Newspaper Page Text
Count Your Blessings.
All the best things in tliis world
ft re scattered with a lavish hand,
and we do not know how rich we
a re until we sit down to reckon
u p our treasures. The love of
parents, the affection of brothers
and sisters, the help of teachers,
the sympathy of friends, the com-
pai iouship of books, the gift of
children, the joys of home—all
these are given to all sorts and
conditions of men. If those you
love and who love you have been
spared to you another year, there
ought to be a thanksgiving season
in your home. What is any fail
ure in business or calamity in for
tune, or disappointment in ambi
tion, or weariness in labor, or in-
fimity in health, compared with
the loss of a- husband or wife or
child? Into many a home death
has come and a glory has vanish
ed from the earth. But even in
these homes there is reason for
thanksgiving, and the .sorrow
should not be that of those who
sorrow without hope. The prom
ise of the life eternul is ours and
ours the expectation of a glad re
Clerk’s Wise Suggestion.
“I have lately been much troub
led with dyspepsia, belching and
sour stomach,” writes M. S.
Mead, leading pharmacist of At
tleboro, Mass. “I could eat hard
ly anything without suffering
several hours. My clerk suggest
ed I try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
which I did with most happy re
sults. I have had no more troub
le and when one can go to eating
mince pi > cheese, candy and nuts
after such a time, their digestion
must be pretty gojfd, I endorse
Kodol Dvspeptia Cure heartily.
“You don’t have to diet. Eat all
the good food you want but don’t
overload the stomach. Kodol
Dys pepsin Cure digests your food.
Hull,/.claw’s Drugstore.
To keep skirts from wearing out
to quickly around the edge put on
a bias fold of lining,stitched with
many rows, to give it “body,” the
width varying from an inch and a
half to four inches.—February
Ladies’ Home Journal.
amb ENeydiopiot/
Over 10,600.
Facts and Figures
Containing Over 600 Pages
I^Special Features." j
Millionaires of the United States; Parti
culars About Three Thousand American
Magnates. Organized Labor; Strength of the
Labor Unions. The
Trusts. United States
Census. New Census
The Nicaragua Canal
and the May-Paunce-
fote Treaties With
Orest Britain. The Re
lations of Cuba With
the United Statos. The
Conference of Ameri
can Republics at the
City of Mexico. The
Anarchist Statistics
of This Country and
Europe. Progress of
Aerial Navigation In 1901. The New York
Municipal Election of 1901. Agriculture.
Manufactures, flortality.
Trapping a Witness.
A case was being tried in a
county court, 9ays the Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune. A horse had
been stolen from a field, and'the
evidence all pointed to a certain
doubtful character of the neigh
borhood as the culprit, Though
his guilt seemed clear,, he had
found a lawyer to undertake his
defence. At the trial the defend
ant’s counsel expended his energy
in trying to confuse and frighten
the opposing witnesses, especially
a farmer whose testimony was
particularly damaging. The law
yer kept up a fire of, questions,
asking many foolish ones, and re
peating himself again and again
in the hope of decoying the wit
ness into a contradiction.
“You say,” the lawyer went on,
“that you can swear to having
seen this man drive a horse past
your farm on the day in question?”
“I can,” replied tfte witness
wearily, for he had already an
swered the question a dozen times,
“What lime was this?”
“I told you it was about the
middle of the forenoon.”
“But I don’t want any ‘abouts*
or ‘middles.’ I want you to tell
the jury exactly the time.”
“Why,” said the farmer, “I
don’t always carry a gold watch
with me when I’m digging pota
“But you have a clock in the
house, haven’t you?”
“Well, what
•‘Why, by that clock it was
time was it by
just nineteen minutes past 10.”
“You were in the field all the
morning?” went on the lawyer,
smiling suggestively.
“I was.”
“.How far from the house is this
“About half a mile.”
“You swear, do you, that by
the clock in your house it was
just nineteen minutes past 10?”
The lawyer paused and looked
triumphantly at the jury. At last
he had entrapped the witness into
a contradictory statement that
would greatly weakeu his evi
The farmer leisurely picked up
his lilt and started to leave the
witness stand. Then, turning
slowly about, lie added :
“I ought, perhaps, to say that
too much reliance should not be
placed on that clock, ns it got out
-of gear about six months ago, and
it’s been nineteen minutes' past
10 ever since.”
Items Of Interest.
“This is a thankless world,”
says the Manayunk Philosopher,,
“The man who pays cash gets no
credit for it.”
Monte Carlo has a special cem
etery for gambling victims who
commit suicide. Since 1860 over
two thousand graves have been
dug there.
Uuder a regulation adopted by
the civil commission, every for
eigner entering the Philippines is
uow required to pay a per capita
tax of one dollar.
The woman’s building at the
Charleston expositian is a beauti
ful colonial mansion built 200
years ago and surrounded by gar
dens filled with old fashioned
Norway, Ireland and Spain
have more blind people in propor
tion to population than any other
European countries. Spain has
216 per 100,000; Norway, 208,and
Ireland ,111.
Minnesota is called the “bread
and butter state,” and rightly
too, for last year her mills turn
ed out 26,680,500 barrels of flour
and churned over sixty million
pounds of butter.
A tribe of peculiar people dwell
on the banks of the Purus,
South Africa. Men, women and
children are spotted, with brown
spots on a white skin. Their chief
article of diet is fish.
California lemons are driving
Sicily lemons out of the market,
it is claimed, because they pos
sess greater weight, juiceness and
citric acid, which latter sustains
their keeping qualities.
The Trans-Siberian railway
gives the cheapest rates in the
world. It is possible to buy an
emigrant’s ticket, covering 6,-
000 miles—nearly three weeks’
interest Asked For Uncle Sam.
Joe Ohl, writing to the Consti
tution from Washington under
date of February 8th, says:
Representative Lewis, of the
third district, today introduced a
bill to require national banks to
pay 2 per cent annual interest on
all goyernment deposits. Mr.
Lewis says he feels that the gov
ernment is as much entitled to
interest on its deposits as are oth
er depositors. The government
now has deposited in the national
banks throughout the country
$110,000,000, which has been the
average d'eposit for several years.
There is no doubt in Mr. Lewis’
mind that the republicans will
pass some additional very liberal
legislation affecting the banks,
and he feels that the banks which
are benefitted by this legislation
ought at least to pay this low rate
of interest on the government
money deposited with them. The
Georgia state depositories pay 2
per cent on all state money de
posited with them, and Mr. Lewis
can see no good reason why the
national banks should, not pay
similar interest.
WORLD Pulitzer Bldg., New York
The above described bock free at this
omce to every Home Journat, subscrib
er who pays $1.50 strictly in advance.
«TOB "A7€2%
Saved Him From Torture.
There is no more agonizing
trouble than piles. The constant
itching and burning make life in
tolerable. No position is com
fortable. The torture is unceas
ing. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve cures piles at once. For
skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises,
all kinds of wounds it is unequal
ed. J. S. Gerall, St. Paul, Ark.,
“From 1865 I suffered with
protruding, bleeding piles and
c i!;ivcl nothing to help me un
til 1 used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve. A few boxes completely
cured me. Beware of counter
feits. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore.
journey—for about $3.
In the coldest parts of Siberia a
rainbow may sometimes be seen
all day long in a cloudless sky.
It is supposed to be due to the
reflection of the sun on fine
particles of snow in the air.
There are four thousand Rus
sian in Kansas, a thousand
heads of families who do little
beyond raising wheat. They vote
in elections as one man, and at
tend strictly to their own busi
Dredging rivers in gold-bearing
countries for gold has become a
great industry, and dredges of
wonderful power and capacity are
being built to dredge 60 feet below
the water line and to reach 60 feet
above it, along tho banks.
An enormous capital is sunk in
the mineral water industry in
Great Britain. It is probably not
overestimating the figure to put it
' at £15,000,000, while the workers
employed will number not far
short of one hundred thousand.
The Russians count upou their
climate as one means of defense,
as it was when Nopoleon invaded
Russia. Their troops are accord
ingly trained in winter maneu
vers, including loading a battery,
with its war transport and mate
rial complete, upon sleighs ; mov
ing it for some distance over a, snow-covered country,
and bringing it into action again.
The Farmer’s Wife
is very careful about her churn.
She scalds it thoroughly after us
ing, and gives. it a sunbath tl
sweeten it. She knows that if
her churn is sour it will taint the
butter that is made in it. The
stomach is a churn. In the stom
ach and digestive and nutritive
tracts are performed processes
which are exactly akin to the
churning of butter. Is it not
apparent then that if this stom
ach churn is “sour” it sours all
which is put into it? The evil of
a foul stomach is not the bad
i n<
taste in the mouth and the
breath caused by it, but the cor
ruption of the pure current, of
blood and the dissemination of
disease throughout the body. Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov
ery makes the sour stomach sweet.
It does for the stomach what
washing and sun bath do for the
churn—absolutely removes every
tainting or corrupting element.
“Golden Medical Discovery” con
tains no alcohol, whisky or other
intoxicant and no narcotic,
^Vegetable PrepacaiLonlbr As
similating the Food andReg ula-
ting the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Hot‘N Ait c ©tic.
P*ntf>hn Stuvl ~
.tixJttnntt *
AtwAt/UMir -
jilitc Seerl -
CtoiifiM ,Yimr
tmlciijrfaffi. /7<mv;
A perfect Remedy forConsUpa-
Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
1 Verms Convulsions .Feverish
ness amt LOSS OF SlaEffiP.
Facsimile Signature of
IFor Infants and Children
The Kind You Havp
Thirty Years
Houston County Affaire
We strive to make the paper a welcome visitor to ever
household, thereby deserving patronage,
Subscription Price $1.50 a Year..
Liberal i eduction for cash one
year in advance. Subscribe now.
For HOLIDAYS and ail other days. Mail or
ders promptly filled,
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318 Second Street, MACON, CtA