Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 05, 1912, FINAL, Image 15
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Published by The Georgian Company. j ZO East Alabama Street Atlanta, Ga. , TTitered at" Atlanta Postofflce as second- . rl class matter , Subscriptions Payable In A' 3va !\ ce ik ore year. mall, postage prepad. $5.00 S’x months, mall, postage prepa d, 250 Thrw months, mall, postage pre pa d. 1.25 one month, mall, postage prepaid, ■« ] Subscriptions Pr yable In Advance, delivered by carrier, one year.»s -0 De v-red by carrier, six months 2.60 , Delivered by carrier, three months... 1-30 Delivered by carrier, one month LeYveYdYy carrier in Atlanta and 1 other cities, one week lU °" Help Wanted—Female. iWYrrrD—A white woman to cook and ''do house work for two. 795 Ponce De- I.e on are. ATED -By small family, girl or woman ■ fairly capable of preparing two meals a Jv and do housework. 39 West Twejfth Street • i-o-iy .-vjw- help "WANTED—Experienced ' patfijers” Norris,, Inc.. 267 Edgewood avenue. .777n?”wanted’ good wages* room on lot, ‘small "family. Tpply 777 Ponce DeLeon I mine Ivy 2030-L. \V\NTED—A first-class cook. Apply 510 X ‘ Jackson st. GTtNTFD—Cook and house girl combined ' '(5 Euclid ave., Inman Park. 7-5-16 CoLoRED woman to cßok biscuit and ~je s, Central ave.36-i-a —VTED—Experienced operator for Singer buttonhole machine; steady work and good pay. Daniel Bros. c ° > 4 ? Peachtree st. iYIDI TWO - maids, one nurse. three cooks Feders. 253 Candler Annex. 7-5--8 W ANTED—First-class cook. Apply 61 w‘ Fourteenth st. 7 : \ pABLE working wpman, understand ing kitchen, dining room and house work and controlling servants, will please a only at 94 Washington st. 46-7-4 roWFR sewing machine operators to make wash dresses. Operators experi on other work have little trouble in making good salary in our workroom. ™e£dv work all the year and pay while learning Only those that have worked in a factory need apply. Enterprise Manu facturing Company. 36 West Alabama street. top_floc>r. u ciiMBINATION Cylinder press feed er and bindery girl. Piedmont Printing Co.. 127 Central ave. 7-4-5 WTNTED—A first-class cook; small fam ily. good wages. Call ivy 648, or apply S 3 Cleburne, ave wTnTED— Women to select paper. No objections to mothers bringing children. Atlantic supply Company, Madison ave nue and Packard street. Phone Main 3 816. 7-3-27 \\ ANTED— Help in dressmaking. 34Ys Whitehall st. 'i' 3-2 * WOMAN for general house work; small house and family; references. 105 Greenwood ave. 34-, -3 Ct >OK "W ANT ED at 677 West Peachtree; - ma i; familv; cook must be first-class and with best references; can live in yard if desired. b-27-13 IF~YOU do not see the position you want ‘ advertised in this column today, why not try an ad in the 'Situations Wanted ’ columns? The chances are that you will get the position that you have longed for. Business men and women are always on the lookout for good. live, "can produce the business" people The futures of thousands have been made through the Want Ads of The Georgian. Yours can be made the same way. 7-4-23 Typewriters. RENT No, 3 OLIVERS 3 MONTHS $4 Oliver Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn ave. 6-12-45 Help Wanted—Male. IVAN TED—Mechanical draughtsman to eo| ■■ and change scale of drawing by the nour at odd times. Must be reasonable. Phone Mr. Wilkes, Main 8000. - 41-7-5 WANTED Linotype operator, also press man: Monday. Wire answer to beSotu County News, Arcadia. Fla. 39-7-5 FIRST-CLASS pastry cook: A-l salad man: four dishwashers. Feders, 253- 254 i aniiler Annex. 7-5-27 Mi'.' HAXIC who can set boilers wanted. Address Box 575, Newnan. Ga. 6-29-16 WANTED—Several industrial insurance men to go to work Monday. Apply 320 Candler Bldg. Friday from 4 to 6 p. m.. Saturday 8 to 10 a. m. 30-7-4 WANTED- Three or four good carpen ters willing to Join the union. M. Steph em " n - -*26 Brown-Randolpit Bld R. 7-2-5 WANTED—A few live men of good address to present an at tractive newspaper premium offer among Atlanta homes. See Han lon at The Georgian office. 6-10-28 Elul' ,ii Hilburn hotel: heart of city; 10'A Walton st., if you want a clean, quiet room: transient 50c; open all night -21_-19 YES. rToressor G. O. Brannlng will-teach you the barber trade tit’s easy). We teach in one-half time of other college.,. Course, tools and position in our shops cnlv '■:>'). Why pay more? Thousands of imr graduates running shops or making I' ' ! wages. .Atlanta Barber College. 10 Fast Mitchell street.s-11-17 1 R'l. MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves, shampoos. All barber work free Clean 1 men. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East Mitchells-27-16 IF YOU do not see the position you want advertised in this column today, why rot try a!1 ac | j n the "Situations Wanted" <”lumns? The chances are that you will set the position that you have longed for. Business men and women are always on the lookout for good, live, “can produce ’l e business" people. The futures of thou sands have been made through the Want : of The Georgian. Yours can he made Um same way. . 7-4-23 Help Wanted—Male and Female. " ' NTED—Stenographer; steady position with pleasant surroundings; write re l’’.' in own handwriting, giving experi : state if high school or college grad or not; also wages expected and how "n can take permanent position. Ad- Dictaphone, Box 666. care Geor gian 7-5-2 (' .or a case Specific Blood Pol -1 on we fail to cure. Raney i fedicine Co., 513 Austell •dNC \ ild «- Phone . 614. Office :r v! ! lours: 7 a. m. to 6 p. m.; indays, 9 a. m. to 12 a. m. L 6-3-33 10l do not see the position you want in tills column today, why ' try an ad in the "Situations Wanted" 1 “lunins? The chances are that you will vet the position that you have longed for. asiness men and women are always on *' lookout for good, live, "can produce ■ business" people. The futures of iisands have been made through the ant Ads of Tiie Georgian. Yours can made the same wav. 7-4-23 ~ ■■ ___________________ Agents Wanted. 'LENTS—Every home wants our spe ' taltv; quick sales; $4 to $7 a day made; 'ummer. leader; sample free. Mason & • a Smith st.. West Haven, Conn. 33-7-5 ~ CAMPAIGN BOOK! AN TED—Agents in every county of the I nlted States to sell our campaign ,150 pages, 100 pictures and por .tits of all the candidates and leaders. riP lives of all the presidents and /'?' of their administrations. The plat- I'trins and principles of a!! parties An impartial and superior book. Price only i his w'll be the most exciting cam- Dign • ’ cents to pay postage. Titanic outfit so sent free on rece |pt of joc. for post ,lEe-i N es t terms Order outfits by return nail. Phillips-Boyd Publishing Company, ''lt nta - Ga - 6-26-12 Salesmen Wanted. • tt l.Llj FRUIT TREES—Summer work for teachers,’ farmers and college boys; Rees easy to sell, big profits. Smith tiros., Dept’. 89, Concord, Ga. 32-7-5 Situations Wanted—Female. LADY STENOGRAPHER, long expe- j rlence, wishes position whole or part I of time; neat, accurate, rapid work; guar- i anteed. Would substitute. Atlanta phone Steno, 131, Ivy 4328.51-7-5 WANTED—A position by an experienced nurse of four years experience; any kind i of sickness; maternity cases a specialty; ! references from the best physicians in the city. Phone Main 2383-L,48-7-5 NEAT, reliable colored girl wants situa tlon to work half a day as maid with private family. R., 412 Gordon street. WANTED—Lady needs work; can sew, hemstitch, embroider and crochet. At lanta phone 2501. 31-7-5 WANTED—Position as matron in tele phone exchange or large institution by lady of refinement who is trained nurse. Address Box 676, care Georgian. 7-5-26 EXPERIENCED sick nurse, having the very best doctor’s training, wishes ma ternity cases; no objection to contagious diseases. Address at once, Sick Nurse, 18 Arthur st.. City. 27-7-5 WHITE WOMAN, who is first-class cook’ wants position at once; best city refer ence; a good worker. M. J., care Geor gian. 28-7-5 UNDERGRADUATE nurse with first-class city references, wants cases in or out of city. Children’s diseases a specialty. Main 2481-L, or Nurse, care Georgian. 38-7-4 FIRST-CLASS matron wants position at once. Apply Geo. Starr, 7M> North Broad WANTED —A summer school; four years’ experience; normal training; first grade license. Miss C. F., P. O. Box 1697, City. 33-7-3 FIRST- CLASS dressmaking, reasonable prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Ivy 6819-J. 82 West Harris.3s-7-3 LADY does coaching for children or adults in English, mathematics, music. Phone Teacher. Main 691, or address 29 West Harris street. 46-29-6 Dressmaking. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; style and fit guaranteed. Ivy 3648-L. 8 Williams st 7-2-27'. Situations Wanted—Male. A COLORED man wants position as a chauffeur; has automobile experience; can give references; is willing to give free services until satisfaction is obtained. Address B. E. Green, 18 Carter street, City. 42-7-5 YOUNG gentleman wants position as shipping clerk or supply clerk; need work; can give the best of references. Add re ss_A, C., 336 Cent ra 1 ave. 37-7-5 WANTED—By a colored man a position as cook; fifteen years experience. Ad dress J. N. Greggs, reat 306 Whitehall street.4o-7-4 WANTED—Position by reliable colored man as butler; can assist with automo bile. Address Henry Waters, 171 Au bunt_ave: 41-7-4 GOOD worker wants position in automo bile shop as helper at once. Address A. A., care Georgian.2s-7-4 WANTED—Situation by thoroughly ex perienced barber on salary or would open shop in good town. Can handle any kind string instrument. Apply to I’. O. Box 34, Compton. Ga. 29-7-4 THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper desires position with responsible firm. L. G. Mauer, care General Delivery, At lanta. Ga. 29-7-3 COMMISSARY man wants position with reliable firm. Now employed, but de sires to change Good, all-round man and a hustler. Can give references. Ad dress L. Justice, Milltown, Ga. 52-7-1 Window Cleaning. National Window Cleaners . WILL CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS, Dwellings or Store Fronts. Carpets Vacu-, um Cleaned: Floors Oiled or Waxed All Work Guaranteed. 47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta Phone 1051. 7-5-24 Situations Wanted—Male and / Female. MARRIED couple desire position together or single, no encumbrances; experienced in some lines. G. H. Havelin, 191 White hall st. 45-7-4 Painting and Tinting. FOR THE” BEST” FTOCeF~CaTI~R~b'. EMBRY'. M. 1455. 318 4TH NAT’L BANK BLDG. 5-11-24 Summer Resorts. TURNERVILLE, GA. Near by Tallu lah Falls. Now open. Cool, quiet and comfortable. Climate unexcelled. Excel | lent fare. 6-29-52, "GORDON COTTAGE. VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. Special rates to families. Very select. Can only accom modate a very few. 6-22-18 PEACHTREE INN. NICE, cool rooms; three best meals in city; $7 to sl2 per week; references changed. 6-13-15 Boarders Wanted. PLEASANT room, with board, at 513 Peachtree. Also_table_ board. 49-7-5 DESIRABLE rocuns in refined north side family, with every convenience and best, table fare, close in. 183 Spring, Apt. Ivy 1861-L. ZAi 381 ROOMS —EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD? 94 W. PEACHTREE. IVY 5944-J. 7-5-39 LARGE, cool rooms; good board. 318 Whitehall st. Atlanta phone 4015. 7-5-32 NICELY FURNISHED COXNECTING ROOMS; MEALS IF DESIRED: CLOSE IN. 72 SPRING. IVY 4860-L.7-5-5 ROOMS AX I) BOARD. Opposite postoffice; all conveniences. 37, Poplar. 7-5-4 ■ FURNISHED front room with board and all conveniences to two young men. also table board. Call Bel! phone Main 840-.1. 7-4-43 LARGE, well ventilated room, with prl vate bath; also single room; good meals. Peachtree st. Ivy 4562.7-4-34 ROOM with good board; select neighbor hood; $4 per week. 42 Windsor st. At lanta phone 3015-F.7-4-26 LARGE, cool rooms with board, near in. Hit Washington st>eej. C l '' 3 LpVELY", large front room, also small room: best location; good table; home comforts 241 West Peachtree. Ivy 1959- L. _ 3 MJ CHOICE BOARD with every convenience, new and up-to-date, two blocks of Can dler Bldg 140 Spring street. Atlanta phone 5393. TWO first floor rooms with meals the best; reasonable. 21 E. Caln. 56-7-2 TWO niceTTarge. well ventilated rooms with table board, located near Geor gian Terrace hotel; offered to desirable parties; references required. Address or ca 11 17 E. North ave. 40-7-1 OPPOSITE CAPITOL. ROOMS and boarders. 121 Capitol square. M. 4839-L. 6-8-la Board Wanted. HOW many desirable boarders know that there is a vacancy at your table? There are many hundreds this very day looking for nice, home-like boarding places Reach them with an ad in the “Boarders Wanted" column of The Georgian. 7-4-25 It was back in the olden times that they had to have a person go crying it out if any one had anything to sell or wanted to buy, or to notify the people that so and so had lost this and that. The way was the only one available. It'» different now. Your wants can be told to an audience of oxer 50.000 in this section through a Want Ad in The Georgian. No matter what your want is an ad in The Georgian will fill it for you. Georgian Want Ads buy, sell, exchange, rent, secure help, find lost articles and countless other things. READ FOR PROFIT—GEORGIAN WANT AL>S>—USE FOR RESULTS Legislators’ * i Accommodations ;A LARGE, delightfully cool room, with " private entrance and porch; convenient ! to bath; in strictly private family, on ■ Ponce DeLeon ave. Call Ivy 6628. : < COOL ROOM, southern exposure: nice , porch; hot and cold bath; very reason,. able. Phone 2002. J B '? 3 ■ ONE furnished room for rent; would like two legislators. 76 Martin street. Main , 5297-J.7-4M9 J NICELY furnished front room; all con- > veniences for two gentlemen. $lO month. 21 Ira street. Atlanta phone 4993. _7-3-18 j LEGISLATORS, I have a large furnished < front room; all conveniences. 48 Simp- 1 son. Ivy 2551-J, j LEGISLATORS, I have two nicely fur nished rooms close in on Ivy street. No. i I 134-C. ' Atlanta phone 4485. 7-3-6 : GO to 223 Central avenue for neatly fur- nished rooms. " r U 3 * 8 * FIVE large front, well ventilated rooms 1 with or without board. 268 East Hunter I street. Atlanta phone 1581.7-3-9 FOR pleasant rooms and first-class board, 1 apply to 428 Gordon st.; Whitehall and Lee street car. 7-1-45 TRY 52 Formwait street for cool rooms; 1 best table board. Atlanta 3994. 7-1-46 NICE furnished rooms, with or without bond. 32 Windaor street, near White hall; gentlemen Jg*eferred. NICE, coal and Jjulet, with meals if de sired. Call Atlanta phone 5853-F. 232 . Capitol avenue. 7-1-17 ' TWO COOL, clean light rooms, southern exposure; walk down Washington to , Glenn street; private family; no children. Conveniences. cooking. 246 Pulliam street. 6-28-11 LEGISLATORS, if you want a cozy room on nqrth side call Ivy 2560-.1. 6-29-75 THE RANDOLPH. ■ NICE, cool outside rooms; with or without board. Ivy 6778-J. 19 W. Cain, 6-29-67 AT 76 WEST PEACHTREE STREET— Nicely furnished room, with board. Close in. 6-29-54 ROOM for the Georgia legislators. Plaza Centrally located. Cool rooms. vVith-or without meals. 286 Peachtree. -29-59 LEGISLATORS, you can get nice rooms and board at 56 West Baker. Ivv 2423-J. TWO beautiful rooms in West End, pri vate family; all conveniences; large lot and beautiful shade. West 174. 143 Ash by street. 6-29-22 THE CARROLL, 15 HOUSTON STREET. Nice cool rooms and best of board. 6-28-51 NICE, cool rooms and table board a spe cialty. 107 Marietta. 6-28-1 Furnished Rooms For Rent. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com-, plete stir housekeeping, cheap to parties without children; also one nice, large, airy front bedroom; four large windows; ideal room in every respect. Hot bath, Bell phone, best location. 290 Washington street. TM O first floor -connecting front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; ali conveniences. ■45 West Raker. 7-5*37 NICELY furnished rpOips on north side, with cobvenlenftes; .aHso vest deslraibic . unfurnished rooms tor housekeeping 50 Orme street, ivy 3805. ’<-5-36 NICELY furnished roortts for light house keeping with all conveniences'. 66 Hous , ton street. ' ' 7-5-37 l NICE, cool rooms in pleasant neighbor hood; private family; all conveniences; fueals if desired. Ivy 2080-L. ' H-26-.9 ONE LARGE FRONT .ROOM, FIRST FLOOR. 145 SPRING STREET. IVTf 2904-L. > ■ .10-7 - 5 WANT a gentleman to share a room witK another; close in; conveniences. ' 14 Houston street. 7-5-6 TWO very nice'and neafiy furnished"front rooms, clean and cool; no children, pri--- va.te family; hot bath; Bell phone and ’ very central; rooms must be seen to be appreciated; one block of Pgachtree. 2S West Harris. t ~ 7-5-11 FOR KENT —One large, nicely furnished room. 170 North Jackson. Phone Ivv 3504-J. 7-5-19 FOR RENT—Rooms; with or without board. 261 Whitehall. 7-5-22 TWO housekeeping rooms; we’.i connect ed; modern conveniences. 49 Wood ward ave. 7-5-31 FOR RENT—Large front room, wiTh side entrance. Nicely furnished. Desirable locality. Phone West 747 7-4- 32 FURNISHED room for genilemen only; $2 a week. Apartment C, 286 U White hall st. 7-4-2 ONE large furnished front room"; ideal for summer; suitable for gentleman. Atlanta phone 1298. 217 Chpltol avenue. -7-4-9 ONE nice furnished front room. 24 King .Istreet 36-7-4 AN elegant -upstairs front room, nicely furnished, suitable for two ladies or two gentlemen; all conveniences. 408 Court land Street, back of Peachtree Inn. Beil plume Ivy 5469.7-4-13 FOR RENT—One furnished room close in; four blocks of Candler Bldg. 115 West Harris street. Atlanta phone 1455. 7-4-7 TWO rooms furnished for light house keeping, $3 per week. 266 Whitehall. ; 56-7-3 ONE large furnished room for rent; north side; private familv. Phone Ivy 4399-J. -3-38 ' FOR RENT—Four connecting rooms, j»rf vate bath (entire second floor of own ‘ er's home); completely furnished fbr light ; housekeeping; eJose in; north side. Adults only. References required. Ivy 2078-L. ; TiJs 3 ■ ' FOR RENT —Two or three rooms, fur- • nlshed for light housekeeping. 40 West ‘ Linden avenue. 7-3-25 ONE furnished room for rent. 22 Beecher ; street, West End. Phone West 1153. i ; 7-3-16 - ATTRACTIVE front room, private family, 1 for rent to one or two gentlemen; elec- tric lights, bath; north side. Apply 607 Empire Life Bldg., or phone Main 3806-J. ’ ■ 7-3-5 1 IN GEORGIAN TERRACE district, 200 I feet from Peachtree, private home of > middle-aged couple, two beautifully fur nished rooms for gentlemen; exclusive ’ bath; sl2 and sls. Phone Ivv 5145. ; 27-7-3 TWO or three rooms, furnished complete I for housekeeping; no children. 73 Wil llams.7-2-19 152 WEST PEACHTREE, nicely furnished ' room, in private home: also nousekeep ’ ing suite; modern conveniences. 90-29-'.i ! FOR RENT—Two furnished front rooms; 1 also two unfurnished rooms for light > housekeeping. 77U ■ Brotherton street. . near Pryor. 1605 Atlanta phone. 6-29-63 ! FURNISHED rooms 'for rent; five rnin , utes’ walk froth town: -gas and bath; ■ on car line; men preferred: '272 E. Fair st. 1 6-28-_4 1 FOR RENT —Two newly furnished rooms, ' with or without board. 295 Washington. ; Phone 2768 Main. 37-26-6 NEWLY FURNISHED rooms: reasonable ' prices; centrally located; baths free. . Broadway Hotel, 714 North Broad street. 3-21-73 Furnished Rooms Wanted. ’ WANTED—Two or three furnished light housekeeping rooms; good neighbor hood and all conveniences; no objection to going way out. Rooms, 95 Peachtree. 47-7-5 t J (REFINED Northern couple, husband ex ’ ecutlvely employed, desire room with j | private bath on north side; not too close • i in and with strictly private family, with - or without board. Box 343, care Gebr- ‘ I gian. ■ 34-7-4 r 1 f I IF YOU desine to rent your rooms, the 1 I best; way is to place an ad In the "For i : Rent" colurrtns of this paper. THe Geor s gian carries.'more For, Rent Ads than any .I of their competitors. The people know f I that The Georgian is'the For Rent Me t dium of the city and that they have the t largest list to choose from. That’s why I most evei? one uses The Georgian to do , ; their renfng for them Your id on this t 1 ptige will be seen, read and your rooms will be rented. 7-4-24 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. THREE connecting rooms, private en- j trance. Call Main 3951-L. 7-5-7 THREE rooms for rent, suitable for light I housekeeping; convenient car service. - Call Bell phone DecaturJHlFUh® THREE rooms for rent. 48 Mills street. Call Ivy 6181. 7-5-21 - THREE connecting rooms in Grant park section; all modern conveniences. 159 Oakland avenue. 7-4-21 5 THREE rooms for rent. $lO a month 1 Phona Main 3827-J.kk l4 \ TWO unfurnished rooms for rent with pri- r vate family; ail modern conveniences; ten minutes walk from center of city. 117 ’ Pulliam streel 28 17.'_ 4 FOR RENTVAn suburbs, three connect- 1 ing unfurnished rooms for housekeep. . t ing; large porches; convenient to cars. ! etc. Rent very reasonable. O. D. G.. Box ; 101, care Georgian. 7-3-44 F FOR RENT—Three rooms in new home; every convenience; furnace heat; per- ‘ manent people only. Main 3029. 25-7-3 ’t’O COUPLE, three large unfurnished .- rooms; sink and pantry in kitchen; few doors of Grant park on Georgia avenue. , Call Main 5481-L. 7-1-31 “ FOR RENT —Three rooms in new home; . every convenience; furnace heat. Per- 1 manent people only. Main 3029. 6-29-65 FOR RENT —Three unfurnished rooms j with batli and kitchenette; sls per , month. 45 East Merritts avb. 6-29-23 T Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. e WANTED —-Two dr three unfurnished L rooms: must be close in and- reason- I able. Address 804, care Georgian. 7-5-50 ELDERLY LADY wants a large room; . distance no object, so it is cheap. Mrs. I C., 18 Woodward ave.2B-7-3 IF YOU desire to rent your rooms, the . best way is to place dn ad in the. "For . Rent” columns of this paper. The Geor- | gian'carries more For Rent Ads than any . of their competitors. The people know I that The Georgian is the For Rent Me dium of the city and that they have the t largest list to choose from. That’s why I most every one uses The Georgian to do 1 their renting for them. Your ad on this page will be seen, read and your rooms j will be rented. 7-4-24 1 . . Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms > For Rent. i WANTED —Refined middle aged woman 1 to rent room in private family. Refer- 1 ences exchanged. Call West 620-J. 7-3-24 s TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms ad- 1 joining bath. 81 East Fair street. ,7-3-7 ' LARGE, choice, front, connecting rooms . or apartments, furnished or unfurnished; , Conveniences; private home. 66 Highland | avenue. Ivy 4809-J. 6-28-61 . Furnished Apartments For Rent. 'THREE or four rooms, completely fur nished, gas fange, sink, bath, walking ] distance. Call afternoons or evenings. 82 ■ Williams street, near West Baker. 7-5-41 ; FOR RENT I '—- Four-room furnished Far- i linger apartment, 34 East avenue, be tween Jackson and Boulevard. Ivy 6114-. T. ■ 7-3-14 ' FOR RENT —Delightful, cool, furnished j apartments; nominal summer rent. . "Between Peachtrees," care Georgian. TWO or three rooms for light housekeep ing, alho front rooms for sleeping with bath. 345)4 Peachtree. 7-4-11 . FOR THE SUMMER months, one nicely , •furnished four-room apartment: all con veniences; very close in. Phone Ivy 4327. ' . . 7-3-13 -TWO large, cool rooms, kitchenette and bath; modern conveniences; separate entrance; convenient to Piedmont Park. Phone Ivy 2478. 7-1-51 Furnished Apartments Wanted, 'REFINED, young couple want nicely fur-' nished three-room apartment or three connecting rooms; must be on nhrth side; will pay' S2O a month; will furnisjt own linens, silver and china. Address Box. 370. care Georgian. 7-5-491 IF YOU desire to rent your rooms, the best way is to place an ad in the "For Rent" columns of this paper. The Geor gian carries more For Rent Ads than any of their competitors. The people kncrjjfa that The Georgian is the For Rent Me dium of the city and that they have the largest list to choose from That's why most every one uses The Georgian to do their renting for them. Your ad on this page will be seen, read and your rooms will be rented. 7-4-24 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent THREE connecting rooms; bath on same floor; sink and kitchen; separate gas, and, coal house. 137 East avenue.. Ivy 5618-J. 7-5-23 FOR RENT —Five-room apartment on north side with garage privileges; elec tric lights, hot and cold water, furnace heat; one block from Peachtree; $35 per month. Apply 403 Peters Bldg Tele phone M. 1843, or Ivy 5398-L after 3:3|) p. m. 39-7-3 FOR RENT —The new apartment nouse at 83 Hurt street, known as the Boaco bel. consisting of three and four rooms each, with every known modern conven ience, and renting for $32.50 to $35. is now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler building. 5-9-57 Unfurnished Apartments Wanted. IF YOU desire to rent your rooms, the best way is to place an ad in the "For Rent" columns of this paper. The Geor gian carries more For Rent Ads than any of their competitors. The people know that The Georgian is the For Rent Me dium of the city and that they have the largest list to choose from. That’s why most every one uses The Georgian to do their renting for them. Your ad on this page will be seen, read and your rooms will be'rented. 7-4-24 Furnished or Unfurnished Apart ments For Rent. FOR RENT—House, two apartments, first floor seven rooms, completely furnished,, $80; second floor, five rooms, unfurnished, S3O. Separate entrances; large verandas; shady lot. Juniper street. Possession September. Main 3300. 7-3-43 Unfurnished Blouses For Rent. FOR RENT—By* owner, nine-room house, or upper or lower floor separate; two baths; highest elevation: nice shade: walking distance. Ivy 2®25-L.7-3G15 BEAUTIFUL eight-room house in splen did neighborhood. 56. West North ave nue. k 3 or write ÜB'jfor our rent bulletin; exceUent houses a'il over the city nt moderate rates. Turman, Black & Cal houn. 203_Eny>ire Bldg. 6-29-66 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 4-18M8 FOR RENT. HOUSES—CaII, write or phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O. Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21 Furnished Houses For Rent. ATTRACTIVE furnished house; five rooms; electric lights, gas and all mod ern conveniences: centrally located 314 Courtland. Phone Ivy 3499. - 47-7-1 PIAqASAN'T furnished Imine, near Geor-i gian Terrace. Nominal Summer Rent." ' < are Georgian. 25-28-6 | FOR RENT Thtrteen-rooni house, nicely I furnished, near in on north side, across street from Peachtree inn. Owner leav ing city. Phone Ivy 5106-L. 6-28-22 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD goods and pianos. Office and warehouse. 239-241 ■ Edgewood ave. Ivy 2037. John J. Wood side Storage Company. Public Baggage and Transfer. ’ M. C. FURNITURE transfer; we pack' and ship. M. 5490-L, A. 1319. 30 West. Hunter. 3-12-7 ■ Lost and Found. LOST—One small bay mule; blind one eye Return to 125 Powell street a_nd !' get LOST —No. 2 bulls-eye kodak; left on I car seat; Berne street and Boulevard ' Wednesday night, June 27. Reward if i returned to 228 Cameron. 7-5-18 STRAYED—Lemon colored Jersey cow;; crumped horns and bobbed tail, weigh- j ing between 600 and 700 pounds. H,. L ; i Little. Bell phone Decatur 246.34-7-i>; LOST—Cameo brooch pin on Whitehall | street. Reward. Call Main 4150. 7-5-20 STRAYED from Albemarle street a large, yellow Jersey cow. The cow has short, straight horns and was carrying long rope attached to samie. Reward. 58 Albe- I marie street. 7-4-18 , LOST - Wednesday night on Forrest ave-j nue-St. Charles ear unfinished black silk 1 dress. Return to 138 Forrest avenue. Re ward. .U 4 LOST -Monday afternoon, either in Al cazar or Nunnally's, an enameled daisy pin, with diamond in. eenter. Reward. Ivy_49D. ...I: 3 ' 2 ® LOST—Cameo brooch pin on Whitehall street Rewar< 1 Call Main 4150. 7-3-17 LOST—Child's gold bracelet, between Crumley and Crew streets. Sunday aft ernoon. Return to 219 Crew st. and get reward 7-3-22 LOST -Open face Waltham watch, with old gold locket on fob. Reward. Dr. Verdier, Ivy 3623-L.7-3M2 LOST—Bank book No. 969839 of the Bow ery, Savings bank, 1.30 Bowery, New York. The finder is requested to return I it to the bank. If not restored before tlie first day of August, 1912, -application will be made to the bank for new book. 7-2-4 LOST—A bunch of keys, either in Can dler Bldg, or postoffice lobby. Return to 631 Candler Building. Reward. J. H. Reynolds. 6-27-12 FOUND —The best way of locating your lost articles —the way that is the sim plest known and the cost small compared with the price you would give to have your things returned. You know you hate to part with keepsakes you value highly, you dislike to give up searching for your lost articles. The thing you lost might be picked up by the person that would be in the same place you were live minutes later. In this case this person would naturally look in The Georgian to see who bad lost this article. And if they saw your ad they could communicate with you immediately. So remember after this that when you lose anything, advertise it in the "Lost and Found" col umns of Tlie Atlanta Georgian and have It returned to you. 6-28-14 Personal. "SHxT ai7~ i’IiILOSDPHY." LATEST. BEST, MOST INSTRUCTIVE SEX MANUAL PUBLISHED; ACTUALLY TEACHES. NOT MERELY ARGUES; A MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT THAT EVERY ONE, YOUNG OR OLD, MAR RIED <*R SINGLE. SHOULD KNOW ABOUT. TO INTRODUCE OUR HIGH-| GRADE PUBLICATIONS; COPY MAILED FOR 12c. DUVAL PUBLISH ING CQ„ BOX 1434, JACKSONVILLE. FLA. 7-4-37 SUMMER SCHOOL. PUPILS prepared in Greek to enter COL LEGE and HIGH SCHOOL. -Phone Ivy 2085. 245 West Peachtree st. 7-4-31 - ——*# —■ Woman Detective. THE ONLY licensed woman detective; will get you out of trouble instead of in trouble; legal evidence a specialty; work for men only. M. 1059-J. 15 Woodward ave. 7-1-22 DRESSMAKING and ladies’ tailoring work, guaranteed. Price reasonable. Mrs. Bishop, 20 East Pine stfeet. Atlan ta phone 5890-M, 7-1 -21 LADIES, WE ARE NOW MAKING FALL SWITCHES TO ORDER AND FOR STOCK. ALL HAIR MATCHED PER FECTLY ANY SHADE, length or weight. Thin braids remade and hair added. Special attention given to' dyeing. ' Work and quality goops-used guaranteed. SPECIAL PRICES offered for next thirty days. Mail orders given prompt attention. CLAYTON & ZAHN CO. PARLORS, 36’ /2 WHITEHALL ST. Phone Maih 1769. 5-20-22 SERIOtfS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fitter and it will cost you no more to have him fit you. and it means insurance. 6-24-19 The Many Spirella Styles. INCLUDE a style for every woman; the genuine skill of our corsetieres is man ifested in selecting the model that be comes you best. Company Headquarters, 84 East North ave. Ivy 6176.5-28-36 FOUND—The successful treatment for skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN CER. Call and see Dr Reynolds Com pany, 21 Inman building, Atlanta, Ga If you can not call, write. 6-7-36 FLY’ SCREENS, FLY "SCREENS, FLY SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips, furnished anywhere In the South. Write or phone W. R Cal laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National Bank building, Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310. -30-19 ACME LETTER CO. NOTHING but first-class work and prompt service. When you are ready for this kind of work, phone Ivv 1436. ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Memo rial Bldg. 5-6-33 STILL another big shipment of new wall papers. Prices right. All work guar anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar nett & Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st.; 30 sec onds from Whitehall. 4-13-45 Educational. PUPILS to coach. Terms very reason able. Ivy 5166. 7-4-3 Palmistry. IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For syth and Luckie; can be consulted .n all affairs of life Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-23 13 PALMIST AND LIFE READER. REVEALS past, present and future. <’an be consulted on all affairs of life; read ings# 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street lin tent).s-29-5 GYPSY CAMP. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST: RE VEALS PAST. PRESENT AND FU- TURE. CONSULT ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE. 138 WHITEHALL ST. 4-29-1 Dropsy. DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of breath In 36 to 48 hours Red 'Ces swell ing in 15 to 20 days. Write sot particu ■«rs. Collom DrOpsv Remedy Company, 512 Austell Building. Atlanta. 5-25-11 Medical. • DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills». a safe re liable treatment for painful and prosHcft menstruation, 'irrogularltn ar.d similar obstructions. Trial box b;, mall. 50c. Prank Edmondson .<■ Bro.» rear;iitac turing chemists, II South Brum! street. Atlanta. 2-17-11 I LADIES 41,000 reward 1 positively | guarantee my great successful “Month ly” remedy, safely* relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases in three to five days; no harm, nain or Interference with wonk: mall $1.50. Dou ble. strength, $2. Dr r G Southington Remedy Company,• Kansas City, Mo. 4-2-34 Colored Undertakers. Fountain & Robinson. 223 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F, Night Ivy 3609. 4-11-27 W anted—Miscella neons. BRICK™ WWNTED^T"want 15,000 good ! ' necond-liand brick. Charles S. Robison. 27 East Hunter street. 7-5-40 1 DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash tor old : i clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. 166 I Decatur street. 6-27-42 ; 1 1 BUY men's old clothes and shoes. ‘■' Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell St. 8-1-14 ; BEST CASH PRICES for furniture, i ' household goods and office furniture. I Pembroke Sales Co., 143 S. Pryor street. I ' Bell phone Main 187.4-5-25 ' WANTED—We" pay highest oash prices on household goods, pianos and office | furniture. Cash advanced on consign- ; 1 ments. Springer's Auction House, 25 < : South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.- 1 ' 4-10-10 ! WE PAY HIGhT-IST’ CASH prices for I household goods, pianos and office fur- ' riture. Cash advanced on consignments. ' Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitch- j; ell street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-36-26 : WANT ED*- You to know that your house- ' hold goods of all descriptions, also any I useful articles which are of no earthly | use to you, but too good to throw away. | can be sold as easily as the goods below I were sold, through the For Sale Miscel laneous column of The Georgian: Atlanta. Ga., July 2, 1912. ■Want Ad Dept, of The Georgian: Dear Sir—l had some furniture for sale and gave you an advertisement to he run for three days. Please discontinue the ad, as I sold everything after the advertisement had been run one time. I had enough people to call to have sold it a dozen times. Yours very truly. THOS. L. BRYAN. Southern Shorthand and Business Uni versity. 7-4-22 For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE —Table, stoves, bed, cheap Ivy 4821-J.7-5-47 FOR SALE —Cheap, one heavy 9x12 tent, in good condition. V. R. Hollis, 308 At lanta National Bank Bldg. Phone M. 5. -15-7-5 F’OR SALE—S3S Block baby carriage in good condition. Built wide; will hold two babies at once; $lO cash. Apply 135 East Tenth street.4o-7-5 SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Legs of lamb 12 l-2c Fronts of lamb 10c and 12 1-2 c Lamb chops 15c Lamb stew 10c Pot stew 8c Pot roast 12c Veal roast 12 l-2c Chuck steak 10c Prime rib roast 15c. j Rib steaks 15c Snapper steak 12 1-2 c CAAIPBELL’S PLACE, 89 Decatur Street and 150 Marietta Street. FOR SALE —Two cash registers. Two showcases. Two small iron safes. Two counters. One revolving nail bln. These , fixtures at a bargain from small hardware store which we bought out. Anderson Hardware Company, 32-34 South Pryor street. 7-1-64 DUNTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANERS remove dirt and germs from rugs, car pets, floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.50 up; vacuum sweepers $9.75. C. J. Daniel & Co., 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg. 12-2-11 For SALE —An $lB direct current electric fan, good as new. SB. H„ care Geor THREE-PIECE solid mahogany parlor suit, one large oak hall tree, Iron bed, writing desk, sideboard, china closet, din ing table, seven chairs; must sell imme diately; am leaving city. Ivy 3505. 244 Courll an< 1, Apartment 5.7-4-44 FOR - SALE —A nice lot of household fur niture: all in good condition. Apply to 400 Peachtree st. 7-3-36 IF YOU WANT SAND in any quantity delivered in any part of town, whole sale or retail, cal! Ivy 3786. C. W. Jones A- C 0.7-2-33 con ing. MAILING. ADDRESSING. MULTIGRAPHING. High-class work. Acme Letter Co., 417 Wesley Memorial Bldg. Phone Ivy 1436. WANTED— You to know that we sell both new and second-hand furniture for the convenience of the economical housekeep er. YVe save you at least 20 ner cent on every purchase. Cameron Furniture Company, 39 West Mitchell street. Phone Main 3229.6-24-20 ATL ANT A IJ PHOLSTERIN G COMPANY. REPAIRS and refurnishes all kinds of furniture. We make ladies’ shirtwaist boxes to order at $3 each. Any special < pieces of upholstered furniture we make ,i to order by expert mechanics. Estimates carefully furnished* Phone Main 2475. ATLANTA UPIIOLSTERING COMPANY. 171 Whitehall Street. LUMBER, sash and doors. AU kinds of building material. C. E. Henderson, i Marietta, Ga 6-22 50 National Cash Register. $35, SSO. S6O. $75, SIOO, $l5O and up to suit your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex change for cash registers in use. Bell phone Ivy 4155. Atlanta 594. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 60 North Broad Street. -13-14 SAFES, new and second-hand; all sizes. Steel filing cases and fire-proof cabinets Gookin Bank and office Equipment Com? I'linv 6-13-17 HEADQUARTERS!!! Cotton Seed Hulls. ' SUL »'C> GAN & Co -- ATLANTA. 6-17-37 ! WE RENT good pianos. $3 month up. We sell good pianos, $5 month up. ; Bargain in second-hand. SIOO up. • | H. P. Becht Company. 110 Temple Court building. Beil phnne 667 Main. \ iiw'i'i'fio " H registers everyth i»g." l 2XIIII 1 l< <lll Latest improvements. Old registers exchanged. ' <<’ll All size--: easy terms. I?<.<> i<t<o'c Atlanta Cash Register Co. 11l ’’IM 1 IS 34 j.; as t Alabafna street 6-13-47 I'' >PE S SPECIAL— Be.-" dofiar watch in ,; the world sent prepaid, only 86c. . Fully guaranteed to keep correct time I two year.-, or money refunded. New watch > given free if It breaks. A more “ervicea ' hie watch can not he had at any price. Money refunded immediately if you are ■'not highly pleased. Order today without i full Pope Watch and Diamond Company. '11514 Main street. Dallas. Tex. 6-1-14 I ■ Carpenter Work. LET US GIVE you prices on cabinet, car penter and brick work, plastering. I painting and tinting. Forsyth Street Cabinet Shop. 62’/ s South Forsyth street. 1 j Phones Main 118<, Atlanta 6087-M. j 6-20-14 Office Fixtures. CARPENTER SHOP. CROCKETT & CARTER, ‘ 40-42 PETERS ST. BOTH PHONES. . 3-22-3 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. 11E T A TIEd' NNI7"uHP a HiED~ ROLNTREE’S 77 'XeeU ) E , PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654. Automobiles. WILL EXCHANGE for automobile six- room house, West End. Phone Main '"'gM 128’L a 52-7-6 'iSM FOR SALE—One sixteen Buick, five-pas- .a| senger, *3O-horsepower auto; a pick-up ; for some one; can be seen at 89 Decatur street between 2 and 6 p. m. Monday. ; * 7-6-46 ! fW NEW Everett 36 car. fully equipped; Brush, 1911, good shape; both for part .3 cash, balance monthly. N. C. McPherson. Ivy 3339.; <25-7-5 FOR SALE —One automobile torpedo 81 body, complete with top, windshield; body has never been used, and for a quick sale will sacrifice for $l5O. Address Ful ton Auto Supply Company, 227 Peachtree street, Atlanta. 7-4-29 4 HAVE five-passenger automobile, 35- horsepower; In first-class . running J shape; will sell at a bargain or will ex change for runabout. Address Automo- ■-? bile, P. O. Box 510, Atlanta, Ga. 26-7-3 ip FOR SALE—New, Maxwell special auto. run .five months; splendid condition, 3 fully eoulpped, cash or real estate. Call 4 Ivy 4732.7-2-21 THOMAS-SIX—I9I2 model; four-passen- ger; been in use four months: will sell •: for reasonable price; good condition. Box , j 596. _care Georgian. 39-7-2 CHALMERS 30, 4-passenger, 1911, A-l . < condition, top, windshield, speedometer, | Prest-O-Lite and a snappy little car. We 3 overhauled this ourselves and we know it’s right and cheap at SBOO. "WHEN WR OFFER ONE ITS RIGHT." Travis & Almand, 26 James street, third a floor Beil phone Ivy 4832.6-29-8 AUTOS REPAIRED. MAGNETS AND STORAGE BATTER- 1 lES RECHARGED. MAGNETO AND CARBURETOR work a specialty. We give careful attention to Electric Auto and Battery work. Hartrampf & Yar bray Co. Phone Main 3810. 56 Edge- « wood Ave.. Just below Equitable Bldg. 1 -M-S Motorcycles. ALL MAKES. SSO AND UP-Largest mo torcycle dealers in the South; exclusive Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea- Austell Company, 35 North Pryor street. 1-21-9 Stove and Range Repairing. DAN THE FIXER. sells second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. We take down heaters. We sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone 2235. 121 Whitehall street. Bell phone Main 2699. 4-4-7 j Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Business Opportunities. BER CHAIRS, MIR RORS, ETC. AS GOOD AS NEW. BIG BARGAIN FOR CASH. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY. I. C. M’CRORY, COLLEGE PARK,7-5-34 IF LOOKING for bargain in boarding house, address 119 Washington street. 7-5-1 FOR SALE—Soda and cigar business; sales average SBOO per month; rent only $22.50; town population of 4,500; an un usual opportunity to get a business; must sell, at once. Address Soda Fount, care Geo r g i an. T-. 5 -1 7 FOR SALE, CHEAP—Boarding house of fifteen rooms; modern conveniences. Call 78 North Broad street. Phone Main 3224. 7-4-30 FOR QUICK SALE CHEAP—Stock of millinery, good location, no opposition; best reason for selling; splendid chance for investing small capital. Address Mil liner,- Box 800, care Georgian. 6-11-4 FOR SALE -General merchandise busi ness in good country town. There is connected with this business lumber, shingle and building material, ice, auto mobile and garage business; also meat market. The amount of business now done Is $25,000 to $30,000 per year. This* amount can be doubled. About $5,000 will handle. Box 143, Austell, Ga. 6-29-46 d<(i n/ui CASH WILL BUY a great bar <p<7,tMJ'» gain. I have a new 90-room hotel, one block from Candler building, newly furnished, with all first-class furni ture and full of people, from bottom to top. clearing SSOO per month. Long lease an<l low rent, and the best location in th* city. Cause of selling, the party has to leave the city on account of pressing busi ness. ivy 5558. J. D. Evans, Atlanta 3900. 20-B Carnegie way7-3-10 FOR SALE—Controlling Interest 1A well established, profitable wholesale and re tail lumber business; dissolution of part nership necessary. Address Box 242. care Georgian. 7-3-11 FOR SALE—BUTCHER’S OUTFIT. GOOD OPEN ING FOR A MARKET. NONE HERE. MUST SELL. I. C. M’CRORY, COLLEGE PARK. 7-5-35 i ■ , Money To Loan. WANTED—SIO,OOO in second mortgage notes; small monthly payments. N. C. McPherson. Ivy 3339.26-7-5 WANTED—First mortgage loan of $2,500 at 7% on my new home on north side Atlanta, worth $5,500 Have already put in over $2,650 in cash and want loan to pay balance due contractor. Principals only. Will pay half broker's commission. S. H W . care Georgian. 7-4-6 CHARLES"H." BLACK, Real Estate and Loans. Correspondent Prudential Insurance Company of America. 6-29-64 MONEY’ by the thousands; money by tne tens of thousands: money by the mil- i lion; first-class first mortgage real estate and farms; first mortgage purchase mon ey notes. Come direct to us. Randolph I.oun Co., 821 Candler Bldg. Ivy 5069. -37-8 fFz— JEWELERS and brokers /fY ' 301 PETERS / UtV . BLDG ’ lo an Y CY / PHONE MAIN J« STRICTLY PRIVATE MONEY on hand for Immediate loans on ; property in or near Atlanta J. E Van Valkenburg. 501 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-22 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta ’and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment : plan. Also for purchasing pur- j : chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave. weyman"& connors: ' ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 j I SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount: 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. ’"arson. 24 South Broad st. 4-1-17 MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta real es : tate Established since 1889. Turman, I Black <fc Calhoun, 203-208 Empire Bldg 4-1-20