Newspaper Page Text
"‘Aristocrats Control South]
racy and They Despisl
White Man and Nel
Saginaw, Mich.—After 1
Flint and Bay City, Sei I
M. LaFoleltte wound u B
day s campaign in Micl B
interest of his “Progrei B
dacy for the Repubiicaiiß
for president with an adfl
Masonic temple here. IM
the trusts and their rekß
tariff, the money trust asß
of all and the necessity fl
the government, as he si
hands of the people, hel
support of all, Repubiicaiiß
ocrats alike, in doing thiß
The Ding’ey tariff law, ■
raising the tariff high enoß
( inate foreign competition, B
way for the trusts. Infl
' their rapid growth sincefl
the Dingley law was pasfl
ator said trust capitalizafl
creased “over 54 per centfl
four years of the precedS
tration, despite the fact fl
her of prosecutions had I
“Alexander Hamilton, fl
and William McKinley,"fl
tor LaFollette, “would H
spoken of the tariff as B
there had been no comfl
stand-patter today is the fl
of the protective systenfl
He declared that, a fl
Wall street who have nofl
who are interested onlyß
control the affairs of thefl
that the big progle mnfl
turn control to the peofj
“If I did not believe fl
getting control into the hfl
people,’’ he said, I wouldfl
i believed the Democratifl
a better instrument I wfl
If I thought a new partfl
more effective I would ffl
I think the Republican isl
best instrument, there isl
“There is quite a Progifl
ment all through the Ncfl
know of any Progressive -fl
any Progressive legislatifl
South and the strength ofß
cratic party is in the Sofl
sentiment of the Democfl
South were the same asH
Democrats of the Northjfl
would be as good an imfl
the Republican party. fl.
“A true American beliefl
ocracy. He believes men fl
are equal aqd entitled tfl
chance. But the Democrafl
the South is not by inhefl
' sort of organization. All fl
♦ the party in the Soufl
aristocracy. I
Baby Emperor Quits H
Washington.—Although j
mal advices on the sub.^;
department officials arflfl
believe that China's infl
probably the last of hifl
ready has been spirßefl
Pekin by his father, fl
and is now being confl
summer residence of tfl
4 Jehol, about 150 milesi^B
Pekin, in the province or fl
bound for the ancient I
capital of Harbiu. The pfl
dence chosen for the youfl
is important.
New Year at the Whitfl
Washington.—The greafl
that has passed the porfl
white house at any new I
tion of recent years greet|fl
and Mrs. Taft at the thfl
ception given by them fl
the executive mansion, vfl
line had passed the officfl
said that 8,092 diplomats,fl
citizens had shaken harfl
president. Dr. Mary W’fl
hat, frock coat and trfl
among the first of the B
greet the president. If
Governor Aids Cofl
Little Rock, Ark—Sccfl
in the convict camps in Afl
be liberated if Goveriifl
carries out the threat fl
free them if contractorsfl
methods more humanefl
them. “I give notice tfl? 7
tors," the governor infl""
dared, “that I will depfl
convict camp in the stagg
dty is not stopped. Isl
prisoner out as fast sfl
brought In unless cfl
changed" he exclaimed®
' r ;
«I ' ■
z^ > a: L’ 4/ 2;'
X I' 7 1“
; fliungary recently celebrated the sixty-third anniversary er the
fl^-ror Franck Josr h. The venerable monarch, who was horn
flr»'»yfeudu"*ueAu','uut nn-vw* tn public very ' areiy nowadays
fl er indulge in the hunting expeditions he so much enjoyed.
fIE of independ
■the czar.
Bls Acting as Russia's
flee and Englishmen
fll Outraged
flu Russian government
fl> suppress disorders at
flther disturbed Persian
■dislocation of the tele
fluakes it impossible to
fl narrative of the out
fl it cannot be doubted
flon of the gravest com
• fl of Russian progress in
fltories of the indiscrimi
fl>f natives in Tabriz and
flf the destruction of Per-
Btional government under
flaces continue to reach
■ people are becoming in
■flflisquieted at the British
fl complicity, which the
fletary, Sir Edward Gray,
flnatter of policy and com
fl he Anglo-Russian agref
flsburg. — A semi official
flssued says that the Rus
flment, in view of “acts cf
fl aggression committed
fl Russian forces and insti
flrabriz, Resht and Enseli.
flfpllowed by brutal torture
floiinded and base outrage
flejdead," has decided that
flaf punishment of the guilty
fl—lt is understood that the
fl cabinet desire the appoint
flhe American, F. E. Cairns,
flal assistant of Mr. Shuster,
flw treasurer general of Per
t more likely, however, that
fld, the Belgian ex-director of
flu Persia, who tome months
fl- himself prominent by his
flo Mr. Shuster, will receive
Billed in Hotel Lobby.
■ Ga. —Douglas H. Harris was
B instantly killed in the lob-
Be Cherokee hotel by Uriah
■es, traveling salesman for a
■rble factory. Starnes claim
| Harris wrecked his family,
lr giving himself up to the
■policeman, said that he wa»
Ipiest man alive, and assured
iers that if his victim was not
I would go back and make a
lb. Harris was 25 years old
Inarrled. His father now lives
acola, Fla.
ii' bulletin
Ccmmander of Turkish Troops Re
ports Garrison Annihilated and
Munitions Captured.
Washington. — A twenty-four-hour
battle, m which the Turkish troops
defeated the Italian force, killing half
of it in the rout, is described in an
official message from Constantinople,
made public at the Turkish embassy.
The message was transmitted to the
imperial ministry of war at Constan-
I tinople by the commander of the Tur
kish troops from Tobruk, Tripoli,
I under date of December 22. The
report follows:
“We have attacked the fortified
posts of the enemy. Notwithstand
। ing the fire from the warships and
fort batteries, we entered the fort
and the garrison has been annihilat
ed. Ammunition, provisions, war ma
terial and a quick-firin ggun have
been carried into our camp.
“In its forward march, one of our
' wings cut off the retreat as the en
. emy, who fled toward the coast. Dur
ing the retreat the enemy lost half
their numbers. The battle lasted all
day and night.
China’s Future in the Hands of Na
tional Convention
Shanghai.—The peace conference
being held here between the repre
sentative of the Pekin government
and the revolutionary party agreed
that the form of government to be
ultimately adopted for China should
be decided by a national convention,
whose determination should be bind
ing on both parties. It also was
agreed that pending the decision of
the national convention, the Manchu
government was neither tt accept nor
to attempt to obtain foreign loans.
Another agreement reached is that
all Manchu troops in the provinces of
Shan Si, Shen Si, Huh Peh, Nganhwei
and Kiangsu shall evacuate their
present positions
Richeson’s Condition Prevents Trial.
Boston. —The physical and mental
condition of the Rev. C. V. Rlcheson
is so unfavorable that his trial on
January 15, the date set, will be an
absolute impossibility in the opinion
of his counsel. “Perhaps his wounds
may be in a favorable condition,"
says a statement from his lawyer,
“but his general and mental condi
tion is far from favorable, and I be
lieve an early attempt to put him on
trial at so early a date would cause
a collapse which would delay the
trial indefinitely."
Don’t Delay the Game
We Have the Goods; we know
you will need them soon.
Why Wait?
Why not buy now when you can first
of all get the best selection? Next, not be
crowed. When cold weather settles down
* onus we will have all we can de, and cur
advice is to shop early—get the pick—get
the best attention, and best of all buy
We are the people that have the goods; we know
that cotton is cheap; we know and you know the win
ter needs must be had; the only thing is where to buy.
Our store store stands for all that is good and best
in the new way of doing things=-=the new idea is the
the one price and small profit. Then we give
Profit Sharing Coupons
Come today. We are ready. We sell everything
to wear. Yours for more business.
w. S. Myrick S €o.
Milledgeville’s Only Department Store