Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 25, 1912, FINAL 1, Image 13
TTIJEATLAXTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS, read FOR PROHTMiEORGIAN WAN F AOS—USE FOR RESULTS WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 25. 1912. 13 Auction Sales. AT AUCTION. THE ENTIRE FURNISH- 1 I\GS OF 170 CLEBURNE I V VE INCLUDING ma hogany AND OAK bed room FURNITURE. UP- 1 RIGHT piano, gas stove, range, brass hr ns. SHADES. PARLOR furniture. library SUIT. AXMINSTER. WIL TON AND BRUSSELS X RT SQUARES. HALL RENNERS. RUGS. CUR- T \ I N S. PORTIERES. COUCH COVERS. ETC.. FRIDAY. SEPT. 27. AT 12 E. MITCHELL ST. COMMENCING AT 10 A. M . Friday, we , •vT offer to the highest bidder the! entire furnishings of 170 Cleburne ave .iu<. consisting of mahogany dressers . and chiffoniers, brass beds, quartered j i.ak dressers, library table, pedestal I i ing table, china cabinet, hat rack, I enter tables, elegant brass and iron : b. ■ with springs and felt mattresses, t blankets, kitchen furniture, fine Pull- : rr..<n davenport, mahogany parlor suit. I oak sideboard, fine lot of library, re- j . eption and bed room rockers, sewing machine, Turkish leather library rock er lace curtains, linoleum, art squares, shades, hall runners, por tieres. and. in fact, everything neces sary to furnish an up-to-date house •omplete. These goods will be open r inspection Thursday. Sale starts l inptly at 10 a. m. Friday, Septem ' Iter 27. CENTRAL AUCTION CO., 12 E. MITCHELL ST. AT AUCTION. THURSDAY A. M. SHARP. WE WILL OF FER SEVERAL CON SIGNMENTS OF HOUSE HOLD GOODS, INCLUD ING SEVERAL MAHOG ANY DRESSERS, SIDE BOARDS. TABLES, BUF FETS: ALSO SEVERAL ODD OAK DRESSERS. WASHSTANDS, CHAIRS, ROCK ER S; ALSO| STOVES, HEATERS, GAS RANGES, RUGS. ART SQUARES IN WILTON PATTERNS, MATTING! SQUARES, AND IN FACT OTHER GOODS I'oo NTJ-: MERGES TO MENTION COME AND SEE FOR YOURS EL F. SAL 1 ’ STARTS PROMPTLY AT 10 A. M., RAIN OR SHINE. PEMBROKE SALES CO., 143 S. PRYOR ST. MAIN 187. PAWN BROKERS AUCTION HOUSE, 51 Decatur street. We buy and sell any and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Bell Ucne Main 1434, Main 187 7-29 20 1 PEMBROKE Sales Company under new management: will accept your surplus I emck of any kind on consignments; cash advanced, settlement on date of sale. . 143 S Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187. Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30 Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. I HAYE two cars that I must dispose of I will trade one for real estate; ore throe-passenger Overland coupe. 1912; model. condition perfect. 30-horsepower; I n ne four-passenger Maxwell: good condi t'on equipped; cheap if sold at oner. In quire 31 Inman Bldg. Telephone M. 2053. 9-25-43 FOR SALE—3O-horsepower 1911 model au omobile. foredoor; five-passenger: fully I 1 ■ pped Price reasonable Call Ivy 4208 SALE -Overland "42," five-pas senger automobile. Cheap for cash, or R '■ take good notes for part. 106 For- Ridp 9-24-20 T' , secund-hand three-fourths ton . R tick truck. Will sell this week at a bargain Adams Price Auto Company*, 1 wing'on street. Phone Main 652 -24-1 SELIZ or exchange for vacant lot, ' assenger automobile: SO horsepow nd '’on. rides like a sleeping ' a bargain Price S6OO Main •'harles R. Cook. 480 Smith Roule i 9-24-9 40 IL P. 5-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE ' 8 F put in fine condition will! *■ sold at a bargain. Newi • and seat covers. Splendid! I aranee. Pulls Howell Mill '■'a I. hill or any other on ‘‘the Two extra 36 inch lives, ' and rims. Address or in- | for Auto. Box 300, care 21:111. 9-21-26 SALE E’our-cylinder five-passenger in good condition; for quick sale. ; \tlanta phone 18S7 9-20-39 I * ".■VCBIIES FOR EXCHANGE 'XCHANGE Automobile for va l'»t. farm land or diamond valued 1 Address F. !.., care Georgian ‘‘ 24 9 EXCHANGE Atlanta rea estate tv model automobile, pref- r Hud ( * 'akland or overland <’all Main - 9-20-4 - | BRUSH. never used; tv exchange ■’ and 25-hnrscp wvr Maxv IL /j'-'lithm. fur < ash. ( heap ( iwrw. ( ■ l ’ ' ; trunks, Bags and Suitcasei. ~ "':taileiiNno'cepa i khp GENTREE’S 77 TLuh'T'' l I •S Bell Main i-»76.’ta 1054 ' — ~ —■ 1 .- .■ ——■— — ' read for profit GEORGIAN WANT AOS USE FOR RESULTS Lost and Found. LOST DO(i. | AIREDALE dog. beautifully marked: tan 1 win !T e ' I '>' a ' an . d leRS and blat!< saddle; I .Wandered ti-ou, 399 Donee DeLeon ave nue. Finder please notify John Corrigan, 1 I -tr , and receive reward. 9-25-63 ! , F‘>t NI >-Engraved watch charm Own er can have same by describing .1. M , D-. cart Georgian. 45-25-9 1 LOST- Blown handbag, between Elite I | theater and Edgewood and Prvor sts same and address inclosed in handbag : . Reward for return to 1196 DeKalb ave- I -25-18 I Lost Gold wishbone pin. diamond set- - I . "ng, either in the Alcazar. Savoy or i n.v shopping district; anx one finding , 9aine Phone Ivy 1272. 9-25-20 | STRA YEI > t7R _ STdLEN’—One dark"bav Morse mule \\ eight about 900. Return to Morris & Thomas. Currier and Pied : mon t a venue, and receive reward. 9-24-33 , LOST—In Edgewood one Jersey heifer, brown with black mark ings on face and legs. Reward. Phone Ivy 4291-1. ’ 9-24-3 Si RAY [ OR STOLEN —One gray mare 1 Sunday night: switch craped. ‘Fin.ler I please call Bell phone Decatur 472 S R • ; Burton. 41-24-9 1 Lt.tS I' Between Gem photograph parlors l I on M httehall and p (i stoffic<-. book con- i : taming small piece of glass with palette of | artists colors on it. Written in book. liow to mix colors for artists " Reward 1 for return to B_Highland avenue 9-24-3 I L' ST Sunda> i,igb>. in hmrse cab* 118. ladies' black leather handbag re- I turn to 1233 Candler Bldg : $5 reward | 9-23-24 Money To Loan. HOME FI NDS and insurance money at prevailing rates of interest on real es tate. Can place your application and get the money at once. Ralph O. Cochran Company. 19 South Broad. 9-25-36 LOANS made on real estate. Purchase money notes bought and sold. F. M. Loveless, 1321 Candler building. S-17-10 MCIN EY FOR SA LARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names: cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden- 4lai. D. 11 Tolman. 524 Austell building MONEY ON hand for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta. J. E. Van 1 alkenburg 501 Equitable building -6-22 WEYMAN CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate 4-1-3 I SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, anv amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson. 24 South Broad street. 4-1 17 FARM LOANS placed in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build ing; 7-13-1 THE PRUDENTIAL IN SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca ran make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, I’unnan. Black & Calhoun. 203-8 Empire i Building. 6-7-12-1 i WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlantal land nearby property, either fori j straight or monthly payment I | plan. Also for purchasing pur-j ! ehase money notes. Foster &; ; Robson. ’1 Edgewood Ave. — fG - JEWELERS AND BROKERS Ai'V- 30 ’ FiTI »» I BLDO MONEY loan --'T 9 (y SHONr MAIN Ilf U/”") STRICTLY PRIVATE Without Indorsement W ithout Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. Business Opportunities. 1 LET us lay before you faetff and figures regarding the Montana Pulp and Paper | Manufacturing Company: the govern ment’s figures show that the manufacture of paper is one of the greatest industries of America. Write .1. N. Sechrest & Co., Investment Bankers. Buffalo. N. Y’.. for circular 309. 55-25-9 FOR SALE—Grocery’ store Inquire 55 East Alabama, street. 9-25-11 1 FOR SALE—Bakery: will established trade; splendid stand, is making good money: with a little life and nush this business will easily net you $3,000 per year, sickness cause of selling. Write W. H. Goodwin. Eufaula, A1a.59-24-9 A ~BARGAIN Weil established general merchandise business in good town; owner wants to retire. Address P. O. Box 73. Glennville Ga 9-20-34 Rooming House For Sale. PARTIES leaving town will sell furnish ings of eight-room rooming house, rooms all full Answer quick Atlanta phone 5495. 9-25-28 Real Estate For Sale fNVESTMENT PROPERTY 100 HI'MPHRIES STREET FOR SALE Terms If you want them. Fine sub division. Lot 222 feet on Humphries. 230 feet on Leonard, with the apex of the an : gle extending to Greensferry avenue. The ! base of tlie angle 62 feet wide Ding 'store, residence, wood yard on the prop erty. Worth easy 83,000. A good deal less I will bin it. Income now pay s good in terest on $3,000. Pivotal point for the entire neighborhood. Very place for a Rogers store. There is now 150 feet, run- ■ ning from Humphries to Leonard street, to ( J, velop All improvements down and I paid for See Charles E. Thompson. 201 ! Equitable building Atlantm t>2-25-9 OWNER, leaving city, offers modern home at real bargain if taken at once. i 169 Cleburne aYe. Iyy_3i'»4-L _ :*-2. "north side itoMe FOR next few da's will offer my former 1 home at a bargain; two-story bti<k. , ; 7-room, corner Im; servants' house in Hie I rear: *1.400. assuming SI,BOO loan al 5%; easy term.- Joseph E Boston, care Geor gia Sa • Ings ban <. 9-25-1 1 n i:\v 6-R<»<>M Bi:Nt; \ i j >\x i Nlt'E !.<>T. over 400 feet deep. stone I front, has all conveniences and in one lot' the best suburbs around Atlanta, small I I cash payment, balance easy i>N Ylk'A ROAD, 8 1-3 acres new 7 I I room house, at a sacrifice sale. 307. I ,rs Bldg Phone U 5226 . . ■,: s \ i.; Six-t on east i r<mt cottagt at 41'< South Boulevard, by owner, on I laeiount of baying city 11,500, will | I my equity at once. J. C Glor. ; I>y L . ■ ■ ■ ■ |-room house. 3 i res land, two ininu'r 4 walk from ea- l'b< inus’ i sell *1 *7 ' Address owner. Bov >9)2 ' , arc Georgian 10-24-9 I FOR SALE Four-Foom house, lot 50x150 I Hlvet ar lint . >I.OOO *lO a month 1 It.’ n ' ai ey. J Whitehall st ' is -17 bi if? - yI ,E \l e '.veil finis' --| ' , _-..e,i ■ r . i). larg<_ Im ir.d ■ 'hl "'ll i |.r'rd a bargain. Address 1' <• ! ■ ■ Gmmiviiu Ga '-Ju-So POULTW- E-DITLP JULfJf. EJ. MARSHALL. j Room and Roup As the coo] nights of the fall come on 1 would advise great care in the handling of young chicks. The change from the hot sun during the day to the cool, damp nights is one of the principal causes of colds and roup, and especially with the later hatched broods. W hat they need is room and fresh air in their : roosting quarters and a chance to get up from the ground. Too many of us are likely to let our (‘hicks continue to roost in the small, cramped i quarters ot the brood coops, old barrels and what ; not. These are all right while the chicks ai'e small 'and such plaets furnish good room for them, and the nights are warm and dry. but with the change in weather conditions and *he great growth thev I have made, tilling their quarters to suffocation, a change is demanded. It is presumed that if you have raised a good lot ol .Youngsters you have houses sufficient to ac commodate them properly through the fall and winter, or expect, to provide them Get them into these houses now and arrange to have them start roosting, by providing low places at first, sav a foot from the ground, and so arrange that they can walk right on to them without trouble. As they get accustomed to this, have it so you can raise it at intervals until you have your roosts at least three feet from the ground. Chicks can not crowd each . 4 1.. ..... J I . -I- other on the roosts as they can' on the ground and in boxes and barrels used by many an brood coops. They are insured better ventilation. Air and sunlight are our great enemies of disease. Build your houses if possible so the sun ' will shine well into them, and purify them. Always separate the old fowls from the young in their roosting quarters, as I it Is better for both. Do not try to ; economize by crowding your flocks into | Judge Marshall will be glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Orpingtons. 1 ALL my last season’s winners for sale Pens and single birds. Ribbons and , cups go with birds. V. A Ham, Newnan, ISi _ |S. C CRYSTAL WHITE Orpingtons. I Pure Kellerstrass strain. Very fine cock i erels and pullets. January and February s hatched for sale. Floridette Farm, Hill- Ilard. Fla 30-21-9 Leghorns. 200~S. ~C~ wiITTE~LEGHORN cockerels and pullets, early hatched from win ners and heavy layers, at $1 each. These i are good ones. Joseph B Wood, Brooks. Ga. 9 17-22 Plymouth Rocks. EGGS from prize-winning Barred Plym outh Rocks; four ribbons, first cock, first, fourth and fifth hens. Silver cup (sweepstakes) on just four birds. Fine cockerels for sale. Benjamin H. Spurlock. Lithonia. Ga. 9-14-5 500 BARRED ROCK cockerels and pullets, early hatched from fancy stock, at $1 each Don’t miss this bargain. Janies B Wood. Brooks. Ga. 9-17-23 Wyandottea. WHITE WYANDOTTEB—Four pullets and last vear’s cock. This is proper mating Only $7.50 Eggs reduced to $1 setting Ed L. Culver, Sparta, Ga 9-25-5 BARGAIN SALE of White Wyandottes. nipe hens and one cock, first check for $lO gets them; now laying. V. F. Hatcher Harlem. Ga. 9-21 -28 Bantams. BANTAMS—Game bantams. Sehrlghts, Ruff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, 4-26-30 Ducks. FOR SALE—lndian Runners: beauties; white egg strain $3.50 trio. L. W Georgian. FOR SALE Fawn and White Indian Runner ducks, or will excliange foi White Leghorn pullets Mrs. R. H Mt. liamson. 155 Gordon street. Bell phone West 959. 1 Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per fifteen 126 Windsor street Main 3588 4-2.-2 o Pigeons. rKiYsQUAIt-BREEDING Carneau. white homers and runts: good chance to start in souab business. Bargain it Solo at once. T '• Brown. 125 Sycamore street. Decatur Ga ■3B-30-9 Dogs. DOG' At close prices. Variety of point ers setters and lionn Is to select Horn. i Young and mature Trained and I'ari y tVair.ed Uorr.-s! .mlence sobetted Monl view Kennels. Kernersville. X < Real Estate For Sale. I . .i: SAI E residence H WE THREE up-to date six-room but. UJ b>Ws all ..VemmitH, <m pax.'l s iewalks. ettt. smwerago. .■u-.-trw liKht-' ho' and ‘-old water .mnit—lions. I r'nmm'e 1.-al StPtill radt l-aitltri;;. bal iunee to huli. Apply -l«hn Hagan, _.yAu burn avenue . - . quick sah list your property with Everett * •■•.v-r.-.t. 224 Brown- Randolph Bk’B Marietta and lorsyth. • l» -J THE HOI SE you build. buy or rent will not !>'• « modern home unless it is wired for < lectricity. Real Estate Wanted. \v\XTED- Six or seven-room l-tar. In man Park or West End preferred. ip.. <.,in- ' as; ar.'.l want to trade all ~ i art of a-r-s ; ust off Roswell road • :3 Mm-s out Z Box 402. care Farms Wanted. 'W \ \ ,1’ i - <■ .• f, r!em r.> ;’.»n U ti'k rniH' •*n»nj<h land fm th; ( . hand* vith U 1 . Hainpi"!. Ua. « i F.JvM'AJE'SJIAJzL r small quarters. It is one of the most expensive plans of economy that I know of. If yon can not comfortably house and care for 300 chicks, raise 200 You : will make more money from the smaller number. In crowded quarters roup will ■ most surely make its appearance. When roup gets into a flock it means : trouble, and most often long continued ! trouble at that. No one knows so well ; as those who have been through a siege of it. It most often appears In a brood lof youngsters first, as they are not quite so strong and able to stand the changes of the weathers are the hens. ! It will come on like a thief in the night, ' so look out for It right now and guard I against it in every way possible. Incubators. FOR SALE—Four Prairie State hovers, with regulators. In good condition; slightly used, at $4 each, cost SB. One Cyphers 150-egg incubator, cost $22.50 a short time ago. only $7.50. One Jewell in cubator, 100-egg capacity, cost $lB. for $6. Both machines in good condition. Good reason for selling. James B. Wood. Brooks, Ga 9-24-26 I _... ! Miscellaneous Poultry. FOR SALE —Herd of 24 cows, ten high grade cows, thirteen registered, seven cows, three heifers bred ami three I yearling heifers, will sell the grades sep arate from Hie registered. Tills is an op portunity to get some of the best founda i lion stock to start a herd at the right | price. .Aliout 150 BI’U 20 Leghorns .and sixteen Sliver Spangle Hamburgs, In cluding my prize birds; selling mH. going I\\ < st. M II Collins, Fairburn, Ga 9-25-59 WHITE LEGHORN bantams. Fishel White Wyandottes, Pape Minoreas I Nice stock Satisfaction guaranteed. C i R. Martin, Greenville, 8 C. 9-25-4 , 200 .MARCH and April hatched Single Comb White Leghorn pullets, Wyckoff ' strain; White Runner Ducks, egg ma chine. the greatest money makers. Mrs Louis Do.vner, Guthrie. Ky. 91-14-9 11. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT BULBS indoors for early blossoms. We can supply you with the following, all large., strong, sure bloomers; paper White Nar cissus. 25c a dozen, postpaid 40c. White Roman Hyacinths, 40c a dozen, postpaid 50c. Freesias, 20c a dozen, postpaid 25c. Double Dutch Hyacinths in the follow ing colors, white, pink, light blue, dark blue, red and yellow, 60c a dozen, post paid 70c Single Dutch Hyacinths, colors same as the double, 50c a dozen, postpaid 60c Chinese Sacred Lilies, 10c each, or three for 25c; postpaid, add 3c each Write for a copy of our bulb catalogue. WE HAVE <>N HAND a beautiful as sortment of flowering plants. The j prices are right. Call In and make your I selections. ALL WHO HAVE TRIED the "Red Comb" Poultry Feeds say that they I are the feeds to feed their fowls. If you ■ have not tried them, a trial order will! convince you that this is true LEE'S. Conker's and Rust's Poultry and Stock Remedies. don’t FORGET that we have four city I deliveries dail.t at the time mentioned I tn heading Orders given before that time will be delivered the day they are given. Cows. Ft )R SALE ' : ■ lers j mild w fresl in milk. Shippej Bros. White. 968 Marietta street Both phones 516. 9-25-51 Horses and Carriages. l '»R SALE Horse, buggy and harness foi $125 '• nj ladj or < hild can drive Bargain, (’all Ivv 1156 J or ivv 4586. 9-24-28 ■ , „„„ _| , Far as For Sale. EOR SAL.E OH EXCHANGE MX) at tes land at $7 75 an acr»*; 2 1 -, miles o! counit' seal Will take pari payment in <<lher properlx Box 29G, Gainesville. Ga ! GO-25-9 ) I , ’OR SALL One hundred a< land mar Villa Rica. <la Em particulars, ad dress (’lark Watkins. Villa Rica, (ja !•'< )R SALK 300 acres of river land. 12 miles north <>i Eufaula, Ala. Lies well, ■ «nd in good neighborhood. In fact, the b« -i farmers in Barbour couniy adjoin this pla«e Has s bool. ar. within four i. • of acl in i Has .* ■ imp! v• mi nts Write W II Godwin Kufaula, Ala 9-20 29 | Legal Notices. ~AI >MINI.-. ! ItA'l illX I.E WILL BL S< >LI » on t« • first Tu<*:-da.\ it., I < »t-to* <•! at ii a. m befot* Ui»* <-tu. . i.'i d'Hc <»d oropert' of Hein y M ’,i a <1- b- r.t a .sr and l-d at ' itliu < -• corner <•! S'-.,, i and Mdi.irjn, . same \m>An . '< ’’d 1'...« Pla» e als« X <•!!« harm’nd r:rz and m»ld uan c an<! • ( , ' Mi.., Ldliaji 11. Shaw, Adm ■ ■ tra’LA «-2j-46 Real Estate For Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE, REN TING AND LOANS. Roll Phones 1031-1032 11 EDGEWOD AVE Atlanta Phone 1 «g1 “IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD.. IT’S SO wuv Y ' FOR SAT E RENT when you can buy a *ot j 2-x415 feet, with a 5-room house. .on \ aughn street, lust off the Decatur . ear line, near Whiteioord avenue? A bar gain for $2,250, on terms of SIOO to S2OO cash, and sls per month See Mr \Vhit* 441 l-RASER STREET, just north of Or- TA n stree b nice 6-room house on lot i .»ox2oo to a wide Iley Hot and cold wa ter. gas. etc. Th ce $2,800. on easy terms. i, !- ex< *l ,an ßT '’»r good vacant lot. Doan ()t *1.2 . 11 to asst Bee Mr c.i-lford. ON ST i'H.XRI i-:s AVENUE a 9-room . A ‘^ n,se « stimewhat out of repair, on lot oox-00. This place can be bought at the very low price of $4,200 It would not eos! very much to put it in god shape. L lns " cr#* done, it would sell readily for $6.000, See Air. Bra ds ha w ON ALIt’E STREET, between Pryor and Central avenue, a double apartment house renting for $42 50 per month. This car. be bought for $4,150 on terms. This is better than 12 per re nt See Mr. Wi n n ON M'DONOFGH STREET, in Decatur and convenient to public school and Ag nes Scott college, a delightful 6-room bungalow with all the conveniences. On a grea • big lot Can be bought, worth the money and on attractive terms. See Mr Eve. If Ynn Harp Money to Lend. We Can Place it Safely. FOR RENT. 8-r. h.. 388 Spring street . . ..SBO.OO | 7-r. b . 46 Brotherton street $25.00 8-r h . 576 South Drvor street .. 30.00 7-r. h , 442 Pulliam street 25 00 8-r b, 3o; Pulliam street 32.50 7-r, h.. 28 West Fifth street 40.00 8-r h., 17 Hunnicutt street 35.00 6-r. h , 186 East Georgia avenue 22.60 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLJTIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618 FOR RENT = STORE ROOM at 34 North Forsyth street. Price $125.00 per month. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. 34 North Forsyth Street. Houses For Rent. Houses For Rent. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 6 W. ALABAMA ST. 605 WASHINGTON ST.—This is a 16-room house on an ele vated lot 50x200; has gas. electric lights, two baths with lint and cold water. This house has recently been painted and put in first-class condition. Splendid location for a nice board- I ing house. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. 7 East Mitchell Street IN the Hawkes Bldg, we have a splendid brick store, 23x70 feet, with base ment. within half block of Whitehall street: tine location for retail busi ness This is the only vacant store in this building You can get the ben efit of Whitehall street truffle at a low rental, SIOO month. EDWIN P. ANSLEY RENT DEPA RTMENT. REAI.TY TRUST BUILDING. PHONE IVY 1600 G. R. MOORE & COMPANY REAL ESTATE. BUILDING AND LOANS. 1409 CANDLER BUILDING. PHONE IVY 4978 $7,50u North Boulevard house of quality; lot 60x180 It's modern anil we want to show you Party leaving city. Terms SSOO cash, balance SSO per month $8,500 —North side home, on one of the most prominent streets. Modern and up tn date. Terms reasonable. LOT. close in. 50x100, at SSO 00 per foot. It's a gem GLENN STREET, BETWEEN CENTR AL AVENUE AND PULLIAM STREET 50x125, six-room and bath: modern cottage; all conveniences, will «ell for $2,350. cash SSOO anil $25 per month, or one. two. three years. MILLS STREET APARTMENTS f< ir ipartments good location close In: al ways rented at a good price; will sell this property at a close figure Give ; us a call EXCELLENT lot on Royston street, near McLendon. This Is a bargain at $1,250. McLendon street has passed for repavement. work will begin at once. LINWOOD AVENUE. REFINED NEIGHBORHOOD. This Is a new. modern eight-room dwelling; bath, sleeping porch. For quick sale this will go for I Sf, 500 most reasonable terms. Telephone us and let us take you out to see this IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN WE CAN PLACE IT SOUTHLAND FSTATES CORPORATION, 603-4 5 Third National Bank Bldg Phone Ivy 3422. W Hardwick Davis. Manager Ken! Estate Dept .1 W Peacock " - ' ■ Have $30,000 Home Funds FOR DODD 7 per cent, first mortgage loans. Can give yon the money without delay. Ralph O. Cochran Co. L. 11. ZURLINE, MANAGER. 11l South Broad Street. FOR SALE BY HOME WORTH THE MONEY f j 1 | I*l/ <Good Condition) . I-a < I mt 600 CHHSTNUT Sl', ritfht at Kennedy |“4 Tik I I Y street « ar line nice, comfortable, good 1 v 1 *■ looking five-roum house, on nice lot. new A x * t ▼ % tk v x y or only $2,250, on «»asy terms / V ) IV/I Se< * ’is promptly. ; . UMPIRE BUILDING Phones 1599 REAL ESTATE. RENTING. LOANS. small EARM EO.R RENT. i '2 ■" PE’’’ M<>NTH a to tat' n district for truck and datr' *medl hou. f and barr. fruit, spring A. S. HAH HIS, Real FZsatet MAIN IJS7. B n s Empire Building - .j Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. 369 CHEROKEE AVENUE. OUT In the 'Stockton apartments, on the lower floor, we have a nice 6-room i apartment, equipped with all the modern conveniences, such as cabinet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, gas. bath and ; sink in the kitchen: gas stove, janitor service, water furnished, also steam heat, just across the street from Grant park. Nice neighborhood, on car line: conveni ent to schools and churches. Price $35. 144 HIGHLAND AVENUE .. OUT in the Boulevard apartment at the above number on Highland avenue we have a nice 5-room apartment equipped with all the modern conveniences, such as cabinet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, gas. bath and sink in the kitchen, with steam heat; on car line, In good neighborhood: convenient to schools and Churches. Price S4O AND a long list of other houses of all kinds and prices Come to see us 7 Real Estate For Sale. gUARP & JAOYLSTON Inman Park Cottage. ION HIGHLAND AVJ? and the very beat residence section we have a seven | room cottage on Int 70x190 feet, level and shady, that we can sell you for only I $5,250, but worth $6,000. If you are look ing for a home in this section, here is your opportunity to secure a bargain. No loan to assume. Terms east. i. : Forniwalt Street. NEAR CRUMLEY, a six-room cottage with all conveniences, on lot 50x160 feet tn alley This cottage is in first-class condition and only ten minutes’ walk of center of city. Price. $3,200, on easy terms. This is a fine home proposition, as you will have no car fare to pay. Ormewood Park. THUS is a brand new cottage with water, bath and wired for electricity, in half a block of ear line and two blocks of school. The lot is 60x160 feet, level and beautiful shade ITice. $2,850. Terms. S2OO cash and S2O per month. Just like rent Big Bargain. South Boulevard Home. ON SOUTH BOULEVARD, near Glenn wood avenue, we offer a jam-up six room cottage for Just a little more than the house actually cost; located on a large lot running back to an alley; house about three years old and built from first-class material: plenty of large closets; splendid bath; walls nicely papered, hot and cold water connections This is absolutely a bargain at the price and we can offer very easy terms; house would cost to build today at least $2,650, and the lot would sell from $1,600 to SI,BOO We can deliver the goods for $.3,250; terms 10 per cent cash, balance to suit. Lot. WE HAVE the cheapest lot In Ormewood street; Is one-half acre In size, on car line and good chert street; level and fine; a bargain for somebody Railroad Schedule. "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed. No Arrive From— No. Depart To 35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. York. 12:15 am 13 Jaxvllle. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus... 5:20 am 43 Was’ton. 5:25 am 13 Clncl 5:30 am 12 Sh'port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai.. 6;3oam 23 Jaxvllle. 6:50 am 35 B'ham.... 5.45 am •17 Toccoa 8.10 am 7 Chat'ga . 6:40 am 26 Heflin. 8:20 am 12 R’mond.. 6:55 am 29 N. York 10:30 am 23 K. City.. 7:00 am 3 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Bruns'k.. 7:45 am 7 Macon . 10:40 am 29 B'ham... 10:45 am 27 Ft. Vai 10:45 am 38 N. York. 11:01am 21 Col'bue ,10:60 am 40 Ch'lotte. 12:00 n'n 6 Clnci... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12:20 pm 29 C'llbus .1:40 pm 30 C'bus.. 12:30 pm 80 B'ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York.. 2:45 pm 40 B'ham 12.40 pm 15 Chatt'ga. 3:00 pm 89 Ch'lotte. 3:56 pm 39 B'ham . 4:10 pm 5 Macon . 4;00 pm *lB Toccoa .. 4:30 pm 37 N. York. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus .. 5:10 pm 15 Bruns'k. 7:50 pm 5 Clnci ... 5:10 pm 11 R’mond 8:30 pm 28 F. Y’alley 5:20 pm 24 K. City. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin.... 5:45 pm 16 Chatt'ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5:30 pm 29 Col'bus 10 20 pm 44Wash’n.. 8 45 pm 81 Ft Vai 10:26 pm 24 Jaxvllle 9:30 pm 36 B'ham . 12:00ngt 11 Sh'port 11:10 pm 14 P|nr 1 11 01) pm 14 Jaxvllle 11:10 pm , Trains marked thug (•) run dally, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dally. Central time City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. Legal Notices. 1 APPLICATION ""GVND BANK CHARTER To the Secretary of State for the State of Georgia : The petition and declaration of Joseph 11. Williams. Porter Langston. M. Klug .1 S Slicer and H <>. Graddv re spectfully shows That they have associated themselves I together for the purpose of organizing 1 and carrying on the business of a trust land banking company, under the provi sions of sections 1903 et seq. of the code of Georgia of 1895, and the acts amenda tory thereof, and under the act of the general assembly of Georgia approved December 23, 1898. providing for the in ; corporation of trust companies, and do hereby declare as follows: 1. The name and style of the proposed corporation Is Colonia! Trust Company 2. The location of the principal office thereof shall be in Atlanta. Georgia 3. The duration of the corporation shall be for thirty years 4 The amount of its capital stock Is $25'1.000, divided into 2.500 shares of the value of SIOO each, with the privilege of increasing same, according to law 5. That the purposes and nature of the business of the proposed corporation are the organization and conduct of all such business as can be legally conducted by either or both trust companies or banks under the laws of Georgia. 6. That they desire ail the rights, pow era and privileges which tlie laws of Geor gia authorize the exercise of by either nt both banking and trust companies. 7. That or the capital stock subscribed, mote than twenty-five thousand dollar! has been actually paid In by the sub scribers, and the same Is in fact helc and Is to be used solely for the bus! ness and purposes of the corporation. 8 That notice, as required by law. oi the intention of petitioners to organize such corporation, has been published once a week for four weeks in The At lanta Georgian, the official organ of Ful ton county. In witness whereof, we severally de hereunto subscribe our respective names with our respective residences this 17th day of September. 1912 JOSEI’H H. WILLIAMS, Atlanta. Ga . PORTER LANGSTON. Atlanta. Ga . .V! U KING. Atlanta. Ga.: J S. SLICER. Atlanta. Ga. H o. GRADDY. Atlanta. Ga Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th dav of September. 1912. JOHN R WILKINSON. Ordinary. Fulton County. Georgia ; STATE OF. GEORGIA—Office of Secre tary of State- 1, Philip Cook, secretary I of state of the state of Georgia, do here by certify that the two pages of printed I and typewritten matter hereto attached ; contain a true and correct copy of the application of the incorporators of Colo nial Trust Company for charter as Hie original of same appears of tile in this office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the lapitol. in the citv of At lanta. this 17th day of September, in the year of our l.ord one thousand nine hun dred anil twelve and of the independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and thirty-seventh PHILIP cook. Secretary of State ■ s g S','ATE OF GEORGIA Fulton County Mrs. .1. R. Pattillo filed equitable petition Mrs. Annie Krueger, M. C. Boley. Su perior Court Setember Term, 1912. No 26044. To M. C. Boley, Greeting: By order of court you are hereby noti fied that on Hie 31st day of July. 1912 Mrs .1. 11. Pattillo tiled equitable petitions against you and otlu rs for purpose of cancelling deed made b\ Charles Krue ger to Annie Krueger, and deed made b\ land lot 56 of the Fourteenth district, safe county, and for other purposes, returnable to the September term. 1912, of said court. You are hereby required to be and appear at the November term. 1912, of said court ; to be held on the first Monday In Novem ; I her. 1912. then and there to answer tin ’ 1 plaintiff's complaint ) Witness tlie Hon W D Ellis, judge ot .said cou'd. this August 9. 1912 \r,NOLD BR' tYT.ES. t 'l.rk i 8-12-33 The best tVant Ad da s m The Geor gian are Mr>nda . 'lursdtt. Wednesday. Thursdat Fridav Sa’urdaj Try 'hem I ALL. The results will surprise you.