The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 26, 1894, Image 7
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1894 . OAPT. PAKROTT’S IDEA. Ho Do 03 Not Seem to Trust the Late Klee In Cotton. to the Editor of the Telegraph: Now that the cotton market, after a Ions and protracted decline, shows a distra ction to advance, and the Telegraph ha3 Interviewed the warehousemen and they ulk confidently of 614 cents In Macou, it is pleasant to write about. Under these conditions the planter In variably holds and the buyer, who is short on his shipments has an up-hill time. The warehouseman says: “I told you so." and everybody from a prac ticing physician to a cotton clerk, re grets he did not buy a hundred bales of cotton futures, because the thing •was 80 plain, "that an article of the great commercial value of cotton could not long remain under 'the cost ot pro duction, • and that the Republicans wore in power and the government •was selling bonds, and the better times were in sight anyway." Seel Now. as the writer’s opinion only governs one man, hut Is Immensely satisfactory to that individual, I think it will do no harm to call attention of the enthusiastic to some ootd facts, their attention to the ngures may re sult Ip leaving on nano more money for a Ourioimas frolic. When public opinion Is all one way, experience has demonstrated mat the dear puoilc is often wrong, tnts was tne case when prices were at the bottom,, for at the, nine the bureau report was received on the 10th of ^November, the trade was tnougat-discouraged ana demor alised, dim oh the 12th Liverpool went under a pence for spot cotton and con tracts* in New York touched 623 for December, a luce then we have a steady advance ot half a cent on actu al cotton, and futures nave advanced more rapidly, and some men tell us this was perfectly plain and "all ougnt to have seen It." “No doubt." Tne writer has. heard many in tne trade abusing Mr. Neill of New Orleans for rinsing his estimate, and as a matter of tact de nas always overestimated the crop on which he figured, out the bases on which he arrives at his con clusions are not generally known, we reproduce them here, ate they appeared In the Journal of Commerce. Mr. Neill started out on July 28 with an estimate of 9.600.000 bales for this crop iind has since raised It to 10,250,000 ba ‘'- 3 - He says, aimoog other things: 1.—There lias been no loss on lands on the r.vers by overflaws and the large area outside the levees, which !? 22k ***** successfully cultivated for many years, has thlg year pro- duced very largely. 2-Eveiy year It Is the case during June and July a considerable amount °L U P d m& ' Ay States has to be abandoned, owing to want of labor, but this year we have had no complaint on mat score. s—Tnere nas been no complaint of «*• from bad stands, which is gen erally the case. 4— The complaint heard this year of damage done by rust, shedding, worms, etc., are much, less than usual, and much less even than In the two pre vious great crops. 5— Finally, there has been practically no frost to do any serious Injury, and the weather tor.maturing and picking has been perfect. .While the crop of 1891-92. which re alized 9,035,000 bales, <wias the largest on record; yet lb that year the Atlan- ?2vfS5ii*SJ l . nd ■ AJafl ? ama ' produces- Only 3.600,000 'bales, against 3,887,000 In the prevlous_year. (See Herter’s annual statement)' In 1801-92 Texas produced 2,400.000 bales, and there Is l.tde dSSbt of about 3,009,000 for Texas this year. These two Items together, say. 815,000 added p* crop of 9.035,OoD of 1801-92, would give a total of 9,850,0.3 ,I vltBout a “Y improvement on 1891-92 In the gulf states. But 1 think it is beyond doubt that they will pro- t mU . C il* :better ^ps to the acre than in the year named, and that an Add for Alabama and Atlantic ’» -' . states to equal 1891-'2... orsnnn Add for .Texas -to make 2,930,- 8 '•••' 530,000 ■Add for Improvement on ’0i-’2 in gulf states 400,000 'PERSONAL. Q. iw. Torrance of Wsdiey Is here, E. AT. Davis of Amerlcus Is in the city. F. S. Einstein of Savannah eras here yesterday. ’George 'Bright: of Hawklnsvllle Is here, stopping at the Hotel Lanier. IW. D. Wells, a nromlnent citizen of Smlohviaie, Is In the city. R. B. Rlngoy of Brunswick Is at the Ellis house. S. S. Fletcher of Hawklnsvfflle Is registered at the Brown house. . H, Harrell, a prominent merch&ut of Davtsboro, was here yesterday. • Mr. Robert Whitfield ot MUledgevllla was registered at the Brown house yesterday. James M. Dickson of Greenville, S. C., Is In the city, a guest of the La nier. 6. R. Breedlove, a prominent citizen ot Oolumtbus, was In the city yester day. Dr. H. W. Walker, dentist. 364 Second street (over Solomon's Jewelry store). Macon, Ga. Col. A. A. Murphy, the well known Barneavllle buggy manufacturer, was In the city yesterday, accompanied by his daughter. Miss Belle Murphy. LETTER LIST. The following letters will be sent to the dead letter office It not called for vflthln. thirty daya from date. GENTLEMEN. ( A—Dill Alilaon. t D—John Davis, C. P. Dlekert. , E—P. T, Bason. A. L. Barnls. F—-Rev. W. J. Ferguson. Joel Fish, G. H. Freeman, Chas. M. Ferguson. G—R. A. Graham, Mr. Garrity, John nie Garden, John E. Gebhart, M. A. Griffin. H—Dellle Hlppe, H. J. Hermann, (2), Joe 'Harrar, J. F. Hart, William Hillsman, James Holt, G. W. Hanse, W. H. Houston, Willie Hills. J—Ellis B. Johnson, Jr. K—William Kacten, Thomas Kerney, J. T. Keene, Jamea Kelly, (2) J. D. Key, A. Kallnage, B. Krouse. L—James W. Leake, J. H. Leddlng- ton, Clyne Lane. M—SI. J. Meath, Leonard Mann, John Cl. Daugh, Frank iSIackran, Ed. Mor ris. Howard McCarver. O—F. E. Obernauf. P—William H. Price, Jackson Perry, George Plmberton. R—iSon H. Rush, Clein Robertson, B. M. Rankin. S—W. E.Sulllvan, Phillip Smith, W. L. Srepner, T. S. Simmons, John Stanford, John L. Stephens, Frank Smith, Charlie. Sledge, Daniel Snell, Burton Slbgleterry. T—Cicero Thomas, Lewis Turner. W—Sam Whitmire, H. F. -Wheeler, C. H. Williams, S. C. Wagner. Y—James Year. LADIES' LIST. A—Mrs. Lumpkin Adams. B—Mrs. D. C. Bacon, Tlllle C. Bate man, R. B. Carroll. Mira. Hattie Cooper, Miss Mlttle Champion, Mrs. Hattie V. Cloyd. D—Miss Hattie Dunn. F—Miss Dicie Fox. G—Mrs. Ellen Griswold, 'Miss Emma Gilber. H—Mrs. A. K. Haughtallng, Miss Ma ry Harris. ■ J—IMIss Bottle Johnso®,—Mrs. S. A. Jones, Miss Susie M. Jackson. K—Miss Archie Kcnntth. L—Miss' 'Bessie 'Lewis, Mlf)» Annie Lender. M—Mrs. Etta. Morris, (2); Mns. Mary T. Mine. • >* -■ N—M-ra. Lee Anna Neole. P—Mrs. Mary Pitts. T—Mrs. Sallle G. Thomson, Miss Fan- -bie Treadrlclt. .. » W—Milmlo H. Walker, Mrs. Lizzie Williams. 8. B. PRICE. Postmaster. MaoOn, Ga., Nov. 21, 1894. A STRANGE CASE. How an Enemy was Foiled. The following graphic statement will he read with IntensoInterest: ‘Teaunotdescrlbe tho numb, creepy sensation thatexUtwl in my arms, hands and legs. I had to rub snd beat those parts until they were sore, to overcome In a measure,tho dead feeling that had taken possession of them. In addition, 1 had a strango weakness In my back snd around my g Bafst*together with an Inu'-rn-M,. cling la my stomach. Physicians said It was creeping paralysis, from which, accord ing to tbtdr universal conclusion, thero is no relief. One- it fastens upon n person, they coutinuos Its insidious progress until |tche.*vluu point lad (he sufferer dies. of Dr Miles’ Restorative Nervine, procured 1 * Indication ol its return, well as I ever did, and havo gained tin pounds In wolght, though I had run down from 170 to 137. Four others have used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine on my recomen- datlon, and it has been as satisfactory In tbeu cases as In mine.”—James Kane. La line, O. ■ Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine Is sold by all And you get a crop of 10,260.009 11 if a , faot scarcely any per son familiar with crop conditions In ■J* ">*,««* Will hesitate to admit that that partcular state is this year better than ever 'before. As regar^ Texas little need be said. No one dis pute* the great Increase In acreage or the splendid crop. The valley states and Arkansas did vary badly Met year,’ ““W 00 oC the U70,- 000 lost in 1892- 3, compared to 1891-92: th° Atlantic states recovered 650,000 baled of the 875,000 lost In 1892-93 compared to 1891-92. It la therefore the gulf state* that we must look lncp ease in crop, although the Atlantic states are also making very good crops. But In Texas In the of' d th r e V M!ss^ J and ,/ n IWto or the Mississippi valley, the crop is aro^T 1 ®?- while the high lands equalled Cr ° M Iartly lf €ver viit^ , ‘^ er ^“ re ' com Pdlled by my con- " c ‘‘ ons *o adopt this large estimate nn 'sn i ac,ual growth. Whether It will only the luiure £n*«ttlV ?l Ich tirSr* '"SiSto vantage wjjM nmQjSf. Im Portant ad- but encourage^ ^ntlu^'s^"'* “ ou * Planting with SSm*™” and e *tendvd low pncies W airother year re d ^<>u„y JE* wlt( ^ admit* that you may reporters out and he can’t BayfnwTt will ^!l e ^ 800(1 reaeons for ’ body here believes that there i« a JZZ. tung In cotton between this and imrlnV but many still think thnx J?*' not yet come and that pr ?^ <o 5 cents In this ci“. m 4 a . cen i‘ °° the plantations. At srJmc price It Is bound to ho a good purchase, and it is iiir*>iJ°#r,i price will be tiached .t ra” time when the mlnimuni qui^L ration tnrowh upon tae m?k?tc&t« tho maximu pressure to sell." Now, all jroa have got to fio is to figure rut that time to your own sat isfaction, and.the problem la solved and your summer trip is assured and expenses paid. . A. F. Parrott. Mscon, Nov. 24, 1834. OH. WHAT A COUGHI Will you heed the warning—the slg. nal, perhaps, of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, consumtlon? Ask yourself lf you can afford, for the sake,of sivlnr 60 cents, run the risk and do nothin* for It. We know from experience that Shiloh’s Cure will cure your cough. It never falls. This ex plains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year, it relieves croup and whooping cough at once Mothers, do not he without It For lime hack, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster*. Sold by Coodwyn & Small Drug Company, comer Cherry street and Cotton avenue. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world (or Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-’ J lttlivHl. It .Is guaranteed to give per- eot eatlsflictlon or money refunded Prlco 25 cents per box. For sale by H J. Lamar St Son. Ttie Pullman Car Line BETWEEN LOUISVILLE, CENTRAL R. R. of GrJEORGrlA. H. M. COMER AND K. a HAYES, RECEIVERS. Sohedule In e!t« et ov, 18. -894, Standard Time. 90th M erldlan. READ DOWN, , , -STATIONS- 1*7 05 am Leave ..... Macou ....Arrive 1 8 15 a m Arrive.;.. •• Fort Valley .. ....Leave Ill 00 a m Arrive..., .... Columbus .... •••.Leave 1 2 00 pa Arrvo .... Opolika ....Leave •310 p m|*U lira Leave Macou ...Arrive 9 13 P 111 12 22 pm Arrive.... .. 2A>rt Valley ... ....Leave 10 40 p m 1 54 p m Arrive..,. .... Amerlcus ••..Leave 11 &5 p in S 80 pm Arrive.... Albany .. ..Leave 2 44 u n: 3 13 pm Arrive.... ..... Dawson „„„ .... Leave 6 40 pm Arrive.... .* Fort Gaines .. ....Leave 4 io u m 4 61 p m Arrive ..... Eufnula ....Leave 9 60 p 01 Arrive Ozark .. ..Leave -••••• ••••• 5 85 a m 6 20 p m Arrive.... . Union Springs . ....Leave 3 10 p m Arrive.... ....... Troy ....Leave 7 00 a m 7 66 pm Arrive.... .. Montgomery .. ....Leave 7 45 p m OS pm S IS p n 9 10 a m 4 10 p m ID) in I 21 pm 11 50 s m 11 21 a in ID tm 10 37 am 101 in US in 71! in •7 46 am 7 40 a m C 40 * m 5 20 t m 4 10 s m 11 47 pm id 17 p m SM p m •7*30 p m BETWEEN MACON. ATLANTA. CHATTANOOGA. MILLEDGEVlLLE. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. •4 15 a mr4 25 p m *7 55 am- Leave..., 6 12 a ml 0 32 p in 7 45 n ml 8 05 p m 115 p rat 2 00 a m Macon Arrive 9 47 am! Arrive Griffin Lesvs 11 SO a ra Arrive Atlanta Leave 7 55 p m | Ar.... Chattanooga via,Atlanta ...,Lv 114 15 p mi'll 00 pm I 5 05 p mill It put I 6 10 p ml .1 .1 SOS am I I IU in 11 20 ami Leave...,.,.,,. Macon .Arrive 12 17 pm' Arrive Gordon Lesvs ! Arrive Mllledgevllle Leave 3 40 pm. Arrive Mlllen Leave 6 50 p in i Arrive Augusta Leave 5 65 a m| 6 30 p m ■ Arrive Ssvsnnth Leave 7 65 p m|10 23 p m (It p ml 8 25 p m •4 25 p ml*6 IS p m 7 25 a ml*t 18 p m U 00 e ml..,,. ..... I 08 t m •7 30 * m •3 29 a m 3 io p nil 3 65 a mild no a ml.. 2 65 p m| 3 10 a m| 9 10 a m| I i 8 05 a m| 11 20 u mill 58 p ml 7 65 a ml 8 40 p ml •8 80 a ni|*9 00 p m| Train* marked thus • dally; thus ! dally except Sunday. Trains marked thu. T Sunday only. Solid trains are run to nnd from Macon and Montgomery via Eufnulo, Savannah and Atlanta via Macon. Mace* , and Alb.iny via Smlthvllle, Macon and Columbus. , . Sleeping cars on night trains betwen Savannah snd Mscon, Savannah snd Atlanta. Parlor cars between Macon and Atlanta. Passengers for Thomnston Like 7:55 a. m. or 4:25 p. m. trstn. Passengeri for Carrollton and Cedartown take 748 I 0. m. train. Passengers tor Ferry take 11:15 a. m. train: Fnrt Gaines, Huenn Vista. Blakely nnd Clayton should take JR15 a. m. train. Passengers for Sylvanlo. Wrlghtsvllle and Sandersvlllo take 11:30 a. m. train. For further Information and far sohedules for points beyond our line apply to • | W. p .DAWSON. Passenger Agent, . L J. HARRIS. Ticket Agh. Maooo. 4 GEORGIA SOUTHERN ID FLORIDA RAILROAD, POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE "Siiwanee River Route to Florida." Jacksonville, Palatka, niQ St. Augustine, Ocala, u Sanford, Titusville, Bartow, Tampa, Is the only di rect line-from DEPARTURES-SOUTHBOUND. No. 1 for Montgomery and Ptt- . latka 11:10 * m Cincinnati or Indianapolis m No. 5 for Tifton (Sat. only) 4:60 p m No. ,81,for Laaronge 1 4:00 p in No. 61 for LaGrange (Ex. Sun.) 8:0 n n: And Pull man Vestibule Service on Night Trains. Parior-Chailr Cars on Day Trains. , Make the fastest time .between, the winter cities and summer reaorta of the Northwest. W. H. McDOEL, Gen. Mgr. FRANK J. REED. G. P. Agent. For further Information address R. W. GLADING, Gen. Agent, Thomasvllle, Ga. GEORGIA RAILROAD SCHEDULE TO AND FROM AUGUSTA. York 7 twenty " B,x h0Mr » Macon to N.wr 9K|0 a. m. train has through Pullman buffet sleeper Macon to Now York. IN.Y.T’njD’y M’l.|N’t Ex. Zjv. Macon Lv. Mllledgevllle Lv. Sparta. . . . Lv. Warren ton.. Lv. Caraak. . . Lv. Thomson. . Lv. Harlem. . . Ar. Augubta. . . 0:00 am 10:00 am 10:40 am 11:17 am 11:28 am 11:46 «am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:33 pm • :14 pci 6:52 pm 7:04 pm 720 pm 7:43 pm 830 pm 8.30 pm 10:12 pm 11 .*23 pm 12:26 am 3:27 am 8:43 am 4:16 am 5:15 am AUGUSTA TO MACON. WHITE FRONT, Almost Opposite Post Office. Sign and Square on Window. Fine Individual Tea Sett*, 75c. sett. Very fin* China Cups and Saucers, 15 and ’20a. Fine China Pistes, 10 and 12e. Everything rock bottom. No retail store.In America.can beat my prices. R. F. SMITH, , .Sole qnd Only Proprietor. Of. Prlce’5 Criam Baking Powdtf World’s Fair illgheet Award. W. bL. S3 SHOE NO BOmtAKfifi *mS2£BS%®?+ A 3.19 P0LICE.3 Sous. *2.r|.^p BoysSchohShoes, •LADIES* S|5ENO FOB CATALOGUE; * ”W‘L.*DOUQLAS, v BROCKTON, MASS. can • aTe i7 , u ° lJ ® j vv. Im „ W t e * rc . lllc . 1 *f*c»t*na ; iur* c tnrert of . e< Lthe.^orld, and guarantee the name anaptlce on i to ^;». whl ^ : ^A^ ^olecU, ?°9 *g*i°st high ,j.icca and the nlddlcman'a procts. Otiriboes ?f iuai cuitom itork in atyle, ca#y fittW and rearing onallties. W e have the* .old /very• ROCHESTER SHOE CO. 6U CHERRY STREETL VITAL TO MANHOOD. Lv. Augusta. • Lv. Harlem. . Lv. Thomson. Lv. Caraak. . Lv. Warren ton Lv. Sparta* . Lv. MllledgevUl* Ar. Macon. 7:15 am 8:00 am S-SQ'um 8.10 am 8:47 am 8:22 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 11:50 cun|ll:00 pm 12:15 pm!l2:00 ngt 1:11 pm 1-35 pm 1.44 pm 2:27 pm 3:15 pKi 4^5 pin 12:26 am 2:00 am 2:14 am 3:27 am 4.48 am 6:45 am ARRIVAI-S-NOUTIIBOUN D. No S from Palatka and Mont gomery * 420 p m No. 4 from Palatka and Jack sonville 4:03 a m No. 6 from Tifton (8a.t. only)....10:60 u m No. 32 from LaGrange. iu;M a in No. 52 from LaGrange (Ek Sun.).. 2:46 p m Passengers In local sleeper, northbound, can sleop until 7 Pnuaengcra from Jacksonville for Macon proper should take local sleeper at Lake City. Tho “Dixie Flyer," leaving Macon at 10:33 p. m. carries through Pullman but- fet sleeping car to Jacksonville and local sleeper to Palatka, arriving In Jackson ville at 8:30 a. m. and Palatka at u a. m. West India fast mall train leaving Macon at 11:10 a. m. makes direct connection at Cordele with 8. A. M. fast express for Montgomery, arriving then st 7:55 p. m„ at which point close connection Is made with Louisville and Nashville vcstibuled 1 lmtted for New Orleans and all Texas points. Sleeping car accommodations reserved In Macon for this train. The Suwtsneo River Route Is tho only direct line from Macon to PAlatka and all interior Florida points, close oonnectlcn being made at Palatka In Union depot with.Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West, Florida Southern and Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Indian River railroad; also with St. Johns and Ocalawaha river steamers. Sleeping car accommodations reserved to Jacksonville, Palatka or Neff Orleans. Further information cheerfully and promptly furnished upon application. Telephone 100. , Send your name and address for beaut lful photogravure. Ji-LANE, O. A. MACDONALD, Genl. Manager, UonL Passenger Agt„ Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. g) fa (jfaj Short Line, ATLANTA and WEST POINT K. R. Uuloltvit mill Uos: Itouu-. Montgomery, Selrrn, Mobile, New Or* leans, Texas and Southwest, Sleeping care between Augosti and M». con, on trains leaving Augusta u:0Q n. m. and Macon 8:30 p. m. * THOMAS K. 8COTT, General Manager, JOE E. V.all'fE, T. i*. A A. G. JACKSON, u, i-. a., Augusta. 0a. W. W. HARDWICK, 4*. A., Macon, On. L. J. HARRIS, . Ticket Agent, Macon, Qa. Middle Georgia and Atlantic Railroad. Sffectlvs S-ptemtcr 2, B O’clock. A. M. 1894. * Read Down Head Ut 1100 p l Z Aui ^ u>t * *Ar.| Ga. R.R { 9 00 |Lv. Macon ..Ar.| | 4 4ft p A- M. 660 655 810 8 15 1215 120 • el - . |p, JI.IA. ML Lr Miirg-vlU Arjj 7 401 1 w Lv Bxtonton Ar.| 7 46 12 55 Ar Eetoaton Lv) 6 36 I 11 «q d Lv Eatonton Ar| 6 75 I U 45 Ar. Atlanta Lv.j 3 00p| 7 36a Ar.: Mscon Lv.l 9 lOai |Ar. Athens .Lv.| 2 40p{ Brough ton ville mooting point tor trains Nos. 101 and 104. Covingtou Junction meeting point for trains Nos. 102 and 103. W. B. THOMAfi, General Manages, OCONEE AND WESTERN RAILROAD To Tike Effect Monday. April Sl imu Nos. 1 and 2 will run dally except 8uo> Head Up. |iflles( No. t," H day. * All others Irregular. Read Down. No. L |MUe«f A. M. ft M IU ftftO ft 45 lft 00 10 20 * 10 40 ar.U 00 lv.ll 10 U 25 ar.U 40 u Lv. DJblln .Ar .. Hutchings 8prlng Haven. .... Dexter .... .... Alcorn* .. ..H Chester ,v ... Yonkers ... .... Empire ...» Empire .... Cyprus . HawkJosvllle ... Grovanfa ... P. Me 50ft 4 41 4 S 4 IS 5 H 14ft Sit SOOtv. ink 2 1ft fss.'vass OCODWYN’S DRUG 8TORH. •el* Agents. Cherry Street sad COtfea Arena*. Macon. Ge. Close coDuectloo. nude et Dubila mu IWrlfhtsvlU. and T.oalUe refiroad |a beta eirecUcue. East Teunesue, virglole ui Oeorsia tralna pees Empire as foUoasi Going Bouth j. Going North * « pa 1. W. HIGHTOWER, Ol m! Bl V. MAHONEY. O. S’, * P/A. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. Passage From Savannah « TO NEW YORK: Cabin, $20; Excursion, $H2; Steerage, , „ $10.00. TO BOSTON: Cabin, $22; Excursion, $30; Steerage, $11.75. TO PHILADELPHIA, VIA NEW YORK. Cabin, $22.50; Excursion, $30; Steer age, $12.50. GEORGIA BIBB COUNTY.-M. H Me rea and James R. Avant, executors of the esUte of Mrs. Catherine A. Mcltea, lat# of said county, deceased. ^ having reore sented to this court that they have fuiiv discharged the dutlea of said trust and now ask for letters of dismission. This ia therefore to notify .all parties concerned to file their objections If any they have, on or before the first Monday in January. 1896, or else letters of dismission will then be Issued as asked for. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. The magnificent steamships of these lines are appointed to aall as follows, standard time: SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. (Central or 80th Meridian Time.) Tallahassee .....Bat., Nov. 24. 3:00 pm City of Augusta....Mon. Nov, 26. 6:00 pm City of Blrmgham.Wed., Nov. 28, 4:00 am Kansas City ..Fri., N6v. 30, 7JO am Chattahoochee Sat., Dec. 1, 7:00 pm Nocoochce ........ Mon., Dtc. f, S.oo pm Tallahassee ....... Wed., Dec. 0, U.oo um City of Augusta 7rl„ Dec. 7,12.20 pm City of Blrmlngham.flat., Dec. 3, 120 pm Kansas City Mon., Dec. Vi, 3:W pm Chattahoochee .... Wed., Dec. 12, 6.00 pm N&coochee ...«.**** Fri., Dec. 14, OJO am Tallahassee Sat., Dec. 15, 7.00 pm City of Augusta....Mon., Dec. 17, 8:tt) pm City of Blrmlnghm.Wed., Dec. lft, 11:00 am Kansas City .........Fri., Dec. 21, 1:00 pm Chattahoochee Sat., Dec. 22, 2:00 pm Nacoochee Mon., Dec. 24, 4:00 pm Tallahassee Wed., Dec. 26, 5:00 pm City of Augusta Fri., Dec. 28, 6:30 am City of lilrmlngham.Sat., Dec. 29, 7:00 pm Kansas City Mon., Doc. 81, 8:00 pm City of Macon...;.Thur., Dec. 6,11:30 am SAVANNAH TO BOSTON. Gate City .....Thur., Nov. 29, 630 pm Gate City Thur., Dec. 13, 630 pm City of Macon......Thur., Dec. 20. 1130 am Gate City Thur., Dec. 27, 6:30 pm SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (This ship does not carry passengers.) Dessoug Wed.. Nov. 28, 6:00 am Dcssoug Sat, Dec. 8, 130 pm Dessoug Tues., Dec. 18. 930 am Deraoug FrL, Dec. Z&, 630 am J. P. BECKWITH, O. A., Jacksonville, Fla. Walter Hawkins. F. P. A., Jacksonville. W. E. Arnold. O. T. P. A.. Jacksonville. C. O. Anderson, Agent, Savannah, Ga. GEORGIA MIDLAND AND OIJLF R. R. The Only Lino Running Double Daily Trains Between Columbus and Atiafita. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 14, 1391. NORTHBOUND. Lv. Columbus Lv. Waverly Hall .. Lv. Oak Mountain.. Lv. Warm Springs. Lv. Woodbury Lv, Concord.....,.,.. Lv. Williamson Ar. Griffin Ar. Mscon. C. R. R ... Ar. Atlanta. C. R. R.. Lv. Griffin Lv. McDonough ....... No. 51 | No. 52 Dally j Dally 7:10 a.m.| 3:3) 730 4:14 p.m. S:0U u.m.j 4:25 p.m. 8:40 a.m.1 5;00 p.m. I ium B.’tt p.m. 0:26 a.m. 5-SI p.m. 9 44 a.m.j 6:12 p.m. 10*00 a.m.j «:"» p m. 7:35 p.m.|1033 11:30 d.m.j 8:o5 p.m. j 6:40 p.m. J T.30 p.m. SOUTHBOUND. Lv. McDonough. .. . Ar. Griffin.... Lv. Macon. C. R. R. Lv. Atlanta, C. R. R, Lv. Griffin....* Lv. Williamson Lv. Concord Lv. Woodbury Lv. Warm Springs... Lv. O.ik Mountain Lv. Waverly Hail Ar. Collumbus AH trains arrive and depart Union de pots at Columbus and Griffin. Ask tot tickets and that they read via the Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad. CLIFTON JONEB, Gen. Pas. Aft. C W. CREAKS, Con. Manager. Columbus, Go. Wuhilm* Southern Railway Time Table No. 21, Effective Sept. 18, lftftL SOUTHBOUND. No. 3. M'ndy. Wedy No. 5. Friday* Batdy. Southbound. No. 25. No. 50. No. 1 Lv. Macon ,i Lv. Atlanta Ar. Montgomery. Ar. Pensacola... Ar. Mobile Ar. New Orl’s,... Ar. Houston j Lv Columbus. . Lv Richland. . . Lv Dawson. . . Ar Albany. . , Ar Thomasvllle. Ar Brunswick. . Ar Jacksonville.. 3:19 pm 637 pm 8:40 pm 7:40 pm 11:00 am t:10 am 8:26 am 7:00 am 9 :20 am 12:46 am 230 pm 6:40 pm 8:10 am 8:25 am 730 am 930 am 1132 am 1:00 pm 6:40 pra 1:10 am 1:25 am NORTHBOUND. No. 2. Dally. No. i Tuesdy.i Thuady. No. «. Friday* Satdy. 4 25 pmj 7 55 am 5 36 am | 4 20 pm U Oi ami 0 20 pm 6 65 pmj 5 80 am 5 20 pm 3 06 am |10 25 pm I 7 35 tun 7 55 am 1 30 pm 130 pm 6 30 am 3 05 am 7 35 am 10 50 pmjlO 60 pm TO 8ELMA. Leave Montgomery,,,, Arrive Selma...., Train 27 carries Pullman vestibule sleeper New York to New Orteam, end dining car to Montgomery. Train 38 carries Pullman vestibule sTeeper New Or- larda. 10 N#W Y ° rlC dln,n * car 10 A* - Trains 84 and 86 Pullman Buffet Bleep. gomery 1 * bo,IW ® en Atlanta Mont- OEO.‘ C. SMITH. Pres, and Gen.‘ Mgr. JOHN A. GEE. Oen. Pass. Agt. QEO. W, ALLEN. T. P. i. Atlanta SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY- WEtlTjhJKN SYSTEM, In Effect Sunday, November ll, 1114. SOUTHBOUND. Leave Macon Arrive Coohran ...... Arrive Hawklnsville Arrive Jeaup Arrive Everett Arrive Brunswick .... Arrive Savannah .... Arrive Jacksonville I No. 15. | No. 81. «.|10:25 am | 2:30 am • |1133 «un| 3:44 am .|12:46 pm| . , .| 4:21 pm| 6:47 am •I 6:10 pmj 7:20 am ..| 6:02 pm 8:30 am • I 8:66 pmjl2:28 pm .[ 730 pm j 9.56 am NORTHBOUND Lv. Macon. Ar. Atlanta. Ar. Rome. . . Ar. Dalton . Ar. Chattanooga Ar. Knoxville. Ar. Bristol. . . I No. 32, | No. 26. No. 38. 11:10 am] 5:30 pm 8:45 am — — < u>46 ftm 4:80 pm 6:41 pm 7:10 pm 10:0!) pm 430 am 335 ami 8.60 pm 6:40 am 7^7 9:10 Am 12:60 pm 436 pm I 7:20 pml 9.-20 am I 7:10 amj 730 pm Mldd Header and Clairvoyant, a large THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENTS. Southbound. No. 8L—Solid vcstibuled train to Jack* aonville, with Pullman buffet drwwlns room cara attached for Jacksonville and Brunswick. Sleepers at Maoon for occu pancy at ft300 p. in. Nd .36.—Solid train for Brunawlck. Northbound. No. 32.—Solid vestlbuled train to Cincin nati, connecting with local train for Roms and way stations. Carries Pullman sleop- ers between Jacksonville and Kansas City via. Atlanta, Birmingham and Mem phis. Atlanta passengers can remain in sleeper until 630 a. m. No. 28.—Carries free chair car to Chat tanooga, which is attached to solid ves tibule train for Cincinnati with Pullman sleeping cars attached. Connections at Chattanooga with fast trains In sil di rections. For full information as to routes.rates etc., apply to JIM W. CARR, ’ Massinger and Ticket Agent, Macon, Ga. C. H. Hudson, General Manager, Knox, ville, Tenn. W. A* Turk. General Passenger Agent. Washington, D. C. C. A. Benscoter. Assistant General Pas senger Agent, Knoxville, Tenn. J. J. Farneworth .Division Passenaer Agcnt t Atlanta,. Ga» Lv Jacksonville. 7:00 pm 7.00 pra 1:00 pnt Lv* Brunswick. . 736 pm 7:25 pm 735 pm Lv Thomasvllle. 2:20 pm 23Q pm 8:00 am Lv Albany. . « . 6:50 am 7:00 am 1:00 pm Ar Dawson. . . 7:60 am 9:06 am 431 pm Ar Richland. . . 9:00 am U:i0 am 4JT pm Ar Columbus. . 10:60 am 2:00 pm 9:00 pm Train* Noa l and 2 arrive and depart from Union depots at Columbus and AN bany. Tralna Nos. 3, 4,1 and ft arrive and de part at foot of Seventh street, Columbus* H. C. HILL, Superintendent Read Down. $un.|‘ ( Mesa upL t iflunT No.4|No.l| fA M|A H Macon ........110 I0|lo 15 ...M. & N. Junetlon..,, 10 aoito us Swift Creek , 8 10 ......Dry Branch Pikes Peak . • FltsparUk. ... Ripley*.... 4 20..... Jeffersonville • Galll more , . Danville ... AUsntoen... Montrose ... .. Dudley .... .. Moore ..... . Dublin 1*20 ft lft • <S I 66 !*o| JAM, T. WRIGHT. General Manager. D, B. DUNN, Superintendent MACON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, OCT. TO. 18R Read Down, Read Up. A M.|AM| 8 46]Lv...., Macon Ar| 10 35|Lv Machta , 11 S2|Lv.... Madison 2 OljLv Athens 156|Lv.... Abbeville ....1 V 1C 4 23 Lv.... Greenwood C28 Lv...» Chosow 5 06 Lv*... Monroe . A M. 12 26[Lr.... Raleigh .. SMLv...... Weldon . 6 40!Ar.... 9 45 Ar.. ^ 11 ool.\r... It Oft'A F ¥ Richmond Washington Baltimore PM.fllOOfAr.. Philadelphia | 3 63|Ar... New York Passenger trains will stop at Ocmulgea street to take on and let off pessenger*. Car on electric railway will connect with No. 2 at 6:30 p. m. from the North at Oc- mulgee street Connections with Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad, East Tennessee, Virgin* U and Georgia railroad and Central rail* read for all points in Florida and south* west Georgia* Second—No. 461 leaving Macon at ft a. m* m<ik»*e close connection with Middle Geor gia and Atlantic for Eatonton. Third—With Georgia railroad at MadN son. Fourth—With solid train for Wtahlnp ton and Pullman Parlor Buffet car®, Washington to New York city. Ticket office Is temporarily located at J. W. Burke's book store. E. 5?. BURKE, Ticket *<e*L '