Newspaper Page Text
vol. x.
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4- 4M?“ " E5? fiflw-i’fi’ lea ‘3 “ 5 1!? u H swig“? 4% >3 a Mi @ -é’ w “‘ $353“ H
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K \V / R x fl 7, , \ , “‘The 1:'X“;Zirgfxinoi:1:x:-h‘:.:'...‘::§l£13322: Few??? of Farmers, Trainers and ff": Horsemen. “M“"m'v
\ \ 1“. ‘ .th- ; w :1 tile 1.0:»... fixuau or‘n“:’{:;:;ix-:::;::13:
tmSlsM—Siatt »4 torts.
m a\ Shiv Millions Sold.
Sil PF.IOB3.
Ill/i Pints, - Par Doz., ?;tO.CO.
Qiiaris. *' *' 15.00.
tMUrlhiMiWer. skMo, HcUs 1 quart,
pEST.auAi.iTi 0 Ta this device \vc i-::; combine
On v
nous Grenades with tho i.sfi'V -.M.
K.'N lie itature ol having an ar*
that can be used by Sprink- &Vj
pg. Ir Itisdgsiened Sn especially
fd use Dwellings. Passenger Ic is Coaches elegant ■i |
I ornamentation. It is cheap
Mfehabic, Ko rust • no corroS
kwssihie, K,$
12 .OOPerJ 02 .
< 1 . 15.00 tier dos. i
IT The “Star’’ 1
- Holds 5 gallons, and
will force a stream
through I^ct 6 feet of
which 45 with out pump,
1 Needs no is . the attention best ever until made. used.
Will not freeze, explode or get
outof order. No rust or cortros*
ion. Can be used by anyone.
we, 600,00 Each,
"STAR Itst 5 *” CHEM5CAL. a
*aea whjt in is
Ikge, evei-v
warehouse, lumber
w, Myequin
d with Hose,
6 Crov/ Bar,
“tern, cheap, and etc. It
We.V(Y4501bs. \*e
..PRICE. oqjoeacr
gBitsaarjftta»si I
raSSs 8Hauns»uKe«, XS a Semi
^ia53 Dearborn Si., Chicayo, !li.
r; TEES,
- :
I ur n is|ers.
a hses 5 Umbrella’s etc.
® Peachtree
AMERICAN magazine.
Thi LL V ,llust Rated.
>oufh^rTtf° s »r a „ .
“ ll rtrays Ameri.
***) "^'ore, is fiu e a ^.-!l fe P from ° re hi ocean Sh*clas8 to
•"’'“SJSrsrsr'* p te»n
a “ h»« win either.
lT '^SS * m, PubUaiers,
fc——° * 132 p *«rl st., iy. y.
Imi ::s
4mu. IP
Owners and Operators of the
Who sell the entire products
of their immense factory direct to the public,
From tlwsym caupstbue upon liberal tonus,
.....- " ■ 1 ---- - " 1 ' ' 1
Catalogue and full particulars free.
SYrlte us before purchasing. Address, men¬
tioning name of this paper,
Conyers, Ga.,
Fresh Line of Drugs and Fancy Goods just received, and will from
this date be kept constantly on hand. All kinds of DRUGS, MEDI¬
And in fact every thing to be found in a
First Class ’ DRUG STORE. My terms are
And on this account I can offord to sell my goods low, in fact
An all prescriptions sent to me wil-l be promptly and carefully
I Sell The Famous A. Q. C.
Conceedcd to be the best blodd purifier known to the science*
Whin you want any thing in my line call on
H ONYERS f 1 A i
i kJ TP J_Jk 1 J lAvJl nl Tl All
f ■ I4F nt EYfiELSIOR
nnmmniT I II I I IB III flflT I I Hi
ii UU.JL ■ ill I Ji I II 11*1 111 |Y| UUt |1|
■ H IVITH T\TiTI 11 \ ft
mL r MMMMJ f. f, f. K
m flAUlWIIKlVDI tlUll llliilUliJWlU
: ■Guaranteed ■tbe to be Esjoal Seed to
Best. ptclrs the
■ Clean, Gin* Fast- and Mabe«
ESI a Fine Staple. ;
* " Pt I The Circular Roll Box is
Patented, and no other ma. :
nufacturer can use it.
Send for Circular. No ■
trouble to communicate with I ■
parties wanting these nur !
Old Gins Repaired at short !
g Hoot fee and cheap. j 1
Ittasaey Cotton Qto Work*.
I i V 31:? ”L“;
,Subscri . ‘ for This Paper 2
. Brimful of choice reading matter for everybody. :
Examine this paper and send us your subscription. . £
Improvement** nnd New Rail road* Project¬
ed—Religious, Mai, and Temperance
Items— Fires, Deaths, Marriages &e.
John Harvington, a prominent business
man of Petty, Texas, died of hydropho
Atlanta, Ga., has licensed nine bar¬
rooms, and they are now in full blast.
Lager beer appears to be the favorite tip¬
Train No. 68 on the Georgia Pacific
Train Railroad tried to make kiffiling wood Vir¬ of
No. 28 on the East Tennessee,
ginia, and Georgia Railroad and partially
An express train on the Chesapeake &
Ohio Railroad struck a buggy at Turn
Hill crossing, Mt. Sterling, Ky., killing
two of the occupants, Ernest Stone and
Sarah Ramsay. Two others, Dudley May
and Rose Wood, were mortally injured.
A month ago a $500 express package
was stolen from the Southern Express of
fice in Chattanooga, Tenn. Detectives
have been hunting the thief ever since,
and John White, a colored porter em¬
ployed in the office, was arrested on the
charge of having stolen the package.
J. Pickard, of Chesterfield .county, 8,
C,. -who had charge of N. B. McFaddeu’s
beet market at Rock Hill for the past two
years, accidentally fell through the trap¬
door of an ice house adjoining the Pickard market
and was killed by the fall. Mr,
was at one time postmaster at Monroe,
N. C.
A mortgage from the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad company to the Mercantile Trust
and Deposit company, of Baltimore, Aid.,
was placed on record in the clerk s office
of the supreme court. This is the con
Wto has to be be 'recorded recorded fIS! in Baltimore Tndt ana in
every county through which it passes
The supreme court of Missouri has de
dared what is known as the Wood local
X!°tof‘this will be to ^ive" the “temper
anee movement in that state a<MitionaI
.Quuties in'the' sbitelhat
sarsiss of
an end. There have been no cases
yellow'fever there in. two or three weeks,
The surrounding counties removed their
quarantine cordon several days ago, but
refugees were forbidden by the Tampa City
Council to return until all danger thoroughly was
past and the city had been*
disinfected and put in a good sanitary
Railroad wreckers threw a freight train
off of the Norfolk & Southern road, at
the Tunis, Va., switch, by placing a steel
rail across the road, and killed and
wounded tlie following persons, as well
as destroying the train: Charles Garrett,
mate of ‘steamer Mellborne,-killed out
right; John Gregory, train hand, both
legs broken, injured internally and is dy
ing; John Humphreys, Henry Mayor and
Rufus Diggs, carpenters, bndlv bruised,
Chief Morrison, of the Catawba tribe
of IndiiHfi, numbering eighty men, reservation women
and children, who live on a
of York county, S. C., and receive an
annuity from the state, arrived in Colum
bia on "business for his “nation.” He bears
a communication signed by leading braves
of the tribe, asking the state authorities
to take steps toward putting certain
“lawless white men” off the reservation,
they “a big trouble to the nation. ”
as are
J. W."Brady and J. Rogers are named as
the objectionable parties.
John Dagnoll, a farmer of Laurens
county, South Carolina, had $500 hidden
in his house and happened to mention
the fact to hi* brother-in-law. Dagnoll
left home one day expecting to be ab
sent over night, but for some reason re
turned late the same afternoon. During
the night he awoke and found three men
in his room. He seized a large bowie
knife and cut off the ear of one of the
robbers and stabbed him iu the cheek,
The others escaped. The wounded man
proved to be DaguoH’sJbrother-in-law , and
he is now in jail.
The boiler of the saw-mill of Wood
~f * IX. «... Tilton, On., explode,1,
wrecking the mill and killing six men
and seriously* injuring two others. One
man had his head blown from his body,
while another was literally blown in two.
The dead men are kinsmen, EUison, Em
ory, Walker, all white, and two negroes,
Hawkins and Hogan, all belonging said to the
neighborhood. The boiler is to have
been very old, and known as unsafe for a
.vear past. It was leased'a short time
since by some Canadians, who were
pushing it beyond its capacity.
-lames Uhastine, a white man confined
in the county jail at Birmingham. died Ala., of*
for the murder of Hugh Boyle,
starvation. He was put in jail jast July,
and about a month ago announced that
he was going to starve himself to death.
For thirteen days and nights not a .parti
de of food *or water parsed his lips. him The
county physician then took charge of
an ^ forced food down his throat. He
was removed to the hospital until he re
gained a little strength, when he was ta
lien back to jail. He was reduced to a
skeleton, and had been unconscious for
fortv-eight hours before his death.
The Government diffusion experiment
station on ex-Gov. Warmoth’s magnolia
plantation iu Louisiana reports: The
second sugar from the run has been dried
out and weighed, and show- a product
of fori v pounds to the ton. ten pound
more than was estimated. Added fo the
first sugar -146.1 this make-a total «f
»- *• - <*• —
ing. 13.56 sucrose and 1)6 glucose. The¬
oretically the available sugar in this par¬
ticular lot of cane was 15)4 pounds of su¬
gar to the ton. This is a gain of about
ten per cent, over the, best average made
by the most improved process other than
The Sewer I*i|>e» of Rochester, N. V., billed
With Nnpth*, itncl (Several Jtteii Killed.
A terrific explosion occurred in front of
the Poole flour mill on Mill street, in
Rochester, N. Y., and was felt for a long
distance. Only a another few seconds) .followed after and the
first explosion,
another, and still another, in rapid suc¬
cession. Instantly, flames burst from the
Poole mill and the rear walls fed in. The
fire burned with great fury, and although
the workmen hastened to get
out. several perished. before it was
only u few minutes Washington
mills, adjoining the burning structure,
was also on lire. The cause of the explo¬
sion was that sewers in the vicinity were
tilled with naptha; 14,000 gallons ot
naptha were pumped from the Vacuum
Oil works through a pipe line in thl bed
of an old canal. It was intended hr the
Municipal gas company, but breaks in
the line allowed naptha to escape inti ad¬
joining sewers. When the sewers berime
surcharged with gas it escaped into flie
mills and exploded there, and afterwards
into the sewers in the streets, throwing
out manhole explosions covers and tearing up road- it
ways. The covered a wider
tent of territory. Manholes over seven
OH Mill, Platt, State, West, Main, Tv s
niont, Sinith, Jay, Furnace. Brown and
manv other streets, were blown off by
the force of the explosion, and a great
deal of paving around them was fre
MUeI)t i y found torn up. Windows were
shattered in many buildings in the vieiu
;, v Jin j the shock was felt over a large
The tunnel through which the
burning naptha flowed for several hours
**' ^ *'% V"'
outlet for sewera on the west side. V 1 red
,.,. irk Wilson, E. A. Webster and John
Lie killed. I
were ,
--------- ------ j
A b«»;tai. encounter,
Tho joternationT^test between Jake
V,."‘the"bert''p'S’lfat J f“
There was no police interference. G. W.
Atkinson, referee, performed his duties
\ -with satisfaction to all concerned. Flem
i,i<>-ami Hardin acted as timekeepers and
uinpiies. The fight was remarkable for
the persistent wrestling of the men. In
the fourth round Smith was knocked sil
h bya'teriffie blow on the ear. Though
Smith had the worst of fhe falls, he
fought splendidly under great difficulties
and was as fresh as Ivdrain when
j darkness stopped the fight, rounds at 4:45.
One hundred and six were
fought, lasting two and a half hours,
The general impression seemed the best to be
that the Baltimore man was man.
The skill displayed by Kilrain astonished
the Englishmen who claim to be the
greatest pugilists in the world. The ref
eree ordered that the tight be resumed
the next day, but later Smith and Kil
rain expressed mutual respect for each
j other, swore eternal lnendship agreed to)
consider the light a John draw and pledged
| each other to light L. Hnllivan, the
| champion slugger of Boston 1 he geii-
1 eral opinion is that the fight was the
! gamest heavy weight contest of the pres¬
; ent generation.
I mariners be\vare:
An enormous raft of logs, 580 feel long
and drawing 19 feet ofwater and about
lo feet out of water, While being towed
from Nova Scotia to New- Yoik by the
steamer Miranda, broke away in latitude
40, 16 north longitude. TO, 0.6, west,
constituting navigation directly a dangerous the track obstmetmu of vessels to
approaching New York and Philadelphia.
The raft is composed feel of 37,000 nude and logs and feet
IS r >60 feet long. 80 88
high- It was rtujtp. like a cigar and
was owned by a New York slup builder
It was bound togotbev with chains and
™ will f ‘ ls hold, togetf er a flbo long « t u t nne the tnn-k T In,
and solidbulW-iboVc J the water ;' Even ..i,|‘.!
’ ... P the l-irelst . °f sG-imer - ... fh - f ......i ( . 1 ....i l '
ovr/ ' i TirF J—..... r-i ruevev
GovernouGordon pann/e pardoned convicted Carrie Boss flic
anc | Tolbert, at
March Ga./of tent. 1886, of Fulton senlencai Superior
eoprt. perjurv and to
the penitentiary as^rns for four vears. The gov
ernoy as his reasons for grantinj;
the pardons "that whilst technically
guilty perjury under the facts, if was
a very stjall violation of the law commit
ted by tiwo ignorant colored women, and
4 number of citizens, including the judge
who tried the case, the solicitor geneial
and all the officers of the court and a nu
,i°ritv fit the grand and traverse juiois,
petitioned for executive clemency'.
• ------
Investigation at the headquarters of thy
Oklahoma,Boomers at ‘Wichita. Kansas.
sjiows eacli.%o that many recauitfi are pay ing $25
become members of the Oklahoma
-'■tilers’ Association. Though the utmost
^tecyts . to be preserved, U hu dr vc I
that the intention is to reiat least
A.? 00 ? ,aDrl of arm 'j to. dis,nfmt( am one
those boomers having none, and
Congress no throw "penthe cove e l
dA pn! 14. the leaders ul! U'
es, jssr^r r ” at
NO. 44,
Tim Seething Km-opeiin Canldrou—Ireland'*
Tioiitilng- Eire*, Accidents. Suicides,
etc.. Knur. West and North.
Another attempt has been made to kill
the Czar of Russia.
The town of Zionville, Indiana, was
nearly wiped out by tire.
Russia's endeavors to raise a loan at
Brussels and Amsterdam have failed.
Gladstone, the Grand Old Man of En¬
gland, has gone to Italy for his health.
Queen Victoria is indisposed. Slw
caught cold recently while in London.
Catholic Right Rev. James diocese Joseph Cannery, Hamil¬
Bishop of the of
ton, Out., is dead.
Hou. Daniel Manning, ex-Secretary of
the l\ S. Treasury, is critically ill at his
residence in Albany, N. Y.
A revolt occurred on board the convict,
steamer Orne, bound for Cayenne, which
was suppressed by shooting eleven ring
Tickets for the great “slugging match”
between Mitchell, an Englishman, and
John L. Sullivan, of Boston, Mass., are
selling iu London for$300 each.
Berry Wall, king of the New xork
dudes, was married in Baltimore, Md., to
■'Ess Salome Melbourne, daughter of Maj.
Melbourne of the War Department.
Thomas Brewer held two sticks of
dynamite in one hand in the Lake Ange
line mine, lshpening, Mich., and lit hi?
pipe with the other hand. He was bioWB
into fragments.
Cabannes the German official who re¬
vcaled the contents of state documents to
France, has been sentenced to ten years’
„,, ua i servitude and deprived of all civil
itolits for ten years thereafter.
^urbane* have occurred in
, ' ; to o,fi,„ ^^orde/ ^trouble nresenr-e
ori ^ lia ted the c l 08 i ng 0 f factories .
caused by depression in trade.
Samuel Dickie, chaiman of the na
ChgS,°“T*?«‘— dianaP0!W
im’wedlmsduy. l («Cnex“t ’
£sSrisSras I^” 1 TmnddSter^ifLu
. «
*' ‘
'Mis- Inez S an Aamlt hved . in . a v ew
\ork boarding house with Miss Eanm
Hu kies and quarreling with the latter,
revenged herself by killing two pet cana
f u’s. tor winch, a police judge month. sentenced
her to Blackwell’s Island for a
The Pope intends to make Archbishop
Williams, of Boston.'a cardinal, and
transfer Bishop McMahon, oi Hartford,
to Boston, Mass., as coadjutor to Arch-,
bishop M illiams. and raise vicar General
Byrne, of Boston, to the episcopacy with
Hartford, 4 his
Conn., as see.
ole Olcson, a Scandinavian, employed
., street railway trackman at Chicago,
fn lost the savings of a lifetime. While
jt lr wife looking at a house.
(vbi. b lm intended to buy, the old. man's
j-nement was butglarized ol $2,o39. H«
» ul laid aside the money weekly and
1V eing afraid of the banks nad kept_ he
l; „. tmu . iu lt trunk under the bed.
Mrs. Me Vane, wife of E. MeVauc, a
Northern Pacific official, is lying in Grand
Forks, Dak., either dead or in ft etate.of
trance so much resembling death, that il
is impossible at present to detect, the dif¬
ference. Twice before she has been su»
posed to be dead. Some tokens of deatfc
n i-e still lacking. Her last words 'yrat
-My God! my God! don’t bury me alive,
A Hungarian miner persisted ii? enter
j no- n room in the Akron mines at Byes
viiks , )},i 0 , with his lamp burning to toi)k re¬
movc tools, when an explosion and knocking
pl:l( . ( . instantly killing him
( j nvvn every one within a radius of 80(1*
fet . r H arrv Tithers, who followed the
Uimgariin Mid attempted to fifing him
Jrom Ghe room, was knocked down and
i) .,d l v burned, and is not expected to live..
m.' General*Aaaemblv of Virginia met
»J . 01 . seRS j on Lieutenant Governor ^
' l ^ result Jov of tlie.. tWe election purpose
Hn ut)U aciof( the
verified ami canvassed • T'" S. heic
<-nst were Lieutenant dt .lared
! upon the "Governor o
i | John j jty S. of Barbour, fhe votes having east, was received duly elected ««•
I United States Senator to succeed Senator
1 Riddleberger, on March 4, 1885).
Papers in the suit brought by W. H.
Good bv A Co., of New York, against th^
Coast .jane Railway Company, of Gcor
gia. were filed in the United States Cir
i Ynit Court jn that city. accepted ’Die bankers, cheek in
(he course of business, for a $75.4(5
made November ! ith. 188,.
by Richard E. Cobb, as treasurer oi tne
railway company, and payable one iay
afterdate to John C. Mader, °* or> cr.
Rankers demanded payment, which
\^as refused. „
^ |,<mib. to" which a lighted fuse window was
was thrown through a Canfield
j n j 0 t j ie dining-room of Dr.
residence at Stanstead. Quebec. Mre.
Canfield, hearing the crash and the hiss
j f the burning fuse, sprang out of ,
^ nL , n succeeded detaching the fuse.
in bailiff, has
jj ( . ( a nfield's father, who is a
engaged lately in serving processes
f OI -violation* of the Canada temperance
j aw . U1f j h H rl' been <hreatened with vim ,
icnce if he did not desist.
It is stated that during his recent visit
to 8a n Remo, fhe Duke of Edinburgh ex
P r. led the opinion that a war in Europe «
\vny .almost certain to come soon.
in gt