Newspaper Page Text
CLISBY AfJONEfl, Pmpbietors.
Sty not to-morrow, for to-morrow’* *nn
hfay never gild the hippy eastern sky;
And it may be that ere to-day U done,
Loved one* shall weep, aha sadly watch
thee die.
Say not to-morrow, for thou can’st not
The day thine own; rather perform to
The duty of today; for what will all
Thy promises avail, if thou away
From earth tonight should'at pas* ? Think
then no more
Of a to-morrow, for the day belongs to
Live thou within the present, and explore
The path of present duty, till the sod
Shall cover thy still form, - and thy freed
Shall seek His face who gave It unto
There to forever dwell while endless ages
Where no to-morrow comes, but all’s
eternity.—Waverty Magazine.
A Good Mery for Boy* wad 4Mrle-
One wintry day little Mina arose In the
morning and found that her mother was
not up.
This was strange, for the sun waa high
and his beams fell aslant through the high
garret window upon the bare floor. The
stove was cold and the coffee pot stood
empty oJrtho shelf. Mina laughed at the
thought that she bad waked before her
mother. She slipped on her blue woolen
dress, her large cheated apron, her knitted
stockiugs aud her thick shoes; and having
washed her face aud braided her hair in
two tight little pigtails, crept around to
her mother’s bed,'intending to kiss her
awake. Bnt her mother’s eyes were tvide
open, her cheeks were red, and her hair
was tess-d about on the pillows.
“Oh, my child,” she cried, as she saw
her little girl, “what shall we do now ?
I am ill. I hare a fever of some sort.
My head is as heavy as if it was made ot
lead. I am not even able to rise much
less go about my work. Wo shall starve
together, you and I, poor unhappy widow
aud orphan that wo are.”
“Oh, no, mother,” said Miua. “We
need uot starve. X can make the coffee,
and go and buy tbo bread and sau
“Child,child!” cried the mother, “very
soon there will be no money to buy any
thing. I have felt myaelt breaking down
for a week. I have no hope now. 4
must send lor the doctor, and when he
fit ds l am not able to pay him he will
& nd nc to the bo»f>'tal. You, poor little,
soul, you will soon be motherless as well
as fatherless.” »
The poor woman lild her face in the pil
low. Mina wept. Tears ran down her
cheeks; but she soon went to the stove
aud kindled a lire, and made the coffee,
as she had seen her mother do it.
“The coffee will do you good, mother,”
she said. But the poor sick mother was
too feverish to taste it.
Then, indeed, Mina felt that everything
was wrong.
“Christmas time! Christmas time I”
repealed the poor woman, talking more to
herself than to her child; “and Christmas
used to be so happy."
At this, Miua ereptcloserto her mother's
bed. Yes; in two days Christmas would
come. She had looked forward to it so.
She had hoped that she would And in her
stocking a wax doll with blue eyes, and
a candy basket full of sugar plums, at
least; but site should not care for them if
her poor mother were so sick.
“Child, go to the old doctor,” said the
mother. “Go tell lilm to come quickly!
I must be made well If be can doit 1 Go!
Go I”
Mina put on her hood and ran away.
The good old Garman doctor came back
with her, and felt his poor countrywo
man’s pulse, and wrote a prescription, and
C ut little Mina on the head, and bade
cake care of her mother. But the
child took nearly all the small purse
contained to pay for the powders he had
ordered, and though she watched by her
mother’s bed all day, the mother crew
Worse. She lay tossing to and fro,talking
of the past.
“It was Christinas time when I ran away
with your father,” she said with the quick
speech of fever. “My father did not like
him, nor my mother either; so we ran
away and werj married. Wo came to this
country in a great ship. We were very
happy uutil he died. Miua, do you re
member how cood he was to us last
Christmas? Alt, only for you, only for
leaving yon, my little girl, it would seem
best for me that I am going to him.”
“Christmas 1 Ob, in Germany, at home
in Germany, we always had a Christmas
tree, and we sat together in the parlor and
the window lifted aud St. Nicholas came
in. He gave us toys and gifts of all sorts.
We were glad and yet frightened. Our
wooden shoes were set in a row on the
hearth at night. In each we found some
gilt. Such a supper! dancing! music!”
“I wonder whether my old father is
dead; whether my old mother lives;
whether they forgive me?”
She wept, but Tittle Mina sat thinking.
She thought of Santa Claus—old St. Nich
olas, the good Christmas friend of all
good children—he would come down the
chimney, or in at the window, with any
gift he pleased. Surely, it he was so good
to her mother when she was a little girl,
ho would remember her now that she was
sick. But how was ho to know? He
could, if he pleated, givo her mother plen
ty of money. Of that she felt certain.
But how was one to And him?
“Mother,” she said,“where does Santa
Claus live?” fj* {p. ' ,
The poor mother was fast, growing de
lirious. _ *2
“What did you ask?” she said, dreami
ly, “Where he lives? Oh, 1 do not
“But he could do anything, give any
thing he chose?” asked Mina. ’ '' '
■“Yes,” said the feverish woman, “yes—
yes; teU him to givo mo lee—nice, cold,
glittering iee—to cool my head—ice,
“Oh, I will get you some lee, mother,”
said Miua. “I will go to the grocer’s and
, *.. * 7,. * ■ ...
She took a bowl from the' closet and a
penny from the old parse, and ran out of
the room, shutting the door softly behind
There was a grocery in the lower part
of the house, and the went into it aod up
to the counter. A rosy-faced Dutch
buy cave her .the Ice, and he looked
so good-natured that she asked him a
“Do you too# where Santa Clans
lives?” said.
The boy scratched his baad.
“Yes— be libs In Germany,” be said.
Mina’s heart leaped.
“Biddy—little Biddy Flynn,” the called
to a child passing the door, “will you take
this bowl of ice up to my mother, and
f ve her some, and stay by her until
come back. Ill only be gone a few mo
Good-natured little Biddy took the bowl
and ran up-stairs, and Miua rau down the
s'.-eel» that she knew led to the river, as
fast as her feet could carry her. She had
two cents in her pocket, and thought that
would pay her Are.
A sail lor was standing near sfhiK stand.
Mina looked up into bts round, brown face
with confidence
“Mr. Sailor,” she said, “will yon tell
me which of those ships goes to Ger
“Why, that one yonder, my little Ism,”
pointing to one over which the German
flag floated. But Mina thought he meaut
the little ferryboat that ran to Weehaw-
“Thank you,” she said, and flew away
A bell waa ringing, the liurricd past the
ferry-house, dropping her two cents into
the band of the ferry-master, aud the boat
was off the next moment.
It did not take loDg to cross the river,
and Mina went on shore and looked about.
A great, good natured looking man sat
smoking bis pipe at the door of a shoe
maker’s shop.
Mina went up to him and said softly:
“Please, sir, will you tell me where Mr.
bants Claus lives?”
“Mr. Santa Claus?” said the man, in
broken English. “Veil, I do not know-
does he keep show or work at a trade?
You tell mo vot he Is, den maybe I re
member him.”
“Don’t you know; I thought every one
knew Mr. Santa Claus,” said Mins. “He
—he makes toys for little children.”
“So,” said the German. “So. Yas. I
know. Go np die street and along to the
next corner, den you see a little gate. Be
hind dat you find de mau dot makes toys
for de children.”
Mina said that she was much obliged,
She felt that people were amiable In
Gennanv, and her hopes rose high. She
followed her old German’s direction aad
soon came to a high fence. Thera was a
gale in it. She lilted the latch and opeued
it, and before her was a low brown bouse.
Slowly she crept up to the window. Yes,
yes, she had found Santa Claus at last.
There, before the fire, sat a little fat man,
with white hair and rosy cheeks, hard at
work with afurninglathe. Anold woman,
as rosy as be was, was gluing pieces of
wood together with a brush—toy chairs,
tables, bedsteads, wagons, milk-maids,
jointed dolls; and at a table sat four little
girls painting away at the fiuisbed toys
with the brightest colon. Ob! this was
delightful, and Santa Claus and his wife
looked so kind
Mina knocked at the door. Some one
cried, “Herein,” and she entered.
She stood at the threshold and dropped
the little courtesy her mother had taught
her, and said:
“Please, Mr. Santa Claus, I want to
speak to you particularly. It is about
“So 1 ” said the old gentleman—and
truly lie was a German—rising. “But
what did you call me, little one ? ”
“Mr. Santa Clans,” said Mina. “I’ve
been looking for you all day, and poor
mother Is so sick. That Is why I want to
see you. You used to couie in at the win
dow on Christmas eve when she lived in
Germany, and you always put something
in her shoe, and now she cannot earn
money because she is sick. I want you
to come down the chimney and put
enough money in her stocking to last un
til she is well, for father is dead, and we
have nobody who cares for us. And you,
oli! you are so good, always going over
the roofs on Christmas eve, and giving
presents to everybody.”
“The child thinks you are Santa Claus,”
whispered the old German woman in her
husband’s ear. “Oh, how like she is to
our little Mina, do you not see?”
“Do you speak German, child?” said
the old inan.
“Yes,” said Mina, “it is my mother’s
language. Yes, I speak it very well.”
“And what is your name?” asked the
old gentleman.
“Mina Hoffman, Mr. Santa Claus, If
you please,” replied Mina.
The old woman caught her husband’s
“Be quiet, be quiet," whispered the old
man. “It is a common name.”
“And how did you think of coming
here, my little maideu ?”
“Because you were so good,” said
Miua. “To-day mother cried and told me
how pleasant It used to be Germany; and
oli, Mr. Santa Claus, you must know
where her father and mother arc. She
said she ran away from them; and I know
she thought It was very naughty—only
what could she do If they wouldn’t let
father come In?”
“Hans, Hans, it Is our daughter?’ cried
the old woman. “What was the name of
your mother’s father?”
“It was Ausen, Mrs. Santa Claus,” said
The old lady began to cry. She caught
the child in her arms and kissed her
“Ob,‘good Mrs. Santa Claus, you will
ask Mr. Santa Claus to help mother, won’t
you?”pleaded Mina.
But uow the old couple took her by the
hands and led her away to an inner room,
where the old lady rummaged in the draw
er of a little bureau and brought out sn
old-fashioned daguerreotype.
“See, child,"she said. “Docs this look
like anyono you know?”
“It looks like mother,” cried Mina, on
ly—only not so old.”
“It is enough,” said the old gentleman.
“Child.God has sent you. I am not Santa
Clans, I am only an old toy-maker, work
ing here in Weebawken—in a strange
country to which I catno from my father-
land. But my dear, I am your grand
father, aud this Is your grand-mother. We
came to America to look for our daughter
when we beard she was a widow, but we
could not find her. Now wo are going to
go and take care of her. Wo will go with
you. And again I say, God gent you.”
So in a few moments Mina and her
grand-parents were on their way across
tliefeny. ‘
It was late in the afternoon when they
climbed the stairs of the tenement house.
Then the old people waited outside in the
entry, and Mina went -into the poor, half'
furnished room and found little Biddie
Flynn still waiting patiently.
“What happened ye, Mina?” she
asked. “The mother has been fretting for
“Oh! my child! I am neatly frightened
to death!” sobbed the poor woman.
“Mother!” cried Mina. “01i, mother!
][ went to Germany to find Santa Claus—
for we never needed him so mueb. But
it was not Germany, and I did uot find
him; but—oh, mother—I found grand
father and grandmother!”
“Mother! Father!” cried the poor wo
man; and the next instant they rushed in
and had her in their arms.
So Mina liad a merry Christinas alter
all; and you may he sure that her mother
got well, and that Santa Claus drd not
foiget her.
imgB pba£
IS Becomes s ssetUsc Voleaaa—A
Rival ot VoMvtas.
The probability of a volcano existing in
the itocky Mountains, says the Colorado
Springs Gazelle, has never entered the
minds of our citizens. Conclusive evi
dence that such a thing does exist, and not
far from this place, has recently been fur
nished by Sergt. O'Keefe, of the signal ser
vice—a distant relative of Mr. Joseph Mnl-
hattoD, df Louisville. Nearly every one
has seen or read of the crater, which is lo
cated near the summit and just west of
the peak. It has always keen conceded
by the scientists that this crater had, in
times gone by, been the scene of a terrible
eruption, as particles of lava bad been
discovered in the crevices of the rock ad
joining it. Those who have investigated
more closely have affirmed that there are
plenty of evidences to show plainly that
the Pike's Peak crater has in its centre a Southwwt Georgia Agricultural Col'
circular or cup-like opening,through which lnwa.
lava has been emitted. On the night of • , ' ■
October 20, the crater first displsyeffslgns Eilton Telegraph and Messenger• The
of volcanic activity. Sergeant O’Keeie cxsrdse* of the fall term of this noble in-
was aroused from hi* slumbers by a drea- nivht with a brilliant
IT, doleful innn ^. which apparently ema- exhibition at Powell s Hall. The indem-
Sted from beneath the sig£il station. He «t weather of the day and the dark agd
first thought it was an earthquake, but threatening aspect of the night hindered
this Impression was dUpalled by the fact some from attending. But not withal and-
thatthe sound tUll continued without ingtte unfavorable clrcuraataMee. a good
any signs of a jar. O’Keefe concluded to jndlence was present, composed of the in-
invesUgate, and be and his assistant start- character of the city of
ed oat in search of the cause. They had Cuthbert,and all felt well paid for the
barely started when a bright flash, at first , ve “ l . u _ r8 0Ut J n * uc ^ * night. • ‘ j
thought to be lightning, Illuminated the Tbeexeidsm consisted of prize declmf
summit of the peak. It was of only a sec- nutjon by a class of nine selected apart*
ond’s duration; and the peak was again «rs from the primary department and HP
clothed In darkness. From this time on teen from the higher classes. By unanU.
the sound heretofore described seemed to nioas consent of the andienee tbe decla-
decrease, until the usual quiet of the sol- nation was highly creditable throughout,
emu mountain peak was again restored. ‘ *P d »«gte ,* *>«»tej; instance#, dia-
The following aay O’Keefe visited the P'*J ed elocutionary taleuts and training
crater. What was his surprise to discover of a distinguished order,
vapor curling up from the inclosure. Af- J The primaries were adjudged by the
ter two boura’climbing he arrived within committee of award, to be represented oa
about two hundred yards of the crater llie occasion by ^ two little. men of equal
chimney. The heat, even at this dts-. ■»•«» equal prizes were awarded to
lance, was very oppressive, and the ground ¥f* t S ra .® u ? en 5 "I® 1 and Georee Cooper,
about him was covered with pulverized ! The first prize for the higher classes was
ashes and lava, which had been emitted Justly bestowed on Mr. Charley Jones and
from the volcano. The snow, for the dis-. the second on Mr. Wallace Tison.
tance of half a mile from the crater, had AOe/ the performances of the studcn'B
entirely disappeared. This was all the 1 were completed, Judge John T. Clarke,
more remarkable, as it had upon the pre- j President of the Trustees, was called on
vlou* day been several feet In depth. 1 10 deliver some special pr'zre, presented
Since then but one eruption has occurred, and awarded by MissSallie Reynolds, the
and that was on the night of November \ faithful and accomplished principal or the
7, when another one, more violent, oc- j primary department, to certain of her pupils
curred. Sergeant O’Keefe happened to | w hp had distlsguiabed themselves on an
be up on the roof of the signal station on J occasion* Master Lavrrence John*
this occasion, and he portrays the j ® 01 * 1 f9 n the prize at the geographical bee,
majesty of the scene as the grandest that ■ and ^5*te r Charley Owen was distln-
he 'ever witnessed, not excepting that! Rubbed by a pretty prize, as the victor in
of Vesuvius, seen by him In 1862. i tbe spelling boa. Master Lawrence Com.
The eruption began with a tremendous er, for the highest merit in punctuality
burst, which shook Fike’s Peak tons very i * nd regularity of attention to duty
foundation, hurling into the air dense throughout tbe form, received a gold del-
clouds or ashes and lava. These exnlo- ' ** r * Mr- Robert Ward had won the prize
slons succeeded each other with rapidity j ** tha best speller in the collegiate d#-
and increased violence foraboutone hour, . psrtment, and was presented with a
when they suddenly stopped. It U evi-j handsome copy of Shalupeare. t ’SP:
dent that the eruption has jus’, begun, and i ® r * A* L. Hamilton, In appropriate
should It continue for any length of time •W®* delivered the prizes to the succeas-
there is no doubt that Colorado Springs fu {competitors in declamation,
will meet the ssme fste which destroyed 1 1 5* college is In a very flourishing and
the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. | hopeful condition. Notwithstanding the
The flow of lava has already extended a ° f one of tbe handsome collage
distance of three miles from tbe mouth of buildings by fire the professors and sta
Who i« K«t in Need of a Pension,
Grant or Hayee 7
From Um following, which we find in
the Ghicago Tribune, it will be seen that
the retiring President of the United States
is much more worthy of a pension from
the government than his predecessor;
When a pressure wee made upon Mr.
Hayes five yean ago to make the race for
Governor in his State be was at first
very positive In his refusal to be a candi
date. Tbe reason for his disinclination to
re-enter public lift at that time wae due to
the conviction that it wae his first duty to
attend to hi* own private affeire. He aud
his ancle had engaged In certain real es
tate transactions, and the depreciation in
the value of of property after the panic
bad seriously embarrassed him. This em
barrassment wee increased by the death
of his undo,who bequeathed to Mr. Hayes
the entire burden of their joint indebted-
, aud ih addition thereto the duty of
paying off a large number of cash be
quests, amounting In all to about $811,000.
This was a bard load to carry. Neverthe
less, Mr. Hayes finally yielded to tbe im
portunities of the party managers in Ohio,
and consented to run for Governor
Anon, Harder and Lynching,
Msurma, December Si A special
from Tupelo, Mias., a station on the Mo
bile and Ohio railroad, gives Um follow
ing account of a most horrible crime com
mitted In the northern portion of Monroe
county, Mississippi, last Saturday night.
Tbe details are as follows: Brown Rid
ing, whose family consisted of his wife
snd a daughter two years old,ou Saturday
night permitted two men, riving the
a*me of Miller, to occupy a bed In the
seme room with tbe family, it being the
only room in which there was a fireplace.
About 11 o’clock flames from the little
eottage attracted the neighbors, who
found the bouse so far consumed that noth
ing could be done to save it. It was thought
that the family had absented themselves
for the night, but the charred remains of
tbe trio were found in the debris. Inves
tigation developed tbe above facta, and a
search was at once made for the men. It
was found that they had separated—one
going towards Aberdeen and the other in
tbe direction of Tupelo.
Tbe posse that went toward Aberdeen
were successful in finding tho man bidden
In a field six miles from the place. He
„„„ was returned to the seene where he related
upon the representation that he was the following story:
the crater, and only two eruptions have
taken place.
dents have all stood fritl)fully at their
posts, and excellent educational work has
been regularly going on. Based upon
a well considered foundation, and tbo
pride and pet of our intcll’gent and influ
ential section, this institution can and
Morgan’s , will grow and flourish for long years to
Hr. Morgan's Speech.
Washington, December 22.—The fol
lowing is an abstract of Mr. Moigan’s ; „ „
remarks in the Senate on the electoral' coined despite the opposition of* the nar-
count resolution: . | row-minded and the torch of the incen-
Mr. Morgan pointed to the obscurity in diary,
the language of the constitution on this j The excellent corps of teachers will all
subject, and cited tbe well-known legal be In place ready to resume duty on the
principle that In the absence of definite 3d day of January, and there is every pros-
wording a legal instrument must bo in- pect of a full attendance. Provided with
terpreted in the light of the purpose for a valuable apparatus for illustrating scl-
wlilch it was formulated. Upon this prin- j enca and handsome military equipments,
clple he based Ids argument that, since with the first-class faculty and splendid
the election of President and Vice Presi- | locality, the highest hopes are entertained
dent is by electors, tho President of the j for tho future of this institution.
Senate is not entitled to count the rotes.
There was a purpose In separating
the functions of the president of the Sen
ate from that of the other actors in the
matter. He Is directed to open the votes
—not to count them. After lie opens
them, “they shall then be counted.” The
framers of the constitution were well ca-
Cuthbert, Dec. 21, 1880.
Texas, Santa To ana Northern Rail
Santa Fe, N. M., December 22 The
, Texaj, Santa Fe aud Northern Railroad,
pable of expressing themselves gremmati- i recently chartered under the laws of
cally. If they bad intended that the j New Mexico with a capital of twelve
president of the Senate should count the million dollars, elected yesterday Charles
votes, they would have used the words J. Lowry, of New York, president; Ber-
“he shall open and count the votes”—not I nsrd Seligman, vice president; Charles H.
“he shall open the votes and they shall Gildenlceve secretary and LebeOWagpeK
then be counted.” I gelberg treasurer, and pasaed'ioMBtiona'
The counting of votes by any one man , to contract at once for the San Juandl dl
ls contrary to our governmental theory, i vision, so as to have an immediate con-
The president of the Senate may not be 1 nectiou with tbe Denver and Rio Grande
the Vice President. In such case a Sena- i railroad for the transfer of freight and pas
tor from one State had the power, enjoyed . sengers.
by none of his peets, to decide an election, j The new road proceeds from Santa Fe
since he can accept or reject whatever j northward to Salt Lake City, by the val-
votes he chooses. I leys of Cbama and San Juan, and south-
In another view of the case, the Senate i ward through Bonanza City, the coal fields
could elect the President of the United ; of the Pecos Valley and Texas to the Gulf
States by electing a presiding officer to do i atCorpus Christ!,with a branch to Colorado
their will, and thwart the desire of the ’ east of Ratoon Pass, and one to Albuquer-
Hoose. que. The road will be narrow-gauge,
Such things were not likely to happen,! and will connect with the Texas narrow-
but oue-mau power is an enemy and alien • gauge, now building towards Presidio del
to our system of government. Mr. Morgan No:
regarded the hitherto prevalent practice of
having the vote counted by tellers as
showing that the- Vice President was not
regarded as having tbe power to count tbe
He gave tbe history of the twenty-
second joint rule adopted in 1805, by
which no vote could be received or re-
JUrioo Disaster.
Quebec, December 22.—Part of the
crew of the hark Bristolian, wrecked at
An(iC0ttl, November 23d, arrived here last
night, after having endured terrible liard-
ships. The bark encountered a heavy
lecied exceot bv tiie'concmrenTvote of the * 8* ,e on tho ^ ratin W> wlth MTere 001(1
two housM I weather, which' froze the spray on the
the Senate in 1870 because tho House was j j *°Tba*vea*el ^thim 'bfPimTnif
Democratic aud any disagreement would 1JJlVL
have thrown the election into the Demo- "Am^in 11
cratic House. The Republicans originated ; ft* ^
*■».»«—«. •*> w- fcsr xjts tr’s.-.s
from cold and exposure, and aftera night
tacitly renouncing the right o( the Vice-
President to eount tbe votes. Tbe pres
ent Republican opposition to Mr. Morgan’s
resolution was due to the reluctance of
the Republicans to give up tbe val
uable power which it may be convenient
for them to wield four year* from now.
Mr. Morgan thought that the difficul
ties attending an arrangement to count
the vole by the two houses were not form
idable when once It was decided that the
Vice President has not tbe power to count
it. He, hi common with Mr. Lincoln and
eminent constitutional lawyers, thought
the President bad no right to take part in
any legislation which might affect
his own tenure of office. The count
should therefore bo regulated by joint res
olution, not by bill, to be approved or ve
toed by the President. The two' houses
assembled together constituted a supreme
tribunal, representing the people and re
sponsible to them. If this assembly is
of terrible suffering the survivors finally
managed to launch a boat, and reached
laud; but before they could find shelter
another man died from exhaustion. The
remainder walked five or six miles to a
bouse, which they readied fn a badly
frozen condition. Four of them are still
unable to be moved.
far* Bernhardt in Montreal. v ,
1 Montreal December 23.—Bara Bern
hardt will arrive here this afternoon and
a special train will meet her at St. Al
bans. The police sommiaslohers will
meet this afternoon to consider a way to
prevent Sara from playing on Christmas
night, but tbe city attorney, in answer to
the question, “Have we power to close the
theatres on-Christmas day?” says: “We
cannot go farther than the charter of tbe
city directs. This gives tlie' power to
unable to ascertain that an election nas eoundl of protecting the LoifiV Jay from
been affected by tbe electoral vote, the ! violation, but nothing more.” It is quiet-
constitutional power of the House of Rep- ly whispered that some of the aldermen
resentatives to elect a President at once
becomes perfect.
who have made tbegrealest outcry against
Mile Bernhardt have tickets in their pock
ets, purchased with tbe intention of seeing
her play. The Roman Catholic, Episco-
Dreadfol Railroad Accident pal and Methodist pulpits in Montreal
CuiW.oTTK, N. C., December 22.—A have already denounced the actress, so
fearful accident occurred on tbe Charlotte ) that her coming is duly heralded.
Railroad three miles beyond Lincoln-
tonal 4 o’dock this evening. The entire
passenger train, ercepl the engine (which
passed over safely), went through a trestle
Beating the Gambler^
Jacksonville, December 2^.—Quite
an excitement was created this morning
which at this point is fifty feet high. Full. at Baldwin Station, twenty miles from
particulars caunot be learned yet, but it is this city, at tbe crossing of tlie Central
definitely known that Mail Agent David >n( j yiorida railroads, by the appearance
Bloom and a passenger named James W. O noo men, principally from Valdosta,
Godson were disabled by the accident and Ga., and Lake City, Fla., all well armed,
subsequently burned up by tue flames . at once proceeded to .seize four of a
which communicated, it is supposed, from , gang of gamblers who Infest that place,
a coal stove used on the road to the snat- 1 These swindlers had victimized four or
tered and splintered cars, which were fiT# Mends of the party, taking over *1,-
piled one upon another in the chasm. Con-, qoo. The gambler* at first resisted, and
ductor Captain Harris Johnson escaped < one 0 f them received pretty rough hand-
with slight injuries.. There were very few ]| ng . Than they surrendered, refunded
passengers on the train, snJ Jt Is not ^ money, and paid all expenses in
clined by the raiding party. Tbe gam
blers were notified to leave tbe place. Tbe
raiders went across the county line to
avoid arreat, and tbe discomfited gam-
knoWn that any one else was killed.
Fire at Bamberr, B. 0.
Cnvui.ESTOsr, December22.—A serious ., - t, ... ,, -....
fire occurred at Bamberg, a small station biers came to this city to consult counsel,
on the South Carolina railroad, Monday j ■■■ ■ ■ «■» ■ ”
night. It originated In the bar and grocery ; N*W Tin BteOk llfllt.
of E. Hentz, which were totally destroy- New Yoke, 11 A. h., Dec. 22.—The
ed. Loss, 2,500; insurance, $2^200. Other gtock market was Irregular at the opening,
losses arc sustained by N. N. Falk, on and in the early dealings tbe general list
stock, $1,000; no insurance. J/ D. Cope- haram* weak prices declined f to 1 j
laod, store and house, $1,500; Insurance, pg r cent, the latter In Canada Southern,
$1,000. J. S. Bamberg, two stores, $4,000;
fully insured. C. C. Ouley, house, $2,000;
insurance, $1,300. E. H. Browning, house,
$500; no Insurance. Dr. J. P. Oli, house,
$300; Insured. Tbe cause of the fire Is
tbe other changes being merely fractional.
Western Union was exceptionally strong
and advanced 1} per cent. Rock Island
waa also strong and advanced 1|percent,
while Chicago aad Alton sold up 1 per
the only man at that critical time
with whom tbe Republicans could confi
dently hope to carry the State. He ac
cepted the nomination at some personal
sacrifice, snd was elected. The brillian
cy and importance of this triumph pre
pared tbe way for bit nomination and
election at President of tbe United States.
His private affairs were still neglected,
snd it was evident that be would have but
little time to devote to them during the
ensuing fonr years. It was this outlook
which prompted him to fund his indebt
edness, and he made a loan of $100,000
upon terms that would .relieve him from
annoyance during his terra of office. He
entered upon a position to which a salary
of $50,000 a year is attaobed, and during
a term of nearly four yean be has paid
off about $75,000 of hi* personal indebted
ness. This represents the sura total of
his savings, and during tbe same period
tbe White House account# are said to
show an expenditure, of about$30,000
more out of the President’s private purse
than was paid out as a rule from the sal
aries ot iiis predecessors.
The above reflects credit upon Mr.
Hayes, and shows him far more worthy of
public help than General Grant, who
spent his substance in voyaging around
the world, and has already been the re
cipient of numerous substantial tokens on
the part of his admirers. But why give a
dime more oi the people’s money to ei
ther of them? .
Fuss in tho House of Representa
The House, as a pugilistic ring, a cock
pit, or a scene for pot-house brawls and
grog-shop affrays, i» not a success. Its
quarrels do not take tlie tragic. dignity of
a drunken affray, which is generally en
livened (or deadened) by pistol shots and
stabs. The affair in the House between
Wesver, of Iowa, and Sparks, of Illinois,
which consumed the morning session yes
terday, is thus described iu the telegrams
of Wednesday:
Mr. Weaver made a bumetous speech,
arraigning the Democratic party for in
consistency on financial question#,
aud tbe discussion soon drifted into a
noisy and irregular dispute as to which
party was responsible for tbe demonetiza
tion of silver, and which party should
havo credit .for its remonetization. A'
personal controversy soon aprang up be
tween Mr. Sparks and Mr. Weaver as to
the latter’s veracity.
Mr. Weaver declared that no one could
Insult him Intentionally by taqtttog a
falsehood to him without feeling the force
of his (Weaver’s) right arm. [Laughter
and uproar.]
Mr. Sparks replied: “What I said was
that you were stating what was not true,
and that you were wanting in the quali
ties of a gentleman.”
Mr. Weaver, now thoroughly angry and
excited : “I denounce the gentleman per
sonally as a liar on the floor of the
Mr. Sparks (eqnully excited)—“You
arc a scoundrel aud a villain.”
Mr. Weaver thereupon, amid great up
roar, left the place where he was standing
and advanced inensciugly toward Mr,
spirit?, !± '.“r" t5w'A?2
Mr. Weaver, but both were immediately
surrounded by members who prevented
them from getting to close quarters, and
made them put oil their coats, which each
was in the act of taking off as he advanced
into tlie area. Of course the greatest con
fusion and disorder prevailed on the floor
and galleries, but in tbe midst of it the
Speaker took the chair and called upon
the sergeant-at arms to do his duty. Just
then, however, there was nothing particu
lar to be done by that official, as the com
batants had been removed by their re
spective friends, and there was no danger
of their assaulting each other. After tbe
disorder had subsided, Mr. Converse re
sumed tlie chair. The commiueo arose
and tbe House adjourned. ;
Emebsox and bis New Lxctuhe.—
One evening, wlien Ralph Waldo Emer
son was engaged in preparing his new leo-
ture, Mrs. Emerson, who bad that mo
ment flattened her finger while trying to
drive a nail with the smoothing-iron,
thrust her head into his study, and said:
“Bee here, sir! I want you to drop that
everlasting pqn of youn for a minute or
two at least, aud go down to the grocery
and get a mackerel for breakfast.”
“My dear,” replied Mr. Emerson, look
ing up from his work, “iny dear, can't you
go ? You see I’m billed in a dozen places
to deliver this lecture on ’Memory,’ and It
isn't half finished yet.” .
“And that’s what you call your infernal
lecture, ” sald’Mrs. Emerson, sharp
ly. “A nice party you are to deliver a
lecture on ‘Memory.’ ’’
“And why not; my love?” said Mr.
Emerson, meekly.
“You never go out of the house that
you don’t forget to pat ou your liat or
boots, and you nerer take a letter of mine
to mail that you don’t carry it in your
pocket for six montlis or a year, unless I
happen to find it sooner. During the
past thirty days you have carried'out of
this house and forgot to bring back no
less than seventy-five or eighty umbrellas;
and you know yourself the last time you
went to church you took out yo»r false
teetb, because, as yon said, they hurt
yo ir coins, aud came aw»y and left them
In the seat. I say you are a nice man ip
talk to a cultured audience on ‘memory.’
aud if you don’t trot right off to the gro
cery I’ll expose you before you’re twenty-
four hours older.”
Mr. Emersou started on a Jump for the
grocery, and when be got there be couldn't
for. be life of him recollect what he had
come for.- JVets Bedford Mercury.
“We wanted money. We were per
mitted to remain over night, and we lay
awake after retiring until the heavy
breathing of the family satisfied us of
their slumbering, when-we arose, chloro
formed them, and rifled the boose of its
valuables, consisting of twenty-seven dol
lars, a watch, a suit of clothes siid a pair
of boots. Then we scattered cotton sat
urated with coal oil over tbe floor and on
the bed, set fire to it, and left.”
The crowd was composed oftwenty-five
resolute men, who determined that tbe
villain should be punished with Ids own
weapon. They pinioned him, arranged a
Ore of splinters saturated with chioro-
form around him aud set them on fire.
A diligent search is being made for the
other man, who will doubtless share the
same fate if caught. ■>—
— ■
Tits Now Pacific Railroad.
St. Louis, December 21.—A special to
the Republican from Dillas, Texas, says
Gen. G. M. Dodge, president of the Texas
and Pacific railroad, and Chief Engineer
Washburns passed throughherc to Shreve
port to-night. Operations will be Imme
diately commenced on tbe New Orleans
Pacific road. All tho grading is done ex
cept about sevonly-five miles, and the
track laying will begin by January 1st.
Gen. Dodg8 also says ihe southeast ex
tension of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas
railroad iromGreemllle to Mlnneola is now
ill course of location. The track laying
will begin witbm thirty days, aud traios
be ruu to Mlnueola by May 1,1881, at the
latest. The track on the Texas Pacific
extension is going down at tbe rate of a
mile per day, and has almost reached the
Taylor county line. The grade is now
completed 300 miles west of Fort Worth,
tuations have been confined within very
narrow limits. Prices opened weak, aud
a general decline ensued, rauging from J
to lj per cent, iu which Grsnger shares,
Kansas and Texas, and Wabash Pacific
were the most prominent. Subsequently
a slightly firmer tone prevailed, and an
advance of | to 1J per cent, took place
the latter in Western Union.
Adele Vergeri, a viung woman of
simple habits, had rtva. lovers in Paris—
Anguste and Andre D ml—who were
brothers and very jealous of each other,
so much so that both called and were
escorted to the door at the same time by
Adele, as neither would leave the other
alone with her. Their jealousy and ha
tred of each other grew as time passed on,
and reccuiij went,to a saloon and
signed a contract to drink ruu —ui
either was', unable to dyink any
more, the first to succumb to consider
himself beaten and surrender all claim to
Adele. The slngular.duel began. At the
ninth glass Auguste, tho younger, sauk
senseless to the floor, when his brother
far* B*inh*xdt *ad Hsr Prsoions J Tho Ftaetutfeas ot Conoolt.
Cefia. I ° a Wedneeday the prim oi British
Sara R«rohardt obje<^ strongly to the j quoUtion ^£h m par 1 rammed ^Er
waa.". ■&«» aggaraJuasa.'S
Would ham to admit ttod } per cent, to 100 3-10. That proved to
does eccentric thing*. j he high-water mark. Yesterday a mat
ing Uto have h*™* 11 tion of I per cent, mdarod tha qaotation
coffin I Tba coffin has hr®*»““«* to 90 83-10. An enhance®** mmy
tha furniture of her noire, *na i anareal draws attaalkm to Um aiUvoM
beautiful thing Hi*. It ** j variation# of them securities la the past,
one long for death- Consols, an abbreviation for the three par
present from a ft mjw!. w ho had spared no consolidated annuities of Great
pain#in making H wo *h7^h* 1 * 1 ?* Britain, sold in 1708 as low a* In
acceptance, aod It has • 1 “® a j 01 her words they ruled at a discount
embellished bytbe of 62J per cent. At that prim they paid
fancy of here, which she thaws or “*ght j tha lucky purchaser an Interest of very
have shared, with ihe l*to I nearly 0f per cent, per annnm. In tha
Nelson, and whh others of the grew, to j opening year of the present century Qoa-
have her last lodging constanilftin view, j to u »ola M j ow M go. In lfiCa the
and, as It were, under repairs at the bands j cessation of hostilities raised them to 70,
of tba prospective tenant. Whenever ah* j bnt in the vary next year war dragged
had a bitof lam to spare or a new idea in J them back to 50}. From that point tnay
quilting or embroidery she has put it into I rose through many fluctuations to 71 in
tbe coffin. For a long time she used it as 1810, onir to fall off to 54} in the famine
her bed. but that practice was finally year, 1813. In 18J 5 they were buoyed up
abandoned, at the earnest solicitation of I to 724 by the crowning mercy of Waler-
the doctors, as tending to hasten tbe a* • I loo, yet in 1810 they fell of to 68^. In
notch of tbe moment when she. would J1817 there was a strong rally to 84$, but
lave to take it for good and all. I in 1810, under the preparations for tba
Musing of late on that moment and it# in-1 resumption or specie payments In Great
ciaenis, It occurred to her Utat It wvuld Britain, they dropped to 04J. lo 1834, a
be a good thing to leaVC explicit directions year of rammut speculation, consol* ad.-
for the manner of her funeral, so she j vauoed to 08{, but tbe collapse of 1826
forthwith laid herself out with exquisite [ depressed their value to 73J. fa 1810, and
taste, and called In a photographer to} again In 1830, tbe onotaltoa PWJ 84 high
“fix” her in pictorial black and white for I as 04}. In 1881, owing to tbo distorbaa-v
the purpose ot exemplifying her testa-1 cm on the continent, the prim fell to 744.
mentary instructions. The man did b>s The splendid harvest 1834 lifted the
office, and there she l’es, as Mrs. Gamp I price to 03, but in 1830 tbe threatened
might put It, “the sweetest corpse.” Only | complications of the Spanish civil war de-
four copies were made—for strictly prt- J preeted the quotation to 8Af. Tranquillity
vale keeping—but If tbe public could see ] and prosperity secured, in 1888, tbs high
one of them, which it never will, It would I quotaffioa of 96 J, but, in 1840, tbe ware In
Insist on there being a thousand. The [ the East reduced the prim to 85f. Again
coffin is half smothered in flower* and I *» era of pram raised the prim to the very
branches of palm, most artistically ar-1 unusual ruling of 101g in 1844, bnt the
ranged, and it is placed on an incline I panic of 1847 brought tbe prim down to
so xs to permit you to have a good view I 78f. From that point It advanosd, in
of the occupant. She lies on a pillow of IJ852, to 102, the highest value on record,
white satin; she is robed in cashmere, I but fell off again to 85) In V&U, under the
and her bare arms crossed meekly over j pressure ot tha Crimean war. In 1868
her breast—Ophelia going to her grave. money raised the value to 964
The eves are closed and all the feature j but the price fell off to S4f under tbe faii-
beautifully composed. Everything is doue J u™ of Overend A Gurney in 1830. In tbe
to carry out the idea that death is but s j ver ? next year, however, tbe quotation
long, dreamless sleep. f n P sgaln to 86). Tbe war between
Ask mo why the greatest actress In I France aud Germany in 1870 reduced the
France, and the most admired, a woman P«c« to 88). Iu the nine year*, 1871 to
who has won her way to a throne of geni- ] 1“70, consols displayed considerable
us, should have such fanctes, and I frank- j steadiness. The maximum prim for the
ly admit I cannot tell you. There is only I entire period was 00) In 1879, while the
this to be said, I think: her very delight j minimum quotation was 91) in 1873 and
in her present elory makes her morbidly j *S*> n ln 1874. During the current year
•cositlTO in Bpecul*Uoo9 m to btr future* I range bus lain between 97J as a mini-
Death Is ever in her thoughts, but not so J mum, and 190 3-16as a maximum, figure,
much the death of her body as the death . T
of fame—that terrible forgetfulness of a I Dbunken Robins in Ixiuisiana.—I
great and once popular name, of which I llv ® k° ul ®l*oa. During the ear-
she has seen so many examples in her I feed npon
theatrical career.-BicAard Whiteing'e <3hl J“** e r i I e *’ of ^ ich ***?. ,rB T ,r ? fond
I$rULett*rto!m York World. ' | f°^ Q * , lhemselTet " lth
\ boy I remember to
, .. j have caught a few almost every day, lying
Editor of the Oglethorpe Echo in I OB ground, apparently stupefied or
Trouble. I drunk, and it was quite common for tbe
A few nights since, tbe Athens Mnsicsl j little negroes to watch for and catch them.
Society presented the cantata of “Esther, j The general assertion of every one was
the Beautiful Queen,” at the Opera House. I that the robins were drunk, and I thought
It having beeu rendered before with great i it was so, until one winter after I was
success, lire. Larry Gnatt concluded to (grown, the robins came in great numbers,
come up and witness it, which he did. He j and while shooting enough to make a pie
ami Jim Saye reserved two desirable 11 discovered one on the ground, seemingly
scats, and were in occupancy of them long I drunk, though iie could fly, but not very
before the curtain rose. The beautiful 1 far. I caught him, and upon exam-
choruses to Hainan, and the exquisite I Inatlon found his crop very
solos of Esther, snd Abasueras snd Mor-1 much distended with China-
deeai, somehow, seemed all Dutch to I berries. He kept his mouth wide open
them. Ashamed of their ignorance of | but made little noise, though be evidently
the Bible, they aflected tears at the appro-1 tried to. The berries could be seen ln
priale times, 'and joined vociferously In I tbe throat. I pressed two or three up,
the applause—but all the time becoming j and pulled them out, and ln a few mo-
more and more bewildered as the cantata { menu be was fluttering and whistling,
progressed. Finally, curiosity overcame I and when liberated flew away as rapidly
policy, —vi a«nu succumbed. Running | as if nothing had ever been the matter
ils finger over his nose au# cl vine that j with him. These berries fall off late in
customary' twitch of his bead, be loosen I tu, winter, the moisture of the ground
at Jim, and said la a low voice: j puffs them up *u n,.* *W become a*
“What in the thunder is all this about? | round and full as cherries, and one waix-
I’ii he hanged if I can understand it.” I log on them causes a continued popping,
“Well, I really don’t know,” replied bis I not very load, bat distinct. The robins
arose With a smile,and turned to leave, ... - . ,, „ - . . . , . ...
but almost immediately fellto the floor companion: “but it Is considered one of j swallow tbs berries in quantities so as tq
and died ln a short time. Auguste re- Q, " , ” I fill th* emu so foil tw «u w (w>m *»»«
covered from his feint, however, but,
Jadffo Woods’
New Obi.easw, December 22.—A peti
tion numerously signed by member* of tha
bar of tins city hie been forwarded to
President Hayes asking him to appoint
Judge E. C. Billing* as circuit judge, to
fill the vacancy caused by the pro morion
oi Judge Woods. The.petition was headed
by Judge John A. Campbell, formerly of
tbe United States Court, and is based upon
the capacity of Judge Billings as exnib-
Urd in bis administration of the United
States District Court for tbe past five
crazed by tbe rum, ran madly through
the streets and has not since been seen.
Adeft?, ; when informed of the death of
Andre and Ihe disappearance of Auguste,
merely shrugged her shoulders.
iHonobable “Shelving.”—In Eng-
gland it is believed that the surest way to
kill a man of ambition, politically, is to
make a peer of him. When he leaves tUe
Commons for the Lords, tbe atmosphere
puts him to sleep. There - are very few
Mile speakers or debaters in tbe House of
Lords, and hereditary legislators are be
coming more unpopular in England every
day. Most of the peers are of modern cre
ation.’ There are only fifty-seven peerages
Which date back before tbe reign of Queen
Elizabeth. The Georges manufactured
hundreds of lords, aud . Queen Victoria
has, during her reign, created 170 new
peers. It is reported that Mr.- Uoscben,
tbe speeial British Commissioner to Con
stantinople, is to be made a peer for his
sidroit management of the Sultan during
the past ten months.
A Hard Worked Clash.—A rapid
penman can write 30 words a minute. To
do this he must draw his pen through tbe
space of a rood, 16) feet. In forty minutes
his pen travels a furlong. We make on
an average 16 curves or turns of the pen
In writing each word. Writing SO words
a minute, we must make 480 to each mlu-
ute; in aa hour, 28,000; ln a day of only
P hours, 144,000; In a year of 300 days,
42,200,000. The man who made 1,000,000
strokes with his pen was not at all re
markable. Many men—newspaper writi
ars, for instance—make 4,000,000. Here
we have lathe aggregate a mark 300 miles
long, to be traced on paper by such a
writer In a year. After this who will not
sympathize- with the newspaper men,
many of whom write continually every
day at least from 12 to 15 hours. <!
1 Mr. Thomas P. May, of New Orleans,
the first sugar planter in the United States
tp emancipate fiis slaves voluntarily and
begin raking sugar by free labor, is now
announced as the author: of the ncvel,
“The Earl of Mayfield,” which has just
passed into Us 7th edition. At tbe time
*f this emancipation Mr. May was an ex
tremely young man, liaving little more
than passed his majority, and having only
been for a short time In possession of the
estates left him by his deceased father.
Bishop Mu lux, of Erie, Pa., has pub
licly denounced the custom of extrava
gant floral decorations at funerals. Here
after a black pall is to be thrown over the
casket or coffin, which will effectual!?
hide from view all floral offerings that
may be jplaeed there. The only wav ln
which the florists can get ahead or tho
Bishop Is to fasten the flower* by hooks or
pin* on tbe outside of this pall.
A philosopher grapicatly illustrates
th* different!* between a blunder and mis
take. “When a man puts down a bad
umbrella and takes up a good one,” saith
Josh, “be makes a mistake, but when he
puts down a good one and takes up a bad
one he makes a blunder.”
The experiment of crossing the brook
and salmon trout has been entirely sue-
ceesfttl et tba Stat e hatchery. 7 be off
spring are said to be e well-formed and
handsome fish, end ere likely to form e
valuable addition to our better elan of
Shekspeere's best.
“Ob, yes!” exclaimed Gantt, “I reme a-
ber now. That fellow . dressed in black
(pointing to Mordecai) is Hamlet, and
that scene now is - Queen Cleopatra at tbe
grave of Marc Antony.”
They followed the play then for some
time in apparent satisfaction, nntll the
chorus was sung, ending “Let this Hebrew
“Don’t you see,” slid (lAntt, “that Is
Julius Csssar and his friends ordering
them to kill Shylock ?”
Presently some friend sitting near, who
could repress his langhter no longer,
whispered to Gantt, in order to give him a
“Larry, don’t you think that Is one of
tlie most touching histories in tbe Bible ?”
“The Bible, thunderl” exclaimed Lar
ry. “What iu the name of common sense
are you talking about ? Oh 1 yes, it is the
most touching part of tbe Bible?”
Then he turned to his companion, and
remarked :
“Jim, we have made * thundering
mistake—this whole thing is from tbe Bi
“Is it?” said Jim.
“Yes,” replied GanU; “I remember it
all, now—Esther was the oldest daughter
ot Noah, and she is ordering Johii„tbe
Baptist to be beheaded for riding her fe
tter’s cbarqer.”
“Gantt, yo'ir memory is wonderful!”
answered Jim.—Athena Chronicle.
Trapped—There is a story told of a
lady and gentiomsn traveling together on
an English railroad. They were stran
gers to each other. Suddenly the gentle
man said:
“Madam, I will trouble you to look out
of the window for a few minutes; I am
going to make some changes in my wear
ing apparel.”
“Certainly, air,” she replied, with great
politeness, rising and turning her back
upon him.
In a very short time he said:
“Now, madam, my change is completed,
aud you piay resume your own seat.”
When the lady turned she beheld her
male companion transformed into a dash
ing lady with a veil over her face.
“Now, sir, or madame, whichever you
like,” said tbe lady, “I must trouble you
to look out ot thu-winab'w, for I also have
some changes to make in my apparel.”
“Certainly, madam,” and the gentle
man in lady’s attire immediately com
“Now, sir, you may resume your own
To bis great surprise, on resuming lit*
seat, tlie gentleman in female attire
found bis lady companion transformed
iulo a man. Qu laughed loudly and
“It appears that we are both anxious to
avoid recognition. What have you doue ?
I have robbed a bank.”
“And 1,” said the whilom lady, as be
dexterously fettered his companion's
wrists with a pair of handcuffs, “am
Detective J , of Scotland Yard, and in
female apparel have sliadowed you for
two days; now,” drawing a revolver,
“keep atilt.”
The law in relation to the retirement
of arm; officer* requires that they shall
have served forty-five years, or reached
the age of sixty-two years. Neither of
tbeee conditions applies to General Sher
man’s case, and as ha has mode no re
quest to be retired there are no groom's
whatever for such action.
fill tbe crop so full that either from the
peculiar formation ot tbe terry, or their
swelling with the moisture and warmth,
they pres# against the windpipe, end pro
duce partislstranguisuoa aud not Intoy^-
Cation.—Rod tend Gun.
Another Fool Duped All the fools
are uot yet dead. The Piocbe <Cal.)
Record relates tbe following:
Some time ago a young man, not living
more than a thousand miles from Pahran-
igat valley, became disgusted with sin
gle blessedness, aad decided to take onto
himself a wife. So he cams to Piocb* and
procured several Eastern weekly papers
aud read over the l'sta of young ladies'
names who were deelrous of opening cor
respondence with young gentlemen with
a view to matrimony. Being a man par
ticularly fond of sweet things, be selected
the girl with tbe sweetest-courtli tig name,
and wrote her a letter. The correspon
dence was carried on for some time, and
photo* were exchanged. The picture the
youug man received was indeed a beauty.
In fact, the young lady, judging from the
picture, looked aa though she was too
pietty and good for this wicked world.
The match was made, and, according to
agreement, the young Pahranagster sent
a $280 check to his darling with which to
pay her passage to tbe Silver State. Time
rolled on, but no lump of sweetness cam#
to tbe young 1’abranagater. He wrote
and wrote, but not an answer did he re
ceive to any of his letters.
Division of Horns and Minutes.—
Why is one hour divided into sixty min
utes, and each minute again into sixty
seconds ? This question is often asked hr
intelligent children; and the answer Is
this: we have sixty divisions on tbe dials
of our clocks and watches, because the
old Greek astroumer, Hipparchus, who
lived In the second century before
Christ, accepted the Babylonian system
oi reckoning time, that system belsg
sexagesimal. Tbe Babylonians were ac
quainted with the decimal system; but
for common or practical purposes, they
counted by sossi and sari; the sossos rep
resenting sixty, and the saros, sixty times
sixty, is thirty-six hundred. From Hip
parchus, that mode of reckoning found its
way into the works of Ptolemy, about 150
A. D., and henco was carried down tba
stream of science and civilization, and
found the way to tlie dial plate* of our
clocks and watches.
The Accokac Giant.—Cbartes Drum
mond, the Accomac giant, has just re
turned from Baltimore, where he attracted
more attention during the sesqui-centon-
ntat tban all tbe visiting military, etc.
His display of toot is immense, and as be
elbowed his way through the crowded
streets, head and shoulders above the tall
est, in search of a pair of No. 15’*. was
followed by processions of astonished citi
zens. He is only eighteen years old, usd
could not find a pair of pants or shoes In
the city to fit him. Baronm ought to
have him.—Eastern Virginian.
A Highly Matrimonial Dean.—It
b announced that the celebrated and ooa-
troversial Dean Close U about to be mar
ried, for the fourth time, I believe, at the
age of eighty-five yean to the widow of
Mr. David Hodgson, of Liverpool.
Thebe is a revival of the Incident
tbo English clergyman of tbe lasteentiupt
who, iu an eloquent sermon extoUed the
goodness of the Creator in always making
the largest riven flow by the meet pyw
i loot town*.