Newspaper Page Text
What is Going County. on ail Over the
In a Condensed Form
Murray’s Prosperous
Tax Assessor Bramlett was in our Monday.
Miss Lela Wilson was in our flour
ishing city Monday,
Bud Raper, of Oran, was amour' “
friends here Monday.
Dr. L P Cadger, cf Fashion, was
,jn our city last Monday.
Miss Rernrra Anderson is visiting
,hi Adairsville this week.
J A Patterson, of Dennis, spent
last Saturday in 0 "r cutv
llyden Tyler paid us a very pleas
ant call one day this week.
Dr. Lee Bonds, of Fashion, passed
through our city last Sunday.
Dr.E O Stafford was
among mends heie last. Monday,
J Ed Johnson made a business tiip
to Atlanta the first of this week.
Geojcje and Sim Kelly went over
to Dalton the latter part of last week,
J L Eumondson sr. attended court
.a day or two of last week at Cal
,}lQf iq.
,Dr. 8 A Li own was hand-shaking
>with Dm 1 ids here the first of the
M W Whitti-raore was in our city
on business the firs t part of this
,,John .O’Neil was circulating among
Spring friends one day this
Clever Ell,s Daniel, of Amzi, was
smiling on friends here one day this
Marion Elrod, of Holly, was here
,the .first of this week visiting rela
Tom McGhee was down here
Monday on a horse swapping
S B Carter and J C Heartseil
.made a business trip to Dalton last
John A. Berry was in our city for
•several days the firs I of this week
on business.
“Uncle Davy Mitchell, of Whit-
4eld, W3s circulating among
heje last Monday.
Marriage license were issued last
Monday for John B Higdon to Miss
,-Oitie Rose, both of Doo-au district,
Col. Jeff Ilari is, a rising
.vilie lawyer, and and old Murray
.boy, was ia oar city the first of this
wee * { -
Ed Barron, of Adaiisviile, visited
a, few days, the latter part of last
week, at the home of Dr W W An
Mis. ,, Nannie Freeman and iiii children
of West Tennessee, are visiting at
the home it her father, “Uncle” Mar
i in Smith.
The cases in Gordon
iCouri again,t Meriill Woods et a l,
, week, were settled upou pay
.lutni of costs.
I am now running a blaeksmith
.shop at Petty’s mill, near Halls Chap
•el school house, and am prepared to
/do your work for you cheap. Give
me a trial.
Yours Respt., J. W. Bradford.
.Sheriff Robinson, Col. CN King,
•Rill Smith, T J Ogletree and M An
xgei represented our city in Dalton
last Saturday D*Smitb
Kev. JM failed to till his
regular appointment at the Presby—
terian church last Sunday on account
,oi the high waters.
Miss May Ramsey, who has been
the guest of Miss Eugenia Bitting,
returned on Sunday to her home at
Ramsey, Ga.—Dalton Argus.
Rev. W. W. Adair, of Spring
Place, was m Dali on on Monday
turning from his appointments in
Tennessee.—Nort Georgia Citizen
Justice Court convened here last
Monday with Justices Jones and
Campbell of this district, and Jusii
Z2T a,,d B "“ P “
“ J 1 h“
, °'v' a ii
lhe Murray V News and I Christian UmsUan
Advocate both tor Ll.-o, less than
what the Advocate alone has been
costing you. Now is the time to
subsortie for both papers.
Wilmington, N. C., May Sttito 14th, lbai,
REDUCED RATES via southerx
For the occasion of the Southern
Baptist Conventional Wilmington,
N. C , May 6th to 14th, 189/,, the
rate'of 1 ’ cm-T limited*’fare re turn at
round-trip....... one first
for the
Tickets will be on sale May
to 7th ™l», ; J ged .» return SI
Fourth™? tf'ormauou addr, M
any a^nt of the Southern
xvay. 4 7.
fIow a,ul What lhe 1Vo ' ),e are Do
ing in Mun ' a - V Count P
Glance Over this Column and
8 r e What you Can See
The extra session of Congress
venes next Monday.
Dr. L P Bagwell made a
trip to Dalton ye terday.
Jasper Moreland of Fort Mountain
was in our city Wednesday.
Dnputy Sheriff Bond of Fashion
was in our city Wednesday.
D E Humphreys and wife visited
city last Tuesday J night,
A was howdying with
Spring Place friends Wednesday.
Mrs Amos Keith and sirs Jack
srason spent Wednesday in our city.
Genial Jim Langston of Dunn was
smiling on friends here last Wednes
Mrs Henry Ward Beecher died at
her home in Connecticut last non -
Weldon Du'tiam was circulating
arnon S frieuds ^re one day this
Rev. O Parrott of Dennis was
howdying with friends here one day
this week.
Clever George Vineyard of Ala
culsy was hand-shaking with friends
here this week.
The News and the weekly Con
sti.utlun will be sent to any address
for only $1.25.
C 1) Gilbert of Wells was
j n g among his many friends at this
place yestesday.
j>. Mat Painter, of
Springs, was in our city the latter
|1( . ] as( . weeK<
Cols. J J Bates and C N King
tended court at Calhoun a day
two of this week.
Wanted-Jin idea 2 me to
Protect your Ideas: they inny brine y ?ou
Write john wkudekuurn ftco.. Pa..-. tent
rn-l'H, Washington, X>. C., Inventions for their *1,800 wanted. prlz ze
ajid lint ct two hundred
II 1! IJeamer and Morgan Peeples
of the Board of Roads and
chart hole last Monday.
Six masked men robbed a train
on the L A N Road near Cal era, Al
abama one night tins week, of about
Corbett ahd Fitzsimmons are work
ing hard preparing for the great
which is to come off soon between
them at Carson City.
lhe Seminary . at Ell.jay was ,
Greyed by fire last Tuesday
The fire is thought to be of
t a [ origin. The house was valued
A Savannah girl was recently
r j e( j t0 a man wbo „ ar ] j us t p>c<;n
sentenced to fifteen years in
Penitentiary. Such love as
will do to depend upon,
Sheriff Robinson and Col V
Watts -went down to Milledgeville
last Wednesday to take Mrs Martin
judged “•»**?*-> a lunatic before the Ordma
of -5«7“ MI- Gideon Jackson which occorred
at his home about three miles north -
- la , t Tuesdav oiebt g .
VVhile his death ; has been expected ,
f or some time, still it was a great
shock to his wife and children. The
Nxvs extend8
thies to the bereaved relatives and ,
A South Carolina man who had
been sick with grippe f or s i x weeks
^’ e( ^ morning this week an.l was
placed in his coffin, preparatory for
burial, and when the room was full
0 f his friends, ’ a voice was heard is
ing from tll e and when the
«=“«" '« »*<■"“
and was quickly taken ogt and put
in bed.
Wliat ilie People of That Thriving Com
munity are Doing as Seen by
Our ‘ Dodger”.
Ma~eh 8th—A number of our
young people enjoyed a social at the
home of J D Brown one night last
Mrs. Ellen Peeples is on the sick
list this week.
Mrs. Charity Childers and daugh
ter Miss Lou visited at Jeff Brown’s
Misses Enla Long and Fannie
Welch were in our burg last Sun
Misses Maggie Howard and Dora
Ogletree visited Onie Brown yester
Ben Springfield was in our com
munity one day last, wsek.
Holly creek was up considerably
Saturday and the boys enjoyed
themselves rabbit hunting.
I was real glad to see another
communication from Eli Scroggins.
Write again Eli.
News is scarce this week so I
will close.
Yours Bespt.,
The News of That Community as Gath
ered By Our Hustling Correspon
dent of That Place.
March 9th ’97.—Health is still
rapidly improving in our community.
We had a very heavy vain last
Friday. Streams were very flush
Saturday and some damage done to
farms in our valley.
Rev. G P Gary filled his regular
appointments at Hassler’s last Sat
urday and Sunday.
Messrs. E A Earnest and W J Pee
ples are having their “mill-dam,” at
Hassler’s, which was torn away by
the recent freshet, repaired this week
Misses Amanda Peeples and Mary
Latch, of Fort Mountain, attended
church at Hassler’s Sunday.
E A Earnest made a
trip to Dalton Friday.
,J P Gregory is preparing to put
out several hundred fruit trees this
spring. He is wisely looking to the
Eli Stanford has been hauling sev
eral “saw stock” to the mill lately
lie intends to enclose a portion of
his farm with “a new plank fence”
this spring.
If there are to be no more cold
snaps, we are soon going to see green
forests in our horizon. There are
some green leaves at, present.
Yours Very Respectfully, J. Finns
Wliat the People of That Thriving Place
Are Doing, As Our Correspondent
of That Place Writes us.
March 8th ’97.—Farmers are busy
turning land and sowing oats.
The rain which fell last Friday
night was the heaviest of the season.
Sumach creek and Connesauga river
were both very high. The land is,
at places, badly washed, and a great
deal of fencing carried away.
Nellie Rickett, little daughter of
W H Rickett, has been suffering very
much for about three weeks with spi
nal affection.
jj r> an q Mrs. J M Poag were sum
0 f Mrs. Poag’s «■"**“*• sister, Mrs. t" Martin 6
Berry, at Dalton. Mr,. Berry «ae
f * eS l ,ro ^P erou * mov ,n &
Dawnville, his former home.
Miss Ollie Hawkins is visiting
. . . „
atlveB Mr ’ (t,Jes a " f '' Dunn e “ 8 > of C o^tSTL’riiurs P g »
was smiling on Sumach friends bun.
day afternoon.
Prof. YV ill Lowrey, of „m,n.rh, Halls Chap- n
el, also attended Sunday services at
Sumach. There seems to be some
special attraction at or near Sumach
for these staid, handsome professors,
The Junior C. E. Society was well
attended last Sunday afternoon; an
interesting meeting was held, con
hunted by C W Richard,
will hold a public debate next ??.T r rid ay
night, March 12. The subject. “Re-
solved that the United States should
recognise the indepi nenee of Cuba”,
will be discussed by affirmative speak
ers, Messrs. OO Moulton, C E Bry
den and T It Davis; negative speak
ers, Messis. Giles Dunn, S M Ben
nett and J M Stonecipher. A few
recitations are also on programme,
interspersed banft” with music by the“string
of the school
Our school is still in a prosperous
condition. The teachers have -en
rolled 142 students since November
2nd 1896.
Sincerely, Nuntius.
The News of That Growing Little Town
Gathered for the News by
Our Correspondent.
March 8th ’97.—We had a big rain
Friday night which did considerable
damage to fences-by causing creeks
and branches to overflow and wash
them away.
Mr J B Bond has had an attack
of la grippe since his return from
Rome where lie went to carry some
prisoners to the chaingang.
Mrs. N E Bond has been quite
unwell for several days.
R M Gudger and family spent
yesterday visiting at J W Fraker’s
B T Bond and wife visited Mrs.
Young Sunday evening.
Mrs. Young has been very sick for
some time is not expected to
Mr. C N Stroud, of Sumach, was
in Fashion yesterday.
There was a quilting party at the
residence of Mr Gravely, Saturday,
which, we presume, was a pleasant
affair for those who were present.
Misses Lula and Lena Anderson
of Pleasant Valley, spent one day
last week visiting Miss IfiiJa Payne.
Dr Lee Bond and Walter M Har
ris were in Gilmer county last week
buying cattle. There seems to be a
greater demand for cattle now than
anything else, and buyers more nu
merous than ever before.
J D Harris, N W Payne and oth
ers of our town were in Dalton last
week on business.
We have failed to receive our
mail for the last two days on account
of high waters intervening between
us and Dalton, We wish there was
some way of overcoming these ob
stacles which sometimes cause much
inconvenience by seperating us from
the outer world.
Several traveling men have been
here recently, one of whom says
Murray is the best county m the
state, and another says he never bo.
fore met so many good people, noj
saw so many pretty girls in the same
length of time as lie has since he has
been in Murray. Hurrah! for old
Murray, witli its good people, pretty
girls, and every thing else which
combines to make it the dearest spot
in the world to Sport.
March 8th ’97.—I have but little
news for your columns this week.
We have had the largest freshet
here for years but have not learned
the damage.
I he health of our disti ict is much
‘'TI* ‘ prophet J .lithe
ffood r e were skin but himself
a* hi, lil, „», *,eght also
writer, and I will not boast; for,
should I take it, my case might prove
fatal; as op to the present time not
a death has occurred up 1 to this time
in ’97 in our district. Could I an
swerfor all, I would od! say, we are
thankful to Almighty * G
^ ^ four hurcheBt or preach
; n S „ rioints points, in in our our district district, three tnree
Bxptist, d and oneCumbrlandlresby
terian; all monthly, by Revs. John
uoore,^ o in .ueais,. ames unn am
Xif marriages of recent date but
prospects are favorable. For there
are nice young gentlemen with good
turnouts from the south and west of
us» and north flora Tenne-see, a goo
g “y
(others • T* may havej asked them their
business. Nimrod.
* A Card •
HARRIS BROS., Fashion, Ga.,
We have embarked in .the Mercantile business at
place. We have a GOOD stock of General Merchandise
of Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and
We buy in the best market; pay spot cash for every
we buy, getting- all Discounts off. We have no house*
to pay—hoard at home free of charge. Of course we
sell cheap.
We expect, by fair dealing, unceasing effort, and
buying and selling, to build up a good business
Our present prices on a few articles are given below:
lbs. Standard Gran. Sugar for *1. Steel wire nails, per lb. 2 l-2c.
lbs. Good Green Coffee for $1 00. Standard Trace Chain .25.
lbs. Arbuckle’s Coffee for $1.00. Horse Shoes, each, .05.
per pound .05. One foot Plow Stock, .80.
Tobaecco .05, Womens S. G. Button Shoes .90
H. Soda per pound .05. Mens’ Congress Shoes, $1.25,
many other articles at Cost,
.05 Bleach Domestic 5c
27 ill. Cotton Checks
ml Print .05 Y ai d Wide Sheeting 5c
Children’s Hose .05
Ginghams 5o Mens’ Half Hose. 5c
At the above prices we expect them to be settled for
time of purchase.
We pay the market price for Produce.
If pou need anything in our line come and get our
before going elsewhere.
fa 0 m
m\ )
c/> C) MM
Hlgfe. 1
i mmm . ;v::
[wafARRARj 7 =^ |Jj i
WiiisW 1 SB
rcBizisW mm.
* LI
,<£55 1
. N \r
* r
V /
U ~L t a
& Yfv.
MARBLE. * * *
The above cut is one ot the many fine Statutes we are putting
up daily. If you conwmplate purchosing a tombstone or monu
ment, we can save you money. Give us a call.
The Dalton Marble Works,
JI. P. Colvard, Proprietor,
Dalton, Georgia,