Newspaper Page Text
NO. 52
For All the
News of Coweta County Read THE
Government May Spend
$75,000 Here for Ele
gant Building.
opening sermon. During the ses
sions a special doctrinal sermon on
“The Perseverance of the Saints,”
will be preached by order of the
Presbytery by Rev. Dr. Thus. E.
Converse, the devout and scholarly
editor of The Southern Presbyter
ian, Atlanta.
The hours of the Presbytery’s
lor securing a ! sossions "ill likely be 9 to 11 a.
in., 2:110 to 5:30 p. m. and preach
ing each day at 11 a. in. and 7:30
p. m. by some of the ministers at
tending. As is usual, the Moder
ator to be elected will remain over
the following Sunday and preach
morning and night; though the ses
sions of tin* Presbytery will prob
ably close Friday night or Satur
day morning.
To all business and devotional
exercises the public is cordially in
vited; the business sessions being
just as interesting as the sermons.
Ministers and members of other
denominations and non-church
goers are all invited to meet with
the Presbyterians as long as Pres
bytery lasts. Home of the finest
men in the Southern Church are
members of this Presbytery, and
it is a splendid opportunity for the
people of the community to hear
Newnan’s chance
federal building appears promis
ing just now. Congressman Ad
amson has made a favorable report
of the matter to Mayor Hurdett,
saying that the government is pre
pared to take this matter under
advisement. The government is
prepared to spend #5,000 for a
site, on which, if the building is
erected, a three-story granite
structure, 50x80 feet in size, will
be placed. The building will cost
about #00,000.
Upon receiving Congressman
Adamson’s communication, Mayor
Burdett at once went to work to
secure as a site for the building
the vacant corner lot opposite the
Hardaway <Sc Hunter store house.
The owners ask #10,000 for this
property; and, as the government
furnishes but #5,000 for a site*,
Newnan citizens will have to con
tribute one half of the cost of the | something good
After seeing the business men
and leading citizens, Mayor Bur
dett found them willing to con
tribute #5,000 for this purpose;
and he has notified Congressman
Adamson that Newnan stands
ready to furnish a site for a #00,000
The wedding of Miss Alma
Faustina Salbide and Mr. Clarence
Kostler, which occurred Wednes
day evening at the home of the
bride’s mother on College
was a lovely affair.
Mrs. W. A. Turner cut for the
first prize. Mi's. Turner making
the lucky cut, received a dainty
piece of lingerie. Mrs. Sanders
Hibson received tile consolation, a
pretty lace collar, and the booby
fell to Miss Kowena Tanner-a
stylish leather purse. At the close
of ruchings, for making the most
words from Miss Sal hide’s name.
Mr. Bob Orr was awarded the gen
tleman's prize for the most words
formed from Mr. Ivestler’s name.
Street, ! Miss Salbide was given a special ot ‘ tl>u game a luncheon was served,
prize. j and the afternoon was thoroughly
An altar of palms, white carna- I Thosi ‘ invited were: Misses An- enjoyed
tions and Easter lilies built up be-i »ie Will Kedwine, Katie Arnall,
fore the large window in the front | Kminie Young Conyers, Bessie
parlor made a pretty setting for Powell, .Iulia May Hackney,Louise
the bridal party. Mendelssohn’s Poddy, Mary Parrott and Alma
wedding march,beautifully render- Salbide; Messrs. Bob Orr, Calhoun
Caldwell, I. N. Orr, .lack Powell,
E. R. Dent, John Enver. Clarence
Kestler, Mr. Stanley.
ed by Misses Kate Snead and Em
mie Young Conyers, announced
the approach of the bridal party,
which came down the stairway in
the following order: The little
fairy-like ribbon bearers, Misses
Moody Bowman, May Cole,
Invitations have been issued to
the marriage of Miss Frances Bar
rington King, of Newnan, and Mr.
Calvin Fay Holmes, of Knoxville.
'The wedding will occur the even
ing of Tuesday, April 17th, at
eight o’clock, in the Presbyterian
church in this city.
Miss King is the second daugh-
Plans Have Been Drawn
for Handsome Struc
ture for This City.
j Commissioners’ Meeting.
The usual amount of routine bus
iness was transacted at the stated
meeting of County Commissioners
held Wednesday. In addition,
some matters of more than passing
interest received attention.
Ab Varner, Ed Wright and
Walter Peeples were released from
road duty.
Reports from road supervisors
showed that commutation tax to
the amount of #5,131.75 was col
lected during the month of March.
The Second district led with the
largest collections ever reported at
one time by any district in the
county. The collections were dis
tributed among the, thirteen dis
tricts as follows:
1st, #359.25; 2nd, 1,110; 3rd,
#725; 4th, #402; 5th, #328; (ith,
#439.50; 7tli, #447.75; Haralson,
#208.50; Hurricane, #123; Cedar
Creek, #217; Panther Creek, #305.-
50; Grantville, #227.25; Turin,
Captain Nash’s chaingang report
for March shows 34 negroes and 2
We give the Presbytery our best
bow and greetings as they enter
our gates. May their stay be at
tended with pleasure and profit.
Sincerely and fraternally,
C. O’N. Martindale,
Pastor Presbyterian Church.
N. B.—Since the al>ove was
placed in type, Hon. L. F. Living
ston has announced the appoint
ment of Dr. Theron H. Rice, of
Atlanta, to preach the opening
sermon at Presbytery.
of Little
Complimentary to Two of the April Brides.
Miss Emmie Young Conyers en
tertained at dominos Monday af-1 te'r ol (-apt. and Mrs. Habersham
Margaret Murphey and Evelyn ternoon in honor of Miss Alma (King. She is one ol the most no-
Wright, gowned in the daintiest Salbide, whose wedding to Mr. j complished ami attractive young
frocks of softest silk and lace, j Clarence Kestler was a beautiful ladies o! Newnan and has a host ol
Next in order of procession came event of Wednesday evening, and j IrioiuIs and admirers in this city
Mr. Kestler and his best man, Dr. j Miss Grace Farmor,whose wedding i*ind elsewhere.
E. II. Bowman. The bride enter
ed on the arm of her sister, Miss
Ysabel Salbide. Site was a beauti
ful bride in her princess gown of
olga crepe with a deep yoke and
to Mr. Jackson has been announc
ed for the I 7th.
The home was quite attractive
with ferns and pot plants and a
suggestion of the occasion was car-
bertha of rose point lace. Thejriedout in the dainty score cards,
tulle veil was fastened to her dark! lasing wedding bells, edged with
brown hair with a spray of orange
blossoms. Her exquisite bouquet
was of bride’s roses and ferns tied
with tulle.
Miss Ysabel Salbide’s girlish
beauty was brought out by a love
ly dress of soft silk and lace. She
carried an arm full of white carna
The impressive ceremony was
green and gold.
The highest score of the after
noon was made by Miss Julia May
Hackney, for which she received a
1 Kittle of toilet water and presented
it to Miss Salbide. The two brides
cut for the consolation—Miss Far
mer making the lucky cut, receiv
ed two beauty pins. Miss Martha
Askew received the booby, a bas-
performed by Dr. James Stacy in I ket filled with Easter rabbits
Katherine, the winsome little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Arnall, Jr., died Wednesday
morning at live o’clock. She was
taken ill Monday afternoon; pneu
monia developed,which caused her
untimely death.
The impressive funeral services
were conducted by Rev. J. S.
Hardaway Thursday morning in
the presence of many sorrowing
friends and relatives.
Little Katherine, as pure a hu
man flower as ever blossomed to
gladden the hearts and home of
fond parents, was three years old.
The sweet mission of this pure
young life was short, but her soul
was attuned to the place God had
given her to fill. The father and
mother, who now feel that earth’s
choicest treasure has been taken
from them, will ever have the
sweet memory of this precious
the presence of seventy-five friends
and relatives.
Assisting Mrs. Salbide in receiv
ing her guests were, Mrs. Will
Wright, and Mrs. P. B. Mur
phey, who were stylish in
their pretty dresses of white silk
and lace.
A reception followed the cere
mony, a delightful supper being
The presents, which were num
erous and handsome, were display
ed in the hallway of the second
Mrs. Kestler is an attractive
young woman, much admired for
her amiability of character and
Mr. Kestler is a charming gen
tleman personally, a successful
business man and has won many
friends since making his home in
Mr. and Mrs. Kestler have the
best wishes of a host of friends.
A delicious sweets course was
served at the close of the game.
Miss Conyers received her guests
in a jaunty little white suit.
Miss Salbide was becomingly
gowned in an aeolcan crepe over
pink silk, wearing a lovely bat
with pink roses.
Miss Farmer was stylish in
gray skirt and the daintiest of
lingerie waists.
About fifty guests enjoyed Miss
(buyers’ hospitality.
Mr. Holmes is a sterling busi
ness man of Knoxville. He is re
spected and esteemed in the busi
ness world and is popular socially.
The Sam Soucl Club.
Miss Mario Long was the de
lightful hostess of the Sans Solid
Club Friday afternoon. An inter
esting game of dominos was follow
ed by u delicious salad course, and
the afternoon was spent most
The next meeting will lie with
Miss Eddie North, Friday after
white men in the gang. Expense . , ,,
.. child to grow richer as the years
account lor the month amounted to ^ ”
#491.59. Cost ol feeding the con- The parents and other relatives
victs, 12 cents per man per day. j have the sympathies of the entire
Cost of feeding stock, 29 cents per | community in their sad aflliction.
head per day.
— Death of Miss Margaret Lati
Welcome to Atlanta Presby
Salmagundi Club.
The Salmagundi Club met Fri
day afternoon with Mrs. Irving
ker. Tlie home was bright
attractive with bowls of violets
pot plants placed throughout
reception rooms. The score
ere post cards with amus
ing verses.
After several games of dominos,
! the first prize was awarded to Miss
j Bessie Rowell a pretty pair of
j silver scissors. 'The consolation
j fell to Mrs. Alton Arnall -a dainty
gold stick pin. Mrs. Will Arnold
(received the booby—two pretty
; handkerchiefs.
The delicious luncheon, eonsist-
I ing of a salad course ami ices, was
I served at smaller tables in the
(diningroom and all the reception
Miss Rae Lowe Hponclor came
from Atlanta to spend Wednesday
and Thursday with the home folks
here, and leaves today for Augus
ta, where she lias been honored
with the position of organist and
director of the choir of the First
Baptist church, one of the fore
most churches of that city.
Among those entertaining next
week for the April brides will bo
Misses Kowena Turner and Mary
I’arrott for Miss Frankie King.
Miss Louise Reddy will entertain
on Wednesday for Miss Cleta (/nil
Man, whose wedding to Mr. Harry
Cleveland, of Elbcrton, occurs
April J7th.
Miss Julia Robinson, one of
Ncwnan’s most estimable women,
who has been sick for several
months, has been in a critical con
dition during the past two weeks.
But little hope lor her recovery is
entertained by her family ami
Miss Edna Frederick,the charm
ing guest of Mrs. Sam Banks,
leaves Friday for her home in
Marshall villc. Miss Frederick’s
presence in the city has been the
occasion of several charming social
IMans have been drawn for New
nan’s union passenger station, to
be erected at the railroad junction
by the Atlanta and West Point
and Central railroads. These
plans were submitted to the City
Council last Monday night by oili-
eials of the A. it W. R. who ex
plained that this road contemplates
an expenditure of #50,000 to #50,
000 in Newnan this year for im
provements. These will include
greatly increased trackage in the
city limits, a new freight depot
and the A. it vV. R’s. portion of
Uie cost of the union depot.
The new depot will lie a hand
some structure, to cost about #25,
000. It will be 120 feet square,
of the most modern construction
throughout, and furnished in an
elegant manner.
Many improvements contemplat
ed by the A. &. W. R. have not
been publicly discussed, but Rres
ident Wickcrshum is authority for
tho stutinent that his road has
great things in store for Newnan.
And it does look that way at the
present writing.
The A. & W. I*, ofllcials spent
Monday night and Tuesday morn
ing here and viewed the site of the
proposed passenger station and
other points where improvements
will lie made. In this party were
the following named well known
railroad men:
C. A. Wickersham, President
and General Manager; M. M. A ns-
ley, G. F. A.; W. H. Smith, Fit.
Claim Agent; W. N. Cox, Superin
tendent; F. G. Bennett, Track Hu
perintendent; O. T. Nelson, Road-
master; II. Hieb, Chief Engineer;
J. R. Billups, G. R. A. Col.H. C.
Dunlap, Commissioner in charge
of the Georgia Bureau of Industry
and Immigration, was also a mem
ber of the party.
Killing in the Seventh.
Miss Sophie Latimer, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Duke and Mrs. Kit Kob-
Miss Margaret Latimer passed
Next Tuesday night at 7:30 away last Friday at the residence
o’clock the Presbytery of Atlanta of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Murphey in
meets in the Newnan Presbyterian I this city, after an illness lasting
Church. The Presbytery covers j some time, at the age of about 65
the counties of Haralson, Carroll, years The funeral service occur-
Douglas, Campbell, Heard, Rand- red Saturday morning at the
olph, Troup, Meriwether, Upson, Methodist church, being conduct-
Pike, Spalding, Fayette, Fulton, ed by Dr. J. W. Quillian, assisted
DeKalb, Clayton, Henry, Butts, by Dr. James Stacy and Rev. W.
Monroe, Newton, Rockdale, Gwin- J. Cotter.
nett and Walton. ! Miss Latimer was a noble,Chris-
The Presbyterian system of tian woman,whose life was a hless-
church government being a repre- ing to relatives, triends,the church
sentative one, there will be from and to all with whom she was as-
55 to 75 ministers and ruling el-; sociated. She was a member of j table were lovely, and all the de-
ders present. The last Moderator the Methodist church for 44 years. | tails of the pretty affair were of
of the Presbytery is Hon. Lon F. Her sister, Miss Sophy Latimer, | the same delicate color. The place
Livingston, a ruling elder of Beth- of Palmetto, and her brother, Rev. j cards were heart-shaped,
any Church; and, as is customary Arthur Latimer, of Rome, are her i with
when the presiding officer is a Rul- nearest surviving relatives. She guest in gold letters,
ing Elder, he will designate some J was an aunt of Mis. W. J.
minister of the body to preach the, phey.
Miss Kate Snead Entertained.
Miss Alma Salbide was paid a
beautiful compliment last Friday
evening, being the guest of honor
at a lovely party given by Miss
Kate: Snead.
The parlor and reception hall
were artistically decorated in pot j apartments. The guests grouped inson, of Palmetto, came down to
plants and a profusion pink hearts I themselves informally and spent a attend the funeral of Miss Mar-
on the mantles and curtains. rbe l delightful afternoon. garct Latimer.
flowers used for the occasion were i
....... ...i Mrs. II. A. Hall and Mrs. 1. S.
pnik-that being the prevailing j Tn, Tw«l„. I, W l will entertain the Salma-
L °Mitts Snead received her guettta The Twelve tn* with Mis. Mike: Ji Unit at the lernter’t. heme
Powell Haturday afternoon. j the afternoon of April 12tn.
Several games of dominos werej Mrs. Rani Reniston has as her
wearing a stylish frock of pink,
elaborately trimmed with lace.
Miss Salbide’s becoming gown
was a pearl gray aeolean crepe
over pink silk, with the trimmings
in rose point lace.
The guests were invited in the
(lining room, where a delightful
hot supper of several courses was
served. The decorations of the
room. The remainder of the after
noon was delightfully spent in
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. U. O. Jones Friday afternoon,
A pril the 5th.
played, alter which a tempting tem mother, Mrs. Fisher,
luncheon was served in the dining ai|(1 Mrs. Carl Fisher and young
son, Lawrence, of Atlanta. ■
Mrs. L. L. Scarborough, of An
niston, Ala., arrived last Saturday
on a visit to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rigdon Simms.
Mrs. George Coates and
Sarah Coates, of Atlanta,
Sunday and Monday with M
Mrs. R. B. Murphey.
Miss Belle Morris and Mr
ris, of Atlanta, came down
of M iss
In a fight in the Seventh district
last Saturday, between ivvo white
nice, Jim Harrison was fatally in
jured by Juke Haynes and died
from the effects of his injuries last
Tuesday. Harrison was Haynes’
father-in-law. Sheriff Brown,
Coroner Broadwater and Dr. Rod
dy, assisted by a jury composed of
(j. K. Jenkins, S. S. Cochran,hM.
D. Thurmond, T. L. Landers, R.
J. L. Winkles and Mr. Houston,
investigated the case. Evidence
produced at the inquest indicated
that the two men, who are suppos
ed to have been drinking, quarrel
ed and fought and that Harrison
received injuries in the fight which
caused his death.
Haynes left the county after the
difficulty and has not been appre
Haralson High School.
Euchre Club.
The Euchre Club met with Mrs.
edged Alters ilertel Tuesdaj afternoon,
old and the name of each Two tables of euchre was enjoyed.
The score cards were miniature
After supper Miss Emmie Young scenes, heart-shaped and tied with tend the funeral
Conyers received the prize, a box yellow ribbons. Mrs. Barrow and
The following pupils of Haral
son High School made a general
average of 90 per cent in their stu
dies, including deportment, for the
month of March:
Everett Rawls, Walter Calla
han, Jewel Brandenburg, Wallace
Gray, Ruby Taylor, Sadie Rawls,
Willie Addy, Lois Counts, Evelyn
Brandenburg, Frank Garrison,
Earl Thompson, Bessie Thompson,
Estelle Addy, Mary Rope, Mamye
Foster, Nellie Hutch inson.
F. Roy Ai.mon, Rrin.
. and
Mor-1 Mrs. Miller and daughter,'of AL-
to at-' lanta, are boarding in Newnan and
Jennie rooming at the residence of Hon.
I W. B. Orr.