The weekly banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1900-1901, November 07, 1900, Image 3

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    Items Ijoca!
and Personal
They sat beside the evening fire,
He scanned lire papers o’er,
Sh? said, “My dear, I think we need
Hew car net on the floor.”
‘ Well, here is just the thing you want,
This man is advertising
A line of carpets fresh and new
i At prices quite surprisng.”
They talked curtains, blinds and rugs,
.and every ad read through,
And liras remembered many things
Which they would fain renew.
Next day they took a trip to town,
And as may be surmised,
They purchased ail their furnishings
From raea who advertise.
Mr. A, L, Dabney and fam¬
ily were guests of relatives at
Ingleside last Sunday.
Uncle Mart Ewing, of Au¬
gusta, spent several days in j
Conyers j this week on busi
nos a, 1
Sirs. R, I). Hewlett and !
mother Mrs. J 110 . IT Almand!
spent Monday hopping in j
Mr, W. V. Almand was with
his son at Social Circle last
No oth-r pilKc.m equal DeWitt’s Lit¬
tle Early Risers for promptness, certain¬
ty and efficiency. Gailey Dray Go.
Thos. Harwell was up from
Covington last Sunday,
Floyd Blanket was in At¬
lanta Sunday with friends.
Mrs. T . A. Elliott and Mrs
O. L. Cunnard were guests
of their mother at Monti cello
several days this week,
■ Brn HI f ! Ui m s u m : W ■J 1 - / *% W, -'■•Af-v fl I A..... I ■
I ■ m “ U \ f
■A ■ PC: fib a G d3. I S& $• s* m :
<?r vi t jsfe G49 ■ l p j -=*• » f m
* 1 1 I Iff- •» J m \ ( r-
i sr‘A fe jir h ! i i Mi P If & 5 l g. fe if a® W ▼ W m i l 81 . : 5 u m
i W$ 1 A- MM wja ~JL §i f v •P 6 : J iZlf-'VlSnJ'Si
fj i « ‘ 5 IMM Mi OI erecl by vT y-’.-'G:, JAiLair dry go CUE COMP AN i r .
On The Poor Man’s Bankrupt
Law, And Other Laws.
Why can’t the Georgia law
makers pass a poor man's bank¬
rupt law,? similar to our National
bankrupt law. Not so much red
tape and cheaper.
This is a so called government,
of the people, and for the people—
Thun why can’t George Chand
ler or. George Laroiscn, get the
benefits of a bankrupt law as well
Jesse W. Jopes or J,H. Almand.
VVe allow a poor debtor a pom
poas oath in a justice court, so as
to enable him. to carry his cause to
a higher court free from cost . Why
can t we allow him the same prjv
ilege in a bankrupt court.
Why can’t the noor man ’ settle
his debts, in a bankrupt court, as
well as a rich man?
I don’t think it honest or right
for any man to pay debts'in any
each a way. “Pay that thou
owest! Owe no man anything.
gi says the “goofe”. But if yon
permit one man to settle his debts
6 rendering aa hoac-st
of kis assets -:.u:'-. debts, don’t make
thr. . or mil so int-i 'dllo ••
ly. that a poor man can't tot tn
benefit of it- too .
It ia the poor mans vote
el-ct our legislature, and they
meet to make insfc laws for tlio
people, the wheb- people. If they
fimuipass such laws, don’t cu»fi
thcru—cuss your solf for being a
fool for voting for, and sending "
such men to the legislature,
Glass legislation has been run
in this country until! a man, boy,
Ionian can't even shoot at a squir
rel . a ting his c-- u in his own field
ty the road. Y- u can’t go
6 man's field without his
i/ :iYe your laundry with me at
Co!lie Irwin’s repair shop, hist’a
Iwve C. B. H,kW 8 Btoi-e an ,l get
first-clas work..
Bring me your photo aud have
a reproduction made on a scarf
pin, cull buttons, breast pi ns or a
in medallian. See me. All work
guaranteed to please.
lt oy Elliott.
EOS i—A pair of steel spectacles
N C °"T, la6t Mouday -
nuaer will please return same to
this office
Wo will appreciate it if you will
bring us a load of good pine wood
on subscription . We have run out.
The best method of cleansing the liver
is the use of the famous little pills known
as DeWitt’s Little Early risers. Easy to
take, Never gripe, Gailey Drug Col
Just received a handsome Hue of
new Dross goods at C. B. Hudsons’.
Miss Lula Estes was the guest of
Miss Verna Jones Mouday . She
left Tuesday for Atlanta .
Lost a pair of Steel p etacles
m rs last 5^ T lie
finder will pirns - return. same to
tIlis oltlc '•
m* r-- ■ is Ulan V friends " hero will
be interested t to know i that
Fr-vd Thompson has secured
b osI ‘ ion with the Ga * R ' R
Torturing skm empiions, h.xrues and
sees aye soothed at once and promptly
heat d by applying he Wilt’s Witch Ha¬
zel Salve, the best known care jor piles,
Beware bx worthless counterfeits. Gailey
Drug Co.
Mr, Jas. S. Weatherford, of
White House, gave us a pleas
ant call last Monday.
Misses Berta Anderson and
Eva Stephenson, two of Cov¬
ington’s fairest daughters
spent Sunday in Conyers the
guest of Miss ITettie Stephen
Tou, h wever much it may save
you. You cuu,t sell your seed
cotton after dark. You can’t onr
ry a pistol concealed, no time, and
yon can’t carry it exposed to
church, court and public gat-her
ffi-;. In spirit, their laws may be
right, but they take the right of
the individual away, aud leave
him at the mercy of the lawless
element of the country.
I see the legislature fanatics has
gone to fooling with the whiskey
quo, don again. Why not let fo
cal option alone? it gives
court the right to attend fo its
.ivvn business—why not let
count it s business alone, If you
don’t want, whiskey ehiped out of
Atlanta into Rockdale, just pass a
knv, prohibit public carriers from
currying and y< u stop it J nfti in
all the right you have in it.
mne of your business what Athan
Tu, dc.v so it don T-bother you. '
Bin the average legislator, like
the average Grand juror, feels his
importance, and if hi can’t
anything else, he can and does
pH}' iue ‘eel ox Knave.
Bui I Don’t want to be like the
preach rwhot. ok hm text;
.y, G; and secomily, be
never i'o ml it. i .was on tin- poor
Sugisiaturo miv
;: CrfS IO pftFS SliCil a
law? If they don’t will you poor
men befool enough to vote for
any '.-ne of ihei i again.'' ;. . '-‘- ,
y-w v, be ought to quit y -•
:£i to cater to the rich
or j P- ’t owe a dollar
no man women or corporation,
.So you see I am not trying to get
some body to mop turn while I
ffi'ind tny axe. I j have no axe
o"n, • But I do hate to sfee *'>on> ;
-nun ror the other fellov,
his axe; to their own hurt
But I have saic^ enougn ui
\| r j\^ r p Street’s add on
lae „ r ,on , ,a of , Uu* .
M ^ ' paper
! 1S aIi ri ght. Head it.
[ Mr. 0. 0 . Wallis, of Jersey, has
been at work this week on Mr. W.
T. Stewartss store,
i After several days pleasantly
speijt here with Mrs. D. W. a 1
i maud, Miss Sail •-.& Jackson has re
; turned to her home at
j [immediate the only harmless results. remedy It is insalliable thiflbproduces
■ eoughe. for
colds, croup and all' throat aud
lung troubles. It will prevent
tiou. Gailey Drug Go.
Mr. Bud Almand returned home
with his family from Alabama
Tuesday. They have been in At -
a bam a lor several months past. Mr
Almand being in business there
Miss Com Smith, of .-.tlanfca, is with
lier parents her tins week.
Bevl Mr, Graham, of Macon, preach¬
ed to very interesting and impressive
sermons at; The Baptist church here last
Sunday morning and evediug. It is
j I very probable that he will be called to
serve tJie chnrch at this Pace¬
■ I: is well know Prat Do
1 1 to Witt's Witch
cAu ,-e wiii h< .. t>urn and atopthe
j pain at once. It-will cure eczema and
; skin di?eases and a. Jy wounds aud sores.
[it 1 6 its is a certain bo oifme cure for piles, See Couuter- that
may i juu. you
get the original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
salvo. Gaum Drug Co.
i Our advertisers have a line lot of
1 goods and they are offering them
! t ) the people very ckoav.
1 This is the season when mothers are
alarmed on accoun, of croup. It is quick
ly cared, by One Minute Cough Cure,
which children like to take,-Gailey Drug
q 0 .
Hale, — it has pleased our
heavenly Father, in his all¬
wise providence, to call from
our midst a beloved sister and
co-laborer, Mrs, J. N. Hale.
She was a consecrated Chris¬
tian, show! .g in her life the
kindness, gentleness, J and
i more attention was paid to it.
Made 5 Qut of-3.
A farmer brought a hale of cot
ton to Marietta T hureday and it
weighed over 300 pounds. It was
so marked by the buyer, Mr. Fow¬
ler, on cotton check. The three
had the resemblance of a figure 5,
t and the cashier asked the farmer if
it was a 5 or 8 . He said a five,
although he knew better. He
{nocketed ^^ over $17.00 that be ought
hav „ had , nd jer% Now
j whererbouts ia to be ascer .
taiueJ. Ke gave his name as J.
i j B. Smith . No ginnor’s marks on
I the bale.—Journal.
Death- of Mi. Crawford.
Uncle Jimmie Crawford, aged
j miles about South 80, died of Conyers at his last home Thurs
j j evening about 7 o’clock. He
\ had been Hck fur two or thro
had two congest ivo chills
• . v! ul for the pa-.b week his physician
and family look m upon jiis condi
tion as altogether d i : tful.
IIjs death brings sadness ft
h ii B-URtlvC ukI tneaurf who
jiim f‘;r his kind am j
The inrarmc.-t-occtm-ed at
{-:t rraveyard Friday evening.
extend sympathy. .
.Nervic.v" ar b ,.ng protraca- i
;;t the Prcsbyteian church this
week by the pastor, Rev. J W
Cotton i a do ’ all out
m I m Cl T:< ft n ti V N .; 't s fi f ,<*- r- I *.-• ' i -
»/ _ * i v r, Si i.. ijiuia il. *» «« u •jtM k*%* : y ■ S
trueness :aw pht by the divine
M ;f" r si - *7*
willing to make sacrifices for
the comfort and enjoyment ot
those about her , and especial¬
ly was she noted for her ten*
der affection towards her
family and her self-sacrificing
to tiioii' wants. We
deplore the loss of this belov
•* take eomfort in
the faith thf t 'our loss is her
, h A . endurm
eternal t ; -: »' - g
with greatest patience an ill
ueS!s °i Sevetal months, sue
Iftssed to her reward on the
peaceful Bab bath morning of
Sept. 30, 1900.
Ids if therefore
Resolved, 1 , That we bow in
humble submission to the will
of Ilia who 'knoweth best’ and
‘doeth all things well’.
Resolved, 2 . That the Wo¬
v, : ■ • V:' .- und Aid 8 )
| Oiet" . i io L rj c its
1 ■ Oi
i ll in- u members and a zeal¬ 1
ous worker in the
Resolved, 3 IT tender i
svmpatk, 'to the
Resolved, 4. That these res¬
olutions be placed on the Set -
rotary Is book, a copy be sent
the, family of the deceased,
and also that copies bo fur¬
nished the Index and county
papers for publication.
Adopt- d by the Woman’s
Missionary and Aid Society
on Nov. 5, 1900.
) Mrs. I. G. Wai.ker.
Committee , M$s. M. C. Summers.
\ Miss Minnie Smith.
* 1 ) u : - -J .eU'"" W y! il 4 l; - C & I MSI S’?* -.
1 i_ ■
“Qj | ‘A • | n TV ■'Nas>' "C r * V
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JTi READ THE f w ayamij ■ r 1*1 -
j j - j_ V S } a I V*.. *
j kBKfBVl 1 '"r.W' nr r~ — :, : TT NEWS AND v - . | 'Vj
j 4 3 \
■■-UBSOILBE |----- j OR THIS PAPER AND iHR . A ! .. .- \ N - I
^ ■
j ; fe 6 s^tdiJiUjpiX ^vLt.V-' ■■ dp I?;' a ■ a* . II 5 - v ' v Afl| - rfa '.4 m- " j II
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l y <3 -1 ■W ; is : -J a i 4 U 425 y H i; 0 5 V i
TIT rjLihlilUiN T?/TI 1 T A T VT W>
The presidential election id now over and yoog do-<vi
in history us a republican landslide. Despite democratic
claims of large majorities for Bryan in New York, Ohio. II
lin >ise and Indiana, those states rolled up :>r -as pi* •*!
ities for McKinley and Roosevelt. It appears at thig ti*i«
that Bryan carried Kentucky by a scratch.
To-day’s figures ma;,o McKinley’s popular v .te 1. 243 »-.
969 while Bryj n :eived onlj >759 00, & \ lural y for Me¬
Kin ley of 573 , 469 ,
McKinley’s (Goto rial vote id thought 1© be 284 while Bry¬
an’s is 303; less than he had in I 896 .
The republicans have also won both branches of Congress.
So the hoped for dv;nowatic landslide i died to ni .•terializQ.
All the southern states Vrs ni U. UUi, Uco = a
a democratic majority ot about, 60.090.
Ra ngyan : gston, >{ he Fifct id yas re-elec
by a handsome: ina;-»rit,y.
We will now enjoy a rest from politic- fo! a season..
ITL M E I! iiffaryf E m rv
' N
:: L U.‘ - ill lliil M: Tli.;, JU *
McKinley 184
Branan..... -,n
Popu ■» s -So K
HAE A VA'9‘.0 u.. iMATS.
Curlemi t'i -ti ti . 1 *!: <JIW'-/>»
at tit# l^uad o-,l
Saghuiii'-u, ««:«k uC
Bihqriu, it qr*** ul»very «*r!fytc
tuy v. 'Uit- !'„>I:U£ti Vs
by two eoM- »>#«rv .if* hw tiiivSeL
winter notMuig > .i-avi* <*
icy nortk-wcBif v, j „tnl : f >;i. Ij
btii-in. At tkv ix\ 1 f tel i f kltft
coaUuuavy t
tiii tUe end of ,hi ay., aval ii Atas-Un*- -i*
Very cofd. kL- -
espA.'JaWy m if- ,• > kii.Fier u-jj, I*#’
cttUMtl* is mi >v/ >.• «pp,it'■ »#»,
to what in at; -s- !S l
ofttfii hvvu oi-: ■ rv«*. lu te^kcrJa .ifto m
oetV -fti Ku»|r- iftH «n v. w the ecflte
is gi uti'V in t .e {jlfitas .'.niJ the
and that the b;^ffiand» a seiisilitjr
madia- tt K i;> a a I ihe*
denser void air avre :«la « io t&e L w
iffiie cold air acsniimiateH la the h»w*
regions of the Wand, aswl ok th» coast'
the higher regv-as irav« a raore elevat-.
ed teta{)erat»e<?. So U be. mm
Lower partt him- ru- arvi vegetal i at,
"-me tr^ i-u.m .u- ka»»
the vejr.-tatiqn off a te: . -ret* -s&.ie,
eemetiuMHs sattrayioal. She hlveh, vJm
P* Be > the fir, ahcmul in w tew Ecgloiis
and fonii often Im-veae:. ;til« fopwt%.
toil tow; . ii. oi ’ c •; Ikdaud ap
pear ban ! ooe, agea... axalios RU4
other pkiiitr, thSf mo in greaHy s»*r
prixed to meet, and w.hqae p w a tMt -
can bp exnlai# .'<l erlr C - aitei aw
abuorwiai fUniiitH ii? Hj i&> t* 1 ^*
DUa n cl. —i\ e w c* util : • CliuHki#ie.
u* . j; fiAf'in, LA*3k,.
ori v
liif itW j . .VO- oi ....
CjLit- h.llld.iy i.;;i iisf
con Id net Lav,- than LaLf
v a v t Ij i ..-Sh." say* Mr. A"Sis.
sou. •'I'a-! \vi.< *;*.« - k.- i ,-St*
arm Kite • of :.sp. wW
Liincotn was s :>.h ■: sw.
ami ffc-IRieratc i d- httllift.
“On env of the n. h» «*
countered a gr<»t%> of hi ; Mbw tuwaa
men. l.rfico’ia i>itK-in»i;V; tflw quew^ga
which was *Ko«t to b- (jik by tiw
gvouij and, takiag h;s fij*-.*-* of *8^*4
froin practicing with wi
oaly too laiAilisr, said. : .-mifcrnetv t
enler«s1 this «o?t. bus h ked auwxna
l Lad to withdyftv him