Newspaper Page Text
iu Atlanta'Georgia.
A Southern Hu^uy
for Southern trade,
hns a fine I.eather Quarter Tap, ha*» genuine
Leather, Spring Bottom Cushion, mid Leather
Back, is elegAutly painted and fully guaranteed.
Regular retuil price $G5 iVi to $75.00.
&A Q-Q For iM* fine Collar and Hnme,
sJ nickel mounted Harness. aoUl with
every GOLDEN KAGLK BUGGY, regular retail
price 812.50to $15.00.
Catalog aud full description sent on request.
158-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Land of Promise
(Continued from page !).)
such a perfict combination it
1 |
Arcadian simplicity of nature and
perfection of o d Gothic art ns Ox
ford and its environs." Wo re
gretted the shortness of our time |
in this vicinity, where so much of |
it could have been put in to so |
greatjprofit. Here was "that auto |
i dafe which tliads good Ifishop Lati
nur tell Ridley to ‘play the man,’
and the monument thereof is set
high in the Corn Market . There j
| is no other city like it in Kngland 1
~ with its domes and spires, its col-
mto “hero-worship, which easily j ... . . , .
' . . leges, halls and unadranglos, and
l.o *• to -iiMM-ovim limn In ^
becomes a bar to approximation to
mayhap some higher ideal,
•'Infooted minds
To their deaf pillows will discharge their
More needs site the divine than the
to a closer understanding of his
wonderful works. But such a pil
grimage is unneccssaryjthe streets
do not make the man,and his tomb God, God, forgive us all!’ ) (Macbeth ,| c y to Paddington Station in the
its magnificent architecture "
Our train whirled us rapidly on
in the approaching twilight through
Reading and Windsor (with its I
Royal St. George’s Chapel, the |
Round Tower and immense Cas
The above Illustration, drawn from
life, shows a Knickerbocker Fountain
Brush in use. The brush is made of fine
velvety India Rubber and is so perfectly
pliable as to easily fit every curve of the
human figure. It can be instantly at
tached to any water faucet, and but the
turn of a faucet is needed to regulate the
temperature of the water to please the
bather. The water flows out through
595 tiny pliable rubber teeth to the bath
er's infinite delight and perfect satisfac
tion. It is a happy invention, vastly
superior to all other bathing devices, and
is endorsed by Physicians, Ministers,
Physical Directors, Health and Beauty
Specialists, and people In all walks of
life. Every brush is fully guaranteed.
For rain by
The Newnan PI tun be
Nt>w Armi 11 building. Phono 151)
does not contain him; he lives in
his works and to these we must
look to find him. Familiarity with
his home will be interesting; fa-
miliarity with his heart will be il
luminating, The re..l man Shake
speare is known to those who un
derstand his spirit.” (For a com
prehensive analysis ot the moral
aud religious aspects of the great
dramatist—aspects by the way
which comparatively few appre
ciate—we would refer the reader
to that late and excellent work,
“The Bible in Shakespeare,” by
Rev. Wm. Burgess, D. D., the
Winona Publishing Co., Chicago)
western section of that great me-
Bet the reader judge, if he or . tropoli8| London, (of which Dr.
she can, one’s reflections as we
stood in the very house and room
Johnson said to Boswell, “lie who
is tired of London is 11r» < 1 of
where this genius was born and jstencu ” )( tho largest city in the
lived, and the grammar-school
where he was trained; the splendid
Sheakespeare Memorial (complet
ed 1880, combining theatre, mu
seum, and library; where Shakes
pearean plays are annually pre
sented by the best F.nglish-speak-
ing talent; and where are most of
the editions of his plays, and near
7,000 books on Shakespeare); the
handsome Shakespeare Memorial
Fountain (given the town in 1887
Of him W. M. Sculpfit wrote un-> b V Gco - W - Childs of Philadelphia )f thJs eoplc .__
der a photo gravure of the immor- a " d havin 8 a dee P to,,ed clock in
world, add, in many respects, tin.
most interesting and important,
while by no means the prettiest;
the radiating centre of a world
wide Anglo Saxon influence; a
vetitable "province of brick" (De
Stael), hard to see because so
vast, hard to describe because so
much of it,and do one’s self and the
city justice. It is quite true, how
ever difficult it be to acknowledge,
when one sees the latter-day glory
tal haul (in Edition of his Poems I it8 Gothic towers); the self elected
1640) the quaint yet striking ; llo,ne of Marie Cordli, that highly anva thoir own imtnto
I gifted and famous hut also some- imii nono."
Time wiis. wln-11 (limiting sumptuous
or for usi
<1 skins, our sir
••This Slmdowo is renowned Slinko-
siK’ftrn's! Soule of tit’ ago
The applause! delight I the wonder of
tho Singe
what peculiar -tut hoi ess; and the I
lovely old Trinity Church of Strat
ford with its handsome colored
windows and the silvery Avon
Burdin rv,
Nature her sslfo, was proud of his de-1 gliding by its walls, within which
north side of the chancel
\ And joy’d to wearo the dressing of liis
| The learned will Confess, his works are
As neither mail, nor Muse, can prayse
too much.
For over live thy fame, the world to tell,
1 Thy like, no age shall ever parnUdl.”
And Col. Robt. G. Ingersoll
I partially sized up the man by
keenly saying: "He had the obser*
! vant eyes that really see, the ears
that really hear, the brain that re
tains all pictures, all thoughts,
logic as unerring as light, the im-
| agination that supplies defects and
builds the perfect from a fragment.
| And these faculties, these apti-
; tudes, working together, account
for what he did. He knew the
===:=::::==:=: — := - == ^ = unspoken thoughts, the dumb de-
11 dc Ul V ATinUQriN £ rn sires * the wants and ways of beasts.
mnO. “> !• MIMNOUn 06 UU. H2 enjoyed all heavens, and felt
Newnan, Ca. the pangs of every hell. lie lived
1 all lives, and through his blood and
brain there crept the shadow and
the chill of every death, and his
soul, like Mazeppa, was lashed
naked to the wild horse of every
fear and love and hate. The im
agination had a stage in Shake
speare’s brain, whereon were set
all scenes that lie between the
morn of laughter and the night of
tears,and where his players bodied
forth the false and the true, the
joys and griefs, the careless shal
lows and the tragic deeps of uni
versal life. From Shakespeare’s
brain there poured a Niagara of
gems spanned by Fancy’s seven-
hued arch. He was as many-sided
as clouds are many-formed. . . .
Within his marvellous mind were
the fruits of all thought past, the
seeds of all to be. As a drop ol
dew contains the image of the
•eaith and sky, so all there is of
:life was mirrored forth in Shakes
peare’s brain. Shakespeare was
an intellectual ocean, whose waves
touched all the shores of thought,
within which were all the tides and
waves of destiny and will; over
(Oowpi-rV Task.)
(To l)i> continued.)
Common Colds aro tho Cnuso of
Mnny Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a nation
al reputation ns unalvsts of tho eause of
We heg to announce to our customers and friends
that we are now in our commodious new store,
with a full stock ol'Gonoral Merchandise, and have
recently added to this a complete line of furniture,
burial eases, etc. Also wagons, buggies and liar
ness, mules and horses; all of which will he sold
at the lowest prices, either for cash or on time.
\\ e also carry a complete line of Fertilizers, « liieh
we mix to suit any and all of our customers. We
also pay tho highest prices for cotton and cotton
seed, and give Hie lowest rates on storage and in
surance, and make liberal advances on all cotton
stored with us. Thanking you for your patronage
in (he past, we respectfully solicit a continuance
c.' - the same.
> 11 iinttiTllit-^T- 1 •
Atlanta & West Point Kailroad Co.
Tho Western Kailway of Alabama.
Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast
Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining
Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California.
,on the
repose the precious dust of hliake- * various diseiisrs, c.liiiiu that if catching
spearc and his wife, Anne Hatha- cold could ho avoided, u long list of
I way, whose quaint, thatch-roofed [ dangerous ailments would never l»
cottage is within easy walk across
the fields. Below a marble monu
ment placed in the wa
he is “represented under an arch
in a sitting posture, a cushion
spread before him, with a pen in
his right hand, and his left rested
heard of. Every one knows that pneu
monia and consumption originate from
it cold, and oliinmc ealnrrli, hroiiohitis,
(on which nmj nil tlnoii and lung troahln are ag
gravated and i-i mien d more tenons liy
ouch fresh attack Do not risk your life
or take ohanci H when you have a uold.
('hainborlain’s Cough Remedy will cure
it before these diseases develop. Obis
■ T. M. MARTIN -
Does all
kinds of
Tin Work, Roofing
Plumbing and
Expert work and low
prices win. Shop op
posite Pinson Hotel.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent packet is enouirh for usual occasions
The|fainily bottle (60 cents 1 contains a supply
for a year.All driKgists sell them.
by Dr. Paul Peiiiston, Newnan, Ga.
scroll of paper”) of the \ remedy ooiitaiiis no or
chord, iu T 1-irtrp flat prove stone ! otl ' e *' harmful drug and lias I Dirty years
church is a large n.u grave scone, „ f rt , imtfttion | )ftok of it. gained by its
bearing on its surface the me-mor- curos under everycondition. For sul
able words in “an uncouth mixture
of small and capital letters;”
No 40
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With the Exchanges
Mrs. F. J. Bhackleford and son,
Tom Shackleford, and Miss Cam-
Beside him lies the dust of his ! mie Uttlliel) of Newnan, were the
precious wife, Anne Hathaway, j K , ieHt8 of Mr< aild Mrs. R. M. Wure
with regard to whom he addressed ^j s W(} (.k.
Miss Emma Hue llendrix, of
Newnan, iH viHiting friends here
this week.
Mrs. Annie Rosser is the guest
of Mrs. Jennie Arnold, of Newnan,
til is week.
I -MciiIh
A Iph vc I mins dully, i 'on Mi-rt lolls ill New lirlciuiH for Tuxus, Mexico, ( si I (urn In AI ( liclniwr
I for i nski'ip r, ’.lllMi'iol for ThIImIi-i - cc.
I I ,n( I in nut- in, ol ul ion Iciivcn A1 In 11111 dully, except Snndiiy ul 0:110 |>. in. Ilctiiriilng
i leave- inillriillgc in ■: 5-1 a in. arrives A11 n nl a a I.’, a. in.
Trains Ilf, and :iii I'lillmnii sleepers New Ynrk and New Orleans. TIii'OUkIi enaelii-H Washing-
nn and New IIrlealls.
Trains 117 mid 1IM Waslilnglon and Southwestern l.linlled I’lilhniiii sleepers,
ears, oiiservatliili and dining ears. Complete service New York and New Orleans
Train U7 United Stales fast, mall. Through day conches Ailniitu and New Orleans.
Wrile for mans, schedules and liiforniallnn.
T. P. A., Atlanta, (in. O. 1*. A., Allnnta (is.
Pres, and (Inn. Mur., Atlanta, (la
Report of Treasurer of the
School Fund.
Miss Lida Brown, of Newnan,
those sweet stanzas to the night
ingales and thrushes in the identi-i
cal fields close at hand:
“Would yo be tnught, ye feathered
With Iovo’h sweet notes to grace your
To pierce the heart with thrilling lay,
Listen to mine Anne Hathaway!
She hath a way to sing so clear,
Phoebus might wondering stop to hear,
To melt the sad, make blithe the gay,
And nature charm, Anne hath a way;
She hath a way,
Anne Hathaway, Miss ('leone Ham, of Newnan,
To breathe delight Anne hath away." - ln ,| Miss Norma .tones, of Turin,
After going to the Shakespeare spent a short while with relatives
store and getting some memento here yesterday and went to <’ou-
of our visit, we took a train hack cord last night to visit other rela-
to 11 .utad Junction, and changed lives,
to the main “Royal Oxford Route,”
passing close to Warwick (and its The means adopted to rob Hon.
castle—the finest feudal architec- John Temple Graves ol Ills edito-
tural specimen in the English rial prerogatives is one ol the bold-
Z. Greene, D. D. fe 5 .,
Office on Second Floor of
Black Bros. Co.’s Building
Tlie appended report of the Fi
nance Committee of the City
Hchool Board shows umounts re
ceived and disbursed for the
twelve months ending Dee. Ii8,
1005. The report shows the vari
ous sources from which the school i
fund is received and the amount GALe on Second Moor of the Arnull
L. M. Farmer,
received from each source.
This statement was furnished
The News by the Secretary and
came over yesterday and is visit- [Treasurer of the Hchool Board,
ing Miss Lillie Rivers.
Miss ('leone Ham, of
r gsssEsasssiasEE ssasasssassNan©
S. C. CARTER S C0„ j
when you want them |j
cleaned, pressed, repaired jsj
[fj or dyed in the best manner ra
| and at the most reasona- g
| ble prices. jj
(’apt. J. .1. Goodrum, and is us
To ilii- Ilou. Board Education:
Gentlemen: i beg to submit in-low
Ht.utcment of oiii lieusurer’H account
j from Dec. 27, 1904, lo i.eo 28, 11)05,
showing n balance on liiiml of $5)74.48;
while ins h oik hook shows a credit bal
ance ul $781.0:7 Tins is on account of
e.lic-cks ilia n and not presiaiteii.
(7 D Baku,
For Finuneo i ommiLtco.
MercliiiodiHH Co. ’s Building
Haralson High School.
dominions j;
(which is five
and Leamington,
miles Irom Kenii
ust, schemes yet enacted by corpo
rate greed to crush independent
worth—the loveliest ot the ruined thought and eonseientons duty. II
English castles, from which after this does not open the eyes and
a short stay alone, there was born arouse the patriotism ol all real
that v/ondertul romance of Sir Georgians, the manhood ol our
which swept all the storms of fate,
ambition and revenge; upon which
fell the gloom and darkness of de
spair and death and all the sun- _
Might of content and love, and Oxford, that great seat of FTriglish pled politicians. A free and iu-
within which was the inverted sky learning, where are scattered over dependent press is the only thing
lit with the eternal stars—an in-! the town twenty-four or more col- to perpetuate freedom and inde-
tellectual ocean—towards which i leges; whence came so many of pendence.
all rivers ran, and from which now the world’s greatest leaders and
the isles and continents of thought trainers,both in State and Church,
Walter Scott which takes its name State has vanished and we are only
from this picturesque ruin). a body of servile tools to lie used
By Banbury we journeyed to by soulless greed and unprinci-
- Jackson Economist.
1905 Du.
Due. 29,’04, To Bui. $ 9u:i 01
UuclH. from Suite, 2,b(ti -17
“ County, 495 95
“ City, 11,000 00
From New. Cot. .VIill. loO oO
Matriculation lO-eis.,!!, 104 -i0
10,220 68
By Approved Vouch- rr>,
$9,702 16
524 481
10,220 00 ;
The following pupils of Haral
son High .School made a general
uverage of !M> per cent, in their
studies, including deportment, for
tho month of January:
Willie Addy, Jewel Branden
burg, David (’happell, IJuby Dope,
Eugene Quigley, Wallace Gray,
Lois Counts, Annie Washington,
Frank Hodnelt, J. I). Robinson,
Mam ye Foster, Muller Wingard,
Paul Counts, Arthur Pope, Otis
Thompson, Ross Braden lung, Maud
Quigley, Hardy Cullahani, Mary
Pope, Nellie Hutchinson, Horner
Hutchinson, Fred Johnson, Ida
Kempson, Walter Brandenburg,
Laura Addy, James Kempson,
Zachary McGahcc, Wilbur Rawls.
F. Roy Almon,
Lame Back.
ailment is uwimiiv caused by
I hereby notify all persons in-
1 receive their dew and rain.”
rheumatism of the mu-cles mid muy lie debted to J. F. Reynolds, bank-
cured by applying Chinnbi-rliiin’H Pam rU pt i of Newnan, Ga., to call at my
Do you want to subscribe for any
newspaper or magazine published in
tbe United States? If so, your sub
scription will be received at tbe News
of&oe. **
The friends of Miss Virginia
in the Old and the New Doinin- Bailey will be pleased to know that Hal,n two or three times a any, mid rub-
With Charles Lamb all may well i ions; and within whose classic she has recovered sufficiently from bing the purls vigorously "G-ocli appli- j anc j selt ) c at onct: . It is necessary
exclaim: “We uncover to
office OVc-r Newnan Banking Co
Shakes- shades are priceless libraries (the an attack of peritonitis to be able cation. It this docs n a uiMi-d 'ciiof; t hat business of said J. E
Christ.” Bodleian m particular). And, as to return home with her hihUa, . ^ ^ ^ BllllIli 11U0 qQick raljof | Reynolds
husiasm > one has said, “There is no spot in Miss Ruth Bailey. Ija(*range ‘jig almost sure to follow. For sale by* Attorney lor Trustee!
peare; but we kneel to
We need to guard our enthusiasm
for any human being, lest it pass | the whole of England that offer# j porter
| Dr. Paul Peuistou, Newu.ii, Ga.