The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 30, 1906, Image 1

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    ,h i*.
NO. 51
or All the News of Coweta County Read THE NEWNAN NEWS !
In election will bo hold in the Grant-
lie School District on the 21st- day of
aiil for the purpose of ascertaining the
Mr. J. D. Cole and family have moved
to Louise.
Sunday afternoon the marriage of;
Miss Vivian Couch to Mr. Walter Bry- |
nnt occurred. The ceremony was per- j
sites of the voters ns to assessing a formed by Judge T M. Lester.
;inl tax for locnl educational pur- Mr. Jack Keith. Sheriff Brown, Mos
es. This is a move in the right di- srs. Mc.Cutchen, Carpenter, Mobley and I
fctioti. Grantville is badly in need of Turner, of Newnan: Mr. Sim Zellars, j l H ’H)ted dinner 1* ritliiy evening ill
Dinner Party.
Miss Mary Goodrum entertained
at a in os t bountifully np-
bublic scliool. A majority of tbs oliil-1 of Palmetto; Messrs. R. T Brannon and
Hi in this district are unable to obtain John Fry, of Moreland, attended the
(collegiate education; many bright Masonic Lodge in Grnntvtlle Saturday
A. Tumor ami Miss Bowena Tilt
hs and girls on account of pecuniary
Dumstances are debarred attending
liool ns regularly us they should. The
[ml is very much like the body. In
liletio sports, a small man with prop-
(training enn overmatch a more pow-
Ful one untrained, so a weaker mind
lucated is superior to u brighter un-
Ineated one. The old school building
Inot only a disgrace to our town, hut
the whole county. Sv we strongly
rge all in favor ot local taxation to ho
|i hand April 21st mid cast their ballots ;
Sunday morning at the Baptist ohurcli
W. R. Lambert began ail interes «
■light, when the Master’s degree was
conferred on T. M. Zellers by Mr. Jack
Keith of Newnun. Oil the first Tuesday
night in April ther* will lie work in the ! green crept
First and Fellow Craft degrees.
Mes.-rs. O’Brien, Jenkins and Gentry
w re elected delegates to the Masonic
convention, which convenes in Colum
bus, May gib'd.
honor of several of the visiting
young ladies.
Miss Good ruin was a gracious
hostess, receiving her guests in her
usual cordial manner; wearing a
de diene elaborately
Mrs. J. K. Farmer, who was ill at our
last writing, is very much improved.
Mr. Wiley Wood, from Whitehall, in
Ig series of missionary sermons, with , spending a few day
Imp illustration
trimmed in Irish luce.
'file parlor and reception hall
presented a charming appearance,
with bowls of jonquils, violets and
The large square table in the
dining room, at which the guests April like day.
were seated, was lovely with its After an interesting game of
decorations. A large cut, glass dominos, a delicious salad course
vase, tilled with quantities of daf- was served.
Mri. Banks’ Entertained.
Mrs. Sam Ranks entertained at
a domino party Thursday alter
noon, given to her charming visit
ors, Miss Ivina Frederick and Miss
Hva Wriglcy.
Mrs. Ranks received her guests
in a delightful manner, assisted by
Misses Frederick and Wriglcy.
The pretty home was fragrant
with the odor of spring blossoms,
and tlw decorations were in har
mony ^willi the sunshine of an
This afternoon the Ladles’ Parsonage
ciety will he entertained at tlie hospi-
(able home of Mrs. Glenn Arnold. A
(ice quilt pieced by the members of the
lociet-v will be put together and pre-
Bitted to the parsonage.
M. and Fred.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Erie
Allen died last Thursday morning.
Mrs. Ben Moore, of Grantville, was
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charlie
Christian, a few days last week. They
sjii-iit Friday and Saturday in Wliites-
witli his sons, 1). fodils with violets at the base,rest- A charming coterie of guests on-
on an exquisite piece of hand- joyed the pleasures of the after-
Mrs. Sarah Banks, of Palmetto, is at , burg with relatives.
Ihe home of her sou, N. O. Banks. Alonzo Allen was confined to liished
Miss Sarah Bohannon, of LaGrauge several days the past week with pneu-
(‘inale College, visited her parents, Mr. 1 monin.
aid Mrs. L. W. Bohannon, Sunday and Mrs. Oscar Yarbrough came down
Monday. from Carrollton last weok and spent a
Mrs. C. P. Glower was in LaGrauge few days with relatives. She was ac-
ITtday. companied home Saturday by-Mrs. John
Miss Ada Taylor spout a few days this Yenrta.
beck in Atlanta. I Frank Moore, from Grantville, spent
Mrs. Hattie Ellison Ims returned to last Saturday night with relatives here.
t er home in Atlanta. Her father, J. G. i Mrs. Joe Wolborn, who has been
mitli, accompanied her home. critically ill the past week, is very much
Mrs. H. T. Allium and .Miss Irene improved. Her little son, Fred, was
made lace, marked the center of
the table. On each end were tall
crystal candlesticks holding y ellow
tapers. The place cards were
prettily written in gold, and the
same color motif continued delight
fully throughout a delicious menu
of ten courses.
The favors for the gentlemen
Domino Party.
Miss Mary Goodrimi entertained
last Saturday morning at a delight
Ini domino party. The house was
prettily decorated with jonquils,
violets and pot plants.
After the game, a tempting salad
The many friends of Miss Mar
garet Latimer will regret to learn
that she is seriously ill sit the home
of her neiee, Mrs. Will Murphcy.
Miss Luclle Thompson lots re
turned from a visit of some length
lu Madison, Fla., where she was
most delightfully entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Astor Bache
lor came down from Atlanta Sal
unlay anti spent Sunday with the
family of < ’apt. '1'. W. I’owel.
'Miss Mollie Rowel left Wetlnes
day for Kugersville, Tenn.. after a
short visit toller brother, (’apt.
T. W. Rowel, and family.
Miss Annie Laurie Brewster, of
College Rark, and Mr. Allen, of
Atlanta, visited Miss HI la Dillard,
in t his city last Sunday .
Mrs. Rrice Wooley returned to
her home in Atlanta last week, af
ter a pleasant v isit, to her mother,
Mrs. Sam Murray.
Mrs. F. N. Clark, of Saratoga.
N. Y., who had been spending the
w inter in New nan, returned to her
home last week.
The Salmagundi ('lull will be en
tertained Friday afternoon by Mrs.
Irving Walker, at three o’clock.
Mrs. Jim Albrightand two ehil-
Nogro Killed Last Sunday.
Andrew Jackson, a negro, was
shot and killed last Sunday after
noon by John Johnson, also a
negro, at a negro church about 5
miles south of Nownnii. If is be
lieved the dilliculty was caused by
liquor. Johnson emptied liis re
volver. tiring liveshols at Jackson,
and three of Hit 1 bill Is lodged in the
dead nogrne's body.
The negro church is situated
near Mr. A. B. Copeland's home,
and alter the killing lie immediate
ly went, across the country to the
elmingang camp, where the ser
vices of ( apt. Nasli and the conn
ty’s dogs were secured. Mr. ('ope
land and Cnpf. Nash followed
Johnson a distance of a mile or two
from the scene of the crime and
arrested him. 1 le was brought to
N'evvnan and lodged in jail.
Jackson lived on Mr. J. T.
Kirby's farm and Johnson on Mrs.
Frank < 'handler's place.
most unique, representing course and hot codec was served, dren, of Atlanta, are visiting her
Joswell spent Tuesday in Hogunsvilli*.
Mrs. Rebecca Lester is visitibg her
nughter in Newnan.
f! Mrs. T. M. Zellarsand little daughter,
Margaret, were in Newnan Monday.
Mrs. N. O. Banks spent a few days
his week in Atlanta.
Miss Emma Belle Zellars was one of
taken sick Inst Sunday afternoon and
was Htill quite sick when last heard
M. L. Bryant and little son, Chnrlie,
came in from tho country and spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Missus Alice Mobley and Mattie Rich-
lie guests of honor at a dinner given by ie visited their aunt, Mrs. John Smith,
liss Mary Goodrum at her home in
jlewnan last Friday evening.
Mrs. J. E. Doan and Miss Ella Dean
;re spending the week with Mrs. Hurry
Bill, of Palmetto.
Mrs. Frank Perryman, of Atlanta,
at Grantville, Inst Saturday night and
.T. J. Hendrix and family, who moved
to Grantville two or throe months ago,
ntovel back last week.
Nancy, little daughter of Mr.and Mrs.
Ivlio has been the guest of Mrs. W. G. Hugh Parker was quite siok for several
Sadler for several weeks, returned homo days last week.
he guest of Miss Lueile Bunks a few
lays this week.
Misses Love Stevens and Irene Brart-
jery spent Tuesday in Atlanta.
Saturday, Mrs. James Gilbert had as
:ier guests Mrs. Brnkefield and two tit
tle sons of Senoia.
Ion day.
Miss Gladys White spent Friday with
riends in Hogausville.
F. T. Menchain attended the funeral
f his uncle, Frank ltosser, at Union,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Goins are very
much delighted over the advent of a lit
tle girl into their homo last Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. George 3nrentine spent
last Snturdny night with their grand-
Miss Bessie Arnold, of Bainbridge.was , daughter, Mrs. Homer Allen.
cigars, which contained ii
Japanese fan. Tho ladies
given a Japanese hat, which they
wore throughout the evening.
Those invited were: Miss I',dim
Frederick, Miss Hva Wriglcy,.Miss
FJla Dillard, Miss Belle Vernon
King, Miss Virginia Freeman and
Miss Linda Simril; Messrs. I. N.
Urr, Bol) Orr, J, L. Jones, Frank
Hughes, Dr. Weems, Jim Good-
rum and Mr. Tannage of Atlanta.
i»»y j Miss Mur i Parrott was the lucky
were recipient of a pair of silk hose,
which were drawn for as a sou
venir of the morning.
Those present were: Misses Alma
Arnold, Katherine Rowel, Linda
Simril, Frankie King, Mary Par
rott, Bowena Turner, Nclie Lou
Walton, Eva Wriglcy, Edna Fred-j
crick, Ella Dillard, Louise Reddy, I
Julia May Hackney and Katie!
\ mill I Lewis Rurcoll, alias Johnson, a
I young white man who deserted
mother, Mrs. Texas Gearreld.
Miss Mary Lon Holmes, of Car
rollton, is tilt! guest of relatives in
Miss Maie Campbell has been
at home several days by
Deserter Captured.
Mrs. Nancy Brown had ail old time
Sacred Harp singing last Sunday after
noon. It was very much enjoyed by all
Mr. Chnrlie Dendwiler, our mill
engineer, who was confined to his bed
at our last writing, is able to be out
Mrs. J. B. Broadwater is visiting rein- again.
fives at Sharpsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Drake spent
aturdny and Sunday in Moreland
J. H. Bryant spent Sunday in La-
Grange with his son, E. L. Bryant.
Hon. W. A. Post is in Atlanta today.
Mr. Sim Zellars, of Palmetto, 1ms re-
urned home from a visit to his brother,
Uapt. T. E. Zellars.
Mrs. Osborn Anderson, from Palmetto,
spent a few days recently with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Newsom.
B J. and John Mobley visited rela
tives in Grantville last Saturday.
After a long confinement to her bed,
Mrs. J. G. Brook is able to walk about
some in her room.
Bartow Sticher, from Banning, spent
Mr. Emmett Sewell went to Atlanta a few days last week with his daughters,
Mrs. John and Mrs. Cleveland Bryant.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnson moved
down from Banning last week and have
goue to work in the mill. They are
boarding with the family of Tom Sam
Messrs. Edwin Banks, Boozer Payne
and Dr. Hogg went to the opera in At
lanta Monday evening.
Capt. W. P. White attended the fun
eral of his brother in law, Mr. Frank
Rosser, at Union, Sunday. ! Mr and Mrs. Will Cash, who have
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Camp, of the 3rd j been boarding for some time,commenced
district, were in Grautvilie Friday. ' keeping house last week.
Mrs. Martin Lambert and Miss Maude ! Miss Ima McGehee was taken sudden-
Hopsou were in Hogausville a few days ly ill la 8 ' Friday night and was in a
j critical condition for a while, but was
Mrs. Lovick Ponder and Mrs. James j some better when last heard from.
Prickett, of Lone Oak, were in Grant-1 Miss Lillie Cathcart, from East Point,
ville Friday. ! is spending a while with her sister, Mrs.
Dinner Party.
Mr. E. 1!. Dent was the cordial
host at an elegant dinner party
Saturday evening ul the home of
his sister, Mrs, D. T. Manget, on
Temple Avenue.
The home was prettily decorated
with vases of cut (lowers and pot
plants. In the dining room the
color scheme, red, was beautifully j ed am
carried out. The elaborate drawn
work table cloth showed off to ad
vantage over red satin. In the
center of the table was si handsome
cut glass vase, resting on a round
mirror, Idled with
carnations. Crystal candlesticks
on each end, added their mellow
glow with red burning tapers. The
artistic place cards were hand
painted red carnations and tin*
name of each guest in gold letter
ing. A delicious supper of six
courses was served.
Those present were: Misses Kat
ie Arnail, Bessie Rowell, Kate
Snead, Ella Dillard, Julia May
Hackney and Virginia Freeman;
Messrs. John Faver, Jack Powell,
Bob Orr, Alfred Broom and Cliff
The wedding of Miss Alma
Faustina Halbide to Mr. Clarence
Kestlcr will be an interesting so
cial event of next week. The wed
ding will be characterized by all
the solemnity and sweetness of an
ideal home wedding.
The bride-elect is an accomplish-
altractivc young lady, lin
ing the eldest daughter of Mrs.
Annie* Sal bide and the late .Manuel
Mr. Kostler holds a responsible
position with the Coweta Cotton
red and white!Oil Company, and enjoys the eon
lidenec and esteem of a wide circle
of friends.
Splendid Meeting; at Love*
joy Memorial.
Rev. \\ . S. Gaines closed a good
meeting Sunday night at Lovcjoy
Memorial Church. Dr. J. W.
(juilliim preached several times
and Bov. \V. J. Colter helped
some; but tin* pastor did most of
the preaching and received two
members by certificate, twenty-
four on profession of faith, and
baptized twenty adults and four
Death of Miss Jennie
John Phillips.
Miss Susie Welch, who hart been
spending a week with Miss Ima McGe
hee, returned to her home in Carrollton
last Thursday afternoon.
Charlie Strickland visited the family
from Hit* l.’ltli United States Cav
alry, stationed at Fort Riley, Kan-
jsas, was captured in this city Iasi
Thursday. Purcell, who is evi
dently a tough character, appear
ed at the home of M r. Ben I Mai in
Hurricane district and secured a
job. After getting Mr. Dial to
purchase several dollars’ worth of
new clothing for him, and working
a day or two, Purcell skipped out.
Mr. Dial’s son, Walter Dial, fol
lowed him to this city and had
him arrested j list as he was about
to leave Newnan via the (’mitral
In order to escape punishment
by the local courts, Purcell ae
knowledges! that he was a deserter
from the United States army. He
was placed in jail and the com
mandant at Fort McPherson was
wired. The reply was that Pur
cell was wanted by the United
authorities and that the
Domino Party.
Miss Nelie Lou Walton was the
cordial hostess at an informal and
congenial party Monday night,
given in honor of Miss Edna Fred
erick and Miss Eva Wriglcy, the
charming guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Banks.
A n interesting game of dominos
was enjoyed . Miss Edna Freder
ick received the ladies first prize—
a pretty silver hat pin; the conso
lation for the ladies fell to Mrs.
E.B. Cotton was in Moreland Sunday.
E. M. Yeager, of Madras, and Abe
Foster of Newnan, were at Capt. T. M.
Lester’s Sunday.
Charlie Stewart Colley came home
from the Military School at College .
Park Sunday to see his grandfather, Mr. of Tom Robinson in the country last Sam Banks; Mr. Banks received
M . N. Colley, who is still in a serious; Sunday. j the gentlemans first prize—a book;
condition. 1 Br0 - Layton filled his appointment at j £jj e consolation for the men was a
W. F. Hopson andM. B. Lambert the Chapel last Sunday and had 8° od | pack of ci g arsj .
were in Hogausville Saturday. congregations. . | \ temntine' salad con rut. u
Mrs. Spence, of Senoia, was here’ Bro. Gaines closed a aeries of meetings, A tempting salad course was
Tuesday and Wednesday, for the pur- at the Memorial Church last Sunday ; served.
pose of organizing a Woman’s Mission- i night. There were twenty-six accessions. ] Those present were: Misses Mary
ary Society of members of the Baptist'
Euchre Club.
The Euchre Club met with Mrs.
W. A. Turner, Jr., Tuesday after
An interesting game of six-hand sin.tx*s
was enjoyed. Ihe highest score usl(a | reward of $50 would be paid
was made by Miss Bowena Turner, ]or his delivery at Fort McPherson.
Chief of Police J. I). Brewster
for which she received a dainty
handmade handkerchief and pre
sented it to Miss Edna Frederick.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. A Hers Hertel Tuesday after
noon at three o’clock.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Quillian an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Gleta, to Mr. Harry L.
Cleveland, of Elberton; the mar
riage to occur at home, in the
Methodist parsonage, Newnan, the
evening of the J 7th of April.
Miss Rat* Lowe Sponcler has ae
and Walter Dial carried Purcell to
tiie Fort last Friday and turned
him over to the authorities.
i'ureel 1 stated that he enlisted
at Knoxville, Tenn., deserted at
Fort Biley, Kansas, and was after
ward captured by an army officer
in Alabama,but effected an escape.
He had been at large for several
A sad death which oaourrert in New-
11 m i at Hu van o’clock yesterday morning
was Mail of M Ihh .Jennie Burpee, one ol
the iiity’s host known and most ohIooiii-
oiI young women. Miss Burpoo laid
boon sink for several months and her
death was not unexpected to family and
friends. The funeral service will occur
this afternoon nt three o’clock at tho
Burpee home, after which the interment
will he made in the family cemetery lit
Glenn, I low'd county.
Miss Burpee is survived by three
brothers and a sister—Messrs. Glenn and
George and Miss Dorothy Burpee, of
Newnan, and Mr. Sum Burpee,.of Ala
bama. The sympathy of many friends
is extended to thorn in their bereave
To Nominate Congressional
Owing to the days growing lon
ger, and there being many patrons
of the office on the streets after 0
cepted the position of organist in o’clock, the general delivery and
the First Methodist church, Allan- the stamp window at the postoffice
ta. Newnan is proud of her ae will remain open until 6:30, p. m.,
com pi ish meats, and hopes her ad- after April 1st, to accommodate
vanement will keep pace with her those who wish to call for mail and
meritorious efforts. purchase stamps.
Attar a delightful stay ot sever- 'j) M . Hurricane district division
ai days, Miss Ella Dillard bade of the Coweta Cotton Growers’ As-
Newnan a regretful adieu yester- SO (.jation will hold a meeting next
day. Hhe was the recipient ol Saturday night. Reduction of
Goodrum, Katherine Powel, Edna nian .V charming social attentions a ,. r( . a g ( . and other important mat-
, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hollis have Frederick, Eva Wriglcy, Mr. and j here. ters will be discussed. All farm-
J G. Burdette, of Lone Oak, stopped re t uriie d to Atlanta, after several j Mrs. Sam Banks, Mr. Frank’ Mr. and Mrs. William By ram ers of the district are urged to la;
•T* h f e Tuesday night on Ins return , Hollis’ moth-! Hughes, Mr. Bob Stanford, Mr. * are the parents of a daughter, who present. Visitors cordially wel-
^Atlanta er Mrs. M. J. Olmstead. i Frank Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. \Y . came to them last V ednesday. , coined.
Democratic Executive Committee of
Coweta county will meet next Tuesday
in this city lo take notion in reference to
ail expression of this county’s choice of
a emididate for Congress in the Fourth
District. This expression will he hud in
lie! approaching county primary.
This meeting of the Committee is
culled in response to resolutions adopted
hv the Fourth District Executive Com
mittee, at a meeting held last Hat,urilay
nt Warm Springs. The Congressional
Convention was culled to meet at Warm
Springs on June iltli, at 10 o’clock a. m
Col. W. O. Wriidit is Coweta’s mem
ber of the Congressional Executive
Masonic Notice.
There will be a regular convoca
tion of Newnan Chapter No. 34,
Royal Arch Masons, at Masonic
Temple Tuesday night, April 3rd,
at 7:30 o’clock. All members and
visiting qualified companions are
requested to be present. Work in
the degrees. P. T. McCutchen,
High Priest.
Jack Powell, Bec’y.
On .Sunday morning “Decision
Day” will be observed by the Sun
day school of the Methodist
church. The exercises promise to
be unusually interesting,and every
member of the Sunday school and
its friends are requested to attend.
Music by the orchestra will begin
at 0:20 o’clock. Singing will be
led by T. M. Goodrum. The oili-
eers of the school and pastor of the
church extend an invitation to
every one to take part in these