Newspaper Page Text
You can get it at
4? £>
B£P0T »T.
DB. T B DAV18.
If it is Furniture or Furnish
ings for-any room in the house,
you cun have your wants sup
plied at the store ofE. 0 Reese.
In this big stock the qualities
and prices are so varied, there
is such a wide range of prices,
that tiny prospective customer
is almost certain to make pur
chases after seeing the goods.
Remember that Reese’s is
the store where you buy lany
kind of musical instrument
and save money by doing so.
E. O. REESE, neimm, «.
Residence ' Phone &-three|enUe.
Rretdenoe 'Phone 94.
Davis & Turner Sanatorium,
Corner College and Hancock Sts., Newnan, Ga,
High, central and quiet location'.
All surgical and medical cases
aken, except contagious diseases.
Trained nurse constantly in at
Rates $$ per day, $25 per week.
Private offices in building.
’Phone 5-two calls.
Davis & Turner Sanatorium.
Beulah, Mncaria, Inez—Mrs. Augusta
E. Wilson.
Stones of Venice (3 vols); The Two
Paths, Fora Clavigera (2 vols), Laws of
Fesole, Modern Painters (3 vols), Seven
Lamps, Sesame and Lilies; Hortus I11-
olusus, Praeterita; Crown of Wild
Olives; Ethios of the Dust; Deucalion,
Arrows of the Chace; Proserpina, St.
Mark’s Rest—Ruskin.
Picturesque Geographical Reader—C.
R. Kiug.
Milton’s Poems.
Little Journeys to the Homes of Good
Men and Great—Elbert Hubbard.
Adam Bede—George Eliot.
Earth’s Enigmas—O. G. D. Roberto.
Jefferson’s Bible—Tho». Jeffersou.
Ten^Vols—Robert Browuing.
Six Vols—Elizabeth Browuing.
Gomes One with a Song, Little Folks
Down South—Frank Stanton.
The Substitute, The Georgians, Ab
ner Daniel—Will N. Harben.
The Mau from Glengarry—Ralph
Age of Fable—Bulflnoh.
Innocents Abroad, Following the
Equator—Mark Twain.
Books presented:
The. Path to Wealth, Rev. J. B. S
Agriculture for the Common Schools
(Hunnicutt). Prof. B. F. Pickett.
Mr. World and Miss Ohuroh Member
(W. S. Harris). P. T. MoCntohen.
Lucile, (Owen Meredith); Thelma
(Oorelli). Mrs. J. W. Willeoxou.
Mrs D. B. Woodroof, Librarian.
Plan of Convention Goes Into
Immediate Effect.
"People Are Aroused to Imperative
Necessity to Do Something,” De
clares Jordan In Stirring Addroee
to People.
prosperity of this section, or It may
be another decade before we get the
desired relief. In unity there b
strength- Let all our people stand to
gether in a common cause.
Pres. Southern Cotton Association
- The call of President Jordan will be
read with interest throughout tht
south, as the farmers are anxious to
perfect organization as outlined by
tha cotton aonveutioa at Now Or
In Effect May. 1!M)4.
West Bound.
It 11st Bound
No. 9
5 :»
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7 V7
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No. 1
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’• ...Whtteaburg
1 41
6 29
13 00
..Carrollton.. “
1 IS
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“.....Bremen ....“
13 18
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“.... ..Rome ",
10 41
JJ 48
•• Holland ".
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’-.... Raccoon ----
9 40
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9 32
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“ Trlon ”
9 2!
4 4H
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5 19
H 23
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7 45
For Information «s to Rotes, otc.. address’
Diy, Pass. Agent. _ iiaMk
Chattanooga, Tenn
Newnan. Ga.
Uenl. Puss Agint,
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent packet Is enough for usual ocoaaione
The family bottle (90 cento) contains a supply
for a yenr.AU druggists sell them.
Royal Bostio Felt Mattress.
Ia the concentrated downy effect
of six layers of felted cotton of
sel ected qualify. In the concen •
tration there is no hardness.
They are soft at first, aiid remain
so through years of constant
use. Wnte for free booklet,
“The Royal Way to Comfprt.”..
If your dealer hasn't it write us.
•IB. 00 th0 Wght 110.00
Vi ruihhiiiiinyi 1 11 uhtflTi
Champion Liniment for Rheuma
Ohas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chapin-
vllle, Conti., says: “Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm is the ohampion of all liniments.
The past year I was troubled a great
deal with rheumatism in my shoulder.
After trying several cures the store
keeper here leeommended this remedy
and it completely oured me." There is
no use of anyone suffering from that
painful ailment when this liniment oan
be obtained for a small sum. One ap
plication gives prompt relief and its
continued use for a short time wilt pro
duoe a permanent cure. For sale l>y
Holt & Gates, DruggiutB, Newnan, On.
Mardi Gras—1905.
For this occasion the West Point route
will sell excursion tiokets to New Or
leans, Mobile, Pensacola. One first-class
fare plus 25 cento ou March 1st to
6th, inclusive, limited by extension to
March 25th. Reservations in Palace
Sleepers, City Office, Fourth National
Bank Building.
Strike* Hidden Rocks.
When your ship of health strikes tire
hidden rocks of consumption,pneumonia,
etc., you are lost, if you don't get help
from Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption. J. W. MoKinnon, of Tal
ladega-Springs,. Aim, writes: “I had
been very ill with pneumonia, under the
the oare of two doctors, bat was getting
bp bettor when I began to take Dr.
King’s New Discovery. The first dose
gave relief, and one bottle cored me."
Sure care for sore throat, bronchitis,
coughs and colds. Guaranteed at J. T.
Reese’s and Dr. Paal Peniston’s drag
store. Price 50o and $1. Trial bottle
Thi9 roomy desk is constructed of solid oak,
with quartered oak front, writing bed and top,
rubbed and polished. Note the heavy con
struction of this desk and compare it with the
flimsy, light built kind. Everything is high-
grade; work and materials. 50 inches long.
4ft inches high, 30 inches deep, three filing
cases, enclosed by a short roller curtain, and
double drawer partitioned for books in right
pedestal. 12 linen pigeon hole boxes included.
Weight 210 lbs. bend for our special price.
We will make an extra inducement to the one
buying the first desk in each town.
Every desk (nuranteed. Money back if not just as represented. Send for circular wbicto gives
fuller particulars. INDIANA DESK CO., Franklin, Ind.
Merck & Dent,
After your Carriage
has been repaired
at our shop it’s as good as new—
not only looks so, but is so. You
see we replace un sound J parts of
body, wheel, top^or shaft and re
store the “style”* by smart upre-
holstering and careful repainting
and revarnishing. If your vehicle ^
looks “a bit seedy” come around
here and get our estimate on ju-
.vrrTTJW i dicious re-furbishing aad real
‘ ^strengthening.
Hon. J. H. Cotter came down
from Washington last week,spend
ing Sunday and Monday in the
city. He left for his new position
under the government, at Colon,
Republic of Panama, Monday af
ternoon, going by way of New
Orleans, from which place he sail
ed. Mr. Cotter always receivesja
warm welcome in his old home
here where he has friends without
number. The best wishes of the
entire community go with him.—
La Grange Reporter.
A Chicago Alderman Owes His Elec
tion to Chamberlain’s Cough
“I can heartily and conscientiously
recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy for affections of the throat and
lungs," says Hon. John Shenick,.220 So.
Peoria St., Chicago. “Two years ago
daring a political campaign, I caught
cold after being overheated, which ir
ritated my throat and I was finally com
pelled to stop, as I could not speak
aloud. In my extremity a friend ad-
yised me £0 use Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. I took two doses that after-
noon and coaid not believe my senses
When I fonnd the next morning the in
flammation had largely subsided. I took
several doses that day, kept right on
talking through the campaign, and I
thank this medicine that I won my seat
I iu the Counoil.” This remedy is for
1 sale by Holt & Cates, Druggists, New-
j nau, Ga.
President Harvie Jordan, of the
Southern Cotton Association, has is
sued a call to the cotton planters ot
the south, urging them to organise
to carry out tha will of the great New
Orleans cotton convention.
Aftar reviewing the situation and
telling of the work accomplished at
New Orleans and os I ting for tha gath
er lugs, as announced. President Jor
dan explains the entire plan of organ-
teat Ion adopted and urges that the
farpero. stand together as one man
From hie call It la evident that the
Southern Cotton Association proposes
to get down to work nt once and that
before the end ot the present month
there will be a complete working or
ganisation In every state In the south
and sub-assoolatious in every county
and preoinct.
Call In Pull.
The call of President Jordan follows
in full:
Mootlcello, Ga., Feb. t, 1905.
To the People of the South:
The tiino has come for action; in
unity now is your only strength. The
movement, inaugurated at New Or
leans whereby the Southern Cotton
Association was organized, Is the hope
now for the accomplishment of lasting
benefits to the cotton growers of the
south, and to reap the full benefits of
that organization, and to successfully
carry out its purposes, it, fcs essential
that we have organization In every
precinct In the south.
The people of the cotton growing
states are aroused to the Imperative
necessity to do something, and the
line of action marked out. for the
Southern Cotton Association at New
Orleans, after full and tree consults
tlon between hankers, merchants, bro
kers, professional men and farmers,
is the guide to follow, and we must be
enthusiastic, determined and muHt not
tolerate and hesitation or deviation,
or else our efforts will be in vain.
It is hardly necessary for us to
bring to your attention the fact that
unless we control the market and de
mand, and receive fair and just prices
for our cotton, bankruptcy stares us
in the face, and there can be no es
cape from it except in the manner In
dicated by the plan suggested to the
Southern Cotton Association and the
executive committee, to which your
attention to called, and to aa follows:
1. To tie up and take oare of the
surplus of this crop; remove it from
tbo. market, until next fall and hold
balance of crop until price* advance.
3. Reduce ootton acreage and use
•f commercial fertilizers under cotton
at least 35 per cent of that of last
3. Arrange for a general system of
bonded warehouses under the control
of the people of tha south.
4. Organize the producers of the
south In every ootton-growlng county
on a buslneas basis to carry Into op
oration a permanent system of relief
and protection for the future.
Membership-, Dues.
The membership for all persons
joining this association shall be 25
cents, and fees thus collected to bs
turned over to the' treasurer of the
county or parish association, who shall
retain one-half of the amount so col
looted for the use of tha county or
parish association, forwarding one-
half to the treasurer ot the state or
territorial association. The treasurer
of the state or territorial association
to forward one-half of the amount re
solved by him to John H. Latham
Dublin, Tex., the treasurer of the
Southern Cotton Association, and
port the amount thus sent to Richard
Oheatham, secretary, Montioello, Ga
The parish or county association
shall pay Its own treasurer.
The county or parish association
shall fix a reasonable compensation
bo be paid the township or political
sub-division canvassers for collecting
the above named pledges and statis
tics, to be paid out of the oounty
Every township or pnUtlcal sub
division not heretofore organised .to
urgently requested to perfect its or
ganisation at ones.
Sweh preelacit* by-.oauntia# as have
heretofore organised for the purpose
herein- Mkted-, under whatever name,
St* requested to bold their meeting*
to ’ 'itfcordance ' with thd above oal
and beebme members of this associa
Mutt Act Now.
Fine Draws.
You will obser.-o that this is a vary
tine point.”
“It ought to be. You’ve strained It
enough.”—Cleveland Leader.
WRal Owe Weaiae Selered For the
Raka mt Ha* ArfMtaaM.'
You must suffer to be beautiful, ac
cording to a French saying. Thaee-
•earns to be some truth In the state
ment, If a lady's maid Is to be believed.
She has revealed the secrets of her
mistress' boudoir, or, rsther, torture
chamber. The tody herself Is now
beautiful, but one wondere that she la
still alive. For months she lay fiat ou
her back on the floor, motionless, with
her arms close to her sides, during sev
eral hours every day. This was, It ap
pears,' to Improve her figure. During
tho rest of the day, for the aame period
of time, she sat on a high stool, giving
nnd rocking the upper part of her body
backward nnd forward and from aide
to side unceasingly. By this procaaa
she is said to have acquired n statu
esque throat and a sylph's waist. The
Indy’s nose, having a soaring nature,
was corrected anil made Grecian by
the constant application day nnd night
for months of a spring bandage. On#
nostril was originally larger than the
other, so she wore a small sponge III it
for a year Her cheeks hnvo been
filled out and rounded by Injections of
paraffin. Her oprs for months were
compressed against the sides of Iter
bond by springs, while heavy weights
were attached to the lobes to produce
the required elongated shape, which
has been successfully achieved. Haw
lug suffered this complicated martyr
dom for it year, the lady, oh already
staled, is now beautiful.—Paris letter.
Retain, That Thnnwli You Have to 1st
Kverrthinix ISlae Uo.
Some people get along beautifully fox
half a lifetime perhaps while every
thing goes smoothly. While they am
accumulating property and gaining
friends and reputation their characters
seem to be strong and wtdl balanced,
but the moment there is friction any
where, the moment trouble cornea—•
failure in business, a panic or a great
crisis In which they lose their all—they
are overwhelmed. They despair, lose
heart, courage, faith, hope and power to
try again—everything. Their very man
hood or womanhood is swallowed up
by a mere material loss.
This is failure Indeed, and there to
small hope for any one who fall* 5*
such n depth of despair. There is hop*
far an Ignorant man who cannot write
his name even If he has stamina and
backbone. There s hope for a cripple
who bus courage, there to hope for a
boy who has nerve and grit, even
though he to so hemm&l In that be baa
apparently no chnnce In the world, but
there is no hope for a man who cannot
or will not stand up after be falls, bat
loses heart when opposition strikes hint
and lays down his arms after defeat.
Let everything else go If you must,
but never lose your grip on yourself.
Do not let your manhood or woman
hood go. This to your priceless pearl,
dearer to you than your breath. Cling
to it with all your might. Give up Ilfs
.itself first.—Success.
The people must act now and shake
off the Obstacles In the. was. of lb'
The Babr Beetle's Cradle,
If, at almost any time ot the year, we
walk through the woods where the red,
scurlet, black or pin oaks are growing—
that Is, where we find those that ripen
their acorns in two seasons and there
fore belong In the pin oak group—we
ahull probably find on the ground fallen
branches Hint vnry In size from that of
a leuil pencil to that of one’s thumb or
even larger. These at the broken end
appear ns if cut away within the wood,
so tliut only a thin portion is left under
the bark. Within the rather uneven
cut, generally near the center of the
growth, Is a small hole tightly plugged
by the "powder post” of a beetle larva.
Spilt open the branch or twig, when u
burrow will be seen, and the little,
white, soft, hard Jawed larva that
made it will be found or perhaps the
Inactive pupa.—St. Nicholas.
Why Sailor* Wear Collars.
‘ Probably not many people, including
the wearers themselves, know the or
(gin of the sailor’s collar. Many years
ago when Jack Taro wore their hair, in
pigtails, which they were'In the habit
ef keeping very greasy, the backs of
their coats used to get In'a very dirty
and untidy condition owing to comtauc
In contact with the hair, consequently
the order was given for a detachable
and washable collar to be worn, so that
they might look more tidy.—Loads*