Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 04, 1912, EXTRA, Page 15, Image 15
Seal Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale (hi next Tuesday, legal sale day, at 12 o’clock sharp, we are going to sell before the court house dcor, at commissioner's sale, under an order of the superior court. XO. 45 PEACHTREE STREET. fronting 32 1-2 feet, and now occupied by Daniel Brothers' clothing store. At Ihe same time, we'will sell a 'splendid lor on Marietta strict, extending to the W. & A. Railroad: , (1 a lot fronting 82 feet on Bell street, immediately south of Edgewood avenue. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR \\l DON'T HAVE TO HIRE EXPERTS—WE ARE I \ PERTS () UILSEL VES TH EREF() RE WE CAN SAVE VOU MONEY. McGRATH & McRAE SIGN PAINTERS Corner Broad and Alabama Call M. 160 Any Man Can Ride A Pony Most Every Man Rides a Hobby WHILE we are not riding a Pony, our Hobby is, to serve our friends and customers, and to give each and all a clean, straight deal. We are little and “GREEN.” but, GROWING. o\ PETERS ST. we have a piece of property which will pay you to investigate, and that quick. Size of lot. 60x360x80. this lot faces Peters street and runs back to railroad. Can you find a more desirable manufacturing site in Atlanta? We think not. Let ns show this. Terms and prices given at our office, 305 Third Na tional Bank. 322 SPRING ST.. S-room cottage, slate roof, modern, and stands just off Spring street on elevated lot. House now rented for *42.50 month to good reliable tenants as a home; it's ideal. As an investment, can't be duplicated at price, and terms we have. No information given over phone. THE L. C. GREEN COMPANY 305-6 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG PHONE IVY 2943. howler St.—s2oo Cash 1 HIS cottage. in excellent condition, tills side of Tech school, can be on dead easy terms. It is convenient to the new library, public school, n ' ■, mil is on the mile circle from the city’s center. Price, $2,500. Make us an offer. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. Beautiful Decatur Lots, 21 of Them Cheap. The prices run from S3OO to S7OO and all but four of the lots have sewer and payed sidewalks. These lots are in the town of Decatur, giving free school privileges, and are only three blocks from Agnes Scott College and four blocks from public school. They are on Candler. Davis, Haddock and Green streets, and commence in about 100 feet of South Decatur ear line. The neighborhood is the very best. There is no place around Atlanta, where you can buy such lots for less than twice the price, with all city conveniences. It don't cost any more to 3®t them than to ride throe blocks in the city If you want a home buy one of these lots and build a six-room cottage and you will get a home for $2,500 that will cost you twice that much in the same kind of location In the city. If you want an investment, buy one of the lots and double the money in a few years, rhe terms are one-fourth cash and balance monthly with 7 per cent interest. I have plats at my office and will give you prices on the lots you want. If you want to see the property, get off at Davis street, south Decatur line. WILLIAM S. ANSLEY REAL ESTATE. 217 ATLANTA NAT. BANK BLDG r_ ■■■,. . - ... . Do You Want a Beautiful Bungalow? ON A LARGE LOT. All conveniences. Built to suit your own ideas. On terms to suit you. If so, call to see. J. R. McADAMS Phones: M. 4245-J; Atlanta 6027-M. Onnewood Park. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING BxPf’irx’ Phone 2106 Main. •» A»N—-Here Is a seven-room story-and-half bungalow, on the north side; s ,jj ie front; eastern exposure; the best of plumbing. It is located on splen i.v* direct, in one of the best north side resident sections, surrounded . . -.100 homes; drains to the rear. The price is only $4,650; S4OO cash, balance ' nionth. It will rent for more than monthly payments. ’•"F AN eight-room two-story home, with quarter sawed oak flours. It on north side. Has been reduced in price to actual cost, account owner FF ' installments. ' •»<'» IN\ ESTMENT- Here is a rive-room negro house renting f« r per ‘Dunti-. Can yell this property fur $1,200. No loan on it. NT LOT *•'Too This T * le cheapest lot on the north side. Adjoining lots will | G. R. MOORE & COMPANY Real Estate, Build ing and Loans. 1409 CANDLER BLDG. PHONE IVY 4978 '■..lion CAPITOL AVENGE —This is tin best sanatorium site in -Glanta; has large lot. and the double houses have been newly Pyvred and painted; large rooms, and servants’ rooms in rear. ■'* ''an be had on reasonable terms. ” NO. 22 SIMPSON STREET, just off West Peachtree street. beautiful eight room house; lot 50x130. This is a good SI,OOO ( balance $60.00 per month. No loan. •II HOUSE vou. will build. «»u\ or rent v. JI not be a modern home unless it is wired for Eicviricity. ‘ THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1912. Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & gOITSTON| FOURTH WARD. WE HAVE a proposition in this warn j that we think is mighty good. This is covered now’ with houses that rent for SSO per month, and with a little money spent on it it can be made to pay » good deal more. THIS IS IN A COMING SECTION AND PAYS VERY WELL ON THE AMOUNT WE ARE ASKING FOR IT. SUBURBAN. ON A NICE shady lot that is 100x360, j we have a dandy six-room cottage j with water, sewer and electric lights, car line in front, am! this property is in a section that is coming fast. This is one of those propositions that you have to see to appreciate. LET US ‘ SHOW IT TO YOU. The price is right. PONCE DE LEON AVE. TALK ABOUT YOUR HOME, but lis ten to this: Eight rooms, two sto ries, stone* front, hardwood floors, steam heat, sleeping porch and a lot that is over 200 feet deep. This house is not quite finished yet. but we would like for yon to go look at it and see for yourself what the material is. We in vite Inspection on this place because we know it's worth every cent we are asking for it. FOR SALE. $1,2U0 BUYS 4-room house and ■sleeping room near Bellwood avenue. Bargain. $3,000 BEYS 10-room house, close in; all improvements. $4,000 BUYS 1 8-r., 1 6-r.. 1 3-r. house and 2 brand new 4-room houses. This investment is close in: rents lor SSO per month. $6,800 BUYS brand new 8-room house in Ansley Park, furnace heat, hardwood floors, birch doors, beam ceiling, combination fix tures, brick mantels, cement porch, corner lot, 1-2 block from car line; nothing better on the north ' side. Also 9-rooni house, storm-sheathed, double-floored, tile porch, furnace heat, brick mantels, combination fixtures; laundry, with cement floor in base ment. $5,700 BUYS 7-rooin house, slate roof, 2-room servant he use in rear; other outhouses; all im provements; corner lot, 50x160; storm-sheathed and double-floor ed. Well located on N. Jackson St. SEE B. IL Treadwell or J. M. Bishop for North Side and Cen tral property. WE will offer 150 feet on cherted road by 800 feet to Southern R. R.; new 2-room house; street car’ in front of property; water on street. Price $5,000. Easy pay ments. W. E. TREAD WE LI A CO. Legal Notices. GEORGIA, FI LTON COUNTY Superior Court- Bertha Lockett vs. Ed Lockett- Ed Lockett: By order of court, vou are notified that on the 11th day of October, 1912, Bertha Lockett filed suit against you for divorce, returnable io the January • term, 1918, of said court. You are re quired to appear at the January term of said court, to be held the first Monriav in January, to answer the plaintiff’s com plaint. Witness the Honorable George L Bell, judge of said court, October 11, 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. SALE OF LAND FOR PARTITION. The undersigned commissioners, ap pointed by order of the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge, of the superior court of Fulton county, by order, dated October 25, 1912, In the case of Marie Edwardy vs. A. W. Farlinger, No. 19292, Fulton superior court, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the place of public sales before the court house. In said county of Fulton, at 10:30 o’clock a. tn., on Tuesday, De cember 3. 1912. for the purpose of making a partition thereof between the owners, the following described property, to-wit: Situated, lying and being in the city of Atlanta, and in Land Lot 47, of the Four teenth district of Fulton county, com mencing at a point on the north side of East avenue, 140 feet west of the Boule vard and running thence north parallel with the Boulevard 108 feet more or less: thence at right angles west 50 feet; thence I south 108 feet more or less to East ave- I nue; thence east to the beginning, being l a part of lot 8 of the Edwardy plat, as set out tn Hopkins' Atlas of the city of Atlanta HARRISON JONES, CARLOS LYNES. DOLPH WALKER. Commissioners. I 11-2-33 GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY-Emfl Schneegass vs. Laura Schnee.gass In Full' ll Superior Court To Laura Schnee gass: Bj order of court, you are noti fied that on the Ist day of November. 1911, Emil Schneegass filed suit against you for divorce, returnable to the January term. 1913, of said court. You are hereby required to appear at the January term of said court, to be held on the first Mor day in January to answer the plaintiff's coEplaim. Witness the Hon W. D. Ellis, judge of said court, this November 1. 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk. U-A- 1 ' GE< iRGIA. Fl LTON <!< H NTT- T M. ! Mcltea Y - Lizzie Mcßea -In Fulton Su- | perlor Court- To Lizzie Mcltea; By order; of court, you are notified that on the 29th I day of October, 1912, T. M. Mcßea filed I suit against you for divorce, to the Jan- ' nary term. 1913, of said court. You are | required to appear at the January term i of said court, to be held on the first Mon 1 day in January, to answer the plaintiff s complaint Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of said court, tills November 1, 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk 11-2-18 GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY—Mr«. Em- | i!v Pinion vs. Clarence Pinion—No. | 267(3 Fulton Superior Court- Application i to Remove 1 Hsanllltles—Notice Is hereby' given that on October 29. 1912. the plaintiff ji the above case filed in Mid court her petition, returnable to the January term. : 1913, for the removal of the disabilities 1 resting up"? her under the verdict in the case of Clarence Pinion vs Emily Pinion, in Fulton superior <-urt. and that said application will be heard at said . whk ' Hiniuc » »n *i»» flret Muth a In r«i <4! . I'V EMILY PiN’hbN.j Real Eslate For Sale. Real Estate For Sal*. WEST PEACHTREE ~~ North Avenue Corner, right at all the big improvements, cheaper than anything on the market. Large lot Boxioo to an alley. Nice comfortable house now on it and rented for $65.00. Buy this for S3OO per foot on easy termsand hold it for 6 months. It is a corner and within 100 feet of Peach tree. Turman, Black & Calhoun PEACHTREE ROAD LOT. 9<1x600, b'OR $5,750. Os this amount $1,750 Is to be cash. Lot is on right or east side of road, opposite W. P. Andrews' home. Car stops in front. J here is no question of the value being greater than the price. WEST FOURTEENTH STREET? NO. 300, tour-room cottage, for $1,350. One hundred and fifty cash and sls month, for your little home; it's good value and sure to enhance. west FomT'rEiNTirGAXD"TiiERRvT NOW, listen! These lots.are being sold for SSO cash and sls month, 6 per cent interest. The lots are about 1,500 feet west of West Peachtree, well elevated and have city improvements. Only 16 lots for sale. Prices. SBSO to $1,500. For price and terms you can’t do better, for your money will double in value before you have paid for a lot. ~EXCHANG E EQI ’ ITY~ IN 12 “Sunset Park’’ lots, near A3hby and Hunter, near Ashby street school, most of the lots have water and sewer, for good farm or renting property. 19~ACRESr WILL exchange for renting property or lot in city, 2,500 feet from Conway Station. Marietta car line, large road frontage, very neat' L. M. Bondurant's home, or will sell for $1,500, on terms; has running water on the land. SUBURBA N~ HOM IC~ MARIETTA ca: line. Has ten acres of land, new 6-room bungalow, runs and houses so. 1,000 chicks, spring water, house wired for electric lights, fully equipped with Iwjh. Ideal for chickens and trucking. Will exchange equity for dty property or sell on terms at a bargain. smyrnaTgX - MARIETTA cs line, new 6-roorn house with one to thirty acres. E. G. BLACK 'Fourth National Bank Bldg. Main 1514 Cofield Investment Co. 605 Empire Building. Telephone. Main 2224. For Quick Sale, Courtland Street Lot TWO BLOCKS from the Aragon hotel we have a lot on Courtland St. that must be sold. Tt has a size of s«xl27si feet with alleys on side and rear, making it a splendid location for an apartment h ouse. Propertv In this neighborhood has been selling from $200.09 to $300.00 per front foot, but we are open for a reason able offer on this, as it must be disposed of at once. •). Al. BEASLEY. Sales Manager. ' G. T. I<~FRASER 19 AUBURN AVE.. Y. M. C. A BLDG. BELL 1817 IVY WASHINGTON ST. VIADUCT. CAN’T YoU appreciate the value of a gold dollar and tie wonderful advantages of a business lot 50x150 with entrance on two streets, and right near the heart of the city .' Values all around this lot are steadilj climbing and the Hun building when completed will add many thousands to the selling price. Only 151 feet from corner of Gilmer street and near the Auditorium. Superior location fm a light basement warehouse on Courtland street and fine store or factory facing the viaduct. Just about 300 feet from Decatur street, where values are over SI,OOO per foot, and only two blocks from railroad tracks and mammoth freight depot of L. and N. R. R. Price $20,000, on terms of $4,000 cash ami balance In five annual payments at 6 per cent. Cottage on it rents steadily for S2O per month and helps out while you're waiting for a sure profit. DIU kIN -M OR RIS CO 609 Atlanta National Bank Building. Both Phones 4234. CLOSE IN on the south side, we a good 6-room cottage on lot 50x140 to alley, for $2,900; one-third cash and balance one. two and three years at 7%. This is a cheap piece of property. No loan to assume; let us show It to you. $5,750 tor a beautiful 6-room bungalow on lot 70x165, near Ponce DeLeon avenue. We recommend this as one of the best buys on north side. Can arrange terms! *1,350 will buy a vacant lot In a growing section on the north side. Has all im provements and will be worth your while to investigate, it. Can make terms. FOR SALE BY WEST PEACHTREE A I > JV't p* (That Future Thoroughfare! JT * » I—✓ 4 w i-/ WE have large lot, practically vacant, R % t e-vA x T small house on same. This lot suitable Id | I j for nice apartment house, or can be di- vided Into three lots, on which nice homes Cz x A T ID \ 11 huilt and sold for fine profit. We V...Z IVI * /“Ts Lx B have low price of only SBO.OO foot. See us. 511 EMPIRE BUILDING REAL ESTATE, RENTING. LOANS. Phones 1699. ATLANTA MARKETS EGGri Fresh country, candled, 25(<ikt>c. BUTTER Jersey and creamery, In 1-lb. blocka, 25®275ac; fresh country, dull. 15® choice Sl-25<ii1.50 per crate: beets, 81.50® 2 per barrel: cucumbers, 75c® SI per irate; Irish, tl'iil 10. Egg plants, 52©2.50 per crate; pepper, SI ©1.25 per crate: tomatoes, fancy, six basket i rates, SI @1.25; choice tomatoes. 51.75© 2.25; pineapples. 12® 2.25 per crate; onions. 75c® 81 per bushel; sweet pota toes, pumpkin yam, 65<ti75c per bushel PROVISION MARKET. (Corrected by White Provision Company.) 84© 4.50 per box; bananas, per pound; cabbage. 5125®1.50 pound; pea nuts, per pound, fancy Virginia 61i©7c, choice. sta®6c: beans, round green. 25® 50c per crate: mjuash, yellow, six-basket crate, Sl®l 25, lettuce, fancy, SI 25®t *0: 17 c I iREISSED POULTRY—Draw n. head and feet on. per pound: Hens. 18©19c. fries, 25'u l:" 1 .. . roosters. So< 10. turkeys • iv.’lng to fatness. 2v® I ive hl ri; y Hei.,. t.,et .. o ,jjc n< - . broile: ..<••» ..7c; puddle ducks, _'s©3o<-; Pekin duck.-, .15® 40 : geese, 500'60c each; turkeys, ow ing to fatness, 15© 18c FRUITS AND PRODUCE. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Lemons, fancy, St). 50© 7 per box; California oranges Cornfield hams, 10 to 12 pounds average. Cornfield bams, 12 to 14 pounds average. 17Lc. Cornfield skinned hams, 10 to 18 pounds average. 18c. Cornfield pickled pig's feet. 15 pound kits. 51.25. Cornfield jellied meat In 10-pound dinner pall, 12%e. Cornfield picnic hams, 8 to 8 pounds av erage. 13V-C. Cornfield breakfast bacon, 24c. Grocer style bacon (wide or narrow), 18Uc. Cornfield fresh pork sausage (link or btillu 25-puund buckets. IJtjc. Cornfield frankfurters, 10-pout.d buck -4 - uvei age, 1 C"> nth-!.. bologna -ausage. 27 pound I . x 1 ! * ' ’ 'TlltU'i ' ' '' 1 • 11 Lull* Ja-pMUlid Real Estate For Sale. LANDS FOR SALE BY THOS. W. JACKSOX. T ninth National Bank Bldg. ATLANTA. GA. 63 ACREK 3" MILES north of Atlanta, one-half mile from depot, on public highway; an Ideal little country home; two-stotr .'■dx-room Swiss bungalow: hot and cold water, porcelain bath, cement walks, servant’s house, barn and other out houses; about half in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber. I am in po sition to sell this place for less than the improvements cost. Owner has other business that requires his atten tion. 100 ACRES.” 10 1-2 MILES of Atlanta; l 1-2 miles from new car line and railroad: 40 acres of this land will make bale of cotton and 50 bushels of corn to the acre; fine fish pond stocked with black bass; five-room bungalow, new; one tenant house, barn, smoke house and other outhouses; all kinds of fruits. If you appreciate productive land and a nice country place this will suit you. Price SIO,OOO on easy terms. WAi’IIEsT ON BRANCH of the Southern railway, 3 1-2 miles of Chamblee; train stop on place; nice oak grove; four-room house, barn and other outbuildings; land Iles well and very productive; make you a nice country home; owner must sell. Investigate and make offer; will take part in Atlanta property. 180 NINE MILES from the city; 75 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; will cut 200,000 feet of saw timber; two new houses, one old house, barns and other outbuildings; belongs to non-resident; can give you a bar gain in this tract; fine for large dairy or truck farm. 1,275 ACRES. MURRAY COUNTY —800 acres in tim ber, 400 acres almost level land; new seven-room residence and four tenant houses, barns and other outhouses. This would make an ideal stock farm; on two roads and -in 2 1-2 miles of rail road station; owner non-resident; will take some Atlanta property in part payment. 101 ACRES. 30 MILES west of Atlanta; 43 acres in cultivation; balance in pasture and timber; four-room house, barn and ten ant house; has running water. Price $1,750, on easy terms. This place is offered at a bargain nnd should meet with ready sale. ~100 ACRES.” MADE I.AST YEAR 40 bales of cotton, 40 bushels of corn, besides a lot of other stuff; 75 acres in cultivation, bal ance in pasture and timber; two good houses, barn and other outbuildings. Price $4,250, $1,850 cash, balance S3OO per year without interest. This place Is off the market If not sold in the next few days. ”50~ACRES” 30 ACRES in cultivation, balance in pasture and timber; four-room house, bam and other outbuildings. Price I SI,OOO cash. You cajn double your I money on property of this kind. lnTacresT" MIDDLE GEORGIA —This is a splen did little farm; made 30 bales of cot ton, 150 bushels of corn, besides a lot of other stuff, and is rented for six bales of cotton; four-room house, ceil ed, two tenant houses, barns and other outbuildings. Jf sold in the next 10 days, $2,100 cash will buy it. This is a forced sale, and is worth double the price. 30 ACRES. FOUR MILES out; half-mile ear line; on new graded road to be cherted; 3,000 feet road frontage; six-room house, barn and other outhouses; run ning water. I can sell this so you can pay for it easy and soon double your money. THOS. W. JACKSON. Fourth National Bank Bldg. Legal Notices. GEORGIA Fulton County. Mrs. Hattie M. Rogan vs. Griffith C. Rogan. To Griffith C. Rogan: By order of court you are notified that on the 9th day of October. 191.2. Mattie M. Rogan filed suit against you for divorce, return able to the January term, of said court. You are required to be at the January Term, 1913, said court, to be held on the first Monday In January, 1918, to answer the plaintiff’s complaint. Witness the Hon. W. 1). Ellis, judge of said court, this 18th October. 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clterk. HEWLITT & DENNIS, Plaintiff's At torney. 11-1-15 GEORGIA. Fl 1.T0.N ‘COUNTY -Annie Williams vs. John C. Williams—Fulton Superior Court To John C. Williams: By order of court, you are hereby notified that on the 14th day of October, 1912, Annie Williams tiled suit against you for divorce, returnable to the January term, 1913, of said court. You are hereby re quired to be at the January term of said court, to be held on the first Monday In January, 1913. to answer the plaintiff's complaint. Witness the Hon. W D. Ellis, judge of said court, this November 2. 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. 11-2-78 GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY -L. L. Allen vs. Mary Campbell Allen -No. 26420—Fulton Superior Court January Term. 1913 To Mary Campbell Allen, Greeting: Vou are hereby notified that on the 17th day of September, 1912, L. L. Allen filed suit against you for a divorce, returnable to the January term, 1913, of the superior court of said county. You are hereby notified to be present and de fet <1 said suit on the first Monday in Jan uary, 1913. Witness the Hon. J. T. Pen dleton. judge of said court, this 10th day of October. 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk Superior Court. 10-11-6 boxes, 14c. Cornfield smoked link sausage. 26- pound boxes, 10c. tlornileld smoked link sausage in pickle, 50-pound cans, $5. Cornfield frankfurters in pickle, 15- pound kits, $1.75. Cornfield pure lard, tierce basts. t2\c. Country style pure lard, 50-puund tins, 12 %c. Compound lard (tierce basis), 9ysc. D. S. extra ribs, 12c. D. S. rib bellies, medium average, 12\o. D. S. bellies, light average, 13c. FLOUR AND GRAIN. FLOUR- Postell's Elegant, $7 50; Ome ga. $7.50; Gloria 'self rising!, $6.40; Vic tory (finest patent), $6.50; Diamond (pat ent), $6.75; Monogram, $6; Golden Grain, $5.50: Faultless, finest. $6.25; Home tpieen (highest patent). $5.85; Puritan (highest patent). $5.85; Paragon (highest patent), $5.85; Sun Rise (half paten'i. $5.35. White Cloud 'highest patent', 85.65; White Lily high patent) 85.65; White Daisy. 85.66; Sunbeam, $5.35; Sutitbcrn star patent), $5.35; < I.'rqii Spray (patent!, $5 35 Tulip straight i, .84 26; King Cotton -half pat ent) $5 CORN White ne« crop. 30. cracked. 11."(': t ell.iw . obi . ( op, ■ ... MEAL Plain Hi t ■■ i.d -c i. . 'G. , »«- TODAY'S 1| MARKETS COTTON. NEW YORK, No. 4. -There was an ex- J cited opening of the cotton market today (a i when a sharp upturn carried prices 5 ta-*'*® 23 points above Friday's closing Sensa tional cables which at one time were fullv 20 points higher than due. and killing O| frosts in the eastern belt were the factors SB which resulted in the rise. It was fe- .'ill ported by crop experts here that the ris ing tmperatures scheduled to follow pres ent cold snap would add to the Injury to the crop. NEW YORkT Quotations in cotton futures: I ! 1 11:001 Prev. November n 07-12 December . 11.50:11.54111.44 11.50 11 !32-34 January .. . 11.61,11.61 11.50 11.59(11.38-40 -1 3 February. .; 11.47-49 March . . . .111.62 11.78 11.60 11.75(11.57-58 May . . . . 11.65 11.78 11.65 11.76 11.58-60 Junell.6o-62 July . . . . 11.77 11.80 1 1.75 11.78 11.63-64 August. . q 11.72 11.74,11.72(11.73 11.55-67 September I 11.30-35 October , .[[11.25-30 NEW ORLEANS. Quotations in cotton futures: I I V 111:001 Prsv? |Open|Hlgh;Low |A.M.| Closß- November 111.44-46 December .11.73111.75 11.71 11.72 11.45-46 S January . . 11.74(11.79 11.74 11.76 11.47-48 -f Februaryll.49-51 Marchl 11.67-69 ’ April 11.67-69 May . . . . 12.03 12.09 12.03 12.07 11.76-77 Junell.7B-79 dulyj|U. 86-87 ' u., By CHARLES W. STORM. NEW YORK, Nov. 4.—There was little speculaticve interest in trading at the opening of the stock market today and the tone was heavy. Many stocks were Canadian Pacific making the biggest de cline with a drop of m from Friday’s closing. Among the other declines were United States Steel common to %. Amalgamated Copper Baltimore and Ohio tg. Reading ■,«, Union Pacific H to >4, Southern Pacific $4. Erie common was up whHe Atchison gained %. Missouri Pacific unchanged. The three chief factors were uncertainty over the election tomorrow, the possibility that the United States supreme court would hand down decisions in the Iferd coal trust cases and the Union Pacific merger case and the Balkan situation. European markets were nervous over the Balkan outlook. The curb was strong; Americans in London were steady. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Stock quotations to 11 a. m.f • i T~n ins’?. STOCKS— lOp'n (HighlLov*. A.M. Cl’sa Arnal. Copper. 83L 83i$ 83%1 8314' 83% Am. Loconto...! 44 Anaconda . ... 43 43 43 43 42% Atchison 10714 107% 107% 107% 106% B. R. T 89%; 89% 89% 89% 89% H. and 0105% 105% 105% 105% 106 C. and 0 81% 81% 81% 81% 81% Cen. Leather . 31% 31%i 31% 31% 31% Distil. Secur. . 21%' 21%l 21% 21% 26% Erie I 34%; 34%l 34%! 34%l 34% G. North., pfd.i137%;,137%:137%'137% 137% Interboro 19% 19% 19% 19% 19% do, pref. .. 64% 64%l 64% 64% 64% L. and N 156% .156%(156% 156% 157% Mo. Pacific .. 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% N. V. Central 114% 114%1114%i114% 114 North Pacific. (124%|124% 124% 1124%;124 Reading 1.70%|170%1170%!170% 170% Rep I. and S.i 31%l 31% 81%( 31% 31% So. Pacific .. . 109% 109% 109% 1109% 110 St Paul I0!»%:i09«i'109% 109% 109% J I nion Pacific 169%1169% 169% 169% 169% ' U, S. Steel ... 75%' 75% 75%' 75% 75% GRAIN. 'i | CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Grain quotations: Open. High. Low. 11 a. m. WHEAT— • ■ Dec ... 90 90 89% 89% May . . 95% 95% 95% 95% CORN— Dec. .. . 50% 50% 50% 50% May ... 50% 50% 50% 50% OATS— Dec. ... 31% 31% 31% 31% May . . 33% 33% 33% 33% PORK— Jan. . . .18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 Mat . . .18.20 18.20 18.20 18.20 LARD— Jan. .10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65 Mav . ! .10.27% 10.27% 10.27% 10.27% RIBS— Jan. . . .10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 pound sacks, 93c; 48-pound sacks, 95c; 24- pound sacks, 97c; 12 pound sacks, 99c. OATS—Fancy clipped, 52c; No. 2 clipped 51c; fanev white, 50c; No. 2 white, 49c; No. 2 mixed 48c; Texas rust proof, 65c; Oklahoma rust proof, 60c; Appier. 76c; winter grazing, 75c. COTTON SEED MEAL—Harper, $27. COTTON SEED HULLS—Square sacks, JB per ton; oat straw, 65c per bale. SEEDS—(Sacked): Wheat, Tennessee • blue stem. 81.60; German millet, $1.65; am ber cane seed, $1.55; cone seed, orange, $1.50; rye (Tennessee). $1.25; red top cane seed. $1.35; rye (Georgia), $1.35; red rust proof oats, 72c: Bert oats, 75c; blue seed oats. 50c; barley, $1.25. HAY Per hundredweight- Timothy, choice, large bales, $1.40; No. 1 small. $1.25; No. 2 small, $1 20, alfalfa hay, choice peagreea. $1.30; alfalfa No. 1 $1.30; wheat .straw, 70c; Bermuda hay, 85c. FEEDSTUFF. SHORTS— White 100-lb. sacks, $2; Hol lidav white. 100-lb sacks. $1.95; dandy middling. 100-lb. sacks. $1.95; fancy 75-lb sack. $1.90; P. W.. 75-lb. sacks, $1.75: brown. 100-lb. sacks, $1.70; Georgia feed, 75-11'. sacks. $1.75; bran. 75-lb. sacks $1.45; 100-lb. sacks, $1.45; Homeclofne, $1.75; Germ meal, $1.75; sugar beet pulp. 100-lb. sacks, $1.50; 75-lb. sacks. $1.50 CHICKEN FEED —Beef scraps, 50-Ib. sacks. $3.50; 100-lb. sacks, $3.25; Victory pigeon feed, $2.35; Purina scratch, 100-lb. sacks. $2.10; Victory baby chick, $2.30; Purina chowder, dozen pound packages $2.45; Purina chowder, 100-lb. sacks, $2.25; Egg". $2.10; Victory scratch, 100-lb. sacks, $2.10; Victory Scratch, 50-lb. sacks, $2 20. wheat. 2 bushel bags, per bushel, $1.40; oyster shell, 80e. GROUND FEED —Purina feed, 100-lb sacks. $1.85; 175-lb. sacks, $1.85; Purina, molasses feed, $1.80; Arab feed, SIBO Alineedn feed, $1.65; Sucrene dairy feed. $1.6'1; Universal horse meal, $1.30; velve feed. $1.50; Monogram, 100-lb. sacks, $1.80; ' Victory horse feed. 100-lb. sacks, $1.70; Milko dairy feed, $1.70; No. 2, $1.75; al salsa molasses meal, $1.75; alfalfa meal. 81.50. GROCERIES. ST GAR -Per pound, standard granu lated. •>%; New York refined. sc; plant? tion. 6c. COFFEE—Roasted (Arbuckle's). $2-. AAA A. 514.50 in bulk: in bags and bar rels, s2l; green. 20c. RlCE—Head, 4%'g5%c; fancy head, u% Q6%c. according to grade. LARD—Silver leaf, 13%e per poumi; Scoco, 9e per pound' Flake White, 9c fie', pound; Cottolene, si.2o per case; Snow- i drift’. $6 per case. i • CHEESE- Fanev full cream, 21c. j SARDINES-Mustard. $3 per case; one quarter oil. $3. t MISCELLANEOUS Georgia cane syr- | up, 38c. axle grease. $1.75 .soda crackers, “w 7%e per pound; lemon crackers. 8c; oys ter. 7c: tomatoes (2 pounds), $1.65 case: (3 pounds). $2.25: navy beans, $3 25, Lima 1 beans. *%<■; shredded biscuit. $3.60; rolled 1 oats, 0 per case; grits 'bags), $2 40; 1 pink salmon. $3 75 per case; pepper, 18-t per pound; It 11 Lee salmon, $7 50; cocoa, 38e; roast beef. $3.80; syrup. 30c per gal lon' Sterling ball potash, s:'.3o per ease, soap. 81.5("((-I no per case; Rumford bak ing powder. $2.5(> per as<- Jara® SALT One hundred pounds, 52e; isait brick 'plain), per ease. $2.25; salt bi*c' (medicated), per cuse. $4.85; salt. r". rock, per owl . $1.00; salt, white, per cwt . •'»)•'. Grunai-r;. still, case, 25-lb. sacks. 75i sal! < one. per ■ a-.c, 80 packages. ''Oc; 50- lb -neks, ;'ii . 75-lb sacks. 13c 15