The Newnan news. (Newnan, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 20, 1906, Image 1
T—T °*if % o.r. THE NEWNAN NEWS VOL. VII. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1906. NO. 2 The Mission of a Newspaper is to Print the News; That’s What “The News” Does Good Woman Passed Away Last Friday. After an illness lasting several weeks, Mrs. J. S. Miller died iast Friday morning at the residence of Mr. and Mi’s. H. C. Fisher, in the 71st year of her age. Mrs. Miller is survived by her a Sabbath for the first throe months. The little girls to win the ring were Maude Bugg, Coriuue Holloway, Luoilo Sewell, Mildred Sewell and Lottie White. Mrs R. 1. Sowell and Mrs. O. E. Sew- oll were in Newnan Inst week. Mrs. T. Y. Clower, of Chattanooga, Tonn.. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs H. A. Ciunp. Mr. and Mrs. Satn Banks, of Newnan, HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY husband, who is one of Newnan's spent Inst Sunday at the home of N. O. oldest and mast esteemed citizens; Banks. by one daughter, Mrs. H. (’. Fish* Mrs - Emni0tt Sewell. Mrs. Charles , . ,4i i> n r i Martin and Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bryaut > J .’ ii • visited friends in Lutherville Tuesday Amis, an able] Baptist minister ol Mrs. S. E. Leigh is spending today this county. She was widely ac quainted throughout the State and was loved and admired by hund reds of friends. Mrs. Miller was a loyal and devout member of the Presbyterian church and Her Chris tian character left a lasting im press on the hearts of her relatives and numerous friends. She was one of this city’s most estimable women, and her death is a distinct loss to society and her church, no less than a sore bereavement to the friends who so sincerely esteemed and loved her. The funeral and burial of Mrs. Miller occurred Saturday afternoon and the funeral service was con ducted at the home by Dr. James Stacy and Rev. C. O’N. Martin- dale. Ordinances. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Newnan that all persons, lirms or corpora tions engaged in the sale of ice, either by delivery or otherwise, shall supply each wagon and each place of business where ice is re tailed, with good and accurate scales; and said persons, lirms or corporations, their ollieers or agents shall, when requested by the purchaser of ice, weigh the same in the presence of such pur chaser. All persons, firms or cor porations violating the terms of with liersou, Charlie Stewart Colley, at the military hcIiooI nt College Park. Miss Lucile Arnold, of Agues Scott Institute, spent Sunday nwt Monday with iier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Arnold. Miss Sarah Clower has returned to LnUrnnge Female College, after spend ing two days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Clower. Mrs. H. O. Arnall, of Newnan, was the guest a few days hist week of Mrs. W. G. Sndler and Mrs. L. W. Bohannon. Miss Bessie Camp has returned home after a few days spent with Mrs. .1. K Dean. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Colo, of Louise, wore guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Bryant. Miss Willie Harris has returned home to Chattahoochee, accompanied by Mrs. J. G. Smith,Miss Pate and Grady Smith. A. ,T. Parks is spending the week in Greenville. Messrs. Stallings and Orr spent Mon day in Atlanta. Miss Vera Lassiter, of the Normal and Industrial Sohool at Milledgeville, is the guest of Miss Janie Nall. Mrs. J. D. Moreland and Mrs. W. G Sadler were in Newnau Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Bugg visited friends at. Mouutville last week. Misses Marie Sewell nnd Minnie White of Lone Oak, spent Sunday with Miss Gladys White. J. T. Kirby and son, Tollison. of New nan, wore guests Saturday at the homo of L. W. Bohannon. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Banks silent Toes dny in Nowunn. Cupt. T. E. '/ellars and T. M. Zollars heard Hoke Smith in Palmetto Satur day. Mr. and Mrs Charlie Martin and little daughter and Mrs. Hattie Harris nnd Holmu-.KIny. The social event of the week was the lovely wedding of Miss Frank- King to Mr. Calvin Holmes, which took place 'Tuesday evening at the Presbyterian church in the presence of a number of friends and relatives, Rev, ('. O’N. Mar- tindalc officiating. The church was beautifully dec orated; palms and ferns being built up to form an effective background for the bridal party. To the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march, played by Prof. Charles Astin, entered lirst the lit tle ribbon bearers, Misses Rhea , ,, children, of Atlanta, arc guests of Mrs this ordinance shall, upon con- Emniett Sewell at the Nnll House. viction, be punished as provided in section 255 of the city code. Adopted by Council, April 1(1, 1906. E. I>. Fousic, Clerk. Mrs. Sullio Sewell is spending some time with friends in Atlanta. Misses Luoilo Barrow, of Lone Oak Brownie Loftin nnd Callie May Latimer of Hogansville, are guests of Miss Willie | May Lambert. Be it ordained by the Mayor and j Capt. T. E. Zollars is spending the Aldermen of the city of Newnan,! week with his daughter, Mrs. Will that from and after the passage of j Word, of A U n ' ,ta - | miss Etta Robinson, of Moreland, spent I a few days this week with her cousin Miss Willie Jeter. this ordinance, it shall be unlaw ful for any non-resident person, firm or corporation to sell or offer for sale, either directly or by agent, in the city of Newnan any ice, without lirst obtaining from t he Clerk of the city of Newnan a license therefor; which said license with relatives at Roeky Mount, is hereby fixed at #250 per year. Mr. Win, Andrews, of Hancock, Adopted by Council, April 16,! visitin * l,iH brotl,er - T ' A ’ AndroW8 ' 1906. E. 1>. Fousk, Clerk. Senoia. Mrs. R. M. North was called to Turin ! last week on account of the death of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bridges, orated in pink; the table having ;q’|, u funeral was conducted nt the Se- room, which was beautifully dec for a centerpiece a mass of honey suckle, surrounded with silver candlesticks with pink shades and burning tapers. Small crystal dishes contained pink bon lions. noia Baptist church, nnd the interment took place Imre. Miss Kate Oooko, who has been teach ing near Atlanta, is at homo for tier va cation. Her sister, Miss Ruth Cooke, is taking a course in music at Cox College. Mrs. W. L. Carlton and her daughter, Mrs. R. K. McKnighl. were in Atlanta Thursday and Friday of last week Mrs. O. E. Nolan oumo down from Quillim.CItveland. The marriage of MissCleta (}uil- Hail and Mr. Harry Cleveland, of j Marietta Monday evening and will spend Elbcrton.took place Tuesday even ing nt <S:80 o’clock, at the Mctlio- several days here with her mother, Mrs M. H, Couch. The protracted meeting began Mon dial parsonage, Dr. ,1.\\ . (jllilliuti, j day night at the Baptist ohuroli. Mr. father of the britle, performing tile Dodd, who is assisting the iwstor, is ceremony. 'preaching very able sermons to good Only the Immediate family of! l ‘ o,, « , ' , ’« ,ui0 1 na ' Much interest is being Meeting Stockholders New nan Cotton Mills. The annual meeting of stockhol ders of the Newnan Cotton Mills was held in this city last Monday. The holders of stock were well satisfied with the showing made by the officers and directors anti with the prosperous condition of the company’s interests. The old hoard of directors was re elected, consisting of Messrs. R. I). Cole, Hr., It. \V. Freeman, II. \V. Camp, H. \V. Murray, M. F. Cole, T. J. Jones, I*. F. (Ult imo, J. W. Bowers and 1*. B. Murphcy. King and Annie Colquitt, in their th ,’ id ’ manifeHted in the meeting.. i-4 i .• ...i,i4,. i gloom, \\ H" a mm Mr., W. A. Davis and MIkh E dainty dresses oI white, 'ollowid j frien«, S from out of town, were WMlt t0 Newnan Fridny and mix by the ushers, Messrs. Cliff Glover I and llaliersham King, Jr. The vie Davis spent a few ■ days visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Cleveland is very attractive "Undo Doe" Bailey, who had boon an groom was attended by his best personally;©!' a decided blond type; hni.ate of tlm state Hanitarium at Mil- • r t. -4. 4> » 4I....4... XT....4 ‘ , , , . . ledirevillo for several woeks past, died and a talented musician. Al- |(Ult Frtllliy> T ho remains were brought though having so recently made man, Mr. Baxter, of Atlanta. Next came the bridesmaids, Misses Holmes and Hattie Colquitt, of Atlanta, followed by Messrs. Huff and Colquitt. Miss Belle Vernon King, maid of honor, entered alone, followed by the bride, a pic ture of girlish lieuuty, leaning on the arm of her father, Captain Habersham King. The bride was beautiful in her princess gown of liberty satin with deep yoke and bertha of rose point lace. The skirt was fashioned with lace ami extended into a long train. The tulle veil was caught to her golden brown huir with a bunch of lilies of the valley. Her Newnan her home, she had won many friends who will be interest ed in her happiness. Mr. Cleveland is a gentleman of exemplary character and ffne busi ness qualities. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland left at 10:80 o’clock for a bridal trip north, after which they will make Elberton their home. The out of town guosts at this marriage were Messrs. Join’s Black- well, Harry Hawes and Jule Cleve land and Misses Wenona Black - well and Glenn Cleveland,'of 101 berton; Miss Janie Cofer, of At- 1 to Hcuoia Hat unlay. The interment was lovely bouquet was of bride’s roses j lanta; Miss Emma Leila Gramling, and ferns, tied with tulle. !of Marietta; Miss Maude Roberts, The bridesmaids wore airy gowns j of j jUVOn j tt . Mr. <:. b. Quillian, of of white chiffon over taffeta, trim- j n mor y College, med in lace and tucks, with high _ They carried im golden girdles, mense bouquets of white carna tions, tied with white tulle. A reception followed the wed ding, at the home of the bride’s parents, where a delightful supper was served. Many beautiful pres ents were displayed in the drawing room. The bride and groom left at 10:80 o’clock for a bridal trip. Re turning they M ill make their home in Knoxville, Tenn., where Mr. Holmes is engaged in business. Miss Clestelle McLeroy, of Ncw- i nan, who is a beautiful and charm- 1 ing young 1 a d y, delighted her audience at the Bijou Tuesday ! night with several selections, in Which she began by impersonating! a girl of ten years and ended a good old lady of 60.—Grillin News | and Hun. at Did Tranquil oeinotory, near Turin. Ed Kirkland was in Newnau Wednes day, on business. Mr. and Mis. W. II. Maahburn wore called to Fayette last week on account of the death of the latter's brother, Mr. KolMirt Morrow. Minx Nona PhumiKan visited relatives ill Atlanta last week.' Mrs. Halllo Powell, of Carrollton, has been several days with relatives and friends here. At last, account Mr. J. M. MoOrary was improving from Ids recent, severe illness. Miss Myra Warner, M’lio is in sohool at Locust Grove, Hpeut a few days iu Henoia last week. Mrs. Cline, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs E. II. Powers,for several weeks past, has returned to her home at Byron. Miss Etta Bennett, of near Grillin,was the guest of her ooustu, Mrs. C. M. Blount, last wuek. Mrs C A. Greene has as her guest her sister, Mrs. W. P. Maxwell, of Montezeuina. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kirkland wore In Atlanta the lirst. of last week. 'Fax Receiver’s Notice. Mr. H. W. Dews Dead. Mr. II. W. Dews, aged 59 years, died at. his residence in Houlh Kirkwood Monday morning at I o’clock. The funeral services were conducted at the residence Tues day morning at 9 o’clock. The interment was in Wcstview ceme tery. By special request of the deceas ed, the Masons had charge of the funeral. Mr. Dews hud been a Mason for many years.—Atlanta. Journal. Mr. Dews was formerly a resi dent of Newnan. He was well known here and his death is re gretted by his friends nnd ae quaiutanees. George Dews, a young mun employed in the (kite shops, is a sou of the deceased. Messrs. B. T. Thompson, W. H. Copeland anil J. I. Hcroggin com posed a committee that represented Coweta Lodge, No. 60, F. & A. M., at the funeral of Mr. Dews. Impressive Preaching at Cen tral Baptist Church. i Mrs. George Wynn entertained her Humlay school class atau Eas ter egg hunt and picnic at Pearl i .Springpark last .Saturday. Messrs. J. H. Bryant, L. P. Bryant and D. Y. Bryaut are at the bedside of their father. Rev, W. P. Bryant, in Newnan today. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Gill and Misses Willio and Jennie Lou spent Sunday Grantville. AttheM.E. Church Sunday school last Sunday 1 22 answered to the roll- call. At the eleven o'clock service tho attendance was very large; aud in spite of the display of Easter hats, rivaling in beauty “the lilies of the field,” an un commonly fine and appropriate sermon was delivered by the pastor from the text, "Christ in you, the hope of glory ” The evouiug servioe was given over to the Juvenile Society and an enjoyable occasion it was. The recitations were flue, while they sang as if the full signi ficance of the day filled their hearts witli Mrs. A. H. S. Bugg will attend the meeting of the North Georgia Confer ence Woman’s Foreign Missionary So ciety in Athens this week. Roy Bohunnon, of Newnan, spent Sunday witli his cousin, W. A. Bohan non Dr. G. W. Clower was in Atlanta Tuesday. Mrs. Birch Nall and Florrie Nall, of Sharpsburg, spent a few days this week in Grantville. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hood, of Pal metto, were guests for a few days of Mrs. W. H. Holloway. Dr. A.Roy Hogg has accepted a lucra tive position at a sanitarium in Mont gomery, On account bf the rain Saturday the Mr. Holmes is a sterling young man, and he has won for his bride one of the lovliest of Newnan’s young women—one who will lie greatly missed from this city’s so cial circles. , . . . , Easter egg hunt given by Mrs. W. G. joy. We older ^ople were put to shame i Qdlorand ^ ^ Ar ' oU t0 their by being so far outdone by the children. Tlieir maiohing would do credit to sol diers. Not a mistake did they make in the whole performance, which had been arranged by Mrs. J. D. Moreland, lady manager of the Society. She and Mrs. Glenn Arnold deserve credit for tiieir labor atnl care in training the children, j The decorations were very artistic. Festoons of Easter garlands were drap- j ed around the chancel rail, while at every available space a fern was placed. | Here and there were arranged lovely . vases of cut Hewers and wheu the cliil Sabbath school classes, was postponed one week. Do not forget that Saturday, April 21, is the day to vote ou local taxation for the purpose of establishing a public school. Let all in favor of it he on hand and cast tlieir votes accordingly. To Misj Kln^. A beautiful affair of last week was the party which Miss Mary Parrott gave Friday evening in honor of Miss Frankie King,whose wedding to Mr. Calvin Holmes was a pretty event of Tuesday evening. The attractive home was decora ted with a profusion of delicate pink wild honeysuckle and dog wood blossoms, placed in jardiuere and tall vases. Miss Parrott was a gracious hos tess; receiving her guests in a love ly gown of pink silk elaborately Mrs. L.L. Scarborough returned Wednesday to Anniston, Ala., af ter a visit to her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Rigdon Simms. Miss Grace Hawkins will leave this week for her home in Ken tucky, after a delightful visit to Mrs. Edwin Platt. Miss Bcnetta Orr, of Shorter College, Rome, was with the home folks in Newnan from Friday until KKCONI) ROUND. Give in now and avoid the rush. Paris, Monday April 2-'l, a. m. Young’s Tanyard, Monday, April 28, p. m. Moreland, Tuesday, April 21, until 2 p. m. St,. Charles, Tuesday, April 21, 8 to 6 p. m. Grantville, Wednesday, April 25. Newnau, Thursday, April 26. Sharpsburg, Friday, 27, a. m. Turin, Friday, April 27, p. m. Senoia, Saturday, April 2H. Wynn’s Store, Monday, April 80, 10 to 12, a. m. J. II.Halls Store, Monday,April Meetings at the Central Baptist church this week are arousing great interest and drawing large congregations. Dr. J. E. White, of Atlanta, an aide and eloquent preacher, is delivering splendid sermons, ami Iwtli the man and his message are making deep anti la voralde impress on the hearts of the people. All Newnau should hear Dr. White preach. His sermons reach Loth saint and sinner, and the cter mil truths so happily, beautifully and impressively presented by his consecrated efforts should take root, flourish and hear much fruit in the lives of his hearers. Monday. Mrs. C. J. Barron has been quite sick during the past few weeks, and her condition is Imt little im proved. Miss Katie Sue Brewster has re turned from a delightsid visit to her sister, Mrs. T. J. Patterson, at Griffin. • Miss Eugenia Palmer, of Atlan ta, came down last week for a visit! trimmed in Valenciennes lace. She, to friends and relatives in the city, was assisted iu receiving by Miss 1 Clift Holliugshead, who was girlish j and lovely in a dress of white chif fon and lace. The children of the city enjoyed ! a delightful Easter egg hunt at j Mineral Spring,Monday afternoon. 80, I to 8, p. in. Major, Monday, April 80, 4 to 6, p. in. Palmetto, Tuesday, May 1. Cedar Creek, Wednesday, May 2, a. m. Itoscoe, Wednesday, May 2,p.m. Panther Creek, Thursday, May 8, a. in. Sargent, Thursday, May 8, p.m. Welcome, Friday, May 4, a. m. Handy, Friday, May 4, p. m. Newnan, Saturday, May 5. Haralson, Monday, May 7. Farm dale, Tuesday, May 8, a.m. E. Gary Summers, R. T. R. Miss King was a gown ! Mrs. W. It. Thigpen, ol Shiloh, pj rS { Baptist Sunday School the d is- As usual, Holt & Cates, popular druggists, scored a tinct success with their Easter opening, which occurred last Fri- dren, witli tlieir bright faces and lovely, day and Saturday. A beautifully white dresses, marched to the altar, it j decorated store, music, drinks seemed to be a scene from fairyland. served at their fountain, dainty At the beginning of the year, Mrs. ; Glenn Arnold, who has a large class of faster candles a,,(1 souvenirs, were nirls at Sunday school, offered them a , some of the most attractive features gold signec ring it they would r,ot miss , of the opening. of white net, decorated with pale j a,r * v<;< * Wednesday on a visit toj lavender flowers, over taffeta, and trimmed in lace. A most interesting game of hearts was played; the score cards being unique little bells of white Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Richards. Miss Nelic Lou Walton has beet Picnic. The First Baptist Sunday school the guest for several days of Miss will picnic at Ponce de Leon, At- Next Sabbath at 11 a. m., in the Katherine Wooten in Atlanta. Ianta, Saturday, April 21st, instead i absence of the pastor, Rev. Dr. Hoke Smith Invited to Senoia. lion. Hoke Smith has been in vited to speak iu Senoia on a date to be named by himself. The in vitation extended to Mr. Smith was signed by a majority of the leading citizens of Henoia—an even hundred names being attached to the invitation. Mr. Smith has not yet replied to Henoia’s invitation, but he will doubtless accept it and speak there at an early date. Marriage in Heard. Mr. B. F. Snipes and Miss An nie Belle Lunsford were united in marriage last Sunday at the bride’s home in Heard county. Hon. J. B. Ware officiated. Mr. Snipes is an energetic and prosperous l'arm- et, while his bride is one of the most attractive ami popular yonng ladies of her community. Miss Leila Wolf, of Atlanta,was 0, iit ( *rant Park as at lirst an- and gold, tied with pink ribbon.! th uest of Mi8M Busie Martin for nom,ml - H l’“ clal tram leaves Miss Bessie Powell, making the , sevo , a j days last week Newnan at 7:00,a. m., lor Atlanta, highest score, received a beautiful ! and on return trip will leave At- silver bracelet. The gentleman’s ^ ,s ' Mangel, ol Atlanta, junta at 6:00, p. in. The special prize, a box of cigars, was present- H I ,, ‘ n ’ a * (:W in the city last w jj| stop at Terminal Station | in the morning and will start from Mrs. Sieb, of Montgomery, is in same place on the return trip in ed to Mr. Alvin Freeman. After the game a delicious lun cheon was served in the dining Newnan for a few days. James Stacy will preach at the Presbyterian church. There will be no night service in deference to the meeting in progress at the Gen tral Baptist church. Prayer meet ing as usual the following Thurs day night. A cordial iuvitalion to these services is given to the , the afternoon. | public, especially strangers. V J