The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 15, 1906, Image 12
Edited By PERCY H. WHITING TRIANGULAR RACE WILL BE FEATURE AT COLISEUM ,-Mth£ | fa] millionaires OUT IN THE COLD. THE ATLANTA GF/TROIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE l.'», 1906 ||| Atlahta 1" laving l Jsual Road Luck I | PHILLIPS HAS HISjtEVENGE DEFEATS ATLANTA .IN CLOSE GAME BY NARROW MARGIN OF A SINGLE RUN.' Special tn The Georgian. New Orleans, La., June 16.—The Peli can* ffetv a nay with a l-tn-o game yeaterday, after an hour and a half of fierce struggling. Charley Frank’* men put the frame on cold storage at the outbreak of 1’ stlllUe*. Rlckert waited for four i"licue* and then ambled flratward. Cargo tried to sacrifice, but the gi under to Kox proved to be a fleld- • r’s choice and Kox chose Rlckert, who gav« up the gho*t at aecond. Cargo pilfered and hugged the second bag while Blake went out by the old fa miliar ahort-to-flrat route. Then came "Punch" Knoll, he of the dark complexion and the big league experience, nnd -Punch" sent a single down Dick Croxler’s way. of course Cargo scored, and that run Aon the game. OO0OO00000O00O00000 o o o THE FOUR FEATURES. 0 O o o o o o o o o o O Game put Atlanta In third O place. New Orleans In second. 0 Atlanta made moat hits, least O runs. O Another game lost by Atlanta 0 by a margin of one run. 0 Both teams played s|iee<ly hall 0 and both pitchers were In line 0 form. 000OO00000000000000 After the first Inning Atlanta had numerous rhancea to score, but could avail herself of none of them. Time nnd again when a hit was a sure run the said hlngle was not forthcoming. Phillips pitched ’ one of the best games of the season nnd his effective ness when a crisis arrived was remark able. The score: WALTH0URW0N FINE CONTEST DEFEATED HUGH M’LEAN, OF B08T0N, IN FIFTEEN-MILE RACE AT COLISEUM. In it flftroii-mllc men, notnhln for the s*n itlonnl riding of the contestant* nnd fm tb» exciting spills, Hobby Wnltbour, the At- lnntn rider put It over Hugh McLean, o| Boston, nt the Coliseum Thursday night. Bobby was the tatter limn itt nil stages of the game. and lie won In flue style. Lean, however, had hnrd furk. Before the me* was mneh more tlmn well under wny his tire was punctured nnd he took n nasty tumble, spilling down the side of the In* line and tubing his blcyele with him. tuniitely his paring nuiehlne nnd the other team got clear of the wreckage nnd an nc eldent wna averted. As soon ns the dnmnge wna rrpnlred Me* Lean went ou with the rare, but he wna never nlde to endanger Wnltbour*s lend. Wnltbour rode n flue rare, hugging his pace nnd tnklng nil kinds of chances In roundlug the steep and sharp turns. 00000000 0 0 00 0000000 o o 0 WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. 0 O 0 O Atlanta In New Orleans. 0 Birmingham In Memphis. Nashville In Little Rock, Montgomery In Shreveport. 0000000000 000000000 ATLANTA, (’rosier, if. . Winters, if. . Hinltli.* 31*. . ierdnit. gh. . l’«x. lb. \ . . Stinson, rf. . Morse, ss. . livers, e. , . Zellnr, p. . . Totals. . . . •Ttuta’’ Illinium, who “Itota" Smith has 1st « terrific rllp. In no one of the Inst hnd on the suspended Hat for some time, three games ho has pitched have more was given his bumps by .the Pirates. In « than t*o runs Iwen made off hltn. Now few days. If Hurnuni gets another dose, B. I the fans are shivering st the thought of Smith will suspend him nnd pull out of the woods another suspended pitcher.— New Orleans Htsfes. Worry not. Brother Charles; the only t wirier still renin tiling In the big stick* Is "Doc" riillds, and. Judging from the trim tilings lie Is getting among the semi-pro- fesslounls, * he Is likely to stay there for quite a spell. Henre by Innings: Atinntn. . ... 7 rtonnooono-o New Orleans 1 00 00 0 00 Mtolen bases, Cargo Cl. i ‘ Bum rlflee hit, fivers. . ..... neck. Mtruck out, by Phillip* ■ r Rases mi tails. «•(T - — ' Umpire, Kennedy. ggg League Standings SOUTHERN. CLUBS— Played. Won. Lost. P.C. rave port . . 60 31 lit .620 .\ r w (Irteans . . 52 30 22 .577 Atlanta .... 51 29 22 .569 Birmingham. . 62 20 23 .568 Memphis.... 60 36 24 .630 Montgomery , . 51 24 27 .471 Nashville ... 64 23 31 .426 Uttle Rock . . 49 13 36 .266 SOUTH ATLANTIC. Cluba— Pujred. Won. Lost. P.C. Augusts . . . 49 31 Columbia ... 49 28 Savannah ... 60 25 Charleston . . 47 21 Macon 47 20 Jacksonville . . 48 2u .633 .571 .500 GEORGIA STATE. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Way crus* . . 31 22 .690 Cordsls . . . 28 1* 10 .643 Columbun . . . 31 IK 13 .481 Valdoata . . 31 14 17 .453 Albany . . . so 5* 21 .300 Amartcua . . 27 7 NATIONAL. 20 .269 CLUBS— Played. Won. Lost. PC. Chicago . . . 45 37 18 .673 Pittsburg . . 60 32 18 .640 New York . 63 33 20 .623 Philadelphia . . 56 30 26 .536 Bt. Louis . . 65 24 31 .436 Brooklyn . . 63 22 31 .415 Boston . . . 61 15 36 .294 Cincinnati . . . 56 22 34 .293 Club— New York . Cleveland . Philadelphia Detroit . . fr»t. Louie . Chicago . . Washington Boston . •. AMERICAN. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. In spite of the fart that Manager (lllka denied (lie report* coming from Atlanta to •fleet that Birmingham could not land a pantiiiiit on neenuut of the fact that the several malingers “had It In" for this city, xpliinntlon that he promised In an In terview after returning home has not as yet gone tafore the public. Wonder what kind of n reception lie Is planning *for Harry 1—Birmingham Ledger. That's not cNpecially clear, but as to whnt Bilks said, It was: "Vaughan has n poor chance for the penunnt. The other managers In the Irngue have It In for him tiecnuse they do not feel that they get n square deal In Birmingham." or words very much to that effect The National Association will look after the wobbly Pnrlflr Coast tasgue. At a meeting In New York Wednesday It was de cided flint the leagues and clubs In organ ised tail ta asked to aobscrlta the follow ing amounts for the coast league: The Na tional tangtie, the American league, nnd the Nntlonnl Association, each $500; each major league club, $150; each class A club, lid each class D dub $26. It la ex- |»ected that starlit $20,000 can be raised In this way, which will ta turned over to Kecretnry Cal. fiwlng, of the Const league, to ta used In meeting deficiencies nnd pay ing nalmies. Thus the Pacific people will ta kept on earth until they are nlde to take rare of themselves. It was also voted that no player can ta sold by any of the coast cluba without the consent of 1’rosl dent Bert. This Is to prevent the dtsrup tlmi of the league by such men as Motley, Bass ball Dc >pe From Far and Near - • -' AfeSfcSiy • 1 ■ 1- Just Some Notes Clipped From Exchanges The offering nt the Coliseum for Friday night Is far and nwuy t!ie l»est of the pres ent bike-racing senson. Manager Prluee has secured as the attraction Bobby Wal- thour, Hugh McLean and Tommy flail, and these men will meet In three five mile con tests. > In the opening races nt the Collaenro Wnltbour defeated If nil. The finglfshmnn's pacing machine was not In good trim for those events, however, nnd the question of supremacy la still unsettled, ut least In the mind of Hall. The ehntliplon of the Kmsll Island Across the Big Poud still be- llsrs, that Uo Is. faster tlmn _ and will try to demonstrate it L- r ,J of nlxht , McLean defeated w< *l, *'•»«<• »«•* taking t,„ Bnt tl»e races were won by „ 0 „ rr „ w Xtn nnd Ho not In any w„y „ rov ,. th „ xvrr :rt ,ue - £ The question ,nf first „m thrashed out Friday nlxhi, ,vt„.„ m, thr „ meet, nqd a record crowd will tmdoobtJ! turn out to WH. the dolngi. Three | w-lir be raced and III eaae each man m2 tures il heat a fourth wul be run t«. t elde the question . of flrst honors U# " Some Howls of Dismay wbat they came so near doing.—Age-ller- Id. Baseball Is a gamble. Kvery once In while a team Is entertnlnlng * phenomenon utinwnrca and the fact ero|Hi out after It Is too Into to continue tho entertainment. The Ht. L*ula Dispatch roasts Niles through «mc half of n column snd predicts he will never uinke good In the big league. It Is conceded by this paper thut Niles Is fast, but It It added that he lints like n Indy. Just nt the prenent time the Mr. Isoult Americans are having a batting slump and naturally the papers are roasting the club, Niles In particular.—Birmingham News. If 8t. Isouls does not want Niles asters! Southern Iscagus clubs will gladly And a place for him. Andy Anderson, the catcher who assault ed Umpire Buckley lu Little Hock the other day. has come out with the following curd; To the ladles who were present st Tucs- day s game nt West Hnd park I desire to msko sn n|Htlogy for the nffslr between Umpire Buckley nnd myself. To me It seemed that there was great provocation for striking Buckley, but st tho time 1 forgot the presence of the Indies and al lowed my temper to get the tast of roe. regret the nffrunt offered them, but wish tn assure them that It was through an error of the moment and not of my best Judg ment that the sffulr took place. "By publishing the foregoing you will oblige, yours very respectfully. "A. ANDERRON.” funny to watch the way thoato Blrni Ingham scribes change their tune. One day they rise on their hind legs and howl nt the Its runs—cun’t And s good word to say or an atom of excuse for dropping any game, and the next. If Vnughan comes out •m top of the heap, they utter Inspired rhapsodies of praise.-Montgomery Journal. When the Nationals catch s base run the tall In Is something hnrd to talleve until you have dapped your eye on It.— Montgomery Journal. Funny thing, bnt Atlanta fans can’t get nwuy from the Idea that they have the best left fielder In the league. They may ta wrong, but anyway they are happy lit lheir Ignorance. Last week for the first time In two years Pitcher Willis was forced to leave the slab. —Ht. Louis Post-Dispatch. Few pitcher^ can boast of such a record. But the Pelicans arc laying for Atlantans. The letter got the former started on the soupy slide and our taya have cause for ronllge toward them. Something* going to result. Yesterday’s game Indicated that the Peli cans have regained their stride and that means that they will more than hold their own against any club In the league. At inntn plays the tast tall nt home, bat It has always been a matter of record that the (ieorgtnna couldn't do much on the mad, so there Is Uttle to fear from them. They outplayed themselves for several days at Piedmont park, setting n gstt that no minor league team could keep up, nnd It would ta Just like them to take a slump a la Pelican when they strike this city.— New Orleans Item. Comment on the above, after what has happened, would ta quite superfluous. WRIGHT MAY LOSE FINGER l. h riKUi. right hiitiil ou a broken soda water tattle on the eve of hla d«i for Ktiglsnd to play ANDY ANDER80N’8 TRIAL POSTPONED TO AFTERNOON Anderson, of Little Bock, for annulling Um pire Buckley In Tuesday's game wan post- poned this morning until this afternoon on account of the absence of witnesses. the !.»« Angeles manager, who has l*oen m>r off his boro nnd attempt to run him trying to make money by selling his play ers without sny regard for the good of the league. That doelalou probably means that Jake Ats must go tack to the coast and flint New Orleans cannot get bis services this year. Pitcher Malice, whom Birmingham talked of selling or trading for any prlre or any old player only a short while ago, alnce that time has pitched three games for IIIrniIngham, nnd won them all, nnd taaldes pitching winning ball lie has been tatting LITTLE DEFEATED. ipeelnl Pable—Copyright. Lmdon, June 15.—lu the first round of the flimln for the Davla tennis trophy H. Mmlth, fiugluiid. defeated Raymond D. Lit tle, America, lu three straight sets. Score, “ 6-4. « !. down, they never seem to know exactly wlmt to do. Knelt player who receives the ball looks nlrout him with nu i|»ologctlc air, and hurls the sphere to the first player who baa hfa hands out. Three or four times during the last week runners on op I toning teams have eluded the entire Infield nnd reached their bases In safety.—Boatou Traveller. The two beat left fielders In the Rout hern League are "Hefty" Ilouts and Joe Rlckert. Very few possible chances get away from these Adding stars and the way they throw Work-outs At Gravesend. THE WINNING PITCHER. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Club* Toledo . . Milwaukee. Columbus . Louisville . Kansas city MlnneM(M>liM Indiana poll* Bt. Paul . . a Roc P ro' K THURSDAY’S RESULTS. EASTERN LEAGUE. Newark 3, Jersey Oty 1. Montreal 6, Toronto 4. Rochester 4, Buffalo 3. vldence 3, Baltimore !. NATIONAL, ton < ' 1. ttsburg «, Brooklyn I. *\e York «, 8t Louis 4. Chicago 5, Philadelphia I. AMERICAN. Detroit 5. Philadelphia 4. Chicago Washington 6. Cleveland 3. New York i. Southern. New Orleans 1, Atlanta rt. Uttle Ruck 4, Nashville ». South Atlantic. Columbia 1. Savannah 0. Macon 2, Augusta 2. Georgia State. t'olumbua I, Albany 0. Valdoata. 11. Cord*!* 0. Bill Phillip*. i Phillips pltrhed great ball In Naw 1 Orleans Thursday sod abut out Atlanta. By Private Laird Wire. lira rear Ml, 1.. I., June 15.-We*ther clear, track fast. Try-out,: ll.-r.-ni b, use mile In 1:4*. galloping. Will win. Sklddoo. four furlong, in :40 31, handily. No nee,mnt. Colonial tllrl. one mile In 1:4124, l.reex- Itur. Never tatter. , KnrancvMt, four furlongs tn :50, handily, (food work. Pniitoufle. six furlongs In 1:16 3-6. Mhe Is good. Memories, one mile In 1:48, galloping. Try her again. (Srny Day, six furlongs In 1:18. hsndl Rapid Water. 3 furlongs lu JSI LV ban Dandelion, inftc nnd a furlong In 1:65 35. hnadlly. Haro form. Clover Crest, mile In 1:44, all oat. WHI Winning Hand. 6 furlongs In 1.08 16, Itreeslng. Ijook* well. Uoysl Rroeju*. 4 furlongs In :48 3-5, band lly. Clever eolt. Ogden Belle. 4 furlongs In :5) 2-6 handily. , Hn« a apeed. , Aunuuaster. mile and quarter In 2:13 1-6, | handily. Hood work. Inqulalttw. utile and furlong In 2.*63 1-6, lutnUlly. All he need*. (Iraslello, 5 furlongs In 1:06, handily, fbdng well. Janets. 7 furlongs In 1.32. handily. Is fit. Itoneheit. 6 furlongs In l:16,'1iaudlly. Never ‘ better. 1 Ancestry, mile tn 1:66, galloping. fid mi Jackson. 6 fnrlongs In 1:1k breexlog. • Doing tatter. i Ticker. 7 furlongs In 1:29 1-6, handily. I Very good Wiwk. MORE SPORTS OK PAGE SEVEN. This business of dropping a peg a day Is very bumping. Great snakes! We’re almost dowu In Bir mingham's class. Never mind; we’ll throw It tack Into them when the team Is at Piedmont. Hope the Crnekera are not In another of those "lost-by-oue-run" ruts. If Birmingham wlna Friday nnd AtlanU loses, the Crackers go to fourth place. And from there the second division Is «o close that Its nearness Is appalling. How ever, the worst half of the present trip Is over Monday night. From then on It ought to ta easy sailing tack to Atlanta. It Is n shame that, when Atlanta makes live hits to New Orleans* three, that the ellcsus are able to wdn. The teams broke even down the error col umn. Both made two apiece. Mpenklng of Morse nnd that tatting and fielding slump which la past, Whltey made two of the five hits Thursday and accepted four chauces without an error. Croxler, Fox nnd Zellnr divided the other three lilts lu the equitable proportion of one to each man. Cargo was the only man who could steal on Evers Thursday, aud "Chick" got away with only two. A little pinch bitting would have given Atlanta a tlo ami maybe the game. How ever, pinch hitters can’t always perform right u)> to the notch—especially on the road. That boy Kane la certainly a marvel for III luck. In the game Thursday at Colum bia lie struck out thirteen men snd al lowed not a single hit. The men behind him did not make an error either, and yet Columbia scored a run. And Savannah, al though able to land on Russell for three hits, could not make a run. This la the second time In his career that Katie has pitched a no-hlt game and yet lost. Well, Albany, In the Georgia State League, went up agalnat It Just the way Atlanta did, losing to Columbus 1 to 0. For upsetting "form" the Nashville t.-am Is becoming famono. After trimming \r,. m Phis In remarkable atyle the Finnltea go to Little itoek and lose to the tnltandera Brady, the Atfaiitu otumbllog-blwk, bt them down with seven hits, uttle Hock made two lets hits and two more runs. The Travelers are reduced to n seml-nm. fesslonol catcher named orr to take the place of Anderson. Ni-w York Nationals plnrm! ,, rp | ty „„ hull Thursday, hut nt that tli.-y mnna^t to dufeat St. I-null c to 4. Mrtiluultv pit,tie,I. but gave up right hltn Boston and Cincinnati provcl a wr! |. matched team Thursday, hut the Henri K.I. era had * shade tho lictter of It iin.l »„’ n _ 2 to 1. ratten pitched a three-hit (ant. for Wn.b- ■•'Xton ngainst Chicago, but lost the game. The seem an, 3 to 0. Cleveland nnd Near York nre inrely play, lug a line aerlea. Thursday the Napoleon, turned the tables nnd non—3 to 2. GUM CHEWING IS FORBIDDEN By Private Leased Wire. roughkeepsle, N. Y„ June 15.-Cna(-!i Court qey forlmde the Corucll oarsmen to use gum In any form, nnd caught two of fhem vigorously chewing after practice. He made them throw the stuff nwny. He ha*l the pocket* of the men senrehed, It Is said, for gum, confiscating nil that he found. There Is said to ta somewhat of a spirit of rebellion among the Corneliiter over the anti-gum rule. * T AT KAISER & CO. Confidential loan* on vtluablti. Bargain* In unredeemed Diamond* 15 Decatur 8t Kimball Houi* THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO., 89-91 WHITEHALL ST. GLOBE CLOTHING CO., 89-91 WHITEHALL ST. To the Mountains, Sea Shore or Country Never mind which, glance over the list and see what you want: The only way to have what you want is to take it along. Complete your wardrobe economically. Two-piece Serge, and Wool-Crash Suits, single or double breasted, $5, $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15. Blue Serge Coats, unlined, $3 and $5. White or Figured Vests, $1, $1.50, $2, $3. Straw Hats, 50c, $1, $1.50, $2, $3. Panama Hats, $5 and $7.50. Underwear, 25c, 50c, $L Outing Shirts, 50c, $1, and $1.50. Silk Neckwear, 25c, 50c, 75c. Trousers, $1.50, $2, $3, $4, $5. Hosiery, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c. If you are going to take the boy along, there are Special Opportunities now in the Boys’ Suit Department. The $5.00 Suits, 8 to 17, are $3.98. The $4.50 Suits, 8 to 17, are $3.48. The $3.00 Suits, 8 to 17, are $2.40. We Press Clothes Free THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO 89-91 Whitehall St. (Manufacturing Clothiers.) YOUTHS’ SUITS SPECIAL Sell those 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 Youths’ suits at re ductions. said the "boss” man. $5, $7.50 and $10 get the pickings of some extra ordinary values in Youths’ suits, sizes 15 to 19.