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, J ° H1V Ht ‘ HO]D<GJ - Ei ®» P’ropr. DEMOTED TO plE INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CUILtURE.. $1.50 a Year in Advance.
NO.- 7-
Refused to Validate Ticket.
Evening Post, Charleston, S. C.
A case agaiust the Charleston
Joint Agency, which was referred
to Magistrate Levy this morning,
(Jan. 15, 1902,) established a
precedent relative to scalped tick
ets which the traveling public
would do well to heed. When
the purchaser of a straight ticket
attempts to dispose of it, and the
railroads spot the transaction and
confiscate the ticket, the original
purchaser has no redress and can
not force the authorities to sur
render his tickets.
W. D Kirk, a traveling man,
came to Charleston from New
York on a Pennsylvania ticket.
When he arrived here he deposit
ed his ticket with a scalper and
instructed him to sell it. The
broker sold the ticket, but when
the man who bought it appeared
at the Joint Agency to have it
validated, it was promptly held
up. The victim returned to the
broker and demanded the return
of his money. The broker sum
moned Mr. Kirk and told him the
story of the trade. Mr. Kirk re
funded the man who had failed
to hoodwink the vigilant officials
of the Agency, and then went
himself to the agency and de
manded that the ticket in ques
tion be restored to him on the
ground that lie was the original
purchaser and had not disposed
of it. He was informed that his
futile effort to sell the ticket
nullified his claims to it. It is a
rule of the Agency that a ticket
presented by anyone for valida
tion other than the original pur
chaser, shall be confiscated. Mr.
Kirk did not present his ticket
for validation in person and the
Agency officials got next to him.
When the Agency declined to
surrender the ticket to Mr. Kirk,
ho procured a warrant for the ar
rest of the officials, charging
them with the larceny of a ticket
Magistrate Levy dismissed the
case after hearing the complain
ant’s statement,- not even deom
ing it necessary to take the evi
dence which the Agency was pre
pared to offer.
Her Collar Aids The Doctor.
The Pressure For Pensions.
Macon Telegrepli. 1 Savannah News.
“Yes, I know. Another cold,” An interesting question is that
said the doctor. “I do not know relating to pensions. We do not
what medical men would do if it refer to pensions for soldiers in
were not for you women.” j past wars and their widows, but
And he turned to the creature. to the pensions that are beiing
furs and wraps, smiled one of granted to persons in civil life,
his appreciative 3miles and con-, Those holding government offices
tinued: under civil service rules want a
“Remove your boa, please. Do! pension system adopted. Of
you realaize that the high collars! course there is not a general
that women wear around their J movement in that direction, bub
necks are responsible for nearly j tnere are indications that the
all the colds that \ r our sex gets?
It is so.
“Winter and summer alike you
will insist upon wrapping tip your
delicate necks in high silk, velvet,
cloth, linen or chiffon covering.
If it be not this way, it is a yard
or more of ribbon tightly drawn
about the neck and naturally the
neck gets tender and over-seusi-
tive from the fancy bandages and
swathing that are forever about
it. With the first draught there
is a cough.
My advice to you as friend
and physician is to go straight
home, and when you cure this
cold throw away you ribbons and
other neck traps. Leave the
neck bare. Never mind what the
other women do.
“You will find your health
much improved if you give your
neck a chance to get acquainted
with the natural order of things.
My advice does not apply to you
Fanning That is Farming.
It will take 176 votes in con
vention to nominate a candidate
for governor of Georgia, that he
ing a majority of the total vote
With only two candidates in the
race one of them would necessari
ly be nominated on the first bal
lot, but with three and perhaps
four candidates, all good men, the
problem how to get 176 votes
preseuts difficulties that make it
absurd for any candidate to claim
that he is certain to be nomina
ted, or for his friends to claim it
for him. Nobody is going to'have
a walkover and the winner will
heave a great sigh of relief at the
finish.—Eatonton Messenger.
Mr. Wheeler GotRid Of His Rheu
“During the winter of 1898
was so lame in my joints, in fact
all ovei: my body, that I could
hardly hobble around, when
bought a bottle of Chamberlain’
Pain Balm. From the first ap
plication I began to get well, and
was cured and have worked stead
ily all the year.—R. Wheeler
Northwood, N. Y. For sale by all
dealers in Perry, Warren. & Lowe
It used to be that the people
left Havana in the summer if they
could afford it, in order to avoid
death by yellow fever. Last
summer the city was a delightful
place to live in, and there were
but thirty cases of yellow fever
They have some pretty large
farms in South Carolina. Think
of a steam plow running fifty-five
furrows at a time covering
breadth of forty feet. The best
record of such a plow is seventy-
five acres in four hours and forty-
five minutes, the circumference
of the field being five miles. In
order to set ourselves right with
possible doubters who have never
toyed with anything more preten
tious than a double-shovel or
cultivator, we may add that this
statement is not made on the
strength of personal observation.
The average capacity of the steam
plow is 110 acres a day, and it
takes the place of seventy mules.
The sjime engine of fifty horse
power drew a combined harvester
and thresher, which out, threshed
and sacked 1,000 acres of wheat
in\one day. We may add that
we were not present when this
was done. The daily allowance
of fuel for this engine is twelve
barrels of crude petroleum, The
farmer who owns it is not a Popu
list.—Americas Recorder.
The great beauty about Dr.
Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is in its
certainty to cure Constipation,
Indigestion, Sick Headache and
Stomach Trobles, Sold by drug
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by
those tireless, little workers—Dr
King’s New Life Pills. Millions
are always at work,night and day
curing Indigestion, Billiousness
Constipation, Sick Headache, and
all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe
sure. Only 25c at Holtzclaw’s
America leads in the matter of
women practicing medicine. The
first was Elizabeth Blackwell,who
graduated as physician in 1849
Three years later there were six
in Philadelphia. In 1889 there
were 8,000 women doctors in the
United States; in 1896 there were
4,555, and now there are probably
6,000, some of whom have a i^ry
lucrative practice.
When you lack energy, do not
relish your food, feel dull and
stupid after eating, all you need is
a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach
& Liver Tablets. They will make
you feel like a new man and give
you an appetite like a bear. For
sale by all dealers in Perry, War
ren & Lowe, Byron.
time is not distant when there
will be. Then there are school
teachers. They are already pen
sioned in some localities and also
firemen and policemen. When
the pension itch once gets to be
epidemic there is no telling what
limits it may reach before is is
It is worthy of notice that the
New York papers are beginiug to
complain of the police pension
burden in that city. It* amounts
now to more than $1,000,000 a
year. It was only a little while
ago that it was not more than
$250,000. It is said that there
are now 1,000 or more of the cit
y’s policemen in receipt of pen
sions. At the rate at which the
number is increasing it will not
be long before the pensioners will
greatly outnumber the active men
on the force.
It is a safe prediction that un
less there is a great change in
public sentiment the number of
pensioners in this country before
the present century is half gone
will be so large that the pension
charge will be one of the biggest
items in the budgets of cities,
counties, states and the nation.
It is the easiest thing in the
world to begin the pensioning of
incapables of any class of work
ers. At first only a few of of the
very deserving are pensioned
Gradually the list is increased un
til it includes about everybody
that can get on it by any possible
means. *
There is no more reason why
those who serve the city, or
the state, or the general govern
ment should be pensioned than
there is that those who are em
ployed by firms or corporations
should be. They get good sala
ries and if they do not choose to
put by a part of their earnings
for old age they ought to take the
consequences. The pension sys
tern is pregnant with evils and
promises to become extremely
Had To Conquer Or Die,
“I was just about gone,” writes
Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel
Springs, N. C., “I had Consump
tion so bad that the best doctors
said I could not live more than a
month, but I began to use Dr,
King’s New Discovery and was
wholly cured by seven bottles.and
am now stout and well.” It’s an
unrivaled life-saver in Consump
tion, Pneumonia, La Grippe and
Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs
Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup
or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed
bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial hot
ties free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore
A Russian naval surgeon at
Cached to the Baltic sea fleet, has
been experimenting with an ap
paratns for taking photograps of
the sea floor at any depth, and it
is reported with much .success
that reliable records of submarine
life may be reckoned among our
available sources of biological
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
F. C. Benson. : : : 408 3rd St. W. G. Middlebrooks.
Wish to announce to their many friends
and customers that they are through
with the repairs on their store and are
able to show
The Most Complete Line of Shoes
to be found anywhere. Call and in
spect our stock.
Make our Store Headquarters
While in Town.
W. F. Houser. : : : 408 3rd St. : : R, L. Fermenter.
Wedding Presents,
Holiday Presents,
Fancy Goods,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in splendid variety, Spectacles, Eye-
Glasses. Our line of goods is choice in style and quality, and
prices are right. '
Repair Work to suit all customers.
You may go farther and fare worse. Give us a Trial.
Bicycles, Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns, lhstols, etc. Hand
some Specialties, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools.
\ /
Repairing of Guns, Bicycles, Etc.
No matter how exacting he may be, our new
Suits will come up to his expectations. Our prices
range from
$7.50 to $25.00
and we feel assured that we can save you from
$2.50 to $5.00 on your suit.
-o-ssrxoir CLOTSIXaiTa- CO.
40 Third Street. M.ACOJN, G