Newspaper Page Text
Trowbridge & Holli ashed
Teeth extracted wiiiout pnln. All work
rain-anted. Term* moderate. Will go any-
rberc on B.AA. and S. P. A W. RailrovU.
LTronxTETT «Ltjya.w
' 111 BAY STREEff
1‘nrtirw in all the State Courts.
Refers to lion. T. M. Norwood. apJIUm
jones & halters,
Lttorneys at law,
| OAoe ore: Centra* Ballrosd Bank,
). WR1UI1T. D It. POPE
attorneys at
OFFICE;—Orer 8. llayer A OtaeVr** 1 tore, eo>
»kw Rnad mud Wa-Jdnglon Sis.
Imr. SS, isso d'.wwly
Attorney at Law,
iWIVSWATl >ti* on b-nioe-ffi directed to
J me at'VaakiuaionrUy during It.* nexi «is*
|y day* will receive prompt ilkuiiiO.
Ja*. I.'IWI-
muhe, everaroonutf to snjtbwg?
will Answer M no.”
Jcst after awakening from a pit
Ant And peaceable night's sleep, end Af
ter telling his wife hi would get up for
breakfast, the llov. H. 11. Bseae, of Au
gusta, fell back and died without a
The aptnese of borrowers to criticise
the conduct of the newspaper*
other folks pay for is on# of ths many
points that might bo
press as the loading devuloper of the
hidden talents of the age,
Slav tar is fait disappearing from the
earth. In Cuba, under an act of the
Corto*, its existence ia limiod to ten
years, and in Briail all children born of
(dare parents since 1871 are free. Out-
sido of Africa slavery can scarcely be
said to 1 ps an institution.
Cokkmxo seems to be the centre of
attraction for tho National eje and ear.
Ho seems to hare about as sorore a
hold upon President OarflcM as he
would bare had upon Grant, or as he
has upon Mrs. Sprague. The truth is,
Conkling ia no sardine. Ho has a way
of his own and will not be canned.
.. IT I ...
The heart will still rebel;
can fi e!, though all may say.
doestaJl things well.**
ben, with bright hopes of futnr*- bliss.
~ > youthful heart doth -well,
we can feel, as Will *• ssy,
does! sit things well *•
it when, with neror-errlng aim.
tofurttmo's holt Is cast,
* the poor trembling spirit shrinks,
■*— the angry blast.
r the cruel band of >108111.
idore.t ties arc given,
urei fondly deemed our owu,
*— 1 up tu lies- vu.
hollow voice U hoard,
the kn I*.
„ «* life,
mil staa-i* coats***!:
i*t done, all Thou will lo.
l we f«ll fhy curbing band,
Usrwatd thought wld eprt.ij;
“icir hollowutfits and \ ut
1*1*0111 Joys we diug.
lightr Parent! throw
—. Jdly guarding arm;
Bach wgil, retell ions paasi.m quel!,
Ust fueling calm.
1 thy erring child,
»tumnltuous swell.
Not only, Lord, to -ay I** t M.
**Thoud« ** “
True Fame ami Fabte Fame.—
Tho hcarculy luminary risi-s amid j
, 11kiiv; star-gazers enough mu.t
over watt ft with critical ti le
it blazing, tho worl
rilltcr look at or forbear looking at;
not until after a time ami time*
doc it* crteelial, eternal nature be-
nuani indubitable. Pira-ant, on |
the other hand, i* the iilaiirg of a
Tar-barrel; the erewd dance mer-
rilt ntiiinl it. with mud huzzaing,
imireraal three-time* three; hnt, on-,
happily, it mhiii end* in darkness
Kiel foul, clinking «moke.
Religion and Creed*.—A man's
j religion con-i-i*. not of the many
thing* lie i« in doubt of and tries to
■►elicit e, hut of the few he .is assur
ed of and ha* no need nl'effort for
l>clieviug. What is incredible lo
thee, thou’ shall! not. at lltv
-oul’* peril, attempt to bclieee ? Go
lo peril lion if thou tnu-t—hut not
with a lie in thy m-mllt.
Modern Prison* and Modern
Philanthropy.—On the whole, tv hat
mtiful ei
all thing, nett.’
I>. t. VAsOt. A. H. Al.fHIKXn
y.tsos £ alfriexd
Attorneys at Law.
Aetfv* and prompt attention given lo cnl-
lo.itlot a n 1 nil /ener.*l bdfinew, I'nutiiT
In nil in-* e turn.
• »:•!.*. • «»v r -tithe n Ext*re*s offleo. nppo-
alto yjnrt ;hmis*». * Jsud-dlf
QficeoVsr RiltaTs Drill Store
vtl orders l.*fl at tho Drug Store will receive
prmitpt urine. Jwti 7*iy
iJr. £. W. AiJFRlS&D
• >tv4i*ttOiVUl.l*V tender* hi* vervlcos, In 'he
firijit* >r«!iciit > i at his profession. to thr
f’lig 'u \ h >t * «n l «>irround!m,conntry. Of-
fle.. .iMiwHite .i-t II iii-o. ou;Plne*treet
MtruriuK, oa,
J* t-m place in slop ami gel a GOOD
H i-i.Utr. 'll! \l.
Mrrricli liar tuts, Proprietor
Albany, Georgia.
fph»*% TTota ?f * i« well furnished and in er-
rr v way -‘reputed ler tne ftc»*omnio*
dntinn ut the Ira **.llng public. Knlirc *«Ht-
UltU’iiiti itn*iu. , 'leLil. Thet iblo w sm»-
plie.1 with the licet tbd counlry «itTonl>,
and lh.- -crrur.U am unKnrjmsscd iu po-
1. ii*ncHN a:; l atleuti.ui l*> *hc Wnad of
K u««dK. 0*nuil’*i J«« c jnvcv jmvengers to
md fro: 11 tne diUkr* rt r*il»oH«*s prompt*
I v, f.w **l ch-irwc. to
tim* <wp29 If
Oxr xinglo family in Hooly county,
acciiniitig to tho Savannah iVoar#, re
cently **»to fifty one egga for breakfast,
ft wasn't a very large family, either.
The patnnrch ate eighteen by himkelf.
an«l wanted some more, but *gg* not
bci't£ pleiitiful, he thought to econo
mize 99 This story reads like it might
be a little eg *s-aggoratCd.
Tnp Lvgifilatum of ArkamuiM haa nor
declan’d tlut the Stato'f name ia Ar-
kanuaw. This, tho TeUijrnpk ana
Messenger preaumoa has been done oui
ol respect lor tho “Arktnsaw Traveler,
e ho tnailo tho place famous. It ia acl
►Inin, in this ungrateful ago, wo fir.r
Mich kindly remeinbrancea exi^ling it
the bosom «if a great State.
I. J. 3B1MS0W,
Lumbar. Brick, Shingles*
Lathos, Lime and
t’oaitantlr on barn!, ami orders promptly
Estimates furnishtvl f-'r buildings and
vonaracu taken at lowest living rates.
Albany ami southwest ticunna need an en
terprise of this k*n«U au l 1 am determined lo
supply the demand. . ...
Patronage solioitod and *atisfaction guar*
%n Gf“GFFICE: At S. Sterus’s Store
on Washington Struct.
Albany. Sept. S. I*«.
flVlfltdrawing vlll take ptarc at I OtJi-VILI.K.
gr , yiHlrr ftuthori’y uf s «i<cial art ui lli»«
UVntucky lea ; -Uture,ri«d will be under the ab
solute cuiitrot <>t dlsiau rested commtsdonem *p-
VwluUd by the seL
» • :• $250,000
•i 1
A London UUp.tch »uio« that Mr.
Glaits otic, in *li|(liting from hi* car-
ria"o NVeiliuniilay night, 011 hi* return
Irimi tile Ilona., fell backward and
■truck bi* ho*il on the iron *t*p of the
vehicle. A auigeon dreaiod hi* wound
and lie was put to bed. Alarm reign*
in Downing Ktroi t. A bulletin at noon
stated he waa doing ipiilo woll, and
needed only real.
Du. Km.ton i* the only one of the
Georgia delegation in Congroaa r, hoar
namo ha* figured in the pr«*a diapatch-
o* lately. Felton may not be altogeth
er “organized," hnt hr> .mart, and tuny
bo a “whale'' yet if he has the courage
to retire to private life for a aoavnn, in
stead of “flopping over," for tho take of
a position under Gartteld'a administra
Tint beer portion of tho nonius i*
completed. It show* that there are
2.2ti'.t brewcric* in this country, pro
ducing 12,800 SUO barrels a year, about
eleven gallon* to every man, womnn
and eh ild in tha country. Th. increase
in' 1870 was 2,610,712 barrel*. N*w
York was tho h> avieat producer; then Philadelphia, St. Louis, Cincinnati,
Brooklyn aud Milwaukee. The ravnnne
received by the government from beer
in 1880 waa I1U.720.320.
I. l-lltj Sarin**—Katrirt.
ni. Work..
Wage* and Wort.—Fair day',
rag-* for a fair tlnv's work! Ala-1
n what corner of t ti* planet, since
flit ed up for the {accommodation of
the *comidrel-wnrhl, male and. fe
male. Kn Duke in England is, for
• ational purpose* which a human
being can or ought to aim at. lodged
fed. tended, taken care of, with sneji
perfection. Of poor crafts men,
that pay rate* and taxes front their
•laily wage*, of the live milli»n-
that toil and moil under the atm.
we know whet is tho lodging and
Howard abated the jail-fcrc-;
hnt it wain* to me ho been the
inn*.rent ran-, of a far more dis
tressing fever which ragts now—
what we -mar rail the bevolent-
Vdant awoke on 1*. was that ever ■ platform fever. Howard i* to hr
-ealized! The day'- wage, of John I regarded as the nnlittky t••llntnitl
Milton'* day's work railed “Para- » of that tiininltnoit*: frothy, ocean- *
i»o Lost,” and i.liirr poem-, were j .ids of heuevolci.t acntinicntalitv. j **it ' 'rTso^'i
•*i» |>ottnd«. paid by iii-iafiineut--., --ahnlitioii of punishment.” at: ni> - , .
- — 1 ’ 1 ,orbing (“primn discipline- aud 1 or
general tnorhi-1 ayutpathy, instead
of hearty halrtsl, for the scoiindrcfs.
from :
Rrnar* from Chicago are to the ef-
f- rt that raiall-pox ia increasing there
with great rapidity, and that in several
towns in Illinois and Iowa the disease^a
epidemic. Cincinnati, too, is becoming
alarmed, and remembering that no lon
ger than 1872 eleven thousand one hun
dred and seventy-nine of her people
perished from this loathsome disease,
the papers unite in urging the health
department to immediately take all pos
sible meaiurea to prevent its gaining a
foothold in the city.
Tna surviving citixe i soldier* of the
Mexican war number 6.000; widows,
1,000 ; surviving soldiers of th* regular
army, who fought in Mexico, 2,700:sur
viving soldiers and widows of the Black
llawk war, 200; surviving soldiers and
widows of tho Creek and Florida wars,
3,400 ; making a total of 13,900. The
proposed pensioning of these ant ilv—s ft* the smile of oilers
from tho
best pmdi
ing thro.
>ns HC- on UreCU S:redt-.»i-...«.
1 M Baonlen. < oo < *nK*n SlfWtw——
r..,-«-* Pris".-- '*?•».'
■y— r.,h rr-n. mc» «■ -m) —
■lTuCu i i I'rtl ', f b *X<b. —
; r li* 1 f -, -
mo H»u»4 .M »'b l*ri^fvhlM-
riT8 Hit it •• li*it rilsaagCkktfb »»
Ia» ret of iUr Variiitn.v
MM Tine nv O ...
In* UuHbo<n( M!«e- Tea
Boxt-sou PourMt WhistOT, $M-~.
10 Baskets I hnnpAjtt«.$J5.^
FIm Honored IVuh Prices* 51 ■
p0 Baxes Fine Wins*. fSO .
Id hosm CobfiUdD t uiuite \\ hlsky.SM-
j0 Bsxes UsYsa*nx*ni fio —
lee Hundred is* Prises, fid.
. 15 (MO
. I'tjMK'
4.Ue i
. a.(o*
. s,c o
. .••'‘do
. J^.C0J
. I tfit
. djO
. J4 400
. 8.0R
. n.ouo
. w**
. 4.OC0
AMOUNTING TO $369,850.
Vhrie Tieketa, $S; Hahrrs. Quarter* t!.
Mtium war br by kAOrt. ga-
PM. ratal n*t Oiiw.«» Half fti up * m .0 ■a.u.rt
cMmiMai Ml iabtmatioa sad aw lkk«l
f. r probably twelvo or thirteen yean.
The government and tho poople can af
ford to pay that
Sous interesting fact* are found in
the report of tho Chicago workshop in-
apaetois. In that city there are S,438
workshops and factories, 7,411 stores
and 1,189 miscellaneous; to til number
employed 125,123. of whom 107,654 are
males, 6,752 arc boys under 13, and
2 437 arc girls. The largest tmnibcr of
establishment* are in the grocery busi
ness. Then cornea tailoring and cloth
ing, shot-making, meat business and ci
gars. American laborers prevail in
printing, binding, publishing, grocery,
dry goods, tailoring, hatdware, railway
and furniture establishments. Irish
men are more largoly represented in
ths tolling mills, foundries lumber
yards, box factories, etc.; German* in
distillery, cigar factories, confectionery,
bakery, iron and brae* establi
The inspectors find ne
iarta any of the
sumption ia
housewives, laborer*,
aijJ a ratlior - lose oecapo
Ijeth oh the gnllnw-.
Happiness Impossible.—Will llir.
thole I inance, minister*, iiplnd-ter*
i*, anil confectioners »f modem
iirope iitidci-inke, in joint-stock
•mp-iny, |u make one slmn-blark
appy, above an hour or t w-! For
tie shor-itlnek ha- a soul quite otli-
-r than lit* stomach ami .toold ru-
mlre God's infinite anirerse alto
gether to hi msrlf. Try him wit It
villi ball a universe, of an < >niui|>-
otence, besets to quarreling with
the proprietor of the other naif.
Secern'd o/ it.—Alwnv* th-re is
r black nn>t in our aiiuahitn-; it is
. lie Shadow of Ourselves.
.The silent men.—The noble silent
men scattered here anil there whom
no morning newspaper nmkc* men
tion of! They arc the suit of
earth, ▲country that hn- none or
feur of these is in’ a bad way—a for
cit that has no roots—all luruod in
to leave* and houghs—widen must
wither and lie no tot e*t.
Hero and Valet.—No man, it lias
toon said,'is hero to his own vale-,
but the fault Is ns likely lo bn the
itlct’a ns IIto hern's.
I Poacher and Poet.—Suppose that
-onto dining acquaintance of Sir
Thomas Lucy’s ami neighbor of
.lohn-a-Cotnbe'a Ini-1 snatched an
hour or two from the preservation
of his game ami written ns a lifo of
Shakspearc! What dissertations
should wc nol have bail, not on
“Hamlet”and the “Tempest," hnt
on the woal trade and deer stealing
and tho like vagrant laws; how the
poacher btcimcn player, nml h-»w
■'irThomaaaml Sir John Itad Chris,
tian bowels and did nol puali him to
People to be Afraid of.—For em
pire* or imlvidual*there is hut one
1* Wasn't a Xian.
Something overs year ago, says
:he Kansas City Journal, a young
married couple settled at Wyan
dotte, in a beautiful home. The
hii.liand’a business kepi him away
during the week, he'ty rHuru
ins-m Saturday night. They seem
ed lo enjoy each other’s society like
n!d Iriends, ami the young «iic up
piremly worshipped her hii-bau-L
A few weeks ago » young indy : r-
rivcil from tho E»t, ut intimate
trie—I of tho family, and spent much
of her time viai ing them.
’I he young lady, who may he
the | c *l 0,1 (slara, haa lately graduated
| from her studies, and at the age ol
! twenty at an accomplished mid in
teresting woman, full of life, and
seeing nothing but sunshine and
fun iu everything. On la-t Thurs
day sng railed on her friend early
in the day for an all-day’s visit.
The two were slono, and after re
citing incident! of school diiya, (f-r
they were room ma'os 'ogeihor.)
something of tlm oiil spirit tool-
posaesaioii of Clara, and aim started
on a tear. Ill the lied-rooiti hung n
new anil of clothes belonging to the
young hu*hand, and entering the
room and closing the door while
her friend wa* down stairs after
lunrh for hoih, Clara quickie dis
robed and a moment later strpjied
out in the pretence of her friend
“a lord of creation," dressed
throughout in gentleman's attire.
Her costume tilted her elegantly, i
. _ .
Ity some oversight of the public
printer, the followintr speech, made
si the last session hv a territorial
dele -.ale, was omitted from The
“Mr. Speaker: It will not aalnn-
i-li me to suu the gentlemen on the
other-ide attempt to tillibnster on
this question, but let me tell them
sir, that the people who sleep in
the glowing gush of the setting
.sun ere gazing with tlie glisteniag
nrhs on itic measures of the fate of
this measure. The people from the
real mny look disdainfully ft out be-
ncaili the rims of their zeuitli soar
ing plug hals upon the demand* of
the west, but the day haa omr.sir,
when the proud ileuirens of the
mountain passes that gave birth lo
the swelling waters of our rushing
rivers have come to know their
lights, and they have sent mo hen
n> maintain them. The brave pio
neer who, taking hi* lifo in one.
hand and American civilisation iu
the other, stepped forth Upon the
prairies to plant them both, reala
bis arms noon bi* gun and looks t*
you for action. The lonely Indian
stand* by his wigwam and defies
with threatening glances the gentle
men on the other side, Tho voice
of maidens comes over the plains,
mingling with the gras* that in
hales the fragrance or their breath,
and the prattle of children is caught
up by the blizzird amt wafted to
ward you, all joining in Ibe cry of
rage and indignation which tht op
ponents of this bill bare aroused.
Would you divide this nation?
Would you bare the swift Missouri
:i Seine, or would you make a Dan-
il-e ? Would you have it a Thames
would yoii have it a Rhine!
in the thunder
, . peaks of the glistening
au<5 ' Rockies, it pours its flood through
.eriilc prairies ami plantations
dike, cementing tbe grandest quar-
:cr—|-heres that ever conspired to
-(institute a hemisphere. Would
(••■it change its dr-tiny? Then tell
lie o<>o'ple of the west that you
-iio.l their pleas for justice to acorn,
nol ilia broad bosom of that
-Irenm will become the dividing
lino of your nation aud mine, ana
jtntis will crumble before Dm
march of civilization, instigated by
the life-giving freedom-breathing whom you are seeking
to crush. Already the east has de-
• tided licit the age pastes without
the deal. Alr> ady tne eaat baa pro-
laimcd (iiat s'raighta do not count, fixe d three of a kind as the
icatalmie two pair! But beware!
XleX'-nder, -if Macedonia, followed
lie vict-ry ioo far. and his defeat
at Farthcnia gave Troy to tho world
and paved the way to
risprudencr. Bo warn! The hordes
■if tlie-northwest nro settling to the
collar, and the glint of their rifles is
echoed back from the rock bound
hill that boro them.' Itnfuso this
measure, and you inject ruin
where nil is now pence. Yon blast
the prairie flowui- with hilling
breath and build a monument of
hones to the short-sighted policy
that (lerics the God-fearing fron-
licri-iuau the right v. liich the ole-
me nary principles of constitution
al government guaranteed him in
his i-irth. We do not aak much,
sir. Our demands are small, but
in tin: language of our common
scripture, rir. I tell the gentlemen
on the other ride, that until heaveu
Miirimt Hundred Xlllea Ae\
Muuntalna and .Plains by Pony
F.-em tbe SI Joseph ties*.
Ill IK'!I St. Joseph wns the Wc.«t-
vru icrmiuoi of railroad eommuni
calinn. Beyond the stage coach
the Mt-ldle-horse ami the ox-trains
wcn> the only means of commerce
and ■-omuiuiiirnfjon with the Rocky
Motin aitn and the i’acitic slope,
lit I lie winter of 18d0 there wj
Willi street lobby |nt Washington
frying to gel $.■>,000,000 for carrying
. . „ the mail* overland one vea# between
from cliurrh. stepped into a hole in j -New York and S.-tn Francisco. The
the road, and (vus thrown with such 1 proposition was extremely cheeky,
violence to the ground (hat her *nd William it. Russell, hacked by
arkaM- (’as- »r ttratlaz Re
purled from TIaInr.
The Csmdi-n ( Me ) Herald, of Inat
week, I'oulaiu* the following re
markable story ol' healing alleged
to be due t» prayer.. Mr. Henry K.
Thurston, »lu> vouches for ft, I* the
* ep-aoti of the Itidv who »> a* cured,
and is endorsed l-V the Rev. (,’. K.
IJbby a* a geollcman of elianicler
and good atnmlilig, and n tucaihcr
of the Free B.ipli-tt Church in Rock-
port: »
In tho Spr'ng of 1880, Sira. Sylvia
Thurston, while returning home
neat Idaek tie. made her appear
data of men-oVrenibio^L Vnd'that j K»ung man of more than
is tho stupid Class, the ela** who
and the silk hat and choice lincti i »<d earth pas- lionce, not one jot
shirt-front, with standing collar and “or even a title of the American
■aglc shall | as* away until yon
have adopted some nicaanro estab-
cannot sec, who nla-, arc mainly
tliose who will not sec.
Oossip.—Even gossip springing
free and clrery from a human
heart. This, ioo, is a kind of vorac
ity and apecr-i, much preferable to
pedantry and inane grav haze.
Quack and Dupe.—Quark anil
Jtt|ie are upper aide and under side
of llic aclf-sane substance. Turn
up your dupe into the pnqier ros
tering element ami lie tiim-oT can
licconie a quad.
A Randy.—A dandy is a clothes
wearing animal whose trade, office
and existence consist in the wearing
of clothes. Do tut look at him and
hoi* contented. May we not cry
■hemo on an mgratcful world
refuses this poor boon; which will
waste it* optic fatuity on dried cror
codilei and Siamse twins, and over
the domestic wonder of wonders—a
!hre dandy glancowith hasty indif
ference anu a starcely concealed
Good from Erie—The withered
leaf Is not dea l ant ln«i. Thcrcare
forces iu it anil ariund it, though
working in inver-u »■ der, ei*o how
could ft rot? Drqti-e not tbe rag
from which paper i* made, or thi
nner from which he earth makes
Tht Laughter of XTen.—Some men
ran everlaatingbarren simper;
lies a cold
ewest are able
To laugh what can Ik railed laugh
ing, but only finiff, titter andjmigger
* ~ 'ho throat outward*, or at
uco aomo wtiffling, busky
ton, as If they weie laogli-
througli wool. Of uono such
Writing is Ua:d Reading.
' lay of wriliig no great
■ter or will ever bo done
with diffiMilty. Is it
a man i*i!}ll do hi*
o? Kot so. Were
;itus ready writers?
fancy may • have
(lity; bu. nol until
' Itli inttnsity. It
Jta rapidly at fit
ready in do ft,
"had nothing sent
r; no pag* of hi*,
hnt be know 'well how it canto
there. It is reckoned to be the beat
prose aecordlnglv that lias been
written by any modern.
Poetry.—I’octry live* in a snow-
clad, sulphurous Icc-land, and not
in tunny, wine-growing France;
~ an arbitrary Eliza-
wit IT
with W
best in
ha had
waa f»r
Gootho tell* b
him iu ItisSaap'
- - ..
ordinary appeiraucc. Her hair,
like her eye* is black, and being
worn in -url*. was very foppishly
pushed bark like the young^man uf
the liermL The young wife appre
ciated the j >ke and Clara, assuming
the* role oi a book agent, took from
table a pictorial lilblo and com
menced to talk np a sale. A chair
; was placed by her friend, and in
' the vernacular of a book agent she
began a description of tne va-uab'e
wo k. Perhaps Clara had been
more than an ordinary observer of
book agents for the not only prov
ed to bo a number one aoliciutr. but
sho commenced making .love to the
roong wife. Pretty soon the book
agent’s arm eneircied the waist of
tbe young wife, her bead was
drawn onto Clara’s shoulder, and
when Clara was about to steal a
kiss open popped the door and in
walked tbe young husband.
All he saw was a beautiful, curly-
haired voung man hugging his
wife, ana a second later saw this
voung scoundrel rush into the bed
room and lock the door. “There,
by the Eternal II have caught yoa at
it. have I ?’’ said the loving hus
band, and the first move he made
wa* to rush to tho wall where bung
their marriage certificate, incased in
a beautiful frame. In an instant
that which proclaimed them man
and wife was burled on tbe carpet
and crash went the husband’? foot
through the glass. Before the as
tonished young wife could rush
into her huahand a arras or offer
■me word of explanation, he snatch
ed the certificate from tho mass of
broken glasa and stuffed it into the
fire. Then be tore around tho
room, accusing her of being uu-
failliful, and bringing disgrace and
ruin upon his home and life, and
blasting his prospects for tbe fu
ture. Uy this time he had worked
himself up to the neeea*arv pitch,
and rushed to the bed-room to re
duce tbe curly haired cuss to mince
meat. Just at he reached tbe door
and opened it, out rushe't the
frightened Clara, hastily fsbsd iu
tho apparel of her scx,'and ,-ped out
of the house and for her home.
Mono may ever knots how or when
the ’
own clothes lying on the floor,
a beautiful young lady flee ng from
tliem, nor of thei-ccnc winch follow
ed bfftw*!'! himself aud his abused
,, Ge!!r7e° U Pbmp , n. 'taVhi!
mte* and in prison; Wash-
ii-lii ig a branch wood-yard at the
•nontli of Catfish creek.’’
mu mav ever Know now or »ucu r. i.. s j ns , K a .
rn clothes lying on the floor, and JKESEKT
rays; Mr.
i, who ran for Coa-
Radiral candidate
: General Cook, has secured
a place, tbroogh the influ-
) of Mr. Speer, and lie has sev-
*!* on hand to pro-
Some few years since, ui the coun
ty of Penobscot, there lived a man
by the name of lianre, whose great
est ple-is no wa* in tormenting oth
ers. His own family were gener
ally the hull of hi* sport. One cold
and blustering night lie retired to
bed atau early hour, his wife being
absent at a nciglib o V Some time
after she returned. On fi-.ding tbe
do Jr dosed, she demanded admit-
tan- c.
“Who are youVcried Mr. Hance.
“You know who 1 am. Let me
in; it's very cold.”
“Begone, you strolling vagabond!
I want notliiog of you here.”
“Bat 1 must come iu.”
“What is your name?”
“Yon know iny name. I: is Mrs.
“Begone! Mrs. Hance is a very
likely woman. Sho never keeps
sneb late hours as this.”
“If- yon don’t let me in I will
drown myself in the well,” Mrs. H.
“Do. if you please,” ho replied.
She then to -k a log, plunged it
info the well, and returned to the
side of the door. Mr. li M hearing
the uui«e, rushed from the house to
rare, a* lie supposed, his drowning
wife. She at the same time slipped
in. an 1 closed the door after her.
Mr. II., almost naked, in turn de
manded admittance.
•*Wh i arc von ?” sho demanded.
“You kun.v who I am. Let me
in, or I shat! freeze.”
“Ih-gonc, you lhicri*h rogue! I
want nothing of yon here.”
“But I must I come tn.’’
“What I* your name?”
“You know my name. It ia Mr.
“Mr. Hance is a very likely man.
Uc don’t keep such lato hours.”
Suffice ft to say that Mr*. II, a fr
ter keepiug Mr. II. in the cold until
she was satisfied, opened the door
aud let him iu.
‘Boycotting” promises to become
a weapon of nnnivermal ’adaption
been introduced into
mnr, There i* a f*.
always c( nt tains a
gilded youth. The
<!e police in
be a d’
of 650
back was scrm-lv Injured and the
h-inos of her ankle and foot were
wrenched out of joint. The injury
sustained hr the find waa so gren'l
that ft was almost iui|io«*ih!e to re
place tho bones inativ*kiud of posi
tion. For two month*she suffered
intensely from a fever brought on
by the injuries to her back, and it
was throe months before ,lic could
aitnp. But when she had recover
ed from the fever she wns unable to
walk tare by the aid of crutche*.
The broken leg was useless anil
uerer ceased lo psiu her. It was
swollen from the lues to the knee
and waa colored a dark purple. The
circulation wa* alnio-t stopped, and
the leg and foot InTaine cold. The
f-iot was bent out of position so that
only the toes touched the floor. Tla-
fainily physician exhausted his akill
upon it, and after several month*
ret*“d to doctor it, believing that
only a higher power could heal it
Instead of medicine lie resorted to
prayer. At last Mr*. Thurston her
self ceased lo work ti ith it, and she
Mo commenced to prar for ft* re
storation. One doctor said ft must
b- cut off or it would mortify, or
eU“ wither away and die. If the
limb wa* cut off iic dcrired to pur
chase it for scientific purpose*.
About tliia time alie was taken nick
with “iphtlieria. ami her step-son
came from Rockland to to take care
of her. One day he wa* telling her of
a lame man down En*t who was
healed l>v the prayer* of Fred Mc-
Kenny, evangelist from Portland.
Both determined at once to pray for
the restoration of the impotent
imb, and both kont their determi
nation. That night the foot wns so
had that even tho drawing of n
sheet over it gnvc her intense psiu.
In the morning tho foot, anklo and
log were iu all things like tho other
and a* strong. Several hours af
terwards, n* her son went to her
bedside to give her the medicine,
■he thought flashed upon him: If
God healed the foot can ito not also
euro her of this disease ? So he did
not give her the medicine, hut went
and kneeled down at n sofa in.front
of her bed and there silently pray
ed : “Oh Lord! make her" every
whit whole.” Immediately his
mother, though looking et him
when ho knelt, dropped off to sleep
and dreamed that the room was full
of ponple,all exclaiming: “You are
made every whif whole.” In a
abort timo she awoke, and, in at
tempting to tell her drcain found
that she waa indeed every whit
whole. That morning she rose up
and drtoaed bene f, and on tho fol
lowing Sabbath attended church.
Hunky F.
Training ol Dnnghtern.
Perhaps one of the most lament
able errors of the present day is tho
manner in which girls aro trained.
While proud ami happy parents aro
desirons that their daughters bo ac
complished iu music, drawing,
painting, and tho languages, they
seem totally to ignore the most nec
essary art ot housekeeping and
homo mnking, or imagine the
knowledge of such to bu degrading.
We know of no more pitiable object
than a young wife, placed at the
hoed of her husband’s home, utter
ly ignorant of Iter duties as its mis
tress. Trials, well calculated to
make her life miserable, await her,
and many of the unuappy marriage*
of which wo know anu hear, have
their origin in just each causes; for
while men are loving and indulgent
they are selfish, and but Tew have
sufficient self-denial to bear patient
ly the mistakes that interfere so ma
terially with their comforts.
A girl who baa been raised in a
well-regulated and orderly house
hold, cannot understand the misfor
tunes of such wives as we speak, it
is not only a knowledge of house
keeping which is so essential to the
well-being of a family, but it is
equally necessary to bo thoroughly
acquainted with tbe art of home-
It don not do far tht wife and
mother to limit her efforts to tho
wants only—physical, mental and
moral—of the family; she must un
derstand how to keep her house
rlean and orderly; when and by
what mcatis her house became filled
with impure air. She must know
what kinds of food are easiest di
gested, which kind are nutritous.
This, of conrse, demands some
knowledge of philosophy and chem
istry. Then, too, she must under
stand tmw to make clothing suitable
for wittier and anmnier. In short,
a good wife and mother must be
familiar with the science of health
and the laws of hygine.
Many person* imagine that money
ill do away with all theso trials
and inconveuienoes. Till* Is all a
mistake. Money will not work; ft
only pars for having it doue, and
when the mistress it ignorant and
incapable, much cannot bo expected
from the servant*. We have teen
well trained, competent housekeep
ers take an indifferent cook or laun
dress. and by patience, and occa
sional directien ol affairs, have the
work satisfactorily done; whilo on
the other hand, we have known Ig
norant and inexperienced mistresses
to utterly fall in lrnving anything
a comfort in her household when
employing a good servant, for everv
establishment must have a good
Secretary of War Floyd. rc*olveil
i<> give the lobby a cold shower
liatli. lie tlicrcfiiVa -oflercd to In-
&IUU.OOU that lie could put ou a mail
line rroih Sacramento to Si. Joseph
that should make tho dUtnnce—
1,930 mile*—infteti (iays.J 3 Thc bet
wa* taken mid tlie 8th of April fixed
upon ax tlie day for starting. Mr.
Russell railed upon his partner ami
general manager of business upon
i’te plain*, Mr. A. B. Miller, now a
citizen of Deuvcr, and stated what
lie hail done, and asked if he could
I erfo: in the feat. Miller replied
* Y- s, sir; I will do ft, and do it by
p-.ny express.” To accomplish thi*
Mr. Miller purchased 300 of the
fleetest hor-e* lie could find in the
IVest, amt employed 125 men
Eighty ot there nu-u were to be post
rider*. These he selected with ref
erence in their light weight and their
known daring ami courage. It was
very cs-ential that the lior*cs shounl
be loaded as light as possible; there
fare the lighter the tnnu the better.
It was nccosiry that some portions
uf the route should run at the rate
of twenty miles an hour. The hor-
*ea were stationed from ten to twen
ty mile* apart, nml each rider
uould be i-i-qu-rcd to ride sixty
miles. For tho change of animal's
mid the shifting of the mails two
minutes, were allowed. Where
there were no stage stations at
proper distances tents sufficient to
hold one man nml two horses were
provided. Indiana would some
time* give chase, but their cayusc
ponies made hilt sorry show in their
cbnsc after Miller’* thoroughbred*,
many of which could make a siugle
mile in n infinite and fifty seconds.
All arrangements being complet
ed,* signal gun on the sicamcr at
Sacramento proclaimed the merid
ian of April 8, 18fi0—the hour for
a arting—when Border Ruffian, Mr.
Miller’* privnte saddle-horse, with
Billy Baker in llic saddle, bounded
• way toward the loothillx of the
sierra Nevada*, and made his ride
-•f twenty miles in forty minutes.
The snows were deep in the moun
tains, amt one ridCr wns lost for
several hours in a snow storm; and
and after Hie Sail Lnko Valley was
reached additional speed bccdnio
necessary to roach St. Joseph on
lime. From thcro on all went woll
until tho i’latta was lobe crossed at
Julcsburg. Tho rivur was up and
mulling rapidly, but tho rider
plunged, his horse into tho flood
■inly, how ever, to ntiro in the quick
Hand and drown. The courier sue
(■ceded in reaching the shore with
Ids mall bag iu hand, and traveled
leu miles on foot to reach tho next
relay. Joliu Fry, a popular rider
of his day, was lo make the finish.
Ilo had sixty miles to ride, with
six horses to do ft. When tlm last
courier arrived at the sixty mile
post out from St. Joseph, ho was one
hour behind time. A heavy rain
had set in and the roads were slip
pery. Two hundred thousand dol
lars might turn upon a single min
ute. Fry had just thirty-live min
utes in which to win. This waa
the finish of the longest race, for the
largest stakes ever run iu America.
When the time for hi* arrival was
nearly up, at least five thousand
people stood upon the river bank
with eye* torned towards the woods
from which the horse and its rider
should emerge into the open coun
try. in tbe rear of Elwood—one
mile from the finish. Tick, tick,
went thousands of watches! The
time waa uearly op! But seven min
utes remained! Hark! asbontgoes
up from tbe assembled multitude,
“He comes! he comes!” The noble
little mare, Sylph, tbe daughter of
Little Arrow, darts like an arrow
from tbe bow and makes the ran
of tbe last mile in one minute and
fifty seconds—landing upon the fer
ry boat with five minutes and a frac
tion to spare.
No Letter tier Birth.
Detroit Free Free*.
A man from Branch connty, this
State, being in Chester 1% soon
after a Fost Office waa established,
went op to tlie shanty t ne day with
intent to inquire for mail mutter. A
mail from Missouri was just ahead
of him, and inquired if there was
aqy letter thcro for Zacbariah
“Be yon the fellor?” queried tho
“I am.”
“Oamcd Zacbariah, are ye?”
“Yes, sir.”'
“Too infernal long for this coun
try. You’d better chop ft in two.”
“I axed if there waa a letter here
for Zachariah Burch,” said tlie Mis
sourian, with a bad gleam in his
“And I heerd ye, and there ain’t
nothing of the tort here.”
“Kinder seems to tne there is.”
“Then I’m a liar.”
The pair looked at each other for
a minute, and then Burch remarked:
“Mebbe you are.
Uncle Sant’s official bopped ont of
the den aud went for Zachariah
Burch. It was a prettv oven match
for ten minute*, and then the post-
roaator got his favorite hold. Soon
zftcr that event Burch obssrved:
“Stranger, I reckon it ain’t no nse
prolonging this sorrowful affair.”
“I reckon not; but yo inquired
for a letter for Burch.”
“Anu ye give it to me purty strong
that such a letter had'arriv.”
“Yea, I did,’’ replied Burch, as he
felt of his left ear to tee what por-
’ * 'it* “but
hard in
I guess the
ri lias put
wl Let’s
-tithin’ to bring
Wholesalefi Retail Jerelers
Watch Manufacturers,
Fine Jewelry,
Solid Sliver,
Silver Plated Ware,
Bridal Presents,
Clocks, Bronzes,
Etc., Etc.
Send for oar Prieos beforo bn jins elsewhtrs.
34 Whitehall St.,
Ncnd for Catalogue and Pricra. nolT-ta
W ould snno'inco to the plmntets of Soathvest
Georgia that bo Is ropmentinf at Albany.
G»-, again this r*— 1
John Meriyman & Co’s
The above well known article has been mU In
rery section ofthetotton States where fertili
se" sr* owd.and iu lUndsrd is Maintained.
Price 480 lbs, middling eel Ion. ...
I>leo represent LOCK Wool/d COTTON GEOW-
EK- an excellent Phosphoric Add from Animal
imes Ammonia from Blood and i ««;»«-«.
Price 400 Ibe. uldlindg cotton. '
A. W. Turns.
Jniversal Favorite!
You will tad tas beta e4 FrrnM. of tfaa tan.
Aa a Putt Uh of
Doneord Wine and LiinrrsofaU dean
At Low Prices tbe best Cheese and
DrledBcef, Baltimore Sausage. Vf
**Z:XV™* Pja * nt Flour
wants of each amferery^e IMrietL
Sop* 10. USo-tmd
WAsnnGToy sututfr.
Latest Styles!
Good Work ! Perfect Fit and
Seasonable Priceg