Newspaper Page Text
MAYOR CHARLES Summerday extends a welcome to Lin
coln Hackims. Mr. Haekims is national president of AABC
Southeastern Stan Musial and Connie Mack. Mr. Hack
ims was here to attend the Southeastern meeting held at
the Forest Park Recreation Building on March 2.
— Concrete Products —
W. H. Huddleston, Manager
iPhone 474-7271 474-7272)
Night: Charles Mundy 478-8019
Cecil H. Lyle 474-4381
W. H. Huddleston 478-8181
— ■
From ' t
Stye Jfamt Park Ptfsb
A nd W I
(Ulagtim bounty Nma anb JFartnrr <
"Where you can find something of interest for everyone"
"The Youth of Today"
~~"The Adults of Tomorrow"
OFFICERS ~ _ __ ©mU'W
Jim Germany, P* O. BOX 81 Vp
8 ,11%“' de "’ FOREST PARK. GA. 30050
Vice President
LaVerne Nix,
Wally Congdon,
Tom Garner, Dear Fellow Forest Park Citizen:
Pres. Little League
Bob Kinney, T i 4 i...
Pres. Connie Mack 1 wouid tell you something about the Forest Park
Betty Jenkins, Athletic Association, and ask for your support.
Pres. Girl's Softball
Billy Williams, The Association is a completely volunteer organization,
Betty^oogler 3 consisting of aporoxirnately 2^o members. We have, for the past
Pres. Girl's Activities years seeked to implant in the youth of this community ideals
John Knox, of Food snortsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and reverence,
Past President so that they may he finer, stronger and hanpier youth who will
t^ow to be erood, cl^an, healthy adults.
Jim Davis Each year approximately 800 children participate in one or
Raymond Johnson more of our ' 3ro ’ r t'ams - consisting of Little Leappe Baseball (Boys
Bill Page 8 - 12) - Connie Nack Baseball (Boys 13 - 18) - Girls Softball
Betty Germany (Girls 7- l p ) - Jr. Football (Boys 7- 13) and Girls Activities
Lindsey Campbel I (Girls 8 — lit).
Virgil Kilby
C B Howard To finance these programs it is necessary that we raise and
Bill McCoy try to wisely spend approximately 5h0,000.00, each year. To
raise this kind of money requires support fYom many many people.
To help us raise this money this year the Forest Park Free
Press - News is giving us of the price of each yearly subscription
which we sell. In addition, if the subscription is purchased fYom
the Forest Park Athletic Association the Free Press - News will
give one additional year of free subscription . This means that
the paper is delivered to your home for 2 years for the regular
1 year rate of $3.00. In addition you help the Forest Park Athletic
Association complete the programs mentioned above.
Please Enter My Subscription To zx J y
P. 0. Box 47, Forest Park, Ga. 30050 P. O. Box 456, Jonesboro, Ga. 30236
1 Year $3.00 - 2 Years $5.00
Street and No
Have You Been Receiving the Paper? Yes □ No □ \ TODAY!
Money □ Check □ Enclosed
i $ s
w ■ a , wSL
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»'f wJS
This Is Your Invitation to Attend the
252 Phillips Dr. - Forest Pork
Sunday Morning Bible Study 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m.
Each Sunday Morning, 8:30 to 9:00
on WGST, 920 on the Dial
Aa No. 3
A petition has been tiled with the
C "V of Riverdale for a conditional
use permit to operate an American
hence Company to be located in
Land Lot 138 ol the 13th District
ot Clayton County Georgia as per
plat of Lee Engineering Co., said
plat incorporated herein and made
oy reference a pait ot this
description, the tract is more
PJ'ticukuiy described as follows:
BL 4 .INNING at the Northeasterly
intersection of Denham St. and
, w*- sa,d Highway 85 having a
100 right of way; Thence easterly
along the northerly right ot way of
Denham St. a distance of 18’ to a
point of the property now or
formerly owned by F. C. Cargile
and shown on said plat as "Railroad
fropcrty", thence Northeasterly
along said Cargile property a
distance of 288' to an iron pin,
thence Westerly a distance ot 120'
o an iron pm at the right ot way of
Highway 85, thence Southerly
along the right of way of Highway
H 5 a distance of 258' to the
Nottheily right of way of Denham
Street and the point of beginning.
A public hearing will be held
before the Planning and Zoning
Board on May 6 at 7:30 and before
the Mayor and Council on May 8 at
730 in the City Hall.
Elizabeth Het, Clerk
Ad No. 4
A petition has been filed by
Nancy Adams for a Conditional Use
Permit lot a Used Car Lot to be
located on the following property
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Land Lot 138 of
the 13th District of Clayton
County, Georgia, and being Lot No
2 as shown by the plat of Cargile’s
Riverdale Heights, recorded in Plat
Book "1”, page 271, Clayton
County Records, and being more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a made corner on
the West side of State Highway No.
85, said point being where the
jouth ime ot Lamar Hutcheson
(William Parrott) intersects center
line ot said Highway light of way
and running West alg the South line
of the Hutcheson Property tout
hundred and eighteen (418) feet to
a made corner; thence South one
hundred (100) feet to a made
corner, thence East four hundred
eighteen (418) feet to a made
corner at the center line of said
right of way of said highway;
thence North along the center line
of said right of way one hundred
(100) feet to a made corner and the
point ol beginning, and known as
6533 Highway 85, Riverdale
1 his being the same property
conveyed by I . C. Cargile to E. B
Parrott In 1952 as recorded in Deed
Book 98, Page 356, Clayton
County Records.
A public hearing will be held
before the Planning and Zoning
Board on May 6, at 7 30 and before
the Mayor and Council on May 8 at
7:30 in the City Hall.
Elizabeth I ler, Clerk
Ad No. 5
A petition has been filed by Mr.
Fred Long and Mrs H. D. McLeroy
for a Conditional Use Permit for a
Used Car Lot to be located on the
following property
FRED LONG Land Lot No. One I
Hundred Thirty-eight (138) ot the
Thirteenth (13th) District of
Clayton County, being lot No. 19
ot property of Grantor herein as I
shown by Plat ot survey made by I '
O. Lee. Surveyor, August 9, 1945, '
of record at page 27 1 of Plat Book ,
No. 1, Clerk's Office Clayton
Superror Court, and being more !
particuldi ly desc i ibed is 1
Commencing at the centei of
New Paved Highway No. 139 a ;
distance ot 820 feet Southeasterly
from intersection of center line ot
Highway No. 139 with centei of
public road running East and West
South of home of W »
running thence Southeasterly along
center ot said Highway No. 139 a
distance of 104 feet; thence
Easterly 287 feet, more or less, to
Southeast corner of said Lot No. 19
as shown by said plat; thence
Northerly 100 feet; thence Westerly
317 feet, more or less, to the point
of beginning.
Since above mentioned plat and
survey were made, Georgia state
Highway No. 139 was moved west
of old location of same
approximately 40 feet and the
above conveyed property is to
im lude an land lying between old
survey and center of said new
location of said Highway.
Mrs. H. D. McLeroy Land Lot
138 of the 13th District ot Clayton
County, Ga., and being designated
as Lot No. 18 of Cargile's Riverdale
Heights as shown on a plat pi epared
by J. O. dated August 9, 1945
and being of record in Plat Book 1,
Page 27 1, Clayton County Deed
Records, and being more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a made corner in
the center of State Highway 139
said point being 715 leet South of
where the Old F ayetteville to
College Park Public Road intersects
said highway; said point being
measured from the center of said
old road; running thence in a
Southeasterly direction along the
center of State Highway 139 a
distance of 105 feet to a made
corner; thence East 277 feet to a
made corner; thence North 100 feet
to a made corner; thence West 307
feet to a made corner in the centei
of the said State Highway 139 and
the point of beginning.
A public hearing will be held
before the Planning and Zoning
Board on May 6 at 7:30 and befoie
the Mayor and Council on May 8 at
7:30 in the City I la 11.
Elizabeth Iler, Clerk
Ad No. 6
A petition has been filed by Mr.
H. H. McElroy, Jr., for a
Conditional Use Permit for a Used
Car Lot to be located on the
following property:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being m Land Lot 138 of
the 13th Distiict, Clayton County,
Georgia, being Lot 6, and the north
half of Lot 5 of the F. C. Cargile
property as per plat recorded in
Plat Book 1, Page 271, Clayton I
County records, and more 1
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the
center of Georgia Highway 85 at
the southeast corner of Lot 7 (also
being the northeast corner of Lot
6), said point being 2G5 feet south
of the intersection of the center of
Georgia Highway 85 with the
center of a public road as shown on
plat and now known as King Street;
running thence south along the
center of Highway 85, 204.5 feet to
the center of Lot 5; running thence
west parallel with the north line oi
Lot 5, and through the center of
Lot 5, 418 feet; thence north
parallel with Highway 85, 204.5
feet to Lot 7; running thence east
along the south side of Lot 7, 4 18
feet to the center of Highway 85
and the point of beginning.
A public hearing will be held
before the Planning and Zoning
Board on May 6 at 7:30 and befoie
the Mayor and Council on May 8 at
7:30 in the City Hall.
Elizabeth Iler, Clerk
Ad No. 7
A Conditional Use Permit has
been requested by the Riverdale
Assembly of God Church to locate
a Day (Child Care) Nursery on
property located in Land Lot 138
ot the 13th District of Clayton
Beginning at the northwest corner
of the intersection of Highway 139
and King Road running North
282.6' along Highway 139 thence
West 176.5’ thence North 223.5'
thence W 100’ thence Southwest
343' thence Southeast 454.11’
along King Road to point ot
A public hearing will be held
before the Planning and Zoning
Board on May 6, at 7;30 and before
the Mayor and Council on May 8 at
7:30 in the City Hall.
Elizabeth Iler, Clerk
Sealed bids will be received until
April 29, 1969 on a War Memorial
for the City of Forest Park.
Specifications may be obtained in
the office of the City Manager
where the bids will be opened at
2:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 29,
W. E. Bennett
City Manager
4/1 7
Sealed bids will be received until
April 29, 1969 on Wrecker Service
Contract for the City of Forest
Park. Specifications may be
obtained in the office of the City
Manager where the bids will be
opened at 2:00 P.M., Tuesday,
April 29, 1969.
W. E. Bennett
City Manager
Honors Ike
Fort McPherson, Ga. The
Secretary of Defense has
announced that participation
by all Army musical groups,
troop units, and equipment in
public events of a social or
entertainment nature has been
cancelled until sundown April
26 in deference to the memory
of the 34th President of the
United States and the former
General of the Army, Dwight
D. Eisenhower.
Clean Fun!
It’s a swell sport and a
healthful activity for the
kids . . . and grown-ups too!
All sessions are supervised.
forest park
91 South Ave.
Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Apr. 17, 1969
Herman Talmadge
Illi l \i 1 1 I) S I V1 Is has come a long wav in the devel
opnicnt ot sophisticated weapons ssstems tor the protection ot
our count! v and our people Xow we are engaged in a conflict
over still anothei dclense progiam Ihe Anti-Ballistic Missile
Svstem. designed as a protective ties ice lor our missile sites and
proposed bv President Xixon. will soon be before the United
Slates Senate tor consideration.
I have alwass felt it vital tor out government to deal with
tire Soviet Union ami ant possible aggressors from a position ot
strength. In todav's explosive world, we have a highlv potent
< ommunist Russia armed to the teeth on one side, and Com
munist ( bin.i with the potential Io somcdav become equally
as powerful -on the other. It would be risks indeed lor us to
speak 11 om anything less than a position ol strength.
I DO SOI PRI || \|) ip be an cxpcil on technical defense
mallets. I have considered al length and base given much weieht
to ti e recommendations of the Senate Xrmed Services Committee
ami to outstanding scientists ami engineers. I heir arguments that
the \RM will greatlv enhance out national securitv ami strengthen
out military deterrent to aggression, have convinced me ol the
desirability ot adopting this program
With the recent buildup ol Soviet ollensive weapons, it is
tell that the I SSR could acqutte a lit st-strike capability by the
n "4 1 11 about the same time that we expect Red ( hina to
have developed a nuclear force great enough to pose a threat.
Also, the value ot om Polaris ami Poseidon forces will likely be
lessened as the Soviet Union continues to perlect its highlv
sophisticated undersea detective devices
" 1 " " XI SI R be absohilelv certain that this svstem is
necessatv lor the continued protection ol our nation. But the
risk ot finding out by not adopting it seems fat too great.
It is sobering to contemplate the possible destruction ol our
country and (he loss ot millions ol lives We may never be sure
that the adoption ol the ABM svstem was necessatv Those who
stand in opposition to the \BM mas be tight But il thev ate
wrong then who is to take the responsibihtv ’ I will support the
President on the adoption ol the \HM
'itnimr.d „> priuhd at ~,p,
Os Lake
Harbin PTA
Official notice to all parents
of students who will be enter
ing the New Morrow Senior
High School.
A meeting will be held at
the Lake Harbin Elementary
School on April 24, at 8:00
p.m. lor the purpose of organ
izing a Parent-I'eacher Associa
tion. All parents of children
entering the school or anyone
who is interested is cordially
I 5.25%
The joy of
living is in bloom
Cal laway (7a ix lens
If **’
■py ■ ,
Give win lih .t lili with a million floral miracles ol
Springtime beaut v waiting lot ion at ( a I la wav (hit dens.
Bring the whole lainih lor a refreshing day on our 2500
.u res ol woodlands abounding with a/aleas, redbud, and
dogwood—lß miles ol scenic drives wind through this
gentle wilderness. I njov a picnic beside Robin Lake
Beat h in one ol the mans areas provided. Explore the
bird and nature study .walking trails, lot fascinating
dose ups ol the wildflowers. And don't miss the green
house with its displays ol tropical plants and exotic
blooms from around the world. See all ol Callaway
Cardens—only SI.OO lot; adults and 50c for children
— in one of the most delightful days of your life.
■ On U.S. 27,
SO MUCH ■ ■ pi ne Mountain,
TO SEE ■ Callawau ■ Ga 31822- J
ANO 00 ■ - x * ■ Tel. 663-2281 or
■ burdens g Atlanta, 688 8542 <
invited to attend. We hope to
make this one of the best Clay
ton County I’TAs yet.
At this meeting all articles
of the By-Laws will be pre
| sen ted lor approval or amend
ment .
After a short recess lor
membership enrollment and
refreshments, the meeting will
be resumed and a nominating
committee will be elected to
select a slate of officers to head
our I’TA for the year 1969-70.
Announcement of our next
meeting to vote on these selec
tions and any other nomina
tions from the membership
body will be announced.
Dal Turner. Principle
e < I
MMm tffitt Kl#*rUl» ’l' . B;
AM Cwhai Ii«m«
•caacHUltca Fai'HTa M 4 TMI
H Saaitb Strtaf