Newspaper Page Text
NO. 43
Trade With the Hustling Merchants Who Advertise in the Newnan News,
About Dr. Nunnally’s
Editor Nows:—Thanking you
for an offer of space in your col
umns, I ask that you give the fol
lowing to your readers:
The press is a power with which
we have to reckon in all political I neighbor
movements, and be it said to the
honor of the men who “push the
quill and fill the stick,” it has
proved to be the guardian of per
sonal rights and the preserver of
human liberties.
1 submit herewith an announce
ment of my candidacy for the office
of Governor of the State of Geor
gia, and also a declaration of prin
ciples upon which 1 stand. If they
commend themselves to your in
telligence and to the approval of
your conscience, 1 would be glad
to have your editorial support. If
however, you should conscienti
ously differ from me, while I shall
regret it, yet I cannot expect you
to stultify yourself, neither would
1 ask you to use your columns in
the advocacy of principles and
measures that you, for satisfactory
reasons, condemn.
Still it would rejoice me to know
that the press of the State was
with me in this honest effort for a
clean government.
You may say, the announce
ment of my candidacy was a sur
prise to you, and perhaps to some
it is the occasion of grief and fear.
Grief, that the high calling of the
ministry should be compromised
by contact with political move
ments. In reply 1 would say,
remem tier that one of the noblest
ministers of God in the olden time,
and whose illustrious life and ser
vices have challenged the admira
tion and emulation of all engaged
in thepame work, went forth “with
a trowel in one hand and a sword
in the other.”
Entering the ministry does not
destroy the impulses of ptriotism,
nor deny to any one the rights of
citizenship nor relieve him of the
obligations to maintain good gov
ernment. He is still a man, with
Mrs. Mike Powell’s Delight*
ful Reception.
which 1 cheerfully grant to you,
viz.: honesty of purpose, sincerity
of motive and intentions of truth
fulness, there can be no breach be- One of the most elaborate and
tween us. You shall enjoy my beautiful receptions of the season
confidence and esteem and be the j "'as that given Saturday afternoon
recipient of all those courteous J by Mrs. Mike Powell. The spaci-
ministeries which characterize the i °us hall and parlors were arranged
deportment of one gentleman and i with chairs, numbered, and the
and friend toward an- j quests being received in a most
other. So then give yourself un- j gracious manner by Mr. and Mrs.
hindered to the advocacy of those ' Powell, were handed a program
principles which you can consci- j with corresponding number, lic
entiously support and rest assured j big seated they were given a most
of my abiding friendship. I hope,
however, that the declaration of
principles for which 1 stand may
meet your conscientious approval.
My appearance in the field was
to you sudden, and it may appear
unaccountable. Hut the cause of I
my coming out is not as some have I
intimated, in the interest of any
candidate who was previously in
the race. My sense of honor for
bids any such deal. 1 should lose
my self-respect and justly bring
upon my head the condemnation
of all right minded citizens, if I
should allow myself to be made the
tool in playing such a political
trick. Not one of the candidates
have I spoken to since the cam
paign opened;indeed I have seen
only two of them, and then only
to pass the usual salutation of
gentletnen, without a word of con
versation on any subject. Neither
has there passed between us a
single line of correspondence, nor
has any friend of any of them
mentioned the subject to me in
any manner whatever.
The history of my candidacy is
simply this: For more than twenty
five years I have stood right where
J stand today on these questions,
especially those which have the
elements of moral reform in them.
Publicly and privately, before re
ligious conventions and legislative
assemblies, with tongue and pen, I
have persistently and consistently
pressed them as best I could. I
rejoiced when success to any ex-
umque and splendid entertain
ment—“The Sweet Family.”
Mrs. Alonzo Norris, as “the
lone relic” of the late Jcdekinh
Sweet, played her part, “Ma
Sweet,” in an inimitable manner.
Mrs. Sanders Gibson, as Ar’minty
Ann Sweet, with her “many win
ning ways,” rendered a pathetic
vocal solo. Miss Hessie Powell, as
Betsy Belindy Sweet, delivered an
able address advocating woman’s
rights. Miss Annie Powel, as
Caroline Cordelia Sweet, with her
usual fine stage bearing, was
charming as a reader. “After the
Ball,” an instrumental solo, was
brilliantly executed by Miss Sadie
May Powel, as Dorothy Delilah
Sweet. Miss Virginia Freeman,
as Elizabeth Eliza Sweet, “by far
the most attractive,” gave as a
recitation “Marco BozZaris.” The
woes of Frances Fedory Sweet, as
a forlorn maiden “disappointed in
love,” were pathetically depicted
by Miss Lizzie Arnold. Mrs. El
len Goolsby, as Glorianna Gada
bout Sweet, “who did nothing but
giggle,” gave “Mary Had a Little
Lamb,” in a most laughable man
After the performance the audi
ence was invited to remain, and
mingled with the members of the
caste while a delightful luncheon
was served
Col. W. S.
of Hindi was enjoyed, alter which
nated for Tax
Mrs. Sam Banks won the first
prize. Mrs. M.T. Phillips drew
Col. W. S.
won the
the consolation and the booby fell
race for tux collccte
r in last Sal ar-
to Mrs. Z. Green. Mrs. Richards
day’s primary,
leading both of his
was presented with a dainty piece
opponents by
i large vote. The
of handwork. A delicious salad
ballots cast at
various polling
course followed.
places for tli
• th
ee candidates
were as follows
coxnit son
Rev. A. H. S. Hugg is spending the
First District
week at Lone Oak, making pastoral
Young’s Tniiyunl
Kirby’s Store
Capt. J. D. Brewster was in Grant-
Fourth District
villii a few days ago, looking after Ids
Fifth District
1 Til
political interests.
Sixth District
Mr Sim Zellars and Dr. Zellars, of
Seventh District
Palmetto, are guests of their brother,
Happy Valley
Capt. T. K. Zellars.
Mrs. G. W. Glower is in Newnan this
week at tlie home of Mr. Robert Clow-
Mrs. Glenn Arnold iH home from a
St. Charles
few days spent with Iter daughter, Miss
Dennis' Store
Lucilo Arnold, at Agues Scott, Decatur.
Corner Brunch
She was accompanied by her little son,
Charlie Arnold.
Mrs-Emmett Sewell and Mrs. Sallie
Sewell are witli relatives in Atlanta tills
Mrs. H. Abner Camp is the guest this
week of Judge aud Mrs. H. W. Camp at
Death of Mrs. Mary Turner
Mrs. Mary .Jane Turner, widow
of ltev. John W. Turner,deceased,
died last Monday night at the
tent was achieved and wept when | home of ltev> and Mrs 1{ F Hod .
defeat overtook the measures, but, nett in Franklin. The funeral oc-
convinced all the time that noth- j curretl Wednesday atCoke’s Chap
, | ing was ever settled until it was Li hoimrin „h U nn,
all the duties and privileges and! * .. t r»® e Ht,vlce bei,, B 1,1 charge ol
resnonsihilities of a man : settled light, and believing that, Rev Mr .Ware, of Turin.
P ' I ultimately the people would assert Mrs. Turner was 62 years of age.
right convictions on these move-1 She wa8 a 8istero fthe lato
meats, I have cherished the midy-1 Hunnicntt, the distinguished edi-
ing hope that some day redemp- j tor of ^Southern Cultivator. Blit
tion would come to our grand old is Burvived )>y 0 »e daughter, Mrs
State. I believe the glorious day j R F H odnett. Mrs. Turner was
nor to his aliirnment with the po- ™ J aW " ing Tl, ??. h ° UI ' d “ WB Ul * large number Coweta
noi to nis alignment wan uie po njgh when a full deliverance from
litical party that placed him in of- j these evils will be accomplished.
flee, but it is based solely upon the; For more than a year the friends
relations the man bears to Jesus
Christ, the Great Head of the
church, the Savior of sinners and
Some brethren, perhaps, have
fears that my action may disturb
the fellowship of the church. But
my Christian fellowship is not
based upon the relations a brother
liears to the governor of the State
The above totals show that Col.
Hubbard ran 15K votes ahead of
Mr. Willcoxon, his nearest op
ponent, and 224 votes ahead of
Mr. Wilkinson. The returns show
that 1,256 votes were cast in the
primary. This was an extremely
light vote; due in a large measure,
no doubt, to the very inclement
weather that prevailed last Satur
day. The vote cast falls several
hundred short of being half as
large as the number of registered
In Honor of Mrs. Michael
The Twelve Club will entertain
Saturday afternoon at half past
two o’clock, at the home of
Mrs. Jos. T. Kirby in Mrs. Bow
el’s honor, she having won the
highest score the past year in the
progressive game of dominoes.
Each member is allowed to in
vite two guests. Receiving with
Mrs. Kirby will be Mesdaines
Mike Rowell, Frank Cole, Hewlett
Hall, Earnest Bowel, Louis Hill,
I*. B. Murphey, R. (). Jones, Edgar
Croft, Harvy North, Wade Dent
and Miss Maie Campbell.
county’s best people. Her hus
band,who was a Methodist preach
er, was a brother of Major W. A.
Turner, of this city.
Mis. Turner was a member of
man of most excellent Christian
character. She was greatly be-
1 of these reforms have been en
gaged in conferences and inter-
to his obedience to the will of God j views aud b * correspondence try- the Methodist church "and a
to his obedience to the w ill ol jou. blg ^ f onmi ] abj a p] an upon which
In my several pastorates it has succe88 could be atta ined. We all
been my fortune to have men in I man iw,. , , ....
,, , , . .. ,. . ... pieieirecl another man ioi this loved by many friends, to whom
the membership of the church of ro j e; whose ability and life and! her death is the cause of deep re-
all political parties and of all distinguished services entitled him gret.
shades ol differences as to policies : j- be confidence of all the people. 1 ; —— —
and methods of government-these; Thu mattel . was discussed with | before you asking for your moral
have never affected our mutual lei- b j m . be rec0 gnized the importance ; and active support. 1 would stand
lowship lor all I had the same ! 0 f tbe movement and hesitated; he j unflinchingly for these ideas if
fellow feeling, with all J enjoyed bad a g rea t public work in hand there was not another man in the
the same genuine fellowship and , aad d i<l n(d 8ee how he could, with \ world at my side, and i would ad-
to aU I extended the same faithful fj de iity to the trust, lay it down; j voeate them with all iny soul if 1
ministries. And let me assure I stiR be hesitated until the grim knew not a vote would be cast into
every one that he enjoys the lull- rea p er cam e and took him away j the ballot box in their favor,
est liberty of political preferences and j e f t a cau8e without a leader ! Here you have the history of my
and I cheerfully accord to him the and } e ft a g^te in tears and sor
row over the loss of that cultured
gentleman, that spotless man, that
purest of patriots, the Hon. Wal
ter B. Hill. The worker dies but
the work goes on.
Casting about for one who was
ship is with the Father and with , g^d by a consistent bearing to-
His Son,” and in this way, “wej wards these reforms, and who had ___ o ._
have fellowship one with another.” j tbe cour age of his convictions, if, teresta of all the people of the com -
to my personae friends: j he did not have the qualifications I monwealth. I stand for principles
You need not be embarrassed | for their successful assertion, it' and reforms, which when adopted
exercise of every civil right with
out any prejudice to his religious
standing in my sympathy, in my
confidence and in my fellowship.
Remember the words of the in
spired apostle, “Truly our fellow
candidacy. Now, hush your grace
less and baseless insinuations that
I am out in the interest of any
candidate. I stand for what t be
lieve to lie the best interests of all
the candidates, their wives and
their children—for the best inter
ests of every man, woman and
child in Georgia—for the best in-
with the thought, that your posi
tion, though adverse to me in this
campaign may result in a forfeit
ure of our mutual friendship. So
long as you accord to me, that
has been brought about that I am ; and applied will make Georgia
the representative of these prin-' not only the Empire State of the
ciples which we believe are held j South but the garden spot of the
in common by a majority of the'world. G. A. Nunnally.
citizens of Georgia. Hence I am | Newnan, Ga.
White Labor at Fertilizer
Having found negro labor un
satisfactory, the Coweta Fertilizer
Company is trying the experiment
of operating its plant with white
labor. A mixed gang of 27
Swedes, Germans and other na
tionalities landed in the city this
week from Savannah, and all were
immediately placed at work in the
fertilizer plant.
More laborers of this class will
be secured by this company if
the first importation proves satis
factory. The experiment of the
fertilizer people will be watched
with interest by other large em
ployers of labor in this section.
To Mrs. Richards.
Mrs. Ellison Richards compli
mented her mother, Mrs. Richards,
of Macon, Monday and Tuesday
afternoons with receptions at her
attractive home on Temple Avenue.
Receiving with Mrs. Richards
Monday afternoon were Mrs. Man-
get, Mrs. Henry A mail and Mrs.
Richards. After an interesting
game of dominoes, the first prize
was cut for, and won by Mrs. Bar-
row. The consolation was drawn
by Mrs. Calhoun Hill. Mrs.
Richards was presented with a
dainty Japanese pin tray. A de
licious salad course was served.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Rich
ards was assisted in entertaining
by Mrs. Henry Arnall, Mrs. Man-
get and Mrs. Richards. The game
Mr. G. A. SiuiH, of Ain., Hj>oiit Sunday
in Grautville. Hu was ucooiti|inniod
homo Monday by his wlfo and little
daughter, Katlduoii, who have been
guest* of Mr. and Mm. J. K. Cotton.
W. A. Gamp was in Newnan Tuesday.
Mrs. W. G. Sadler and Master Lowu-
des Sadler visited relatives in Atlanta
last week.
Miss Ktypliia Dunn, of West Point,
wail the guest Thursday and Friday of
tier oouslu, Miss Willie Joter.
Miss Uertle Post was iu Newnan Mon
Mrs. W. A. Brannon and MiHs Onie
May Brannon, of Moreland, were visit
ors ut Mrs. J. H. Cotton's Tuesday.
Miss Love Stevens was ill Newnan a
few days ago.
Miss Bessie Gilbert, of Sunoiu, vfdted
Mr. and Mrs. Jumus Gilbert this week.
Mr. L. D. Sewell, of Lutherville, was
shaking hands witli his numerous
friends hero Monday.
Mr. uud Mrs. Ira Lester, of Sharps
burg, were ut the home of Mr. und Mrs.
T. M. Lester, Suuduy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ud Hayes spent Tuesday
witli Mr. and Mrs. Robertson.
Miss Murtliu Andrews was iu Newnan
Little Lilliu.ii Cole, of Newnan, spent
last week |with tier gruiid-purents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Cole.
Miss Johnny Lester had as iier guest
Suuduy audJJMonduy Miss Florrie Nall
of Lone Ouk.
Miss Mattie Mattiiows, of Carrollton
is visiting tier aunt, Mrs. Molliu Lyle.
Hons. W. A. Post and T. M. Zellars
Hindi! a business trip to Atluutu Tuesday
K. B. Cotton Wont to Moreland Tues
Emmett Burks is studying tolegruphy
under Mrs. Duly in Hoguusviilo.
Homer Robinson, E. C. Haynes and
Jake Spradlin were in Grautville Sun
James Moore, of Newnan, is the guest
of W. P. Jackson.
Mr. McDuniul was found dead hero
Suturday. Ho and George Nall had a
store-room together. Mr. Nall occupies
the front as beef market, while thu rear
was used hy Mr. McDaniel as u shoe
shop und bod-room. On account of (lie
seeming distress of Mr. MuDuuiel’s pot
out Saturday evening and because he
hud not been seen since Friday night,
Mr. Nall decided to investigate, and up
on doing so, found him lying dead in
bed, John T. White, marshal, notified
the Coroner, who arrived Sunday morn
ing. The jury’s verdict was that his
death was duo to heart failure. lie was
an old Confederate soldier, un honest
shoemaker, an enemy to no one but
himself. Ho died in poverty and was
given decent, Christian burial by the
town. His remains were Interred in the
cemetery hero, the burial rites being
l>erformed by ,Rev. W. it. Lambert.
About 45 years ago he hod a brother
who was found dead near iiere. It was
supposed lie iroze to death, us the
weather wus extremely cold.
Mrs. J. B. Goins, Sr., lias Loon con
fined to her home by sickness for several
Mrs. (). It. Garner, from LaGrange,
was here last Saturday night and Sun
day, the guest of her son, John.
Mrs. Frank Barton, who lias been ill
for some time is believed to bo better.
Miss Sul lie Hoggs, from LaGrange, is
visiting Mrs. Everett Parks.
Mrs. J. E. D. Taylor is on the sick list
Mrs. Yarborough, of Banning, onmo
down Saturday afternoon and spent.
Sunday with relatives here.
Lillie, little daughter of George Argro
was the victim of a painful accident, re
cently. She full and a snag penetrated
near one of her eyes, making a danger
ous wound.
Mrs. J. J. Hendrix, of Grautville vis
ited Iter daughter, Mrs. Homer Allen,
last Thursday.
Mrs. W. H. Dewberry was sick last
Michael Bishop moved with his family
to Whitoshurg last week.
Mrs. J. A. Jordan went to Carroll
county last Saturday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Nannie Owens has returned from
LaGrange, whore she spent a weok with
Iter daughter, Mrs. Judson South.
Miss Ima MoGohuu lias been sick for
several days.
Hiram Mobley and Joint Ritchie spent
last Sunday in Oruutvillo.
Miss Naomi ilutohuus, of Bremen, is
the guest of Mrs. Jim Cussel.
Rollie Smith is iiere from Palmetto,
visiting relatives. He was at the Pal
metto uottou mill when the boiler explo
sion oocurred, and gives a thrilling ac
count of the tragedy.
A number of young folks met at Mrs.
Goins’ Sunday afternoon auil enjoyed a
C. B. Emery moved with his family
to Roanoke, Ala., this week.
Mrs. Nunuy Owens was sick last
Tlie quartett met at Boyd Stevens’
last Sunday afternoon and enjoyed some
line music.
Our Sunday schools wore well attend
ed lust Sunday morning.
Bro. Layton, from LnGrange, wa
with us at tiiu Chapel last Sunday and
preuohud two very interesting sermons.
He will be witli us nguin an the 2nd
Sunday. Let's give him good attend
Bro. Guinns will till his regular ap
pointment ut Lovejoy Memorial on the
third Sunday morning uud evening.
liojMt iis many as possibly can will at
tend. Bro. Guinus being u young man
und a stranger in our midst, we should
encourage him all we can by our pres
ence and prayers.
We are glud to state that all witli
whom we have spoken on thu subject of
Dr. Nunnally for governor, seem to Irn
very anxious that lie should wiu. That
show's a very large per cent, of our jmjo-
plu are on the right line. They believe
iu doing tilings on the right basis. Tliey
are much pleused witli bis platform.
Tliey don’t think it can be “beat.” It
is tlie platform on which every candi
date should stand, frem city alderman
to president of tlie United Stutes. We
are anxious that Bro. Nunuully may
become governor for several reasons.
First, lie is a tom eranoo man. aud we
know that lie wil go rigiit to work to
break up tlie jug traflie that is doing our
country so much injury, causing so
many liomeloss widows and orphans.
Another reason is, lie is a humble fol
lower of tlie meek and lowly Christ. His
ambition is to do something that will
advance ttie cause of tlie one whom ids
soul delights to honor; and we need just
such men as that in office. People may
say it is not a good idea to mix religion
uud politics, hut our opinion is tlie more
religion the better the politics.
Hugh G. Hackney leaves today
to accept a position as teller in the
ladies’ department of the Maddox-
Rucker Banking Go., Atlanta.
His many friends will regret to
learn of his departure. He had
been with the First National Bank
of Newnan during the past two
years, and was one of the most ef
ficient and popular bank clerks in
the city.
Work Begun on New Depot
A large force of hands is at
work grading the site for Newnan’s
new passenger station at the rail
road junction. The dirt removed
is being used in* building a side
track to the oil mill below the
junction. It is said work will be
gin on the new passenger station
at an early date.
Hoke Smith Their Favorite.
Last Saturday at Young’s Tan-
yard, while the primary was be
ing held, a well known citizen of
Coweta polled the crowd on the
question of its choice for governor.
The crowd numbered 21 voters.
Sixteen declared for Hoke Smith,
one for Russell, one for Jim Smith,
and three were non-committal.