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Underselling * Store!
Bargains for you in everything
Men's broken xlxCsirt Winter Suita to
clone out at prior‘s to suit you. Good line
Boyd Knee Pants at bitf discount to
close. -Big line Men’s odd pants; they
•tAast ttoatsome price.
Our Winter Droee Coode
Are all marked .^oWn cheap. 1000 yds
Dress Outings; Rood styles at 4)Jo yd.
All Kla'/ielette* worth 13,'^C and 15c, at
10c yard.
New shipment Toile du Word
GinghxmH, regular price 12 'Xo. Onr
price 10c yard.
52 inch Broadcloth, all the leading
colors, the $1.00 quality, our price 70c
Embroideries 7,500 yards Embroideries
5c, 7,'g, and lOo yd. You cannot atford
to miss seeing them. They are the best
values ever shown here.
New shipment Bostonian hlmes for
men, $2.50 and $3.60. Extra quality,all
leathers, latest and advanced styles;
every pair guaranteed.
God man Shoes for l.adns ami Chil
dren. None made better
100 Hugs marked at quick selling
prices, $3.i)0 to :ir.c.
Big stock Blankets marked down to
prices to move them quick
Our Motto: s«-
Your Money Back on Demand!
J. W. Stripling & Son
'Phone 98.
\t ixiv •'‘/•'it *
■If ..
Legal Advertisements.
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
Charlotte G. Dunn. Admrx. JohnN. |
Dunn, surviving jiartuer of Dunn,
Ogletree & Co.,
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de
Scieri facias to revive judgement in
case No. 325 in Justice Court 046th Dis-
drict, G. M. of said county.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the Justice Court of the 646th -District
G. M., of said County, to be held at the
established court house of said District
in Newnan, Georgia, at 10 o’clock A. M.
ou the 4th Monday in May, 1900,to show
cause why said' judgment should not
be revived* In default thereof the coprt
will pass an order reviving same.
Maroh 1st.,'1905,
A. H. Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. Officio J.P.
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
CharletteG-Dunn, Admtx. John N.Dunn,
surviving imrtner of Dunn, Ogletree
& Co.,
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Lookc, de
Scieri facias to revive judgment iu
case No.326 in Justice Court 646th Dis
trict, G. M., of said County.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the Justice Court of tho 640th District
O. M., of said County, to be held at the
established court house of said District
in Newnan,Georgia, at lOo’clock, A. M.
on the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to show
oanse why said judgment should not
he revived. In default thereof the court
will pass an order reviving same.
March 1st, 190 i.
A.H. Boliannn, N. l J . & Ex. Officio J.P.
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
Charlotte (LDunn, Admrx. John N Dunn,
surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree
& Co., vs.
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de
Scieri facias to revive judgment in case
No. 327 in Justice Court 646th District,
G.M., of said County.
You are hereby notified to appenr at
the Justice Court of the 646th District
G. M., of said County, to be held at the
established court house of said District,
in Newnan, Georgia, a* lOo’clock, A. M.
on the 4th Monday in Mayl905, to show
onuse why said judgement should not
be revived. In default thereof the court
will pass an order reviving same.
March 1st,' 1903.
A.H. Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. OfHoio J P.
GEORGIA, Coweta County. ; cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de-
Chnrlette G.Duun,Admrx. Jno.N.Dnnn. ceased.
surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree & Scieri facias to tevive judgment iu case
Co., vs. j No. 887 iu justice court 646th district,
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Lccke, de- c. 54.of said countv.
Scieri facias to revive judgment in case
No. 331 in Justice Court 646th District,,
G. M., of said county.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the Justice Court of the 646th District,,
G. M., of said county, to be held at the
established court house of Baid district,
in Newnan, Georgia,at 10o’clock, a. m.,
on the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to show
cause Why said judgment should not be
revived. Id default thereof the. court
will pass au order reyiying same,
March 1st, 1905.
A.H. Bohanan. N. P. & Ex: Officio J.P.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the justice court of the 646th district,
G. M., of said county, to be held at tho
established court house of said distriot,
in Newnan, Georgia, at 10 o'olook, a.
in., on the 4th Mouday in May, 1906,Jto
show cause why said judgmeut- should
not be revived. In default- thereof tho
court will pass att order reviving'same.
March 1st, 1906,‘
A. H. Bohauan, N.P. & Ex. Officio J.P,
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
Charlctte Q.Dunn, Admrx. John N.Dunn,
surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree &
Co., vs.
Clift A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de
Scieri facias to revive judgmeut iu case
No. 326 iu Justice Court 646 Distriot,
G. M., of said county.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the Justice Court of tho 646th Distriot,
G. M .. of said County, to be hold at the
established court house of said distriot
iu Newiian, Georgia,at 10 o’clock A. M
on the 4th Mouday iu May, 1905. to show
cause why said judgment should not be
revived. In default thereof the court
will pass an order reviving sapie.
March 1st,. 1905
A.H Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. Oftioio J. P.
GEORGIA, Cowefa County.
Chagle t^e^j.Dunu, Admrx. Jno. N.Dunn,
surviving partner of Donn, Ogletree &
Co, vs.
Cliff A-. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de-
Scieri facias to revive judgment in cose
No. 882 in Justioe Court 646th distriot,'
G. M., of saidoonnty.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the justioe court .of the 046th distriot,
G. M., of said oouuty, to be held at the
established court house of said distriot,
iu Newnau, Georgia,at 10 o'olock, a. m.,
on the 4th Monday in May, 1905,to show
cause why said judgment should not be
revived. Iu default thereof the court
will pass au order reviving same.
March 1st, 1905.
A. H. Boliauau, N.P. & Ex. Olfioio J.P.
• GEORGIA, Coweta county.
Charlotte O.Dunu,Admrx.Jno N. Dunn,
surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree &
Co., vs.
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de
Scieri facias to revive judgment in case i To Cliff A.
GEORGIA, Coweta county.
Charlotte G.Duuu,Admrx JohuN.Dunu,
surviving partner of Duuu, Ogletree A
Co., vs
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de
Soieri facias tb revive judgmediTa’ case
No. 838in justice court 646th distriot, G.
M., of said county.
You areliereby notified to . appear at
the justice coorhof the 646th district, G.
>1., of said connty, to be held at the
established court house of said district,
iu Newnan, Georgia, at »0 o’olock, a. m.,
on the 4th Monday iu May, 1905, to show
oause why said judgment should not bo
revived.. In default thereof the conrt
will pass an order reviving same.
March 1st, 1905.
A.ti.Bohanau, N. P. & Ex. Officio J. P,
No. 338 iu justice court 640tli district,
G. M,. of said county.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the justice court of the 646th district,
G. M., of said,oounty, to be held at the
established court house of said district,
iu Newnan, Georgia,at 10 o'clock, a. m.,
on the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to
show cause why said judgment should
not be revived. Iu default thereof the
court will pass au order reviving same.
March 1st, 1905.
A.H; Bohanan. N. P. & Ex. Officio J.P.
GEORGIA, Goweta County.
R. L. Barry, Jolm A. Smith and Jos
eph Kingsberrv, surviving partners of
the late firm of Moore, Marsh & Oo ,
Cliff A Locke, aduir. R. D Locke, de
Scieri facias to amend and revive
judgment in justice court in mid for the
646th district, G. M., of stiid county.
Locke, admr. R. D. Locke,
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
CharletteG.Dunn, Admrx. JohnN. Dunn,
surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree &
Co., vs.
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de
Scieri facias to revive judgment in case
No. 329. in Justice Court 646th District,
G. M. of said oouuty.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the Justioe Court of the 640th Distriot,
G. M., of said County, to be held at the
established court house of said District,
in Newuitn; Georgia, at 10 o’clock, A. M.
on the 4th Mouday in May 1905, to show
cause why said judgment should not be
revived. Iu default thereof the court
will pass an order reviving same.
March 1st, 1905.
A.H. Bohauan, N.P. & Ex. Officio J.P.
This'Handsome Range So cash and a month.
Stoves cash anil Si per month.
A Nice Oak Suit for $35..
We give you the best goods for the money.
Gome and See.
Newnan, . Georgia.
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
Charlotte G.Duun. Admrx. JohnN.Duuu,
surviving partner of Duun, Ogletree
& Co., vs.
Cliff A. Locke, Adiur. R. D. Locke, de
Sciferi facias to revive judgment in oase
No. 380 in Justice Court 646th Distriot,
G. M., of said Oouuty. f
You are hereby notified to appear at
the Justice Court of the 646th District,
G. M., of said County, to be held at-the
established court house of said District,
in Newnan, Georgia, at lOo'clook A. M.
on the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to show
cause why said judgment should not
be revived. In default thereof the court
will pass au order reviving same.
March 1st, 1905.
A.H. Bohauan. N.P. & Ex. Officio J. P
GEORGIA, Coweta oouuty.
Charletto G.Duun, Admrx. JohnN.Duun,
surviug partuev of Duun, Ogletree &
Co.; vb,
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de
Scieri facias to revive judgmeut iu case
No. 884 in justice court 6'46th distriot,
G. M,, of said conuty.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the justioe oourt of the 646th distriot,
G. M., of said oouuty j' to be held at the
established court house of said distriot,
iu Ncwuau, Georgia, at 10 o'olook, a.
m., on the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to
show bagse why suid'judgment should
not be revived. Iu default thereof the
cbur.t wi^L pass an order, reviving same.
Mufr&tf'tst, 1905.
A : ;fr. Bohauan, N. P. & Ex. Officio J.P.
GEORGIA, Ooweta county.
CharletteG.Duuii, Admrx. JohnN.Dunn,
surviving partner of Duun, Ogletree &
Qo- i. , , vs.
Cliff.A. Locke, adulv. R. D. Locke, de
Scieri facias to revive judgment in ease
No. 385 in justice court 646th district,
G. M., of said oouuty.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the justice court of the 646th district,
G. M., of said county, to be held at the
established court house of said distriot,
in Newnan, Georgia, at 10 o’clock, a.
m., ou the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to
show cause why said judgment should
not be revived. Iu default thereof the
court will pass an order reviving same.
March 1st, 1906.
A. H. Bohauan, N.P. & Ex. Officio J.P.
You are hereby notified to appear
personally or by attorney, before the
justice court in and for the 046th dis
trict, G. M., of said conutv, to be held
at 10 o’clock, a. ni., on the 4th Monday
in May, 1905,.at the established court
house of said district, in Newnan, Geor
gia, then and there to show cause why
said judgmeut should not b,e amended
and revived as prayed for in cose stated
above. In default thereof the court
will proceed ns to justioe shall apper
March 1st, 1905.
A.H. Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. Officio J.P.
GEORGIA, Ooweta county.
Mosely & Moody
Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke, de-
Scieri facias to revive judgmeut in
justice oourt in and for. the 040th dis
trict, G. M , of said county.
To Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Locke,
You are hereby notified to appear
personally, or by attorney, before the
justice court iu and for the 646th dis
trict, G. M., of said county, to be held
at lOo’clock. a. in., oil the 4th Monday
in May, 1905, at the established court
ground of said distriot, in the city of
Newnan, Georgia, then and ’ there to
show cause why said judgment should
not be revived. In default thereof the
court will proceed as to justice shall
lVfarch 1st, 1905. q fV
A.H. Boliauau, N. P. & Qffioio J.P.
GEORGIA, Coweta county.
Charlotte G.Duun, Admrx. JohnN.Duuu,
surviving partner of Duuu, Ogletree &
Co., vs.
Cliff A. Looke, Admr. R. D. Lceke, de
Scieri facias to revive judgmeut iu ease
No. 336 in justice court 646th district.
G M., of said oouuty.
You are hereby notified to appear at
the justice court of the 646th district,
G.M., of said county, to be held at the
established court house of said.district,
in Newnau, Georgia, at 10 o’clock, a
m., on the 4th Mouday in May, 1905, to
show cause why said judgment should
not be- revived. In default thereof the
court will pass an order reviving same.
March 1st, 1905.
A. H. Bohanan, N.P. & Ex. Officio J.P.
Rev. Mf. Guthrell filled his
regular appointment; at Liberty
last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Ossie and Miss Lena Hayes,
of Madras, attended church at
Liberty Sunday.
Mrs. A. VV. Arnall, who has
been visiting her brother, Ernest
Willcoxon, of Florida, has return
ed home.
Mr. Paine, the music teacher of
Farmers High School, is going to
have a musical entertainment at
the school house next Saturday
We are glad to say we got two
members at Liberty last Sunday—
Mr. and Mrs. Hardigree.
Prof. Roy Almon has been sick
for the last few days, but is im
proving. ...
Reuben Marlow has been visit
ing Bera Morris for the last day or
We are still having Sunday
school at Sargent.
. . There will be speaking at Farm-
Charlette G.Duun.Admrx.JohnN.Dunn, ers High School Friday evening,
surviving partner of Duun, Ogletree & < -Johnnie Sewell has been on the
Co. vs. 1 sick list for the past week.