it never has been curtailed before from S ne year to another. Bo great a ro ue; ton in acreage would cause, be yond doubt, an advance ns great snd as tapd as the decline hat been. When preparations were made for planting this crop middling was worth 8 cents In New York, and should there be a re duction or acreage this spring It is likely to go to 8 cents again soon after the net cron Is oianted and the world tecognlaet the tact beyond dispute that the acreage ten been reduced and cve- •equently that the supply of ooiton will he greatly reduced. I sympathise deeply with the Southern people because of the depression which he* overtaken their •tapis crop, and from the tnutner In which cotton is being rushed to market, and th* apsoalaror ts sure to get the Alfred B. Shcoherson.'* Monnett, Mo., Nov. 12.—Train No. 1 on tbe ot.. Lou.* and San Francisco railroad was held up at 8:30 tonight at a small station named Verona five miles east of th.s city by two masked men. The affair did not occupy over twenty minutes. The amount secured by the robbers was not over 884041. The bandits boarded the train as it Stopped at Verona, and as the engineer pn.Ietl the throttle to start the train, he was confronted with two WlncUeaters and ordered to go ahead until he was told to stop. Half a mile out the train, was stopped and tho engineer was compelled to get down from the cab and walk back to the express car.. Then he was told to order the express messenger, Dolph Chapman, to open the door. Chapman did as requested, recognizing Engineer Stephenson’s vblce. The robbers Im mediately covered the express messen ger with their guns and compound him to give them the package that wore In sight. Engineer Stephenson was then marched back to his engine and ordered to pull out. The robbers de parted iu a northerly direction. A posse of citizens Is in pursuit. TENNESSEE BANK FAILS. KnoxvUle, Tenn., Nov. 12.-The First National Bonk of Johnson City, Tenn., having a capital of 8100.000, was closed by order of the comptroller of the currency today. Examiner Miller and the officers of the bank refused to make a statement. The bank 1ms several large depositors and there is much excitement, os the bank wee supposed to be solid. REFINERIES START CP. 1 Philadelphia, Nov. 12.—The sugar retln- sriss started a boom tn business today, the Franklin resuming with nearly a full force of men and Spreckles making prep arations for *n Immediate resumption. These two big refineries, which have been Idle for several months, have been com pelled to resume by reason of the Increas ed demand wbteli has mode Itself mani fest during the past week, and business promises to bs steady for some time to conje. WORDEN NOT SENTENCED. • Woodland, CM., Nov. 12.—The pronoun cing of the death sentence on S. D. Wor. don, who was convicted last week of mur der to connection with the wrecking of the military train near Sacramento last July, wae today postponed until Friday next. Worden lias confessed and says he will soon tell the Whole story. The trial of Melvin Hatch, another of the ac cused strikers, commenced this afternoon. THE MEMPHIS LYNCHING CASE. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 12.—Jurors Har rows and Patterson wore peremptorily dismissed from the Jury tn tho lynching cose this morning by Judge Cooper. The grounds on which they were removed Is that they had previously said they would hang no white man for killing a negro. A now vtalre has been drawn to fill the vacancies NAIL WORKS START UP. Martin’s Ferry, O.. Nov. 12.—The Lsughlln Nall works, wlrtch closed over two months ago, wore placed in full operation today. About COO are employed. Lack of orders and hard times were the causes assigned for cutting down. GRIFFIN SOCIAL NOTES. Griffin, Nov. 12.—(Special.)—Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flemlster have issued invi tations to their many friends to the celebration of their crystal wedding Tuesday evening, November 13, from 0 to 12 o’clook. This will be ono of pie most elaborate and brilliant social entertainments ofthe season. Miss Annie Redding, a beautiful young lady of Barnesvffle, who has been vteitin* MIm Maud Hammond of this city, returned home today, to the regret of all who have enjoyed her visit here. Miss Florrie Jane Richards, one of Griffin’s most handsome and talented young ladle#, entertained a company of select friends at her home on Taylor street last evening. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIU tsitxit KMIerof Pale, 1 and External. ATTSM, NEURAL. @5 •:he house brand, Semen prawftl W Trae.i .U«|I ebmiimextitrara. LoroUiLeac,tec.flut)> JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Mt.U'.tM KvI TotkJ. Tk. Great Skin Curs eaO wee SMutinen Ladies vu a.i it ia.ra*i isltoate sat Manly perfumed XUUaS teas ec Itu rb»oiute‘? pure. Jl.ti. Ue lis son nj «.Nsty ua rmteree Iks to ■ ■■■■■■Mvstr udnimni the tori com- I'sxjon raJtojjrw l^PtOOQW- GOODWTN-S DRUG STORK, Sols Agents. Macon, a*. The safest means ot getting rid of A bad cough Is Dr. Bull'* Cough Byrup, OH. WHAT A COUGHl Witt you heed the warning-the slg- oak perhaps, of the sure spuroseh of that more terrible disease, conjuration? Ask yourself If you can afford, for tbs sake ot savins 60 cents, run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from expertcu-e that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never falls. This ex plains why mere than s million bottles were sold the past year. It relieve, croup and whooptng cough nt once. Mothers, do not be without It For Lome back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plasters. Sold by Goodwyn A Small Drug Company, corner Cherry street snd Cotton avenue. LE ; tx-'-i. *rt.«k«in* cf .UK at i-awuCCvA. S5*rr=rai er i— — an! kMUU Ukaa f&uratU;. Vfi** ill: AS A PREVENTIVE cm* GOODWYN’S DRUG STORE, A LANDSLIDE. That is just what has taken place in the price of Stylish, Reliable Dress Goods at THE EMPIRE STORE, as the big crowds that daily throng our counters will attest. Recent purchases have secured bargains unprecedented. Come and see them. 50 pieces 32-inch Plaid Domestic Dress Goods 1.0c, former price 15c. 40 pieces 36-inch Wool Serges, navy and black, regular 25<f goods, at 15c. 20 pieces 38-inch Wool Poplins, regular 50c goods, at 30c. 10 pieces 38-inch all-wool Mixtures at 3oc., reduced from 50c. Only complete stock Dress Trimmings in the city. Big drives in ladies’ Hand kerchiefs. 100 dozen Men’s 75c Unlaundried Shirts as a leader at 50c. 50 dozen Men’s 25c tan socks as a leader at 15c a pair. Don’t buy Ladies’ or Children's Wraps before seeing our stock. You will be better pleased and save money. DRESS-MAKING—Mme. Gorham—a perfect success. BURDEN, SMITHXCr THE PUBLIC INQUISITION. Bibb County’s Grand Jury Begun Its Work of Investigating Yesterday. THERE IS MUCH WORK TO BE DONE It Is Sat* That the Grand Jury Wll Tackle the Great Local Question of Moral Reform—Bailee*, in tho Superior Coart. The Bfbb coumty grand jury began work yesterday, anil all the interest of a considerable portion, of tho commu nity la centered in the doing* of that body. rne grand jury organized by electing W. iM. Gordon foreman, after which they fell tb work at once. Over 250 sum mons have already been Issued for wit nesses, which would indicate that the grand jurors already have something to begin on. It with ct course, be two or three days yet before they begin to re turn true bills, but the Indications are that when they do begin they will send them thick and fast. Several memtibam t>f the grand Jury have said openly that they intended to wade into wrone-doens and expect to be able to improve the morals of the community before they have finished. It may not be true, but it ie said that one. and maybe more. Dr. Parkhursts are at work on the line of moral reform and Intend to give the grand jury as much assistance as possible. No names are given, but It <ls said that thoee who have nut themselves forward are backed up by the other preachers of the city. BUSINESS OF THE COURT. In tho superior court yoterday M. M. Tschurdy was granted a total divorce from WilUe M. TsoHundy, to whom he was married on April 20, 1890. and who left him on June 13 following; their domestic Infelicity continuing lees than two months. Desertion was urged as the ground for the dlvoroe. The Jury in the case Of Mollary Bros. & Co. vs. W. B. Sparks, receiver, which went out Saturday afternoon, re mained out until 12 o'clock Saturday night and'declared a mistrial. A verdlot in favor of the plaintiff was rendered yesterday In the case of W. W. rniia vs. Mrs. Lucy Wrlgley, a Butt over property lines. A Jury was out last night In the case of T. Guernsey, vs. A. & N. M. Block, a suit appealed by the plaintiff from the Justice court. Eight appeal cases of A. F. JOnes vs. W. A. Huff, brought from the justice court, were, compromised and marked off of the iff WANTED—In the central part of city, a house of four or five rooms, rent not to exceed 210. Address Wee, Ma con Telegraph. WANTED—Everybody who has cows to know tijat !tbe American Cow Feed is the best milk and butter producer on the market. For gate by Holt & Barfield. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Store No. 213 Cotton ave. nue. warehouse on sidetrack,Sixth street, and stable with u stalls. Ap ply to Jenkins at Guernsey's shop. FOR RENT—1336 Seoond Street: also a home wt foot of 'Hazel street. Apply to Mrs. D. W. Rlttenberry, 1328 Sec ond street. FOR RENT.—Office and gentlemen's sleeping rooms. Apply at Macon Sav ings Bank. rOR RENT—824 Orange street; seven rooms, gas and water, car line. Apply to J. N. Birch. FOR SALE. iff. brought Iron e, compromised jfockeV^ OVARA ■ thorixe GUARANTEED CURE. We authorize our advertised druggist to Mil Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds upon this condition: If you are afflicted with a cough, cold or any lung, threat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di rected. giving a fair trial, and experience ro ben:lit, you may return the bottle and have j our money refunded. We could not make thla offer did we not know that Dr. Kings New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottle free at H. J. Lamar A Son's Drug Store. Large alxa 50 cents and 21. FOR SALE—At a bargain, delivery horse; eound and perfectly gentle; specially adapted for family, hack or marketing. Burden, Smith & Co. oow. with heifer calf; oheap. 235 For syth street. FOR SALE—Big bargain in seconff- hand showcases, scates and fixtures; also one first-class horse, back and license, at a sacrifice. J. Blnswtwger, 474 Cotton avenue. FOR SALE—Smith Premier Typewrit er; good ns new. Will sail cheap. Ad dress Operator, Telegraph. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE—Will be sold at store house In Black John son’s alley, In Macon, Ga., between Third and Fourth streets, at 10 o'clock a. m„ on ihe 20th day of No vember. 1894, for cash, a lot of bill, lard and pool tables snd a complete lot of bar fixtures, belonging to the estate of J. Warren. Johns. G. I. Johns, Administrator est ot J. War ren Johns. MISCELLANEOUS. 213 BUYS a solid oak bed room det; best In ihe city for the money. A. S. Thomas. 653 Poplar street. JUST RECEIVED—New Grenoble Walnuts, all pure; roayettes of the 1834 crop; the first received In tho United States, and first In Macon. C. F. Coiller & Bro. „ HOLMES & COUTT’S celebrated extra toaet crackers retail at the low price of 10c. a pound. VINEVILLE WOOD YARD-Just fitted up by Ivey Brothers. Telephone 453. THE CHOICEST Western dressed means, sausages of all kinds—our own iritnutorture; guaranteed best In the city. W. L. Henry. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER to the best made. Have you tried it? ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy to becoming eo well known and popular as to need no spe cbl mention. All who have used Elec tric Bluer* sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex. 1st, and It to guaranteed to do all that to claimed. Electric Bitters will surf all diseases of the liver and kidneys will remove pimples, bolls, salt rheum and other affections caused by Impure blood. WIU drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, coastipatlon and Indigestion, try Elec- trio Bitters. Entire satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Price 50 cent* and 21 per bottle at H. J. Lamar & Son's drug store. . , For erheap Undewear try Phillips. LADIES DO YOU KNOW DR. FELIX UC BRUN’S STEEL (HD FENHY10Y8L FILLS GOODWYNtiS DRUG STORK* ONE CENT A WORD ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER ' THIS HDADINq. FIFTEEN WORDS OR MORE. .TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 16 CT3L WANTED. WANTED—To sell you s "94 model Dsnsmcre typewriter, b-s'. machine to the world J. E. Minter. agent, 'Phone No. 283. BLUE RIBBON.—The Judges awarded us the first premium for our Rohrer'o Bread Raising, pronouncing Rohrer'e-tol better than Hereford's after a thor. ( crugh tost. W.-C. Turpin dt Co. 45 PER CENT, average weekly profits on 2150 Invested. Prospectus, itemized statistics free. Benson tt Dwyer, 814 Broadway, New York. IN the content for beet bread prepara tion Rohrer's and Horsford'a were en tered. After a thorough test, the Judges unanimously pronounced Roll- reris the beot and awarded It first premium. W. C. Turpin & Co., agents. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells WEATHER STRIPS just received at T. C. Burkes'. SARATOGA CHIPS are all the rage. Ask your grocer tor them. TURKEYS for Thanksgiving, fresh; killed at store; no cold storage or sour ones; snv now taking orders; don’t get left like you did lam year; noma ■to headquarters lor everything new and nice. John C. Holmes & Co. DELIGHTFUL ROOMS to rent; on first floor; with or without board; College street. Address “B. A. B., care Telegraph. SHINGLES—WU1 close out good No. 2 shingle* at 21 per thousand. T. C. Burke. ADAMANT wbll plaster, the best sub stitute for lime mortar. O. F. Evans, Agent, Macon. Ga. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Re mill 20c. lb. LOST STOCK—Big bay rotre. black mane and tail; sorrel horse, white star In forehead. Left Elko. Ga., Friday nigh:. Were tracked within fifteen miles of Macon. Please take them up and send word to Mr. Bob Cherry, cane Mr. WMle Taylor, Elko. Ga, - -W. • .2 '.ujAib .