The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 12, 1906, Image 10
— Hti Situations Wanted hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If yon want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. UBN AND IlOYH WANTED—I.BARN plumbing, plastering, brtc offer, life scholarship $M; position and union card guarani catalogue. Coyne Bros'. Trada New York. Chicago, fit Loula. VvANTSlb-odbiilTlioWi 'WiilTK'HER a, helper, In the foundry to learn mopi ng. 8pi payrat nleed; lietter par ... ,... r . J—— ...... thoac with cood reference, need apply. I'oLotich Mil" Mfg, Co. \VANTKI>—llonkkeeper, muat lie m-euruie mar, elty. KDIIKMAN 1 Pott MregTARh i&O; mw rfess Agency. 1620 Candler Bldg. VVANTEb-ciiib' "oTiob hiUe’T'ifffKTr once Pinnacle Trunk Mfg. Co., 62 tn*e afreet. WAXTKIt—VoIlKll SdAtt HfKN'AoltAi'il- er. Addrew at once I'. O. Hox 68, Sta. WANTED HELP-FEMALE. ewlos room to gtrla nnd women day wage, to thoee until they learn. If you lire on. . lanta, write ua aid we will give you In formation about Ixiardlng plaeea. XuntMUy Hi.* * McCre*. SI. W. AlaUtma alraet. ■ L'.Vd'T \VA.VTEl>-Y<>UN<i TAblEh ro lfeXRS) local and long distance telephone operat- Ing. A course of Instruction given In train* Ing school with salary beginning with on* trance to school. Good* aalarlea paid to mined upon merits of the operator and not upon length of service. Apply 5th floor, ilninr ■' ‘ ■ — • • SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. erafor; am capable of caring for machine; one-machine office preferred. Address Box' 421. Griffin. Ga. 8ITUATI0N WANTED—FEMALE. rxrrr goods or notion clerk. Heveral years' ex perience nnd can command out-of-town trade. Add row F. 11. B.. rare Georgian. NVA.NfKTC.TOAifToSf"6T ho^FT KfKT> by smart nnd honeat colored !>or; can furnish beat reference. Address No. SI «iafeBeaBsaRmB9S9BSB>Be-ase^-B599a9i WANTED—AGENTS. AGENTS WANTING BIO ANp QUICK money send for our free rlrctilars. Gen- • * * - Mobile, Ala. HuppjjM WANTED—SALESMEN VntBLLIG KNT^~H\ r»Tid NG^B ALKHMKN for msgnlflcent new maps; new features: •say sellers; exclusive territory and liberal proposition; extraordinary chance for work era. State if yon have bad experience. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. . WAyrETi-^p iT£""TCTrnr~i*o" "ivNTTW * that the Southern Auction aud Salvage Co., at 20 S. I'ryor. can dlapoae of your house hold goods, office fixtures, safes, car pets, rugs, pianos, etr.. to advantage. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. UKilKsinHK^lioUSr^LTMOH^S^wSL HAVE V6ti ATiV'fitiKrt to Belli iV EfWi have, tend It to the Southern Auction a n ! Salvage Co., » 8. Pryor street. Phone «Beit) saoT ATLAS ENGINE* IIOII.KIIS -All style* and sites.- Atlas Esglne Works. Empire Bldg.. Atlanta i<r<i<iV-A Xlt'K i.iiiiir ri’biiBU tlRF.n baggy fur ule eheap. 413 Klier „ _WXl_, have high grade signs. Call on * , 914 Sorth Pryor street. Kent Men Phone 2K8. tw fiVrt TIIOI'NAND DOM,ARK HONDA on valuable unincumbered property; five old. W. DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA /Wrecking Co.'a new line. Just added a roll line of tranks, travelers' supplies and general office supplies. The cheapest ever - * T, aeUf 1 Umm sold. We buy. sell or exchange everything. *7 and 89 West Mitchell street Bell 'phone a MISCELLANEOUS. IRON SAFER. BANK SAFER. VAULT DOOR*. RArER. Sre-proof aafre, deport twin. Wllltaui E. F.llle.36 R. Broad StT, UL'iiliEg^WK lUVti tU&fcB iilixn cutting aouth Georgia pin. .hlufle. Alao manufacture flooring, ceding, aiding and M'daSSSS-pSSil* tst an Lumbar Company. Boi 197, Cordalr, SHORTHAnTi LEARNED in 5 WEEKS looll. Stokfly's Bos. i'oUog»», 7$ Marietta at. WALL PAPER. 1. M. QUICK & CO.—WALL PAPER. moulding*, pictures, picture frames, etc. Bell pboii*- 72C Stsndsra 704. 27 E. Hunter. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER I'LL’MBER. Phone* 1268. 29 B. Hunter St. WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In Sotitb. 64 N. Broad St. “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OP MANTI.l LlOBTI BOW sold at 914 N. Pryor St. Alex Kent, I'houe 4848. PIANOS. BHAMBACII PIANOS. ESTABLISHED BECHT PIANO CO., 62 N. FORSYTH. FOR RENT—FURNI8HEO ROOMS. COOr*. PLEASANT ROOMS $2 TO $3 A week. r*odglng $1 a week. Meals $2.60 a week. 10Vt Trinity arenue. Bell pbuue 2249. Atlnnts phone 2767. FOR RENT—APARTMENT8. m^RENT-^r^lTFffii^KD^irA 1 T:s: hniitlfu! apartment In lh«> Mendenhall npartment house, 521-523 Peachtrea at. Ap ply It. It. Arnold, third floor, Gould bidg. PALMI8TRY. ARRIVED FROM NASHVILLE BY REQUEST, DE WIGHT GARLAND, PSYCHIC PALMIST. ADVISOR AND SEER. Under the directorate of the Boston Psy chic Research Society nnd Lyceum Bureau. FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY. $5.W~$6.00-$5.0<M6.0i) HEADINGS ROR $1.00—$1.00—$1.09—$1.00. NO MORE-NO LESS. He tells every hope, fear nnd ambition of your life, gives full tinmen, di|te of mar riage, capabilities, fortunate nnd unfortii- ante period* of life. How to win the one yon love. In a word, tell* everything. If you‘Intend buying or selling property, or. In fact, make any Important step, don't fall to consult him. Ills advice win be the mean* of saving you serious mistakes. Advice nnd fee* for reading reduced for seven day* only. Located In my* own pri vate home, 211 Ivy street, corner Harris, one block east of Pesebtree. No signs. Look for iitimlH>r. N. B. -No colored people received. SHOE REPAIRING. N. LAZARUS, 21 H. PRYOR ST. I DO boot uiul shoo repairing. When I sty re pairing, I mean tho best repairing only. Superior material and oak leather, with the best workmanship. 1 know bow to repair because I know a shoe. I nin a skilful mender nnd esn iflnk© comfortable and serviceable shoe broke down and worn ont ones. Dou't forget tbo No., 21 H. Pryor street lost. LOST-ON OR NEAR FORREST AVENUE on Monday n Indy's black silk umbrella, lower end of handle wood, finished with 11 "Cat’s Eye" ImU. Finder suitably reward ed by communicating with Frank M. Sco field, 1007 Fourth National Bank Building. LtJIfr—AT HKATINO HISK AUDITOItll'M Friday night, walking cane with oxidized silver fox on grip, with Initials on baud, W. 4\ II. to S. A. C. Please leave at Even ing Georgian office nnd get reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND IIRCOUDS- Wtinlrafil. IU retail illatrllmtor. of Vic tor Talking Machine, nnd [record. J tut received large consignment of machines aid onr in,f>i record, linmrdl.t. attention given null ordifa. Wa want tha name, of all talking nuchln. drnlcra In tha aonth. Writ# for catalognr. Alciandcr-Eljca Co. UICYCLB8 AND 8UNDIIIK8—LAIIOKRT Idi’rclr and aundry dlatrlbntora In th. aouth. Southern a,onta for I’l.rec, Yale, Snell and Hudion lileyele. Write for onr *04 ratalogua and prlc. llaL Aleiandar- lyra Co, KIlKMOl'ATlUe ItUMKUIBM CUIIF. scalp dlseasea and make hair grow. Kroin’s Mollcatol Soap makes you tty- .leniently clrau. (36 yenra aurewu.) J. J. Krom, apoclallat, 613 "Tho Urend,” At- snts. Ga. YOUR TEETH CROWNED M K GOLD CROWNS 63 Ur. without pnln. All work guaranteed 15 rearm, ljtnlcr Dental I’arlnre. XIV4 Whlt^ hall St, over Emmons' clothing store. Bell phone 2M8-J, WK MOVB, STORB. TACK AND SHIP household goods; insurance rate one per cent Office end warehouse 163 45 Walton street. Both 'phones. Cnthcart's Trans fer. REYNOLDS.* TUB SION PAINTER. Signs, banners, flags nnd flag decorations for special occasions. 8019 E. Alabama St TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITIIODT l'AIN—All dental work don. without pain. All work guaranteed 15 rear. Laaler I>en- tal 1'arlora, 3*1* Whitehall St., over Km- ■non*' vlothinfl .tore. Uell phono 35634. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. ‘ 11 ALLWOODS. IDE ALB and all other makes at bargain prices. We can sell you a register, suitable for any business, st a price that cannot help but please you. t'ash or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Register Ca.. Branch of American Second- land Cash Register Ca, 24 8. Broad street, Atlanta, U*. MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIB- COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO- PLE. 117</, WHITEHALL 8TREET. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and re.limped, 60e. Soft and .tiff felt bat* clrantd and re shaped, Me. Ilaada or aweata. Se each extra. ACME IIATTERS. 64 Whitehall 8L TEETH BEST SET OF TEETH 6S.M. Gt’ARAN- twl to fit. All work ,n.r.ateed IS year. Lanier DenUI 1‘arlura. 3JW Whitehall dt. arar Ktumoua' clnthin, atore. Ball pboo. 3504. FENCING. ALL STYLES GATES, WIRE AND IRON feurea aot.1 and erected. Fencing for farm. lawn, garilrn and poultry. Exclusive agent, for r T’ag» Fence" Tilley Fence to.. U B. Foraytk BL Main SOL “Be busy about some rational thing—so that Satan may always find thee occupied.”—St. Jerome. To read want ads. is a rational thing to do—and thrifty. A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. Sun Antonio, light sliowei Ing. now cloudy nnd pi •rday; 11 oast d hot; Dallas, Fort Worth, clear an* Mississippi—Jackson, mt; Greenwood, ami incmlw^^yT BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. meat Co. We repair. For high grade work cell f. Pryor. Phone 2328. on And farm Foil good doctor: don’t answer unless i business. For further particulars four room*, for housekeeping, near Houle 1 Houston street; dote to two car flight on car line and In the city. COPENHILL LAND CO. 15 EDOEWOOD AVENUE. ATTENTION, HOME- SEEKERS. Have a few building lots See LIEBMAN, IlEAL ESTATE—RENTING. 28 Peachtree Street. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 PETERS DLDO. YOUR TEETn FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BT AN IV- proved tnetkon. All track guarantee! IS ® rv Reoaonahle price*. Lanier Drttal l**ra. »s Whit, hull ft., over Bmmoni' clothing (tore. U*U phow 3634. . 1 mu si a Nl U I'iirt kt Ii5.ce rjm 4-ltOOMlloUBK, fllKSTSI'T ANb FlilJJ!- 16.00 Ftiri>fir.~.iT.« "SKEnram 1 $> i.inrey R+'..:.:.iai IKY HU.....kto g!tfioM~Tfor*E. w~No1itIi~aYT l uKAfisaTrwt anva w. IfTMTRIl IT.. rWrEh iU nteii Hf.. 1 15b RTAIHS ro6M iioe tso.oo McNEILL & SHERWOOt) 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. ona rue*. within . m Will sell any part. I.IW Wliild Uli IU-MUU1I 1IGSIK ON Urge lot on Kant Pine street. Terms, or III exchange for smaller home. 17,600 WILL PURCHASE AN ELEGANT 9 room house, lot 100x200 feet. In *Juuiau 131.00. J GToN'ftfuElrr^nooM. tlful home with 2 china cb>seta. TfEAV- . „ folding flue gat fixtures modern conven ed., stable, dargs lot to alley. Terms BflAl fTkTL"NKW- Ilf boom iiiVlhk oS 1 Peachtree with over one acre of ground. Price 6S.600. IJIhtoI terms or will ox- for * vacant property or smaller fboStagi : of and within city limits. Prices, |S00 3.000 per lot. at bargain counter prices, now and double your money within a have clients who will buy and Improve TOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. .... 30 BALTIMORE PI.ACE-TIIIR room 2*a»ory frame double house Is otf aouth side of BaJtluiore place, between t IVachtree and Uprln* streets; Is ou^hly modern boose; has gas, hot and stationary, waahataud. pome- per mouth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Ay,. at >40 STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fitting, 51 S. Fors3’th Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Main. AtlaLtn 37. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Home*. Tho flrat month will be given FREE and It occupied on, year, two more months will be given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine months you will have to pay tor. Nona but good families will bo allowed In these houses. These are located on the River electric car line only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and 8 rooms; have never been occupied; are located In West Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a fifty-foot Park, which la set In trees, evergreens and flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an ideal spot for children. It la cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings are more whole some. In the center of this Park are the Ferro Phosphate Springs, which will cure any case of stqmach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now hoe a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house cost ing >1,500.00 will soon be completed. Copthln J. T. Mills,' who lives on the grounds, will show you through the houses. Rent >30.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avonue-. RAILROAD, FINANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL NOTES A charter has been granted In Ok lahoma to the Pueblo, Oklahoma and New Orleans railroad, with >3,500,- 000 capital stock. The proposition is to build a railroad from Pueblo, Colo., to New Orleans, a distance of 1,050 miles. It Is rumored that the proposed >1,- 000,000 ca anadlan plant of the United States Steel Corporation will be built at Sandwich, Ont, opposite Detroit. The corporation has recently acquired a large tract of land at Sandwich, and It Is reported that the construction of the plant will begin soon. It Is stated that there will be a short age In the sugar crop of Mexico thla year and that no sugar will be ex ported to Europe. FOR SALE. . Railroad frontage—best in the city; also two lots cen ter manufacturing district. H. Crutchfield, People’s Building. FOR SALE. More than $1,000,000 Is the estimated Increase in the gross earnings of the Illinois Central railroad for the current quarter over the same period of last year. One of the clauses of the articles of Incorporation recently died by the Kentucky Inter-Southern Life Insur ance Association provides that none of the officers shall receive a salary of more than 10 per cent of what the of ficers of the large Insurance companies of New York receive. The largest trolley service in the world, without change of car, has been Inaugurated on the Dayton and Troy, Western Ohio and Toledo, and Bowling Green and Southern Traction roads. The cars are operated under a bl- hourly schedule the distance of 160 miles, between Dayton and Toledo. The Organ Mountain Railroad Com pany has been chartered In Texas with a capital stock of $100,000. The com- The Harriman interests are con structing a road, 80 miles In length, from Drain, on the Mount Shasta route, In Oregon, southwesterly to Marsh field, on Coos bay, in the same state. This road will form the northern por tion of a new coast line between San Francisco and Portland, thus connect ing those cites by two steel highways. r rloudy and nl(*0MUt; uraenwoou. clear nnd pleanaot; Nntcbex, clear anti warm: Orman, clear nnd nlensaat. Meridian, dear nnd hot. Alabama—Opelika, cool and raining, hard rnln for about nn hour; IluntHvlIle, pi cloudy and uiirui; Montgomery, cloudy wnrni; Birmingham, partly cloudy w . i in. M<»Mh\ ■ l'-.'ir ami M ann; liufaula cloudy, cod ami threatening; Tfoy, cloudy, pleasant nnd threatening. Tennessee—Chattanooga, cloudr nnd,coo Knoxville, cloudy nnd warm; Mem phi clear nnd pleasant; Nashville, dear an cold. Georgia—Drizzling rnln since 3 n. ni . Thotnasvllle, drizzling nnd cool, rained yes- tenlny afternoon, light showers Inst night; Home, dear nnd warm; Columbus, raining Ughtlv. wnrrn: Atlnntn. raining. Loi Vlnnn-^Clear and warm. Florida—'Tallnbussee. raining nnd cool. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. id generally Extreme Northwest—Fair warmer;- 32 to 68 above. Northwest—Clear; 66 to 62 above. West aud Southwest—Generally fair; 52 to 62 above; local showers. Kansas and Nebraska—General rains. Ohio Valley—Fair to Wear; 64 to 66 above. WEATHER FORECAST. ...... . fresh north to uortheast winds. Georgia—ItnIu Tuesday; freah to brisk northeast winds ou the coast; Wednesday fair. West Florida nnd Alahnran—Showera to day; fresh to hrlak norfh winds coast: Wednesday fair. Enat Texns—Local shower* Tuesday and Wednesday, except fair on the coast; fresh winds. West Texak-Falr Tuesday and Wednes day. except showers Tuesday in central portion. Arknnsas—Unsettled weather Tuesday; showera at night or Wednesday. Tennessee nnd Kentucky—Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. WEATHER CONDITIONS The southeastern storm nren has njoved but little In the last 24 hours nnd la now central off the west coast of Florida. As a result of this storm rains are general over the northern. hnlf of Florida and northward over Georgln and the Carollims. Over the remainder of the mnp clear wenther prevails. -.*._ —pressure rent dTchlgan, while Us fluence la being felt over the eastern hnlf of the United. States. A second area of low pressure covers The conditions favor unsettled wenther nnd rain in this section tonight and Wednesday. J. B. MARBURY, Local J-'orecnster. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending at 8 n.m., 75th meridian time, June 12, 1906. STATIONS OP ATLANTA DISTRICT. ‘Atlanta, cloudy..//. •Chattanooga, cloudy Columbus, cloudy... Gainesville, cloudy. The Western Pacific tracks and those of the Rio Grande Western have been joined In Salt Lake City. This junction marks the birth of the Gould new trans-continental road with Salt Lake se Its western center. For the first time In the history of travel between Mexico and the United States low summer rates are to be put In effect by the National and Mexican Central to points In any part of the United States and return. ON EAST CAIN RT., NEAR FORT RT. t i have for sale I hotiaea almost ntw. renting to hlghclsM colored tenants at 34 per month. I ran sell this for $1,780. See me for bargains. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. Bell Phone 468?. Member Atlanta Real Estate Exchange RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing the Arrival and Departure of Pas senger Trnliia of the Following Roads: I WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— md • 3 Nashville 7:10 am • 2 Nashville . 8.W | 73 Marietta . 8:36 am 74 Marietta ..12:M •93 Nashville 11:45 am •5 • 2:M I'M 7! 1 Nashville 7:35 pm * ashviue . ......... [arietta .. 6:30 pm asbvllle . 8:50 pm CENTRAL OK GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— _ __ Depart To— tavauuah ... 7:20 am Mncou , fackaonrllle . 7:50 am Savannah . dacon 11:40am Macon ...... Savannah ...4:06 pm Savannah . Macon ...... 7*5 pm Jacksonville 12:20am 3:00 am 4:00 pm ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAIL ROAD. Arrive Frem- .Depart To— •Selma 11:40 am •: Montgom'y . 7:46 pm Montgom'y • 7:46 phi 'Montgomery 12:45 pm •Betmli ..'...11:35 pm •&!»!»• 53d0pm LaGrange ... I JO am IjiGrange •Montgom'y . 8:4J pm 'Montgom'y ..11:15 pm •Dally. All other trains dally except 8ua- day. All trains of Atlanta and West Point nallrood Company nrriro at and depart from /*' — — Mltchel GEORGIA RAILROAD. * Depart To— jguat* 7:45 am koala .....10:06 am ngtoh .. 7:46am 'Augusta ..... 8:30 pm 'Augusta ...12 pm Conyers ...... 6:00 pm **'tfeonla .... 3:3 pm Covington ... 6:10pm uguata ....8:15 pm 'Augusta ....11:45 pa 'Dally. All other trains dally except Sun- da|L SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Arrive From— lH*|x»rt Washington.. f'JOam Rlrmlugbi Abbeville ... 9:00 am Monroe . . 6:40 am . 7 JO am .12:00 m . 4:00 pm . 6:00 pm Washington . 9:35 pm £££«KSK=S5!3S=9=Sa*5^S MB "* aM,M * ork . . 8 JO pm . e. . . . 7:40 pm I igh'm . 836 pm 1 40 YEARS IN BUSINESS: MAKES ASSIGNMENT fl|wl«l to The Georgia n. Newberry, S. C, June 12.—W. T. Tar rant. one of Newberry’, oldeet mer chants, Having been In builnes* In this city contlnuou»ly for over forty yeara, has made an aselflnment for the bene fit of hi. creditor*. The nselflnee I. Dr. James McIn tosh. Mr, Tarrant's liabilities are placed _ „ . at >13,000, with nominal assets of Both Phones 618 $14,000. BISHOP JOHN DELANEY IS CLAIMED BY DEATH Ry Private I.en««l Wire. Nassau, N. H., June 11.—Bishop John B. Delaney, of the Catholic diocese of Manchester, died yesterday after an operation for appendicitis. VISIT OF STORK CAUSES BREAK OF SPEED RECORD By Prints Leased Wire. New York, June 12.—Lorlllard Spen cer, Jr., broke all speed records from New York to Newport today on re ceivin'? the happy tidings that a son had been born to his wife, who was Miss Mary Sands. They were married last summer In Newport. First Regiment Will Camp. Speclsl to The Georgt.n. Montgomery, Ala., June 12.—Only one Alabama Infantry regiment will go into ritmp with the regular soldiers, and that la the First regiment, under com mand of Colonel R. P. DuMont, of Mo bile. This regiment.has been ordered by the governor Into camp at Chlck- amauga Park during the latter part of July until August 6. This regiment Is composed of twelve companies and Is ubout 600 strong. MAY SUE GIRL SWALLOWER OF HIS $300 DIAMOND By Prime Hoed Wire.' Omaha, Nebr., June 12.—Jewel Combs, who owned the $300 diamond which Mae Thomaa has been convicted of having stolen and swallowed, has not succeeded In Inducing her to sub mit to an operation for the removal of the gem from her Interior. He Is con sidering the advisability of resorting to a replevin atilt. .Jontlcello, ruin Ncwimu, p. cloudy.., Rome, clear..... 1 Rimrtsnlmrg, cloudy.. Tallnpooui, cloudy...., ». cloudy.,... YVust Point, cloudy......... •Minimum temperatures are for ]2-hour 3?= 3- vv Ualnfalls— Unlnravllle. FIs.-, 2.78; City,.Fla., 2.97; Wayoro**. Ga.. 2.06, CENTRAL 8TATION. |1 Mf Atlanta .... Augncta ... Charleston Little Rock Memphis Montgomery New Orlenus Oklahoma ........... Savannah Wilmington Dlst. Averages. Ii3 t indicate! Inappreciable rainfall. {•marks. Temperatures were somewhat lower In ........ Rock districts, l'redpl tstlon was general except In New Orleans. Ylcknburg aud tittle Rock districts: heavy amount fell lu northern Florida aud south ern Georgia. J. B. MARBURY, Local Forecaster. MASONS TO MEET IN BRUNSWICK i «n«I iDemtH-ra , 1 aim Aunnuin, .aJSSSCR??' v cs i* "c It i ir < ■ 11'' “ 0r "" r - S»^£cn?'-,t"^ U. ABBOTT, Now, < J ATLANTA MARKETS. „ FRUITS AND PRODUCF PBSS'&assg* 4 * au *»* _» to >3.50 |„. r | -Jt Lemon* $5.50 to $5.75. Lluieg 75 to $i. l'lnc apples CM to >3.63. Banonaj. strululits, per bunch iia U.<5. Culls, per bunch $1 to $12; ' ^ Ororsta M . qn| Tennceu j; yovvvnv AND COUNTRY nnanre. Urahena 35c to S7& I. V . “cn™ to U7V4C each- iii-u . . I eckln, 30c to 35c; lira ducks' hu n ^ to JTlic; fric. 33$$ to 36c; broiler, , . Dreasad beoi/per lb. turkeys lb.. 13c to 14<- „ r ,' I.CC". per dozen, 16 to i:u r 7 Rutter, table, i*r lb.. 30c to -We- Init. per lb.. 1214c to 15c. “*• noney-Now t^lOc lb.; | D Mu. r, ck| , VEOETABI. BS.—Iri.h botatoo. v Mock $U» barrel; No. rahtasa crates, per crate 113 Peas, per drum. 75c to >1; verv tiow _ Tomatoes, per ernte, >3 to j;*,. ,,1|, Brans, green, per crate, tl to 61 rr, ln.ltftter .■mention: wax 66 to jv Sguaab. yellow. « to >1.36; whit. % to .l: market Overstocked. “ " m Coru, new. 30o to 30c per doten Okra, per erste, >2.50 fo 63 Cucumlieri, per crate. 61 to 61.25. lettuce, bead, per drum 61.35 to >1 a OU Irish potatoes, ( per bushel, 11,3 t >1.30. Sweet potatoes, per bushel,,li t0 tl ~ npinach 31jM*r bushel. ^ Asparagus fin to lb tic hunch. t, $2 to Cantaloupes, per crate,’$2*"to i»5qT Blackberries lo 'o l2Hc qimrt Dpwebrrlcs lt» te 12Hc u«nrt. FLOUR, GRAils, PROVISIONS FlA>LU.-Postels Elegant. 61.3T,; liianm, pntcut W; rnney (wteu* 15.10; half, 64.10 to RSI: fancy 63.9e spring who! potent 65.oMit. .Market stroug. CORN.—Choice red cob 7(k*; N< 74c; No.'2 yellow 73o; mlxeirfa'*' ' “ 1 - ^ I IWJ, fin all I |.P. t .9 A T?-'^. ho . lce wh,tP flipped 51c; white 50c; choice mixed 41k*. MEAL.—Plain water ground, p$»r AiKAU-i'iain water ground, per 7a ?i* l v ,t %V 14 ?*i b * l ,er buuhel, 69 11 JL\.-^Timothy, choice large bnle* ijiu- do., choice suisll bales; <U. S\ i Htnnthv I.mIow >1 IV.. .1.. X 7 .. .. *, 7 'll 1 timothy bales. $1.06; do., No. 2 $1; do/.V. i clover mlxeil $1.06; do., No. 2 closed nd«i 90c. CLOVER—Choice 90c. The above prices are f. o. b. Atlnnts, ad Sunt ■MMippH fornla hame KHOc. Dry salt extra rills bellies 20-25 lbs. 10.50, fat back* 9. pin teal, Supreme lard, basis ’9.75'; 'Snow Drift pou^d 7V4. GROCERIES. SUGAR.—Standard granulated 4.85; York Iteflurd 4 to 4%c; plantutloni 4 to 4H COFFEE.--Roasted ■ bulk, In bags or barrels, 12?4c; green 12c. Market weak. RICE.—Carolina 4V4 to 7%c. occordlnc t grade. Market very strong. C1IEE8E.—Fancy full cream, flat* lk twine 13%c; bricks 4c. Market ntrong. STOCKS AND BONDS, Bid. Aik«f Georgia 4%s. 1915 114 tig Georgia It. U. 6s, 1910 . • ... 105 Snvunnnb 6s, 1909. ........ 102^ Macon 6a, 3D10 10S 1064 Atlanta 6s. 19U Atlanta l^s. 1922 . . . Atlanta 4s. 1934 Atlanta and West Point .... 165 Atlanta and West Point Debts. 109 no Atlanta and West Point Debt C. Ib of Georgia first Income . do. 2d Income .... do. 3d lucprne .... Georgia ........ Augusta and Savannah Southwestern - Georgia Pacific lsts . , 9) C., and A. 1st. WOMAN AND HUSBAND ARE VISITING THE PYGMIESl By Private Leased Wire, London, June 12.—The expedition o Major' Powell Cotton, who Is aceom panled by his wife, from the Nile 1< the Zambesi, la creating much Intern among the pygmy nnd other fore* tribes. Mra. Powell Cotton la the Hr* European woman to penetrate the Itur basin, and the camp was thronget dally with natives curious to see th< white woman with the long hair.” TWO VERONESE PAINTINGS ■ DISCOVERED IN PORTUGAL! Special to, The Georgian. Brunswick, Oa., June 12.—Brunswick will entertain the convention of Ma sons of this district on Thursday. Practically all the lodgee In the dis trict have advised the local lodge that they will send representatives, and an Intereating program haa been arranged for the entertainment of the visiting delegates. BRITISH WOMEN FORM A CORPS OF AMAZONS By PAUL LAMBETH. Special Cable. London, June 12,-t-The rifle club movement, led by Lord Roberts, has been taken up by women and a corps of Amaxons haa been formed at Charl ton, a suburb of London. Probably the near proximity of the garrison and ar senal of Woolwich has tnsptred them. The ladles have a 1,200-yard range to iractlce on and In winter use a vol- nteer miniature range. By Private Leased Wire. Glasgow, Juno 12.—Two allegoric paintings by Paul Vsroneae have ju been discovered In Portugal, belongl! to the O’Nell family, the descendan of the celebrated Scotch clan. Thei two paintings, “La 8agas.«e," compa Ion of Hercules, and "Paul Veropeaelj between ' Le Vice et la Vertue," are jf the same kind as four works belong^ to the National Gallery. They U(1 . part of the collection of the Rrge* Philip of Orleans, and had passed lrt» the hands of King Guatavlus AdqlphR, who took them in 1531 from the d>*^«l| Prague. GERMAN PATENT OFFICE CHARGES GREAT FIEI By Private Leased Wire. Berlin, June 12.—The German pRe* offices comes In for much cefsui* One. would suppose such an > n,tl " u to exact no more of Inventors thin needed to pay current expenses, w reality the charges arc so high tn the Mate pockets half the Inco" 1 ‘ proflL It is pointed out tWU i or Inventors matters are «|.ft ri as they were when Outenbeij bad as they were wnen ---- lvfd | ter Inventing the art of printing. i«j In poverty, and finally had to pawl apparatus. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 4:30 P. M; E. G. BLACK and W. H. ALLEN Have purchased and subdivided the J. L, Winter Home between Atlanta and De catur. Streets graded. This beautiful old homestead eoutaius 18 acres, noted w its maguificent shade oaks, no lot but. what is well shaded, and great care has iiw taken in making every lot receive every advantage possible, being 600 feet fipoi'fl’in h31p<*tri<v Rnilvvnv Tfivn-eent r>»r f.K> in minnt. vsliailiila tin rdlftlUTO ot l‘f Georgia Electric Railwa.v. Five-eeut ear fare, 10 lninute schedule, no change ot < !t j| To reach this property take the Decatur ear at the comer of Edgewood avenue a* I Peachtree street and get off at Winter Station, which is on the property. -'J 1 will be staked aud numbered. Terms 10 per cent cash and 5 per eent inoutm.'T°| per cent interest, 10 per eent discount for all cash. For plats apply to FAVER & 3O8-3I3-316 Peters Building, BLACK, Both Phones 35*^*