Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 28, 1912, HOME, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE ATLANT \ GEORGIAN AM) xews. F q R PROF3T—•OtL.OKCiI/kIN I AO*»-USE FOR RESULTS WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28. 1912. Auction Sales. AT AUCTION. A VERY FINE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD HOODS FROM 665 PEACHTREE STREET. INCLUDING CHINA CABINET. BEAU TIFUL LIBRARY TA BLE. EARLY ENGLISH BOOK CASE. CRAFTS-! MAN LEATHER LIBRA RY CHAIRS. ELECTRIC FAN. ALSO A COM PLETE GENUINE MA HOGANY DINING SUIT. CONSISTING OF III'! FET SERVING TABLE. CHINA CABINET AND 10 CHAIRS. SET (OST $650; AN SBS BR LSS BED. UP RIGHT PIANO. OAK BOOK CASE. HAT RA( K. VERNis MARTIN IRON BEDS. NATIONAL SPRINGS. FELT MAT TRESSES. PILLOWS. CHINA. GLASS WARE, TOILET SETS, BOX SEAT DINING CHAIRS. A S2OO LEATHER PAR LOR SUIT. OAK AND MAHOGANY DRESSERS. CHIFFONIERS. ART SQUARES. RI'GS. CER TAINS. D R A P E R I ES. AND MANY OTHER THINGS TOO NUMER OUS TO MENTION. THESE GOODS ARE AS FINE AS CAN BE HAD. ALSO MEDIUM GRADE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SALE STARTS PROMPT LY AT 10 A. M„ FRIDAY. CENTRAL AUC TION CO.. 12 E. Mitehell St. Phone 187 Main. AT AUCTION. W A. M. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 29, 1912. WE WILL OF FER TO THE PUBLIC SEVERAL CONSIGN MENTS OF THE MOST MODERN AND I P I’O DATE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. OFFICE FIX TURES AND FURNI TURE, INCLUDING I PIECE MISSION BED ROOM SET. HAND CARVED OAK BED ROOM SUITE. WORTH $350.00; ONE MAHOG ANY SIDEBOARD. MA HOGANY BUFFET. WORTH $65.00; 10- FOOT MAHOGANY ROUND TABLE. SEV ERAL R’OUND PEDES TAL TABLES IN GOLDEN OAK AND MISSION. LIBRARY TABLES. LADIES' BOOK CASE, ONE TOl LET SET. BRASS BEDS. AN ASSORT MENT OF MISSION AND OAK CHAIRS. ONE 8-FOOT SHOW CASE. EILING CABI NETS. BED LINENS. ART SQUARES. AND OTHER’ HOUSEHOLD GOODS TOO NUMER OUH TO MENTION. SALE AT 10 A. M„ THURSDAY MORNING RAIN OR SHINE. PEMBROKE SALES co.. 143 s. PRYOR ST. PAWN BROKERS M’CTUN H<HSI M Decatur street W • lu> and ■< :i aux and everything .M anta ; • r • . ' I . phone Main 1434. Main 187 PEMBROKE Saks (*<-nipar’\ un<i<u - a management, will accept \ ur - rp at<>ck of anj kind on < ■ -ici.t - advanced, settlement *»n <la*» 143 S Pry« r st B» II pi ’ • M » ’ Main 187. Atlanta plume s ■ Stock for Purchase Money Notes. IE YOU HAVE and want to sell m< x 1 purchase money notes and you will < < c elder in full or part settlement -? ao - - f stock in a sound corporation that w-’l pay a 7 per cent dividend at its annual meeting February next. <■ mmunicatr with us and Investigate Addr» - U-al Estate, P O B‘»x 470. Atlanta v 2J-44 Money Wanted. WANTED^-$350 at 8 !• ' 'ent. g-yd if • dorsement. To be paid Iwlt pct' month. Address R C U , care POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK WATCH OUT FOR RATS. By W. W. Cox. The annual loss try me n a i al 61 vice rodations of such » p'sts as weasels, skunks rats and hawk is yrg< 7 ' and while some of it is probably un- .1 a vol <1 a bl>-, yet IHC much of this Ids? might be pre v.nt.-d, Poultry Rats usually de st o\ y■■ ajng ehi<-k --though amettmos the, ISUIIUr kill older fowls. To prevent their attacks on little chick ens. the coops should have 1 good floor and all openings through the front should be d with a fine !»* sh wii* at night. This will keep out rats, wea sels. skunksandrat-- Hui it sometimes happens that rats he- ome very hold, and kill the chicks while running outsirb during the- day. In such a < use all rubbish and pih s «> f lumhc i brush, and everything which < mild furnish them a lurking place, should !»«• cleared away. Skunks and weasels can sometimes be caught in traps, and so kept from over-running the promises A good rat t«rrlei and a lively cat or two, not pampered by an idie Hfe indoors, can usually bo relied upon to thin out the rats so that ihc\ will not he a serious menace to the poultry plant. If poison is to br used, it should b« placed in some box or bln where feed is kept, with openings on’y large enough for rats t«» enter, and pains should be taken to burn all the piisonod material when through using it. People who carries-ly leave it about sometimes lose more poultry than the ruts would cle stroy. If you use the small coops for your poultry, cither chickens or mature fowls, and find that the rats burrow under the sides, you can thwart them by digging down a foot or so removing all the dirt from a spate the size of the • bop. ami then make a hoard frame the same size as th< coop, putting a piec< of wire netting of small mesh on the bottom of the boards, and setting the frame In the opening. After this is in place*, shovel back the dirt dug out, or some other. If what you removed was not suitable for scratching pur poses When the space inside* the frame is filled level full of dirt, place the coop on it. and you may rest secure from Far of rats Poultry Review. P. I. Reds. GOC»D Rhode Island Red hens and pul lets. $1 each, (’all Ivy 1463 64-8-22 Wyandottes. WHITE WYANDOTTES; fe> trios April hatch; to make room; only 13.50. Ed L Oliver. Sparta. Ga 8-26 20 'D'l.T’V'- !.\<*i D and Columbian Wvan- dnttes. S C R U Reds. pggs. $1 and $2 per J 5. \V. D Bennett. Molena, Ga. 12-13-33 Leghorns. i■'■ i s .' 'I. i • ■ White Leghorn ftul lets thoroughbred; brautic*s. first-class stock i: B Havev. Lithonia, Ga 8 28 48 WHITE LEGHORNS Six hens, tw< grown pullets and handsome cock; all for $7.50. E L. Culver, Sparta, Ga -26 21 Orpingtons. CRYSTAL White Orpington hens; one to three cidllars, young stock; bargain prices to make room Write us Valle} View Farm, North (’hattanooga. Tenn. Bantams. Bantams Gtnw Bantams, sebrighta. Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athene, Ga 4-26 M Eggs. THOROUGIIBRED nlngton eggp, Il per fifteen 126 Windsor streei I Main SSBR 4-27-25 Money To Loan. THE PRUDENTIAL IN SURAN( 'E (’(). of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents. Turman. Black A Calhoun. 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE \NP O'I’HEKS. upon their own names; cheap rates. eas\ payments Confiden* tla 1 1 1) H 1 • \ 'Lug WE can make loans on Atlanta real es tate an<i farm lands ApplJ- to Ralph O. Cnchran. I.' South Broa<l 7-10-20 MONEY on hand for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta .1. E. Van Valkcnbui g. 501 Equitable Bldg 6-6-aC WEYMAN & C<‘NN«»RS. ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages <>n Real Estate 4-1-3 WE HAVE plent) of money to lend .it lowest rales on Atlanta anil nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pnr chase monex notes. Foster A Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave. JEWELERS AND BROKERS ' '' 301 p E T f»S BIDC.t ■ FHOMMAriJM STRICTLY PRIVATE ' ■ <UECI \i HOME FUNDS TO (.EXi\ an> amount. 6 per cent Write ur call S . • $ • . t - t wl7 FARM U'ANS placed in any amount on n c Georgia The s< •.• • in Mortgage CoiGiutny. Guuld build -7-13-1 \\ ithout Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Mone\ leaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301 -2 Fourth Naiion al Bank Building. Miscellaneous Poultry. T<> SELL (’HEAP—Fine stock March chickens, (me pen White Leghorns, one of R. I Reds, one of Barred Rocks, beau ties. one "f Buff Orpingtons and one doz en Crystal White Orpington roosters, KeL lerstrass strain <’all Decatur 542 26-8-28 H. G. HASTINGS & CO.. Spfdsnien for the South. 16 West Mitehell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side !* ;i. in.. Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M 2568. Atlanta 2568. BI I.BS TO BE STARTED indoors now Whit-* Roman Hyacinths, 40<- a dozen, postpaid ')<•*• Paper White Narcissus. 25c • .1 i'-< Freeetae, 20c a dozen, postpaid 25c All our bulbs are large- strong, sure bloomers. XRI.’Y F*< )TH the Southern Stock and Poultry Remedies, 25c and 50c sizes of each. 1 HITE IHARRHi: '• REMEDY 5 a sure cure for little chicks that are troubled with diarrhea. Price, 50c ’ ALUMINUM LEG BANDS are the bands to use on your fowls. We can supply you with the double clinch bands in all sizes, numbering from I to 100 Price 15c a dozen, two dozen 25c. 100 for 75c. “OGJ;M * " ph ;i:«>N FEEI •. the feed that contains no corn. Seven pounds 25c, 50 pounds $1 65, 100 pounds $3.25. RED (’OMB” I’HiEON PEED. 8 pounds 25c. 50 pourms $1.25. 100 pounds $2.50. Write for latest price list on poultry feeds. Rl .- I S LI \ND C(>NK UY'S Lice Powders, (’onkey’s and Lee’s Liquid Lieu Kilhts Donkey’s Fly Knocker and Nox-i-( Tde. Ducks. FoR SALE Trio of Indian Runner ducks, white and fawn. $5 (’all Main 3512-. I 39-8-24 \\ Ill’l l; Runner ducks; pairs and trios for sale, prices reasonable. Walter L \\ ight. (’-dro, Ga. 52-8-27 INDIXN RUNNER ducks, four and five months old: laj white eggsi laying; pairs $3.50, trios $5; pens of six ducks and drak<* $10; eggs, twelve for sl. oak Dean Poultry Earm, Stone Mountain, Ga. 8-20-14 Incubators. FOR SALE Cyphers incubator, 144-egg capacity; used but three times; good as new. paid $22.50; goes for sl2 ( ; all De catur 512. 27-8-28 Dogs. F< »R SALE Rabbit hounds, fox, coon, opossum, skunk, deer. hear. wolf, blood hounds, setters, pointers, ferrets, ih-o' i. • K•■’in- i . Si oi k, i ‘.i 55-8 26 RIP RAP POINTERS TIK >R( H’GHBR ED Rip-Rap pointer pups for salp Are now ready to ship 'lhe finest known Satisfaction guaran teed X P. Almon, Roopville, Ga g - i i <'i: SALE Four well trained fox and out hounds, also two No. 1 opossum and coon dogs. N. F. Crawford, Tiger, Ga 8-24-42 Horses and Carriages FOR SALE. One line horse and covered delivery wagon. Apply Anderson Hard ware Co . 32 34 South Pryor. 8-28 15 Cows. Il Hi SALE Ten good milch cows, Kivinj; throe to four gallons milk a day: one fine work goat Shippej Bros x- While, 968 Marietta st Both phones 51f>. -27-3 1 Hogs. 1.1-.1l F beautiful Berkshire pigs, six weeks old; $8 per pair if taken at once E S Gas. Tiy |jmjta_ble_ Uldg 8-28-2(1 Pigs. I-< >I; SALE Pure bred Berkshire pigs, eight to ten weeks <>ld, $7 per pair Arthur Owen, Route 2. Barnesville, Ga Business Opportunities. good opening for dentist in gooTsizedi growing middle Georgia town. Good dentist can got plentj of work. Write Oiliest, care Georgian. 8-28-23 DRUG STORE in one of the best subnr ban locations of the citj. Sub-station postoffice in the store. Owner going into other business reason for selling. M. it 1 ’ . rare (Jeorglan g 28 t FOR SALE General merchandise busi ness m good country town There is connected lumber, shingle, building tna- > terial. Ice. auto garagt* and meat market Now does $25,000 to $30,000 per year Can be doubled Will Clear $5,000’ to $6 000 \bout $5,000 will handle. Box 113 \u< tell. Ga g in-27 Legal Notices. LEG AL Nt I’l’ltT:. GEORGIA Fulton t’ounty. i Mose Berry vs l.utitia Berry. Fulton Su perior t'ourt i To l.utitia Berry. Greeting: By order of court you are notitted that on the 'Otfi 'lie of Inly. PU2. Mose BerrV tiled suit tor divorce to the November term, ptpj 1 on ate required to be at the November t term. I''l2. of said court, to be held on the first Monday in November, 1912, to answer the plaintiff's complaint , Witness the Hon W D. Ellis, Judge of said court, this July 20, 1912 ARNOLD RROYLES. Clerk ■ L24-J LEGAL NOTICE. ' 11h 'RGI A Fttlton County. .1 Clifton Wheat vs Gertrude Ross Wheat Fulton Superior Court To Gertrude Ross W’heat, Greeting, By ■ r of court veil are notified that on the ?:id day of July, IM2. .1 Clifton Wheat tiled sint tor divorce to the November term, 1912 You are required to be at the November | term. 1'.>12. of said court, to be held on the rst Monday in November, 1912, to answer ■ plaintiff's complaint. Witness the Hon W. D Ellis. Judge of i said court, this 23d dav of .luh i<)j > ARNGI.D num cierk I 7-24-2 IGEORGIA Fulton County Mrs. Katlun ire Summers vs ,t |> Summers To I 1’ Summers By order of court, you l.irc hereby notified that on the 13th day ol tiignst. 1 >l2 Mrs Katherine Sttm . titers tiled suit against von for divorce. ' letmnablc to the November term of said court \ou are hereby required to be at 1 the N.y.rnbcr term of said coma, to be . held "it the first Mondas In November m xt. to answer 'll" plaintiff's ,-onm'..qo [ Witness the Hot W D Ellis.-judge of said court, this 13th day of August. 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk 8-14-17 Wanted- Bids <lt A ERNORS ISL AND. N 1 H . Jug ■ 1. 1912- StMiled proposals, in triplLato, for furnishing, commencing October 1. 'l2. fmage and straw re<p:ired in Eastern .Dvision -lurM’jj \rar t mlittu June 30, 1913. will b< received here until 10 a m . Au gust 30, 1912 Informathm furnished ou application. Ch es Quartermaster. 8-17 The best Want \d na.\s in The Geor gian .do Monda'. Tm<la'. Wednesday Thursiiav. Frulu'. Sattmla' Try them ALL The results will surprise you. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. \V. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atiatta Phone 1881. for sale. ONE of the best built houses on Hol derness street, near Gordon. 5 rooms, furnace heat, east front, large, shady lot. Owner leaving city. Anxious to sell. See Mr. Foster. ON Gordon street, corner, a strictly high-class. modern bungalow of 6 rooms. No detail of comfort or ele gance lacking. Yun. will surely be pleased. See Mr. Radford. IN the East Lake section convenient to both the Decatur and the East Lake cars, two lione propositions that' we recommend to home-seekers. One is two story seven rooms, lot 100x200. on a corner. The other is five rooms all conveniences excepting gas. Prices $3,500 and $2,500, respectively. Terms ,to suit you. See Mi White. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN, WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. 7-r. h., 442 Pulliam st.; Sept. 1.. $25.00 I 7-r, h.. 152 Crew st $25.00 h.. 129 E. Pine st.; Sept. «.. $35.00 I 7-r. h.. 350 Central ave $30.00 !_-r h . 28 W Fifth st.. Aug. 31. $40.00 7-r. li . 211 -Tew st $25.00 <-r. h., 264 N Boulevard; Aug. 31 $32.50 | WE I’l I IJSH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, gi\ir.g a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copv. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBI RN AVENGE. PHONE MAIN 018 FOR RENT B Y E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY (BYRON APARTMENT A-4.) 2'lß WEST PEACHTREE S’F (>N \\ EST PEACHTREE between Baltimore block and Linden street, you will find this fourth floor six-room apartment, with all up to date, modern con venience- ()ne of the best locations in the city We guarantee the best serv iros <>f an}' apartment house in the city. $75 per month. Vacant Au gust 31. (BYRON APARTMENT A-2.) 210 WEST PEACHTREE ST. BETWEEN BALTIMORE BLOCK and Linden street, on the west side of West Peachtree street, we have this beautiful six-room second-floor front apartment. Mas ami electric lights, electric bells, house telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerator, hardwood floors, dust s-hute, clothes shute. garb age shute. passengi r and freight elevators. This apartment is 'Tip to date” in every respect. Price. SBO per month Vacant August 31 THOMSON & LYNES 18 an-i 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. $3.400 —NO. 385 East Georgia avenue, between Hill and Grant streets, you will find a nice six-room cottage in good condition, all improvements, and large, elevated lot. Very easy terms to responsible party. This must be sold before the Ist, or owner will sign lease. THOMSON & LYNES. Ponce DeLeon Avenue Corner —100x200 to 10-foot Aliev. A BARGAIN ON THIS BEAUTIFUL ST. No information over Phone. Call in person at office. ATLANTA I)E V El.O I’MENT COMI ’A NY, 609 13 Third National Bank Building. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 609 10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4235 $5,200 Near Myrtle street, we have a beautiful six-room bungalow, on large lot. Let us show you this place; has everything it takes to make a real home. Terms, $750 cash and balance S4O per month. s.’>,Boo will buy a dandy good six-room, furnace heated bungalow on lot 50x190: in the best section of West End. This will not stay on the market long at the price and terms we are offering this on. Who will be first? $3,000 Near in on Cooper street, we have a real bargain in 6-room cottage in a large, east front lot. If you want a good home in walking distance of the city see this. Good terms; no loan. $5,500 will buy a very high-class 6-room furnace-heated, bungalow. This Is one of the prettiest homes <>n our list If you are looking for a sure enough bunga low let us show you this one. Good ter ms. SA LES.M EN; FRED C. \V» H)|»ALL. <||\s. R. COLLINS W ILL I AMS- HARTSOCK CO. I REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINa Bhon« 2106 Main. NEGRO INX’ESTMENT— We offer for quick sale three negro houses rent ing for $24,011 per month for $2,400. Room to build more houses on lot; sewer down These houses are in unusually good shape and we feel sure ihat you will likt t iem if you are looking for this kind of investment. See us. FOR SALECHEAP A nice 6-room bungalow on Sixteenth street. Terms A NICE LOT in Highland Ave. section for SBOO.OO. Onothet one for $1,500. Let us stiow yom HAVE you a vacant lot? Let us build for you Will build your home on easy terms. Take a look at some of our work. It speaks for itself. for sale ry Southern Railwav Frontasre. i 7 I■? IT |T NT IT SOMETHING 'good. VI IN 1 v I-* *■ > I—v 30n FEET level frontage on this road. . x < -y xr Buy this before price advances. We S V P Ak I I As ,an <lelivei- it at SSO per foot Terms. v 511 EMPIRE BLDG. PHONES 1599 Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN 203-8 EMFIR E BUILDING FOR RENT. BIG BUILDINGS FOR’ MANI FALTER EK’S. AUBURN \\E <*: •>■ in. brick build- ing. f"ur limn - and cement basement: water, gas. electricity, etc., elevator t'avh floor. 50x115 about 30.000 squ u< ' feet, (‘heap at sjoo p e p month; l«»ng I »r short b ase Blent;, room m rem of building, the lot being 200 foot deep, I with a 12 foot alley on side. I \IAIMS(»N AVE Fight at the’frcight terminals, five-story. < aneiei< . H’- - I proof light ami air\ ; electricity, water; I •■leetrit pa>ssnger and freight elevator. 20M0’» square feet. nev« r been used <’an rent all or subdivide, S3OO, on a good lease. IVY ST Right at Edgewood. the Franklin Printing (’onipany's build ing. Go look .it it and let us make you a price, four stories • We Have Plenty of Money to Loan on Real Estate. FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOMES. A BEAUTIFUL West End home of 9 1 rooms and servant’s room; comforta bly furnished; furnace heat; pretty yards anti grounds;‘modern in every de tail; big porch and sleeping porch; j right price to A-l tenant. ANSLEY PARK. FURNISHED, a beautiful six-room bungalow; hardwood floor: clean and bright as a new pin; up to date in every particular, including furniture; fine greenery, garden; large lot: elegant neighborhood; 3 blocks of cars. Par i ticulars, see FOSTER & ROBSON. 75-77 ~ avenue. 49u. by 115. live storiess3oo.oo 71 I" street, four stories 300.00 SH-52 ~ avenue, 20 by 100. ion on »» Ma.iist n avenue, five stories, fire- prbof WO.OO 12 S'>uth Broad street, four stories ami basement. '•> East Alabama street. 25 by 126. 125.00 5-r. flat 124 East Fair street . 20.60 6 r apartment Eleventh street ... 80 00 4- li. 171 Rockwell street .. . 14 60 5- h . 44 Doane street . ... 16.00 5-r h. 2.5 Cunningham pla<e . .. 22 50 >-r h. 29 Cunningham place ... 22.50 5-r h . 174 Form wait street 17.50 5- h. 34 Killian street 20.00 6- h.. 228 Cameron street 20.00 6 r h . 22 Ripley street 30.00 6-t h 1 >ane strt et S6O 6-r. h . (IM* East Fair street 15.60 6-r !■ . 8 Milton avenue 20.00 6-r h . 2 * Lucile avenue 30.00 6- h., 30 Cunningham place ... 25 60 7- h . 239 Central avenue 25.00 8- h . 206 Pulliam street 25.00 S-r h . 272 Ashby street 20.00 65 Spring street 45.00 S-r h.. 242 Strwart avenue • near- lx new i 40.00 8-r h,. 58 East Merritts avenue ■ . • ■ 60 00 1 8 r h , 248 Stewart avenue tnewi 35.00 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. A Small Investment The city has grown so much and conditions have so changed that it is almost impossible to find a small investment that is near in. VS e offer here an investment that is well located, has suffi cient street frontage, brings in good rental and is reasonable in price. Nos. 229, 233 and 235 Mangum Street . Between Magnolia and Foundry streets, front 120 feet; two houses, renting at $23 a month. Price $3,000 —reasonable terms. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR THE L Q GREEN CG REAL ESTATE, 305 Third National Bank Building. % ON WEST ALEXANDER, running through to Mills street, lot 72x200. with three good houses on lot. Now rented and can. by spending a few hundred dollars, increase rentals to pay you & straight 10 per cent on your money, This is close in and IT’S A SAFE BUY. Houses are in very good repair. To those having a few thousand dollars to invest, and wishing to feel safe and that you are not making a mistake, we would advise you to investi gate this. THE L. C. GREEN CO. WE WOULD BE GLAD TO HAVE A CALL FROM YOU. ” A SACRIFICE ” WE offer on Peachtree Road a beautiful lot 100x515 feet. 125 feet wide in the rear, owner must sell and has given us the price of $4,600 —$2,200 cash, the balance September 1912 an d April 1913. See W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE Real Estate. Empire Building. Bell Phone Main 3457. x Atlanta 930. RALPH O. COCHRAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTING AND LOANS. ACREAGE WORTH WHILE. WITHIN a short distance of Peachtree road, and near Silver lake, we have a tract of more than 200 acres of good land for SBO per acre This is in the right direction for enhancement and will make a fortune for the owner in the near future. There are some splendid developments planned in this Immediate section, and this tract has about 1% miles of road frontage You had better look into this. HARRIS G. WHITE, Sales M anager. DECATUR RIGHT AT AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE, and Just one block from the car line, I am offering a home of eleven rooms, located on one of the most perfect lots ever endowed by nature. It faces 155 feet on College avenue, with a depth of 555 feet. There is a garden in the rear comprising about one acre of ground, that can not be surpassed. The owner is making a sacri fice, and offers this place for $5,250.00, on terms of $1,000.00 cash. EMMETT HIGHT REAL ESTATE. 513-514-515 Empire Building. $1,600 $1,600 MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE an estate: Kenis $15.60. Price $1,600. This is not an every day bargain, but a real bargain. See us about this today. Tomorrow it might be gone. $1,600. $1,600 EDWIN P. A NSLEY Realty Trust Building. Atlanta 363 Ivy 1600. If September ist Is Your Moving Day DON ’T BE FOOLISH ami RE NT another place, hut be sensi ble and BITY a place from us at Jefferson Park, East Point, for small amount cash and balance monthly like rent. We have houses COMPLETED NOW. so that you can move right in and stop being the slave of the landlord. We would like to show you W. D. BE AT IE BOTH PHONES 3520. 207 Equitable Building. THERE’S A REASON ~ WHY WE HAVE SOLD 125 LOTS IN PEACHTREE HURST IN FORTY DAYS. THEY ARE LOCATED In a select and coming section of the north side. Just off Peachtree road, and a mile and a half this side of Ruckhead, and are being sold at one-half their real value ami on exceedingly easv terms L. P. BOTTENFIELD, Owner 211 Empire Bldg. Phone. 51. 1298. BEAI’TIFI’L SIX-ROOM BCNGALoW. Lot 60x400. EAST FRONT: beautif .. front yard: stone front, cabinet mantels, citv water bath; electric lights: everything to make a home comfortable, out in ’the fresh air Owner must sell Small cash payment: balance $25 per month ATLANTA SUBURBAN REALTY COMPANY. 31 Inman Building Money To Loan. Money To Loan. MONEY TO LEND WE ARE IN POSITION to handle good, first-class mortgage real estate loans from 6 to 7 per cent from 3 to 5 years. There is no delay in getting your money. See us. L. H. Zurline, manager. RALPH O. COCHRAN CO. 19 SOUTH BRuAD STREET.