The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 17, 1906, Image 11
1 COTTON OPENED WITHAjllG TRADE Quite a Fight Developed Be tween Some of the In terests Early. ’ JANUARY SOLD HEAVY Clearing Weather and Be lief Market Is Over-Bought the Factors. By Private Leaaed WK. B, private Lea led Wire. New York, July 17.—The cotton mar ket opened iteady and unchanged to a points higher. There was a big trade ind quite a light on between some of the Interests at the start today, 10,000 tales of January changing hands at 10 61 Those who were soiling It based their actions on the clearing weather south and belief that the market for the time being at least had been over bought. , The market for cotton futures this morn Ins quite active In the early trading to- dir .Sentiment was bearish, though tbo •feet of some heavy selling on prlcea was ■light, up to midday declines hi the new cron months being some 1 or 6 points. The forernment a weekly crop and weath er report was claimed by the bears to favor the short side of the account, one wire charting that the "report Is surprisingly mod end does not show the slightest In dication of damage, thus disproving, In n large meeaure, the ninny advices recclvo.1 to the effect that the crop was Buffering from etcesalve rains." Miss Giles gives the condition of the crop at 81.6. ugainst 34.1 Inst month niul 13 8 list yesr. This report wns construed ■s bearish and the market ruled somewhat easier on Its announcement Columbus. Gn.. wires: "We consider the cron In our section 111 nn extremely criti cal condition st present. The continued rains have cauaed the plant to grow too rapidly and become very sappy. Nothing but occaalonsl showers, partly cloudy weather and moderate temperatures Will prevent Injury. Should the weather turn Suddenly dry nnd extremely hot. It will cause shedding snd do a great deal of damage." SPOT con ON MARKET. Atlanta—Steady st lie. New York-Quiet at 11c. _ , New Orleans—Steadyst He. Sales 90 Delivered on contract 200. Liverpool—Quiet st 8.13d. 81. I^tuls-Steody at 11c. Savannah—Steady at 10Hc. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, Juhr 17, 12:15 p. ni.—Cotton, ipot quiet, with prices stonily: middling upland* 6.13; Mies 6.000: American 5,400; speculation and export 600; receipts none. Oct.-Nov.. .. Nor.Rec.. . Dec.-Jan.. .. Jan.-Feb. . . Feh.-March.. Mirrh-April. ...5.72 $ .. .6.68-5.67 ...6.67 ...6.67 , .6.68 '.’.in* **’■ SIS 66 6.6*6.64 TODAY'S PORT RECEIPTS* Tbo following table shows receipts at the New Orleans.......... Galveston Mobile Kavannab ...., Norfolk Baltimore New York Botton , l’hilmlelphla Total INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Houiton a Memphis Ht. Lonli Cincinnati Total 8002 Si WARE AND LELAND’S DAILY COTTON LETTER. New York. July 17.—Additional rains In tnp Atlantic roast region Induced more •hort rovering at the opening of the mar ket this morning, and, as a result, a fur ther advance of 2 or 8 points took place. Bo' ** the morning wore on, It was evl* dent that the volume of buying was not enfflclent to carry on. the advance. Borne 1*7 large trades were made, several 6,- owtoi,. loti of December and January c «n«lng hands. After this, buying was 2^r. prices receded on ths Mle of a few hundred hales at a time, until the market down 6 points from the opening. Ji! r * * tt> ver y Uttlt a9W§ ** r, y. ln , end the setback was due entirely to th# fact that the professional element M»lna corered, there was an absence of support necessary to prevent a reae- At noon, tbs report on the monthly condition. Issued by a commission house, •sowed a decline or but .64 per cent from the last report, which was a distinct dlaaiA Dnntmvjt. A circular issued by one of the T* 1 known cotton botmes in the Booth Esther report showed nothing serious. Jhe weather outlook was somewhat better. The market seemed to have reached the tor the time being. the dry goods market. •l.J'rivatf U.Md wire. , '•'k, July 17.—A firmer tone was d2fi nt . ,n the gtwda market today, consequence of a renewal of dc* “jod for coarse skeetlngs and drills for domestic .nd export nee. The Chin* trade !*• rpr ently taken 6JCM bale* of 4-yard l!. goods, and the domestic demand until an advance of He la jj^orded. Print cloths were firmer snd # heetlng» were sold for the next NEWS AND GOSSIP Of tho Fleecy Staple. Private Wire to GIbert & Clay. New York, July 17.—Price brokers are buying this morning. Mitchell Is founding the market. The Journo! of Commerce says: '*The market opened firmer for the week, with a noticeably strong undertone In the sta ple cottons. The sales of export goods to China last week were larger than at first reported, not less than 6.000 bales being sold for Shanghnl nnd other river ports. Inc print cloth market Is firmer on nar row goods, nnd the mills are fairly well cared for until September. There is no let up In the demand for thin fine goods, either on contract or spot delivery, and tho Im pression Is strong with first hands that the wonderful demand of this year will he ex ceeded at the rctnll counters of the country next year for these fabrics.^ Tho Galveston-Dallas News' second crop report says: "Five hundred nnd forty-two reports from correspondents showing con dition July 12 to be 10.9 per cent better In Texas than same date fast year; 6.7 per cent better In Indian Territory. Same as last year In Oklahoma. Texas conditions more nearly uniform than for sevcrnl pre ceding seasons. Many corespondents sny prospects best since 1900. Excessive moist ure reported from seven counties. Else where apprehension expressed that there may bo too much rain. Thus far little dnm nge from pest. Doll weevil reported in six ty-slx counties. No damage lo forty-six of these. A little damage In nine nnd much in one. Crop, as a whole, well frnlted. Eastern nnd southern Texas n little ear lier than last year. Elsewhere two to three weeks late. Picking In progress In most southern counties, conditions in territories ? ood except too much rain In portions of ndlan Territory. In western Oklahoma the crop started badly. Liverpool 30* up Is slightly better than due. An advance of 2-&3 points wns ex pected. • ' Would strongly adrlss keeping out of Am ust, unless protected by snot cotton, as rakers who operate for the bull crowd are selling this option this morning. Market dull, but steady, with new crop months showing tendency to sag. In the Carollnas, which are dry. The western forecast Indicates unsettled weather with probable showers for all states except Arkanaas, where psrtly cloudy tyeather Is expected. Locals arC gradually accumulating a long Interest on acount of ths bulllshly expected weekly report snd also In anticipation of an Improvement after tbo Issuance of Miss Giles' report. Private Wire to Ware A Leland. New York, July 17.—The cotton market opened about as expected. Think the market can be bought on any little reactions for the present Cotton market Inclined to broaden out All QCIB OS UlDUgU 1L WOTO UTcrWIU. 3 s“- lleve cotton can bo bought on any little declines. Think will hart a gradually high er market. uary at lO.flu from rerpool cables: "Markst steady. It would have been better but for'Smith Ed wards 4k Co. sailing. with .1.003 bain ot notion consigned to Yotku, Tex., wire,: “Pint be), received her. yesterday afternoon. Two day, earlier then laet eet*on." Market very Bleed; on beery ralna' In Texee end Georgia. Look! higher. The cotton tnerket opens barely ■ up to 9 off. Tble Is " The cotton market opene barely steady I „p to 9 off. Tble Is rather a disappoint ing opening In tbe face of alsivet general ralna orer the belt The weather map Indicates showera orer tbe greater portion or tbe cotton belt. ADVANCE CAUSED BY HEAVY RAINS "Henry rains in Georgia ana eisewnere east of tba Mississippi, where tbe held, are laid to be getting grassy, bad more than anything else to do with tbe adranc. which took place. Yet talk of a July squtese In New Orleans wss not without some sentiments! effect. Frank R. Hayne and William P. Brown, with others, are said to b. In charge of the July deal there, end If currant reporta are true there la stilt quit* a large abort Interest In the option. Some of It la said to be In New York, and one of tbe rumora of tbe day la that 10.000 to 15.000 hales will be sent from Vew Y’ork to New Orleans for delivery on July contracts, lu spite of the fact that a revision of the differences at New Orleans would make this, a mere expensive move than It would hare been recently. Tbe reeelpte at the porta and Interior towns wen small, spot markets were Arm and w>me of the dir good* report, very cbeee- fnl. The great drawback M. there la to Ittle business. Outsiders held alokf and professionals do little.'the die- position being rery general to await areata sober than to plunge with the eta. of the crop atlll undetermined. Yot wire houte. bought with rathergraater freedom at times for tbe Booth, where ther. to a larre ihort Interest which may be getting a tittle nervosa over the. rather unfavor able report* which war# being reeelved from parts of Georgia and tbe Carolina*. — GIbert A Clay. New Orleane. July ••With New York femmlttfd.t*_t**J«gg iSUSJr-rid.*of tiftK constant endeavor on the part of ■weTr* artist and the cooperation of the Southern spot market In defense of «k# wuS n .'ke CO °.SS Ct of'fhe §L ellensl'^nmelentir ■ ALABAMA ST. GIBERT & CL.AY SLtTON. OBA?N. ATUANTA.8AA. corree. provision* HIHBCk*' York Stock Exchange.! f :k Cotton Exchange. : >rk Coffee Exchange fSew unrhm — -- . Private Wires to all Exchani^ R pA0ANi Manaoar. ••I «nrf Lono Dlatane* Telephone 5298* York 8tock EicbangeJNew Orleane Cutton Exrhange 'rhlrsgo^noer^o A , t , York Coffee Exchange !n'w oT". BmM of Tr.JeJri.I—n lotion Exeheu STOCKS STORIED FAIRLY ACTIVE Majority of Active List Made Material Gains Dur ing the First Hour. LONDON SMALL BUYER Trading Element on Floor Turned to Bear Side This Morning. By Private Leased Wire. Now York, July 17.—On n very much smaller volume of business this morn* trig's market fluctuated with a good deal ,,f Indecision. Thou- mt* pressure to sell and, therefore, v,nptiimih of reaction, mi 111" "tlirr hand, stocks were more freely SUP' piled, around the high figures for most of the active Issues than they were yesterday. Prices started out higher In sympa thy with renewed strength on all the foreign markets. The great part of the share list went on this advance a trifle higher than the best they gold for yes terday. Then the supply for solo In creased and tho upward Inclination was checksd. Southern Paclflc, on the usual dividend talk,, was bought with some confidence st higher prices, but this was an exception. Generally, the trading waa very dull and resulted, up to noon. In no changes of consequence. The professional contingent were di vided in their sentiments, but the ma jority of those who cared to do any thing at all were disposed to operate for a reaction. The stock market opened quiet, but firm, with average gains of from 1-4 to 5-8. Quiet was generally recorded In the more prominent Issues. The heaviest trading at the start was In Reading and Amalgamated Copper. Af ter the opening trading the market con tinued quiet and steady at about open tng level. The market showed a fair amount of strength all through the first hour and the upward movement, which started after the opening yesterday, made fur ther progress, the majority of the ac tive Issues making material gains. Tho buying of Southern Paclflc, union Pa cific, St. Paul and the Mill shares all came apparently from the same source. London was a small buyer of about 15,000 shares of International stocks. The trailing element nn the Ilnur turned to the bear side this morning, basing their acUon on the belief that nearly all the buying so far on the up- werd movement has been covering of shorts without any Increase In outside speculative Interests. LONDON 8TOCK MARKET. 1 pa Atchison auadlen Paclflc ;blc„ Mil. aud St. Paul.. 'do, preferred’..’ !.’!. Illinois Central New York Central Pennsylvania Reading Southern Paddc Union Paclflc . United States Steel.. do, preferred GOVERNMENT WEEKLY REPORT ON WEATHER Alnbama-Tbo dnya were comparatively cool, but the night temperature* were era- sellable. The rainfall won generally light to exceestve on tbo 11th, Lth, 13fb and lttli, tbo cxreas being greatest In central nnd cant central countries. Arkansas—The sunehlno wee allghtly be- Bw the average. The daye were moderate ly warm, but nights were generally too cool. Well distributed and beneficial rain* occurred over the greater part of tb* atate, breaking tbe drought of two weeks' dura- lion hi som* Southern counties. The rain fall waa above tbe normal In moat .section*. ■ Georgia—The weather during the week was cool and cloudy with frequent ralna. a Bie mean temperature ranged from I to 8 [reel below normal. The rainfall*was Considerably over the average In most_eec- tloni, heavy to excessive falls occurring on tbe 13th nnd 14th. Sunshine Is needed, Louisiana—'The temperatures were nor mal or slightly below, leatured shower* occurred every day, the rainfall bring heavy n Mine sections and very light In uthcra. The sunshine wee mueh below tbe normal. Min!asipnl—The .weather wee mostly cloudy with dally abowera, ralna be ng gemd .rally heavy except over a few amall araal The temperature was uniform end mod North Carolina—The precipitation we generally below normal, hot wee excessive in niece*. There was moch lees damage by heavy ralna and overfiow* than In the preceding week. The forepart of tbe week was warm and the latter part cooler. Tem peratures averaging two iegreM below the enrred TrequenUjr'In "aljTpart# of <he sec tions effectually breaking tb* drought In •outj^'carolfna^flnnehlne, temperature and precipitation much below normal, al though heavy rains occurred In the eatrem* northwestern southern and meat section*. Teaas (Galveston)—There wee much cloud less with numerjm* .abowera and thunder- Si except ta Rio Grande ralfey * T ndI'in many southwestern and eastern counties. Temperature averaged from 4 degree, bee low normal In nofthweatern counties to 9 degrees above normal on tbe MUthweetera coast. low the normal fimplo, being n eastern al ight In _vy Is scattered localities western eertioue, bnt very is of tbe middle sections. GIbert A Clay's Dally Cotton Letter. Now Orleans, July 17.-Tho fear, as vat unfounded, that the heavy raise of ibe present have wrought some damage to tho tt^.t^'ois.jK'w'bTbr’r^Jb ■slot, netted a gain on the dose of 9 points. Spot quotation awere I point* up. ■tea amounting to LfiM he Ira. Current months.alone were eteadv at advance this morning ds* to further abort covering, bat -Web leads to that month to become pot at of danger for epeculatlve porpose* as Jsltri lave proven to be nnies*, of*, tk« • nterett I. protected by epot cotton IMt tent position!, however, ehowed a decided tendency to. mg despite the conUaned and comparatively hearr rainfall In almost all ■returns of ths belt except the Garptlnae. JLv. U surprising In tb* fare jja prolonged spell of wet weather, and this, together with the half monthly roodttion figure* of Miss Gil**, namelr. ill. gave to the market price* as raster tendency. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET iJan'-re: Amalgamated Conptr.. Atlantic Coaat Lina... American Kugar Refining Anaconda Amcrlcau Locomotlrt * do preferred American Smelting Refining do preferred Atchison do preferred Amrrlcnu I'otton Oil Baltimore and Ohio Brooklyn Itaj Id Transit Canadian Dnclilc Chicago and Northwestern Chesapeake and Ohio... Colorado Fuel und Iron Central lecathtr - do prefariMd iiw jirncirvy Chicago an«l Great Western « IiIi’hk’". BMhUM and Bt. Fan! Delaware und Hudson Distiller's Securities Erie ElectrlCc Illinois Central..... American Ice Hecuritls# Lonlsvllla and Nashville Mexican Central Missouri Pacific S ow York. Ontario and Western ntlonnl Lead * orthorn Pacific....... New York Central.. Norfolk and Westtrn Pennsylvania J People's Gaa.." Pressed Steel Car do. preferred Pacific Mall.,... Reading .’ Republic Steel Rock Island do. preferred... United Btatea Rubber do. preferred. Southern Pacific Southern Railway Tennessee Coal and Iron '. Texas and Paclflc..... Union Paclflc... United States Steel do. preferred............ Vlrclnln-Carolina Chemical do. preferred •stern Union (hash «... do. nrtferred....«... Wisconsin Central do. preferred RANGE OF THE COTTON MARKET AT NEW YORK. ea in x*aw xotk Last Previous July °SX>‘ ilSf’ iojT 10*2“ m'rv~7 Kiruza Aug. .10.18 10.98 10.9* 10.31 10.30 31 10.34-2 Bept .10.43 10.48 10.87 10.80 10.87-89 10.41-48 cl. .10.47 10.5 10.39 10.41 10.41 42 10.47-40 or. .10.40 1 0.48 10.48 1 0.48 10.42-44 10.4400 S: M 88 itS !S:S« let. liblW low io!tt i’oloi !o:s!« loes-eo Closed atendy. AT NEW ORLEAN8. Ths following I, tho rang* In cotton future* In N.w Orleane today: * “■ rrevtoue Close. Close. 11.28-24 11.3580 Juty Aug. .10.87 10.88 10.78 10. Hept .10.00 10.60 10.65 10.1 Oct. .10.46 10.46 10.86 10.1 a M S3 M isiii ip\ eh. li’att ii>:« io!is ib!is wi m Closed steady. TIPS FLASHED From Wall StrooL ■rlvoto Wire to GIbert A Clay. Now Y'ork, July 17.—Daniel Odell Sc Co.: "Purchaaca of good atoi-ka on roeea- i of moderate extent will, we believe, tb* beat reaulta for a few days, aud while wo would not abandon tho trading ixieltlnn aud would take fair returns, the situation Juetllle* n profernce for the long bids now of tha aetlra Inure lie cans* of tbe greater Improyement In mon etary affair* chiefly." No special feature to tba stock market. It la highly professional. * Um* on It will Ire easier to make money on tbo long aide of the market tban nt any time sine* tba .Bar ”—-— »*- — „ W l, 0 , re |nc| tbe market to,.- .. .... ...*n raced* moderately, but do rat think that prices will reach tb* low syct from which tho preaent rocortry started. Yesterday there was mneb more trading on the baala of this theory than tboro Tiaa boon for aom* weak#. ^ Tb«we wbo ar* still desalmlatlcally Inclined main tain that tbo decline from this recovery will carry price* to a - now low level, while It la probably true that bearish sen timent la alronger than tlmt In favor of high price* now, apparently conservetiv* hie, are taking a more bopefnl view of situation. 14 for both money and accoaot ifi Lon don. Ixmdon steady. Advance* started yesterday may carra ba markat hlgbtr aa the abort Inlereat 6 arge and there le bull talk on Ht l'aul. Baltimore and Ohio. Ateb ton. Mlajourl l'aclflc, Locomotlv* and Hteal preferred. Iron and Steal trade condition, reported of tho boat, with biota of Copte r divi dend being raised to » per coot. It l» doubtful, however. If gUvanras ran bs held, for operation* are .largely professional, with rery little outelde Inlereat manifest ed. consequently look for a mam of atocka to b* put on sal* whenever strength de velops. * 81a million on* hundred and eighty thou- •and dollar, W»b,eh 4H«, are offered for sole lu Paris, and Indies- tlone are they will find a ready .market, owing to the deotre of Inreeton to with draw from Kueota. Tbla ataramont abonld rad op to an Improvement In other under- ylng Wabeeh bonds, aom* of them bring >n the 4 bargain eounter. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Following Is given tba opeplng and closing qnotaUona of tba Now York coffo. market today: • Openlnr. Closing. Jnnaary 6.658.8S I.55A83 @3fTr—::::: IS*” IMS 1.=== \r.« July .j 8.10-8.2 1.1 lllil NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. Chicago, | r j oly if.—Parfi^^ Openl^nx ^ou rrtvatc Wire to Ware & Leland. Chicago,. a Rngtleb country markets quiet, eady: t — wheat *ml flour cay Friday a cloae. ( On peeaaM wheat l*M offering; corn quiet Wheat acUng heavy at the decline, and •hort llhea out again. Ought to rally a lit tie. hut liquidation will be fra* It It gull below 78. Tbo order* for corn are In September this morning. CommlelMii house* have the buying elde; elevator* the other. The cash situation la anything bat bulllah. Oats a shade easier on ecattered selling hy rash houses, Buying by local! and pit crowd. Trade light. a ahull* lower on tho Ja , k l |?'daT UI }m*k* l r 0 * “ October lard, by wae buying liy local vklLp- ...... Ulaneapolta: '1 don't think MlnneMt, rater aa much wheat as teat year, but re lieve North Dakota and Manttotm will rata* considerable more, tweed on present con- illtlune, but It will be four weeks before ht crop la safe.'" Nye, Bnydor A Co., Oramont, Nehr.: 'Full raporta from Iowa aud Nebraska In- Heats that tho oat crop la fully equal to ■at year, lu quality and quantly. Corn ■n prlmo coiidltroii and larger acreage, baa grown faetar la th* laet ten daya. and Is now aa high aa last year at this time.” David T. Coon, on* of tbo largest Bt. nol« traders, who baa spent two weok, on hie farm, near Fort Iteolt, Kane., aayaj of oata that apparently would yield da to tb* acre aftsr cutting would A Liverpool hones cabled: “Wheat ad- anelng with bad weatbtr raporta front .louth Itueila. Shipments are too amall to allow of any decline. Corn quiet, but rather steadier, ’ Cash business In Chicago Monday wai 90,000 wbest, 40,000 No. 3 bard for export ^ ulntb, 40,- ChTeago, 150,- ^ buahcli at lbs gulf.' Thera were no sales of corn or oata. Dtlivtrita on July contract* yesterday were 55,000 wheat, Jfe.lMO corn, id!00) oata, 20 barrels pork and 800,000 pounda abort WEATHER IN COTTON BELT, rein* -Tyler, cloudy and warm! Ban An tonio, light shower last night; now cloody •nd warm, lumen, dear and warm. Hous ton. cloudy nnd threatening. Mlesluelppl-Yaioo City, cloudy and cool: Imid rain yesterday. Natrbas. partly cloudy and cool; bard rein qreeterday. Jacks nid 11n-I-1 , ni.l ruin i day. Ilatllrahiirg, mined ycetardnv nfter noon: now rlmidy and pIcaMnt. Meridian, cloudy and threatening; bard rain yesterday August . September October ,.hm November 8.404 December 0.60 Closed steady, Hales 29,95a COTTON 8EED OIL MARKET, New York, July 17.—Tboro was a tnoder _t* trade In Ibe market for cotton oil during tho early aosaloa, with pi flrmer. showing an advaact of 14014c from laturday. Offerings ware romparatlvaly ling tha atrength ot tha eat* of tba ahort alfta. Pricaa at tha eloaa wara He lowar to He hlghar.—Wara * Leland, Opening Itnnirp. Clojo, July mu. as Auguet November a I December ••••«•««• SOUTHERN EXCHAN6E Olflost EaUbllahcd office South. COnOH—STOCKS MHOS OMIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market loiter and market manual mailed on application. L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, BRAIN Corrtspomlent's CipKal $250,000 RCrKRKNCC. TMC NEAL BANK PHONE 1417. PVMJDCNTIAI. BLOG HUBBARD BROS & CO., Sins Atlanta Offices. 219-221 Century Dulldlng. Member* New York Cotton Exchange, New Or leans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton A*«o- elation, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cof fee Exchange. New York Produce Exchango. Business solicited for the above exchanges. Direct wire aervlce. Correspondence Invited. noon; now rlondjr and pleaaa cloudy nnd threatening; hard i artarfioGh. . Alabama-Mnhiin, clear and warm; hard rain ye«tania7 afternoon. Montgomery, partly cloudy; rain yeatarday. Opelika, cloudy and threatening; hard rain yeateMa; afternoon. Klrmtogham, drizzling; bssl raining alnca 3 n. in. WEATHER IN~WHEAT BELT. IUIoola, Indiana, Lowar .Michigan, Upper Michigan. Wlsronaln, Mlnnoaota, Iowa. Da* kotaa ana Nebrnilin -Pair tonight nnd Wed* neaday; warmer toolgbt. WEATHE|TfORECA8T. Igoulalana—Showera Tuaaday; cooler northwrat portion; Wedneaday paTtly cloudy. Georgla-Bbowers Tneailay and Wednea- ''"/iahema-fihoweri Tuesday and Wednea- ''Yl’laalealppl-Hbowera Tuesdayi Wsdn'ea- <, *'^M* rtl lnorid'a-Hhowfra Tuesday and W «A.-P.„.y cloudy Tuesday; show* era In nolth and Mat porilona; Wednesday partly cloudy, Arkansas I’nlr In west: ehownrs In east nn] I Imi Tilt lay | Wedueedey fair; warmer In cast pnrtlon. _ , West Tcxiis-Hbowere Tuesday; Wednea day partly ebrady. L. J. ANDERSON A CO S. DAILY MARKET LETTER. SELLING ORDERS T Yesterday’s Advance Was Regarded As a Hard Spot to Sell On. SELLING WAS GENERAL Chief Influences Were the Liberal Receipts in Chica go and the Northwest. By Private Leased, Wire. Chicago, July 17.—Wheat Buffered a ■harp drop In price, Anal figures show ing net Iosms of 10144c. It »u a cos, of both the gnat wheat belts hedglnr against the actual grain. Tho bulla did not rsllah th, selling. There waa buying by short. In order to secure profit, and In this Canby wa, a leader. Paddleford held an nrd,r which was limited a* to quantity to buy Heptem- bsr and sail July at He difference. Th* world’s available supply ot wheat decreased 4,100,000 for the week, corn ^decreased 1,881,000, and oats ds- creased 481,000. Reports from the spring whsat coun try on crop condition are generally fa vorable. Corn and oats doted quiet. The for mer waa 450 lower, and the latter wag off Mil Me. Hog product, were narrow late. Cash Mlt, were limited to ten loads at th* seaboard. At Chicago 15,000 wheat, 86,000 corn and 100,000 oats. Primary receipt, ot wheat 1,197.000 and corn 784,000, compared with 790,- 000 and 584,000 respectively a year ago. Claaranca* were 09,000 wheat (all flour), 68,000 com and 888,000 oata CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. .2P*» AT— Wheat .... Cera flute Hogs LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat opened M lower; 1:30 p. m., ’i 44 lower; cloeed M to H lower. Corn opened onehimaed: 130 p. m., to 14 tower; cloeed M higher. NORTHWEST CARS. New Tork, July 17.—The Liverpool opening this morning showed an ad vance of 8 to 4 points, 71th spot isle, of 8,000 bales at an advance of I point,. Our mark,t opened strong at allghtly higher price,, but after thq opening aom* selling set In, apparent ly from purchaser* yesterday who ware taking protit*, and price* began to slid# back slowly. Up to noon price, gradually worked lower on tho failure of any organlaad support to appear, and at this time am 4 Co 4 lowar. Th* new* from tho belt shows no stgnlflv cant change, rain balng reported from nearly alt localities. The bull, argu, that In some aecttona a large amount of damage has boon done, whereas other, claim that rain. In July cannot be other than bentflclaL Neverthalaaa, considerable uneasiness la manifested among shorts and a disposition be shown to cover on all soft spots. 61M us 43*4 37S :u\ I5M 19.00 5144 rs si'v 35S Sis 4'JS nigh. WIIKA'- July.. Hopt.. D#<? w COBH— July.... R1H Rapt.... f-lS Doc..,., 4&S OATB— July JTH Hopt 34*1 Dec 86V5 1’OHK— July... 12.00 Hopt., 17.33H 17.40 Jan.... 14.80 14.85 LAllD— ft? iS m HC.ftt is mjfr s m C A fill WHEAT— .No. 2 fNl 7IH«7II Ko. • do 77078; No 2 hard winter new 7TO7I; 3 do i640><; ‘ ■■ ' ; No. 2 do 79Va 12.00 18.^ 14.10 14.15 9.10 IS D.l.’H gSi; , Nr , . h 'd r ,“^‘ CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Today. Tomorrow. 21,000 Mtonoftpollf i Duluth „.,.«! Chicago ..... PRIMARY MOVEMENT. o following figure* give the primary. „ . jment of wheat ancl corn: Wheat — Receipt* today, l.UW.OOG hnahele, agalnat 790,000 baahala Inst yaar. Hhtnmenta totlay 326,0u0 huihala, agalnat MiM** f>ueli*tU bu»h**la, ogalnat 3-iS, 1 ilp, *4 Rr THE METAL MARKET. ’rlvato Loasoil Wire. n York, July IT.— 1 There were mot oral offerings In lln. the tone imi« what easier and price* unchanged. Copper waa dull and nominal. Lead and spelter were doll and changed. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. c ■ CUHRIVR. President A. E. THORNTON, Vloe-Presldwnt H T. INMAN, Vlo«-Pre*ld»nt OHO. R. DONOVAN, Ceehler. JAMBS S. FLOYO, Ase’t Cashier. Capital $500,WO.#0 Surplus and Undivided Profits $506,006.90 We Solicit Your Patronage. TU06. J. PEEPLES. Cashier. JA8. # 0. LE8TER. Aaa t Cashle Nt* OrltMMi. WARE.&LEJ COTTON; GRAIN, PROVISIONS.HiTUCKS^BONDS, New Urk Cello* Ixtkayt. New Orient Col ton letLeage. Lliervso! Coltoo Atiodst o« rtlrole Wires to New York, New Orient. Cbinge. Bell Fkne 1262. CkUego Betrf (I Tnde. Lhlteto fieri tukeage. New Yerk Collet Ctcbnge. —I 0. C COTHtAH. Meeaaer. M ‘ fllHi Stnlerd Phene TH. MADD0X-RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS .... $500,000.00 ACCOUNT ft INVITED Wo invite accounts of individuals, corporations, hanks nnd bankers and offer tho best terms consistent with conservative banking. In our Savings Department we allow Interest at the Rate of 3 1-3 per cent. Compounded Semi-Annually,