The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
2 STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. DILL INTRODUCED IX THE HOUSE TO CREATE ONE. Its Duty to Examine All Applicants for FermancntLicense to Teach lit the Schools— lien. John B. Gordon, Judge Henry 11. Tompkins and Others Will Discuss Child Lnbor Bill in Hall of House Tuesday Night. Atlanta, Nov. 23.—The House dispos ed of considerable business to-day. Many new bills were introduced and a large number of local measures were passed. The most important bill intro duced was that by Mr. Barron of Jones providing for the creation of a state board of educational examiners. Ac cording to the provisions of the meas ure, the Governor, six months after the passage of the bill, is authorized to ap point three competent persons, actually engaged in educational work, to con stitute this board of examiners. The duty of the board is to examine all ap plicants for permanent licenses to teach in the public schools of the state. The examinations will be prepared by the board and will be held on the first Thursdays and Fridays in June of each year. During the session the bill by Mr. Gress of Wilcox, providing that the state shall erect anew depot on the site of the present carshed in Atlanta was read the second time. Chairman Bower called a special meeting of the Western and Atlantic Committee to-day during the session to prepare a report on the Felder depot resolution requiring the lessee to put the depot In good condition. The com mittee was in session only a short time and submitted a report recommending that the resolution be passed as amend ed. The first amendment struck the preamble of the resolution and the other Inserted the word "inquiry” fiT one of the sections so as to modify the language used. A resolution was adopted giving the use of the hall of the House on Tues day evening to Judge Henry B. Tomp kins, Gen. John B. Gordon and others, who will discuss the child labor bill. Among the bills passed was one by Mr. Johnson of the Fifth district to es tablish a public school system in Ware county, outside of the city of Way cross. The following bills were also passed: By Mr. Toomer of Ware—A bill to fix the license for selling spirituous, in toxicant or malt liquors at wholesale or retail In Ware county. By Messrs. Mitchell and Wilkes of Thomas—To Incorporate the town of Cooiidge. By Mr. Knight of Berrien—To Incor porate the town of Lenox. By Mr. Maples of Mitchell—To pro vide for a system of public schools in the town of Pelham. By Mr. Harper of Wayne—To amend the charter of Jesup. By Mr. Hilton of Screven—To make the town of Sylvania eligible to the list of towns designated as state de positories. The Senate was not in session. A DESPERATE FIGHT. Murderer I'kil Man aa Shield • Against Officers' Bullets. Sylvania. Ga., Nov. 23.—8i1l Miller, a 200-pound negro, working with the Mill Haven Company, was shot and killed Thursday at Burton's Ferry on the Savannah river by Joseph Graham, a detective from Montgomery county. It seems that Miller killed a white man in Baker county eleven years ago. and there has been a reward of *2OO out for him since that time. He was recently spotted by Officer Graham, and Thursday, In company with an other white man, the detective walked up on him at the ferry*whlle he was loading lumber on a raft. He ordered him to surrender, and his assistant went up to put the handcuffs on him. As he did so, the negro giant grabbed him and held him securely with one arm, while with the other, he drew a pistol and commenced firing at Gra ham. Th? first ball grazed the offi cers temple, and he ducked his head and escaped the second, the negro in the meanwhile keeping the young white man as a shield In front of him, to protect him from the officer's gun. At last the young man managed to get his head down low, leaving the negro's head exposed, and as he did so, Graham sent a rifle ball crashing through his brain, killing him instant ly. Tht- body rolled down the bank, and would have gone Into the river, had not the officers caught It. Miller was evidently a desperate character, and had told some of the negroes at Mill Haven that he killed a white man end a white woman before he committed the murder in Baker county. FAKIRS ItETIRXEO THE TRI'SiK. Young Lady Teacher at Y'aldosta Make* Larky Recovery. Valdosta, Ga., Nov. 23.—A rather pe culiar case came to light here this morning. During the recent South Georgia Fair a lady teacher for the school at the Strikland Cotton Mills reached Valdosta and was taken In charge by Superintendent Merritt, who had one of the livery stables to send her trunk to cotton mills. The ne gro drayman started to the mills and passed by the fair grounds. One of the fakirs doing business there ran out and met the dray and claimed the trunk. The negro turned it over to him, supposing that he had been mistaken as to where to carry it. In the meantime, the rightful owner of the trunk made out a claim for damages. A day or so ago an agent of the sta ble went to Jacksonville to see if he could locate the trunk. He carried the negro drayman with him to identify the man to whom he gave it and also to identify the trunk. The man was located at the "Moorish theater,” and later the trunk was found there. A po liceman was summoned to make ar rests, after which the "theater" man made an explanation that was satisfac tory, at the same time returning the trunk. He stated that he had engaged a girl here to Join his aggregation and that she promised to send out her trunk at a certain hour In the afternoon. When he saw the draymen he suppos ed that was the trunk. He proved his statement by parties who were known here, and the explanation was accept ed. The young lady teacher was glad to recover her trunk and upon examina tion to-day It Is as id that it had not bee* opened by the people to stem It wns d*- ivtrnd by mistake. It was at met thought that the fakirs were try ing to steal the trunk and Its contents. Kfcsdee h*fn f srllvs far Nsrer. Athens, <h, Ko, Ms -In the elec tion he* to d#y / r it hod** iwst h H. Car!ion by s mslorlty of iitt W *'• Wmikerly won Itobert Flour huy la the only ware where there was gny opposition tot >U •■!) - * Atr • ..-Mar *'•'**• <*#* *- *•!♦ r i own, |do# %%.. fe dsy gets, •** twpoo CORTEZ CIGARS J* .i Climatic conditions, aromatic and mild i adUL. a l j^ avana tobacco, prepared by skilled Key West hand labor, give a taste to —i- CORTEZ CIGARS For Men which satisfies the dis _ , criminating smoker. w? of Brains CORTEZ cigar CO., key WEST IIARRV C. TINDALL RELEASED. Judge Robert* Take* Different View from Jutl#e Candler. Macon, Ga., Nov. 23.—Harry C. Tin dall, who has been imprisoned for the past four months for contempt of court, under an order issued by Judge John S. Candler of Atlanta, was to day released on an order signed by Judge Dave Roberts of the Oconee Circuit. Judge Roberts held upon Tindall's application for discharge that to keep Tindall in jail longer would avail nothing, as it was plain to the court that he had no earthly pow er to make restitution for the $6,060 shortage, and that the law did not contemplate that a man should be kept in jail for failing to obey an order of court, when it was not in his r>° w er to obey it. The case will now be ap pealed, but Tindall is spending to night with his family and will hardly be Imprisoned again. He says lie will make the money ana pay up The short age. BASIL A. WISE DEAD. Bat Prominent and Snoeen.fol Boal. nesa Man of Macon. Macon, Ga., Nov. 23. —Basil A. Wise, recently nominated for alderman from the Third ward, died here this morn ing. He was 32 years old, and was one of the most successful young bus iness men in the city. He was a grandson of the lamented Joseph Clis by, who was, years ago, editor of the Macon Telegraph. The funeral will oc cur here to-morrow afternoon. WAS INSTANTLY KILLED. Piece of Lumber Fall, on Head of 14-Year Old Boy nt Hazlehnrst. Hazlehurdt, Ga.. Nov. 23.—Mltchel Crews, a boy 14 years old, was Instant ly killed this evening by a piece of lumber falling on his head at the Southern Pine Company's lumber yard. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO THE PUBLIC. A number of owners of hacks have organized themselves Into a union for the purpose of suppressing, so far as the union is concerned, all unlawful acts on the part of its drivers, such as have been reported to have been perpetrated upon persons who have hired hacks for the purpose of con venience in conveying them to or from any point in or out of the city. The object of the union is to furnish protection to all persons who may use the hacks of the union. Any of its members who shall be guilty of any offense or violations of the city ordi nances or the laws of the state while In lawful pursuit of their business of hackmen, <fr who shall wilfully take advantage of any passenger in their care, shall be prosecuted by the union to the fullest extent of the law. The hackmen of this organization may be known by wearing a hat badge marked “Hackmen’s Union.” All such hackmen wearing the badge of their union can be relied upon by the gen eral public as being honest, reliable and trustworthy, and will render pro tection to all of Its patrons. The union has secured the services of Mr. George W. Owens as its legal advisor and representative In all mat ters of law. Respectfully, T. S. R. Rivers, presi dent; W. K. Callon. vice president; J. S. McMillan, secretary; C. H. Ebbs. TURKISH BATHS, Corner Congress and Drayton Streets. Will be open on Fridays, for ladies only, from 10 a. m. until 9 p. m. The management has decided to keep open each Friday evening for the ac commodation of the business women, and, as numerous requests have been made for evening bathing, all will have a chance to enjoy a winter luxury and the benefits of a much needed and healthy Institution. Single baths, sl. Twelve tickets, $lO. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor the consig nees of the British steamship Cairndon, Lewis, master, and the Swedish steam ship August Leffier, Dahnberg, master, will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crews of said vessels. J. F. MINIS & CO., Consignees. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor the consig nees of the Belgian steamship Clem atis. Leenaers master, will be respon sible for any debts contracted by the crew of said ship. J. F. MINIS & CO., Consignees. SPECIAL NOTICE. We ask all those who can donate two garments to the Needle Guild to kindly send to St. John's Parish Hall by Mon day. so as to be distributed among the various churches by Thanksgiving. MRS. MAX WOLFF. President. SPECIAL NOTICE. For rent, parlor flat, consisting of five rooms, with use of bath. 118 State street, east. CHAS F. FULTON. " ” NOTICE.” All persona are cautioned against hunting or trespassing on Dean forest and Beach Forest plantations. K. F. & R. P. LOVELL. GRAM) OYSTER ROAST —AT— WILMINGTON ISLAND Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 21. Steamer Wilmington Leave* Thun derbolt st to a. m. and i p. m. Whole tickets, Me. Half tickets, Sn .l.i.* '>,(■ ( Host, 26c. THK lltll IK TOM GOOD WIIHK ■ style, rortsln* and blanket* cleaned u beet fashion. Call and sse sample* 'i*i*4* ( iitcA), ci+Mft, And yu*i !** H|U#l to A*W. Join Olir yrrntmUm • iwk ##*4 look ¥AVA NM A M ¥ 1 i'AM fj Y WO UK# Hi '/ftU# U't l|* THE MORNING NEWS; SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 24.190 L MARRIAGES. YV A Y Toronto, on Nov. 20, 1901, at the resi dence of Mr. R. R. Bongard, by the Rev. H. J. Coady, Elizabeth Ellen Bon gard to James Stark Wayne. No cards. DEATHS.*”” HEAGARTY.—Died, yesterday aft ernoon at 5 o'clock, at No. 433 Barnard street, Mrs. M. J. Heagarty; funeral to-morrow, MERRIHEW.—Died, at Telfair Hos pital, 9:20 a. m., Nov. 23, Frances Elli son Ralls Merrihew, wife of James Pe ters Merrihew. Interment at her native home, Culloden, Ga. Macon, Ga., and Wilmington. Del., papers please copy. ELNEH A1 , IN VITATI DNS. SMITH.—The relatives and friends or afre. Aiice Smith, are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, Indian, near Farm street, this afternoon, at 3 o’clock. In terment at Cathedral Cemetery. TATE.—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Tate and family, are invited to attend the funeral of the former from No. 435 Tattnall street, at 9:30 o'clock, this morning. VAN WAGENEN.—Friends of Mr. a*d Mrs. Robert Van Wagenen are in vited to attend the funeral of Robert Van Wagenen from his late residence, 401 Tattnall street, at 3 o’clock this afternoon. Interment in Bonaventure. MEETINGS. A special communication of A this lodge will be held this (Sun day) afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, for the purpose of attending the funer al of our late brother, Robert Van Wagenen. Members of sister lodges and trans ient brothers invited to attend. By order JULIAN A. TISON, W. M. W. C. TRAVIS. Secretary. ”””fcPECIAIT NOTIOES^ SCHAFER'S Home-Made Minor Bleat PIES For Thanksgiving Dinner. As Essential as Turkey. Order the Day Before. 210 Jefferson and 120 Liberty, East. Bell Phones 1680 and 108S. FREE, FREE, FREE. With every tea cents package ot —KAFFOTARIC— The Great Pala Destroyer, we give absolately tree the guar antee (hat yoar Neuralgia or Head ache will be promptly stopped by its use, SOLOMONS COMPANY, WE ARE NOW PREPARED To serve oysters In every style. Light Lunches a specialty. Cakes, Bread and all kinds of pastry fresh every day. Chocolates, Bonbons and Stick Candy. Don’t fall to try one of our Sunshine Cakes. 10c only. All kinds Ice Creams and Sherbets. Charlotte Russe. BELSINGER & GROSS, Phones 265. 12 Brou ghton St., We st. c N THOMAS> Jeweler*, 124 Whitaker Street. Jewelry the very best, comprising full line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Pins, Rings, Watches. Fine Clocks, Weddings Presents. Repairing, glasses fitted. MOURNING BLACKS Done In one day's notice for people who have to go In mourning. Tailor made dress or suit done up fine, and it beats getting them away. At the New York Dye Works, Whitaker and State. Both phones 94*. SWEETBREAD TO-MOHIIOW. As fine as any you ever saw, as well as ducks, wild and barnyard. Quail, Venison, Doves. The best lamb, beef, veal and pork. Vegetables fresh. Fruit fine JAB. J. JOYCE, Both Stores. 'Phone 107. FREE, FREE,'FREE. ERRORS In the REFRACTION of the EYE cause no end of trouble to the sufferer. The only remedy is prop erly fitted GLASSES. Call st the Masonic Temple Pharmacy and have your eyes tested free, MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY, 'Phone* 682. THONNESKN'g ART STORE Our Photograph 1c Views and repro ductions from the old master* must be een to b* appreciated. ill TP.R* At Helmken's Caf* you will find the most dellcloue Oysters. I rivets par*i*s* dinners. Clean and tulrk. bsrvna# lbs boat On* bkath lien hs Roto 4. if It ELM K KM, Proprietor. UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED BESJOFALL Office 307 Bull Street Phone 700. A MI9E M K.\ TS. East Broad and Bolton Streets. TWO DAYS ONLY, Thursday Nov. 27 and 28. W. H. HARRIS’ WtrHLB FAMOUS NICKEL PLATE SHOW, THE LARGEST POPULAR-PRICED SHOW IN THE WORLD. Twice daily at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open one hour earlier. SPECIAL NOTICES. KNIGHT’S PHARMACY. Open Night and Day. We are not of any trust clique or combination, but run our own business and lead all others in prices: Sulphate Quinine, 1 ounce 35 c 100 empty capsules 5 c Armour’s extract of beef 35 C Bromo Seltzer 10c, 15c, 35c, 70 c Mennen’s talcum powder 12%c Davidson anti-colic and clean form nipples, per dozen 30 c Castile soap, large bars 40 c Wampole’s Antiseptic 501uti0n...25 c Rubber gloves, per pair $1.50 See our immense stock of Adams’ hair brushes, Rodger’s knives and ra zors, and scissors, DeMuth's pipes, briar and meerchaum, Whiting box papers, rubber sheeting, hot water bot tles, fountain syrup, invalid rings, air pillows, Rodgers & Gallets, Pinauds, Hudnuts & Palmer’s perfumes. Mail orders solicited. Both phones 639. KNIGHT’S PHARMACY, Savannah, Ga. ROYAL MUSIC HALL, 216-218 Broughton street, west. For week commencing Nov. 25. The place that leads them all, with an en tire new show for our patrons. Headed by ROBERTS, SMILAX & CO., Comedy and Acrobatic Sketch Team. THE HOLDSWORTH. Refined Musical Artists. GARDNER & BLACK. Kings of Comedy. MISS MADELINE STARR. MISS MARGUERITTE ZOLA, BABE FRANCIS, MISS OLGA DE FORREST. MABLE WRIGHT, MINNIE HESS. MISS LILLIE B. GARNER. A show to please the public, together with our latest moving picture ma chine and our Challenge Orchestra. BICYCLES EXAMINED THOROUGHLY When your wheel is “sick,” bring it to Holland s. We do first-class repair ing in all branches. We have Hart ford, Goodrich, Morgan & Wright and a doaen different brands of good bicy cle tires, including baby carriage, sulky and heavy buggy tires In profu sion. Prices always as low as we can make them. All bicycles repaired here are done by an expert. We guarantee workman ship to be unexcelled. DANIEL A. HOLLAND, No. 6 State Street, East. “Lamps to burn.” CYPRESS SHINGLES. We offer 1,000,000 Cypress Shingles ot all the different grade*, from $1.60 to $3.00 per thousand. Boats can load at our mills. VALE ROYAL MFO. CO.. H. P. Smart. 1 resident. DOOHS.SASH, JILIN IJS, And everything in the building material line. We are headquarters for these goods, with the largest and most com plete ytock In the South. Buy White Pine Doors. Sash and Blinds for your new home. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. JUST RECEIVED. Westphalia Hams, Smoked Goose Breasts, Smoked Salmon, all kinds of smoked and salted delicatessen, fish and fresh German imported Potatoes, and many other articles too numerous to mention. MRS. A. NORRE, Ga. Tel. 36. 117 Barnard street, FOR SALE. I offer for sale my restaurant and outfit at 114 Drayton street, and I will be pleased to exhibit my books to a prospective purchaser. JOE CHANG, Prop. San Francisco Restaurant. NOTICE. ” PROPERTY OWNERS DO NOT wait until ordinance requiring you to connect to new house drainage is en forced. It will pay you to have It done at once by the former Inspector of plumbing. W. H. COSGROVE. U* Drayton atreet. SPECIAL NOTICE. Sanitary plumbing, practical gu tilting, perfect sewerug# connection*. Special at tention to repairs. Call and exsrtina ih* "Acme” Instantaneous water beater, best on the market, E. F, UHODBKICK. Ml Drayton street. Plumber. CALL FOB TUB CIU*iTI MED MEANT*, Pilsner. Old Lag*r. Creeceat, Aurora, Pels**. is bottle* sud k*. THE JUNO liHEWING CIO.. O V|| tf ttttICKEN, •*vir*h M/tncf*. flilfli### Mi Hu U ftM flJvt t BUSINESS NOTICES. To-morrow The Very, Very Last Day! On which special prices for those beautiful Sterling Silver i Tea Sets, I Are to be had. No more choice, stylish, high-' I grade WEDDING or HOL-t IDAY present could be conceived of. To miss this offer is to neglect the opportunity of many years. Come and see them to-morrow (Monday) by all means t Wedding Presents And Holiday Presents are specialties with us. R. VAN KEUREN & CO. JEWELERS, 143 Bull. Ga. Phone 991. SPECIAL NOTICES. FINE RYE WHISKY. The beet whisky in th* city tor the price is the GOLDEN WEDDING WHISKY. price, *I.OO bottle, three bottles for *2.50, twelve bettles for *9.50, ex press paid. Look at the la be' and be sure you get genuine GOLDEN WEDDING WHISKY. It Is a large gilt label With the picture in the center with a marriage taking place, LIPPMAN BROTHERS, " Sole Agents for the Distillery, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga. SCOTCH WHISKY. Direct from Greer, Glasgow, Scotland. COGNAC BRANDY, FRENCH CLARET WINES, GERMAN. RHINE and MOSELLE WINES direct from France and Germany. All ot these goods are in the United States Custom House here, which insures their purity sad ele gance. LIPPMAN BROTHEHIB. CHEAPEST PLACE IK THE CITT. We wasn your clothe* Juit white like enow, so fair. We use Octagon soap and the clothes never fade. We give you satisfaction and guarantee the beat work. Shirts Bc. New Shirts 10c, Shirt Waists 15c, Undershirts 6c, Drawers sc. Collars l%c. Cuffs 3c, Handkerchiefs lVjc, Socks lc. Pants cleaned 26c, Family clothes, mixed, a dozen, 10c; Family, all starcn, clothes, a dozen, 61.00; Duck Skirts 20c, Linen Suits 60c. Our delivery wagon will call for linen. ROBERT A TONG CO.. First Class Chinese Laundry. Bell 'Phone 1200. KJ Broughton, east. SCHOOL BOOKS M —and— SCHOOL SUPPLIES ESTILL'S NEWS DEPOT, Ko. 45 Bull Street. FOR RENT, Store No. 221 Congress street, west; possession given Immediately. Apply to BEARING A HULL, 10 Drayton street. Provident building. 30,000 FIELD UKOWN ROSE PLANTS 85 different varieties from 1 year to 3 years old. The right time to plant is from November to March. Send for price list or come out and see for your self. Visit the nursery on Ott and An derson streets. Street cars to Fair grounds will bring you within one block. JOHN WOLF. Both phones 634. Florist. PAINTN ANII OILS. Painters and others should know that we carry at all times the very high- I est grades of Paints and Oils. We sell st very close figures. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO. Corner Congreaa and Drayton. Phone H>. NOTICE. I desire bo thank my patrons and the public for their many kind and sytnpa- ; ihetlc sspreaslons and to say that my place of business will b# open this morning as usual.* 41 S GARDNER, j Our Own Artesian Well Is a Great Advantage. Plentiful use of pure wates is a benefit to your linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY. 11 Congress Street, West. i’Phone 383, a. a a a. a. . Sustain m ■, m II.M ’ OTHERS CHARGE $2 50. Grapbopbones SX Frank Rheumatic Cure. n. Cures when all others fall. Price $1.50. We Have a line of Brandies that are Strictly Pure LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACY CO., BULL AND CONGRESS. | BRANCH. 303 BULL. BUSINESS NOTICE 9. RECOGNIZED THE WORLD OVER. 12 Broughton Street, East Georgia Phone 900 BeII Phone i 630. UMBRELLAS We are showing the prettiest and best as sortment of fine Um brellas in Savannah. No fancy prices. Koch & Sylvan, Jewelers, 46 Whitaker Street. IT HAS BEEN OUR AIM Always to have our stock of silver full and complete from the simplest single piece to full sets of tea service. We Invite special attention to pieces in HAND CHASED work, not the or dinary product of the shop, but artistic creations -which stand a lifetime of use. THEUS BROS. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Now is the time to buy Christmas liifts, as we have-a full stock of the latest designs, so as to get first choice. You may have them put aside on a small deposit. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, etc. A. L. DESBOUILLONS 43 BULL STREET. ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY, Savannah, Ga, AN ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT -OF GROCERIES Is drawing patrons to our store. We offer fresh and tastily selected goods. WATCH TRAPANI & BRANAN, They are the coming people. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE WAY TO CLEAN CAHPUTB. Tbs only way to gsi your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned end taken car* of for the summer, Is to lurn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 3, or call st 33 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esu matt on th* cost of tbs work. Pries* reasonable They alto pack, movs auu •tor* furniture and pianos C. H MEDLOOK. Hupt and Mgfc 1 HAVE A PAII 1’ TO DO In ail my work. I bav* a past be cause of conscientious earnest effort 1 have a future la th* asms propor tion. I will give you better results, better designs, better, prices, and a better stock of paper'hanging* to §*■ It- 1 from than you ever And else where TAYLOR, 136 140 Barnard, K of P Halt Phone lit. BUSINESS NOTICES. just beecTre~iTianks7uvlng Tou want something to be thankful ror. Now call on us and you will al ways be thankful to yourself that you saw the newest and latest 1902 crea tions of the best and most renowned manufacturers in the world. Every thing purchased by us at the New York Convention and Cincinnati con vention is in our repository on wheeH awaiting your inspection. As mu.-ii pleasure to us to show these goods as to sell them. Don't forget our line of horse blan kets and lap robes. Largest stock in the South; right prices. COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY, Broughton and West Broad Streets. EVES EXAMINED FREE. If you have any eye troubles consult us. If you need glasses we want to fit you. If you need treatment will advise you. Have you seen our latest machin ery for lense grinding, it is the most com plete plant in the South, and enables us to compete with any establishment in the country for fine prescription work. Bring us your Oculist Ris, and get your glasses the same day. DR. M. SCHWAB A SON. 471 Bull Street. All Kinds of Bicycles and Sundries. 100 new Bicycles now on hand for Christmas cheap for cash, from $16.50 to $25.00. 0. HI. THOMAS, Jefferson and Broughton Lane. Both Phones 949. CONIDA’S Our assortment of Fancy Boxes for entertainments, souvenirs, weddings and parties is the largest in the city. If you are looking for any novelties in Ice Cream or Candy In fancy shapes or colors, we make them at short no tice. Our individual ice cream molds are up to date. Our Glace Butter Nuts, Glace Grapes, Scotch Kisses and Orange Glace Slices in great demand. Both 'phones No. 597. THE CHATHAM Real Estate and improvement Cos A MUTUAL LOAN AND BUILDuNG COMPANY. INSTALLMENT PLAN. No loans made outside of Chatham county. Homes built on monthly payment plan. OFFICE. 14 BH-YAN STREET, EAST. Savannah. J. H. ESTILL, President. C. H. DORSETT, Vice President. F. W. GARDEN, Sec. and Treas. DIRECTORS—WiIIiam Kehoe, Le Roy Myers. H. C Cunningham. H. P- Smart, C. 8. J. Randolph An derson. FTHTHK For sale, s Forssith Newspaper Foldsr; win fold sheet 27x43. It is In good order. Pries 6100. It oost originally 61,100. but we bav* no uss for It and went tbs room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct ta soy newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, •avaaaab. - THE MITIAL MKWKIIT Lit* **' SITtAtK'H COMPANY, of Newark. N*w Jsrasy. W. T. HOPKINS. A#*"* Telephone tl*. U Hrysu •ursst, *** L