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Legal Advertisements
Application for Bank Charter.
We Don’t Lose Any Time
when called on to do plumbiiq
If you discover a leak
Prompt Plumbing Action
is what you want. Always get us
tor of Walter McFarland, deceased.hav
ing applied to tlie Court of Ordinary of
said County for Permanent betters of
administration on estate of said deceas
ed, all persons concerned are required to
show cause in said Court hy the first
Monday in February iiest. it any they
can, why said application should not be
To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of granted. This Jan. 8th, 11107.
State, Atlanta. Gn.: L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
We, C. F. Hollberg, W. .1, Estes, W.
F. Sibley, I., P. Brandenborg. J. T. Ar-
uall, H. L. Ware, Vindex Hand, T. W.
Cook, E. H. Estes and bee Hand, all of
Setioin, Coweta County, Georgia, up- ' '
plicants, as incorporators under An Aot Treasury Departnimit; Ofllce of Couip-
Manufacturers National Bank.
No. 8477.
of the General Assembly of Georgia, ap
proved December 20th, 18011, entitled
“An Aet to carry into effect paragraph
trollerof the Currency.
Washington, D. C., December 21. 11100.
Whereas, by satisfactory evidence
eighteen of Section seven of Article three presented to the undersigned, it has been
of the Constitution of 1817, ns nmended. made to appear that “The Manufnctur-
in relation to chartering of banks, to ers National Bank of Newnan," in the
provide for the incorporation of hntiking oily of Newnan, in the County of Cow-
stock in said corporation tuny be nnid in
money, property or services, as may be
determined by the Directors or share
holders of said corporation.
10. Tlmt all of said capital stock of
Ten Thousnnd Dollars will he actually
pnid in when the organization of said
corporation is perfected, and before it
commences to do business
Wherefore, your petitioners pray that
after this petition has been filed and
published, in accordance with law. that
the Court grant-the proper and neces
sary order of ineorporation and that this
petition together with said order of
.judgment, he recorded as nxpiired by
law. W.C. WRIGHT,
Petitioner's Attorney.
Filed in ofllce this .Inn. 10th. 100b
L. TURNER, Clk. 8. O. C.O.
Dr. Nunnally at the Methodist ship^vith the Father.
The blond of Abel speaks of ti e
cowardice of his brother. Cain
took him unawares, when thev
were in the field alone, by stealth
he slew him. The same cowardice
is found today in the slander and
backbiting, in the assassination of
The furnace at First Baptist
Chuich being put of order and Dr.
Ouillian being absent, Dr. Nun
nally preached at Methodist
church at Sunday night service.
He took for isii text Heb. 12:24: character which prevails to the
lint ye ate come * * * to the shame ot any self-respecting m?.-
blood of sprinkling that speaketh 18e murder of Abel was a mercy
better things than the blood of compared to the destruction that
Abe). is vented upon the helpless and
In substance he spoke as follows: defenseless in stabbing their good
If our sense of hearing was more name and in leaving their victims
acute we would hear voices every- living corpses still moving abcut
where. Everything has a tongue among men. Hut the blood of
Always .. ,,
* tor other purposes
tor plumbing il you want it well deoluvation, praying tlmt w
G EORGIA —Cowet 111 'ounty.
I, L. Turner, Clerk of the Superior
companies by the Secretary of State,and ota, and State ot Georgia, has complied | (y 0 „ r ^ 0 f M ,j,l County, do hereby certify
make this our with all the provisions of the Statutes , j| )e foregoing application for oliar-
of the United States,required to be com
be in cor
done We don’t charge high and Porated as a body corporate and politic plied with before an association shall be
for the purpose of doing'a general bank- authorized to eommenee the business of
ing business, with all the rights, pow
ers, privileges nnd restrictions of snid
are always ready to come.
The Newnan Plumber.
Arnall Building. Phone liill
authorized to commence the business of
Now therefore I, Thomas P. Kaue,
Act, under nnd by the name and style , Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the j
of Bank of Senoin, and that- the prlnot- Currency, do hereby certify that “The
Manufacturers National Bank of New-
uan," in the city of Newnan, in the
ter in the matter of Huflfnker Drug Com
pany is u true and correct copy of snid
application or petition, as appears of tile
in this otliee. Witness my hand and
seal of this Court, this Jan. Kith, inn?.
I,. TURNER, Clmk.
pal office of snid company shall lie locat
ed in tlie city of Sonoia, county of Cow
eta, and State of Georgia, with a cnpitnl County of Coweta,and State of Georgia,
of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars (25,-
000.00), divided into shares of Fifty Dol
lars ($50.00), each, and tlmt tlie sum of
Fifteen Thousnnd Dollars ($15,000) of
tlie capital subscribed lias actually been
paid by tlie subscribers and tlint the
is authorized to commence tin 1 business
of Banking ns provided in Section Fifty-
one hundred nnd sixty-nine of tlio Re
vised Statutes of tlie United States.
I11 testimony whereof witness my baud
nnd senl of otttoe this Twenty-first day
same is in luot- held, and is to be used of December, lllllil.
Does all
kiuils of
Petition for Charter.
| Tin Work, Roofing
Plumbing and
[K Expert work and low D
prices v . Shop op-
II pos .son Hotel.
Z. Greene, I). D. 8.,
-f) solely for the business and purposes of Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the
|] • the corporation. Currency. 45
I 1 The fee of Fifty (60.00) Dollars is
i ra) herewith enclosed ns fee for charter or
certificate of incorporation ns required
by said Act.
^ 1 Sonoia, Georgia, 5th day of Dec, 1000.
jy Respectfully submitted,
ig C. F. Holllicrg, W. .T. Estes. W. F.
H Sibley, L. P. Brandenburg, J. T. Arimll,
|| H. L. Ware, Vindex Hand, T. W. Cook,
ill E. 11. Estes, Lee Hand, Incorporators.
and messages are being delivered
all the time. God has given a
tongue to every creature and to
every event and bid it speak to the
nations. The universe is one vast
auditorium and time is the stage
upon which the actors move, and
every event a rostrum from which
the message comes to the gathering
throngs that fill the pit and gal
There are tongues of stone that
sprinkling speaks of a courage that
stood before kings, rebuked roy
alty to its face, braved and breasted
and beat down traditions and coe
loms, and yet dared to be a frietn
to the vilest and a champion ter
the poorest.
The blood of Abel remind! us of
the consuming selfishness and of
the tyrany of self-will. Cain set
his will against the will of God —
Ins choice against the preference
GEORGIA—Onwet-n Comity. ,
By virtue ol an order from the Court speak from the earth and echo the l ‘ie Almighty; his way against
of Ordinary of Haiti County (minted at message from the prehistoric ages
the January term, 1007, of said Court, an(i t ,. n , )f creat | on ' s order and
creation’s plan. How one age fol-
will he sold on the first, Tuesday in Fell- ;
ruary, 11107, nt the court house door in
tlie city of Newnan, in salt! county, bo-! lowed anotliet the dead insensate
tween the legal hours ol sale, to the : period and then the age ot vege-
the purpose of the eternal God.
God called lor the firstlings from
the llock—Cain offered the fruits
of the field.
The blood of sprinkling speaks
ol the surrender of will. “It is
GEOIIOIA—Coweta County
To the Superior Court of said County
highest bidder, for cash, as the property table life and then the age of rep
of the estate of R. O. Moore, late of Raid ' t j| e an( j pj n ] and |„ ;ast all( | quadra- m y mcat and drink to do i he will
county, (leoonsncl, u certain vacant lot , _ .
in snid city of Newnan, the line of said ’ | 1c '' ,llu
lot beginning on tlie east side of Jnok-j ln _
son street at a point. HI7 feet and it inoli-! tonguo speaks from hill and cave , grandeur of Christ is in Ins sub-
es north from the corner of Madison and j and shaft and canyon. The mission. 1 he littleness ot Cain is
animal and finally man | °f him that sent me.’ "I delight
God’s image appeared. The <1° 'by will O, God. the
The petition of W. H. Huff'aker, Wil-1 Juoksou Streets, and running north ; thoughtful student hears the voice seen in his self-assertion and til
Office on Second Floor ol
Black Bros. Co.’s Building;
L. M. Farmer,
^Office on Second Floor of the Arnall
Merchandise Co. 's Building
Dr. C. A. Smith,
rents all diseases of domestic nninmls
Calls answered day or night. Office
at Gearreld’s Livery Stable.
County of Coweta.
Before me personally appeared C. F.
Hollherg, W. J. Estes, W. F. Sibley. I..
F Rrnndenhcrg, J. T. Arnall, H. L.
Ware, Vindex Hand, T. W, Gook,E. H.
Estes and Lee Hand, the inedrporators
of Bnnk of Senoin. loented in the oity of
Senoin, county of Coweta, and State of
Georgia, who oil outh deposoth and saitli
tliut Fifteen Thousand Dollars (15,000.
00) of the enpital subscribed has been
actually pnid by the subscribers, and
Hint the same is in tact held, and is to
■ bo used solely for the business and pur
poses of the corporation.
O. F. Hollherg, W. J. Estes, W. F.
Sibley. L. P. Brundenberg, ,1. T. Arnall,
H. L. Ware, Luo Hand, Vindex Hand,
T. W. Cook, E. II (Estes, Incorporators.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 5th day of Deo., 11)0(5.
i | L. A. PERDUE,
l —,— I Ordinary.
limn Hughes nml C. I). Glover, all of
snid State and County,
1. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns,
to lie incorporated for the full term of
twenty years, with the privilege of re
newal, at the expiration of said time,un
der the name and st\lo of IlulTukur Drug
2. The capital stock of said corpora
tion shall he Ten Thousand Dollars, di
vided into shares of One Hundred Dol
lars each; petitioners desire, however,
the right, by a vote of the stockholders i K
owning a majority of the stock of snid
corporation, to increase its capital stock
from time to time to any amount not
and learns of God who wrote the
nlong the east side of snid Jackson
'esnoetfullv i Street,a distance of (18 foot nnd 11 inolicH, “ l,u ,ca,,,a v
I more or less, to Wesley Street, and snid world s history on pages ol Slone
lot running hack east from said JncKsuti | with a chisel of steel.
Street, and along Wesley Street the dis- j There are tongues of flame—
feet more or leas, to line of | | Jurn j 1 as ^ f] as h upon the
fii ns Hie Palmer place, and : , . . , , .
tanoe of It)I
wlmt is know
so that, the east end of said lot will be
only <17 feet nml 1) inches wide, more or
less, and being a part of what is known sage comes, tor the
as the Sims lot; also a •certain vacant dare the
lot in said city of Newnan, described ns
follows: Commencing at a point on the
north side of Temple Avenue nt the
southwest corner of lot of Mary Love-
jov, widow of .1. F. Lovejpv, deceased,
and runs westerly nlong the north side
of said Temple Avenue, a distance of
exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars, and i feet,thence northerly to Clark Street.
and thence easterly along the south side
1 of said (Hark Street, a distance of 5:t
IVe earnestly request all voutk perrons, r.o mftttrr
ow limited their means or education, who v R h to
. btain a thorough business training and yood posi
tion, to write by flirt mail for our prreat half-rate
offer. Success, iindependence and probable f rtune
are guaranteed. Don’t delay. Write today.
The Ga.-Ala. Htisl^.ers Cello*®, Macon. Gc..
“Red Star
Office of Secretary of State.
I, Philip Cook, Secretary of Stale of
_ the State of Georgia, do hereby certify
That the attached three pages of type
written and printed matter contain a
true and eorreot copy of the application
to issue common slock, preferred stock,
nml bonds us may be necessary.
:t. The object of said corporation
shall lie pecuniary gam and profit, to the i '■
stock holders thereof.
4. The business to be conducted by
said corporation shall he that of a gen
eral drug store, and the purchase and
sale, either or both, at retail and whole- 1 "'cst Inn
sale, of any and all kinds of drugs, drug
gists sundries, paints, oils, books, sta
tionery, tobacco, cigars, and any and nil
kinds of articles and merchandise, to
import ami export all kinds of goods,
and articles or merchandise, to manu
facture drugs, (intent, and proprietary
medicines and remedies, perfumery,soda
fountain supplies, and other articles, to
manufacture and hot tie carbonated
his wrcckluss rebellion.
The blood of Abel shows the
bate of a man for bis brother. 'The
blood of sprinkling proves the
love of Chaist for an enemy. “God
celestial peaks and from star and commendeth bis love toward us,
sun and moon and comet the mes- in that while we were yet enemies
Christ died lor us.” “He loved ns
and gave himself for us.” T ruly
the blood ol spiinkling Speaketh
better things than the blood ot
Abel. < hie is the language ol lovt,
the other the utterance ol hatred
'The blood ol Abel reminds us
ot the conscious guilt that was
fastened upon Cain. Ills consci
ence condemned him; tin groin *.
heavens de
lory of God and the
firmament showeth His handi
work. There is no speech nor
language where their voice is not
heard—their words have gone out
to the end of the world.”
F.very opening flower and tremb
ling leaf and laughing stream and
singing bird and roiling sea and
feet, to the northwest ooninr of mild lot (lashing cloud and whispering t crimsoned with blood, condemne
>1 him! Mary U. Lovujoy, ami thence
southerly along the line hot,ween the lot
nore described and I lie said lot, of Mary
O. Lovujoy to Haiti commencing point,
said lot being irregular ill shape, but the
zephyr and raging cyclone and
breathing child and moving man
and living woman, and cveiy home
where love and peace prevail and
thereof ho runs tlmt said lot every field and shop where skill
frontage on said Temple anc ] genius are applied, and every
feet, and on said Clark p)unt ^ whcre belt and CO g a nd
wheel and engine throb and whirl;
of Bnnk of Senoin for a Charter, the
originnl of which is now of file in this beverages, and operate soda fount, to
Department, fill proscription, compound drugs, buy
In Testimony Whereof, I have here-1 amt sell at wholesale and retail any and oornc.i
1 unto set my hand and affixed the seal of kinds of personal property,and maiiu-
my office, nt the Capitol, in the City of raoture and sell same, buy and sell real
estate, act ns agents, in sale of any kind
will have a
Avenue of 71
street of All feet; also a certain lot in
Nil ill city of Newnan described as fol-,
lows,: Commencing at, the southwest every battlefield where the armies
corner of the said lot just above de- fell in fatal combat; every tomb
scribed and run in a westerly direction , w hcre loved ones sleep—avery-
along the north side of said Temple
Avenue to the junction of said Temple
Avenue ami Clark Street, tliouoc in an
thing living
lead has a tongue
him; the barren fields that reliisc-'
to respond to his arduous toil, con
demned him; ti voice (torn heave ,
the sentence ol God, condemned
him. Oh, who can led the < 1 <• |*tI -
of tlie wretchedness ol such ui
versal condemnation! But the
blood of sprinkling tells ol ore
ol whom his enemies said, “We
find no fault in him. The very out
casts praised him, and the evtt
lasting Father thrice said, “In Him
Atlanta, this (1th day of December in the i
vear of our Lord One Thousand Nine > of property.
Hundred and Six and of the Independ-
Thar, said corporation have tlie
This is the name of a do
mestic eoal that will give ev
ery user perfect satisfaction!
It burns readily, leaves no
clinkers and Lot few ashes,
and affords the maximum
amount of heat. Jt is an ideal
eoal for family use, or for
heating purposes when us ;d
in any grate or coal stove.
We supply “Red Star Jelli
co” in any quantity and fill or
ders promptly. Prices are
reasonable. Will appreciate
your coal orders, and believe
our stock will give perfect
Paul Smith, Manager
Office at R. R. Junction. Phone No. 218
once of the United States of America , right to contract and he contracted with,
the One Hundred and Thirty-first. »ue and be sued, to plead and tm im-
I | PHILIP COOK, I pleaded, to liuvt
j SEAL ; seal, to make
I —.— J Secretary of State, members of saifl corpor
sistent with law, to buy, hold nnd sell
and speaks in language that all the I am well pleased.” All tongues
lUHteriy direction nlong the south side carth can understand—a world declare him innocent; the gates ; t
of said Clark street to the northwest wide tongue and its words fall up- heaven lift from their hinges to
of the said lot just above de
scribed, and which is 54 feet from the
northwest corner of snid lot of Mary O.
Lovejoy, and thence in a southerly di
rection to said beginning point on the
north side of said Temple Avenue. This
lot is improved and lias situated thereon
a dwelling and servant’s house. The said
two lots last described comprise wlmt is
on our ears, bringing us hope or
tear, love or hate—thrilling us
;ive him welcome.
The blood of Abel speaks of the
ue and use a corporate | known us tlie Arrington place, and area 0 ther from just outside the fall that he heard
by-laws, binding on the | part of lot pf land No. 26 in the Fifth; , . , L-u ,
District ot saiil eoantv I gates of Jerusalem. One speaks sprinkling speaks o
ud corporation not llicoll-1 d'su let ot sam ..ouniy. n j 11
Tins January lltli, HMf
Mils M. S. MOOItK,
any and all kinds of real and personal I Administratrix on the estate of R.O
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
N. A. North having applied to the property, and manufacture and sell any I moo re, deceased
Court of Ordinary of said County for kind of personal property, to *•" , mi i i m
Letters of Administration on estate of such conveyances and acquittances, and
Hugh B North, deceased, all persons receive and hold such evidences of debt I
concerned are required to show cause in and security, nnd to do such other acts
said Court by the first Monday in Feb- as maybe necessary to carry on the
ruary next, if any they can, why said business of said corporation. Also to j
application should not be granted. This emcuniber real and personal property,
Jan. 8tli, 1007. lend and borrow money, purchase stocks
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. and bonds and sell same, issue and sell
bonds, and secure same, by mortgage or
GEORGIA—Coweta County. deed of trust, secure any loan it may
U. S. Reid and W. J. Murphey, Ex- obtain, by mortgage, deed, transferor
Freeman to Sit in
ecutors of Margaret Latimer, deceased, pledge of any of its assets, hot!
having applied to the Court of Ordinary personal, and to have all tin
of said County for leave to sell 5 shares rights and privilegi
of stock in Lowry National Bank, of At- tion
lanta, Ga., all persons concerned are re. 1805, as well as such other powers and
quired to show cause in said Court by privileges incident to corporations of
the first Monday in February next, if like character.
real and
numerated ill sec-
1852 of the Code of Georgia, of
any they can, why said application
i should not be granted. This Jan. 8th,
1907. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGL^-Coweta County.
T. F. Rawls, Temporary Admiuistra
, County for Permanent Letters of ad
ministration on estate of said deceased,
Governor Terrell inis appointed
Judge |(. \V. Freeman, of Newnan,
judge of Superior Courts of Cow
eta circuit, to sit on Lhc supreme
court bench on Monday., February,
4, in place of Chief Justice k isli
who is hindered by illness from
taking part in the court’s deliber
ations. Necessity for the appoint
ment grows out of the fact til at a
request has been made for full
with large expectations or crushing fear which Cain had ol mankind,
us with intolerable forebodings, He feared every man would kill
Our text directs our attention him. A fugitive from justice, with
to two voices—one coming from a detective in every rustlihg leaf
just outside the gates of Kden and and an executioner in every foot-
The blood of
one who ex-
from the ground, where Abel fell; pects to gain the love and cor.t:-
the other from Calvary, where deuce and worship and service of
Christ was crucified. Let us hear all the earth, and the ami
1 the lessons that each would teach adoration ol all lhc heavens. “I. d
Baggage us aT1 d profit by the messages that I be lilted up, wid draw ail unf'>
I both would bring us. “The blood me.” “livery knee shall bow ar
shall confess that 1 it-
lo liie gloi y of God
of sprinkling—the blood of Christ
—thatspeaketh better things than
the blood of Abel.” Listen, in
what strange contrast the utter
ances from these two tongues
one of them is in the tone ot earth
with the emphasis of hell; the oth- of the earth
cr a voice from the skies filled
with the melody of heaven.
'The blood ot Abel speaks of the
envy of a man because of another’s
prosperity. Cain covJd not bear
every tongue
is the Chr st
the Father.”
The blood of Abel speaks of a
homeless, friendless vagabom .
drifting, vv ridering ovei the face
of a soul cast out ar d
wearily dragging through the
lonely ways ot an infinite, unmiti
gated solitude. Tlie blood of
sprinkling speaks of a citizenship
in heaven; of a home prepared
6. That the principal office and place
of business of said corporation shall be
in tlie city of Newnan, in said State and
County, but petitioners desire that said
corporation sliull have the i i«>it to es
tablish branch offices anil places of-bust-
tor of Eliza Crayton, deceased, having ness at such other places in said State,
applied to the Court of Ordinary of said 0 r elsewhere, as said corjioration may j lower court
desire. ! ing made to break the trust.—At
' That affairs of said corporation | ja()ta institution.
Usnch on the, hearing of the case of to see his brother do well and if with many mansions in the New
John C. Hart, attorney general, he could not disturb Abel’s well Jerusalem; of a fellowship eterm.
against the Atlanta Terminal Go.
This ease involves a light on the
Atlanta baggage trust which was
- decided in lav or of the ti nst in the
A hard fight is lie-
being, then he would destroy his and abiding with the Father ar
brother. We see this some times the Son and the Spirit, and of the
The greatest piide to a woman persons concerned are required to shall be managed by a Board of Direo-
in being married is being able to s q ow cauS (, j n S aid Court by the first tors and duly elected officers
brag about a lot of things she has Monday in February next, if any they
not got.
seem like being married unless she
For Rheumatic Sufferers.
The quick relief from pain afforded
a woman it would hardly granted. This Jau 8th, 190<.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
in these days of sharp competion.
Break down his business or destroy
his competition. A spirit some
times controls a man that stirs his
anger at the success of another.
The blond of sprinkling tells of
the Redeemer’s gladness in the
well-doing, the right-doing of all
w ith
redeemed and blood-washed. Let
us hear this message and rejoice
and enter in to be forever Jwith
the Lord^tt
worried over whether her husband GEORGIA—Coweta County,
wore warm enough flannels.
8. That at the corporate meetings of
can, why said application should not be shareholders of said corporation, each
shareholder sliall be entitled to as many I by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm men. His deiight is
votes as he owns shares in said corpora-j makes it a favorite with sufferers from fi a bitations ot men. He rejoices Pv( , r
tion, appearing in liisname on the books 1 rheumatism, sciatica, lame tack, lum- sinners repent; when they j ^
of said corporation. j bago, and deep suited and muscular ' w > * 1 06
9. That subscriptions to the capital I pains. For sale by Peniston & Lee.
T. F. Rawls, Temporary Admiuistra-
What to Do When Bilious.
The right tiling to ilo when you i> -l
bilious is to take a dofie of Ohamburlni.’: *
£ be Stomach nnd Liver Tablets. They will
cleanse the stomach unil regulate the
anil bowels. Try it. Price, 25
nts. Samples free at Peniston & Let 's
j obey God; when they find follow- drug store.