Newspaper Page Text
Che JMewnan 3tlcckl\> )Scm
Oi'dinnry-s OfH ce —
NO. 41
Trade With the Hustling Merchants Who Advertise in the Newnan News.
School Board will Take No
The Newnan School Hoard will
take no action in the matter of
differences with patrons about the
payment of contingent fees. This
information was given to the News
by a member of the Board.
The Hoard will take no action
whatever, but will go right along
as it has been doing heretofore.
The children of those patrons who
refuse to pay contingent fees, will
not be expelled from school but
will be allowed to continue in at
The Hoard claims it is taking
the only action possible under the
circumstances. Some members
have expressed a desire to have
certain changes made in the school
system; but, it seems tin* entire
Board concurs in believing that
nothing can be done at present.
Briefly, this is the position of
the Board. On the other hand,
certain patrons of the school con
tend that they are only asking the
Hoard to act strictly in accordance
with law in managing the schools.
They contend that a free school,
without any contingent fee attach
ments, must be maintained at least
five months in the year and be
lieve that the city ought to main
tain the school free for ten months
of each year. They also object to
the admission of non-resident pu-
B pils to the schools on same terms
f as resident pupils; claiming that it
1 is wrong to tax citizens of New-
3 nan to educate the children of citi-
| zens of Coweta county, outside of
f Newnan, or pupils from other
if counties or states.
Mr. P. L. Sutherland and
Family to Reside in New
There wore lively times in Whites-
burg Inst Suturdny, Many words pass
ed that could not appropriately spoken
in Sabbath school. Feelings for each
other seemed to bo heart-felt; the rule
of strong emphasis was placed on many
words. Even to this sweet hour some
crackling heart-throbs are oohoing
threats that would not make pleasant
reading. The election for special school
tax was fought lioro Saturday. The
spooinl tax won by lil more than two-
thirds majority. Whether this scribe is
Mr. P. L. Sutherland, of Jack
sonville, Florida, this week closed
a trade with Mr. T. (5. Farmer for
the Willcoxon residence in this
This residence is situated in the
outskirts of the northeastern part
of Newnan, and is a line, old ante
bellum mansion, constructed of
red brick in the famed colonial 1 snti8fled with tl,e r0(mlt or not - wo wiU
. , , try to take to ourselves oidy such an
style. It is one ol the most at-, . „ . .
• amount ns a merry heart and u dull
tractive and desirable residences j nlilld CB11 digest. We will await the
ill the city. _ promised optoinistio results with sad,
Mr. Sutherland paid #8,000 for j lonely forebodings,
the house and 22 acres of land. ° nr society young people were re-
.. J joiced to lmve Mioses Murv Camp and
Mr. 1-armor retains about 200 k lary LoIlg| two of Carrollton’s prot -
acres ol the original \\ illcoxon tiest girls, with them last week,
plantation. This laud and the Miss Uuuu Alinoii, of Roopville, a
land and home sold to Mr. Slither- j charming young lady, is in our city
land was purchased by him last; vildti,, B her aunt, Mrs. fields,
yearirem Mr.A.W. Powers tor I |urued hoIU0| uftor avisit , of three
#10,000. j weeks at East Point.
These facts indicate the coil- Marvin Bowen, of Newnan, is visiting
tilllious and rapid advancement of die family of Mr. and Mrs. Welcome
real estate values in and around lJ| “ kH ’ i
Paul Brown, of Oarrollton, is stop-
visit the latter’s sister, Mrs. Judsou
Mrs. Sarah Parker was taken siok last.
Thursday night and hns been confined to
her bed since.
Elisha Hendrix moved with his fam
ily to Sargent, last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mobley have a
son about ten days old.
Mr. Earlo Loverti and Mr bride, from
Bnnniug, were in our midst Inst Satur
day and Sunday, the guests of the for
mer's brothers, T. tt. and E. B. Loverti.
Tom Ozmore, who lias been closely
eoulinod at home for so long, is able to
stir about, some.
Briefly, these are some of the . „ _ , ....
, .. .... ... , vance ot Gen. Lee’s birthday un-
H contentions ot those citizens who J
Additional Local.
(’ol. Tsaac Jackson was up from
Hogansville yesterday.
Mrs. H. R. Davies, of Turin,
was a visitor to Newnan yesterday.
Miss Nora Page, of Turin, spent
last week in the city the guest of
Miss Nona Potter.
Mrs. I. E. Walker entertained a
few friends Thursday evening at a
most delightful card party.
At the court house at two o’clock
this afternoon occurs the obser-
disagree with the School Board.
The News has expressed no
' opinions concerning the merits of
| this case. So far it has done noth-
jing but print the news. At a later
! date the News may say something
[editorially concerning Newnan’s
[school system.
J. FT. Cotter, Esq M of LuGrange,
has notified his father, Rev. W. J.
Cotter, of his u afe arrival in Pana
ma, to which country he returned i
after a recent visit to Georgia.
ping here with bin aunt, Mrs. Bennett
Miss Minnie Culpepper, of Pratt City,
Alabama, is visiting relatives and
friends in and near town.
The Masons have recently roweathor-
boarded their spaoious ball, oetled and
papered it on the inside, uud also install
ed a good heating Btove.
Miss Judsou Latimer, of Atlanta, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. K. Lusitor, at
Miss Vassie Sewell returned to New
nan last week. Miss Sewell bail been
stopping with her aunt, Mrs. William
Copeland, lor several weeks.
Rev. Mr. Latimer, of Atlanta, who
was uccidently hurt a few weeks ago, is
stopping ut present with his daughter,
I Mrs. J. R. Lassiter, at Banning.
Mrs. Amuudu Strickland, of Carroll
ton, is here on a visit to relatives and
Mrs. P. A. Boykin visited Villa Rica
tins week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Niokulson went to
Maudeville lust week, where they will
Youth and Old Age Wed.
Mrs. Molly Ursey, an aged wom-
i an of this city, and Grover Cleve-
j land Pittman, a young man just 21
Hyears of age, were married last
|1 Monday afternoon. Esquire Thos.
EWSwint tied the knot which united
iff this strangely matched couple.
Mrs. Pittman is sixty years old,
7$ being about forty years older than
| her husband. She has been estab-
;i lished in the clothes cleaning busi-
| ness here for a long time. Her
je young husband is a mechanic.
1 The present matrimonial venture
M is Mrs. Pittman’s third experience.
® She was married first at the age of
fifteen years,' and again at the age
of twenty-two years.
The mineral spring in this city, ] make theil . ll0DlB .
which has been dry lor some time, , Miss Annie Lou Daniel was siok sev-
is running again. The spring is a j oral duys lust week,
popular place of resort and the Mr*. A. Musiok, who was very ill
water is much used by people of at our ltt8t writing, is very much im
the city.
Mrs. W. B. Pringle will enter
tain at a large card party Friday
Mr. Burrell bus moved witii bis fum
ily to Carrollton.
Mrs. J. E. Farmer has been quite siok
... . . ,. „. ,, , for the past ten days, but seernod to bo
at ter noon in honor ol Mrs. Gordon | b(jtter w)ien laHt heai . d fr0U1 .
City Court.
City court was in session Mon
day and Tuesday, and adjourned
to meet again next Monday. The
session was quiet, and no cases of
a startling nature were tried. It
is probable that the court will be
in session but a short time next
Summary of business disposed
of this week appears below:
State vs J. R. Brooks, selling
liquor; not guilty.
State vs Hester Wood, assault
H and battery; nolle prossed.
State vs Minnie Roberson, as
sault and battery; demand for trial
State vs W. M. Childers, bas
tardy; guilty.
State vs Sue Green, misdemean
or; demand for trial allowed.
State vs Vernanda Brown, as
sault and battery; guilty; #10 and
costs or six months in chaingang.
State vs Ed Ayers, gambling;
not guilty.
State vs Alger Hall, Isaiah Hall
and Altneda Hall, assault and
battery; nolle prossed.
Lee. Mrs. Lee will leave soon for
Washington, I). C., to spend the
Andrew Shackleford and Fred
Kearse, two negroes arrested last
Friday for blind tigering, were ar
raigned in the Mayor’s court this
week and were fined #20 and #00,
respectively. The fines were paid.
Mr. A. W. Stubbs, Sr., a lead
ing citizen of Fairburn, died Wed
nesday, after an illness of several
weeks, aged 08 years. He was the
father of A. W. Stubbs, Jr., and
Newnan Has New Postmas
Bcu Odom and two daughters, Misses
May and Maude, are boarding with the
family of William Bryuut.
Grandmother Giles, whom we men
tinned as being so siok last week, seems
to be some better.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Allen have a now
boarder at their borne. Came lust
Thursday morning. A little boy.
Mrs. Nannie Gwens is spending the
week witii iter daughter, Mrs. Judsou
South, at Urautville.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mobley have
moved into the rooms reooutly vacated
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richie.
Quite a number of onr young people
met ut Bob Motes lust Sunday afternoon
Mrs. G. W. St. John, of this city. tt,ld H l ,eut “ few ll0urH iu
j Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Crow have moved
Temperance Legion.
into the rooms vacated by the Misses
■——— j Misses Bowen and Carmichael have a
At the regular meeting, Jan.! sewing olub witii the little kindergarten
5th, the Loyal Temperance Legion i tolk8 ttlld ure teBcl,,u K tl,em t( ’ 8,iW -
elected the following officers for | lMt week( iu regard t0 Br0 . (iailie8 . ap .
firat quarter, 1906: pointments. He preaches at Lovejoy
Robert Simril, Pres.; Ola Shan- Memorial the 8rd Sunday iu each mouth
non, Vice Pres.; DeWitt Hollis, at li a. m. and 7 p. m.
Bro. Layton was with us at the Chapel
Rec. Sec.; Fay Mooney, Treas.
Two new classes were organized.
Each child present was given a
temperance leaflet by Lady Man
ager and asked to get as many per
sons as possible to read it before
next meeting on tbe following Fri
day. These leaflets were returned
properly signed and it was found
that Robert Simril had secured the
largest number of signatures; 52
iu all.
last Sunday and preached two very in
teresting sermons to good congregations
His theme iu the morning was “Love,”
taken from 1 John 3:1. “Behold what
manner of love,” etc. In the evening
liis theme was “Prayer;” taken from
the 17 chapter of the gospel ot John.
Bro. Layton will preach again tiie 4th
Sunday in this mouth.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, from
Grantville, spent a few days the past
week in our midst, visiting the former’s
; mother and other relatives.
| Mrs. W. J. Bryant silent laHt Saturday
uight and Sunday witii her daughters in
Hid&s Wanted—Will pay 10 1 Palmetto,
cents per pound for beef hides, all Mr8, J ’ J- Hendrix . frorn Grantville,
At an otlioinl mooting hold at tlio resi
dence ot ,). R. Cotton Tuesday evening,
the pastor, Rev. A. 11. S. Hugg, gave tut
Interesting talk to the Stewards of the
M. E. Church; plainly doiluiug the
duty nml obligations required of them.
Those present were Hon. W. A. Post,
Messrs. N. (). Banks, ,). R. Cotton, Juo.
T. White, W. A. Bohannon, F. T.
Mcaohnut. After the business of t.ho
meeting was transacted a delightful
lunch was served by the hostess; con
sisting of fruit, cake, wafers, dates and
ambrosia. The records of the Stewards
for tile M. E. Churches at Grantville
and Lone Oak show that for the year
11)05 $1,800 was paid for conference
claims and other church purposes.
The statistics show that up to Deo.
81, 1005, 2,005 bales of cotton bad been
weighed at the Hunks & Arnold ware
house; us compared to 8,000 to Due. 81,
1004. 000 bales hud been weighed this
season at the Colley warehouse.
Miss Emma Belle Zulltirs left this af
ternoon to visit her sister, Miss Estelle,
at Agnes Scott Institute, Decntur.
Miss Susio Parks, of Atlanta, is the
guest of her cousin, Miss Gertie Post.
Mrs. Sadie Sewell spent lust week
with relatives at Lone Gak.
Mrs. Anna Jeter uml Miss Willie Jeter
visited Mrs. Steve Robinsow at More-
laud Sunday.
Miss Sarah Partridge, of Mountville,
is the guest of Mrs.’,A. H. S. Hugg at thu
Miss Felioia Stallings left Monduy for
an extended visit to friends und rela
tives in Atlanta, Marietta and Newnan.
Miss Marie Sewell, of Lone Oak, was
thu guest a few days last week of Miss
Gladys Whito.
Mr. N. O. Banks loft toduy for a busi
ness trip to Columbus.
Capt. T. S. Parrott and wife, of New
nan, were guests Tuesday of Miss Zel
Mrs. H. C. Farrington and Miss Bes
sie Bohannon visited their sister, Surah LaGrange Female College,
Dr. G. W. Glower went to Atlanta
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gilbert, of Senoia,
were guests a few days lust week of Mr.
and Mrs. James Gilbert.
Mrs. Anna Bohannon, of Newnan,
spent Friday at the home of L. W. Bo
Mrs. Lula Whito, of Atlanta, who has
been visiting Mrs. C. B. Cotton, has re
turned home.
Mr. Lewis Dean severely burned his
right hand on a hot bund near the dy
namo, at the hosiery mills.
Mr. C. A. Sims, of Alabama, spent
Sunday at the home of J. R. Cotton.
Hon. W. A. PoHt is in Atlanta today.
Two line little boys arrived in our
town a few days ugo—one at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Orr, the other
came to brighten the home of Mrs. Will
McLaughlin, of Hogansville, who is
visiting her mother, MrH. Aliuon, iu
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parks entertain
ed u few yoang people ut their borne
Friday evening.
Mi. Glen Hopson,of Loue Oak, was
in Grantville Sunday.
Mrs. Lizzie Stafford, who has been
dwelling here for about 10 years, recent
ly moved to Atlanta, where she will re
side with iter daughter, Mrs. Walter
Mr. T. M. Zellars has purchased the
Havis homestead und in the near future
will erect 5 dwellings thereon.
Major C. M. Burks is thinking of en
tering the race for sheriff of Coweta
Mrs. \\\ Y. Atkinson is now in
(•barge ol - Newnan’s postoffiee. The
commission wns received last week,
ami the office was turned over to
her last Monday by J. M. Milner,
who had been in charge as acting
postmaster since the death of his
father, Postmaster R. F. Milner.
With one exception, Mrs. At
kinson hits an entirely new force
of assistants in the office. F. Met’.
Brown, formerly of Brunswick, is
assistant postmaster. Mr. Brown
served us postmaster in Bruns
wick for twelve years, and is
thoroughly [qualified to take the
active management of the office.
Hoy Askew, the only old clerk
remaining in the office, 1ms been
transferred from the position ol
general delivery to mail clerk. W.
G. Arnold is in charge ol' the gen-
end delivery, and Hoy Ellis is
stamp clerk.
Mrs. Atkinson will seen re an
additional clerk at an early date,
if necessary. She will endeavor to
give the people the best possible
service, and will place the entire
details of the office on a strictly
business-like and efficient basis.
Miss Freeman’s Luncheon.
gold that only the stalwart, mili
tary figure of Captain Hell keeps
his uniform from banging one-sid
ed from bis broud shoulders.
Home of tbe other conductors
have a period of service requiring
seven stripes and experiences of
almost as long standing ns those of
Captain Hell. Those who are now
having these service stripes added
to their uniforms are Conductors
Martin, Howard, Dillard, llarri
son, Bellemy, Lynch, lliggin
liotham, Ingram, Powers and Wil
liuinson.—Atlanta <’(institution.
Cotton Growers Moot.
Miss Virginia Freeman was the
charming hostess at u beautiful
luncheon Thursday oflast week.
The table had as a pretty center
piece a vase of red carnations, und
red tapers held in silver candela
bra carried out the bright color
scheme. The favors were unique
)>on bon boxes iu red. A hot
luncheon served in several courses
at 1 o’clock was thoroughly en
The guests were Mrs. Beau Mc
Williams, of Rome; Mrs. VV. A.
Turner, Jr., Mrs. T. H. Parrott,
Mrs. Handers Gibson, Mrs. Cal
houn Hill, Mrs. G. L. Wynn;
Misses Katherine Powel, Hadie
May Powel, Alma Arnold, Maie
Campbell, Emmie Young Conyers,
Kate Bnead, Julia May Hackney,
Belle Vernon King, Roena Turner,
Mary Parrott, Louise Peddy.
New Orleans, La., January 15.
—The Southern Cotton Assooia
tinu held its min mil business meet
ing today with almost a full board
silting. The proceedings wore
marked by tbe utmost burmony.
Ilarvio Jordun was re-elected
president, and Richard (’beatbum
was re-elected secretary. F. 11.
Hyatt, of Columbia, S. <’., was
elected treasurer, and George T.
Jester, of Corsicana, Tex., was
chosen vice president, iu place of
Colonel Peters, of Texas.
The salary of tbe president was
fixed at #5,000 a year. Secretary
Cbeatbaiu’s salary was raised front
#2,500 to #.’t,600 a year. The sal
ary of the treasurer was fixed at
#500 u year, and the vice president
is to serve without salary.
The sulary of the general finan
cial agent and orgunizer, F. D.
Smith, who was duly elected, ae
cording to tbe suggestions of the
muss meeting was fixed at #5,000 a
Ex-Sheriff of Meriwether
weights, No. 1 selection. Full
weights and fair dealing guaran
teed. T. G. Burpee.
spent a few days last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Homer Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Drue Goins went to
Grantville last Saturday afternoon to
Joseph McGhee, formerly sheriff
of Meriwether county, died Mon
day night, after a short illness, at
a private sanitarium. The funeral
will be held Tuesday afternoon at
4 o’clock at the chapel of Harry
Poole & Co. The remains will be
taken to Greenville for interment.
Mr. McGhee was 87 years of age
and was the son of O. W. McGhee,
of Greenville. He comes of a well
known family and bad a number of
friends in Atlanta.—Atlanta Jour
Joseph McGee, who was one of
the best known men in Meriwether
county, and who was related by
family ties and by marriage to
some of tbe leading families
western Georgia, will be remem
bered as the man who created a
sensation of large proportions last
year by eloping from Greenville
with Mrs. Albert Hill.
A called meeting of the Junior
Order will be held Saturday even
ing, Jan. 20th. There will be de
gree work; and all members are
urged to Ire in attendance.
John W. Kersey, Court.
J. A. Wadsworth, R. S.
Dr. Anderson,
Dentist, Sal bide
In Service of A. & W. P. 45
An order requiring the addition
of service stripes to the uniforms
of the passenger conductors of the
West Point route has resulted iu
quite a different appearance in the
official clothing of some of the
veterans of the railroad. The or
der requires the adding of a gold
stripe on the arm of the uniform
f6r every five years of service with
the road. As Conductor James L
Bell has served more than forty
five years, this meant the addition
of nine gold stripes, which has
made one sleeve sb heavy with
Thu Southern Cotton Association,
which convened iu New Orleans recent
ly, (luolarud (or 15 oonts. This meets
with hearty approval in this section.
Some farmers have not sold a bale. This
slinw* we are going to back Harvie and
bis crowd.
Tbe John Hunter store-house will
soon be completed.
Mr. Z. Christopher has purolmsod the
Dominic house and moved his fam
ily here. Mr. Dominio is orooting a
handsome residence opposite the Huu-
nioutt corner.
Mr. Will Johnson and family have
moved to Turin, Mr. Johnson will run
a food and sale stable.
Mr. John Hunter is now occupying
his borne purohusod from J. T. Artiall.
Wo heurtily welcome all these new
comers, as they are suooessful business
Turin High School is in a flourishing
condition, the enrollment being greater
than in some time past.
Miss Rutli Whatley is staying with
her aunt, Miss Nettie Russell. Miss
Rutli will conduct an art class here.
Miss Alice Moses left this week for
Malone to coniluot a music clues there.
Turin Lodge, F. and A. M., installed
officers as follows lust. Saturday night:
L. T. Moses, W. M.; Mr. Stovall,8. W.;
F. O. Watkins, J. W.; E. L. Morrell,
See.; I. M. Starr, Treas.
Sheriff’s Safe.
GEORGIA—Goweta County.
Will be sold before the court house
door iu tho city of Newnan, said State
and county, on tho first Tuesday in Feb
ruary, 1‘JOO, between the legul hours of
sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the
following described property:
A tract or parcel of laud situated and
being in the First District of Coweta
county, Georgia, and known and dis
tinguished us tiie west half of lot of
laud No. 268; containing 101 1-4 ucres,
more or less; and 16 ucres, more or less,
of the northeast oorner of lot of land
No. 245, in said district; bounded as fol
lows: On north by J. B. Delk and W.
K. McCrary, on east by M. H. Couch
and W. C. Elmore, on south by Nixon
estate, on west by B. F. Cock. Levied
on as the property of W. M. Glass, and
in his possession, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from the City Court of Newnan,
Oct. term, 1905, in favor of J. H. Sliul-
kay and agaiust said W. M. Glass.
Tenant in possession notified iu terms of
the law. This Jau. 10, 1906.
J. L. BROWN, Sheriff.
For Sale—A judgement against
T. F. Shackleford. Apply to lock
box 381, Newnan, Ga. tf