The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 17, 1894, Image 7
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1894 ONE CENT ...A WORD... this week’s lost word -contest were In The sentence will words were Inserted In Sunday's Tele graph. * WANTED. work. For particulars write Immediate ly to A. C. Tallage, Dublin, Ga. FOR RENT. court (house. Ill Second street. FOR SALE. ir-uit sauE—Doll carriages, uu'», ~ sets and scrap albums, at Brunner’i Drug and Book Store. cneetiB, giunes turn incline uuuno, Brunner's Drug and Book Store. FOR SALE—Fast power engine lathe, 10-luoh swing, four foot bed; cuts any thread. The very thing for gunsmith, I Full set tools with It. dirt cheap. H. B. Campbell, M E. Mitchell st., At lanta, Ga. FOR SALE—Toy pianos, mechanical toys, fancy cups and saucers, toilet sets, etc., at Brunner's Drug and Book Store. MISCELLANEOUS. ket {4.25 per ton. Roush & Son. Son’s. Telephone 358. HOLIDAY NOVBI/TIES In men’s fur- nliWirTga'. 'CHlMes Whcfclel. - «’ »t THIS Is coal weather. We sell It from {4.50 per ton up. The best, remember. ■Fleetwood & Ross. ’Phone 409. from excesses or youthful indiscre tion Should consult the California doctors. A GUN would make a nice Xmas pres ent for your boy. H. C. Tindall, re ceiver, will sell you one for less than cost. UNDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells IF you want to get a beautiful and Cheap Christmas present, look In the magic window, 125 Cotton avenue. (PRETTY TIES, one In a box; prices Tight. ChJarlea WaChtd. NICE line of ockers, suitable for Chrlst- ' maB presents, to go at cost Monday. Come and get one. A S. Thomas, 653 • Poplar street. WAITING FOR SOMETHING to turn , up, eh? Why not spend a few dollara I land turn something up. A few ads in I this column this week will do - the j work. PARTIES desiring quantltlen of tur- keys for Christmas, place orders With ’ us immediately.- We can please you. E. A. Waxelbaum & Bros., telephone 177. IffAVE you a picture you want framed? j Bring it to Mlgraifh’s. Cheapest place I in city. 135 Cotton avenue. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER U the 'best mad*. Have you tried It? • KIDNEY DISEASES of nh kinds pod- I tlvely curod by entirely new methods i Yitld Treatment. The California doc- ( tors give. TENNESSEE and Creamery Butter ye- reived every <iay. Send order:,. E. A. r Waxelbaum & Bros., telephone 177. ix> YOU WANT TO SELL yoor Goods? Then nay so where the peo ple will see it. Talk to them through , the Telegraph. [WHAT would be nicer than a gun for I your boy? Give him one for an Xmas I present. Get It at the Mncon Hard- r ware Company's receiver’s sale. •’MONARCH” Shirts, beet on garth, I Charles Wadhtel. HOLMES & COUTT’S celebrated extra toaet crackers retail at the low price of 10c. a pound. [WAITING FOR SOMETHING to turn up. eh? Why not spend a few dollara ' and turn rr/methlng up. A few ads In , this column this week -will do the ' business. WEST novelties In children's caps, SOo up. ChTries Wnchtel. GET IN THE PUSH—If you want your <ad well read put it where this one is. A DOLLAR a ton saved on coal is worth picking. "Elk River” is supe rior to any on the market, and eedls for 85.50 per, ton. Fleetwood A Ross. Ring up <09. ' GET your boy a gun for Xmas. Buy It for leas than coat, at Macon Hard ware Company’®. EGGS—Tennessee and creamery butter received every day. Send orders. E. Wajcelbaum & Bros., telephone 177. FAT AND JUICY Christmas tuirkfeys, •will be dressed n.t our store. Give us your ordfer in time and got a nice onte. We keep overytlhlng new, nice and dheap. Joflm C. Holmes. RHOUER'B bread raising ia tha best bread preparation made. Try 1L - YOU can buy a nice rocker cheap at A. S. Thomas’. HOT, red-hot ties 60c. Charles Wflch- tel. CHEAP MONEY—Money to loan at 6 per cent. Charles it. Nlsbet, 355 Third street. WONDERFUL TOY—Amuses old and ■ young; 100 sold In two hours. See the climbing monkey, at Burke's Book- Bind Stationery Co. Price, 35c., 40c. by mall. GREATEST BARGAINS on earth In ipkvnos and organs. Will make a love- fly Xmas present. F. A. Gutten- herder & Co. FRUITS and NUTS. Large stock and best quality and lowest price for the Christmas trade. FIREWORKS. Large stock, everything new—Just in- sold cheaper than evel* before. F. E. KUPFERMAN, 412 Second streot. Sam Baer’s old stand. ALL DISEASES of men and women of a chronic nature are examined and advice given free by the California doc tors doctors. BLUE RIBBON.—The Judges awarded us the first premium for our Rohrer’s Bread Raising, pronouncing Rohrer’s better than Honaford'a after a thor ough test. W. C. Turpin & Co. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb. SARATOGA CHIPS are all the rage, ask your grocer for them. ANYTHING In household goods for cost at A. S. Thomas’. M. NEWMAN Is going out of tha. tojr business and is closing out Hit'a sac rifice. A GOOD coal burns to an a6h. That la the kind sold by Fleetwood & Ross. ’’GALLOWAY’’ la the name of the cel ebrated coal sold by Fleetwood & Rosa at {4.60 per ton. Bear in mind that it is a cheap coal tin price,' but not in quality. Telephone 409. SILVER-TIPPED walking oanes; very styGlsh. Charles Wachtefl. M. NEWMAN IS DISPOSING of Me atock of toys at a sacrifice la order to cloae out. SILK UMBRELLAS for holiday gifts. Charles Wachtel. EVERYBODY Is pleased with W. L. Henry’s laTd. 31,000 TO LOAN—Three years. Address “D,” this office. HANDSOMEST LINE of roekers in the city to go at cost Monday. A. S. T-homoe. GUNS are sold- below coat at the Ma con Hardware Company receiver’s sate. IF YOU telephone your order to Fleet- wood & Rosa your coal wHI’ be deliv ered early Monday morning. This ia prompt enough. Isn’t It? Ring u,, 409. OH HAP trunks, low trunk®, high •trunks. tt'bCte trunks, big trunkB, big ger trunks, doU'a trunks, girl®’ trunks, Judies' trunks, boyn* trunks, men’s trunks, eflephant’s trunks, and all other, kind's of trunks at Van's Trnuk Factory. IF you are In a hurry for your coal let ub know at once. It will be de livered early Monday morning. Fleet- wood & Rosa. TeJephone 409. NUMEROUS prebty toys at M. New- . man's to be sold a>t a naorlfice. (He Is closing out his toys. TAPE WORM—Expelled hda'd and all in two (hours or no charge. No nau- , seating drugs used; no straining, no Btekneae, by -the California doctors. LEAVE your orders earfy for Xmas turkeys. W. L. Henry. TURKEYS and poultry for the Xmas dinner of W. L. Henry’s. LOST—White setter puppy; small lemon ticks; bitch. Reward 1 paid If returned to Miller G. White, 666 Cherry street. GOOD-BY PROFIT—If you nre need ing any household goods It would bo very unwise *to purchase before see ing A. S. Thomas. *'409”—'That's the number of Flcet- • wood & Ross’ 'phone. They sell coal. NEW SONS—Choice selection of the latest music wil be received this week by F. A. Gubtenherger & Cb. BUY A ROCKER from A. S. Thomas at cost Monday. A NEW LINE of mandoline and gui tars, any one of which will make a Xmas gift -to be appreciated for a (life «tlme. They are not high, eicCier. F. A. Gutten/berger & Co. FINEST all-pork sausage In thq. city at VT. I*. Henry's. ALL KINDS of Xmas cakes; e»tna^ fine fruit cakes at M. Newman's bhk<*rlew, 403 Ootton avenue and Pop- Car street, opposite market. W. L. HENRY has bought a well se lected lot of fine f^t turkeys for Xmas. THERE ore cheap coal* on fhe market Look out for them. Fleetwood & Roa* sell you the best at a cheap price. AS FINE guru you can And any where at prices lower than the dealer can buy them. H. C. TindaH, receiver, Macon Hardware Co. IFOR coal, coke and wood, telephone 403. Fleetwood & Ross. ALL standard guns sold below cost, at the JI«om Hardware Company re ceiver’s sale. EMBROIDERED silk suspenders: love ly designs. Charles Wodhtel. CANCERS REMOVED without the use . of knife; on absolute and permanent .cure, by the California doctors.'. ACADEMY OF MUSIC Five Nlgftrts, Commencing Tuesday, December 18th., TUB DALDWN-MFTLVILLE CO.. Headed by the Charming end Versatile Art&te, MISS PEJABL MELVILLE. Opening on Tuesday night in the five- act comedy drama, “THE BLACK FLAG. 4 ' Change of play eadh performance. Priced, 10, 20 land 20 cents; no extra, no higher. Matinee Thursday nnd Saturday. Ladle* admitted ■ free Tuesday night when accompanied by a person with a paid 20 oeftts ticket. Reserve scata on J role oit Iaiddca & Bates* Music House, j OPEN EVERY NIGHT THIS I Don’t wait until tha day be- WEEK «t fore Xmas to select presents, but ' call early this week and get the JUHAN’S. choice of our pretty new holi day goods. Pretty Books, 16 to 60c. Hair Ornaments, 10c to $1. Baby Pins, 35c to 75c. Czarina Neck Scarfs, 35c to $2. Men’s Shaving Sets, $2 to $5. Men’s Smoking Sets, $1. Infants’ Toilet Sets, $1.50 to $3. Having the most complete line of Fancy Goods in the city, we are also displaying a grand line of Silks, blk. and col. Dress Goods, Wraps, Blankets, etc., and will undersell anyone this week. Come and see the pretty things. Will sell individual round trip tickets to Palm Beach, Fla. and return from Macon, December 26th and 27th, limited to 10 days at the very low rate of $15.00 FOR ROUND TRIP. This is less than one fare for round trip. This rate is made account grand opening of Hotel Rhyal Poianciana at Palm Beach. The ,G. S. & F. R. R. is working up a special party for this round trip, and those contemplating a trip to Florida can get full information by calling on or addressing G, A. MACDONALD, Telephone 100. General Passenger Agent. THE COLUMBUS SOUTHERN RA1LWA YCOMPANY. Time Table No. 22. Effective October 25, 1894. SOUTHBOUND. stations. NORTHBOUND. No. 3. i 1 ' No. 4. M’ndy. 1 Tueedy. Wedy. No. L I 1 No. 2. IThusdy. Friday. Dally. | | Dally. Satdy. 6:30 am 2:40 pmjLv. Colu mbus Ar.|lJ;40 pm 2:00 pm 9:00 am 4:10 pmiAr. Richland Lv. |11:07am 11:10 am 12:06 pm • |Ar. AmCrtcua (S. A M.) .... Lv.|*7:10 am • 4:30 pm 6:03 pm 8:00 pm 4:30 pmlAr. 6:03 pro Ar, 8:00 pm|Ar. , 11:15 pm|Ar. 12:01 am Ar. 3:05 am Ar. 6:30 amlAr. 7:35 am Ar. ... Lumpkin, (S. A. M.)..... Lv. .. Hurtsboro (8. A, M.) Lv. . Montgomery (S. A. M.) Lv. ..... Selma (W. Rwy.) Lv. ... Birmingham (L. & N.) Lv. Mobile (L. & N.) Lv. .... Pensacola (L. & N.) Lv. New Orleans (L. & N.) Lv. 10:45 am 9:10 am 7:15 am 4:35 am 3:58 am 12:20 am 11:15 pm 7:50 pm 10:43 am 9:10 am 7:15 am U;50 2:30 pm 6:40 pm 7:50 am 8:25 am e.jft Ar, Dawson !... Lv. Ar, ,„,,,*, „ Albnny Lv. 11.-00 am 7:60 am 8:25 «m Ar. Ar. Thomasvllle Brunswick Lv. Lv. A P Jacks nnvtllA Lv. •Train leaving Amerlcus 7:10 a. m. runs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. Trains Nob. I and 2 arrive and depart from Union depots at Columbus and Al bany. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 arrive and depart at foot of Seventh street, Columbus. * H. C. II1LL Superintendent. GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GULF It. R. The Only Line Running Double Dally Trains Between Columbus and Atlanta. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 14, 1894. NORTHBOUND. Columbus Waverly Hall .... Oak Mountain.... Warm Springs.... Woodbury Concord....* Williamson Griffin Macon, C. R. R.... Atlanta, C. R. R. Griffin McDonough No. 51 Daily 7:10 a.m. 7:59 a.m. 8:09 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 9:00 a.m 9:20 a.m. 9 -44 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 7:35 p.m. 11:30 f * No. 53 Daily 8:20 p.m* 4:14 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:22 p.m. 5:51 p.m. 6:12 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:28 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 7:30 p.m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 52 No. 50 Dally Dally Lv. McDonough........ 3:16 a.m. Ar. Griffin 8:57 &.m. Lv. Macon, C. R. R-. 4:15 a.m. Lv. Atlanta, C. R. R . 7:30 a.m. 4:25 p.m* Lv. Griffin 9:CG a.m. 5:54 p.nv. Lv. Williamson 9:23 tt.m. 6:12 p.m. Lv. Concord 9:45 a.m. 6:31 p.m. Lv. Woodburj 10:15 a.m. 6:59 p.m. Lv. Warm Springs.... 10:36 a.m. 7:34 p.m. Lv. Oak Mountain U:10 a.m. 8:04 p.m. Lv. Waverly Hall 11:20 a.m. 8:14 p.m. Ar. Collumbus 12:15 p.m. 9:06 p.m. All trains arrive and depart Union de pots at Columbus and Griffin. Ask for- tickets and see that they read via the Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad. CLIFTON JONES, Gen. Pas. Agt. C W. CHEARS. Gen. Manager. Columbus, Ga. Middle Georgia and Atlantic Railroad. Effective Bijnerauor :. , O’clock. A. X- 1891 Read Down Read Up. II OOpI 7 15|Lv. Augusta -Ar.l Ga. R ,M. , | > 00 |Lv. Macon ..Ar.| 1 4 «t p No. lOljNo.lOOj A. 11. too d 66 110 IN P. M Hi 120 120 <21 Hi «(0 INO.102INo.lM Ip. ii.Ia. M. Lv Mill's-vlU Aril IN 1W Lv Batonton Ar.| 7 <6 | 12 M Ar Batonton Lv| 6 88J 11 48 p Lv Batonton Art 0 ti l 1144 Ar, AUanta Lv.l 100p| 7 »* Ar.. Meoon Lv.l -I10 al |AT* Athena ,Lv.|l40p| Broughtonvlll. xneatlng point for train* Not. 101 and 1M. Covlnston Junction meeting point for trains Nos. 102 and 101 W. B. THOMAS, General Manager. CENTRAL R. R..of G-JEORGhlA. H. M. COMER AND R. R HAYES, RECEIVERS. Schedule In effect Nov. 18, 1894. Standard Time, 90th Meridian, BETWEEN! MACON, COLUMBUS, MONTGOMERY AND ALBANY, READ DOWN. 1 1*7 05 a m 1 8 1! am I [11 00 a. in I | 2 00 pa •8 It p mi'll 15 a m 9 18 p m 10 40 p m 11 65 p m 2 44 a m i it a in < 15 a m 7 00 a m U 88,p m lit pm 8 30 p m 3 13 p m 5 40 p m 4 51 p m on pm t 20 p m 8 It p m 7 55 p m —STATIONS— Leave Macon •■•••••••.Arrlv* Arrive Fart Valley Leave Arrive Cblumbua Leave Arrv* Opelika Leave 7 41 pm US pm 6 45 p m I,...—.... 9 10 am i Leave Macon Arrive Arrive ."Fort Valley Leave Arrive America* Leave Arrlv* ... Albany Leave Arrive Dawson Leav* Arrive Fort Gains* Leave Arrlv* Eufaula Leav. Arrive Ozark Leav* Arrlv* Union Spring* Leav* Arrlv* Troy Leav* Arrlv* Montgomery Leav* RE±D UP. 4 10 pm 3 00 p m 121 pm 11 50 a m 11 21 a m 9 20 am 10 87 am 0 05 i 110 sm 7 It a m •7 45 a m 7 40 n m 0 40 n m 5 20 n m 4 10 tm 11 47 pm 10 IT p’m 8*63 p’m ♦7‘{0 p’m BETWEEN MACON. ATLANTA. CHATTANOOGA. MILLEDGEVILLH, AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. •4 15 a ml*4 25 p m 618am 6 82 pm 7 46 a m 8 05 p m 115 pm 100 am •7 65 a m 9 47 a m 11 80 a m 7 65 p m 14 15 p ml-ll 00 p mill SO a m 5 05 p mill 45 p m 12 17 p m 110 p m | 3 05 a m| 3 40 p m I 6 30 a ml 6 50 p m | 5 65 n m| 0 30 p m '| 10 20 a m| Leavo. Arrive. Arrlv*. Ar.... ••••*..• Macon ••••••••..Arrive •••••••••> Griffin ••••••••..Leave • •••••••• Atlanta Leave Chattanooga via Atlanta ....Lv Leave* ........ Macon Arrive Arrive. ......... Gordon .... IjfSYff Arrive. Mllledgevllle . MUlon Lmv* Arrive. Arrive. Augusta ••• Savannah *. Leave Arrive. ..... Jacksonville .. *..4. Leave 11 00 a m ..... , • 01 a m ..... *7 2e a m .... - •3 39 am 3 40 p ml 3 65 a mllO 00 a m| 2 65 p ml 3 10 a ml 9 10 a ra| ( I 3 05 ■ m| 11 20 u mill 68 p m .] 7 65 a ml 8 40 p ml...... j..... *8 30 a in| 9 00 p ml I | 4 15 p inf j Train* marked thu* • dally; thu* I dally except Sunday.' Train* marked thu* T Sunday only. Solid train* nre run to snd from Macon and Montgomery via Eufaula, Savannah and Atlanta via Macon, and Albany via Smlthvllle, Macon and Columbus. , Bleeping care on night trains bet wen Bavannab and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Parlor care between Macon and Atlanta. Passengers for Thomaaton take 7:65 a, m. or 4:26 p. m. train. Passengers for Carrollton and Csdartewn taka 7:51 c. m. train. Faaeenxers for Perry take 11:16 A ra. train; Fort Galne*. Buena Vista, Blakely end Clayton should tsk* U:15 A m. train. Taasengers for Bylvanla, WrlghUvllle and Sandersvllle tsk* 11:50 a. m. train. For further Information and for schedule* for point* beyond our Una apply to ■ W. F. SHELLMAN, Trafflo Manager. W. P .DAWSON. Passenger Agent. J. a HAILE. G*n*rel P****ncer A rant. /II* J. HARRIS. Ticket Agt* Usooa MACON AND NORTHERN M. & N. AND S. A. L SEABOARD AIR LINE. Time Table, December 1, 1S94. Read Down. Read Up. A M|A M| STATIONS. |I> JU|P M 8 46|Lv.. 10 SO]Lv..- U 321 Lv.. 203 LV.. 3 55! Lv.. 4 23 Lv.. 6 23.LV.. 8 C4j.Lv.. 12 26 Lv.. 3 06LV... 6 401Ar.. 9 45.Ar.. U M|.Vr.. _,12 00!Ar.. | 2 52|Ar*. ... Macon ... Machen ... .. Madison .. ... Athena ... .. Abbeville ... .. Greenwood ,, Cheater .... .. Monroe ,. Raleigh .... ... Weldon ... .. Richmond .. Washington , . Baltimore ., Philadelphia . New York . :£li£| .Ar 8 46 ..Arl 2 061 .Lv[ll 12|A M. *.Lv|U 43|P. M ..Lvf9 38 . ..Lv 8 28 ..Lv 4U ..Lv 181 ...Lv|U28lAl| ..Lvl 7 SM ..Lv 081 ..Lv S 41 ..Lv) 220 PM. mulgee s*rc-»t. Connections with Georgia Southern and Florida RaJlroad, Bast Tennessee, Virgin. U and Georgia railroad and Central rail* read for all points In Florid* and south* we»t GeorgU. Second—No. 402 leaving Macon at 9 a. m. makes close connection with Middle Geor gia and Atlantic for Eaton ton. Third—With Georgia railroad at MadV •on. Fourth—With wild train for Washing ton and Pull man P.-irlor Buffet cara, WaahingtoD to New York dty. Ticket and general offices Grand Lodge Building, 622 Mulberry street* H. BURNS, Ticket Agent. E. G. MAHONEY t G. P. A. Atlanta and New Orleans Short Line; ATLANTA and WEST POINT R. R. Quicken and Beat Route, Montgomery, Selma, Mobile, New Or leans, Texas and Southwest. Southbound. No. 86. No. 60. No. 83. Lv. Macon.. Lv. Atlanta Ar. Montgomery. Ar. Pensacola... Ar. Mobllo Ar. New Orl’s..., 425 pm 765 am 766 am 5 36 4 20 pm 1 V) inn 11 (JO am 9 20 pm 8 80 pm 6 5G prn 6 30 am 5 30 am 6 20 pm 2 <fc am 3 (6 am 10 26 pm 785 am 7 35 am 10 50 pm 10 50 pm Leave Montgomery........I 9 80 pml 8 10 am ~ *..|U 26 pmjll U am Arrive Belma.. Train 87 carries Pullman vestibuls sleeper New York to New Orleans, and dining car to Montgomery. Train SI carrien Pullman vestibule sTeeper New Or leans to Nsw York and dining car to At lanta. Trains 84 and St Pullman Buffet Sleep ing Cara between Atlanta and Mont gomery. GEO. C. SMITH, Pres, and Gen. Mgr. JOHN A.. GEE. Gen. Pass* Agt GEO. W. ALLEN. T. P. A*. Atlanta M00. ■ How to become a flret* cUas Meeemerlet. Hypnotist, MladJtssder snd Clatrfoyaat, « large MACON A NEW YORK SHORT LINE. Pullman palace sleeping cars between Macon and New York via GEORGIA R.R, AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Schedule In Effect December 1, 1894. IN.Y.Tn Dy.MalllNt. Ex. Lv. Macon. . . . 9 .*00 am 4 ;20 pm 8:30 pm Lv. Mllledgevllle. 10:00 am 6:33 prn 10:12 pm Lv. Sparta. . . . 10:40 am 6:14 pm 11:23 pm Lev. Camak. * . 11:2k nm 7:04 prn 3:27 am Ar Augusta. . . 1:0) pm 830 pm 5:15 am Lv. Agsta (HTm J 2:10 pml Ar. Orangeburg. 4:35 pm Ar. Humter. . . 5:55 pm Ar. Florence, . . 7:06 pm Ar. Fayetteville. 9:20 pm Ar. Petersburg. . 2:43 »im Ar. Richmond. . 3:40 am Ar. Washington. 7:00 am Ar. Baltimore. . 8:20 am Ar. Philadelphia. 10:40 am Ar. Now York. . 1:23 pm OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. Passage From Savannah TO NEW YORK: Cabin, $20; Excursion, $112; Steerage, 110.00. TO BOSTON; Cabin, 922; Excursion, $30; Steerage, $11.75. | IO PHILADELPHIA, VIA NEW YORK. Cabin, $22.50; Excursion, $30; Steen age, $12.50. Site magnificent steamships of the** line* are appointed to salt at follows, standard time: SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK, I (Central or 90th Meridian Tima) City of Augueta,,,.Moi,., City of Blrmlnghm.Wed„ Kansas City Frl„ Chattahoochee Bat, Nacoocheo Mon., Tallahassee Wed., City of Augusta Frl., City of Birmingham.Kat,, Kansas City Mon., City of Maoon Thur., Dee. 17. Dec. 19,1 Doc. 21, Dec. 22, Dec. 24, Dec. 26, Doc. 23, Dec. 29, Dec. St, Dec. 6,1 SAVANNAH TO BOSTON- City of Maoon Thur,, Dec, 20,11:30 am Gat* City .Thur., Dec. 37, 5:30 pta SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (This ship doe* not carry passengers.^ Dtssoug Tuea, Deo. 11 9:30 ah Dessoug FrL, Dec. 28. 6:30 ah J. P. BECKWITH, G. A.. Jacksonville, Fla. Walter Hawkins, F. P. A.. Jacksonville, W, B, Arnold, G. T. P. A, Jacksonville, c. G. Anderson, Agent, Savannah, Qa. SOUTHERN RAILWAY COHPANV- Lv. Macon. . 1:10 am Ar. Atlanta. . . 3:55 am Ar. Rome 6:40 am Ar. Dalton. . . . 7:47 am Ar. Chattanooga, 9:10 am Ar. Knoxville. . 12:60 pm Ar. Bristol. . . . 436 pm Tralns arrive from Augusta and points on main line ss follows: 6:45 a. m., 11 a. m. and 4:26 p, m. Night express carries through sleeper Macon to Augusta. 9:00 a. m. and 8:20 p, rn. trains connect Union depot Augusta, for Charleston, Columbia, 8. C., and Savannah. Thos. K. Scott. General Manager. A. O. Jackson, 0. P. A Jo* W. White. T. P. A, Augusta, Ga W. W. Hardwick. P. A, Macon, Ga. General offices, Augusta, Ga AN ADVERTISEMENT placed In tho classified columns of Tbs Telegraph la sure to bring ^. RESULTS •ft 3 , T .WJUHTJflKN tJYbTiUM. Zn Effect Sunday, December 0* 1804. ^ ' SOUTHBOUND. | No. SI. Leaive Macon Arrlvo Cochran Arrive Hawklnevklle . Arrive Jeeup Arrive Everett ....... Arrive Urunewlclc .... Arrive Savannah .. Arrive Jackeonvllle 6:47 ai 7:20 ai ... 8:30 ai ....12:28 pi ... W:!>5 ai NORTHBOUND | No. 82. No. 88. | No. 1 6:30 pm| 8:46 am 11:46 am 4:30 pm 6:41 pm 7:10 pm 10:00 pm 4:50 am Leave Chattanooga .....I 7:20 pml 9:20 am Arrive Cincinnati ) 7:10 am) 7:20 pm THROUGH GAR ARRANGEMENTS. * Southbound. No. fie-Solld ventlbuled train to Jack* eonvUle, with Fullman buffet drawing room cars attached for Jacksonville and Brunswick. Sleepers at Maoon for occu pancy at 9:00 p. m. No. 87.—Solid train for Jacksonville with sleepers attached. Northbound. No. 32.—Solid vcstlbuled train to Cincin nati,connecting with local train for Chat tanooga and way stations. Carries Pull man sleepers between Jacksonville and Kansas City via. Atlanta, Birmingham and Memphis. Atlanta passengers can remain In sleeper until 6:30 a. m. No. 88.—Carrie® free chair car to Chat tanooga, which Is attached to solid ves* tibule train for Cincinnati with Pullman sleeping cars attached. Connections at Chattanooga with fast trains In all di rections. For full Information as to routes.ratesu etc., apply to VV. CARR, Passenger and Ticket Agent. Macon, Ga. C. II. Hudson, General Manager, Knox- vlilo, Tenn. W. A. Turk, General Passenger Agent, Washington, JD. C. C. A. Benscoter, Assistant General Pas* senger Agent, Knoxville. Tenn. j, J. Farnsworth .Division Passense# Agent, Atlanta, Ga. IiOTJISYILIiE, Cincinnati or Indianapolis And Fullmta Ve-Ubule Service ca Night Train*. Parlor Chair Car* on Day Train*. Make the fastest time between the winter cSUas and aummer ruwrta of the Northweot. W. If. McDOEL, Oesi. Mgr. FRANK J. REED. O. P. Agent For further Information address JR. w. GLADING. Gen. Agent . Thomasvllie, Go.