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One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year ^
L \ J H
I * j '
Liihia Springs News-
VoL Xll\
A wedding of interest to many
and of t special interest to the
mutes of the state, was that of
Miss Inez Frasier, af Vienna, and
Mr. Howitt E. Morgrn, of this
place. The wedding to k place
at the home of the bride on the
evening of Dec. 27th. After a
short biidal trip the couple will
oe at home with the groom’s
parents, Mr and Mrs. J. 1. Mor
gan, Lithia Springs.
A reunion of the Turner fami
iy was entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Turner on Sunday
All the children were present to
gether for the first time in twen
ty-two years. They were Mr.
J. M. Turner of Greenville. Tex.,
Mr. Ben Turner of Mt, Vernon,
Mr. Peter Turner of Atlanta,
Mr. John Turner of Forreston.
Tex., Mr. Marcus Turner of this
place and Mrs. D. A. McDuffie of
East Point. Besides the child
ren present there were a number
f of grandchildren and friends.
^ Mr. and Mrs. Luke G. Garrett
of Austell, announce the birth
of a son on Jan 1st.
Mrs. H. H. Richardson spent a
part of the holidays at College
Mrs. G. A. Bass and daughter
have returned from a visit to
LUhonia and Clarkston.
Mrs. W. G. Maxwell is ou a
•Pleasant trip to Florida.
~ Mr arid Mrs E. H. Houseman
have returned from a short visit
to Jacksonville, Fla.
Misses Anna and Ellen Winn
spent a part of the holidays with
MS'Forrest Par :;,
and Mrs. J. P. Pharr spent
.X. Kastman with
Lerffy^i" , 'r..
M. Rut a-rford and
yisited Mr. and Mrs. H.
'trd at Beulah the last
those returning to
Ihools and colleges the
I the week were G 0.
Jnivtrsity of Georgia;
/atson,-Mackland; Mar
Eddie Morgan, Cave
Lstitute; Ernest House'
A. C.; Miiss Loitie
Dawson; Miss Lillian
Atlanta; Miss Pearl
ieh Shoals; MissjFran
Veil, G. N. I. C.
[.opened Tuesday with
rdenerand McLarty at
Mass Meeting.
'has/ been suggested to us
hat a general mass meeting be
at the Court House next
[Monday night immediately after
City Executive Committte
Bggijjjpg for t.he purpose of re
Organizing the Commercial Club
,nd discussing the importance of
i County Fair this year. These
ire two things that every citizen
should be interested in and we
■urgeeverybody to attend.
Family Reunion.
a &
There were some changes in
county officials Monday and the
new ones have taken charge of
the business.
The new ones am T. L. Pitt-
mon, Clerk of the Superior
Court and Ralph Morris, Tax col
lector, su iceeding F. M. W inn,
Jr„ and G. S. King, respectively ;
Judge J. H. McLarty, Ordinary;
J, W. James, Tax Reciever; W.
S. Ragan, Treasurer; A S. Bag
gett, Sheriff, and G. T. McLarty,
County [School Superintendent,
succeed toemselves and all enter
upon a four years term.
Rev S. T. Gilland preformed
the ceremony Su lday which
united Mr. Horace Baggett and
Miss Lilly Souter. The groom is
a son of Mr. Tom Baggett near
Winston, and the bride is a
daughter of Mr. Joe Souter near
Lithia Springs. The Sentinel
extends congratulations.
For Marshall
To the voters of Douglasville;
I am a candidate for Mar
shall subject to the City Prima
ry when called, and will greatly
appreciate your votes and influ
R. A- McGuoirk.
For City Clerk.
To the voters of Douglasville:
I hereby announce my candi
dacy for re-election to the office
of city clerk, subject to trie pri
mary when called. I will appre
ciate your support.
J. J. Freeman.
Professional Column
Attention to Surgery
and Diseases of women and childrt
Office in Hutcheson Building
Office Rhone No. 118-2
Residence l/hone No. 118-3 '
11. H. 2 , oolc C. V. Vans ant
hitn. & VAI>
durgery und Chronic Discusei
and Children
Withdrawal Card
After due consideration, I have
decided to withdraw my name as
a candidate for City Clerk.
1 wish to thank all my good
friends who promised me their
support, and to assure them that
it is appreciated as much as if
had made the race.
W. M. Alrnand.
Hopkins Complimented
By Georgia Odd
In a recent issue of the Geor
gia Odd Fellow, under the head
of; “What the Right Kind of
Work will Accomplish,’’ was the
Douglasville Lodge No. 1G2
has witl in the past three months
reinstated more than FIFTY
memcers. This splendid result
is largely due to the efforts of
their efficient, wide-aw ke Sec
retary, Dmther E. L. Hopkins.
TR6 value of a man like this to a
lodge and to a community is in
estimable. Common sense and
energy, reinforced with the prin
ciples of our Order, make a well
nigh irresistible force. This is
what Brother Hopkins uses in
his work. He sent us a few days
ago a list of sixteen subscribers
for The Georgia Odd Feilow.
For City Clerk.
To the voters of Douglasville,
After due consideration, I have
decided to maite the race for
city clerk. Subject to the pri
mary when cslletr. -r-rrave'nVea
here for thirty five years and
will ajji'reciate your help, and
d T assure you no on:
kgret having voted for me.
J. E. Phillips.
Muss Meeting.
A nrasi meeting of the voters
of Douglasville is hereby called
to meet ;t,i the Court House Mon
day ni>; 1 Jan. 8th. at 7 o’clock
for the purpose of electing a new
exe-.-ii i '.bcommittee ami fixing a
date Jo It he city primary.
J j*r, Duncan, Chahmaif
V T. Dfllce, Secy.
t;: -. ;■ Execulive Committee.
The new county comissioners,
A. S. Gresham, I. H. Willough
by, and S. L. Hembree met and
organized Tuesday.
Mr. Gresham was elected
chairman and Jndge McLarty
clerk. At this time we have
not learned whether Warden
Meadows and Mr. Hataway will
be retained but presume they
Double Wedding,
On Dec. 27th, ■ udge McL rty
preformed the ceremo y in a
double wedding, uniting in mar
riage Mr, Job Meadows and M ; ss
Mary Ethel Blankingship, also
Mr. R' S. Rutherford and Miss
Ruby Meadows.
All these are popular young
people of the Rulah community
and the Sentinel congratu ales
Christinas Party.
Office in Hutcheson Building.
Attorney at Law
Office in Court House.
Office over Sehnnii’s Drug Store.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Bartlett Building.
Phones—Residence No. 128 2;
No. 128-3.
B. McWhor-
nion Christ-
well as their
Mrs. Cora
For Marshall.
To tne Voters of Douglasville.
I announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the oftice of
Marshall, subject to the city pri
mal’. when called, I w ; ll appre
ciate your vote and influence.
J, E.D vis.
For City Clerk.
To the Voters of Douglasville.
After talking with a number
of friends, who pledged me their
support, I have decided to an
nounce myself a candidate for
the office of City Cleric, subject
to tiie pr.mary when ordered. I
have at all times, as clerk in the
Post Office, done ail 1 could to
accommodate and serve the pat
rons of the office, and now being
out of that place, I respectfully
ask your support in the coming
primary. I am an old Veteran,
and having no other business to
look after, can give my whole
time to the City, and I promise
if elected to do so, and I further
promise that those voting fen me
shall have no cause to regret it
Hope you will give my candidacy
due con-ideration then vote for
the man you think mostsuitable.
B. F. flagin.
Fot City Clerk.
To the voters of Douglasville.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for city clerk, subject
to the primary when called and
respectfully solicit your vote and
influence. If elected,
efficient ser.y iee 3&' 1 a*’
One of
- a prettiest parties of,
i was that given by-
will as both arel
efficient in their r c
The injunctions
brought by the ol;l|
and whic-i was
heard by J udge Bq
lanta Friday, was
agreement as wa.-l
junction against
between Winston anl
We suggest that aj
Western Georgia
held soon to di.-cussl
interest to the we.
We think the papers
Carrollton, Bowdeif
Buchanan, Bremen!
Rockmart, Dallas,,
and Vida Rica cm
ganizatiori ami h 1
semi meal meet
i Let’s hear fr m
, editors, with a -.-
time and place.
in ml
rt L>e
Master Ra ;er Ste
1 mse present were Masters
Henry and Ralph Abercn-mhia,
Ralph Morris, Under Stewart.
Roy Abercrombia Hugh Doris,
__ Joe McGouirk and Misses Ciiio-
Wieil <’ icistni-is is over axdjJjino Upshaw, Pauline Salman,
behove t^<* quietest one I ever|Sarah T'-eacp. Sarah Selma ti. {
seen, t-Uc.dy Du. t .. . 1 nobocy . Cbv.ys Dorrtt*.
Subscription 11 j
The following h
scrijitions sine-..- la;
Can -ey, Litfcia-'Fp- ir
Hudson, Villa Rica
son, Seattle, Washing
Dobbs. Atlanta; W
got diu. k i.ct 1 guess the reason
is nobooy hat. anything to drink
in our comi’.niny. Don't know
about other plact s.
M. Chestain and family of
Tyre, visited J. E. Camp and
family Saturday,
Miss Eura Stovall visited
Misses Bertha and Clara Daniel!
Saturday night and Sunday.
Misses Odessa McMichens
Clara Strickland visited Mrs.
Ellen Strickland a few days last
J. J. Hansard and family were near Villa Rica last
J. W. Danicil and wife visited
D. W. Daniel! and family Friday
There was prayer meeting at
G. W. Hembree’s Saturday
G. V. Layton, T. G. Hembree,
John Crayton, ErnmittErrington
and R. E. Fountain svent to
Doug'asville Friday.
Several from here attended
tiie land sale at the Pool Farm
j'. M. Kimble and wife visited
Grady Hembree and wife Satur
B, F. Kimble and family visit
ed Alford Reynolds and family
in Carrollton Saturday night and
B. L. Strickland and family
visited G- V. Layton and family
Saturday, ni ht.
W. H. Strickland and daughter
Miss Birdie, is visiting relatives
in our section,
F. J. Hembree and family vis
ited J. W. Kimble and wife Fri
day night.
The measles are getting well
scattered in our section.
Jit.ovall and wife yisitedi
Miff t
Luc lie
The child;', n em-’n drew a part
of a d’ss -cted heart, and matched
them to find partners to go to
the dining room to be .serve! >.j e .
with chocolate and wafers and ^ nl , ...
candy and oranges. - Patter
The evening was passed all too j asv ]•
quickly for the young people
with d'fferent gtmt.-s. Ail
seemed to have a good time and
when 9 o’cloc came they all I
went to the moovie for tin
of the evening.
Sale Postponed.
vt .e.
best bio
The auction sale of lots in th
colored addition which was to iimodiw*
have been Monday has been post - <)«<?»
polled til, Saturday on recount of t- ; . j.'c
. Bold
rain. | Takt>)
Colored people, wantingbufld•'
ing lots or white people wlu
want to build a -d rent to colore i 1 MsW|
people can get 31 me real bargians 1 . ° n ® _
Saturday. Buy lots at yqur own tiou
lm; about bl
Everybody that trj
gll coffees
t have ui