Newspaper Page Text
jl jicA f{v> •'r>/
“ 1 X M
•5)3 P.^t •'
ft (^j
i«l Nominal# Meplien
in O' • \ r Hun.!, I., |J,< Mmpttorcol.
THE BOSSES I Ool. Htrdeman’s llfelcnz devotion to the
| Democracy.
I Nottingham, of Honstou, also made J
1*ET IX THEM it LITTLE lVOIlli I ■P«och in favor of Hardeman, followed by
Callaway, of Mitchell.
I Jones, of Richmond, nominated Geo. T.
, butCHvo Cal Barnes, of Richmond; seconded by Ken-
Minpeorcol. I der, of Meriwether.
» iiKulrmnn. | Pope Harrow, of Clarke, nominated H.
Atlanta, July 20.—At miduioht Inst I H. Carlton, of Clarke,
night I di covered hv nminr, ,k * „ Nath an Bars, of Floyd, nominated >Vm.
nignt i m covered by nosing around that h. Dabney, of Fioyd; seconded by Gen.
the caucus held in Capt. Bacon’s rooms Wofford.
lind resulted in the withdrawal from the Hhumate, of Whitfield, then occupied tin
Zl'VL tha ( ‘ r" tm z: * ,h,rt
such an air of mystery about the report On call of the ooantie • the vote stool ;
that it was not credited at first, and Gapt. I JJsrdcms.i .. 217.^
Bacon was reticent and even refused to
tali to an inquisitive Constitution reporter. l><*hney... W
Ca,o r s
came down stair*, he told the story oonO-1 Chatham, Col. Hardeman was nominated
dentially to the very few go-to-bed-lates IW acclamation.
who worn eagerly wnitiog. Tho telegraph S 01 - »“ invited into the
r.fUn*w.. | ■ *?" v “|haU and addressod the convention inn
office was sealed op, end hence could not ,|,ort speech. thuuking Iho roombersfor
tclegr iph it to yon. I the high honor bestowed upon him by
It was evident yesterday when the I them,and pledging himself ty work for the
two-thirds rule fell by the wayside ££? iu tho ,Q t oro M h * had done in the
that Bacon would not risk his I After electing an executive committee
chances even for a complimentary I adopting a platform, a resolution waa
vote. Tho bosses Imvint* monm adopted charging tho national administra-
. J™* . D0Mea .P™* acco ®; tion with on lawful interference with civil
plisncd so much, now united thoir st:ongth I elections, and condemning internal reve-
onCongressman at large, their first steps I nue raiding parties,
being to have printed the report of tho | „^ a „ t o I “'; tlv<looIn “ iUc0 » nnoon « d
committeo on rerolotlons end other docu- “ Firatdtottiot-J. H. EetUi, of Chalhnm,
mente which coaid be put in as evidence of I J. I* Sweatt, of Clinch,
tho eternal fltuow of Barnta. All work in _ Beoond—W. Hirrison, of Quitman, B. B.
thia atreo'ion waa conducted very quietly, B iw?dAv!°'h!“WUliw, of Baker, D. M.
and the Kimball Hooae rotuudr had ite I Roberta, of Dodge,
crowd minus its buzz. Fourth—U. R. Harris, of Meriwether,
Many delegates, and »° m ® of them llalfSpalding, W. D.
known to be tho stanneheat Democrats Nottingham, of Houston,
were open in their expressions of utter dis-I Sixth—J. H. Turner, of Putnam, Wash
SIS ml ; Aiken, of Bartow, A. II.
chioery of Atlanta had been worked, and I Oray, of Catoosa.
were none the less open in saying that I Eighth—W. Daniel, of Richmond, F. U.
while Stephens would bo tho noinineo be C<ri\ey, of Wilkes,
would not receive their support. Some of pgjfcof GwiaUtt.’
Iht io men hold to and earned their deter- * r . Harris, of Worth, offered a resoln-
minations into the convention this morn-1 tion of thanks to the president of tho con-
ing-witness the opposing votes. th?ir aH’isU^tf 1 * 0 l ° * h ° 6ecreUrte6 Rnd
lMU ?, d , fro F* * M • . B pr in g?e, ? o f Washington, ode red a
*r?r ir resolution indorsing tho majorltv rule and
I recommending it lor futuro convent*ms.
went through the body of Uolegntea like a Laid on the table.
a P d « M ft I The convention then adjourned amid the
know-he-wonld-do-it feet. It did not even Liiideflt enthusiasm ami greatest good
furnish a theme for breakfast-table chat. I i.nmor —
. Po iVy tho chief subject under oonvtrsa-1
Washington, July 20.—After some unim
portant business, Mr. Morrill moved to
proceed with the revenue lax bill, and Mr ! bill was concurre
Hale supplemented this with a motion to ‘
take up tho naval appropriation bill. A
protracted, rambling debate followed upon
the order of business. The revenue bill
retained its place as the unfinished busi
ness of the morning hoar hereafter, and
Mr. Morrill’s motion to lay aside all pend
ing orders and to take up tho tax bill pro
vailed—yeas 115, nays 20. The pending
amendment was that of Mr. Voorhocs, to
strike out the provision repealing tho tax
bank capital and deposits, bank chocks,
drafts, etc.
Mr. Jonas, or Louisiana, in some re-
marks upon the fourth section, replacing
tho additional twenty-five porcentum
levied by the act of 1876 on all imported
igars, Haul he had voted for the tariff com-
..fission in the belief that it was safer to
have the sugar interest considered iu con
nection with the general rubjectof tariff
revision. He preferred this to any partial
or half-way actioj. Ho quoted statements
that a reduction of the sugar tariff would
bo calamitous to tho plsntor* of Louisiana
and other sugar growing States, particu
larly after the great lo«s smtaiued by
them from the iato Hood, and submitted
figures showing tho small profits realized
from tho onltnro and manufacture of
sugar. One of the best crops of
late years amounted to 2IO,OOO f OUO pound*
of sugar, which, at 7% coats, realized
ljl#,CU<),000. Tho molasres from this sugar
would bo worth $ 1,000,000 more, making
the valno of tho product of this • crop
$22,000,(XX). The cost of making this crop
was *20,000,000, which left *2,010,000 net
profit, or 2;{ per cent, on the capitrl in
vented. Any serions redaction of the prioe
would entail such loss in receipts as would
wipe out entirely the profits. If th) pro
posed cut of 25 per ©out. was made,
and when the tariff is revised an
other redaction of i‘5 per cent.
i« made, this would destroy the planting
interest altogether. He argued that it was
fallacious to assume that a modification of
tho sugar tariff or an nbolition of the duties
cheapened the oost to the oonsnmcr. What
guarantee was there that the refiner would
sell at a lower rate. Concerning the re
duction upon cigars and cigarettes he said
the agitation of the proposed chan go had
unsettled the market, ntid lie insisted Unit
tho trade should be protected, cither by A
restoration of the Home ciauso allowing a
rebato or a postponement of tho timo at
wnicb the act shall tako effect from Octo-
Messrs. McMillan, Jones, of Nevada, and
Ransom, were rc-appolnted oonferees on
the part of the Sanste.
Tho House amendment to the Senate
amendment to the pension appropriation
bill was concurred in, Tho bill now gooa
ntlnrsB. Itwa,»«ldbywmeUiktOeptelu fhako n r0 oml whin Hardeman
B i-on had bxa tendered Hie support of nominated
umny friend, for thy position, bat ho had ..j„ tho , WMtc , t new. poor Ed Cox ha,
(inn!, and tlatly refused, the I heard in Hinny a day,” inid a drlcirnte thii
merits of the rcveral aspirants were I morninawhonthaannoeucementwaamade
aa freely di*eu».-ed aeon the tint amm- th>t Stephens waa nominated. “Uncle
blim-. In thia Informal go M-you-pUase A)eck h „ , heart big enough to pardon
enucu. ovorcoJee nnd .teak.Oarltou,of him ..| l0 continued.
Uarke, madea good showing, while Barnes, I t ,na of the dUguiled delegates said this
the hvrde.1.worker ofthem all, kept on a mora i n g that ho wanted Iho next Ktate
h , ot V* 1 -.. Br "“J. 0 " Btoon’s withdraw-- oonvenHon held In Fort V.llrr, or aoine-
1 robably, ovr CoU Uai deman ran Uke a 1 w hero oatot the reach of Atlanta. Be.
ecaml ... or. \t hde doing yam floe, effect. I tween the Ailaata pothoviM poUtieianaand
i vu wvidsnt, from ail I could I
I corrupt in both body and soul.
41 * rCi hi r.’i -ZT I Yesterday a delegate two-thirds full ad-
gather, that OyL Tom wonld .all In graoe- .ooaied the two-third, rale, and waa voted
tally, but at Ihia writing I dan not My so „ n „i, oiea by a very large majority.
u-< -a I It hen.m. MC(M ,ry daring the proeced-
I Ings this morning to fire on< one of the
I delegates who mado himself toonnani-
a confidential whisper; and until tho
ballot speaks I bold my petoe.
By nino o’clock every member was In I ^ousT
i-re.-it with theI oxeeptioa of one or two Member, of tha General Aaaem-
ht, li-ul probably over exerted themaelyea bl> „ m rtgret to i Mrn that
yeeterday, or had Kona home on the mid-1 Mark Bardin’s voice, once aa aonorooa aa
timid trams to escape oaatlng ballot, for | n hom and at load ns Stentor’., has
Stephen*, fn all aaremblagw tlifro nr. al became so wom oat that no amount ol
way. one or two men who nam Iom an I oopper bottoming ean do it any good. It
to »ay aomcming, no. matter Kong, „ow like a looomotive whUtle on
I the new
, I Hoke Smith, one of Um wonld-be Atlanta
‘b. U .1 on th- Moor at adjournment^and bo«M, waa tha .abject yeeterday of a
hr 1 at embllna. Roaooner Ladiba *iih.rtng rtbaka at th* hand, of,..,..
ei.,i-m .iiannoonoedUie convention ready u „ row . Hoke, in advoeatlng the majority
f .r tha Iran,action of baalnees, than rola m aaaorr, aneeHocly airoded to the
llnrria,of Wortb,movyd a .ejpMatooof hro-lkirdarnWaaa '•tlmecll.honortdoaa-
rradlng ot lie journal. Tbta earn* tomof tha Damoeiatla parly.” Mr. Banow
illaman than otlured a rMoluliuc io I pointed to tlie ot JooV.ou, Craw-
,e. by Mb-cnption, money to defray the [ur a Troop and other, on tha wall., and
>eneoof doorkeeper. Janitor and pagaa. Udd tha tale wu inaagnrated by these
'll. ip.:: < n. i„l.t hole been borne by men. and they had alwtya abided
thoAtl.mtlan«,lnn,moch M thomanhnd „d It III become any
coins all the way from the cotton fields, I man. to hi tha least, -to east a alar on
plow handle* and chop*, from th* moon- Damoeraey of such grand old nnu
Uiu* to th* reiboard, to **rv* t mr- 1” b y odllng th. rat. .‘'lltne.di.hon-
pew; bat th. Ail m-.iini fulled t J shell 1 ca ,tnm." Th, convention enjoyed
Sot, and Urn h«U expenw* w*r* defrayal 8mlth™b*lS •*» down upon with geno
’while lira lot we* being pawed around, “ISrt’tbw* fellow Jlmralaon from Blbh
the chairman announced th*t after the mD |. u Jew got Iota o' »enie," aald an
oonviutiuu lad adjoarnad ywterdav a tel-1 n p.oountry delegate last night, ’’and all ho
egram waa received from the prcaidcnt of I wants i, a They don't
the Democratia eouv- utlnn InTexaa.and midw’em enyeharoer than he la, hot ho
ho had taken upon t,ir.,lt tho rc.pon.t-1 wants Mmeho-lyto hold him dowa.’’
btllly, after oonferrlng with a few mam- I'nclo UIU Harria, of Worth, makes him-
here, of replying tbarato in behalf of th* a,u heard londlyand often in th* oonv*n-
oooventlon. lb* following I* th* tel*-|thin. U* la on* of IhoM op*n-lace, oylin-
graphlo corrc-p-'tidenee: darempaountfeUowa, with * heart aa
Gxlvestox, Texas, July 19, 1 big ss kl« county and a nature as souny.
dent Democratic Contention, Atlanta, Go.: I I counted on Tuesday 2C9 arrivals on iho
In the bstUo of Jsffersonlnn Democracy I Kituball House register, and on Wsdnss-
wo maroh with you, having harmony day over on* thooiaud people stsdlnrvr at
among ourselvc i anl good will for all I thu houso. Tho proprietors, Messrs. 800-
Democnts grounded in purity of princi-1 villsA Terry, h .vo oerbilnly fairly won
pie and gnided by unity of action prepare* I their spurs as hotel men. Iu addition to
tory to the great battle for the rigbte of (he I h iving a full sham of (heir own exp jri^nce,
people, to be fought in the year 188ft, I they have gathered about them a eorns ot
lire(hren we eguin greet you. 1 incu whose t-iimU in (heir particular linns
Wi rx Lam iu: it, Joiix Uaxcock, I cannot be found. As day clerks Messrs.!). I
Stt:rclary. President I F. Miller and Ei Callaway sUud at the
tlie teb gram Captain Harry Jackson held, and their legions of friends every
replied as follows t I where will so attest tbs fact. V\ ith
ATi.ANrA.GA., July 19,1>-V-—John //aa- I three hundred goeeU it seema almost im
«edk, President flwwnaffl Omesfiii, I possible that there should not be be any
G ift '- i, Ttjrat: The banner of Jcffur- Igramblingandgrowling.andyetthisnnm-
—hiPwswifyfBlliteinleilenpihenIftt~f peopleware taken care of,given
It viefterr. With keoMy nmi I plenty to eat and a comfortable room end
st lw- and beet wishes to brethren in ottur bvd, and 1 did not hear e word of dis
■ lesbwnun iMjipg ear armor for I satiefectfton.
c<juitrt of 1 *■■*!. Brethren, ww greet Dodge county did a graceful thing when
lUftBY Jack*«, I she gave her two votes toGeorge 1*. woods,
Uabdix, i'rcsidcuL I of the Hawkinsville Dispatch. They were
tkcrclary. I at least bestowed upon a man who never
eommiUMon rc.-olntlon*appointed or .* alu » tKl * lth “f bu * ,h, >
,«-t. nla, aabmitted tl.cir report. I ,u., c- .. . n.onhiie.n
Pop* U now. of Clark*, then .roes, uni , h Vi^tSf.I>
a* h.- ImO 00 th* fevvnlagpreviotu preraot- I »J"SJI* 1 ** fi”*" 11 UEJSfl
it tn i),« iwimin. I tigaiost ntcjhens*and he felt eureerery
wt re desirous of know- Republiein in theHUte would do
name woSfd be^Uh- « would be fon now if Gartrell
draw!., a efience ei^d eS^U «^e^ ^l^elected jnd the bow*. gM hoi.t-
drrert<d t*>>ard him. He said Uiat as be I •d,t^thetroWII j»etordj t .. __ nnrT
itTkhicb1»SSSriSoof n«nta*tel.atoMeoodth.lmmln.Uoo
SSJrtSKSLT 1 th? Urmonr MS.i^e' l5St, ehMring fn the
Mr IP rr .w tl.i o formellr eonranli-m when M*i. w. IL Ro«a aroe*
ThTlni o iux i-, t and (an old Bibb'. Ox vote, for Hteph.ll*.
ilhdraw ht* n*m*._ | Th* annoaiwtricut „, tMk to tlM , cr>w .. Uuia.bat n,i b t.
“r,e:: 5f .motion b>
nninu* Mr. Statwen* Lx acclamation 11 W *J °» P* moct * Ue harmonir- B.B.
d ohan the chair aakad if therawMan, r///; soVTUKBX »tECS4Pff-
j-u m to .ach tnechod of^voUng. ** | /t - —fcMWUS
a was ordered. \Sii
the chair annoant-- . C f | practical school of teles-
follows: Stephen*,..* 2 ?,; | rmilr.Jj
Ijoxdox, July 20.—Tho Times, in its
eadintr Artcle this morning, says: The
hesitation-of the Porto at tho moment when
hesitation woold be disastrous has forced
the British government to the conclusion
that an invasion of Egypt cannot be
avoidod. The invitation to a fresh confer
ence has boon virtually declined, and
nothing r mains for tho government bat
to carry opt by its own efforts the meas-
nros necessary to restore order in Egypt.
There will bo ncoordiogly no fortbor delay
In carrying out tho preparations for mili
tary action in Egjpt. Definite orders will
be issued to-day for the dispatch of a forco
for the purpose of doing the work which
the Porte is held to have declined to an-
The Daily News learns that if the govern
ment consider it necessary to bring troops
from India to Egypt, they will ask the
sanction of Parliament thereto.
Ijoxdom, July 20.—The Daily Ttlejraph
h .s the following dispatch: "Alexandria,
July u.—Arab! Pasha proposes to kill all
Turks in Egypt. He says as there are not
mtny throst* to cn* it is bettor to cut them
now. A few American and German sail
ors nre still at their respective consulates,
but ’vith this exception the city is held
solely by the English. General Allison has
made a recmnoisance in the direction of
A raid’s ciunp, in order to see what bettor
ground might bo chosen for onr front, as
wesro unr.llo to see more than 200 yards
from the line, arsbi has steam launches
on the Mahtnoudich cmal, bringing him
provisions, and this probably explains why
ho has not cut tho cv el. \rabi has shot
the Egyptians sent out by the English to
get horses.
The correspondent of the Times ot Alex-
•bona telegraphs that he understands M.
D^liCcseps has informed Admiral Seymour
that the passage of men-of-war through
the Baez canal constitutes a breach of its
neutrality. The correspondent sajs hr
learns from tho camp of Arnbi Pasha that
his force is increasing, and that ho is re
gaining his infi lenco on aooount of the do
lay of the British troops. His scoots have
l»een sotn at Rarnleb, seven miloi from Al
maximum of postal order fees eight cents I RenterVTelcersm Cov^o»rm °t\!a text
and forty-flve cents. It alio provide, for Jfjvl K r t?fiSlv to th^idJSi^l nni
than^ve’^Pafnataohar ro^of'thrMoent? ? fth3 P® wer *^ M follows: “If tbs Porte
A Dot UthjBrto decided on its own initia-
A number of bills affecting the postal service tlte toiond troops to is because
H was convinced that r.goro
The Seuat *, soon after 4 o’clock, resumed
consideration ot the revunue tax bill.
Upon Mr. Bayard's snggestion, snuff was
•ucluded in tho provision alio idy adopted
fixing the rate on manufactured tobacco at
twelve cents per pound.
Without further action, and without con
cluding the consideration of the first eeo-
tion, the ttmate adjourned.
Mr. Blackburn, of Kentnckr, from tho
committeo on rules, reported a resolution
providing that daring the remainder of
the session the hour after tho reading of
the journal shall be devoted to the consid
eration of meaanres reported from the
oommittees, subject, however, to fonr ob
jections. Adopted. Mr. Kasson, of Iowa,
from the commutes on foreign affairs, re
ported a blit to inc-.rporAte Mantime Ca
nal Company .of Nicnraana. Placed on the
House 01 lendar. Mr. Pogo submitted a
conference report on the river and harbor
bil’. ’1 he report which iy a disagreeing
one, wra adapted, nnd a new conference
committee, consisting of Messrs. Page of
Califoinia, Townsend of Ohio, and Me*
Lane of Marylnnd. was appointed.
Mr. O'Neal, of Pennsylvania, from the
»mmittee on appropriations, reported tho
{tension appropriation bill with the Sen
ate’s amtjudmeuts, and the amendments
were all concurred in except one, which
was verbally changod. This will necessi
tate a return of tlte bill to the Senate.
Mr. Uisoock submitted n conference re-
port on the general deflrieocy appropria
tion bill. Tne report states that all differ-
•noesbetween tho two houses have been
reoonolled.exoept that relativo to the mile
age of Senators for the extra session. Tho
recommendation ot the committees of con
ference wero adopted as far as items which
were not disputed wore concerned. Among
the amtndment* of the Senate which wero
agreed to is that for tho payment of phy-
sicisns attending tho late President Gar
field. A farther conference was then or
dered, and a committee, conristimr of
Messrs, liincork, Robeson and Cox, of New
York, was appointed.
A bill to modify the money order system
called up and passed. It makes the.
’ * for ‘ _
imam and
for Hnnlimt, a. ax.ry day bring, to light I Informed anil ootunlted on all matter,
materially effer-tiag tl,e ritiou of ti,o
!*ranSrjnteTa~J”iL.7r"v" . |!™S lr )'- Tho action which their nJmlral
xoapoM, July JO.—A Dally Anri dis I has been roropulled to resort to lias not
patch from 1 aris»ays that M. do Freycloet J slU^R tlicir views,
has placed the resignations of him elf and ^si* <, July 21.-A Central New* dis-
his ool lea goes in the hands of President patch from Alexandria says a rofngeo
,k lt f r ur V® nl A beggel them I from Cairo reports that numerous mas-
to withdraw tbeir resignations. There is j snores of European* tookplaoo Monday on
not the slightest possibilliy that Oambetta tho outskirts of that city. Gonoral Allison
will be summoned to form a ministry. will ioavo here t.Aorrow with a detach.
A Faria d spatch to tha Times says M. meat of troops tJTlow up tha obstruction
Goblet, mlniiUr of the interior, has teu- in the Mahmoudich canal,
dared hi* resignat on, which which will be Loxdon, July J0.-Tho Times ha/the fol-
aoeepted. Thia will probably end the min-1 lowing: The second proclnumtion of Ara-
4 {? B ,l0 Jn v.fl In , n bl M»? 5 x 4,rh ® Khedive has trupris-
JO.—In the Chamber of Pep-1 oned itamiuntiers at Alexandria, in order
ntiee to-d.y several deputiea deela*ed that 1 that they mty be instruments in English
W m° t. n KO T n .L ei M^ telegrams diapatohed by ita-
ngabist the eabinet. M. F erry stated that gheli Pasha authorizing Uw joessstion of
ireeidentGrevyhsd refused to aooeptUie I military preparations wore forcibly ex-
resignation of ttw ministers. Some Radi- torted from him, and aro therefore invalid,
cal members endeavored to rsopen the dis-1 An irreooncilable war exists betwoen us
oussion. The Chamber finally passed, by a I and the English.”
*' ® ,< * *“ ,A * order of day imply- The Time.1 correspondent says he lias re-
r, , -= government, and the I coived a letter from the interior in which
crisis is therefore ended. the report* of the massacres At Cairo and
IKKI.AKD. I Damiotta are oonflrmcd. An escaping
Lomdox, July 20.—Tlie crops in the VSt U if***l* k 2* U i m , tb ® trttiu
northwest ot Irelnnd aro iu a frightful I wheels. All ih« cm-
condition. Hay is lying out In tha field* ICSJJTJSL ftf.JS ad<utr ® 1 •**** atTantah
hurronnded by water, and potatoes ore 1
blighted. Tho Time* and Stamlartt stnto 1 n . tl ,„ y _ r -,~r, ;
that Colonel Brackenbnry resigned the °* Ato ‘?4 rU
directorship of the Irish criminal invest!- wo , r ®. 4 , w ®
Ration department in order to offer his I SjELffSi? 1 !V 1 * liltti
services for the csmpslgn in Egypt. Bov- !S JESftt ,C 1 Tb ? J kUi * a
oral regiments of Irish militia have Volun- ‘^ eugmewia
teerod for wsrvico, and tho war offloo is I JjyjhL j & 5 aoL * ane ',u A *■
ormsidering the quesUon of otUizing them t d lo MVe lhonj ’ but
forg.rri.ondm, ,t M.1U J3l OibralUr. | „ tncotlngof
After some further debate Mr. Voorhees’s
amendment was rejected.
The Senate committee’s amendment to
tho first section, as amended by the redac
tion of the tax on tobacco, was then agreed
to (£0 to 9) and Ihe question recurred on
tho remainder of tho section. Th* portion
adopted.fixes tha taxon manufactured to.
bacco nflerJanuarv 1,1*83, at 12 cents per
pound, and provides that the repeal of
taxes on capital and deposits of banks and
bankers shall affect inch taxes as are now
dne and payable, and that the repeal of the
stamp tax on bank checks, drafts, orders
and vouchers shall not take effect until
October 1, next. Adjourned.
Mr. Page, of California, submitted tha
conference report upon tho river and har
bor appropriation bill, but aa there woro
indications that its consideration wonld
cousnme a Urge portion of the day, it waa
withdrawn. The House them resumed com
sideration of the Alabama contested elec
tion envj of Smith vs. Shelley.
Mr. Uanney, of Matsschasetts, presented
the case for the majority, reviewing the
facts a* shawn by the testimony, asserting
that there was not a fair and free election
in the fourth dutriot of Alabama, nnd
urging that inasmuch as the contestant,
who had been legally elected, had recently
died, the Mat should be dvcUred vacant.
Th* case of th* contest** wu • presented
and argued by Mr. Beltzhoover, of Penn
sylvania, who quoted from’ the re*«r*l to
strengthen his assertion that the sitting
member was entitled to retain hia seat.
Mr OarUn, ot Pennsylvania, in a brief
apeeeh dwrit upon the necessity of mem-
bera determining election eases as judges,
not os legiila ors or partisans, and advo
cated the adoption cf some system whereby
another tribunal should bo charged with
the doty of deciding these eause*.
After a speech by Mr. Oates, ot Ala
bama, in favur or the silting member, the
previoos qnestion wsa ordered—yeas 145,
naysl (Hardenbergh.)
Mr. Calkins then closed the debate in
snpport of the majority report. A resold-
tion declaring the seat vacant waa then
adopted—yeas 145, nays 1.
On a question of precedence of business
the Democrat* refrained from voting,
caving tho House without a quorum. Ad-
wAsnrxaTow Gossxr.
It is understood from leading Republi
cans that no more contested election ease*
will be called npfor action daring the pres
ent session of Congress.
The conference report on the river and
htrbir bill was presented in the Ilotue to-
day. The oommittee has redooed the eg-
gregite amount of the specific appropria
tions contained in the bill, as passed by the
Senate, about $25,QUO. Among the items
stricken are the Big Black river, Bayou
Lafoarche .and Bayou Teche. The up-
proprUtion for Pensioola hirboris re
duced to $50,000.
Raleigh, N. C., July 90.—The Demo-
crats of the lint district to-dty renomi
nated Louis C. Latham for Congress. Tho
Republican convention for tho sscond dis
trict hold at Wilson had dUsgretmefits.
The negroes have a large majority in the
district. James E. O’Hara, colored, was
nominated by the balk of delegates. Hon*
Olando Uabb*, present representative, waa
declared renominated by the chairman of
It U stated that both will run.
I •• mum wuuuvou umi rigorous measures
ll „72 BEE?JSKS’teSta! SS; "xir a e f. ren « U3Z
ASHL?!Pi I ’“OOfttestiblo and un«iuc*tioncd right* and
4} n ?S;™ilLi U a a V joreraignty oMh. Hulten. th. .nd.r.lgtted,
del Norte. Adjourned | by tlie Sultan a order, informs the am-
WAxniMOttm, Jolr S2.-I. Ih. SBA'SSbSSSr 11 "* 1 ‘° P ‘ r '
Mr. Allison, from tho committee on np- fSigtitd.J ’’Said.”
propriations, reported back the House bill 1 4 .™ conference meets to-day to discuss
feting««,.,»».*toMra.bteraU. R. IfeoSK'J r i“abtetST.”?.l“toriteUM&
s.Ya on {sarsjsf^ * iu “•* djr ~ <,d
.ri-fy. „ Lottww, July SO.—Adtepateb from Con-
Ur. Hal. I’KMoted th. ronftme. n- Uuntlnopi. to Iteotet'. T.l.gtam Oom-
Port on th. drilcluay bill. Th. only dia-1 aim, .ay. tho Port, bu rat-lied to Ih.
ngreamont w«. on tho mlleag. hmond.!fde n tic.[ note olth*power, regarding tho
ment, Mid th. Banal. HuUtedapon ite po- di.pateh of TurkUh troop, to Egjpt. Th.
..tion on thte point . n.w oon- Porte propotM tha anembUdg or • freah
fereccc. Tbe Sonata took up the revenarl conference.
bill, and without dobaU voted downr thel CoamamorLa, July 20,—It Is stated
amendment offered by Mr. Book to retein that the Bpanlah ambanaaiter hu Intorm-
the on terfomery, tntdioln.l prepa- «i hi, oolteagUM that Spain Intend, to .u-
raliona and othor artlelea In aohednle A of tion three gunboat, at each end of thu
eeetloo :I,*I7 of tha rarteel atatntea. Tha I Huex canal in order lo oeoort tho Bpinish
xuteJ'M * party ona (M to SBh Mr. Datl., Manila mail .teamen throogh the canal,
of Illinois, xoUng no with the Keinbllcana. and that .no will aim .end four Ironclad.
Mr. Vanco moved to rata.n the .tamp to Alexandria,
laxon playlngcarda. ta«t on. tteeote, I. Go*axAaTtaon.i,Joly JO.—Tha ambai-
Iff to*) Mr.j)iela, of I.linol,, poteotiog. | induri, in view of the extremo importance
ih. firat Motion of th. bill WM. than I 0 f th. point u io whether or not th. Porte
adopted. Th. KO.nd Methn, Impoilng Mull b. again Ineilwl t > Join th. Mnfer-
apeelfio taxe. npon tobaecoand cigiar deal. I .nc«, bee. telegraphed to their rcpMUre
ere, manufaetorere, peddtera and retail goreramenta aaking apMdy inaUootiooi.
dejlen, wu lh.n dteeatMd. tonnon, Jnlr jo”) p. m.-.V hurriedly
The committee amendment lo the Me- convened meeting of the cabinet waa bald
tion re.miriug tha twelve doUara exaotod j o'clock thte rranlng. It I, .latedthkt
from dealers In loaf tobaooo to ba paid a';-1 tha meeting wm called to oonrid.r a tote-
nually after May l.t,lM, waaadopteJ. g,am from Jxtrd Dofferln, ambaaMulor at
Un tnolion of Mr.. Bock a proviso vm I UoniUiitiDODUi and ortatuiomenta for
added-to' tbe Motion a. follow.: "That imtv^oTer.tion, “
fartnara and prodocera of lobatoo may Mil A di»patch to tha Tima from Alexandria
at tha placa of prodnclion tobacco of thair mj. thare i. no chance for a rnumptioncf
own growth and reUiog at retail directly btuincM t^re for at least three months.
million a
I IJjr Telt-tf raph. I
Atlanta, July 20.—Tha Am
n«cnt calit \ on St in.tor Hill
(o-nigliL He it weaker tlm
turdny, and h t oondition i
Singly or
realize* that bo may il
in not knoan whnt pi
made in eating tli
Death may result fro
ortho m'-.cringef tl.c
row Is felt.
Wasuuoto ,
dnughter left hei
1 ■:.! 1, in r**iM>n*afo a
int*h»r *q the aappon
st the \
wrsn'ale' and, la Uie e
turf 1 ‘
• • ' ..1 ht.iv,.
lloh mill, with a child like and in<en«ou*
nllc, im he paued the Imnum :
•uvr.itij vou like to know th ilcsd Inshlo
— 0 how that race waa won?
"Why. you rode tbe beat hor.-o, didn't you
c Mkcd.
’’-Not* bit of It," repllcfl the; - key, with n
Brin. "The fsrt was lost Rutherford —mh
-- "bolter," audio st-ndy him nn>¥
' ''I It - ! I j .it iin|.-r> umi
rxw'ei on him. Tou noticed thoTsop*
"Theio were two
■ n<l a*
ringed that w
xactly; Steven* was a nervous c
r how the u<>-jk{lcN
A w wriwntti oi 1 „ m ... ,l. I Consorvativo peernaUlio residence of Lord
Alezahnau, July -t, 1 p. m -All tho Salisbury, it wnj decided to nllov the Irish
French ships have left hero, andthellnitod nrrenrs bill to pa*s to its second reading in
State* flagship ha* gone to Brindisi. I House of Lords, bat to introdaco
The market, end bonrae are reopening for h" „nre.
bQsinM »- Rons of loan or gift, but will dull decisively
London, July 21.—Tha Alexandria oor-1 with the other portion* of the bill,
rerpondent of Ihe Tima >aja on the evac ,. L ™ DO "- iu }> undor.tood that
„ n Li nn summmAwSm a M i.t I U** Gonwrvatives in the lIon*o of Oom-
untion of Alexandria, Arnbi laxha i«sned j mima will not oppose tlio voto of crodit
tho following: "Tho inorders were at tho proposed by Mr. Gladstone to strengthen
Khedive’s instigation. The English killed in Egypt, but that n section of
,i,h T dand ; hott„re,, ; .eU..Egyp.
tians who were left to guard the city. The 000 or £MU0,00Q. Mr. Glsdstoue will pro- " • “ -
Khedive romaiLS at night with hia women Pojo Unit the vote bo defrayed out of tho
afloat among the English, and return* to IJJJW 1 ^5?,^ Jr ® ir ' i®'
•km ,i.. .i inn t n I k«u*l« to ask the Uou'o of Commons to in-
the shore in the daytime to order a coutin-1 orcasotho iuoomo tax two ponce per pound,
nanco of the slaughter. Therefore I issue I Col. Brackunbury, late director of tbe
my order lo continue raising soldiers.” criminal invtsUgation dtp trtment,
Lownon. Jolx -Jl. —Th. Datl. JWrorajA
hu th. following: “Ateu-am/rhi, July M.- mrU.rnet»olteley.
Bccericra My Avabt Pnaha I, not inteMteh- J^of lbrE^ptSS^MnU*
ednndhs* no intrenohing tools; Arabi, I lioI ‘ ,^ n u ‘ ®
having erected for U fleet ions jost opposite a en ^ 'tha'fuen. Si?'wJL?y
Abtwkir bty and upon tlio Mahmoudich I o nni ] that either Liauteu-
fresh water canal, In* placed a dam iu tl>o L_ n . n . n . rM , K lr Ji,hn MtiUr «,
caual below bla position, close to the fortl- f«enoral Sir Edw ird ltru-V H uidf,v uiii lM.
hiI*t!S«ifion W Thu Suiara %abi The Timet also sajs: "We understand
A/fa■ wraat mSnkfl aa bvdam^nwI Unt Ma,urul IVha, TnrkLIi ambssnadur,
!jSmMl«£raha D hMk^a«rareaaanlctitvh Mtordak]r lri;J lli convince the govern-
sailicfliny iinrho ho pntVm on Tli.i'l, t*K»
I to
o. I lot a couple of mini of magnifyim>
nud <iulctly pot ’em Iu place of tlio i.lain
In tl>« goggles of belli Untu . Catch on
1, pertly.”
“The only difTWrcUnn was, that tn Ft'irena*
"Like looking through the wrong end
ojKjra gins*, ch 7"
"Exactly, the result was that while Unther
fool wm encouraged all the way by the cou-w
svemtug only a couple of bnadrc<l >«r.l- long
the quarter Hags appeared ten mil* * a;>art u
“ x n horse can be dbcouragw
min In the canal for present purpoeea. it uTrnmnriiL an«
Arithi'- I In. extend, from 1-ke M.‘r»U. Sh^trortton "?h Ite teSSof SI
toAbonkir. ll.ving out MXMtool. b. 1.1STSSyii" ' "
DOW Braking worla. VV.yre Inrom. tenh-1 7 -.«m'corre.poud.nt .tCotuUnU.
Sii}S«lS£uSS£ tei
ITI’a'.l oJoir I 1 (Suutea 1 |dnnffurd I !rt tte I ,rum There la no qoMliou of .
“UJS? .2.^,1. UteSiJ.nlS perntenent protectorate. All that I. iiimwl
KKS . 2. -liffi ' “te. In, >t li .n effinknt protection over tte out!
thing* by that timo will not bo criminally | m.i#,i nni.„ i,.. i-m mlmumiami
fronted, but that anybody who ba* goods
of th . u.tare imd due. nut bring them in . J u |, w w 30 *. U. -A dUnlch
will, if foond uni. be vUlted by . patrol, .
th. property uteed .ltd tte pilferer, pnn- from Alexandria to th. fully TrtejrojJi,
fated. Tbl, proclamation u Intend—1 lo I dated tt:30 lid. morning, mj. M.jur-G.ce-
have already brought in wlmt they had I regiments of infantry and a mounted
London, July 21.—Tho Dally Telegraph I squadron io Iho direction of Arabi Pasha’s
states thet LjeuLuaut-GcMrsI Hir Garnet I iutrenchmonts. Thia movement will prob-
WoRclcy will command the exiicdltloa to I ,,
Egypt, which will cotteid of 2u,«» of nil »Wy tort to *n tegaumimt.
.rate. Another tetUllon of marine.h>, . Irttro*. «v- A dUpwtehtolh. AVtra
been ordered Iu prepare nt ouce for terv 1c. I Iron; CoueUnUnople mm that >11 Enro-
in Egypt. * I olficera who have beeneerving with
The Daily News boUevea that lha l'orte’ * * •*- J “
on. hundred dollw. mbmII,." Tte rote I tho belief the opp3.1Uon u .
WM 31 to A M«teno and Kellogg voted I moot will more n vote of cnanr. on the
tm with tte Dwocreto; Bny«rd voted io dilatory action of the government
•Ith tte IteponlleUte. I after tlie nuMHn nt Alexandria in
Mr. Morgan offered nnd«*d nn«w I Jon. nnd ite wont of fun-right and
Motion exempting from tte efeeUI tax Im- pr.paratlon when tte bombardment of that
weed on dmUm In mannfufared tobacco „tt y had been decided npon.
x iMMdM— -a inmii.MWM ■>.» «- » • • * An Atoxapdi
I J. Crawford, 4{ W. K. I
eompomee can depend for competent and
: {•vreoo or by let-1
of State, and
'ri55ff--^-» S&S£S5>^{.ZXoZpiJS*
rtlege of maamg ^ o[ py^chiMry, and wires in
*i use in telegraph ofiaei- 2d. A
h kn iwl- ige of transm>«ton and
n of meeaage* and prea* reports
| over a imc. 3J. A thorough kaiowlcdip of
| books, accounts and form* in practical c«c
lfc .. ramifnfi.1 W I1 I in all wall regulated telegraphOfficee. 4th.
** p^^«3T£.ii£S2S:
'"■ 3 aau...e / I Circulars mailed free.
» . W. W. Cbajtv, Proprietor,
Jy^rrril I *treet, Atlanta. Oa.
Wawinoton, July 21.—In the Senate,
Mr. Butler, rising to a question of pcrsooal
privilege, remarked that be observed in
the Iteeonl this morning that n person in
another place, in discussing a contested
election exse, had made a wanton attack
upon his (Butler’s)character, and commit*
ted a breach of parliamentary privilege
and wae not eallei to order. He wonld not
nt this late day be betrayed into a contro
versy with the individual,
tincehehad never had the misfortune to
make, bat would ritber leave him lo the
judgment or contempt of all honorable
men for attacking another in a forum in
which he could not be answered, and under
the oover of tho privileges of that forum
declining to make any correction of the
fa’sehood ho wsa uttering or his zarblirg
cf evidence, perversion of Ik* truth and
falsification of the record. Ha (Butler)
has withstood the maxtlffs of tha RepublL
can party in tha pest, and eould afford to
dismiss with this brief notice the' yelpings
of this cor of low degree. The name of
thU creators, he believed, was Samuel IL
Miller, n Representative of Pennsylvania,
; a member of the House election*
mitt ac.
Mr. McMillan .ubmlttej ■ eonf.renc.
farmer., pUntere •ndlaDtermeawho far. I l/ixuow.Julr JO.-AnAi.iiuidrl»ilUn«tch
null .opplle. of tobneco to their Mighbon to tte Daily ftiryrapk Mjc; It 1. tUM that
or employe* In qouUtRi wn gating teM tte (oni m con-uU Intend to demand com.
than 100 pnnntU per yter. Adopted on . pMMtlonfor th. damage, done to
efra toe* vote. .. I projierly by tli* Arab, firing hoam, alteg-
The th* rd Mellon, i^Kdngtte tnxea on I utg that ted troop, bent touted uon after
cigar, and cigarette., having been reacted, I tte bombardment nq howaM would hare
Mr. Mahone moved an amendment fixing bean burned. I POMOM ooplet of tela-
tb. taiM on mi off and mMmtaetured to- grama ahowtng that Darviaeh
banco, after June 1, IHKt, at s cmU t»r l> u h> had teen tn eornmnnlcaboo
pound. Tte amendment adopt, tte pre- with Arabi up to th. moment of blade-
cte. language of tb. nt-tlng atatut. on th. I pxrture. All .vallate raUwmy rmployc
anbket, exoept Mtoth. rate. Mr. Mahon. I are telog collected, and everything teto -
aviu the iiropoaliton would Involve a re-1 kena an early biittetlra on our part. Gen.
ductlon of lb, revtott. of atent filJ.IXO!- Robert, i. reported to have landed at Suer.
WO, or twiee tte amount .ffaeted by tte B Report, oom. f men Cairo that AraM rant
oeul retw-prav*ote!y agreed to in Ite p^, of aoldlere to pUlag. tteCapttel. be
firat tection. Debate on tte amendment 1 th. eommandar there exMited tltem.
On motion of MnGgmtth.r, of WUoon- ^o''M^'^^ofree,u^hTng
•in, tte Demur bill, to regulate the oarrj. order, I teller Jurvttte actual axwuUoai
tog r-f puMngere by >m,wm ttem from do not .UMd elgtit rad tte total nnmher
the Hou, cjlemUr and named. Go mo- of kilted twenty. Arab! I'arte talka of ml-
Ron of Mr. Eldr, of Looutau, a bill nr I racing npon Alexandriv on Thuralay.
nwMdwthmismiUatb T«.;m«ny WtP Tbl. to nnprotebte, but It U pouibl. ttet
terworka Compaur to Uy oonduitr, pipe, te wlU nter Kwnlab.
and aqnedueta under the water, of lAk. I “An American artUtery officer tee .1-
Poutetertrelu, to omurart ite northern pneMdtte opinion that tte imzooMau.
■bore with the e«ty of New Ih tua I periovily of tte murine artUtery amploj-ed
.Cutter tte nil of outnmitteM, tte wan In tte praeUrally faevra tb.
and mean, committee tralted np tb. bid to queatton of tte reUliv. pow.r of land and
allow n drawback on foreign mataricla 1 uurlno artillery unaflacted. A wall fall to.
urd In eunnertlon with donuatte muteriite day oa r. earrlaga cuateialng four pet rona,
in the cotutruelloa of .temn and uU vm- I all ot whom were kiltel.
Mlv forf oralgn account Mr. Ibcker. of “Ttet Arabi l'aah. tea bean greatly cu-
\irginia, moradto tnrart tteworaU -ordo. I oouraged bv Rritteb Inaction la matte nran-
maatte- after tte word foreign in tte body I ifort by bu activity. 111. patrola bare
of tte WU, rottet It ahotdd rerttl: “Roilt I penetrated within nvemluTiitecily
.. TteBj. vralte. dteiwlueofOelaUareoontintudly
t it Ivrge I Tuk only iroo preparation that dne.
TJ—'I nucclortb. tMtb, mol will wt
Matip.'.lnn, M otter Jlrtn
Cl Will, It B.-nwn'f Iroo D t- | wfateb Il^r t«^ttdiid f m Mrattel ft'etci
AraM Pasha have deserted to lit v Khedive.
answer to the invitatioa to send troops I Admiral Seymour, in his dispatch to Ad
is regarded oy tho government aa eqaiv- ljaifM Tjre giving an account or the bom-
nlcnt to a rtfu^l. and that a force will be bardmenl of Abiandria, say* the Kgyp-
•nt to t’cvnt without delay. tlana foaght with detsrmiced brxviry,
The Times correspondent reports that I firing until they must have b?en deci-
respectable iebabiteuta ojmpldn tiut I mated,
—-i.— —xi Aloe , . . I
soldiers ntul tunny Bedouin* in Bromiis.
A*Lkx4aoaia, Jolr 31.—Oter on.hundred I Him.- have bum Joteed by Mddimaud
of Arabt'. roldior.UM.rted Wedueaday nod Ik-ouinv frdm CMro, and do doubt a gun.
emu. term A mMtlng of tte eteika, aral toMraratea begun. Th. »■■ of tte
nlemu. nnd notable, at Cairo waa hold In maaamw. of Earopaana in Mriona parte of
nonaaqueooa of tho iwalpt of tb. Ktredira'a Egrpiteaatelteo great Indignation bare,
letter ul'mlaalng Arald. ted tte delay in Ukotg action la bit-
That all way authorittea report that all la torly commented npon, Arabi I’aate’a
ready for an advaare of tba troupe. At proclamailoateaalreadyeffe-.tadamarlud
7:1) thU evening, water waa .tilt flowing In ohMigein the attitudoof tte poputeM bare,
the frrah watercanal, tetth. exit from tho Hobaervltet Mriiity ha. tern .ictenged
o toal into tte ae. i< being blocked by a I for a anllen and inaolent attUnila.
party of mttrituw, ao that tho water telow I Tte Ktediv. reporto Ural te tea lettnted ....
tte point whore AraM baa cut it will b. re- Unt Arab! I’aite'e troop, are .till further rtatio
tallied. .1 damaging Ihe oaoai at Uikieh. The Euro-
D Ul I
t aa well aa a n.
'Urcat scheme, ihst."
Well, 1 should sralla. Ruthy thoushthe
* in for a llttlo quarter race, and it krj.t np
jil» heart MVthst when he lied in-nrly done Uw
last mllo and swung Into the home streh ti, iui<1
I cal In I on bldT to let out hi* la«t link. h«
Uiooght thu Ju.ljces' M»nd was right under hU
• nsc, so hu came home Uke an izprm train oa
down grade, but Htevetu. wb*» thought he
h»d sliout fifteen mile* further to go, went all
to pieces, as you remember, and alnwat Uid
down on the track, he tikusomenuily cave!
Tho Marquis and tho Tar teller <11 - u ,c-l
the ftyptlan .|»i»--tlon last night, and the other
members of the force are sick this morning in
•T in bloody glad, ye knew, w* whipped
Uieblawstcd llegjptlatis," reuisrke<l tbe Mar-
"Ain't whipped them yet," said the Tar*
"Kli wc ’aren’t," retorted the representative
of the effete monarchy; "Why, blawst me
beyes, ye hexawfi>i-rstu me. iiadmlral ,-.y-
‘nour 'as tugeln brought homier to bear flag.
I rrsh for SL titorge."
"Aw, tCngUnd is a big bully." said Tar-boil*
rr; "she'll hulhlore little wm4 countries but
eho era wU Into her hole end draws said hole In
after her when iUwte or some other i-.wer
puts a chip on fwr shoulder. Hhe'sii. < w.,
of Kurnpa."
icii the Marquis rose up tn the full Im leht
U four feet two Inches sud howled: "We
ran Ih-k benny nation bunder the fraa ( «>f
J-aven," and he boaseeaj
the ’Ur tw.llrr,
■■■MWnP Tsr botler had
’s, and as his snclcut mnl slap-
hut UL doom was ecaled. The Tsi
gracefully through the drrutaambieat
" “ M Chloride * 1
lng of tcvb
ile of Hodlum,
t<hcre, and wt>k«) up oM •
who wsspscctlydm
opposite side of the m
"Ow’s llryyptT" inqulral Tsr-bollcr.
A tew cixivuLive twists wss the only answer
ofthoMsranL, ami then besald: "for Kv-
lug's sake fetch me some basssfu-tida, or helae
let me swim hoot un them air gunboats of the
"Don't yon go there," he said as he
meat edfsh set of p
jet they Wouldn't let med
dertberedurlngsrhoot hours lor fee
tbe children. 1 had to work n
i men )u
IrjnooK, July 21.—A dispatch from Mar-, wans oontlnne to land, the street* are tWffJR jjjg 1 Eff t
lilies to tha Ihiily News says orders have fairly full of LngUsb. French, Germans, Mdlt th^fatswin t ~ a i L. taAMel . i. ..I, I .1 T rat. - I f I a I i anil tlyp.tfl. A I LI tlef v nf gMitlfitw . ' . ........ . I
f-jrf i.-ui.uor J.-iu tica
p-,b;ic'.tu proo.p-.lj- o;.p
meat, u opening n.> th. quretlon of fre.■RRS^H
•bit-. “Ttet*. wtet -v. wtetl- era. In a I relmco .t tte ~d.parture of D.r.i-c!.l
cbortu from the Dunocratteitde. Oaerico lfarhA. Tte olfieira merit, mochl
core vote there .ppMrail to b. . Urge ma- of tte nraMM - exile lo hbi
ority tn favor of tte amendment. Tte Intrigue., tie te ampeetot of commit*
tepnMicaaa demanded teUrn, when many ntoattog with tte rebate during Ite teat few
on ttet atdarafrauMd from voting, tenving I daya. M. I>a Immp. tea arriml ten.
tb. Room without a quorum. Tte yam lie trad an Interview with tbe Ktediv. to-1
and naj. Were than domand .0, end tha Idly. Tte chief difficulty tn Um reetoring
vote stood yeas !*, nays
No farther proceedings vtrtH
WU. ~ * I hatred of them shown l/y the Arabs i* in]
The floor w»l then eceortted to UM«m-|uaM. lord CterlM Brreeford. u taking
mitle. on porPofllcca and poat-roadr. Th. I «wy ptaMati-m agalnal an outbreak. 11a
I tlrat bill called np wu that prov-ding that | te.tewd.notte.ttet be will mate podtef
the podago onateood mra taibiiamaoira^M
n rocetvwl at tte naval nueual at Ton- Itellan. and Orretr, A buttery of artcltery
.... to lake intMorw for rreeivlng In th. on lb. way from Malt, bu bran .hinted
terracte n«at battalion. | witbottlterra. No>teioubrnd
which are to form Ihe oorp. for Egypt.
Tb. Daily TcfrorapA, in tte woood I ^mWSnSWSCWWWWWC
Uoo, print. . di-prtoti from Mexandriml l.-wu-re,JulySf—The Farl.corre
wldcb My* i “It will not be .nrprialng if I enl of the Tima report. Uut U. D. Vrey.
Arab! 1'a.ha'. mewnraa in regatd lo tte I cin.t hu cornmnninated with the EnglUh
wa'n aopply of A'axandri. Itw to tut lm-1 governmaot in ragtrd In Inviting Italy lo
mediate advance of BriUab Ifoopm Major- co-operate with England and Ererro.. It
General Alllaua tea telegraphed homo for I bbeltend ttet England will readily u-
inetroctiotu. An Arab apy atatea ttet tte I qniwea.
damming of tte Mahmoudich canal hul Tb. Tima har tb. following: AUraa-
Hooded tte country. Tbe water in eome I drln, July II.—Arabi'. camp l« viatble
plaoea la kneealeep, makingtb. ground too I from towwa of bo«M at Ramlah. Ill,
•oft for tte movement of go nr. A nattv. I noaitioo, cn a narrow atrip of land,flanked
<i Juaftean abut wldlo attempting to lot I bv two tekw, te vwy atrong. Thirty ail
re to. hooee in the contra of iteeity. Eeropeana have tew mtmcnl by order
Tte Daily .Wire, in ita Muond edition, f of Arabi. *
ha. a diapatch from Port Hald which Mya I tgmnw,Jn<y 'Tte Dally Trltgraph
Arab! i'aeha apnad Ore rrport that the | bM tte following i “Alrxandrla, Xf.
Englivb Iroopa bad been defeated. Tbe I —Tba troop, teat night alrpt oouUie Uw
conduct of tte nallvea oorwquently te very | walla. Tte Noteblra ai(a meeting at (fairo
inaolent. The podlion te crttlral. I have adopted a reflation declaring that
Cuinrraruori.^ July 31.—In oonae- 1 Ih. Ktedlre, having violated Ite aooatite-
E anc of tb. reaol.tioo adopted at j eater-1 Ron, la a traitor, and ten ttepoawl him.
y', ritting of th. eouf.ranc. the drago-1 They have tem iauwl a proetamatlon ite.
man ol Um Italian legatiou tea Informed daring war with Engbuul and aummoalnt
Iteid Faaha, ptreidint of tb. eomcil. ttet I all gwxl Muaten lo fight agalnal ter,
tte conference had noted tte Fo.-te'a do- Than te with Arebt Faaha a Hwtea adven.
eil-ioo to participate in the deliberation, venturer named NlnM. It m
of the conference, and invited him to de- I rico-t that ha te.
ciJo whti-ter th. conference shall oontln- mar. tout anybody
u. to rit at the Italian Kmhuay or be 1 tn bring about tte recent duaatore.
Iraneferred to Ida rcaidooci. UU expect- I When caognt oa will be dealt with nmu.
cd that tb. Fort, will propOM a eoonter I rtty. A few dajr before tha botnbwd-
ucheme to the effect ttet either a TurkUh I ment ha wa* rjerted from th, French elo
cum ml v. ion *teU aoranpany tte Knglbh | aotete aa a apy. 1 mw today Egyptian
ud French troop-, or ttet European. I offiowa of high rank ban in utna uni-
bold tte S i. z canal while tte Turte opar-1 form. They all took put in lha defenaw
ate abewhere. I A penon who hu had twenty yetui’ expe
1/rxuuM, July-31.—Th. government hu ricnc. in Egypt told ma ttet in the earn,
chartered tba Utegr.pb.lup Calahrit M a I train in wueb teoam. from Cairo wore
Iran*port. two 0.rman artillery ofltear. who u*iated
A long di.patch from Earl Granville, I In too dvfmia, and uw here now. Frew
foreign awtotery, to Lord Dofferln, to. | ante te being pot oa tbe Khtdivc l> pro-
ft lbs water In to
a* tas'l* me i»*y Us the iucnru n
X•• Us s fullers! sermon only
I<mxl Don't r» hcjruutl Colonulu U
t loue u*cd well."
Wbat Hast hsO«
’•Tbeyeajr,” Ita begin e* ha leaned o
the railing of U>« ferry boat; “they >
that corn won't ooma op to the averager
“< If courea it won’t,” replied U*e cthr
"Aud that th# weithor is bai
wheat r” *
"Certain it is.”
"Anl that lha price of tmfi
will go higher V*
“I'm certain of it.”
“AnilR. it thagvucr »looU«>>k i- ;.b,snj
“Gloomy L the wor«L”
"Hive you (effected on
fairs. Hr I"
I have that”
And have yon a rem-dy V
“liulsda I have.”
'•\Vh> soir, tba laboring man Ilka a
mast stroike far throe doiUn a day,
The b’jcsinonr shoptxikail i
night, and we
deiMjNiisd in teller carrier office for de-1 tivre. The c-utom bon e hul
li-ery by ite currier, .tell te uniform nt I opened.
two cent, per pound. Famed. I fac.ouv, Joly 'Jl.— 1 Thu DuroViy curre-l
ihenert bdl purred wiioae making It I vpoedent of tte bfowbinl ,ijj tte chip
nnoffen o punitouMo byflaoup! iroprp- tomri cf C.lcattu I,wo teen invited
onmeal to penwaatj a lo-t-ulfico ineptc- I to offer teu-lcr* for too Irau.portltirm P.
I tor. ' .. .1 Egypt of five thoarup! and rix hundred
the f dlowlng billl wtro al*o puaedilmotee. Frujera luvo Uun offered in Cal-
Makingit a mtedenwuMr for any poatnl I cotta nuwquM for too rucume of Arabi
offidal to do nuy act f .rbiddcn by any l-uw I Faaha.
Kilting P» ibo :0.1*1 acrvlce; lopmu.h 1 "11 r t.'unvtantir.qpU currerj-ookutuf U.o
l—tmiultn fur unking falec- cortiflcatcv I Dtil.j Sr,a vayr tte Forte hoi rent iiu-
of tow arrival and departure of too muiU; o order* to l'-bt Lot to
tiruvidictf that n j b.d-Rr for the mail ser* I make a movemeat.
HBHHHHB vteaon any roataateU b. required to fur- A dirpateh from CotutuUnople to Um
SWWBSth. river and harbor bill, and uiah wilhhir bid ot prop mat a obaefc or I Time* raya Arab! Paaba U try tug to relrb-
•tated ttet agreramta ted tem roaebad draft. A lupp'-aamotal poet rant. bUlwu I u*b raUtiaoa with Um Arab, tn Tripoli and
.upon Ml tb. item* Uiom ro'nting to aieo pMted- AdjocraaJ. I aonttera Tonle.
tb. Fotomoi flute, tb. tl* and CM*. ■«■»■■ ■■ I Woolwicw. Jaly 30.—Six vpKiaJ train*
apeake canrlr, and Um Mieeteatpei ring Tim low eowiHlnn rueultiog bom ty-1 Ireten with bonutev.urivMbera. Freere
approprlMioD, tte Motrmrmy wpoo to. pbold few, raqnirM act uai noarlateumt I to* pedore ten teen received lot toait
Utter brag Mtoth. amount. U. Mid tte Iu- f ola d in be.-firx or extract*, tjeott I mUlioM of cartridge*,
coafara. - reermmratedbonrairrev’a. M to * Duwua'i Sclub'.e lle«f contain. Ml tbe I teuuox, July 70.—A di«pulofi froe. Alex-
aUtbaitraaggitedtir,ffautfa. SmlaSBc I endrta to Um Patty TtDorapkmUmn
■tetoBitera.ndnunt.ia tte four item, pntriti xaeleninnteof ttemcat. rotUM I tep.kM»wraSm»ta<Uy«rl» mor-
Baate,ud.appointnracoaf-rere. Along by text grocera. l/J ! t>> . Ira gikrel tr point iLxtall tbe
argument followed, ttevml number, llareforel u Acta Phaiyhall ' ru:. bar. breo coerioted of manuring
Enropram under ci-cum *t ir
tioual barbunly d-ning the I
cily. The muretevm will probably
A long diepateh from Eerl Granville, I in tha defeoM, a
-oreign araretery, to lord Uniterm, toe I aure te being pat
EDgiteh .mbaaaador at I'onetantlnople, I claim Arab! Faaha a rebel.
J ,ted J.'o te putUuhcd. After Ju»Ufy-1 ImwooB, July It—The Timm thle mors-
leg tin bombardment of Aleundrte, Um I ing MT>: “Ihe fovea deetloed fir Egypt
diepateh elate, that her«t>'e govern- will te ten thorn and men, and Ihia, with
ment now are no alternative but a racoon. I lb. total elrrady rant, make, tte etraogth
to fore, lo pat an end do the intutecabte j immediately avelUbM foaittan tVwm-
atate of radra It ‘, |M|
Snterealkmol Uw thvtthafforer^hmrid be I Evelyn' Wood wlUeomnuinJ brigadev.
of the auxrain pow.r. llthia u.mpraclia-1 Uen. Wood hM teen ordered lo be ready
ble oa account of tbe uawiUingneaa of lb. I to renbork ta a fme daya. The gov era meat
Holton P,-Lt, It will braom. nr-Muy to I yMtereUy ragig«IteB raralefaette tranv
devte. otter nwraraa Uev M.jr.iy'. imttation of troore. Including to.Natonul
government uontiau. to hold tte vtew ttet I UM ateimvra Hoilaad and Franc., and
any Intervention abouldracraunt tbenr'l- the Allen Len.eteiam.ra OrerUn and Con-
teo action and entbonty of Earn; *. They I adion. Jim treiMport Mywute te. brat
bare, in fact, no latent, or object, in re-1 fitted re a aoutetara for Alauadrte. Him
gan! to Egypt iMooateteot with thoM of I aaa MadeaM thirty-two 1 — —
tbareatof Europe or of tte Egyrdian prer- of watenUily.
pte. Ttetr drair. to ttet tb. navigation of I Thu embarkation of tb* whote foeeo will
DmeanalateUb. annotrioled; ttet Egypt I b. eotaptoted wUbln b fortnight. Cyprae
■ gi.erneJ, fra. I will te Um rendexvona of too foere. A
suing Inffncn-1 dopiteh to tte Daily Sam frra Marreilte.
•ingle power 11 um ttal thew teuUteu ten utiradU
’raw- be waU and
• ft l*lmpli«l«
.. jUmlat— tba
awed activity, and io
a h to renewed activity, madia many I esTul'
wajrsitloaei up mad Invigorate thewboU I t»sholbv*E«Ti4i .’!i"
I posaihto thml soch e:
that InUtntiional (dmmmqu
obaervsd, anl ihmt thote UriUah
eialand IrwiastrisI tnUrea^. whft
bscn so larfeiy ilevsftoped im Kgy
raesiva dme fvotoettom from oa
principle whir h ft* ••sentlml for o«r I
eolaimmaperftaof tteworid. Thair