The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 09, 1883, Image 2
CITY MARKET i -BY- W-B.&P-B. SKITH. :o: ''hey keep always on hand the very nicest freshest meats, in the way 01 n |3 t, ll* r i- CM c 1 tf U r» tj hr rvj - ■ . SAUSAGE/— Backbone & Ribs. Also Million. When von want nice meats, gno’d weights and cheap prices, above call at the City Market first door Post-Office Conyers. Ga. LETTERS OF DISCHARGE. State of Georgia, Rockdale County: Wheieas J. M, Overton, guardian of Fannie M. Denard, having made applica tied to the Court of Ordinary for a dis^ chatgfe from his guardianship of Fannie M. Denard, this ia, therefore, to cite all net son 8 concerned to show cause why the said ‘ J. it. Overton should not he dm charged . from hm guardianship .... of rr- Fannie M. Denard and receive the usual letters of dismission .n the lirst Monday January, 1SS4. Given under my hand and official sig nature, October 2d, 1883. oct5 3'n O. SEAMANS, Ordin’y. SOUTH’RN SANITARIUM THIS INSTITUTION, fonnely known as the Atlanta Health Institute ‘“Water Cure,” is universally a< know] edged to be the most complete and thoroughly ration, ! d and scientific <*s tnbti^hinent hit* the Ireatffi'mt of the sick in the southern states. 'The fid lowihg area few of the inanv remedial dgencies employed in addition to the usual approved remedies: Tlie celebrated Aloliftre-Thermo Eleertie Bath, Improved Turkish, Electro-Vapor, Full Electric Russian Roman, and some twenty different kinds ot ELECTRIC WATER BATHS. ALSO Swedish Movenv nfc by ma¬ chinery, and mauua operation by ti stilled manipulators, Massage treat* ment, etc., etc. Special attention given t,o the tareotment of Diseases perculiar to Invalid Ladies; also Dyspepsia, Nous ialgia, Rheumatism, Diseases of the Kidneys. Liverand Bowels, Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs Choriiic diseases are k adily and permanently cured at ihisinsiitntion. Aodress U.O.ROBERTSON. M.D. 134 McDonough sm-et, Adnata, ----------- Fancy blue wool overshirt for fall ftnd winter, $ 1 , at Stewart’s. CONYERS MARKET. [Corrected Weekly.] Cotton .... . . .• . 7 to lo'ets Corn..... . . . .65 cents. Meal..... . ... 75 cents flay . $f,35 to AS 0 - iferan..... . ... 96 Cents. Oats..... . ... 4 o t*6nts. Wheat. . . . . . . $f, to 1,10 Flour..... $6 to $8 a barel Fulkmeat. . . ..... 9 ets. bard..... . . i2 to 14 eta. Sugars .... . • . 8 to 13 ct». Fait...... . $i.jO to $1,20. Coffee . . . . , . . 12 to 30 ets. Syrup N. O. . . . . 61 ) to 80 ets. Other Syrup . • • 50 to 75 ets. Peas..... . .'65 to 7O ets. Bice..... . . .8 to lo ets. Chickens . . . . . is to 35 ets. Butter .... . . . ?o to 2$ ets. Eggs..... >■ . . •• • 10 ets. COUNTY' 0 FF 1 GERS. Ordinary . . . O. Seamans. Sheiff. . . . A. P. Mitchel. Clerk .... J. J. McCord. Tax Collector W. M’. Nelms. Tax Receiver. ...... Wm. T. Hiisob. Corode r . Geo. W. Oaks. Surveyor ✓ Hr A.- Guinn. Court 3rd Mondays in February and Au¬ gust. J. D. Stew-art, judge ; Erhmett Woramaok, Solicitor. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor..... . . A. M. Helms. Clerk . , . . . • * • J. R. Maddox. Marshal .... . . It. G. a Mace. Deputy M. . , . . . . L. S. Bel’kh. Overseer .* . . . . . . J. R. Irwin. Cour.ciln:en 1 1 j- M. W. Maddox, Vi. Tra in, J 8. Daniell, Geo. Wearer J 8. J. Cowan, P. I hristian. Meet. . . y . . .Every rst- Monday CHURCHES. First Baptist......J. M. Brittain. Preaching...... 2 d. Sundays Sunday school .... .... 3 P- m. Methodist...... Brrtow Bigham, Preaching...... rst, 3d Sundays. Sunb»y school .... • . . .8p. in. Presbyterian .... • . . IT. Quigg. Preaching...... - . 4'h Sundays. Sunday school.... . - • .9 a. in. Second Baptist . . . . Geo. R. .Moor. Preaching..... . 3rd Sundays Sunday school . • . . 5 3- TO Primitive . . . , . . Isaac Hamby. . . . 2tl Sninlays a Li ^ <Hfc L’loeA^cJt lie YOUTH and MA MHOQC /ffi® A GUIDE TO HEALTH WITH V&ewf V OUT MEDICINE. W^MiPM —* T * ? 7 experience. A PHYSICIAN Don't nf Kvear'l poison THE PUBLISHER. Box 234. Milwaukee. Wis. Nervous Exhaustion, Premature Decay, Loss of Memor 5 r * An 80 -pase both -bound hook of wholesome J’hysician. Advice to Young Men, b> receipt a Regular of three-ceot O c *■”. Sf |y T CTIOI?l?oQ ” ^ ^ Addrosa two ■ * stam’is. TH? HEALTH iHHIflHAL, MILWAUKEE. WIS. mmm an mails pills 3 I MS fif M action Secure the Healthy Liver m to H B HHl and relieve all bil* troubles. Purely Vegetable; No Griping. Price 25c. All Iirui2?3ts. FOR SALE OR RENT. A House built Of Select limibef, H jjj, j Bn| . r0 oms, fireplace in each room ’. w ,^ stove room attached; an unfailing supply 11 J of waifcr at the door, Oood garden whose italksme strand with grape vines of the best vari¬ ety, and an orchard that aiTords frail Bom May to October. AU of which is partially enclosed by u hedge of Osage orange. No better home can be onnd in Conyers and none ifforO P le!,f,am| y Iof ' af<,,1 ‘ Having deter* mined to sell if possible, parties will do well to call at this office, oct 1 f) tf Edgar Jewel. NOTIGE-"LAST CALL. I will he at the following places named below: At Court connd, Lorain District, Monday 22 d; At Honey Creek Court ground Tuesday, 22 d. Wednesday, 24 ili, all of this inslam for the purpose of collecting state aDd county taxes < t Rockdale county for 1883 . Tliis is my last, round. I ‘ffinll ciose books on the fifieenih of November next. Tiiore wishing to save money and trouble will do well to settle their taxes by that time. I can he fotiud in Conyers oh the following' rtiys o each week from this date —Thfvrsdays Fridays and Saturdays. v\ m. W. Nelms, T. C. This Cctober lotlw 1883 . 'HIE QUEEN CITY BARBR-SHOP, *:o: FRANK LYNCH Cousorial Aitist in <1 Ijarije. :o> Hair cutting in the neatest and new¬ est style, Shaving, Shampooning and Dyeing exercffled with neatness and dispatch, f r’ST'Ljtfafed in the Kight buiining first floor on the left upstairs. Read This. 8©”We earnestly ask all who"are due'ns on accounts or notes to come forward at once and maks settlements as we are needing the money. We have many aocounts that have been running a long time on* parties we know to he.good, but we need the money now, have it. 80 come on'and pay us’and by bo doing you w ill greatly fa-voiv aAdfoblige. We are yet at 'ourjoid; stand on Com¬ merce street. We'calljyour attention be¬ low to our NEW GOODS, yr^Thanking our customers for past fa¬ vors, we asii tiiem to call and examine our fall and winter goods. We have or, hand an 1 are continually receiving an elegant assortment of hats, feathers (low¬ ers, velvets, ribbons, laces, corsets, hoops shirts, ruehing, zephyr^and’a beautiful line of neck wear, plush and velvet col¬ lars, handkerchiefs, and also jew elry and ha 5 r goods besides various other articles too numerous to mention. We will sell low* down for cash. Call and see us when in town. Yours Truly, r a c owa n Sr s J:R ihchardson >VA 'Mrsw-TO ‘ts-jra -j m ~w?r rrrM. -j, *aa ■TP ;sajppv Ttrj °niAi3 *->OJf2,Ut.*S>‘juomjiMjj-yiasjojsaonoax saS3ii(j9juiiooqpa}Biisntiiuv'pti* JTi OAJ&SVi joj oiuYupniao v 1N3MV3UI 31W OPIUM HABIT AND DRUK 1 £ 23 NNESS. DffiEWififteSM »> form xa, of , Opium, truth ^ Invite? investigation. no References bestln he stare. For terms, pamph lets and proofs, address, with three cent stamp, W. C. 3EU.AMT, 5f. I» TldPru.-'l st,, iust-,«».(;a, Z-McCi. RD. F. w. OSTFER. M’C 0 RD& FOSTER, Cotton i! Factors and Commission Merchants Office and Warehonse on CAMPBELL* Street. Between Broad & Reynolds mar the store of Z. McCo«f, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Consignment* Solicited. Personal A top*ion given to Busihei-fe. The Instruct ous ot Cetnsignois Promptly Obeyed. - ’ W. H. HOWARD, C. H. HOWARD, 3 P. WEISIGER. W.H, HOWARD & SONS, COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NO, 20 SEFNTH M'INTOSH ST, ^ r [J w (j - [J w O ^ — a 1 A, a , GEORGIA. Consignment8 of Cotton and other Produce Solicited. Oulers For Bagging And Ties Filled At Lowest Market Prices. U. F. HARPER and BRO P •K 5 T -HEALERS IX— DECATUK STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always oh liahd a full and complete Assortment of the vety best NOTIONS,iHATSj HARDWARE* CROCKERY, MEAT, FLOUR £?C# SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPICES, CANNED COOBS SUGti AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, &C. SAUCES, PICKLES, MUSTARDS And in fact ever iff hi a*/ kept in This Market and other WE BUY FUR THE CASH And are able and prepared to sell goods us cheap as anybody ^aud we guarantee to’give*' satisfaction. We want all to call and give us a trial. We pay the highest prices for all country produce. We luep the best giades of Tobaccos, cigars and Cigarettes, We make a specialty of the JAJCY HIXTON Tobaetf. — :o: All goods delivered free]in tile City, ^ RESPECTFULLY, tJ. F, HARPER BRO, J. S.DANILL, DEALER IN MACHINERY, FERTILIZERS ETC, Steam READ Engines, ’I1IIS. Milis lb M * 190K Sells CLOSElt,. thecelehra Co'ton Presses, — IS THE - ted Bird sail, and S-rW Mills, Syrup Atrlunan Taylor Cotton Mills, Gins, Threshes, and nr rtf ■Winkle; Engine-, the Wirrthfp Van Poitable Corn r and Giillett Cot^ If,- 1 •T Mills, Beltings etc. ton Gins. The and in fact for all Best Condensers any kind of and fhe very Fin machinery that is est Threshes s>!d wanted. u h e n : IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE in the South. A you u ant maehin With or without Reverulns: Goar. 10, 18 and 16 large supply of Bead the ery (?0L' r t fail to Horse Perry Roy ce Power. Built by call oh nim. RUSSELL & CO. f Massillon, 0 . ?a, Ihe best made Af-o agent, tor the famous Auluuan & Taylor Machinery. Y T ou can sava money by calling on me. J. ti. DAXIMLb. 1 DTT H oo TIT L__, T- — — GO Fistula; Fisure and Rectal Ulcers Dr. Taber, NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA.,* MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES, And has cured cases of forty years’ standing. Cure guaranteed. If I fail to cars you of Piles I will return* your money. Addrettt, ^n-cLsing stamp, F. F. TALiER, P.- O. Box 26 T, Atlanta,Ga. 1 "H . V COOLEDGE AND BRO. 53 South Broad Street Atlanta, —W H OLESA LF— Paints,Oils, Varnishes,Brushes & Window -Glass —Headquarters for all kinds of— ' Mil£88 milfl. AT VfHOLESALE. Guaranteed ’J = tr nade Send for color card and prices. JE5E"VVe also keep as ZT. c .-3 <t> .Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is kept in the City, and are Headquarters for any and all Sixes Glass. F J, Ccoledge <fc Bro., 53 South Bread st.-- AtlaBto, Ga The Biggest and The Best ! N_A J 1-J H c—> TO i THE t 7 m anuMi > / *f H -X cy^ 12 months for the small sum of $/,23 And it and the Atlanta Weekly Constitution 12 months for only * ?P ^! V U rf. 8 F L ©si \ CJIramltia^n Official organ City of Conyers Official oran Rockdale County I / J (CM m 7 & In / Of every discriptiofl executed quickly and in a neat manner. TH H LuWeRT price Addresser call on J. N. Hale; Editor, Conyers Georgia i 7 umeUv# % y $ & Va / V \ndtspens<^ Powers it is t TOWNFS SLEV. A. l! HOBBS Writes:- __ S Xnduatry, RSV. J. L. ISON After a thorou^E -trial of the PURIF S E XHg ia TONIC, I take pleasure /v y nDPA*rASlK°LA"G-'“ thi r stating that I have been its greatly Ministers benefited by f / I use. fh^^latesPv and Pub- A of n l =g=S where Tonic a ine ■™“ r a I is neees- / Vi V/ sary. recommend it as a reliable remedial agent, doubted, possessing^ un nutritive and A tTt restorative properties, CSES5L. ~ Ts‘Ss;is-»«« I I I' I n —W—II 1 Jjjmg, K y .. oct. 2, ks 2, • ST ^ BS 723 DM, H ABIEF, RTJK5JICIHE CO., 213 If. H*® -’