Newspaper Page Text
Deep Plans Laid by Kaiser's
Government Against the
BERLIN. Nov II 1 ■ Standitrti OH
Company Is apt to 1 v a foeman '.rtT
thy of its steel w lu-n I ■' f'’ tt wN-ks.
' it Ijegins i « fight to ■ - o' its Hohl oil
‘ the ofl tradi in <l< 1! ' ' n,, K on ' y
i will 4h< full -tritiith of the kaisers
government b. ... jiiii'l the German oil
I 1 trade, bin the iatt>r h.-s engaged tlie
I* former colonui. m i-rt-iary. Herr Bern
hard D.-mtiur- <' s most shln-
H jng comnier fal l.ght and a man with
a perfect genius fm organization, to
end its for..- the gigantic tight.
Unr ,k. s Herr t»> rnlnirg I,speeial
iv dangerous to the American oetdpus
: Is: the fact tli.H Im has |ewl through
' his apprenticeship in Now York and
; there is no Wall Street trick with
’ which Ito is not familiar. In Germany
' h. i> '. l ions in banking circles for
his rtitblessm s. an. bis methods of
fighting Siam aid ‘.lll undoubtedly lie
of the f.imi ■' eli will delight Thomas
W. Lawson, of Boston, whom .H.e-rj
%• nb'trg greatly admires.
Government Monopoly.
. Tim first step in tin campaign will
be tit. or. if'on of a Gormin state mo
nopoly in ofl. and to do’this will lead I
•X- .1 i •r-llmlna.ry batt.t on tin floor of
he relobs ; tag, where tv government'
f will have a hard tight with a strung
Ofiposi . ion. ( m g- :• r ! pribeipler the i
* Soe.i’i’ts 'ill! oppos. the government
' plan of establishing a" hart, red com
i puny oti which is to be conferred the I
exclusiu rig. it of selling oil. While
any connection between the German I
Socia'i-ts ate the Rockefeller forcae |
1«. of lotus.-, out of ‘question, charges’!
.J ire oven now being made against Rucke- .
feller of having bribed members of the i
Rotnun t'atholie <'enter party, which Is
i pneparlng to oppos, ‘the government.
At any rate, the fight an nn-
■ usually Interesting one from wturt to
finish, and .m‘ay invqlye America
and Germany in diplomatic dfrticuitieß.•
CHARLESTON. S (■.. Nov. 14.-
Charleston is now a city of decorations
thousands of dollars worth of flags and
bunting being displayed in preparation
for the arrival of tile Atlantic warsliipf
Sunday and tlie opejung of a big fair
All the public club buildings
hotels, hundreds of storA' ami resi
dences. and the principal streets are
masses of gay colors, the scale of deco
ration being pronounced tecord-break
ing.' Thousands of fleet and fair visi
tors are expected here in a few -days.
The warshi] s arrive Sunday with H’.-
<•<•0 sailors on board. Already the offi
cial budget of cost for the entertain
ment of men and officers during the
week by the city has reached $1x,060, a
$4,000 banquet being one of the fea
tures. The city streets, marking . the
line of fdiradv ..f thou . mis of sailorly
soldiery, militia and cud* is Tyurf
day. have been provided with special il
f tLtNO
Ctneron Wr
ix A v f
y «—*■* **■» « VAy
HTHE enor
-*■ mous sale
proves that
blend satisfies
more smokers
than any other.
That extra qual
ity is made pos
sible by the plain,
"Diitinctioely Ind oidual” I
<Zh4mo C?_ I
| Heir of Titanic Victim Takes Over Vast Estate
NEW YoRK. Noi H. Although the
j formality ( ,f legal transference has yet
Ito be mad.-, Vincent Astor, son and
I lit i- of t’olonel John Jacob Astor, who
l went down with the Titanic, virtually
will come into possession of one of the
largest fortunes in America at 12
o clock tonight. At that hour he w ill
lie legally 21 years of age, and, having
reached! his majority, he will be enti
-1 tied, unde- the terms of his father's
will, tn the possession of the major
part of the Astt.r estate.
Just how much money *voung As»tor
j will come into is not known, but it is
j estimated that his share of the proper -
j ty will amount to a sum between $62,-
,'IWI.HOO and $67.000,Q60. This estimate
Is based upon the fact that a month
ago the executors of the Astor estate
paid $3,1,>0.000 on the inheritance tax
due. it was a payment similar to those
made upon the estates of Edward M.
Shepard and John S. Kennedy prior to
Estate Worth Over $75,000,000.
Acocrding to calculations, the pay
ment was on a basis of an estimated
Valuation of between $'5,060,0011 and
rso.OaOnO for the entire estate. The
property left by Colonel Astor in .New-
York Is all upon the tax books, and so
tlie appraisers can make a more accti
i rate estimate than has been possible
I in the eas- of other estates;
The value of the estate left by Colo
nel Astor has been variously estimated,
at between $75,060.006 and $150,000,000.
It is now said that the tentative ap-
Mrs. E. P Mansfield.
, The funeral of Mrs. Ella Patterson
T Mansfield, wife of Estin Mansfield, who
idled nt her home in Ansley Park Tues
' day night, will be held this afternoon
I at 2:30 o'clock at the residence of her
i parent*. Mr. and Mrs. .1 D. Patterson,
i I'll Peachtree street. Interment will bu
I Rt <Jakland.
Mrs. Mansfield had been In bad
i health for some time, but death was
not expected, and came as a great shock
to her many friends. Beside her hus
band ami parents, she is survived by
two children, two sisters Mrs J R
Garner and Mrs. John Milarti, of Orton
ville, M ('., and a brother. J. D. Patter
son, Jr., of Chattanooga.
Mrs. Warren Howard.
Mis. Sarah Roots Whltner Howard
tiled >n the home of her husband. War
ten Howard, at 40$ Courtland street,
yestetday afternoon after a ten-weeks
illness. .Mrs. Howard was born in
' hambers county, Alabama, on June 29
1859. She was the third child of the
late Major John C. Wbitner. who was
one of the pioneers of Atlanta, and
Aliy. Sjnah M. Whltnor. She leaves her
husband and two children. Mrs. Martha
Cobb Speer, the wife of James O
Speer, of Charlotte, N. C„ and Whitner, pf AtliLiita. Airs. Hown
for many years a wdrker In the cWfiru!
Pie.-bytefiuiv cimrch of this city. The
funeral took place from the Central
Presbyti : ian church this morning at 11
Walter E. Fisher.
_ The funeral of Walter E.' I’islver. who
died at a private sauitfiriuiu yesterday
morning, will be held at Greenberg &
Bond's chape! this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. R< ■ # te. Dean Ellenwood of
, jliciating. lutci inent will be at West
| vhw .
Rev. W. F. Johnson.
It-\, W I-'. Johnson died at his home,
. 3.1 Gaskill. stix-i'f, yesterday afternoon
at hi o'clock. He is survived by his
wile and on< sou. \V. S. Johnson, of
Winder, Ga. The funeral will be held
at the residence this afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment will be at Sylvester.
Charles N. Brown.
Charles N. P:own, aged 38 years, of
Lithla Sp'.ing: Ga.. died at a private
sanitarium yisterday afternoon at 3
o'clock The body was removed to
Greenberg A- Bond's and will be carried
to l.lthi.i Sluing- for funv'.'al and inter
mem. t
Mrs. Rhodie E. Buchanan.
Mrs. Rhodie E, Buchanan, aged 60
: i ears, died last night at 7 o'clock at
I the residence, 23' McDonald street. Sh
is survived by her husband, Joseph 1 ? .
i Buchanan, and four daughters. The
I'tmAiiil arrangements will be an
nounced later.
John M. Coleman.
John M. Coleman, aged 59 years, died
at his home, 279 Peachtree .street, last
night at io o'clock. He is survived b\
his wife anil one son, Melton Coleman
| The body was removed to Patterson's
I chapel, and the funeral will be bold
I them this afternootj at 3 o'clock. In
terment w ill be at Jonesboro.
A Few Applications of “La
Creole’’ Hair Dressing
Will Restore the Nat
ural Color to Gray,
Streaked or Thin
' I’l'll out one graj tian and a dozen*
v ill take iis place." to a great extent is 1
true, if no slips arc taken to stop the When grav hairs appear apply
.at ..nee "Lu Creole Hair Drossing It is
Nature's own remedy. Gi-h\ Hair, dull
lifeless hatr. or hair that la falling out, ta
; not ne. essaril' a .sign of advancing ng*.
I tor there are thousands of elderly people:
; with perfoot heads of hair w ithout a sTn- '
I gle streak of gray.
W hen gray hair conies, or when the hair 1
I seems to be lifeless or dead, some good I
j rel'-.ble hair-restorrng remedy should be I
| applied at once Those who have tried It
ss> that the best preparation to use Is
flu‘ famous "La Creole" Hair Dressing
|a preparation originate,! by H famous and 1
I pro ;d • < 'reole beaut' forty .'ears ago I
I M'lentillcall' compounded with hair ton
j its anil H'lmnlants.
' La Creole" Hair Dressing is clean and
"I ole.i. me ,<nd uerfeetlj liaiinless it r , I
ini-'bes dr.', parched hair, leniovt- dun- i
-ruff and gruihiuHy restores faded oi l
I gru' hair to its original color
Hon'’ iielu; , another minute Start i
nig 'La i'tio)e Hair I'repalng nt on-i :
j .>l'.l see wblit a differi'liet a f* w du'u
. imetlt w 'l muk> m lour bait
’lbis |‘i .a : 10l 1 I- olfete.f to the pub j
It ‘la htittb :nd is >*e<'ommend<‘d to I
■alt t: I'l.i If Al i * i 4.1 i i t I
pralsal of the Astor real estate as
agreed on by Lewis Cass- Ledyard,
Counsel for the estate, ,Tnd John Quinn,
who is the special counsel for the stale
comptroller, was slightly in excess of
$62,000,660, not including the country
property at Rhinebeck.
Al of the estate, with the exception
of about $13,000,000. was left by John
Jacob Astor to William Vincent. Astor.
The deductions to be mWde from the<
estate are $5,000,060 left in trust f</r
Mrs. Madeline Eorce Astor, the income
of which slje is to have as long as she
remains single; $5,000,000 left in trust
for Muriel Astor, daughter of Mrs. Ava
Willing Astor, who obtained a divorce
fi otn John Jacob Astor, ahd $3,060,000
left to John Jacob- Astor,- the posthu
mous son of Colonel Astor.
To Delve Into Affairs.
William Vincent Astor appears to be
making preparations to take a big in
terest in the management of his af
Young Astor, like all rfeh men s sons,
if» much annoyed by continual reports
of his engagement to this or that young
woman of his acquaintance. The names
of several young women have been con
nected with Ids from time to time, but
he has been careful to explain that he
Is npt engaged and does not intend to
marry for some tijne to cnmfg
Recently Vincent Astor leased for
the winter the house of Lloyd S. Bryce,
on Eifth avenue, and he is now there
with bls mother and sister, who ar
rived from England a fortnight ago.
AUGUSTA, QA., Nov. 14.—Augusta
is to give President-elect Woodrow
Wilson tin u gent invitation to pay a
visit to this his boyhood home city
during the coming winter. It is planned
to send a delegation to Trenton and it
is believed that the governor will ac
Mr. Wilson raid a short visit to this
city last spring and spent several days
greeting old friends. He has a strong
personal friend in this city in the per
son of Bowdre Phinizy, a graduate of
Princeton, who knew the distinguished
president-elect at Princeton.
The fact that the United States army
aviation school is to be located in Au
gusta is expected to prove an addi
tional attraction for Governor Wilson,
for, as commander-in-chief of the army
and navy of the United States, he will
doubtless have much to do with the
aviation branch of the war department.
MONETTE. ARK.. Nov. 14.—Fire to
day destroyed the greater part of Mo
nette. It swept the business section
and before it could he controlled spread
to tin- residential section, most of which
was wiped cut. The loss is estimated
at $75,060.
— 1 i - -' -
.■ / -•
» , 'i lilcli . , savs: "I need a good nerve
ome. t have tn work very hard and am
becoming almost a wreck "
Answer: A our condition is verv com
mon. especially among brain workers.
Make the following tonic by mixing syrup
ot lij pophosphttes conip., 5 ounces; tinc
ture cadomene (not cardamon >. I ounce,
and take a teuspoonfu! before each meal,
and In a few weeks your strength will
be restored.
* * •
Mrs. \\ writes: "I am getting too
stout tor comfort and would like you to
publish a sate, effective cure."
Answer: Purchase separate!'- to avoid
substitution: Aromatic elixir 5 ounces,
glycel arbolene. 1 ounce Mix by shaking
well and take a teaspoonful after meals
for tlie first three days and then dou
ble the dose. Many have reported the toss
lof 4 pound of flesh a day after taking
the medicine for several weeks. This
I should be Continued until you prope.rt'
reduce your weight.
, Miss K writes "I'euhl ’ou publish
a remedy for liver and kidnej trouble
|and the usual diseases that arise from
that source 1 am troubled with dizzj
spoils, dark spots before mv evOs and
also with rheumatism.''
Answer: If you will get 3-grain sul
pherb tablets mot sulphur tablets), and
take according to directions, you will not
| only lie relieved, but If you continue the
i use of these tablets you will be gradually
j 'aired of all tlie troubles you mention
. The.'- will purlfj the blood and also cure
| rheumatism.
. . .
i "Worried 5 ouf child can be easily
cured of bedwetting by using tincture cu
bebs. 1 dram: tincture rhusaromatic, 2
drams, and comp, fluid balmwort. I ounce.
Give him 10 to 15 drops in water before
each tneul. This is equally good for older
people. '
* • «
“Virginia” writes. “I suffer greatly
j with catarrh, bad breath, headache and
' pain across my <; « « Only my nostrils
land threat are affected Could you pre
i scribe a remedy to cure me?”
Answer The following local treatment
should be used < 'btain g 2-ounve orig
i Inal package of Vilane powder, put one
half teappiH»nful In a pint of warm water
and snuff the water from the pahn of
[the hand through *rhe nostrils several
lino > until the.' are cleaned thor
oiigi.ix To 1 oun«» of vaseline'or lard,
t’lix one tvasp«H»nful of VHane pow»i<»r.
and tppl) twice a day well up Into the
> i ••nrtl>. ..nd your catarrh will soon van
ish I Ida stiould used at Interxals tn
Ipru'ent a t«surrence I have received
•ouiulivdf* •.,( leib i> from grateful peo
i i ’• uE ii »t. DM-.! th» above prescription
•O' l<«l tUH I Mom {»!„’ flMaolul <lis-
I <****•-, eatarrh *
MADRID. Nov. 14.—Seaich is being
made by the Spanish authorities for a
young woman who, it is believed, will
be able to throw light on the assassina
tion of Premier Canalejas by Manuel
ZaiTate. the young anarchist. This
woman is the one whose picture was
found over Zarrate’s heart, and it bore
tlie inscription. "To my unforgettable
The bullet which Zanate fire<X into
his body pierced the picture. Copies
are being struck off and distributed to
the police, and a general search will be
made for her.
CHICAGO. Nov. 14.—Edward Moran,
of Scranton. Pa., attempted suicide here
today. He leaped into the Chicago riv
er. James Baney, watchman, saw him,
jumped in after him, struck a blow that
rendered Moran unconscious and
brought him ashore. Financial trou
bles are said to be the cause of Mo
ran's attempted self-destruction.
■ L '
Do your lungs ever bleed?
Do you have night sweats?
Have you pains in chest and sides ?
Do you spit yellow and black matter?
Are you continually hawkins and couching?
Do you have pain* under your shoulder blade*?
Thsse are Regarded Sympteme es
Lung Trouble end
Yon should take Immediate steps to check the
progress of these symptoms. The longer you allow
them to advance and develop, the more deep seated
and serious your condition becomes. ,
We Stand Ready to Prove te Ven sbsointeiy.that
' ——————— Lung Genuine,
the German Troatmeat, has cured completely and
permanently case after case of Consumption (Tuber
culosis), Chronic Bronchitis, Catarrh of the Lungs,
Catarrh of the Bronchial Tubes and other lung
tronblos. Many suUerers who had lost all hope and
who hint boon given up by physicians bare been per
manetly cured by Lung Gormlne. It Is not only a
euro for Consumption but a preventative. It your
lungs are merely weak and the disease has not yet
manifested Itself, you can prevent Its development
you can build up your lung, and system to their
normal strength and capacity. Lung Gertnine has
cured advanced Consumption, in many cases over
?nTp y l «dldTa , lU 4 Xr U ’‘“ "“* l ° “ ron< * D<l
Lot Us Send You tho PPoof—Proof
that will Convince any Judge
. or Jury on Earth
V?e will gladly send yon the proof of many remark
able cures, also a FREE TRIAL of tung Germlne
together with our new 40-Jgge book (In cotofslonthe
traatmentand ca root consumption and lung trouble.
,eTi questions answered below are gen
i lal in bhan-aeter. the symptoms or dis
eases are given and the answers will ap
pl> to any ease of similar nature Those
wiMung further advice free, may'addreU
Dr. Lewis Baker. College building Col
ege-k wo.xl streets, Dayton, <Jhto, inclos
stamped envelope for
k“pl.'. hull name and address must be
O lli hk bUt )°" y lnit,als or fictitious name
will be used in my answers. The preserin-
Ca v be 1" ed any "ell-stocked drug
sali- An ' drugKlst o*" °>fier of whole
an?i le i h w K make my hair soft
and fluffy My hair is greasy and I can
do nothing to keep the oil out of it.”
tw^ n^'X er: ta ke the surplus oil out of
the hair and keep it soft and fluffy, get
a 4-ounce jar of plain yellow minyol and
use )t regularly. This will cure itching
scalp and dandruff and make the hair
grow, and you will not be bothered with
stringy, straggling locks
• • •
"Louise" writes: "I no t weigh
enough for my height. lam dull ami life
less and have frequent headaches. Flease
advise what will help me."
Answer: Your condition is due to the
lack of red corpuscles. I can prescribe
wi'| te h ,han . 3 «' rblll hypo-nuclane
tablets, -which can be purchased at any
up-to-date drug store in sealed cartons
with full directions. These tablets will
cause the body to assimilate the fattv
eemejits of food and thus give you
Strength and added color to the skin
Your weight will increase and you wili
not be troubled with headache. These
are recommended by physicians and if
taken according to directions von will
surely gain flesh.
e • •
"Troubled Miss G." writes "Everv
winter 1 am troubled with severe attacks
ot rheumatism, which sometimes keens
me in bed for weeks. Please advise I
something for me."
Answer: My favorite prescription for
rheumatism, and one that I know has
■ ured thousan*s of people, is made by
mixing: lodide of potassium. 2 drams'
sodium salicylate. 4 drains; wine of col
chicum. one half opnee: comp, essence
cardiol. 1 oum-e: comp, fluid balmwort. 1
ounce: syrup sarsaparilla. 5 ounces Take
one teaspoonful at meal time and at bed '
time, and you will soon be cured.
V V *
Annette" writes: "I have been greatlv
annojed lately by coughing and a ti.-kljnir
sensailon in the throa: and hoarseness
after singing. My bronchial tubes are af
Answer: You can be very easily cured
Os this bronchial trouble by using essence
meiitho-laxene This relieves quick!' and
certainly brings about a cure, bv its tonic
and laxative action, and therefore Is su
perior to ordinary preparations, which
only relieve. You can feel the medicine
work'"* on the throat, lung,, and bron
chial tubes, giving a feeling of freshness
and strength to the entire system Fur
chase a 2U-ounce package of essence of
tnentho-laxene and mai*. according to the
directions on bottle and take eight to ten
doses daily, and you will soon be cured
of your trouble cureu
. ", wrl ‘«« : "Have suffered for
'ears with stomach trouble and constipa
tion. Have tried man? ‘cures’ but thev
did not even relieve I have great pair ? t '
times, especially after I eat." P !
Answer obtain tablet* trlopeptine and I 1
take uicordii.g to directions These tab
igis are pink, white H ml blue Take a
mill, tablet after br. M kfn s t>. n white tab.
let after ollUicr Hltd H blue tablet after
supper Regular treatment with these
t il.i. -H will . me any . use „f stomach dla
• ’Hitr
• • •
S. IU »1 tor Dr Haver . „„ -h, >,,,
The Money-Saving Store
Pryor and Decatur Streets 30 Seconds from 5 Points
Four Startling Specials For
fridayjSaturday Only
The Cold Weather Is Here.
Special for FRIDAY and . <o*
1,000 Men’s Suits
AH Sizes, All Colors and Sh'
Up-to-date Styles at
$12.50 -fW-
This Season’s Models. $15.00 and \ M
SIB.OO Values 4 I
~ ~ *' "' ' ' " " 'n-
| Ladies’ Shoes
I V®* Vi
/ X 0 * A Sizes 2J4 to 4 •
/ \ 1
Button and Lace
• $1.95
All $2.50 and $3.00 Values
Men’s Turtle-Neck
All Sizes
98c Ki
$1.50 Values
Men’s Wool and Flannel
(LE\ Outside Shirts
. Pearl Buttons
fjT 98c
’ $1.50 Values
_ No Trouble to Show Goods. Satisfaction Guaranteed
Pryor and Decatur Streets 30 Seconds from 5 Points