Newspaper Page Text
Supplement to THE NEWNAN NEWS, Dec. 21,1906
Owing to t!u* t’.mt Hint tin* in‘\v pm
-Ming i-lil'M - , II v. Joint B Robins, fml
• >1 tn g*'l vttlrd in his Ilium* nt Ln-
GAiig**, In* wns unalilo to till Ins ap
pointment nt tin* M. H. church Sumlny
Hi* will, however, I f at Grantville ntul
Lomt Onk thi) rnli nml (Itii of January.
Thr pulpit was lilli'il Sunday Itv Hi*v.
Mr. Oixiin of tin* North Georgia confer-
Mrs. Iiiniior (Furr1 ni<ton nml lilile
'laii 1/htor, Kli/.alti'tli, who linvii Intuit lit
tin.* homo ol I. \V. I iol nt mi o 11 and wifi*
lor several weeks past, hiivi* letnrued to
ihi'ii lioni" nt l'hlllico hi', Tonus
Mis. M. (i. I lodges, of lloualisvilli*.
visltnd liar fiithor, I'upt. \V. P. White.
I*'11 day
Mrs T M. Zelliirs and littln soil,
Thomas li I waul, spi nt Suluidny in At
Harold lluNter, of Now York, has
joined hiTwite at the lioniu of hot pur-
outs, Geon Arnold and win*, f’lioy will
vatnitiii until aftor Christinas,
.1 W. While, of Atlanta, spoilt Sun
day with Ids sister, Mrs G. II. Cotton.
W. A liriiiinciu anti family, of New-
null, wore guests Sunday of ,1. 11. Cot
ton and wife.
Georgu S load, of Virginia, was the
guest a day or two this weak of W U.
Mis. Alvlli Hi tins, of Si. Charles,
spoilt Monday with her sisier, Mrs 1C.
<). Smith.
lion. W. A I’osi attended court in
LitGrni g * last week.
Eniniott. Sewell and wife announce
the bu tli ot a diituhtcr. Lillian Russell.
s 'Mi>, Murphy, of LnGraugo, and Miss
Murphy, of Miiieland. spent the end of
last week with thoii son and iillil broth-
o •, ( diver Murphy.
Mrs. Tomtui'i Cay no, of Hogniisville,
was tlia guest one day last week of her
s in, lloo/,or Payne.
Hon, and Mrs. S, 13. Leigh wetoftij
laid range Monday.
Frank Word, of Ilognnsville, m o on- [
piuiiml liy liis little grund-diuiglitor.wero
in Urantville Sunday.
Miss Minnie Andrews was in Atlanta
J. O. Sowell, Wulter Leeund Loviok
Ponder attended preaching here Suu-
day. „
.1.15. White, of Mouutvillo, and Oti»
White, of LnUinnge, sptoit Sunday with
relatives in Gruntville.
J. L. Stalll igs and wife, of Gritlln,
Mamie Ellen Hood is the guest of of cotton that are vital to the sue-
Corine Hollowav. | <*esx of our fanners, merchants,
The puts** *■>-> recently presented to maMllt \ u .tnrers and bankers? Newnan’s public schools closed
tin* in‘iov«n Di^tor ny arou«f*a i . . . . i , ir . , . .
tin* „„ „ to „ sense of their duty, so this' Every citizen Who believes the, \\ ednosday tor a two weeks Chnst-
week they presented Mrs. Hugg with u above i|iiestions should be answer-’ mas vacation. The spring term ot
Schools Close for Two Weeks.
cln cli f r nbo I fc'.’O.
\fter mi illness of a week, Mrs. .1, G.
Brook died last Thursday morning at 2
o’elonk Gar sympathy goes out to the
ed in the affirmative, is requested the schools will begin on Thursday,
to meet at the court house at 10, 1907. The term which has
o’clock Saturday, December l!9th.
All members of the Cotton Asso
ciation are urged to attend this
just closed has been a most pleas
ant and successful period in the
history of the public schools. Sn-
aml National Convcntkn , v h > I entire satisfaction to the patrons
will endeavor to be factors in right- of the schools,
ing numerous evils, and making J Prof. Gaines and family will
the Association the great boon and spend the holidays in Newnan.
meeting. Let us go on record as j perintendent Gaiues and his corps
b»reeved hnubund' nnri "oldldroi.7"nud 1 to what w ® ^Ueve *0 be right'nnd of excellent instructors have done
numerous other rulntives. wrong. Let us have Coweta conn- good work, and in so far as the
('onmiiiius Nreiy and wife oatm* down ty to send delegates to the State News is aware, have labored with
from Atlanta and went printout wlit-ii
Mrs Brook, Mrs Nealy's motlirr, died.
Joe Parks sp'*nt last, Satur lny niglit
mi I Sunday wltli relatives in Palmetto.
Mrs Henry Bettford mime down from
Tins and attended tin* funeral of tier
slep.inotlier, Mis. .1 G. Brook.
Mrs. Glirislia'i and daughters, Misses
Jnsio innl Donnie, spent last Sunday
with the family of John Christian nt llio
new col Ion mill.
Mrs Nnucy Weir, who moved from
Newnan in the summer, moved hack
Inst week.
Tillman Dewberry is hack in Newnan
belli that it should and can be to
our common interests.
t \V. A. Bit AN NON,
Pres. Coweta Division S. C. A.
The teachers whose homes are else
where will spend the holidays at
their respective homes. Prof. D.
B. Anderson goes to his homo in
I Edgefield, 8. C., Miss Corinth
Five Men Went to Chaingang. j , B “ k " '» «■>»««. »«» *««
'to Bartlesville, Miss Janet Slade
Four negroes and a white man,
convicted at the recent session of
After spending u week with rein fives City Court and who failed to pay
in Himnoko, Ala.. Willie Gallon bus ro- 4 , , , .
. . their tines, have been placed in the
tun o 1 Iiuiiih. aucuinpitnird by his Pro- ’ 1
ther, Jussi*, svlm has l>m*n in Aliihanin eeuntj chaingang.
suvernl mouths. The white man is John Smith,
William Moon* and Terry Null visited convicted of larceny, who will
ns at Moreland last Sunday.
Freem in and wife have hoi III
serve six months. Will Coleman
and Spencer Caldwell will each
to Carrollton, Mrs. M. C. Robison
to Oxford, Ga.
I have disposed of my drug store
and will retire from business on
Jan. 15,1907. It is necessary that
all notes and accounts due me
should be settled before that date,
J. T
l oi*n con tim'd to tlmir room the past I' ,
wool;. serve twelve m uths tor selling , s0 all persons indebted to me are
Solomon Stiolier ami wifo. from Car- liquor. Green McCarty will serve j requested to make settlement as
roll ton. visited tlm latter's parent-, 12 months for carrying a pistol, and soon as possible.
Wash White and wife, last Saturday Tom McCloud six months lor, G. R. Bradley
and Sunday. N I ! „
Lee Long visited relatives in Palmetto '■ Newnan, Ga.
last Saturday night and Sunday,
Jesse Brook, from Clem, onine down
and ntteiided Ids mother’s funoiiil.
After spending a week in Nawnntt,
Mrs J.auni Duncan returned to her
home in Palmetto Inst Friday.
Quito it number of our young people
met ut John Allen’s lust Sunday after
noon and Imd an old fashioned singing.
Hm. W. S. Games was culled on to
conduct n funeral service in Cm roll last
Sunday and Bro. Cotter tiltod his ap
pointment til Lovejny Memorial.
Bro. J. P. Shaw preached at the oliap-
el Inst Sunday morning
Stock of Groceries for Sale.
Miss Ora Male, of this city, and
Mr. Thomas C. Nall, foreman of 1
I have good stock of groceries
for sale at No. 15, East Broad
McKenzie’s Sons, contractors,werej Street> Want tQ cloae out as a
united in marriage at the home of
the bride’s parents, Mr and Mrs.
John C. Hale, on Taylor street at
5 o’clock Sunday evening, Rev.
John S Jenkins officiating. The
bride is an excellent young lady
and lias many friends who wish
whole at once. This is a good
stand and opportunity for building
up nice trade. J. R. Gablf,
38 Newnan, Ga.
ml wile, of Guilin, The Sunday school ut I he chapel was. . mm n ...„it
n„ 1 w 1 litit.a , 101 . I her happiness. .Mr. N Ills well
Dr. .1. \\. Mailings on a boom last Sunday morning llm; 1 1
me at tlm homo of
Mrs. Mmtle Moore visited rclativis at
littln folks are looking forward to
Moreland Sunday. 1 tho Gliristnias tree* with a great deal of
We are glad to hear that Mis. Lille pleasure. Our Supt., Prof. Gaines, was
Hooker and Miss Bessie Keys, who have J MOt „|,| e he with us last Sunday, ow-
heen quite ill, tiro better. 1 jug to sickness.
VV. B. and D. B. Lambert are in Ni w Bro. Guyton will be w.tli us next Sun-
1 an today. ( day. Lot’s give him good attendance.
Mrs. Martha Lambert Imd tHo mishap 1 Bro. Layton is a tine preacher, and all
known in Gtiffin, having been here
during lhe completion of the con
tract. with McKenzie’s Sons. Im
mediately after the ceremony, Mr.
and Mrs. Nall left for Colquitt,
w 10 hear him will b* benefltted.
To the Farmers and Business
Men of Coweta County.
to fall oil' the veranda at the home of
her dauguter, Mrs. Ferret, and broke
her klioe-oop. She is an aged lady and
wo trust no serious results will follow.
A large iloll beautifully dressed in
pink silk, has been placed oil exhibition
at Bunks & Arnold’s store-room. Every
oue paying 10 cents and guessing the
dob’s mime, stnuds a chance of winning _ ,
Iter cheap. The proceeds are for the ganization desirable*? Do they be-
treasury of the Hi me Mission Society, lievo any good lias been accom-
Tlio members of tlm above named So- plished by efforts to organize in
eioty nre very charitable. Sunday at tbe past i will t | le peo pl e of the
R. F. Beck visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Beck, in Mil-
ledgeville last week. His father
is 84 years of age, his mother 79
years of age, and both are enjoy-
iug good health. The aged couple
have 56 children and grandchil-
where they will make their home j ^ ren living.
for several months.—Griffin News LOST—Night of Monday, Dee.
and Sun. 11.0th, cushion from sewing machine
As Newnan claims Mr. Nall as j buggy. Finder will please return
a citizen, everybody here is much j to Singer Sewing Machine store
interested in the announcement of and receive reward,
his marriage to a handsome and
very charitable,
their regular meeting they planned to
give u Xmas gift to a poor but worthy
member of the church, a complete out-
Us of clothing.
Do the farmers and business j accomplished Griffin lady. While
men of Coweta county deem or- Tom surprised the people up this
way with the sudden announce
ment of his matrimonial intentions,
the congratulations of all are none
the less hearty and sincere, and
his Newnan friends waft good
wishes to the happy couple in
their Colquitt home.
South ever have faith in and lie
true to each other? Are there any
other questions besides the price
Roliert Saxon, of Atlanta, wa<
called to Newnan last week by the
death of his mother and spent sev
eral days in the city.
Pay for the News and vote in
the piano contest. Contest closes
Dec. 24th.
George L. Wynn was in Pal
metto the first of this week.