Newspaper Page Text
The Macon Daily Telegraph
DAILY, $7.00 A Y'£AF
Give Practical, Useful, Serviceable and Appreciated Gifts For Christmas
The Busy Big Store With the Christmas Spirit!
Offers a Distinct Advantage Over the Usual Stores to Shoppers for Gifts and Personal Wants
What’s the whole spirit of Christmas, anyway ? Isn’t it good feeling—generosity ? This store is run in fust that way, and for strictly business reasons. When we serve you well, we serve ourselves. If you come
here and are pleased, you come again. This Christmas season finds us with stocks of useful, appreciated merchandise of more generous proportions than ever before. Y’our generous patronage of last year prompted
us to gather it; and'your patronage this season already proves that serving you right meads serving you often.
At The Big Store You Shop in a Holiday Atmosphere Where Everything Has a Christmas Spirit About It
You are helped by willing hands. You have the service of every possible convenience that brains can evolve and money accomplish, to make your Christmas shopping a comfort and a real pleasure. You have the
service of the largest force of experienced help in Middle Georgia, and with skilled directors at the helm of every department. You can rely on being served promptly, correctly—yes, pleasantly and you are sure of
getting the very lowest prices pn the merchandise you buy.
A list from The
Busy Big Store
where stocks, are
larger and a saving
accrues to those
who have learned
from experience
that this is the
place to buy. Are
you one among the
fltote the sugges
tions for giving
Cut Glass
Suit Cases
•Trunks -
Silver Purses
Silk Scarfs
Smoking Jackets
Lounging Robes
Rugs »
Fancy Combs
Dress Goods
Photo Frames
Toilet Articles
Fancy Pieces
' Leather Purses
House Slippers
Evening Slippers
Etc., Etc.
Great Specials
This Week
Best new Kid
Gloves in Macon at
$1.00 pair.
$2.00 Long Silk
Gloves, all colors
at 95o pair.
$1.25 and $1.50
Short Kid Gloves,
odd lot, pair, 79c.
50c Elastic Belts,
with Leather trim
ming at only 25c.
50c and 75c Wool
Gloves, Women’s
sizes at 39c.
$4 finest French
Kid long Gloves at
—pair, $2.98.
Silver Novelties for Giv
ing—Great Variety
For this Christmas we are prepared with a
beautiful lino of popular filings In Sliver goods
and guarantee you a saving of 25 to 40 pericent
on Sterling and High Art Goods.
We beg to extend you a most cordial Invita
tion to visit our magnificent exhibition of EM
for artistic beauty and exclusive designs.
„ EMPIRE ART SILVER Is a high grade white
metal heavily silver plated and Is manufactured
by one of the most reputable makers In the
United States, am! the above trade mark Is a
guarantee of good workmanship, superior finish
and wearing qualities.
Wo will replace any article bearing this brand
which does not give entire satisfaction.
Onr Holiday line is one of the finest shown
In the city, and at prloo economies that will
surprise you.
Kome- of the exceptionally good values follow
and you’ll readily note how low price* are in
each Instance:
$ 1.50 Manicure Sets, 3 piece* In box for... $1.00
$ 4.00 Manicure Sets, 6 pieces In box for... .$2.50
$ 3.00 Manicure Sets. 3 piece* In box for... .$5.98
$ 6.00 Manicure Sets, 5 piece* In box for... .$3.98
$10.00 Manicure Set*. || piece* In box for....$7.50
$7.50 Comb, Brush and Mirror Set* for $5.00
$6.00 Comb. Brush and Mirror Set* for *4.50
$8.00 Comb. Brush and Mirror Sets for $5.98
* .1.1)0 Military Noty. r f f..r *450
$10.00 Military Set*, with C*6at Brush $7.50
$ 8.00 Military Sets, with Goat Brush $fc00
Shaving Sets. Coat Brushes. Baby'Comb and
Brush Sols, Powder and Pbff Boxes, etc., too nu
merous to list here, all go at saving figures.
Fine Extracts Low Priced
You will notice that the price I* lower than
asked elsewhere. These come In nice box, ready
for giving. .
$4.00 Roger & Gullet’* Ideal Extraot $3.50
$2.50 Roge r & Gallet’s Rose ,ideal Extracti.. .$2.98
$3.00 Lubin’s Sola Mia Extract for $2.69
$0.00 Lubln’s Bouquet Cruize Extract for ...$5.00
Roger & Gallet’s $1.00 Toilet Water* for 85c
Roger & Gallet’s *1.00 Extract* for only 89o
Richard Hudnut’s "Nnrclsse” Extract for ....$4.00
Richard Hudnut’s ’’Dubarry” Extract for ... .$3.25
Richard Hudnut’s “Myrtls” Extract for $3.25
Richard Hudnut’s Elaine Extract for only... .$1.00
Richard Hudnut’s Toilet Waters, all odors....75c
All the above In separate cartons, ready for
Cut Glass—Appreciated
A lovely collection of aiwayn desirable Cut
Glass. AH the piece* *n appropriate for wedding,
Christmas and other gifts.
The lot Includes beautiful Water Sets, Tum-
blers.Rose Bowls, Vanes, Pickle Dishes, Platters,
Vlnlgrettes, Almond Dishes, Puff Boxes, pitchers,
Decanters. Finger Bowls, Berry Dishes, etc., etc..
In great variety.
We have marked these good* fully £6 per cent
cheaper than same values command elsewhere,
and Invite you to buy here and now, and aave.
Sen t^o large line at your earliest convenience.
House and Evening Slip
pers fpr Xmas Gifts
Who wouldn’t appreciate a pair of
House Slippers for an Xmas gift. We
offer many special values this week; also
nobby things in Women’s Evening Slip
pers. Pay our Shoe department a visit
this week, and see how good the values
$4.50 Pumps, one-hole tie effort, ut $3A8
$4.50 Dull Kid Beaded ’’Adonis” $3.48
$4.00 Bright Kid "Theo*' Tie*, beaded $2^8
$2.00 Black. Red and Tsn. fur top “Juliette*”.$1.47
$1-50 Black. Red and Tan. fur top “Juliettes", ,93c
$2.60 Tan Kid, felt lined “Juliette*" $1.75
$£.60 Black and T«n "Nolllfler*" for $1.98
$1.7$ Black and Tan ’’Nulliners” for $1.37
I2.00 Black ‘Felt Nulllfler*" for $1.47
#2.25 Black arnfc Tan “Opera Slipper*'' $1.89
$1.50 Black and Tan “Opera Slipper*" 98c
And many other special* on sale.
Rugs of All Kinds
Who Wouldn't Appreciate One ?
Our Rug Section I* tilled with the *be*t things
that money can buy—bought In the usuaT way of
The Big Store—at* a less price for cosh than
accorded the-usual stores. Kome very special
things go on sale foj; the remaining days before
Xmas. The. following arc a few of the items:
Axminster Art Squares
Worth $30.00—$19.98
The very newest patterns for this season In
celebrated Smith's Axmlnster Rugs. Hx12 feet *ize,
Orlentlal efforts or floral designs, nil colors; very
special tomorrow at Nineteen Ninety-Eight.
Large Smyrna Rugs 89c
When you get some of these you’ve bought the
best Rug value ever sold in Macon. They’re
the 8(bcfi0-lnch size; $1.50 grade, ftQ_
special here at only \JS\*
Other Rug Bargains
Alexander Smith Axmlnster Rugs in
27x54-lnoh slxe; $3.00 kind;' our price
Alexander Smith Axmlnster Rug* In 18x36- Qfl
inch size; $1.39 kind, our price ...........
Alexander Spilth Axmlnster Rugs In C.Q
36x72--tnch size; $5 kind, our price ....
Alexander Smith Hall Runners in 8x12 7 Oft
feet size; $10.00 kind, our price f
Alexander.Smith Hall -Runners in 3X15 Q AO
feet size; $12,50 kind, our price v s
Alexander Smith Axmlnster Art Kquures 1 O Qfl
In 6x9 feet size; regular $16.50, our prlo ■
Alexander Smith Axmlnster Art Squares, in 8V4x
10t4 feet; regular price $26.00; 18.00
Alexander^Stnlth'Neppfffhrfn Art Squares In 2V4x
10% feet size; regular price $16.50; 12.98
Alexander Smith Ncpperlmn Art Squares In 9xt2
foet sizo; regular price $20.00; 1 C AQ
our price. 1
Alexander Smith Wilton Velvet Art Squares In
9x12 feet size; regular price $37.50; ...28.50
Alexander Smith Manor Art* Square* In 9x11 fed
size; regular price $15.00; 10.98
IC.50 Ingrain Art Squares, good designs, A AQ
9x9 feet; special sale at only
$7.50 Ingrain Art Squares, 9x10% feet size; A Qfl
our special price Is 7i/U
$.<.00 Ingrain Art Squares, 9x12 feet size; C CA
on special sole hero at J*J\J
Silver Chain Purses $2.69
60 very pretly choice Purses, good big size, worth
$3.50 to $4.00, go on sale tomorrow, O AQ
at each
Silver Card Cases 25c,50c
Two sales of good size neat designed Card Fuses
with Chain hundles, for this week at 25c and GQo
for choice.
Dolls—Large Stock
All Sizes, From Small to Large.
You can come here for Xmas Doll* with tho
confidence that you can do better thHn elsewhere.
A large variety on salo and a aavlng is guaran
Christmas Umbrellas
An elegant assortment of Gold ami Silver
Mounted Handle Goods for Xmas gifts, as well
a* persona) use. Some unusual value* await your
coming, read the following specials:
$1.50 Mounted Handle*,’ Gloria tops, 1 IQ
$4.00 Men’s and Women’s Mounted Han- 2 AA
dies. Gloria tops, at J %\J\J
$7.50 fine Silk covered with mounted han- C flfl
dies, for men and women J •\i\J
110.00 fine Umbrellas, prettiest mounted 7
bundles, finest Silk cover* I •J'J
And so on at $8.00, $10.00, $12.50. Come, see all.
Linens for Gifts
They make most acceptable gifts—tie* largest
line In Macon to select from, whether In Fancy
Linens or for dining room service, and you can
savo on every purchase.
Handsome collection of fine new' Damask and
Napkins, In swell mutch sets; the best selected
stock In the city; newest de*lgns, greatest values.
Prices for thn Damask $1.00 to $2.00 the yard.
72 to 90 Inches twlde.
The Napldns $1.60 to $7.$0 the dozen. I»ok at
these good* tomorrow.
Fancy Linen Pieces .
A fine lot of pretty .Fancy Linens in Mats,
Center Pierce, Table Covers-and Runners. Square
Piece* and Round Piece*, are here and priced
very much lower than elsewhere. They're In
Linen. Linene and Battenberg Lace effect; price*
run 2$e to $12.60. We want you to sec them.
Special sale tomorrow of value* to $1.75 in fancy
piece*; Mats. Runners, etc, efuny QQ-
and drawn effect* yQC
Sale of Handkerchiefs
Lots pf Bind value* on salo. hut the following
are so hnpftriant we can’t resist mentioning them.
12 fine Initial Handkerchiefs, in Xnias
box. worthI’JOc each; all for
12V4c quality Initial Hunketvhlefs,
all Initials^
3 fine Laoi\ .Handkerchiefs, with linen
center. In Xmas box
All. linen plain hemmed Handkerchiefs
for only
6 swell embroidered hem fine Linen Hand- 1 CA
kerchiefs, In Xma* box for I . JU
Lota' of other Handkerchief specials.
Silk Scarf Sale 98c
300 pretty S.-arfs. • worth $1.50, In Terslan and
Figured designs, long and silky, for day or
evening weir; many pretty patterns, Qfl
for choice ;..... 7UC
.. lOc
... 5c
Full 'line of all sizes in empty boxes for
Xmas presents; boxes in most any shape
wanted and covered with pretty design. Prices
10c up.
Trunks and Bags
Ifor family, friend or relative they ur«* always
wekflmo gift*. We’ve the largesU lino in middle
Georgia and'you will quickly see bow closely they
arc marked. iJome, see them thl* week.
Sale of Blankets and Com
forts Begins Tomorrow.
. ,89c
. r 98c
11.25 (’olton-'RIjinkcts, full size, w'hlte and
colored gpndr, with contrast borders, pair.
$1.60 heavy Clntton Blankets, larger slse,
.froirtUffi7**sdafl«m--purrhv<e, pair-*t*
#2.00 qualify heavy fancy Plaid Cotton
Blanket*, full size, u pair yply
$8.00 Atistniliun White Blankets, full
largo mid heavy quality, pair
$2.60 Infants’ Eiderdown Carriage
Robe* on sale' at. each
$1.25 Infants’ “Teddy Bpar” Blankets,
special thl* salo
$6.00 plaid nhinkels, wool goods, all
colors, neat. patterns, pair
2ti.00 bokvy large White Wool Blankets
with colored stripe borders, pair
20.50 Princess fine soft wool 11-4 Blan
ket*, very special ut pair
Fine Blankets All Reduc
ed OnevFourth, This Sale
<’holer of any fine Blanket In the house and s
great stock to select from all at one-fourth of
the regular price, which Is less than elsewhere
Note the big saving and come ace the goods:
21.26 Comforts, good quality and AQr
heavy cover for, each \js%*
$l.50 Comfort* special priced for 1 IQ
this salo I • I s
$2.00 Comfort* go on sale here tomor- 1 AQ
row at the special price 1 •*'
$3.00 Comfort*, good sattlno covers and 1 Qfl
cotton filler*, very *pecla!* at 1
$3.50 Comforts, selected cotton filler, O AQ
splendid sattlne covers, each ,x..77
$7.60 fine down and wool filled Comforts, £ Qfl
pretty patterns, sattlno and silk covers, at.-**
Stationery—Gift Boxes
Many pretty novelties In Olft'Box Stationery,
very attractively gotten up. Extra special at, tlm
hnxe. 49c. 69c, 08c. $1.49, $1.69 and 11.98.
$10.00 Cravenette Raincoats $2.98
Ladies, hero’s a bargain. They are In Oxford
gray and tan. all slse* and full length*; very
serviceable, rain or shine. Coat*. O Qfl
special at
$3.00 Bear Skin Coats $1.69
These are for children, nge H 1 to 6 years; warm,
nice coats of bear skin cloth, In white, brown,
red. navy, chnmpagne and gray; regular 1 40
$2.00 values, for only
Boys’ Department
Really I he best we ever sold at $2.49. Mad*
of all Wool Cheviots and Cnsslmerres, In gray,
brown, green, ote., mixture*, equal to many 18.60
Suit* In usual store*. All sixes, « to 17.
BOY8» KNEE SUIT8 $2.98 <
These are excellent values, made of all Wool
Cheviot* and Casslmeres. In best <*olor* and mix
ture*; all size* up to J7 year*. Cheap at #4.00.
Special Ht nbm'e price for 4 day*.
BOY8. KNEE SUIT8 $3.98
■ These are our famous “Strenuous’’ Suits for
hoys, oil sizes to 17 years—swell made Coat—two
One Knickerbocker and one straight regular $5
Fancy Suits, priced at al*ove low figurer.
Nobby “Derby" Cut Coats and stylish, full
made Pants; Suit* are in fancle* ami plain*, all
color*. Suits arc worth to $7.60, actual value.
Here They Go—Half Price and Less for All Trimm
ed Hats—Your Pick, as Follows: *
All the trimmed Hat*, without exception, to go at half and Ic»*. You may choose any you
»vl*h- from the pretty model*
{ 5.00 Hat* all go for choice ..
$.“ ‘ "
,00 Hat* all go for choir
110.00 Hat* all go for choice
$12.50 Hat* all go for choice
display and pay the small price* quoted below,
j $15.00 Hats nil go for choice $ 7.50
220.00 Hats all go for choice $ 9.98
240.00 Hat* Mil go for choice $14.98
$50.00 Huts all go for choice $19.98
ce $2.49
ro $3.98
ce ...j....$4.#8
ce $6.25
The Sale of Suits That
Caused the Big Rush
The Big Store’s gigantic purchase and sale of
Suit* ha* caused largo selling, great throng* filling
tfm suit sect Ion dally.
Muvon folk*, a* well ns those from throughout
the territory, are nstnnlahcd that such Suit* can
be H*cuicd for *o little money.
Many new arrival* go In the *sle till* week,
of which I ho following are a few. Come, see all:
$12.50 and $15 Tailored
Suits at Only $8.98
Every one a this season style and very attrac
tive, made of all wool Cheviot and mannish mix
tures, black and colors, regular value $12.50 and
$15.00, on *alo for $8.98, while lot lasts.
$18 and $20 Tailored
Suits at Only $14.98
neautlful Suits, Just arrived, made in fashion's
latest styles of hard finished worsteds. In colored
stripe dcHlgn*. Very attractive models to go on
special sale for tomorrow ill the above small
price. Get one of these suit*;
$16 arid $17.50 Tailored
Suits at Only $12.49
Elegant quality broodcloth. hard finished wor-
sleds and chovlot*. otc., $16.00 and $17.60 Suits,
new model*. \
Wo offer tho women folk of Macon and over
tho territory the*o dandy Suits tomorrow at the
economical prlco quoted above.
$50, $40, $35, $32.50
Suits at Only $22.49
Black* and colors, plain fabric* and fancle*,
Including velvots, cheviots, Venetians, panumuM,
wide wale serges and mixed patterned material*
of all kinds. Also satin costume*, all our finent,
worth up to $50.00, go In thl* *alo at the small
price for choice.
$25 and $30 Tailored
Suits at Only $19.98
These am the nobbiest lever at $26.00 and
$30.00. The leading coat and skirt styles. Tho
newest materials; tho best made; the popukir
colors and black. All reduced a* above In tho
big sale lo sturt tomorrow.
They Are Selling Fast—
Cloak and Fur Pieces
Cut Deeply
The very newest, and moat styllnh Cloaks for
woman and child are to go on saje at the fol
lowing extremely low price*:
$C.OO Women’* and children’* Cloaks 2 7C
to go In thl* big snlc at * J
I8.00 Women’s Hiid Children’s Clonks C Qfl
to go In thin big sal" at
IJO.OO Women’* and Children’s Cloaks 7 AQ
to go In this big sale ut / .7 ✓
112.60 Women’* fine Cloak* to go ft Qo
In thl* big sale at ,U./0
$U.OO Women’s lino Cloaks to I 9 AQ
go In this big salo at IZ..7/
$20.00 Women'* fine Cloaks to go In 1 A Qfl
this big sale ut
$25.00 Women’s lino Cloaks to go | ft Qfl
In this big aale nt IU.7U
$20.00 Women’s fin* Cloaks to go OO AQ
In this big sale at £4..7 7
Furs Reduced
The lowest prices yet quoted In December, get
yours tnmorrbw.
21.50 Fur Neck Scarfs for only 98e
22.0O Fur Neck Scarfs for only $1.49
13.00 Fur Neck Scnrfa for only $2.25
$4.00 Fur Neck Scurf* for only *82.98
$5.00 Sets And Scarfs for only $3.V5
21.00 Sets and Scarfs for only $5.98
110.00 Sets and Scarf* for only $7.49
$12.60 Sets and Scarfs for only $9.38
$16.00 Sets and Scarfs for only $11.25
$20.00 Sot* and Scarf* for only $14.98
$26.00 Set* and Scarf* for only .....$18.98
Silk Hosiery
You never bought better values, If as good as
those offered below for this w"*k:
First Item— $1.26 Black Silk lloae. with flQ
Hale toe and heel nt the pair U XL
Second Item—$*.00 fine black and brown Sill:
Hose, all sixes, special 1 AQ
at pair 1 7
Every Item Listed Here
is Amazing. Some of
the Biggest Bargains
of the Year
IlftlO Silk Rubberized Coats
naln this week
$4.00 Plaid Waist* of flno
wool for
$1.00 D. C. Corsets, with or, with
out supporter*
70c D.‘t\ Corset*, splendid wearer*.
mivcrul style*
$2.00 0. B. Corsets, odd lot to
$5j50 Children's Sweater go for
$4.0o\Lnriio*’ Sweater* go for
only '.
f'tfc GutW Shirt Waist on
"id#’at .i/.
*5v Madras Waists, new «ty!c*.
very serviceable
$1.60 Bine k LuWerbloom Petticoat*
on snlc at
$2.r,n Net Wnlat*. ecru and white,
24.00 Tn"ftr'ta Klllt Vvilat*, black and
colors, special
Ifi.OO Taffota Silk Wafst*. many
atylci, nil now
78c Outing Klmonoa, good patterns
and colors
#3.00 Wool Tflinlao Whists,
special at
86c Near Silk Shawls, apodal
•it only «...
7fic Outing Gown*, women’s size*,
this sale only
11.00 Women * Ve*t* or Drawers
go In till* *ale
36c Children’s Vrgts and Drawers’.
at, garment
50v Women’s Vests and Drawer*
si, garment:
$1.00 Women's Wool Union SuUa*
for only
,7$c Children's Union Suit* go
on Hale at only
$1.00 Children’s Union Suita go
on aale ut only
.. 39c
' ,75c
.. 19c
$12.50 and $10 Skirts
’In this lot you'll find crispy voile* and chiffon
pnnanms, In black, brown and navy; over thirty
styles to nelect from; not nn old oklrt In the
lot; none out of date; all HtyllMh and attractive;
$10.00 and $12.60 skirts and $7.98 get* th^plc*.
$5 Taffeta Silk Petti
coats $2.98
Splendid quality Underskirt* In hlnck and col
ors, made of good Taffeta Silk, rraulnr value
everywhere ,l« #5.00, special tomorruvr TWO
15.00 Taffeta Silk
Dresses 8.98
New style Dressc* of good taffeta *Uk. In bent
colors; dresses made with long sleeves and worth
$16,00 regular, go on salo at the nmali figures
above for choice.
25.00 Satin Dresses
Dresses are made new "Dlrectolre’' adaptation*
of prettiest soft satin* and cheap nt 125.00. twit
they go on sale Monday at, each FIFTEEN NINE*;
7.50 Long Silk Kimonos
Hiwl.l for till, •»!» only—ahnut twmiy lone
.Tap Alik Kimono., mart. In amr.ral n«urwi
dc.lann, very «p«lal-»S.#8 for >7.4" quality.
Child’s Fur Sets 98c
Tiieae are regular 11.60 quality 'Muff and Ne«:k
pteoe to match,'for tha little Minw*. «ott
white Furs, extta specially low' prloed. .. 7 VV