Newspaper Page Text
0 FFifiAL organ errr of cohtfrs.
M. iV. SHAVER, ••••••••«»* Publisher.
It was quite a russia-shay affair
Two babies two marriages and two
deaths this this week.
Col. Robert Wood, of Covington, was
ia town this week.
A negro was hurried in the Cemetery
ibis week.
Judge (Teuton vM off on professional
business this week.
Gus Osborn keeps the finest beef in
the market. Call and see him.
Jim Tilley is developing into a first
class dude. Jim do dress well for a fact.
Mr. S- J. Ha wan has purchased a
fine new buggy and ii»Vse and moves
in good s>yle.
When poor folks attempt lo make
a big display, they generally appear
Oh ! would some power give us the
gift to sec what tools we some times
make of ourselves.
Chailes White never tnisRes a Sunday
n’ght. He likes the old Kentuckian,
loves Georgia.
When yon want a good cigar—the best
in the city. Call on Ed. 8ims and get a
Duke of Durham.
Mr J. W. Langford has the moRt com
pWe line of coffins ever seen in this
We were pleased to see Mr W. Z Me
Calla in town this week. He is as fat
and pretty as ever.
Rev. Co® Christian, a most emi-ent
divine, and his beautiful daughter, Miss
Lena, are here on a visit to relatives.
We 'regret to'chronicle the death of
the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White
which occurred this week.
Don’t forget to call at'Mr. S. D. JWght
when you want a bible or t'eEtament, at
publisher's prices.
I< you want toys and can't get
suited nt G. W. Weivcr A Bros., you
had better quit,
Tom Broadnax now,, has one of the
prettiest horses in the county. Its a real
beauty for a fact.
When yon want nice inedt call on
W. B Smith. He will treat you
right every time.
We learn Unit our yriilng friend
Tom Bryans will marry in the Baptist
Church soon Here’s'uck Tmn.
Sheriff Mitchell is having some
ing improvements made at his present
NVe extend congratulations to Johnny
Hardin and Johnuie Vfhitaksr. They
are both boys and their papas arb happy.
We learn that Mr. T. D. 0 Ke'ly will
put the old college in fine repair and use
it as a residence. It will make a magni¬
ficent dwelling.
Hatnp Bryans is the boss chicken eater
He demands two small frv and a seven
yijar old rooster at one sltt’Ilg, the other
Mr. Charles Bostwick and lady, of At¬
lanta are here on a visit to their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. We wish
them a pleasant stay.
When sober, Lewis Briloh is one of
the nicest men we ever aaw—and we
have never seen him the least bit intoxi
Ben Hudson and friend . . ,
our young
T Luxe Weaver will ,,, (telebra'e ^ their 32nd ,
birthday Christmas day. They expect a
jolly old time.
-There are now enough ditches in our
place to drain the Mississippi river. The
blind mare is a daisy and don’t ycu for¬
get it.
We regret to state that Miss Georgia
Langford has been quite sick this week.
Hope she will soon be restored to usual
health and vivacity.
You can pop fire crackers Christmas
Eve, Christmas Day and Christmas night
until eleven 0 clock. Then you can pop
on the balance of the week on the sly.
Now when you want some nice fresh
etake, sausage, &c., call on A. B. Osborn
arid get it. He keeps the brist of meats
aBi-ays on hand.
Some parties broke into the store of
Messrs. H. J. Copeland & Co., in Mc
Donaugh the other night and carried off
a quantity of goods.
Mr. J. 6. Johnson now has charge of
the hotel—the Whitehead Bouse. Joe is
one of the cleverest of fellows and we
believe that ho and his excellent wife
will make the hotel a success.
There is a wonderful lac£ of literary
taste among our young people. We think
it is the duty of every one to try and
raise the standing of our town in this
line. Will you do it ?
A thief broke into our office the other
nijht and carried off two empty bottles
paste pot and bar of soap. We don’t
need the soap, but hate to give up our
old bottles. They were a kind of relic.
The actions of some of our very young
grown (?) people in church are extreme¬
ly disgraceful. They should be placed
bottom upwards on their mothei’s lap
^hd gently dealt with.
A oiing uinil) looks well.
Mr. James Donat'd of this count'
is dead.
Frank Kcs-ell nud family, o( C,ovs
ington, have moved to Texas,
Mrs. J. P. Harris of Covington win.
!i« h«n n ' U ‘ 1CiX • W " ■ n r0V •
Mr Thomas Kr-nnon, ot Jasper
eoutnv, is here visiting Mr 3 illy Ah
Miami and other relative?,
Snapping and Island Sima's mer¬
chants now haul their goods from
Mel >onongh.
Atlanta has been made hendqiurlers
for the distribution of lidi, tor tlm
rivers and ponds ot this section,
A Ooviagtot, inerc'nmit hits bought
a ctr iotti! of imibraHdu. (Dvingtoo *
it should be romamlured, is a wet
Julgc K j ill Morris ot Anvil
Block, Ins been confined t.n his bed
tor several weeks ivitii but slight
indicai ions of iu'iirovenieut.
Stewart’s A. Q. C. is meeting With a
rapid sale. This ia us it should he, for a
better medicine than it is not on the
market. There are hundreds of our peo¬
ple who can take it with benefit.
We give this week ail tho Council
proceedings up to date. Though an
oversight to proceedings tor Nov'ems
her did not appear as soon as they
Mr.Win. M. Clevaland has sold his
farm near town and will move
North Georgia. Mr. J. W.
der nought the property, paving $12
per sera . tor .. it, cash. ,
Judge W. T. Dickon has been np
pointed comity administrator for this
county under the new law creating
such . office . the . r. of .
m various counties
the State.
On the 27 lb nit., at the residence
of the bride’s father, M. J. H. Steele,
of Henry county, was married to
Miss Marry A. Siani/y, of Spalding
The city of Jackson requires
municipal volers to register, and also
to pay the clerk a fee of 5U cents for
the privilege.—That is pretty expen¬
sive luxury.
A thief broke into the dwelling bouse
Mr. 'I horaas Hollingsworth on last Tu<*g
day evening and carried off a fine dress
coat mid some money. We are in favor
of the whipping post for petty larceny.
Haygoodism, since the late decision of
the United States Supreme Court, seems
have completely collapsed There are
a mighty few white goosles big enough
to swallow Haygoodism.
Two souls with but a single thought,
Two mouths chug full of gum ;
T'vo pairs of lips together brought.
Two tongues to—yum, yutn, yu-m m
A dog was in town yesterday with¬
out either bladder, tin box or a
shuca to his tail. What is getting
the matter with the small boy ?
What pretty linJe girl was it that
pother arms around her “fellows”
neck the other night and kissed—the
back ot his head t Ho bad turned
around in the dark.
Mr. J. M. Ware and family have
moved back to ,. his old . , , home at Mar
shallville, # Ga. Mr. . r YV are was a good ,
cit zen, and we dislike to give him
and bis excellent family up.
Don’t forget to carry your horses,
no rnattev how bad he may be to
shoe, to Billy Almand's shop. If
Landy Farrell and Jack Stansell don’t
fix him up in style we’ll take a kick*
West Thompson favors Jay Gould
more and more every day. AG he
lacks is a long beard, and a few mil¬
lion to be an exact reprint of the
great New Yorker.
Mr. John Whitaker will pove to his
fathers residence soon. Mr. Arnold
Whitaxer coming to the place recently
vacated by Mr Ware. Mr. Whitaker
comes nearer town in order to school his
The Enteprise says a Covington
you man has made nine bed quilts
with liis own hands. It would have
been remarkable Jtor him to have
made them with some other young
mans hands.
Brother Maddox asks us to bring
out our kicking mule, and lets have a
race with the blind mare. This would
be a good team, to be sure ; yet, how
much better wou’d said team look
wilh a Jersey Bull attachment.
Our people cannot give to our schools
the coming year to strong a support.
With Mr. Geo. R Moon and Mira Law
son at the old Academy and Prof. Guinn
the w r ar horse at the business at his ex
Icellent Academies, we may well expect
good schools.
i Tiie Wallaeks, a theatrical troupe
j ^ Wulf no '' n of k ere Mexico. * "'sre We sunk recently in to
are sorry
that Mr. Rider, the excellent actor
j sang bottom so of well the “I Deep wish Blue I were S-a,’’ a Fish has ia the his
wM "* * B **'”«**** ln ihe sons
While riding out McDonaugh street the
other evening a new married couple at
tempted to kiss, Just as the event was
about to happen the horse jumped, their
mouth? went together with a crash, li
took about (if'een minutes lo gather up
the false teeth that wasn’t swallowed.
The Jackson News records tint Inot
iliat a woman, in Buits county,
rcebut'y cnine up ami paid a nun h.r
a horse, which she had bought from
him m 1 SCO. Tito News calls that
a remarkable case of conscientious
We learn Mr. Y/m McFaiis shot
at Mr, G-’orge Johnsuii, in a difiifiil'y
h'j Hear-!. But’s county, last Satur¬
day, Tha bull gri.Zi d Mr. Johnson
on the shoulder, hut did not enter it
\Ve di.i not ’cans tlte ciuse of the
Uncle Sluter, one ot our ancient
citizens, an emuncipmive relic, went
fishing for suckers the other morn¬
ing and brought in a tin paud—pig
and an old rooster. When handed
io Aunt Patsey, Lis epou<e, she raised
a plank, slid tnem under and remark¬
ed : “DunVr wat. vis po niwgeis
guina ter <lu dis Christncs -times is
hard I tell ycr
One of our merchants had a lien on a
horse for $ 7 . 00 . lie had it foreclosed
or ' e t!a v 'his week and the horse sold
He was knocked of at $3 20 and resold
at purchasers risk bringing only one
dollar. The cost in the whole transac
tion amounted to .*4 50—making a total
loss on reid old horse, counting the del
lar and twenty cents of the first pur
chasPr> $4 ?0> R was a piteable sight to
see the merchant pay the officer die
other $2.30 cash. Such is—selling gools
on old horsss.
lion. Win L. Peek, of Rockdale,
is spoken of a 3 a probable candidate
for Senator from this district, If
Col. Livingston’s friends don’t cons
elude to send him to Congress he w ill
probadly boutinue to represent tis in
the Georgia Senate tor some time to
come. Ho has made a faithful
senator—few if any better can be
found—and ho is not a min whom
the people will quietly see retired
)rom |Jlib jj c i,f e without good and
sufficient cause-—* ov. Enterprise.
Yes, Ool. Peek is spoken of as 3
candidate fir ihe senate and is a good
man. ess — h— li.
By seven o’clock over 2,oo3 people
were sending iu front of the church.
It was a jammed rough crowd.
dne of the ushers threatened homicide
during the grand rush for reserved ac¬
T<>e marriage-bell never spoke above
a whisper during the entire entertain¬
When it comes to patronizing church
mitrriagec Conyers beats all the towns—
wet or dry.
The bride was compelled to tote her
trail to keep it whole during her walk up
the isle.
One lady climbed the center post with a
baby in her arms, and bad the appear¬
ance of standing with one foot on the
Mayor’s shoulder among the entire per¬
The bridegroom Lad the mi-fortune to
lose his liat and was comp.lled to go off
with ids brow uncovered.
Jeff Christian was the handsomest
young man in the house. seven hundred children between
3 months and 5 years made music for
the occasion
Qur dreams will perhaps be more in¬
teresting in the future
Land breaking is booming.
Fresh meat is plentiful.
Our farmers are all progressive
men and raise their suppli*?.
J W Parker lias been visiting Jare
per eouutv the guest of Mr James
Rev G A H:l), of Babb, preached
aa able and impressive sermon at
this place last first Sabbath,
Wheat and oats Are looking well.
A larger area than usual.
J W Parker has been selling the
real pen woi k seif instructor foi
Our young people are enjoying par¬
ties and pic-nicks.
Persimmon beer is plentiful and
drinks well.
The people of Newton county are
so poor that they have to come
Rockdale to get up money to build
bridges. Newton county people
hon'd build their own bridges.
Our people had the rare pleasure of
witnessing last night nt the Presbyterian
Church, in the marriage of Prof T. J>.
O’Kelly and Mis-t Dollie Smith, a farli*
ioiwble and happv union. Theeeremo
n r ^ ^ « i,d
was one of the most beautiful aiul an
pres-ivo ever listened to. The attend
ants. Mbs Lizzie I* ek and for. Jacks* n
.Miss Johnnie Lawson and Rev, Jt-fl
Christian, Miss Eda Davidson ami Mi
A, C. Summers, Miss Emma Peck and
Mr. Willie Smith, were elegant dressed
in white and black. The bride wore n
magnificent w in e satin, becomingly and
beautifully trimmed, a long hiidal am!
satin slippers She looked ever no pi ci¬
ty- Poetically speaking ?
She looked like an angel just wandered
from Heaven,
A piljiim benighted away from the
skies ;
Ah! little we deemed to mortals could be
Such given vLions b from
ot auty as came
her C) o».
She looked up and smiled on the many
proud faces,
The friends of here hi.’dh *od who stood
by her side.
But sho shone o'er them all like a queen
o’er the graces
When blushing bride. the whispered the
vow's of a
The groom wore an elegant black
doth suit, a pleasant smile nn<l sppear
ed extreoigly happy. The "edding mar li
was admirably, rendered by Prof. New .
man ot Ooviiigion. After tiie ceremony
was over a large party returned to the
red ieuce of ^^rs. Smith where a bound
ful repast was devoured, A rec prion
will be given the party to-day at M r -
O'KeJiy’fi home in Garnett county. W«
extend to the new firm our best wishes
for a bright ami h»ppy life.
Dr. S. F. hatter is lying dangerously
jll at lrs residence on Peachtree street,
and many anxious fears as to ids recov
erv are entertained by nhyeicians and
friends. His loss would oe felt from
Canada to Flori la.
The work of clearing away the runis
of the old Kimball Louse has been com¬
pleted and the first brick of the new one
was laid Tuesday.
We were pleased to meet our hand¬
somest and talented young friend. Jeff
Summers, son of Mr. A. H. Summers of
this county, lie is attending a course of
Lectures at the Atlanta Medical College
and with his talents and energy is more
thun like! >' to l,f ' C01 he a successful M. D.
Webb Almaml. with inimitable grace
is still handling the yard stick at Keely's
He is as polite as handsome, and always
glad to shake hands with and wait on
his It vekdale friends.
Mrs. llol. Parr accompanied by be
two sons, and charming daughters left
Tuesday on the fast mail for Ocala, Fin.
She was accompanied as far as Atlanta
Mrs. W. Z- Overbuy. M.
In this is?ne will be found the adver¬
tisement of this popular Atlanta cloth¬
ing bouse. Having been in the retail
and wholesale clothing business for a
long time they are well known to the
people of alino't every section of Geor¬
gia and it can be said of them that no
better hoa c e ever sold a piece cf goods
in the Gate City. They are polite, clever,
affable gentlemen. They sell goods at
bottom prices and when you get an arti¬
cle from them you know that it is some¬
thing worth having. Our people do
much trading in this line in Atlanta and
we ask their patronage for Hirsch Bros.,
knowing it will be money to them to call
at their store numbers 42 and 44 White¬
hall street., Atlanta. Ua
• W-T ■ ---
Harper & firos., continue to sell those
famous brands of flour, P. P- P. and
B. B. B. the best goods ever offered in
this market. They now have in stock
for the Holidays a complete line of nuts,
candies. fire-vVorks, &c , and all kinds of
family and fancy ginneries, ca-nedgoods
<tcc., needed by our people, Tiieir prices
cannot be undercut by any home, nor
their stock of goods excelled for freeh¬
ness and goodness. When you want
something nice call on Harper & Bros.
When you go to buy your Christmas
trix go direct to headquarters. G. W.
Weaver & Bro’s. They have the most
com plete stock of all kinds of Christmas
foods, embracing fire-works, toys in
rubber, china, cloth, tin, marble and
wood, candies of eveiy description, ;
plain, fancy and common ; walnuts, al¬
monds, pecons, &c They have also a
large stock of oth er nice goods suitable
for Christmas presents to your mothers
fathers, brothers, :-is era and sweetheait*
They can furnish anything for the
Christmas tree you w«nt. They sell
the lowest puces and can fill all orders,
___________ _
Your boys trom 3 years to 30, cun
•e suited at J. A. & T. D. St'-wart's.
White Irish linens at 25 ds per yd
at Stewart’s. Nice for baby aprons,
Arthur Eharp claims to have the the
fastest hor e in the State a looo yards for
$ 5 oo.
Frank Harper has the best flour
ever sold iu Conyers. C aii and get
A new variety of Block powders,
“said to work wonders.” Call for
tiie red t : n box, at Stewart s,
Mahkidi- in Arinina oi» (he 12 li
inst., Ki-v Mr Hammond < filciatis*^,
l)r John R riey oi th'S place to tho
ac<omf/iished Miss Hallo lt.>ridy if
Atlanta, 'Jim bridal party airived
It-ro oh tln-a< com mod tion train and
w a, < . sti . K pi . mg at nl Mi • . **»■«> *. , »w. )r T L
A, Lee & Miss Emma Ilih y vl this place
were among the attendants. W* extend
lo clever John and his lady our Marines!
Co tin L 5 ;li ult., at the residence o’
the bride’s patents in Fay< ttbvilh.
Mr. J. W, Kitchens was married u
Miss Delia ID n erson. The groon
is a Henry county ihhii
Mrs. Siilt'e *» van, an aged and ns
tunable lad) ot ties county, died I s
Wednesday at the advanced age ot 0 :
She was the mother of MWsra. G. W
and F. M. Myatt, and was one of tin
oldest residents of the county.
Mr. ColenitiM Tarpley ims bought
a plantation three miles east ot town
ami took possession of ids purchase
severn! days ago. He sold hts farm
on the Hampton road to Mr- W. E.
Squire Jim Film's is the most f»opu
isr Justice id the Peace in t be coun¬
ty. He has married over three hun¬
dred couples dnri ig his magisterial
incumbency, dating back over n period
of less limn t«*n years.
Mr. S. S. Middleton, died Oil
Tuesday tiighi nl last week ft' h.s tesi
deuce in lljmp.«>u .-.Iter a lingering
and painful j lines-. —TieJe itiins
iroiu (lie IL-nrv county iVecfc'y.
An endless variety of lad iis’ neck
w.m ... <tl Stewarts. c:,. . ,,
----- >ncsalf!v -
There are yet a large number of. my
o'-d customers who have not p»id,np theri>
blacksmith account Now I havo waited
ong nnd patiently for yon to make settle
merits but have wailed in vain you have
my 'abor and material and refuse or neg
lect to pay for them. I cannot wait nl
ways and give warningtoall to come for
ward at once and make settlement and
save trouble and father twice, I need
money and must have it. Your friend
W. V. Almand.
When ■
you want nice family gro¬
ceries of any kind, such as nice meats,
canned goods, cabbages, cheese, crack¬
ers, pickles—in fact anything ;n this
liti J , call ou Harper & Bro.
Tills is to give notice to the public
generlly that I have opened in connec¬
tion with my blacksmith shop a wood
shop department where I ain prepared
to do ail kinds of buggy, wagon&carrage
work and all general reparing at price
as low as anyone and in good riv’e. I
solicit the patronage fo niy friends and
the public generally.
Respectfully, W. V. Almand*
When you want se’ect cream cheese,
sausage, dried beef, apples c >coanut
cabb-ge, onions, Ac call on Frank
Harper & Bro.
A fresh arrival of shirts and collars
at Stewart’s.
The nicest styles of dark fall and
winter prints, none like them else¬
where, just arrived, nt Stewart’s
The celebrated Cleveland all wool
filled Jeans from 7 to 9 <>z for boys
and mens winter wear, at Stewart’s.
The cigar “Town Talk,” for sale by
Stewart, is a tip-top one.
Sarah Bcrnhurt nnd other siylesot
gloves at Stewart’s,
A few only. Picture fames left at
tewart’s. Cal! eariy.
So fir Savannah is mxt to New Or¬
leans in the amount of cotton receipts.
I have in a nice stock of Christmas
^ ^ ag f 3 ’
beautiful vasos, meg*, fancy china , .
ware, candies in Ml forms and design >
nuts, raisin'*, appVe. oranges etc, bo
sMes a good stock of nil other kinds
of goods. The highest price psid for
all probticS and goods sold at bottom
prices. I pay cash for cotton seed.
0 ! BY B. if WOOLEY,M D.
IU .M Atlanta Ga.
HABIT I Reliable evidence given
CURE f and reference to cure!
path nt- pby-iei«n:<. Office 65 Whitehall,
st Send for my book on the Habit and
, ts Cure.
n 1 i
u.JL 1
fONYFRS .. ..... (’A
2S&“ I am prepared to do all kind of shoe
work. Making, sewed or pegged, mend
■rig. I till « l orders, anil do all woik
neatly i»otnpt!y, durably and cheaply,
fine woik tv specialty. Give me your
vork and 1 insure sadsf-mtior [ kiep
ilao a fine lino ot hand ai d machine
oaiie harness, bridles, bits, catches, coi
ars buckles etc., infact, everything con
wted with harness. My work is the
•"“I. my prices the bottom. (VI and see
me. sep. 2l 3mos.
bid he sold on the Freehold of J. W.
Ilamolton on Monday the 19 of Novem¬
ber next at to Oclock A. M, on Bed.pow
with horns. Medium size about‘or
ten years old marked with a crop aiifl
slit in each year Bold as a stray this
Oct 3 o 1883. ililche! Shii
A. P.
1 By Dr B M Wooley
IIISKY t Atlanta, (fa.
DrinkinG ) No pain. No less of
CURE, (time h 0111 business.
Cures the d souse and destroys nd taste
for stirnnl <nts. Bot>k of paiiiculars sen--,
sent to any mhiress flee. Office at O5
Whitehall street.
THIS known the INSTITUTION, Atlanta H -altii Institute fbrmeiy
‘•A liter Cure,” is universally acknuwl
"Ered to ho the most complete sr.d
thoroughly rational and scientific ek
tabiishment h,r the treatment of tlm
sick in ilie soiitliern stuteR. The fol¬
lowing area few of the manv remedial
agencies employed iu addition to
the u-ual approved remedies; The
celebrated Moiiere-Thcruio Eleertic
Bath, Improved Turkish,Full Fleetriq
Kussi.<n Homan, Electro-Vapor, and"
some iwmty different kinds ot
electric water batiIs.
ALSO Swedish Movement by ma¬
chinery, and muiiua operation bv
tiniiied iiiunipula'ois, Massage uem¬
inent, etc., vie. • J
Special attention given t« the
tareotment of Diseases percnliar to
Invalid Ladies; also Dyspepsia, Neu¬
ralgia, Rheumatism, D.ueasex of the
Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, Eye, Ear.
Nose, Throat and Lungs Chornio
diseases are r< sdily and permanently
cured nt thisin-iitmion, Ac dress
13i McDonough street, Ailnfla.
State of Georgia, Rockdale County:
WheieasJ. M.Overton reton, guardian of
Fannie M. Denard, having made applica¬
tion to the Court of Ordinary for a dis •
charge from his guardianship of Fannie
M. Denard, this (s, therefore, to cite all
neisons concerned to show cause why
the said J. M. Overton should not be dis¬
charged from his guardianship of Fannie
M. Denard and receive the usual letters
of di.miasiqn . n the first Monday in
January, 1S84.
Given under mv hand and official sig¬
nature, October. 2*1 1883.
•tiffin (). SEAMANS, Ordin’y.
By vbtnre of authority grante^me in
a Will of James 0 . Ltell late of Roi.kdaUv
county deceased. I will sell to the highest
bidder at public ont‘ cry ;before tho
court house,door in the town of Conyers,
Ua., on the first Tuesday in January
next 1884 within the legal houre of sale
the fo lowing property fo wit: forty six
( 40 ) acres of land, more or less, It being,
it the 4'h district of originally Walton
county, now Rockdale county layiug
and being in the east and of fractional
pert of lot of land number (/4I; three
hundred and forty one, with about (20
twenty acres cleared, anil the most of
the balance of said land being forest land.
— common thin land. Also at the same
t'me and place (40) forty tores more r
1 -s in the north cast corner 0/ lot ol ,1m
number ( 3 o 8 ) three hundred nnd eigf
lying and being in the lfith district of
ariginally Henry now, Rockdale county
all of which fs forest, {and wilh a creek
running through the land. It is vetv,
good land. Sold for the benefit, of II19
heirs and credeti^rs ef the raid James'.t>.
Stell deceased inis the 27 day of Nov
1883 . James a Jackson Executor.
W. os. os.
Ferfe/ Fasti y I * itent Flour
Call on li. A. HARPER and BUC.
/ v
iWmnS? B ft UrV'E