Newspaper Page Text
NO. 5
“The Newnan News” Eight Months for 50 cents. See Advertisement on Page Six.
Major J. W. Gaines, of South
Carolina, Succeeds Prof.
B. F. Pickett.
At a meeting of the City School
Hoard, held last Monday afternoon,
Major J. W. Gaines, of Harts-
ville, S. C., was elected superin
tendent of Newnan’s public school
About twenty applications for
the position were before the Board.
Some of the best known educators
of Georgia and adjoining states
were among the applicants. Major
Gaines was elected on the first bal
lot, and it is believed the Board
made a wise choice in electing him.
He is a talented, successful teacher
and superintendent, and a Chris
tian gentleman of splendid char
Jury Lists Will be Revised.
Senatorial Executive Commit
The biennial revision of Coweta
county’s jury lists will occur on
the first Monday in August of this
year. The jury lists are revised
every two years. The present
board of jury revisors is composed
of the following named citizens:
N. O. Banks, of Grantville; M. H.
(Jouch, of Senoia; 8. G. Allen, of
Panther Creek District; N. W.
Collingsworth, of the 7th District;
John M. Strickland, of Turin Dis
trict; J. W. Bowers, of Newnan.
City Court Jurors.
The Democratic Executive Com
mittee of the Thirty-sixth Sena
torial District met in Newnan to
day, the following counties being
represented, to-wit: Meriwether,
F. F. Culpepper; Douglas, J. Lit
tleton Jones, proxy; Coweta, \V.
L. Stallings, proxy. Jas. E. Brown
held the proxy of P. T. McCutch-
en, Chairman of the Committee,
who was absent. Campbell was
not represented.
The following resolutions, pro
posed by N. F. Culpepper, of Meri
wether, were adopted, to-wit:
Resolved by the Democratic
Executive Committee of the Thirty-
sixth Senatorial District, That a
convention be held in Newnan, on
Wednesday, July IS, 1D0G, at 11
o’clock, a. m., for the purpose of
nominating a candidate to repre
sent the Thirty-sixth District in
the State Senate during the ses
sion of 1007-8.
Resolved, That representation
in said convention from the four
counties composing the District
shall be apportioned as follows:
Coweta, 20 delegates; Meriwether,
18; Campbell, 12; Douglas, 10.
Resolved, That said delegates
shall lie appointed in each county
by the County Democratic Execu
tive Committee, the delegates to
be furnished by the Chairman of
the County Executive Committee
with proper credentials showing
their right to seats in said conven-
-tion. J. Littleton Jones, Sec.
Newnan, May 9th, 1900.
The Twelve.
Mrs. Frank Cole entertained The
Twelve most charmingly Friday
afternoon. The home was quite
attractive with the most beautiful
spring roses. After a few games
of dominos, an elaborate luncheon
Following is a list of jurors
drawn this week for the July term
of Newnan City Court:
First week: J II Reynolds,Geo.
II Carmical, W A Brannon, S D
Culpepper, W A Addy, J IT Wise,
G N Sewell, Otis Jones, O H Win-
go, J E Featherston, B IT Kirby,
Paul Dominick, J D Simms, A J
Sewell, Glenn Arnold,T II Grimes,
Jr, V E Manget, A A Copeland,
Yindex Hand, F S Stephens, M R
Attaway, Jacobus Petty, S S
Cochran, R Ii Sims, Sam Banks, L
E Wood, J H Keith, J S Carmical,
H H North, J W Kirkland.
Second week: W I Austin, A W
Powers, R W Wingo,Thos A Mor
gan, W T Gentry, A L Young,
Jeff Cotton, ES Buchannan, W F
Baggarly, EG Cole,J A Kempson,
J M Strickland, W C McBride, 1 C
Lester, J Frank Lee, R A Ingram,
GO Bailey, W B Orr, Jr, A F
Brewster, G ESmith, F A Grimes,
John Askew, W S Wood, J II
Rollins, J H- Young, C I Wallace,
X O Newman, J W Sewell, E L
Freeman, J A Powledge.
Deserter Captured.
Senoia, Ga., May 8.—Because
the family of .1. H. Thompson,
who reside near Haralson, had
been good to him, Andrew Per-
rault, who confesses to having de
serted from the United States army
while stationed at Fort McPherson
and who, while employed on the
Thompson farm, rilled a trunk,
stealing a small amount of money,
a pistol, razor and a pair of trou
sers, yesterday told J. M. Thomp
son, aged about 20, son of Per-
rault’s employer, that he wanted
the young man to get the reward
of *50 which had been offered for
his capture.
Perrault was taken to Fort Mc
Pherson by W. O. Herndon and
turned over to the military author
The bouy of Thelma Idel Mor
gan, who died at the residence of
her parents, Mi. and Mrs. A. G.
Morgan, 58 Howell street, on Fri
day afternoon, was taken to Pal
metto, Ga., Saturday for funeral
and interment. Her death was
'caused from meningitis.—Atlanta
>unday Journal.
Miss Grace Barrow, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday in Newnan.
Miss Lizzie Gray spent last Sat
urday and Sunday in LaGrange.
Next Sabbath at 11 a
7:45 p. m., Rev. C. O’N
was served. The decorations ol [ dnli> will preach at Turin
m. and
the dining room and table appoint- • Body has a cordial welcome to the '
ments were artistically carried out services,
in red.
The Club has been entertained
at some delightful meetings, but
this was marked as one of the
prettiest affairs of the season. The
next meeting will be a spend the-
day party at Mrs. P. B. Murpli-
ey’s, Friday May 18th.
Goodrich White, of Newnan,lias
been elected one of the Fall Term
debaters at Emory College to rep
resent. Phi Gamma Society, lie is
one of the most talented and popu
lar students at Emory.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Barnett, of
Newnan, are in the citj visiting
the latter’s mother, who is quite
| ill at tin* home of her daughter,
'Mrs. T. E. Patterson.—(Trillin
News and Sun.
Hon. E. W. Wells Dead.
Hon. K. W. Weils, who died in
Carrollton last Tuesday, was one
of that city’s leading men. He
was born in Coweta county in
1845 and served in the Conl'edei
ate army in Wheeler’s cavalry. A
Carrollton dispatch to Thursday’s
Constitution said of him:
“He had served for six terms as
mayor of Carrollton, and under
his administration the city always
prospered. It was ho who pre
pared the way for the magnilicent
water system which Carrollton en
joys, and his ideas for this system
were approved by the engineers
who were employed to install the
same and were adopted by them.
“He served on the water and
light commission since its incep
tion, and was a most influential
member. He was a Mason of high
standing and influence,and a mem
ber of the First Methodist church
of this place.”
Moonlight Picnic.
The (irst picnic of the season
was given Thursday afternoon by
a number of young men at Pearl
Spring Park. | Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Farr, of
The night was an ideal one for l Senoia, were in the citj yesterday
stivli an outing and the large bus- on their way to Roswell to visit
kets brought by the young ladies I the former’s parents. Mr. Farris
contained many tempting dishes, just recovering from a few day’s
always enjoyed at an out-door j illness of lever.—Grillln News and
feast of this kind. Sun.
The party, including about; Dr. G. A. Nunnally, Revs. J.
twenty couples, was chaperoned Hardaway and F. J. Amis,
by Mr. and Mrs. George \\ ynn. t ) U( jg e \ d. Freeman and Messrs.
They drove out about six o’clock 1 T G Farmer and W. C. Kim.ard
in the afternoon, returning l, .vj art! j n Chattanooga, Tenn., in at-
moonlight late in the evening. I tendance at the Southern Baptist
' Convention.
A very informal and enjoyable,
affair was the neighborhood party I Thc 0(1,1 Fo11owh of (!(50, K la wil1
at which Mrs. Mike Powell enter- hol(1 thul1, annual meeting in An-
tained Friday afternoon. An iu> usto > beginning on May 22nd
The Newnan Lodge will la: repre
Williams, A
Merck and
teresting game of dominos was
played, in which Mrs. Will Tur- s«»tod, by J. T
ner won the prize. Delightful re-! M « rck Bml J 0 * I***»h; the ha.
freshments were served at the I campment by Claude Pitts,
close of the game and the affair The Kev. Geo. E. Guillc, pastor
a most enjoyable one. Those pres-j 0 f y lC Greene St. Presbyterian
ent were Mrs. Ella Leverett, Mrs. 4 'hurch o* 1 Augusta, is expected to
Sam Banks, Mrs. Brown, Mrs.; a j,| j} ev , C. O’N. Martindalo in a
Richardson, Mrs. W . A. T urner, | meeting in the Newnan I’resby
Mrs. Z. Green and Miss Rowena teritm Church the latter part of
Turner. |,lune. Friends will please tak
A very congenial party of young i notice,
ladies met at Miss Julia May I Miss Evie Davis, who was cm
Hackney’s Monday afternoon and ployed for several months in tli
spent tin 1 time most delightfully in
sewing and chatting. Miss Hack-1
insurance agency owned by
brother, Rev. W. A. Davis,
“Dry” Resolution in Method
ist Conference.
In the Methodist Conference, in
session in Birmingham, a resolu
tion was introduced, this week,
urging congress and the state leg
islatures to enact laws to protect
prohibition counties and states
from liquor shipments from “wet”
counties and states. The resolu
tion was signed by George M. Na
pier, W. G. Post and John W.
Bale, lay members representing
the North Georgia Conference.
ney served cream and cake later y,>noiu, has Bohn called home by
in till* afternoon and the informal
ity of the occasion added much to
the pleasure of the guests who
were, Misses Bessie Powell, Katie
A mail, Sadie May Bowel, Louise
Pedily and Virginia Freeman.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Manget en
tertained at tea most delightfully
Monday evening. 1 hose present | )( . s j ,-oad work ever seen in tin
the failing health of her mother,
Mrs. .1. B. S. Davis. Miss Davis
will reside with her parents, at
their home near Newnan.
T'lie county convict camp lias
moved to the Dickson place on the
Newnan and Franklin road, six
miles from this city. Some of the
The city tax books will close,
agreeable with the City Code, June
1, 1906; and if you get on the de
faulting list don’t charge it up to
forgetfulness, as that account is
now full.
7 E. D. FOUSE, Clerk.
All persons are hereby warned
not to hire Will Reese, colored,and
his wife, Georgia Reese, as they
are under contract to work for me
until August 1st, 1906.
J. E. Pinson.
were Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Manget,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dent and Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Dent.
Mr. McCaslan Manley, of Bir
mingham, is at the Virginia House
with his mother,Mrs. J. T. Moore.
He will remain in Newnan several
Mrs. Robert Brown and little
son, of Fort Valley, left Saturday,
county is now being done on this
important and largely traveled
Mr. B. T. McCiiteheu spent sev
eral days last week on business in
north Alabama, spending Saturday
and Sunday at the Methodist Gen
eral Goiiference at Birmingham,
on his return home; and is this
week attending the Grand Coin-
after a delightful visit to Mrs. 1 mandery of Knights Templar in
Sam Banks. | Augusta.
Mrs. Richardssn, who was the! The nomination of a Hoke Smith
delightful guestof Mrs. Sam Banks, | man lor Representative or State
left Wednesday for her home in | Senator is a daily occurrence in
South Carolina. | Georgia nowadays; and, frequent
ly, several are nominated the same
day, in widely separated sections
of the State. There’ll be a Hoke
Smith Legislature at the Capitol
next year.
Mrs. P. B. Murphey will enter
tain the Salmagundi Club next
Tuesday afternoon at 8:80 o’clock., ni , . ...
|Study Circle, which meets every
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Holt, of!Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. The
Chattanooga, were the guests of women of all denominations are in-
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Holt this week, vited. These meetings are con-
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Wright, of
Atlanta, returned home Saturday, j
after a delightful visit to relatives j
in Newnan.
The women of the First Baptist
j Church have organized a Bible
Mm. John Roberts, of Opelika,
has been the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Will Arnold,for several days. |
Col. H. W. Dentj and little|
daughter, Louise, spent Sunday |
with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Powel.
ducted by Mrs. Miller, who is well
informed along this line. The
meeting will be held at Mrs. Dr.
N unnally’s nextTuesday afternoon.
I. T. Farmer mid family spent, last
Saturday night and Sunday in Grant-
Mrs. Mont Smith has been confined to
her room by sickness for several days.
Miss Lena White and Imr brother,
)sear, from Hanning, visited the family
11I their brother, D. W. White, last Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mrs. O/.ella Hudson, who bad been in
feeble health for over two years, died at
ie home of Itorunolo, William Or,more,
in tlie oountry, Iasi Sunday morning.
Miss Mamie Field, who lias been
spending several months with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Mo
Mure, returned to her home iuOhioko-
mauga last Friday.
Lois, little daughter of .1 iin] Whatley
and wife, swallowed a piece of nail sev
eral days ago and was real sick for a
Mrs. Oharlio Christian lias boon on tlm
sbk list, for several days.
Bet Smith and wife have a new coinin'
aljtheir house. Be is only a few days
Mrs. J. (J. Brook, who visited her soil,
Oornelions Neely, in Oedartown several
weeks ago, will roMirn homo next Satur-
After spending a week with relatives
at Liudale, Willie Camion returned
homo last Saturday.
.1. T. Wotborn, aooompauiod by Ids
nephew, Burt Canon, from Whitoshurg,
visited relatives here last Tuesday and
Little May MoGohoo, who was very
sink at our last writing, iH better.
Melvin Mattox and wife, from Will-
oome,spoilt last Sunday with the latter’s
mother, Mrs. Julia Bye.
Mrs. Erie Allen is able to he out again.
Jim Keyuolds, from Winder, Ga., lias
moved witli his family into our midst
ami are stopping witli Mrs. Frank Bar
Mr. and Mrs. Olilf Hailey, frout La
Grunge, are s|>ondiug a few (lays witli
tlio family of Y. T. Hudson.
1). T. Davis wont, to Fust Boint last
Saturday to see Ids ueine, Mrs. Annie
(Jump, who is not oxpeotod to livo.
Mrs. S. A. Music and daughter, Annie
May, visited in Grantvillo last Hal unlay
and Sunday
Mrs. Mollio Jordan lias linen sink for
several days.
Mrs. Mary Kstos came in from the
country lust Friday and is spending the
week witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Uioliio.
Mrs. Hugh Barker lias been on the
sick list the past few days.
Mrs. Nannie Brown and (laughter,
Miss Nellie, returned from LaGruligi
lust Saturday, where they spent a week
very pleasantly.
Mrs. W. H. Dewberry’s condition
now critical.
Frank Barton Iiiih gone to Winder to
take 11 position ill tlm cotton mill.
Jim Brown catno down from Minims
lust Sunday and spout tlm day with Ids
mother, Mrs. Nannie Brown.
Mrs. Hugh Barker gave Misses Ola
and Maude Mobley and their friend,
Miss llosa Swafford a dining lust .Sun
Fred Kccko and wife, from Moreland,
spent liiHt Sunday witli tlm latter’s mo
ther, Mrs. Julia Bye.
Arnold Minos’ horse ran nwny one day
last week, threw him from the wagon
and sprained his arm
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ayers gave an ioe
cream supper Saturday night.
Jim Weir, from Canton, and Tom
Weir, from Balinotto, and Mrs. Beulah
Johnson, from Canton, came down to
attend the funeral of their brother
Sam’s wife, which occurred lust Mon-
lay morning in tim Liberty church
Charley Meeks and wife moved to Lu
Grange last week.
Tlm K. D. Cole Mfg. Co. lias begun to
remodel the houses in tlm old part of
tlm town and the work is going 011
Mr. K. A. Field, our esteemed mill
Superintendent, Iiuh gone to Klhertou to
visit relatives.
The women of our couimnnity will
meet at Mrn. J. K. Farmer’s next Friday
eve-iing at 7 o’clock to organize a Bible
Study Association. We think this a
splendid idea, because we need to study
tlm Bible more.
John Smith and wife came up from
Grantville lust Monday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Ham Woir. On his way
buck to Newnan the horses ran away
with tlm carriage anil Mr. Weir jumped
out and sprained Ins ankle.
Our paper, the News, proves more in
teresting every week. Our list of sub
scribers continues to increase. Mr. J.
T. Farmer subscribed this week.
Will he Erected by Newnan
Men with Newnan Money
at an Early Date.
Newnan is to have another lap:
cotton mill, capitalized at #200,-
000. At a meeting of stockhold
ers yesterday, directors were
elected and plans made for Begin
ning the erection of this mill at an
early date. W. (’. McBride pre
sided in the meeting of stock
holders and \Y. A. Steed was
elected secretary.
No site has Been secured for the
mill, But if will Be erected in (li
near Newnan.
The following named gentlemen
were elected directors: II.
Fisher, T. G. Funner, II. Ar-
nall, II. A. Hall, II. G. Glover,
W. G. McBride, Mike Powoll, R.
D. Colo, Jr., S. O. Smith, P. L.
Sutherland, \V. A. Steed, \V. B.
Orr, D. \V. Boone, J. C. Sewell,
L. B. Maun.
The directors were authorized to
proceed at once to secure options
on mill sites. A committee con
sisting of R, 1). Gole, Jr., H. C.
Glover, H.JC. A mail and VV. A.
Steed was named to have charge
of this matter. These gentlemen
will Be pleased to confer with per
sons having for sale available mill
A large uninlier of Newnan’s
Icuditig capitalists and business
men ure financially interested in
the company that will build and
operate this new mill, and its suc
cess is assured in tiie Beginning.
At yesterday’s meeting a n it in -
Ber of stockholders largely in
creased their stock subscriptions,
thus evidencing tlicir faith in the
New Telephone System
Citizens or Newnan will ask the
Southern Bell Telephone Co. to
improve the system in this city
and install a system similar to that
used in Atlanta and other lurge
cities. The present system and
service is not satisfactory and com
plaints ure ntimurousand frequent.
Petitions asking for improvements
are now Being circulated and will
lie presented to Mr. N, J. Mon-
crief, local telephone manager, lie
will take the matter up with the
management of the Southern Bell
Company and endeavor to reach a
satisfactory ad j iistinont.
Persons desiring to sign this
petition, may register their names
at G. It. Bradley’s or Holt A
< ’ales’ store.
Fresh line of Powell’s fine can
dies, at Reese’s Drug Store.
Fly poison paper. It kills Hies
and insects. At Reese’s Drug
Ordinary’s Court.
Judge Perdue passed upon the
following Business at May term of
ids court last Monday :
T. F. Rawls, administrator of
the estate of Mrs. Gnssie Weaver,
deceased, granted leave to sell
lauds of said estate.
Mrs. Itura R. Leigh was ap
pointed administrator of estate of
Maynard N. (Jolley, deceased.
G. W. Byram was appointed
administrator of estate of Mrs.
Alice Dickson, deceased.
The wills of Mrs. N. J. Bing
ham, Mrs. Allie I). Williams and
W. F. Holman were admitted to
probate in solemn form.
The wills of Julia if. Robinson
and Margaret Latimer were ad
mitted to probate in common form.
See thc new Jariliiiieis at Holt
A Gates at special prices of 29c,
89c, 59c and 79c; also our splendid
showing of high grade hammocks
at prices that will prove of inter