Newspaper Page Text
Attend the Great
J. D. Hn4, Houston road: "Plead*
brine me a doll and a carriage and a lit
tle piano, a ict of furs and a ring.
"Pleaas .brine mr little brother Archie
and baby slater Mary eomethltur nice.
"I have kept my Bible nice and clean
that you brought — **
Lucille Balffue. Ill Oak etreet:
ire on a vl “ 1 **' * *
I want you i
*1 am
want you to bring
when ! lived In Macon,
little girl feur^e*
dally with
pretty t-urlcy hair that can go to aleep.
a nlca little lied, a nice little ~ J
don't forget to bring my mama and ala
tar aomething nice too. pleaae ala<
bring me tome nloe fruit*, and don't /or
get mama and papa Burl*."
a tittle girl about 1 yaara
you to bring me a big doll a go cart a
ring a atove a bed a crable a piano a
little broom a rocking chair a little ta
ble and aoma little chair*a a big tabfy
bear and a big rag doll and a sat *f
parlor aeL by by."
It W.’jOHNsVohf^Ue Praaldant,
L P. IIILLYRR. Vice President
OSCAR E. DOOLY, Caahlar.
At eloaa of business. November ST, ItOI. •
Leans and
United fltai
Ilona*. Furniture and Flsture*. 146.tKK).M
id Exchange 77S.SSI.4I
Slftft 1 . VES* wiv •
lilvldenda Unpaid
l>epoalta \
f BOO,000.00
Machinery, Electric and Combination Fixtures
171 Cotton Avenue—Phone 212.
Elisabeth ffalgue, SIS Oak street: "Do
ou remember little Elisabeth fialgue
hat need to live in Macon? Well I am
isre on a vlatt and I want you to bring
me a nice large doll, with curly hair
that can go to aleep. and can alt down,
a nice little carriage, a nice little table
and a little chair. Also please bring me
aome nice fruits. Pleaae also bring my
lit tl« M alster end my mama something
Eugene Ragln, Macon: "I ara a little
girl 1 yre old I am smart In school I
wont you to bring mi a big doll carriage
Stove teaaet act of furniture a doll eet
lof fur a doll dipper a little bowl and
pitcher aoma lira work all kind of fruits
and candles a borne plono a little horse a
trunk Jentyne say bring her a doll set of
furs and a dipper dear old Banda good
Mildred Cherry, SSS Oak street: "Will
you pleas# bring r* - ‘ *
and a pretty gold _______
hers. I'leaae elan bring rna aome nice
fruits and any thing else you can."
Fred Borders Doatwlck. Arlington:
am a little boy not quite two years old.
I’m a good little boy. I want a little
Iron bed to aleep In. a wagon, rocking
ahalr. ottoman and whole lota of goo<
Now do pleaae Rants bring me these
I will not run away any more."
Jealyne Ragln. 212 Madison street:
am a little girl als years old and the
onlyat child my mother have ao please
bring me these things a big doll a doll
carriage a piano all kinds of frnlts and
candlea a tea aeta soma fire works a
atove a doll trunk n little dna and a
jiomn I am a smart little girl in school
helps n
- old
aunt may at home so good I
ly aunt
RBI C. road: "Papa haa
OK the letters In the
me the little boys and
graph to me the little boys and gl
wrote you. ao I will wrltn yon what _
bring me. I want a big doll, tea eet and
bad. Bring my little sfeter a doll and
wy brother a train, nnd nil of ua some
candy and fruit."
am only 7 ye*
I want a doll
Genuine, Natural Whiskey
Is a ionic, the medicinal qualities of which are fully recognlieB
by the highest medical authorities. If your system needs
building up or II your nerves are "on edge" try
It will renorr yoor old lime rigor In ilmoit no time—by ntlng
Sunny Urook modrratrly yon are bound to benefit yourhenlih In
general. Sen that you get the genuine—accept no aubatt.
iutea. Every bottle bear* the Government “Green Stamp"—
certifying to the exact Age, Prool and Measure. No homo
should be without It.
P?!V r c'V D LO*Na CO J Ac J ^o K 5 0 vrL\!k J L r , L; LA -
Bottles $ m
I-3tb Gallon £1
Rys ar Baorksa i
Bottles $
Full Quart,
Rye at taarka*
Shipp* U plain Li.
1 a tin tea aet and a story
I Leon Lynwood Bright.. M7 Hazel
street: "I am only I years old and I
want a fire englno and a drum frat-
traln and a stocking full of nlca things."
Rosa Lea Cherry, IS3 Oak stmt: !T
am my mama's baba,And.apv * r«al good
little girl aome times, will you please
bring me a nlca doll, a doll carriage, a
tea aeL some-nice rubbers,and any thing
•lea jrou can. Fltaaq bring ms aoma
In.' .Pleaae String me
And a nice
i air gun. And
Walter Ryrd, 1*0 Fom
want a aword to flgti
gold watnlt and ahalu.
an Indian ault All so
a large drum. Oh. Rants don't forgot to
bring me aoma fruits of nil kind. And
aoma Are works And I will try to be a
good boy."
Dorothy Frink. North Highland*: "My
Pap# end Mama have bean telling me
that If I were a bad girl you would not
como to aee me. ao I l.ava been good and
will be glad If you will bring me a doll
named ’•Ruth." a doll carriage. _ _
nanna" rocking chair, picture book,
small broom, a pair of No. red shoes.
birthday. I am nine year*
lah you would bring r
long golden curl* and
tt ring a bell and n. llttU-
1'ibie far i like to go Sunday school. Andi
be sine to bring me f'to« nuts f- '*-
and candlea. All the little girls
boys whese ha sent any mamma and papa
to love them. Be sure to go to ae^hem.
Lola Rmailing, 2427” fleron
Pleas# bring me a doll, doll caMWi
aet. doll cradle little house, picture books
and a
ter the
.little chair. Bring my little ala-
Charlie Burnette. Gray: I hare been
a good little girt. Please bring me a box
of "B rentier a water colors." and a
"Bible" and a lots of good things.
Doris Ndltea, 24SS Second street:
Please bring me a big doll, go down
town where Aunt Lola worka and go up
on the toot-toot train as you will find all
little stove a Tad-
r chair, and dear
jlnda of nuts and
little girl 2 yaara
S. T will, put the Are out so you
wont bum
fget when you come
down the chimney.
Annie Lola Green. Gray: As Jt la al
most Xmas T will write and tell you
what I want you to bring me. Bring me
a doll with dark eyes and hair, red dress
and ffcd cap. Bring me a d<4J bed nnd
aotna rubbers. I • —
' KZJ TBSUs-a-
>f tl
.Elisabeth Hammock. Gray: As It to
almost Christmas I will write and tell
you what I want I want you to bring
me a doll and a etory book name The
gooae that laid the golden egg. And
please don't forget the fireworks candles
and fruits. I want my doll to have on
a blue dress, so don't forget —
Christmas eri ' "
i ere dear old Santy.
Ethelder Gamer. 122 Holt street: As
Xmas la drawing near ths Ideal day with
all the children. No doubt you have nil
ready received many letters from little
— — ..janjr . ...
onea. ao f must tell you now what
would like for you to bring me first of
all |a a new trunk aa mine is getlng old.
a do)l, and carriage, a little locket, and
ring, aoma pretty vases, and rlbon. for
my hair, a little wine ret. like I raw In
the show windows a set of doll fuml-
* nan (lk
lure, a box of1
kerchief, a fur and
’lenty of candy fruit and nuts. And
ne fire works If roe picas. I am nine
years old and am In Jthr third dsaa. I
have been a good little girl this year.
Eggs Is rlx.
A weel? ago eggs were selling at
thirty-five cents the dozen. Tester
day they wer# sold at forty cents, with
Christmas a dozen days off.
The local market is stocked with all
other things that go to make up the
week of feasting the principal day of
which la Christmas. Never was there
such a stock of turkeys already In
the market and to come In. All over
the country reports are that there will
be an abundance of this bird.
Within half an hour's tide of Macon
by buggy, there Is a dairy at which
there are today one hundred and sixty
as fine turkeys as ever graced a din
ner table. They are fat and large and
healthy. These will be ready for the
holiday week, provided the owner can
make up hie mind to let them go. He
says he hms grown so fond of them
that he. finds it a difficult matter to
bring himself round to the proposition
to sell them.
There arc pigs fattening for the week
also. Some of them have been fed dn
buttermilk, and they do say that a
nice little Pig fattened on buttermilk
Is the next best thing to a turkey.
For those who cannot afford nelth
er turkey nor pig, there are chickens
plentiful with the prospect of plenty
more. •
Fruits there are In any quantity.
Fancy apples are seen at some of the
stores that are being shipped here by
express, so fine they are. These are
the kind that go to the bottom of the
stocking that hangs on the mantel.
Oranges are cheaper than they have
t - _— -v- - _ ■ been for some time, though they may
& J215 “'pET.'S.? i<K *« hl * h " be,or ® chrl.tma. day.
&£fTmil.r bTmr Km . "r 'nl'S The retail (rrocery »tor,. .r. pw-
things juatwhat you think will pleas a
ithleen <
tie girl
Won'tyou please
Christmas eve. and bring a doll,
Virgil Hutchings, 132 Stratton street:
Please don't forget to como see me. 1
am S years old and I live at the same
I was last xmas. I am a good boy.
too train, little sword!
board, ault of clothes, flre crack
ers, horn, little drum, randy, oranges.
nute t and Some thing of all the “
i got that la good to eat.
___ Santa my cousin Jack Freeman
la coming from Birmingham please
to tee him tf " * ~
Santa pleaae.
dm too. burry up and come <
Incline, Annie and Alice Lamb. Corh-
«, last Xmas.
glad that It la almost time for you to
visit ua again. We wish to ask you t/>
please bring this Xmas, each of
cooking atove and rocking cl
dolls, three amall ones and three largo
onea. and confectioneries and fireworks.
Dear Rnnti
tar. Ruby.
Julia Annette Lawrence. 141V Third
a little girl 4 years ntf
* with fever and
• Santa pleaae remember our big ala-
isve taken my medicine like
tie girl for mamma so please
mp while on your round'* Xmas I want
r ou to bring me a great big dolly Jessie
horn a doll carriage a'* big box of ean-
.. neckleea and braelet, a pocket book
with some money In It.bihd all kind of
- * — •*— ■** L hop-
frult'a that will do for ...
ing to ere you Xmas. “
P. 8. Pleaae dont forget* JMBJEJL
V and Grand pa Grand Ma and Duda
| mamma papa-.
nuta and candy. Also
a tin horn. Hoping to see
Felton Kverett Bat too, US Jeff navis
_)teot: lMtof Rants Claua. 1 am ao
r tt la nearly tlma foe you to come.
I have been watting all the year foe
— Fteeee bring me and
and ah' don't
heart, whaoa
name la Jeannette.
t forget my
Placing your orders for your wants iu our lino— -f
4- the rush may delay prompt forwarding by express, and 4
4 cause you disappointment. Send us your ordors-rwe4
4 will tako good caro of them and in every instance send
4 you best obtainable value. Satisfaction guaranteed or
4 money refunded.
4 Here are two exceptional offerings:
4 OVERHOLT RYE, bottled in bond, $13.60 case
4 12 quarts.
4 BLACK LABEL RYE, $15.00 per case.
4 Other good things at equally as attractive prices. 4
4 Complete line of Wines, Whiskies and Cordials—from4
4 the low priced up to the best. Send for pri{« list. ♦
? p, o. e«, tex Jacksonville FLA. ^ Two Gold Fish anil an Aqua*
♦ vr. k< Amm mu m *nj r«i t, u>. te* 4 1 rioo- given away with -ach box
-f- m. tt . .di. ^ 0 f Qur gfmifgg Cold Cream
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»1 Taylor. Bayne Drug Co.
Thelma May Yeomana. 124 Washington
avenue: "1 want to rite aud ask you to
plea as bring ma a doll anir doll cat
and plena and a little doll bed and ...
atove 1 saw you at llkrters store but
there werd ao many little girls 1 could'nl;
r t close enough to tell you all I wanted
have a little brother hla name ls«Chaa
Lamar Jr. nleo*e bring him a little horn
and rockle norae he la a good little t>oy
Santa If you dont And me at 124 Wash
ington ave you will And me at No, r»55
first afreet Billie Baraeva house f4anta
please tiring me all I aak and 1 will ba
the smartaat little girl In Macon."
Rarah B. Marcer, Bradley: I at _
good little girl ind go to school to Miss
Solomon she la a line teacher and I love
her vary much. Uml yeam old and In
in tha fourth class. Well dear old San
tis I want you to bring me a doll piano
and a little tu tu train, and aoma fruit
and randy, and goodies Bring my play
mates aomathtng nlca and make them
havd a good time Xmas. Bring my
brother ,T Joa" a good etory book. Bye.
S e. dear old Bantaclause thanking you
r your klndnaes to ao many llttla chit-
a horn, candy, nuts, u rr ..-,
aome fire crackers. 1 will ba ao much
Obtlga to. I am 7 yaara old I have not
baen to school yet. I helps attend to
tha tmby and -the chickens for mama.
Now Hants please bring what I tall vou.
send ma
... EKnVfc
and oranges
Roland Bragg. Gray: Flaaaa
a llttla wagon to haul mv old i
rents and mama, and if not i
much, aend randy nuta and .
apples. Ac. I am 4 yenra old, love
yoa and family.
»K effijS. MM
brown eyes and gold an curlv hair drvaa
h carriage l
«t forget my little slat*
■gvwrite a letter. *
•ha Is too lit-
rd had mama to writ* for ma.
nt forget my fruit. I want aak for
anything more this tlma good bya.
8arah Kpale
Hlvka. U3 OglethOTM
a little girt nine year* old
nnd go to school I am In tha ird grade I
want big dell with blue eyas golden curia
main in blue silk a doU bed a stove
same cooking dishes a little table nnff
anne chairs bring little alster a doll
gat of little knives and forks and apoi
Serf Rattan. Jr. \M Jeff TXYta
street: Me Is to tittle to write you a
mtltr md my aleter write for me for I
ia only four year* old Me want you
fifing \me every thing ma Bro. wants
bring me a boy de>W T Han Claus
liHI.I I
ting cause I like
and Jessie.
Lrnilfe T^mmond, Macon: . . _ ...
U# girl 4 yra old and can't write, but
my mama la writing for me. 1l?es«
•ring me a largo doll nnd doll carriage.
do need a little rocking chair to rock
Judy to sleep. Judy la my little white
puppy. I hone you will have good weath
er to com* to sae us. Be. sure and bring
my little cousin Joe Frink a boy doll. I
will close with lota of fovo to you and
tha dear Telegraph.
Millard Lammnnd. Mncon: It la near
ly Christmas and I must writs you a few
llnea and ask you to please bring me a
few .things I heed very much. Please
bring ma a nice suit of clothes a cap.
and ah aorta of fruit and candles. Plena.?
remember all the good little boya and
g rls. and be sure and bring my teacher
Isa Minnie Josey a big box of nice
iilngs the la ao sweet and good. I
would like to have aoma fireworks and
an Irish mall too.
Ethel Lemmond. Macon:
‘ eight years old and i
le. Please t
t bring i
T am a little
.. In the third
Urge doll with
brown eye* nnd black curly hair and a
nlca carriage to ride her In. Bring me
aoma nuta raisins, apples and oranges,
and pleas* dont forget rev Aunt O’llo
bring her aotnethlng real » fa she lives
at nSJ Kecond atrect. I Wotfd like aome
fire works too. 1 still Uvo at the samo
place SOt Main 8t Beat Macon.
. ,._Jt a big _
rocking chair. Ranta riauge I have been
a very good little girl all this year.
Ora EthUene lllcka. M5 Oglethorpe
atrtat: I want a Mg doll with brown
eyea golden hair with a baby cap on and
dressed In plpk silk a tea'set a table -
•loll bed a little stove nnd cakepana
little dl«h pan a little bowl and pitcher
and broom and lot of fult and candy.
John E. Bylngton. Gordon: Please
bring me n drum and aome arum sticks
and n box of tools nnd a cap nlstol and
some cape and ■ three wheel Mke. I am
^ | j,, to ^nool and will
_ *oine money and put It on tl
mental piece for you: and bring P«nttle
big doU and some doll furniture nnd -
tea set. little Is five yeara old and
aha will balp me get you some money by
tha time you come to Gordon.
Ruth Randall. 131 Gordon street
sentlng womo tempting eights to the
man who eat*. There are men who ijIHIH'v
nibble, and there are men who gorge,
but the man who cat* I* he who
Joy* every mouthful of everything
that's good. To such a man. the mar-
riot with that which satis
Marked, for Death
"Three year* ago I was marked for
death. A graveyard cough was tear
ing my lunga to piece*. Doctors fail
ed to help me, and hope had fled,
when my husband got Dr. King’s New
Discovery." says Mrs. A. C. Williams,
of Bhc. K.v. "The first do*n helped
me und Improvement kept on until I
had gained B8 pounds In weight nnd
my health wag fully restored." Thin
medicine holds tha world'* healing re
cord for cough* and cold* nnd lunr
nnd throat disease*. It provent* pneu
A Modern 8ir Galahad. By Albert
Bigelow' Paine.
See Sunday'* Telegraph.
Wall aa Christmas la near at hand. .
t I would write you a letter for
■PJW* slater Ethel and my *11f. |
Claus bring Ethel a doll, a doll di .1
la don fur oat and aoma fruits and can-
« *. Santa l want you to bring me a
doll, a doll fur aet and any thing
ffla# you would like for me to have and
ahm aome frutte and candle*. And dont
target mamma and naps. Hants I have
f llttla brother but he will write
ooh. 1 will clow* for tbla time.
B George Augustus Wimberly. Macon* t
am nearly two years old and I know I
am cross sometimes tat l hav* not cut
all mV tooflea vet and my gums hurt me
but I am trying *o hard, to he grwvl
cause Christmas I* nearly here and
pieaa* bring me 4 hern that blows loud.J
a Mg doll, and lot* of nlca thing* and
tatafifiiimtato bring me a engine cause
n mllroad man nnd ? hist
•o-ch-v* train and fUntal
pleaae go downtoA^^
ftrai Ad mot her Wlmberiv Uvea down there
and *ha t* going to hang up a stocking
for ma. I hope rnamnl will put out all
tha lira before her gne# to bad cause I
don’t want you to get aU mr things
up whan
Holiday Fealiaa for tha llttla On*a.
Suaacstad Program far a Children’*
Chrittma* Party.
Sea Sunday's Talagrkph.
Jr!f \>avfa street
Tuneful music, sparkling fun. pretty
girl* and a host of clever comedians
are all found In “Too Many Wive*,"
the new musical fatco that *erve* aa
a starring vehicle for Jo© Morris, the
clever little character comedian, who
la pleasantly remembered as «tlkey
Roscnutoln" In "Loveit and Lunatics"
"Too Mnny Wives'* 1* the latest work
of Charles Horwlts and Frederick V.
Bowers nnd advance reports received
by Manager Phillips of the Grand
Opera House, promise thla attraction
to be one of the geason'* best offerings
nt this populag .play house. The
story tells of a Wealthy merchant. Isi
dore Meyer of Kansas City, who haa
a nephew. Jack Slmou, tn New York,
dependent on hla bounty. Jack haa
written hla unci* that ho has entered
the matrimonial state and receives a
considerable *um of money to defray
housekeeping expenses. Uncle Isidore
decides to pay a visit to tho n«wly
married pair and hla arrival seriously
complicates matters, us Jack’s suppos
ed marriage was only a ru«e to loosen
hi* uncle's purse string*. It Is up to
Jack to produce a wife or be disin
herited. He enlists tha services of h!s
chum. Bob Lester, who places his es
tablishment at Jack’s disposal, and the
two conspire to secure a temporary
wife to rule over the household nnd
thus fool the old man. Mr*. Bob de
clines the honor, a* do her various
female vfeltor*. Ifemlnlne mind is
ever ilrkle nnd second thought brings
Jack temporary wive* to spar© and
his explanations to his uncle further
mix matters nnd uproarious situations
result. Finally matter* reach a stage
where truth must prevail, uncle for
gives. picks oilt a wife for Jack, and
finding life In New York too strenu
ous returns to Kansa* -City. The story
of the play admits of the Introduction
of mnny catchy musical numbers and
clever specialities. The management
have provided a most vlvacloua '*horus
of ahow girts who display their nglllty
In sprightly and attractive dances.
At the Grand on Tuesday, December
Thera is a beautiful white pony used !
In the second act of ’'Comln7 Thro’ 1
the Rye." It I* ridden by Miss Isabel J
Lowe, a pretty miss who tfe drealfrd '
In the fashion of a cow-boy. but the
costume I* all white, the Jacket, boots
and gauntlets being of kid, as are tbs !
saddle and bridle, seated upon the
horse Miss I.ow* sings v song called
“My Broncho Boy” assisted by half
a dozen pretty girls who are dressed
to represent white ponies and are driv
en by an equal number of girls dress
ed to represent cow-boy*, the effect Is
said to be one cf the most novel tha*
has been seen In a musical comedy.
At the Grand on Christmas Day, De
cember 25th.
The opportunity of teeing Ja>n*s K. 1
Itackett himself In “The Prisoner of
Benda" Is on# that undoubtedly will ;
be seised by every theater-goer when '
ha appear* at tbs Grand Opera House |
on Saturday. December 21th. Undoubt- |
adly the leading romantic actor of thl*
country Mr. Hackftt la endowed with )
a powerful musical mice, magnificent >
physique, and for years has been the'
Idol of the matinee fflrla of the north!
and northeast. No better romantic,
drama than "Tha Prisoner of Rends*,
haa ever been written, and when the*
play was revived In New York City rt- |
cently the critic* were unanimous In l
•eying that It was the beat work Jas. I
K. Itackett Ind (ever done.^
Alter Cases—
Especially Reduced
Financial conditions this year are such as to compel
economy in Christmas buying. This means that useful
gifts will be in demand.
Wo have excellent assortments of
Silk Handkerchiefs and Ties, in matched sets—
Silk Suspenders and Scarfs in matched Sets—
Smoking Jackets—Bath Rohes—Umbrellas—
Silk Mufflers—Neckwear—Kid Gloves—
Fancy Vests—Suits Cases—Bags—
Silk Half Hose—Initial Handkerchiefs—
It will be our pleasure to show you—yours to buy—
we hope. , ■ — ^
Benson Clothing Co.
We Invite Your Account
Hotel Marlborough
Broadway, 36th and 37th Sts., Herald Square, New York
Most Centrally Located Hotel on
Broadway. Only ten minutes walk
to 25 leading theatres. Completely
renovated and transformed in every
department. Up-to-date in all rc-
ipccts. Telephone in c::ch room.
Four Beautiful Dining Rooms
with Capacity of 1200.
The Famous
German Restaurant
cial Food Dishes and. Popular
Eoropein Plan. 400 Itsmi. 200 Batha.
R«t« for Rooms Jf .60 and upward. $2.00 and upward with hath. Parlor, Bedroom sad Bath
$3.00 and upward. $1.00 extra where two person* occupy * tingle room.
WRITE FOB BOOKLET.- - ■■ ■ -- ■ ■
E. M. TURNEY, V......
Of good fellowship and kindly I
feeling. Our cement will in
sure a share of yours toward
us. Like all our building ma
terials our cements are tho
best we can get. If you ex
pect to do any bnilding or im
proving have ua furnish tho
materials. Quidk deliveries
for those in a hurry.
457 Third St., MACON, GA.
M*k«t tha Liver Lively
Orino Laxative fYnlt 8ynip giro*
*’man*nt relief In <•**** «f habitus)
Mtatliwtfan as It rilmulatr* thr llv-
r and rr*tnr*« the natural kctl«n »f,
«e hAwr’a without Irr'Mtlng thrsr The beat to be HAD ar# thnna fra*n
mans Ukr pliU or "Mlnary rather- Albert McKay. Importer of man's
ca. Dog* not nauseate or grip* and I ctothr*. Cherry Bt.
»nlk! Mlfi rte««snt to tab* Rr.f — — F •
ember the name, Grin* an# refuxr i "Bade sf th* Switehbsapfi? Basks
'tales. H. J Mmir A C*. nrarj Diverts.
100 Proof, Double Stamp
We especially recommend this goods to
those that prefer a high proof goods equal
to bottled in bond goods at 25 per cent
higher prices. A trial order will prove the
quality. We guarantee satisfaction.
4 Full Quarts
8 Full Quarts
12 Full Quarts
Express prepaid to any point reached
by Southern Express Oo.
MID.f. & C P. LONG!
P. 0. Box 1050
Jacksonville, Fla. ?
National Bank.
Sts Sunday's Telegraph. I *