Newspaper Page Text
Fhe Fort Valley Leader
The Baptist Church.
The Pastor J M Long will re
turn the latter p^t of the week
and will be in bis pulpit Sunday
morning 11 a. m. He will speak
on Home reflection from a
vacr tion. A full attendance of
the congregation is desired, as
the pastor wishes to outline some
tiling for the future worK of the
church. He is anxious to have a
full attendance of his Sunday
school class. There will be no
evening service on account of
special services at Methodist
A certain married man. whom
-wtrwill call Mr Frank, went to
the noon passenger train to meet
a young lady who would visit (as
lie expressed it) his baby girl.
When the train came to a stand¬
still he was at the foot of the
steps, opposite the conductor,
and as they /alighted, he kissed
nine young ladies and girls with
S miles and greetings. When all
were on the ground he said,
a ^ 0 ung ladies, I came hereto
meet Miss Maggie Malone, of
Morgantown, which one of the
young ladies is her. 7) Neither of
them was Miss Maggie, and were
strangers to each other. Then
Mr Frank asked the young ladies
to excuse him and he smoie a
SIT) ile of mingled mirth and
disappointment and went home.
Dr Holmes Troutman left last
Tuesday for a 2 weeks’ visit to
relatives in Atlanta.!
It is true that it is early now to buy your dress
or suit for fall hut fall is coming* in fact it is
right here on us now. Sd we will soon have
to begin to think about what kind of dress or
suit we are going to buy.
We want to say just here that it has
been our aim in the past to carry a full
and complete line of Ladies suits,
of all kinds. And this is still our aim, only we are going to aim a little higher.
Our line of Merchandise will consist of all the latest creations for both men and
women. So you can rest assured of the fact that it will not be any trouble to
find just exactly the shade, style, and color that you are looking for.
Our Fa!! Goods are arriving daily. A large line of Fall Suits, Shoes and Hats
are already here and on display. Call and see them.
’0 f 9
Presbyterian Church
We have been highly favored in
having Rev J W Stokes of Dublin,
to preach for more than a week
in our series of meetings, for all
who have heard him have been
benefited by his good scriptual
Our meeting will continue
through this week, having service
each .day at 4 and 7:45 p. m.
except Saturday-*
There will be preaching Sun¬
day a. m and p. m-, when those
will be received who have signi
fied ^heir willingness to unite
with our church.
w. o. s.
A Menace to Health.
Something should be done
about the ditch on Macon avenue.
The mosquitoes are something
fearful. Day and night people
are receiving ‘hyperdermics of
malaria. It is not the back yards
but the condition of the ditch
which makes sickness in tiiat
Clean it out.
A Dweller bv the Ditch.
One Mathushek Upright Piano.
Will sell at bargain on easy terms.
For full information apply at
Leader office.
Go to Miona Springs
special weekly rates till Oc
ober $7.00 per week.
«. ftrty Spends
at Miona Springs
Major Clarence Withoft,
nel Bonnie McCarty, Quarter^
master Rob’t Reynolds
Lieutenant Johnny Hinton
joyed the lavishing beauty
Miona Springs Sunday. The
ty made the trip in the
master’s 19cylinder touring
The only incident
which had a tendency to
the atmospheric condition of
day was the frequent advice
given the “clm/fer” by the party
Failing to disturb the party “chuffer’s
equilibrium, the resigned
themselves to the comforts of
the near-cigars arrival and the near-jokes Springs. until
Miona was never seen to better
advantage than on Sunday. The
wonderful natural beauties of
the Springs together with have the
many improvements which
been made by the proprietors
make the Springs one of the most
popular resorts of Georgia. The
eight mineral springs contain four kinds
of water, which has me¬
dicinal qualities unequalled any¬
where. The hotel cuisine is ex¬
which cellent- The cordial hospitality
Messers Kendrick and
Shepard extend to all visitors at
the Springs makes the enjoyment
of a visit there complete. Sev¬
eral families are spending the
summer at the hotel and in cot¬
tages. Various forms of amuse¬
ments are provided for guests.
Late Sunday afternoon the
auto party returned home with
pleasant memories of fried chick¬
en, good water, music, and last,
(but by no means least) those
pretty girls they met.
Tha largest and best Selected Line of Furniture, Car
pets, Rugs, and Mattings ever, shown in Middle Georgia.
We will take pleasure in showing you through
our stock even if you do not wish to buy anything at
all SPECIAL ATTENTION To OuriOMTown Customers.
Miss Claudia Plant of Marshall
vine is the guest of Miss Arlio
Winslow this week.
Mr Hyram Hargroves and
daughter of Marshallville was in
town Monday.
Miss Nora Rountree is agent
for Uncle Remus Magazine. She
will be thankful for any sub¬
scription she can get.
Mr and Mrs A BGreene spent
several days this week with Mr
and Mrs Leighton Shepard at
Miss Mary Lee Knight of
Marshallville spent this week
with Mrs Nat Baldwin.
Mrs 0 M Houser and sons left
Monday for quite an extended
Mrs Groggin Chambers and
Miss Williams have i-eturnedto
Gainesville after a delightful visit
1 o Fort Valley and Marshallville.
- NO. 28
346 to 352 Poplar Street
Your money is as good as any¬
body’s. You are entitled to the
best that the market affords when
you spend it. That’s the reason
why you should come to see us
when you are in the market for
Buggies, Wagons or Harness.
Go to Miona Springs
special weekly rates till Oc¬
tober $7.00 per week.
Mr and Airs Walter Clark of
Walden visited Mr and Mrs Jim
Everett Sunday.