Newspaper Page Text
Miss Mitchell and
Mr. Reid
The marriage of Miss Marie Mitchell
and Mr. Frank Smith R 1 v.r san event
of the afternoon, taking; place at 3:30
o’clock at the home of the bride’s fa
ther, Mr Robert Miller Mitchell, on
Forrest avenut
The bride was attended by her sister,
Miss Fannie Lou Mitchell, as maid of
honor. Mr. George Reid, of Nashville,
was heist man Little Aliases Isabel!,
Kemp and Elizabeth Myers were ribbon
bearers. Dr. S. P. Wiggins officiated.
In the drawing room, for the cere
mony, the bridal patty stood before an
altar of palms flanked on either side by
tall candelabra bearing lighted tapers
In the hall there were decorations of
potted plants and pink roses, the same
flowers being med in the dining room.
The bride wort a smart traveling suit
of dahlia-cob>red cloth worn with blouse
of white lace and hat of dahlia velvet
trimmed in shaded plumes She carried
a shower bouquet of valley lilies.
The maid of honor wore white mar
quisette over pink satin and carried
pink roses The little ribbon bearers
wore white frocks with pink ribbons.
Mr. Reid and his bride left after the
ceremony for ('hattanooga, and on their
return they will make Atlanta their
Among the out-of-town guests were
the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. H. M.
Reid, of Augusta; Mrs Morgan Looney,
of Jacksonville; Mrs. D. J (’lark, of
Norcross, and Misses Gladys and Elise
Woodson, of Portsmouth, Va.
Mrs. Eugene Martinier entertained at
bridge today in honor of Miss Jule
Hunter, a bride-elect.
Mr. and> Mrs. Marion Jackson's little
son. Henry, Is very HI, after an opera
tion for appendicitis.
Mrs. W. C. Coles entertained her card
club, the Kartens Klique, this afternoon
at her home in Inman Park.
Dr. Hansell Crenshaw has returned,
after an absence of several weeks spent
in Chicago and New York.
Mrs Horace M. Holden, who recently
moved from Athens to Augusta, will
spend the week-end with her sister,
Mrs. W. R. Jennings.
Mrs. A. C. McHan entertained the
Matrons club, of West End, at their
first fall meeting tills afternoon at 3
o’clock, nt her home In West End.
Mrs E. F. Ward, of North Jackson
street, has as her guests Rev, C. D
Chapman, rector of St, Pldlliw church,
Brevard, N. <’., nnd Mrs. Chapman.
Miss Ethe 1 Neel, of Cornelia, who has
been the guest of Mrs Charles Phillips,
on Highland avenue, for several days,
has gone to Boston for the winter.
will reopen his
on next
Saturday afternoon
at four o’clock.
IEIuIB Hawkeyea
[IiPA First Class Finishing and En
rjPJSsf larging A complete stock films,
plates, papers, chetnioale, etc.
Special Mall Order Department for
out-of-town cuetomera
Send for Catalog and Price Liat.
A. K HAWKES CO --Kodak Department
14 Whitehall 3t. ATLANTA, GA,
Atlanta Phones
Reach All Atlanta
This offers all parents
the opportunity of keeping
in elose touch with their
children during each hour
of the day.
The advantages of this
.direct personal touch are
obvious at yll times, while
in case of any < mergence,
this chance of immediate
communication Is of the
greatest value.
In the same way, Atlanta*
Phone subscribers are in
direct touch with all city
and comity offices.
Atlanta Telephone
Telegraph Co.
A. B. CONKLIN, Gen. Mgr.
I ______________________
Miss Mary Irwin, the little daughter
■ f Mr. and Mrs. Rush Erwin, will en
tertain 30 of her young friends Friday
afternoon at the home of her patents
in West End, the party to celebrate her
sixth birthday.
Mr. Stuart Witham will entertain at
a dinner party of fourteen covers to
night at the Brookhaven club in honor
(Os Miss Marjorie Bobb, of New Or-
I leans. Miss Jennie D Harris’ guest.
On Monday evening of next week Mr.
, Eugene Haynes will give a theater par-
I ty at the opening performance of "The
j Quaker Girl," complimentary to Miss
| Bobb.
Fuesday evening this feted visitor
will be tendered a box party at the
Grand, followed by supper at the Capi
tal city club, by Mr. Samuel Slicer.
Miss Corry Jennings will entertain
the members of the Atlanta alumnae of
Zeta Tau Alpha sorority tomorrow aft
ernoon at her home on North Boule
vard. In honor of Miss Addie May
Christie, a new member of the sorority
who has recently moved from Dawson
to Decatur and who Is spending the
week-end with Miss Jennings.
Mrs. Albert Adams will entertain 40
children at a delightful afternoon party
tomorrow in honor of the fourth birth
day of her little daughter, Hortense.
The young honoree will be assisted in
receiving by her little cousin, Roby
Robinson. Jr., and her brother, Albert
Adams, Jr.
A group of girls who will direct the
play of the small guests and assist In
entertaining will Include Misses Marfan
Stearns, Eloise Robinson Allee Stearns
Katherine Dickey and Charlotte Mead
The decorations will be in pink and
Obtain New Life. Howells’
Restores the lost nerve force and ex
hausted vitality by replacing the dead
nerve and brain tissues. A remedy for
Nervous Prostration, Neurasthenia,
Paralysis and all vitiated or weakened
conditions of the system in men or
women. A positive remedv for Dys
pepsia and Indigestion. Guaranteed
free from narcotic drugs. Every inch
of improvement comes to stay. Write
fqr our new book. Each package con
taining FULL 30 DAYS' TREAT
MENT, by mail. $1 C. II HOWELLS
& CO., 60 Church St.. New York, City.
For sale at all Jacobs' Pharmacy
Co.'s nine stores jri Atlanta; Brown &
Allen, 24 WhlteWtdl St., Atlanta and
Many Atlanta people have stomach
or bowel trouble which is likely to turn
Into appendicitis. If you have consti
pation, sour stomach or gas on the
stomach, try simple buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adler
1-ka, tlie new German appendicitis rem
edy. The Jacobs' Pharmacy Company
states that A SINGLE'DOSE of this
simple remedy' relieves bowel or stom
ach trouble almost INSTANTLY.
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
Special Demonstration of
New Nemo Corsets
The changes of a woman’s silhouette, as the fashions
change, is one of the greatest matters of interest and won
/F derment.
j A year ago she was one straight line from tip to toe. To
aV S ' lP SOeUIS hoop that straight line under the
a*' >l ' / curves and folds of the draperies which the new fashions
h' 'f ' lav< brought.
/ It Is All a Matter of the Corset
ffoo<l eorseticre can produce whatever effect is desired,
«W 353 by the cut and the shaping and tin 1 honing of the materials.
I bo new Nemo Corsets, designed for the winter fashions,
have arrived and are being shown here this week by an
expert demonstrator.
Mme. Stebbins
X They are models that will give a woman the lines she needs
f wcar the new dresses correctly.
fv’ ' S important to know that these corsets are straighter
1 /'•' than ever, and longer than ever, and just as low as? ever.
\ ; Mme. Stebbins has many interesting points to explain and
show, that will help to solve your corset problems.
a Corset, with new Lastikops
/-» fy Bandiet and longer skirt: medium bust: price $5.00.
r Ir/zfg 522
.Model 353 is an Auto-Massage Self-Reducing Corset; low
bust; price $3.50.
WAYCROSS., GA., Oct. 3.—City
council docs not think the sale of soda
water and ice cream on Sunday is in
jurious to the interests of the city,
and has adopted resolutions to that ef
I (-C M. RICH & BROS. CO.Vy |
| American Beauty Corset I
1 SI.OO 1 \ I
Ir X I
STYLE 617 as illustrated
A strictly up-to-the-minute
model for average figures. It has nßjri s
correct height above the waist 'Om !//
line; has extreme length hips; an Pi In i
exceptionally stylish model; ftttill\
comes in excellent quality coutil |m|i v
and daintily trimmed with lace V f
and embroidery; three pair hose W*
supporters, front and sides. Wgl | t
II Special Valne $1.09 tn ;Hl J I
The care exercised in the selection of our Diamonds makes
this the one house where anyone, however unfamiliar with dia
mond values, may purchase without any possible risk.
Before we presume to show our gems, they are subjected to
the closest examination by our diamond expert, and the weight,
grade and price is marked on each individual tag in plain figures.
See us with reference to our partial payment plan. It will
enable you to possess a property that is paying more than ten
per cent yearly.
Zuqepe iffltaypejG.
UKWeiUEjy - 3T WHITE HA uu st
Our Trunks are made
In our own shop—GUARANTEED BY US 'or one year, K
and so labeled.
1 The Factory Profit is cut out.
SIO.OO up. I
92 Whitehall
NEW YORK, Oct. 3—Oscar Ham
rnersteln, the famous impresario, has;
applied to the New York newspapers i
to furnish him a reporter to act as his
DON’T DPI AV Xot man - v left - ,f - vou want one of these nice 13-piece
vvn 1 VlvLHl fine blue and white steel ware sets don't put off your visit
PURCHASES wiifaiT’Se f^ ne days " e ' viU tlie offer as the
~ ~' '‘'ma*/-
EXzlCtlV This is an exact picture of the fine Set of Cooking Vessels
_ , we are giving away FREE. Every piece perfect, everv piece
Lik.C ThiS ar^e ’ beautifully finis hed. Every piece you see above
goes absolutely Free wit£ every Range and with each S4O pur-
Cut chase until 50 Sets are gone. Don't wait. These Free Sets
will melt awav.
li " ■' ' —■■■!■ ; ■' ’-’jM! ■
01 IP NFW Tlle mOSt com P rehens ive as well as the most beautiful iine of Bedroom
VLl\ 111/ VT Suits we have shown. Three solid carloads in all. Bedrooms in Mahogany,
RFD°ROOM Bird’s-Eye Maple, Golden Oak, Fumed Oak, Circassian Walnut. We call spe
' cial attention to our Fumed Oak goods. One suit in particular, built on severe
FI JRNITIIRF c l ass i ca l lines in quartered oak that shows the tints of the descending sun in
its subdued but gleaming finish. Don't miss seeing this suit. It's a work of art
THE “EAGLE” fijjSHfi ~
Free Set Utensils
This illustrates our 1912 pattern of BN
our well known Eagle Range, made of iPiTr" ~ ■ ‘/\
cold-rolled steel sheets, fully lined with L ' ■il !|f\ Jl ll
asbestos. This type of construction If | [»s ' ||| I'll Ml m
gives the quickest service with the li Ih lip ',l ill
least fuel consumption. The sneel al- BlljSjSLtj’ji ill lli ills
lows the heat to rapidly affect the g l' | f
oven, while the asbestos lining keeps ~s
the heat inside the stove. This con-—l-- - 1 :
serves all the energy generated by the W
fuel, and makes for economy, as well fe
as rapid service. The Eagle is a hand- jffll
some Range, the doors, clean-out door, ffSj 1 T 'l' Il
tea shelves and all edges being heavily ''"fV ''N ’* ■!
nickeled with three-ply plating. End | jO^cAGLE ill
pouch feed so the Range can be fed ' j
without opening doors or lifting lids. ]U 'l> il' ll! Ij p 1111 m, ! 11j p|I 111. < gj
This makes for cleanliness, as no HR (Ksfr I *'*^ ± * t— ’ * ~ ml
smoke puffs out as in old styles of f . ' T- 1
ranges. The check draft in pipe gives !b! I I m
perfect control of the fire at all times. IltH ib j | /by 0 r w .plWlvM
We fully guarantee the Eagle to do —rMtalll felllrhw n^,'^Lrcni^n|l liwlllll
perfect work, and the price is RIGHT. L,LimTWir- ' \
c a *h G 4 Hole Size $35.00
Weel O-Hole Size $39.50 ]/ Exactly Like Cut
AIID MEW We still maintain our undoubted supremacy in this department. Fumed
vUly 1* Ln Oak, Golden Oak, Mahogany and Circassian Walnut—an array to please the
most particular. Our oak goods are made of solid quartered oak in the better
DINIMG grades, no veneers being used at all. Our Dining Tables are made with solid
1/11'll It 11 quartered tops, a great improvement over the veneered tops, which are liable
to curl up from heat. Prices here are at the lowest market ebb—s6o for a full
FIIDMITIIDL SU 't ' n or Early English; SBS for a solid quartered oak 3-piece suit,
rUIVI'III UlyL Table, China < Inset and Buffet: $225 tor 4-piee.e solid Mahogany Suits. Terms,
$5 to $lO per month, or cash if you prefer.
MCUL7 , goods in our Carpet Department, are 00-ming in every day. Meanwhile
InE Vt "’e ve got quite a number of old patterns that vou can have at your own price
nnr _ almost -9x12 Axminster Rugs for S2O, $22.50 to $25. Remember, too, we sell
KvIlS all our Rugs on terms, so you can have several months to pay for your pur
OllflKfv ’ ross, Luxyoury, Keystone and our own p.eerh ss Duplex. The Du
"Udlilj plex is the best value in Mattresses, made of 8 great layers of felt, with a
__ heavy canvas sheet separating the 4 upper layers from the 4 lower layers
iHltreSSeS Ibis gives in effect a double mattress with all the springiness and comfort you
would expect from 2 mattresses, and all in one. SI.OO a week for Mattresses
TWIN I INIf t *' t> stan( b ,rf l S pi'i'igs. but we are exclusive Atlanta distributors
* Dll’ Lll’A of the Twin Link and Eagle Springs. These Springs were chosen as leaders bj
Aflll FAIII F us because we thought them superior tn others. If you will examine, we lie
dllU LAULL lieve you will agree with us. Either make is fully warranted and will be sent
CDDIM/jC out on 30 days approval. If it isn't the best you ever used, send it back. Isn t
jriyil’tW that a square deal?
iMi o dasy-AVb o <1
k! I —iMI -An tES w r^TKrr^'M
«"-■ M
103-5-7-9-11 Whitehall Street, Corner Mitchell