Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 19, 1912, HOME, Page 13, Image 13

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    for profit—Georgian WANT ads—use for results Saturday. October 19.1912.
Lost and Found.
. RAYED OR STOLEN —Bull pup; both
.=irs cut and black short tail: about
... . n months old. Please return to White
■ision Co. and get reward. 74-19-10
ST _ -~An old-fashioned gold necklace:
heart attached. Call Main 199 or
1352-J after 6:30 p. m.lO-18-36
• CiTfCTsilver purse containing $8 in
' rone's drug store. Call Ivy 360 10-18-4
pr _ 4CK and tan Boston terrier; answers
■o the name of Cess. Call Main 3502. or [
rn to 603 Washington street. 10-17-28
7c~|- <me white and black spotted set
er bitch, eight months old. Finder
P ease phone Main 5251-J.63-17-10
IST - Monday about noon, ladies soli
tairc diamond ring: liberal reward if
-ncd to 20 Greenwood avenue, or
r ~r.P Ivy 2264-J.lO-17-19
i;T HEATERS, with coil. Southern
■stove and Supply Company, 121 White
;.aq 10-15-4
■. REHNS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
-‘•pens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds.
.. . a 1 weather strips furnished anywhere
South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
aTvsv manager, 1403 Fourth National
'ank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
' a 8-15-5
.'”.j7>rs RESULTS come from trusses
■mproperly fitted. John B Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitte- and It
„. |["cost vou'no more to have him fit
■ e u and it means insurance. 6-24-19
'YE XLTHY Southern widow. 40, would
marry W , Box 35. League. Toledo.
Ohio. 34-19-10
PANY —Mr. J. D. Rives has withdrawn
troii' the firm doing business under the
• ante of the Modern Construction Corn-
cam. dating from October 1, 1912. The
business of said company will be confin
ed by the remaining partner. J. W.
Blosser. 40 Walton street. 10-12-63
Palmist and Life Reading.
spiritual medium
74 Walton St
Office Hours. 9
Sunday, 10 to 4. Ladies' Maid
In attendance.
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For*
syth and Ruckle; can be consulted on
dll'affairs of life. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
Diseases of Women Non-operating
200-202 Hiilyer Trust building
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy. Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac
turing chesniets, 11 North Broad street,
Atlant*. 2-17-14
DROPSY CURED--Relieves shortness of
breath, tn 86 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing! In fifteen to twenty daws. Write for
partloofUc*. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com-
Itany, 512 Auatell building, Atlanta.
Wanted— Miscellaneous.
HEWTERS. $4.50 to 345. We save you
enough ttj buy your coal Southern
Stmr* and Supply Company. 121 White
hall street. 10-15-4
FtUtNITUffiE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 South Pryor St
Sell phones Main 1434, Main 187, Atlanta
2285. 8-15-12
WE PaY WIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. BeU phone Main 2424.8-26-26
tIROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old
clothes and shoes The Vesttare. 166
Decatur street. -2' -42
WANTED—You to know W. M. Cox
cleans all kinds carpets; rugs a spe
cialty. Ivy 8135-J. Atlanta 1818. 145 Au
burn avenuelo-2-12
WAITED—Sack of pine or turpentine
chips for kln<Hlng Phone Ivy 2987
Wanted -We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments Springer’s Auction House. 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526
1 BUY MEN’S old clothes ana shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street
casing, 30x3, $8.90; 30x3%. $11.90. 32x3%,
812.90 . 34x3%, 513.90, 32x4, $17.90, 34x4,
>2x3%, 59.35: 34x4. $11.75.
McPherson auto tire co.,
HO BUYS the formula for an auto tire
“iler absolutely guaranteed. Total cost,
per wheel Sample filler, 26c. Cen
tal Supply Company, Kansan City, Mo
p OR SALE—Baby Maxwell, two cylinder,
16-horsepower; excellent running condi-
Goodyear tires and tubes.
'A ill R<»n cheap for cash. Phone Ivy 2516.
call 614 Third National Bank building
~ ULI9-&7
SELL car costing $1,600; has been
need ten months: first-class condition.
’ SBOO Inquire L. M Larkin, 228 Peach
■'ftfc. 10 ri-i .
SALE ‘Automobile tonneau Sod.v
ar *d top. five passenger; top and seats
! '-wlv covered. Body newly painted and
tine condition. A great bargain. Can
. seen at A. C. Miller’s shop, corner of
' » irtland and Gilmer streets. Inquire
' ' Mr Brooks, Georgian office 10-5-16
’’\’h second hand three-fourths ton
Buick truck Will sell this wee!: at a
Adams Price Auto Company, 1
■ •i’Mhington street Phone Main 652.
9 24-1
Ab ‘l>EL E BRUSH runabout, with ton,
• ghts. etc., in first-class running eondi
n - to trade for unincumbered real es
or toward a Model T Ford. Address
*'wner. Box 900. care Georgian. 10-15-5
Sewing Machines.
" E RENT new machines with complete
of attachments for? 2 per month;
machine*- impaired: prompt del-very.
‘ r: h phones 1892 Singer Sewing Ma
ne Company, 79 Whitehall 9-14 44
1 ' r ry da? t- a gon<] qp to • ead the
ant Ad Pages of Tn* Georgian New
rortuntt’e’: nre there t*xla> (hat • Id no*
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
t( 2 R . SALE—Handsome brown dress;
neser worn; bust 38: hand embroidered
lace trimmed, satin lining: price sls.
Dressmaker care Georgia!'. 87-19-10
FOR SALE— Double "iron bed. with
springs, $u.5C. 68 Walton, 93-19-10
TWO beautiful human hair switches; will
sell cheap. Ivy 3654-1 10-19-35
FOR RALE— One four-horsepower motor
«e,’-Prac,jcall-v new: cosl S-SO Will
ordlr R g k- e T" 16 . Fine r »"“n«
ortter. R, F. p,, Moodstock. Ga. 10-19-30
F( ?J t „ S A,LE-Bur r oughs ' adding machine;
condition. (Signed) 123456, care
Georgian. 10-19-22
C a? CHEAP— Severai~ults Ynd
, c at ' BOOfl condition. 192 Crew
f . my furniture; four
two sowing machines Fruits
S! 1 ‘J?’ ca P neri Almost new. No chil
block ?i" 0 T a or Centr:i ' avenue ears one
block. 41 Eraser street. 46-19-10
~ s ' AF
nnrt a™ ge ? Om , e safes - * ls ' Hall s bank
and fireproof safes vault doors, etc C.
inP n,e ’ 416 tourth National Bank build
-■ - 9> 7- 3 8
b " R ) Ubb^ r ‘Protector” secure.
« T safe for women. Mailed.
Uo •»<,?r ea L ed ,P artl «y>ars 2c. Duplex Mfg.
Co.. 2927 Burling St.. Chicago. 11l
- 40-5-10
AM BREAKING up housekeep
ing and have for sale my S4OO
upright pianj> and furnishings of
six rooms, three bed rooms, din
ing rooni,. kitchen and reception
hall. I desire to get bids on the
piano separate from the furni
ture. The piano is easily worth
$350, as it has only been in use
about a year, but I will let it go
for $175. Will be out of city for
a. few days. WTite and make en
gagement to see the piano. Any
one living out of the city close to
Atlanta can see this piano by
writing to me. and 1 will agree to
pay their railroad fare if the
piano is not worth what I am ask
ing for it. Address Traveling
Salesman. P. 0. Box 277.
•HANDSOME mahogany piano, oak bu
reau and wkshstapd, $8; one bureau. $8;
Brussels drugget, $9; best feather pillows,
♦1; new feather bed, sheets, bedding,
new kitchen utensils, dishes, kerosene
heater, stove, dress form, pictures cheap,
some oil and water colors; exceedingly
handsome laid work quilt, a work of art.
100 years old, but beautifully kept. SIOO.
15 M eet Pine street. 48-18-10
FOR SALE —New Fischer piano, also
guitar. 308 South Pryor. Main 2456-L
FOR SALE—Six tables, twenty-four
chairs, for ice cream parlor; also’ three
nice showcases; good condition. Applv
122% Whitehall. Phone M. 461 Atlanta
phone 1959. 10-18-27
FOR SALE—Girl’s bicycle, cheap: prac
tically new; latest model. Call Main
<*69, 44-16-10
FINE combination safe, roller top desk,
magnificent antique bureau and a good
wardrobe. P. O. Box 47910-17-25
FOR SALE—Office furniture; Remington
typewriter, rolltop desk, office cabinet.
chairs, etc. 1423 CancTler building
CARNATIONS, chrysanthemums and
dahlia blooms; plants stored for the
winter. Rhode Island Red chickens for
sale Altavista Floral Company. West
136 10-17-4
CAST RANGES, with water back, S3O and
up. Southern Stove and Supply Com
pany, 121 Whitehall.lo-15-4
5,000 Ladies Wanted.
TO COME out and see my roses in bloom.
Take South Pryor and Federal prison
cars to South Atlanta; get oft at Buchan
an’s lane. S. M Buchanan 63-12-10
SAFES, files, cabinets, new’ & 2nd
Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co.
NEW, beautiful" rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
slain or designed; any size Catalogue
ree. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore
National Cash Registers.
$35-SSO; S6O-$75 and up. Terms easy Lib
eral exchange allowance. Both phones
60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52
A morien n “ It registers everything ”
zxutcii' au Latest improvements
('nah Old registers exchanged
VttWLl All sizes; easy terms.
Pncrietcvc Atlanta Cash Register Co.
WOOD 7-18-15
Want to buy your second-hand furni
ture, stoves, household articles and mis
cellaneous things? Your ad in the “For
Sale, Miscellaneous” columns will be read
with interest and your used but useful
articles will be sold at a big profit to you.
Auction Sales.
st . buys and sells everything; regular
auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone
Main 2424. 10-3-41
Decatur street. We buy and sell any
and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Bell
phone Main 1434 Main 187.7-29-20
SPRINGER’S Auction House, at 25 South
Pryor street, will buy or sell your
household goods, pianos and office furni
ture.Ma in 152610-3-6
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management; will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignment; cash
advanced: settlement on date of sale. 143
South Pryor street Bell phone Main 1434.
Main 1.87, Atlanta phone 2285.
Want to buy your second-hand furni
ture, stoves, household articles and mis
cellaneous things? Your ad in the "For
Sale, Miscellaneous” columns will be read
with interest and your used but useful
articles will be sold at a big profit to you.
Business Opportunities.
WANTED —Local representative as dis
trict manager for a Chicago firm manu
facturing a new product possessing unique
qualities, which give it unquestioned su
periority over cement or piaster for in
terior and exterior finish. This product
Is destined to revolutionize the building
Industry and will require (he s-’rvlces of
a man of unquestoned ability whose past
reputation has been one of achievement.
Onlv those who can bear a close investi
gation. with $2 500 quickly available, need
nppl\ Money is required solely for the
l purchase of a stock of the product in or
der to suppl.'- demand created b> an im
mense national and local advertising cam
paign This Investment of material Is üb
solutelv guaranteed by the assets of a
large corporation Stale age, previous ex
perience. present business connections and
name at least three references. Address
District Manager. Box 150, care Georgian.
1p -1 z - •;?
FOR SALE Fifrst-class est*blished groo
ery business In good stand. Box 43. De
cattir, Ga. 29-17- it)
A l-’EW more typewriters and cash regis
ters to give awav . Particulars. P O
Box_98 10-12-77
FOP. SALE -Small manufacturing plant,
showing large profits Capital required.
from ’3 000 to 55.000 owni’i will sell
on acco mt -f othe- b-i'tres? address P
O Box 196. I’oiumb'i- Galo-9-19
For SALE O' s well established tin
business nr tin and plumbing together.
For farther particulars write W H it
Schroeder, P. U. Box 54, Americus. Ga.
Money to Loan
sss ?? DO YOU WANT ''
OWNERS, come direct te us. Money in
any quantity at 5 to 8 per tent: $200,000
for apartment houses at 6 per cent We
handle pui chase money notes, stocks and
bonds. Randolph Loan Co.. 821 Candler
Building. Ivy 00-i'.>lo-1 -49
WANTED —To buy immediately, several
batches monthly second mortgage pur
chase money notes. Phone Ivv 3339.
ON’ FIRST mortgage real estate security.
Home funds and insurance money Rates
6% to 8 per cent interest. We also make
monthly payment loans. \Ve can give
you the money as soon as titles are ap
L. H. ZURLINE, Loan Manager
AND OTHERS, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments Conflden
tlal, D. H. Tolman. 524 Austell but 1 djrtg
MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans
on property in or near Atlanta. J. E.
Van Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building
Mortgages on Real Estate 4-1-3
SURANCE CO. of Ameri
ca can make you a loan on
Atlanta improved property,
through their loan corre
spondents, Turman. Black
&: Calhoun, 203-8 Empire
Building. 6-7-12-1
amount: 6 per cent. Write or call S.
W. Carson, 24 South Broad street 4-1-17
P'a RM LOANS placed in any amount on
Improved farm lands in Georgia. The
Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build-
loan <V rx””
Phone main n« CO '
Without Indorsement
Without Collateral
Without Rea] Estate
Money loaned at
301-2 Fourth Nation
al Bank Building.
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave.
Are you searching for a position” Then
an ad in the "Situations Wanted” col
umns of The Georgian will assist you
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as Information, and are not
No. Arrive From —iNo Depart To—
-35 N. York. 5:00 am 36 N. Yorkl2:lsam
13 Jaxville...s:2o am; 20 Col’bus 5:20 am
43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Cinci 5:30 am
12 Sh’port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai. 5:30 am
23 Jaxville. 6:soam; 35 B’ham.. 5:45am
•17 Toccoa.. 8:10 am 7 C’nooga 6:40 am
26 Heflin. .. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am
29 N. York 8:20 ami 28 K. City. 7:00 am
3 Chat’ga.lo:3s am j 16 Bruns’k 7:45 ant
7 Macon..lo:4o am 29 8’ham..10:45 am
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am I 38 N. YorklUOlam
21 Col’bus..lo:so am 40 ChTtte 12:00 n’n
6 Cincill:lo amj 6 Mac0n..12:20 prn
29 Col’bus.. 1:40 pm 30 C’bu5....12:30 pm
30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York 2:45 pm
40 B’ham. .12:40 pm' 15 C’nooga 3:00 pm
39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 rtm 39 B’ham . 4:10 pm
5 Macon .. 4:00 pm.*lß Toccoa. 4:30 pm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm 32 Col’bus. 5:10 pm
15 Bruns’k. 7:50 pm 5 Cinci. .. 5:10 ptu
11 R’mond. 8:30 pm' 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 pm
24 K. City.. 9:20 pm 35 Heflin... 5:45 pro
16 C’nooga. 9:35 Ptn! 10 Macon.. 5:30 pt,.
19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm 1 44 Wash’ll. 8:45 pm
31 Ft Vai .10:25 pm 24 Jaxville 9:30 pm
36 B’ham...ll:oo ngt 11 Sh’port.ll:lo pm
14 Cincill:oo pm! 14 J’xvllle 11:10 pna
Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex
cept Sunday
Other (rains run daily. Central time.
City Ticket Office, No. 1 Peachtree St.
Real Estate For Sale.
NINE LOTS and one three-room house
in South Kirkwood. Perfect snap sl.-
000 cash and S9OO to suit purchaser. John
Low Smith. 241 Peters street. Bell phone
Decatur 195.10-19-2
FOR SALE—M> equity in Peachtree
Heights lot; if sold at once, will give big
bargain R. W. Althisor, care Georgian.
10 19-19
street and Ponce DeLeon avenue Six
rooms and bath 1 Garage and servant’s
closet. Ideal lot "louse a-lmost new Low
price for quick sale. Cash or terms
Resident Owner, Box 214. care Georgian
FOR SALE—Large lot in rabii 11 y develop -
ing section East Lake. SSOO. on easv
terms. Owner, Box 278, care (Georgian.
44-J8-1 0
FOR SALE—Two beautifully shaded east
front lots on thoroughfare soon to be
paved and in splendid section. East Lake.
$750; on easy terms. Owner, Box 291.
care Georgian.4s-18-10
SIX-ROOM house, near-in. fine invest
ment or home For terms write Mrs.
C A. Brandon. Fort Myers, Fla. 10-17-Ji
BY OWNER, beautiful bungalow in West
End; brand new, near Gordon on Hol
derness; seven rooms, sleeping porch,
granite front; substantially built: corner
lot, 54x150: a home to be proud of at bar
gain price; key on premises. Phone W.
460-. L 56-16 10
FOUR nice lots, three blocks of Peach-
tree cars. $650 each. 1. E. 8., Box 845.
care Georgian. 11t>
FOIS SALE By owner, five-room up to
date cottage. 252 East Georgia avenue
$2,500. Terms. See V It Cook, carpen
ter at Atlanta National bank. 30 15 10
MY in large corner lot and six
room house at a bargain for cash
)■ O. Box ns 10-12-76
Fi >p. SALE- Four-room house, lot SO by
150. River car line; $1,000; $lO a month
John Carey, 2 Whitehall ?treet n-i>, i;
Ft iR QUICK SALE, list .vou: pt.,perty
with Everett .<• Everett, 224 Brown-Han
dolph building. Marietta and Forsyth.
f 6 i; TDiE e — i “iT "ex < :, TfTN<Ti-i
WILL SELL or exchange for acreage dan
dy five-room cottage, 1054 DeKalb ave
nue. near Moreland Inman Park Price
s.’’.ooo Call Main 2405-J. Charles 11 Cook.
480_ South _Bou!evaM. io-4- L 3
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Real Estate Wanted.
WANT bom A . six to eighi rotimv on
lot prefer north Kids and to deal
with owner Pe«cr!be what y<»u lave and
1 prirr* F. E, care Georgian. 91-19-10
For Exchange—Real Estate.
NICE BUILDING LOT one block of Grant
park to exchange for runabout (two
passenger) as cash payment. Balance
on time. Low price for quick trade. Good
Auto. Box 263. care Georgian. 18-18-44
L<?T, 50 by 200, five blocks from
, M°r<M«And and Euclid avenues; in rapid
ly building section. Two-passenger road
ster as cash payment. Balance on time.
Auto-Lot, Box 200. care Georgian.
Farms for Rent.
FOR RENT—On extra liberal terms to
good worker, who will give satisfactory
references of energy of self and family
and who will furnish own stock, etc . a
two-horse farm of very productive land.
2U miles south of Roswell, Ga., on the
Chattahoochee river. Comfortable house
and barn, excellent water, healthful sec
tion. white neighborhood; school and
church facilities good. John L. Nance,
Route No. 25, Roswell, Ga 10-17-66
Farms For Saie.
TV O FARMS—No. 1 and No. 2 situated
In Putnam county. Georgia.
Farm No. I.—Containing 303 acres; on
the Central of Georgia railroad; half mile
of Willard Station, railroad running
through a part of land; only a few hun
dred yards from Methodist church; two
miles of Baptist church: half mile of a
good school, seven miles from Eatonton;
county- site. . This place is in a tine and
healthy section: well improved: has a
good nine-room, two-story dwelling, good
barn; tenant houses, and all outbuildings;
well watered and timbered; a fine pas
ture. Tliis is an ideal farm and country
Farm No. 2—Containing 415 acres; two
m.ies of Willard Station; an extra tine
farm for raising cattle; also good cotton
and gram farm: has plenty of water and
timber. This farm is within two miles
of good school and Methodist church
There is a bargain in each place For
further particulars, address E. Y. Walker,
Willard. Ga.lo-19-16
FOR SALE—IOO acres of farm land:
prices and terms reasonable. Address
Me . Decatur, Ga. 60-19-10
2,000 ACRES of rich marl land to rent or
lease for trucking, on the east coast of
Florida. Divided into 20-acre farms.
Owner receiving 10 per cent of the pro
ceeds for rent. Renters make from S2OO
to S3OO gross per acre. For particulars,
address Dr W S. Burkhart, Miami. Fla.
FOR SALE—I6O acres land; 35 acres in
cultivation; eight acres in orange and
grape fruit grove, 500 trees; present crop
of fruit five or six hundred crates I look
for 1,500 crates next year; no waste land;
seven-room house, barns buggy shelter,
packing house, three wells water; no bet
ter fruit land in the state; spring water
in pasture; one mile from church and
school; two miles from depot, good neigh
borhood. price SSO per acre; one-third
caah. balance easy terms. Address P. O.
Box 8. Kathleen. Fla Don’t write if you
don’t mean business. 39-15-10
FARM FOR SALE- 100 acres pebble soil,
clay subsoil mostly level. Bermuda
pasture, running water, six-room plas
tered house, barn, etc.; R. F. D.; 1% miles
of town: % mile from church. $22.50 per
acre or portion $25 J. R. Gable. Ray
mond, Ga. 47-12-10
FIFTY-ACRE FARM 29 miles from Sa
vannah. on Central of Georgia rail
road; two-story dwelling and outbuild
ings: about 290 pecan trees; splendid lo
cation for dairy and chicken business:
close to good market for farm products;
school and churches near; very healthful
climate, among the pines. Write to Gir
ardeau & Cassels. Savannah. Ga. 4718-10
FARM of 650 acres near Sylvania, Screven
county; one of the choicest sections of
Georgia; fine lands; healthful climate;
progressive community; for particulars
write Girardeau & Cassels, Savannah, Ga.
ABOUT 900 acres of land near Augusta;
$5 per acre. A bargain. Write quick.
H. H Read. Washington, Ga. 10-18-41
Real Estate For Sale.
COBB COI XTY. 11 miles from
Atlanta, one mile from stop on
W. & A. railroad. This place
belongs to a non-resident now
living in Cuba, who is in Atlanta
■for lhe purpose of disposing of
[this property, and will consider
any reasonable offer. For a
quick sale price to include 12
head of Berkshire hogs, wagon,
cows, implements, and will give
possession at once. This is a real
nice little place, and some one
can pick up a bargain. You
would have to see it in order to
appreciate it. Act promptly.
Must be sold in the next few
Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg.
605 Empire Building.
Telephone Main 222 1
JUST below Piedmont, on Houston,
three blocks from the Candler build
ing. we have for sale a lot fronting
the street 114.6 feet, running through
to Ellie street, with a frontage of 41
feet. On the lot there are 10 negro
houses renting for $96 per month, suf
ficient to pay the carrying charges.
The negro houses could be moved to
the center of the lot. leaving a M-foot
alley for entrance, thus leaving a 100-
foot frontage rm Houston, which could
he divided and sold in business lots
for almost as much as is asked for the
entire property The price, $25.u00.
Salts Manager.
BEAI I'li’ l I. 9-room home in In
man Bark to exchange for va
eant lot on-Spring, West Peach
tree. Myrtle or Juniper. Quick
■ action. Agents get busy.
31 Inman Building.
M. 2053.
Arp nu «<»archin< for a position .’ Then
an a'i ’n ilv "Situs ion.- Wanted rol
uirj -' f The Georgian will assist yuu
Legal Notice.
BER, 1912.
Will he sold before the present court
house door, "old city hall building." Io- .
cated at the northeast corner of South
Pryor and East Hunter streets, the said
premises having been designated by the
board of commissioners of roads and rev
enues of Fulton county as the court house,
In the city of Atlanta, Fulton county.
Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Novem
ber. 1912, at public outcry, within the
legal hours of sale, to the highest and
best bidder or bidders, for cash, the
whole, part or parts of the following de
scribed property :
All that tract or parcel of land, lying
and being in the city of Atlanta part of
land lot Number One Hundred and Ten
(110). in the Fourteenth (14th, district of
Fulton county. Georgia, commencing fifty
<SO) feel from the southeast corner of
Carter (formerly Jack) street and Chest
nut street, and running thence south
along the east side of Chestnut street titty
(50) feet, thence east eighty-six (86) feet,
thence north along the property owned by
Mrs. Renthrow fifty (50) feet, thence west
along the property owned by Robert Bell
man eighty-six <B6) feet to the begin
ning point, it being the same property
conveyed to C K. Keith by deed dated
the first day of October, 1902, by Atlanta
Banking ami Savings Company, which
deed is recorded in Hook 167. Folio 48. In
the office of the clerk of the superior court
of Fulton county, Georgia Levied upon
as the property of the estate of Clarke
Kendrick Keith in the hands of his ad
ministrator. Jetty L Keith, for the pur
pose of administration to satisfy a fi. fa
issued from the Fulton court of ordinary
in favor of Cora Keith Early vs. the said
Jetty I. Keith as administrator of Clarke
Kendrick Keith. Tenant in possession no
Also* at the same time and place, all
that tract or parcel of land situated, lying
and being in the city of Atlanta, part of
land lot Seventy-six (76). of the Four
teenth (14th) district of originally Henry,
now Fulton county. Georgia, and more
particularly described as follows: Lot sev
enteen 117) of the subdivision of Block
thirty-six (36), commencing on the west
side of Formwall street eighty-three (83)
feet north of Glenn street, and running
thence north on the west side of Form
wait street fifty (50) feet to lot sixteen
(16). thence west one hundred and sixty
(160) feet to a nine (9) foot alley, thence
south on said alley fifty (50). thence east
one hundred and sixty <160) feet to point
of beginning, said premises being known
as No. 249 Fortnwalt street, according
to the present system of numbering
houses in the city of Atlanta; said deed
having been dated June 27. 1907, and re
corded in Deed Book 204. Page 438. of
Fulton county records. lA-vied upon as
the property of Mrs. Theodosia D. Warren
to satisfy a fi. fa issued from the city
court of Atlanta, in favor of E, McC.
Adamson vs. the said Mrs Theodosia D.
Warren; a deed for the purpose of levy
and sale having been executed, filed and
recorded as required by law. Tenant in
possession notified.
Also at the same time and place the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying in the
city of Atlanta, and in land lot One Hun
dred and Eleven (til) of the Fourteenth
(14th) district of Fulton county, Georgia,
and commencing on the north side of
Jett street at a point one hundred and
ten <110) feet west from Sunset avenue
t formerly Arthur street), and running
thence west along the north side of Jett
street fifty-four <s4> feet, and extending
back north of same width as front along
the west side of a ten <lo> foot, alley one
hundred and thirty-five <135) feel to
another alley, being lots 14 and 15
In Block "H," as in piat in Deed Book
XX-793, Fulton county records. Levied
upon as the property of Joel A. Jolley to
satisfy a fl. fa. Issued from the superior
court of Fulton county. Georgia, in favor
of Atlanta Banking and Savings Company
vs. the said Joel A. Jolley. Tenant in
possession notified
Also, at the same time and place, all
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in the city of Atlanta, in land lot
twenty (20) of the Fourteenth < 14th) dis
trict of Fulton county, Georgia, begin
ning at a point on the west side of Pow
ell street one hundred and fifty (150)
feet north of the northwest corner of
Fair and Powell streets, at the north line
of an alley; thence running north along
the west side of Powell street eighty-six
<B6) feet; thence west one hundred and
forty (140) feet; thence south eighty-six
<B6) feet, to said alley: thence east along
the north line of said alley one hundred
and forty (140) feet, to beginning point.
Levied upon as the property of E. C.
Lester, L. G. Camp and L. P. Huddles
ton to satisfy a fi. fa issued from the
citv court of Atlanta In favor of Empire
Trust and Safe Deposit Company vs. the
said E. (C. Lester. L. G. Camp and L P.
Huddleston, as makers, and I C. Clark as
indorser. A deed for the purpose of levy
and sale having been executed, filed and
recorded as required by law Tenant in
possessioff’ notified.
Also at tlie same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the city of Atlanta, being part
of land lot forty-three (43) of the Four
teenth < 14th> district of originally Henry,
now Fulton county. Georgia, and being
lot number twenty-four < No. 34), in sub
division of a part of the Continental
Land Company’s property according to
plat of Hall Bros., civil engineers, as re
corded in plat book number two (No. 2).
page 14. of the records in the office of the
clerk of the superior court of said county,
and more particularly described as fol
lows: Beginning at the northeast cornel'
of Ormond and Hill streets and running
thence east along lhe nortlt side of Or
mond street sixty-four (64) feet, thence
north one hundred and forty-one <141)
feet loan alley ten (10) feet wide: thence
west along the south side of said allej
sixty five (65) feet to Hill street, thence
south along the east side of Hill street
one hundred and forty-one (141 > feet to
the point of beginning. Levied upon as
the property of E. E. Lawrence to satisfy
a fl fa. issued from the city court of At
lanta in favor of Mrs Mattie King, guar
dian. vs. the said E E. I-awrence A deed
for the purpose of levy and sale having
been executed, filed and recorded as re
quired bv law Tenant in possession noti
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wlt: All
that tract or tiarcel of land lying and
being in the city of Atlanta, and in land
lot thirteen (13), of the Fourteenth (14th)
district of Fulton county. Georgia, and
beginning at a point on the south side
of Kirkwuod avenue two hundred and
thirty <280) feet east from Walnut (now
Stovalli street and running thence east
along the south side of Kirkwood avenue
sixty ,60) feet; thence south one hundred
and thirty (130) feet to an alley, thence
west along the north side of said allej
sixty <6O) feet to corner of lots 5 and 6.
of the piat ' f the sub-division of the
Faith property: thence north one hun
dred and thirty 1130) feet to the begin
ning point; being all of lot 6 and west
half of lot 7 of the above named -plat as
made by C S. Robert, civil engineer. June
30. 1908 levied upon as the property
of W O. Ford to satisfy a fl. fa. Is
sued from the city court of Atlanta in fa
vor of Atlanta Banking and Savings
Company, as transferee, vs the said \V
<> Ford, principal, and W IL Faith, en
dorser. A deed for the put pose of levy
and sale having been executed, filed and
recorded as requited by law Tenant in
possession notind.
\lso at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: AH
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in the city of Atlanta, part of land
lot fifty-two (.72 i. of tin- Fourteenth (Ittli)
district of originally llenty, now Fulton
I ■minty. Georgia, known in the plan of
said citv as part t.f city lot number one
li'ii'itid ami ninety-nine (1l»9t. ami on
Fair street as former number two hun
dred and sixty-two <262>. fronting on
tit,- north side of said Fair street, between
Martin and Terry street-, tliirty-seven
ami one-half feet, ami extending
back north one hundred ■ 10(1) feel, more
or less, bounded as follows: <>n the
north by formerly Sleeks, on the > ast
by formerly <’. A Woods, on tin- south
by Fair street, and on the west by former
ily Walter Glenn known in the present
numbering of streets as number two hun
<lre.d and eighty (No. 280) Fast Fail
street. and being the same property con
veyed to B. t’leln and M. Elhnun by Frank
I. Edelmann, administrator. ■ n tie es
tate of Franz Edeltnann. deceased Levied
upon as the property of I C Clark to
satisfy a fl fa issuer! from the city
court of Atlanta in favor c.f Oscar Barties
A- (’<> vs L. H Fain, principal, and I.
C Clark, security Property pointed
out by plaintiffs attorney Tenant in
i.'-'ssessmr. notified
Mso at ti e same time and place, the
following described personal property , to
.wo One large iron safe II K Hill
Inairied thereon. Levied up l na- >!■<’
properly of John M. Baird )o satisfy a fl
Legal Notices.
fa. Issued from the justice of the peace
court of lhe 1.026th district, G. M., Ful
ton county, Georgia, in favor of .1. B.
Conn vs. Mrs. Georgia Morgan as prin
cipal and John M. Baird as security.
This property being difficult and expen
sive to transport, it will not be brought
and exposed at th? court house door on
the date of sale. The same can be seen ;
and examined in room 110. Temple Court
building, corner of South Pryor and Ala
bama streets. Atlanta, Ga.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described personal property, to
wit. Baking outfit consisting of porta
ble oven (Hubbard make), utensils, pans,
work table, bread trough, counter scales,
sifter. Levied upon as the property of
L. P. Goddard to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from the Fulton superior court in favor
of T. H. Brooks A Co. vs. said L. P.
Goddard. This property being difficult
and expensive to transport, the same will
not be brought to and exposed before
the court house door on the <la>" or sale;
but can be seen and examined on the
premises 367 Butler street. Atlanta. Ga.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described personal property, to
wit: One two-seated Clement-Bayard
automobile. Levied upon as the property
of J. A. Hunt and \\ . G. Hunt, to satis
fy a fi ,fa issued from the superior
court of Fulton county in favor of Jonn M.
Smith vs, J A. Hunt and W G. Hunt
Also at the same time and place, the
following described personal property, to
wit: (»n? Whit? gas foredoor 30-horse
power automobile and equipment. Levied
upon as the property of J. J. Murphy to
satisfy a fi. ra Issued from the superior
court of Fulton county. Georgia, in fa
vor of Motor Car Service Company vs.
the saidJ, J, AI urph y.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described personal property, to
wit: One five-passenger Thomas automo
bile. painted red. Levied upon as the
property of w. W. Fox to satisfy a fi. fa
issued from the city court of Atlanta in
favor of H A Harth vs. the said W \V
Fox Property pointed out by plaintiff’s
C W- MANGI’M. Sheriff.
STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Fulton.
, To the Honorable the Secretary of the
State of Georgia:
The petition of the Trust Company of
Georgia a banking corporation organized
and existing under the laws of the state
of Georgia and chartered by virtue of a
special act of the general assembly of the
state of Georgia approved September 21st.
1891, as amended by an act of the general
assembly of the state of Georgia ap
proved November 13th, 1893. respectfully
That by virtue of the provisions of sec
tions 2271 to 2274, both inclusive, of the
Code of Georgia of 1910. said Trust com
pany of Georgia desires to amend its spe
cial charter by incorporating therein cer
tain provisions of the General Banking
Act, to-wit:
1. The provisions of section 2267 of the
Code of 1.910, as amended by act of the
general assembly of the state of Georgia
approved August 19th. 1912. which section
as amended reads as follows:
‘‘'l'he business of the Corporation shall
be under the management and control of
a Board of Directors to consist of not less
than three nor more than twenty-five
members of the corporation, who must be
the owners and holders of one or more
shares of the capital stock in good faith.
’l'he Board of Directors shall exercise only
such powers as may he legally delegated
to them by the stockholders or by the
by-laws adopted b\ the stockholders. The
Board of Directors shall be elected by the
stockholders at such time and place and
for such term as may be appointed by the
by- la wf ’
And that It shall be within the right
and pow’er of the stockholders of said
Company to fix the number of directors
from time to time within the minimum
and maximum numbers named in said
enactment so proposed to be incorporated
as an amendment to the charter of said
2. The provisions of section 2268 of the
Code of 1910, which section reads as fol
‘‘The board of directors shall have
power to prescribe how. and in what
sums, and at what times and places any
unpaid part of the capital shall be paid
in: and in the event any stockholder shall
fail or make default for sixty days to
pay any call regularly made in his sub
scription to stock, the directors may di
rect suit to be brought against him forth
with for the amount of such call, or may
in their discretion, after thirty days no
tice to such stockholder, cause his stock,
after proper public advertisement for thir
ty days, to be put up and sold at auction
to the highest bidder, and any deficiency
in this sum thus received, necessary to
make the amount of the call, shall be
made good by the delinquent. Any sur
plus over the amount of the call and the
expenses of the sale shall be paid to him.
A new certificate of stock shall be Issued
tn the purchaser, and he shall stand in
the. same relation to the company as the
delinquent would have done had he not
so made default The sale shall be at
the court house door in the county where
said company is located. The capital stock
of the corporation may be increased to
such amount as may be desired by the
stockholders, or it may be decreased to a
sum not less than twenty-five thousand
dollars, at a meeting of the stockholders
called for the special purpose by order of
the board of directors, of which notice
has been given each stockholder (or. in
case of death, to his legal representatives
or heirs at lawi. personally or by mail,
addressed to his last known residence,
at least thirty da\s previous to said spe
cial meeting, and such increase or de
crease shall be made in such manner as
shall be determined by the meeting of
stockholders, it requiring the vote of a
majority In amount of the entire capital
stock to authorize such increase or de
crease, and lhe manner of effecting the
same. If. at such meeting, the stock
holders bolding the majority in amount
of the capital stock vote for such in
crease or decrease, the proceedings of
the meeting must be reduced to writing
and entered upon the books or minutes of
the corporation, and a copy thereof, veri
fied by the president or cashier, shall be
filed and recorded In the office of the sec
retary of state and when so filed and
recorded shall become an amendment to
said charter, and a certified copy thereof
shall be evidence of all facts therein con
tained in all courts of this state, without
further proof.”
That there accompanies this declara
tion. attached thereto as "Exhibit 1.” a
copy of the resolutions of the board of
directors of the Trust Company of Geor
gia. authorizing this application to be
made, certified to he such by the sec
retary thereof under the seal of the com
pan’. together with statement contained
hi Hie certificate of said secretary speci
fying the dale of th? charter of said com
pany, together with the date of an amend
ment thereto.
WHEREFORE, it prays that this decla
rat on or petition b® filed as provided bj
law, and that after a due compliance with
the provisions of the law in such cases
made and provided the charter of the
Trust Company of <Georgia be amended
no as in Incorporate therein the provisions
of the General Banking Law hereinbefore
WITNESS the signature of the presi
dent and the corporate
‘j-al “f said corporation,
(Seal) this the 10th day of Oc-
tober, 1912.
WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable
■he board of directors of I he Trust (Com
pany of Georgia that its charter be
amended so as to permit it (1) to in
crease the membership of the board of
directors, ami <2> to have the right and
power to increase or decrease its capital
stock as its stockholders may determine
upon; ami
WHEREAS this company was incorpo
rated under a special a< t of the general
assemblx of the state of Georgia, ap
proved September Ztst. 1831. which act. of
incorporation was amended by an act of
i the general assembly of the state of Geor
gia approved November 13th, 1893; ami
WHEREAS, it is necessary in order to
accomplish the purpose hereinbefore set
forth to procure an amendment of the
charter or this company, by having in
corporated therein these provisions of the
I General Banking Laws providing for the
’ number of directors w hich such a cor
| uoration max have and providing for the
I <!♦-( rr-asp or increase of the capital stock
I thereof;
(he president of this company b< and he
is herebx authorized to make and file in
the office of the se< retarx of of the
state of Georgia a declaration in writing
signed by said president and given un
der the corporate seal of this companx
and designating oectlon 2267 and the
amendment thereto and section 2368 of th*
. «‘ode of 1910. ax the provisions of said
General Banking Laws which this com-
Legal Notices.
pany desires to incorporate into its char
I. John B. Wheat, secretary of the Trust
Company of Georgia, do hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of a resolution adopted by the board
of directors of the Trust Company of
Georgia at a meeting regularly called and
Iteld. in accordance with the provisions of
Its by-laws, on the Bth day of October,
I do further certify that the original
charter of the Trust Company of Geor
gia was by act of the general assembly'
of the state of Georgia approved Sep
tember 21st, 1891. and that this was
amended by an act of the general assem
bly of the state of Georgia approved
November 13th, 1898, said company be
ing originally incorporated under the
name of the Commercial Travelers’ Sav
ings Bank and the amendment of the
charter above referred to having, among
other things, changed its name to Trust
Company of Georgia
Witness my signature and the seal of
said corporation this 9th
(Seal) day of October. 1912
STATE OF GEORGIA—Office of Secre
tary of State
I. Philip Cook, secretary of state of
Georgia, do hereby certify, That the five
(5> pages of typewritten matter hereto
attached, contain a true and correct copy
of the petition of the Trust Company if
Georgia fofi amendment of its special
chatter by incorporating therein certain
provisions of the General Banking Act, as
the original petition appears of file 1a
Ihis office.
hereunto set my hand ani
affixed the seal of my
'h. office. at the capitoi,
in the city of Atlanta,
'* this 11th day of October,
■*■ tn the year of our Lord
jSeall ' One Thousand Nine Hun
dred and Twelve and of
tlie Independence of the
United States of America
the One Hundred and
Secretary of State.
WILSON 10-13-2
GBORGIA-—Fulton County. ”
Ruble I? Allen vs. Frank B. Allen, No.
26087, superior court.
To Frank B. Allen: You are hereby
notified that on the 7th day of August.
1912, Ruble B. Allen filed suit against you
for divorce to the November term, 1912.
You are required to be at the Novem
ber term of said court held the first Mon
day In November, to answer the plaintiff's
Witness the Hon. George L. Ball, judge
of said court, September 3, 1913.
Petitioners Attorney. 9-3-23
STATE OF GEORGIA -Fulton County.
Mrs Minnie Hairston va. A. James Hairs
ton. Superior Court, November term,
1912. No. 26830
To A. Janies Hairston. Greeting:
By order of court, you are hereby noti -
fled that on the 4th day of November,
1912, Mrs. Minnie Hairston filed suit
against you for divorce, returnable to the
November term, 1912. of said court.
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear at the November term, 1912, of said
court, to be held on the first Monday in
November, 1912, then and there to answer
the plaintiff's complafpt.
Witness the Hon. J T Pendleton, judge
of said court, this Segdember 4. 1912.
MADDOX & SIMS, Plaintiff’s Attorney
GEORGlA—frulton County.
Louise M Keeler vs. S. H. Keeler Supe
rior Court.
To S. H. Keeler;
By order of court you >are notified that
on August 6, 1912, Loulsd M. Keeler filed
suit against you for divome. returnable to
the November term of said court. Y’ou
are required to be at the November term
of said court, to be held on the first Mon
day In November. 1912, then and there to
answer the plaintiff’s complaint.
Witness the Hon. J. T. Pendleton, judge
of said court, this September o, 1912.
GEORGIA —Ifalton County.
Fred H. Wheeler vs. Adele M. Wheeler,
No. 22342. superior court.
To Adele M. Wheeler: You are hereby
notified that on the 27th day of January.
1911, Fred H. Wheeler filed suit against
vou for divorce to the November term,
You are required to be at the November
term of said court, held the first Monday
in November, to answer the plaintiff’s
Witness the Hon. George L. Bell, judge
of said court. August 31. 1912
Petitioners’ Attorney.
GEORGIA—FuIton County
In person came J. R. Pottle and on
oath says that he was a candidate for
judge of the court of appeals In the gen
eral election held on October 2d. 1913, and'
that he incurred no expense in connection
with said election and received no con
tributions from any source.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
October 18th. 1912.
N. P. Fulton County, Ga
son comes B. H. Hill and on oath says
that he was a candidate for judge of the
court of appeals of Georgia in the gen
eral election, held on October 3. 1912,
and that he incurred no expense in con
nection w ith said election and received no
contributions from any source.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
October 18. 1912. EDWARD C. HILL,
Notary Public Fulton County, Georgia
Make i
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lookout for snaps of ail
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The Georgian
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