The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 09, 1906, Image 10
t THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. w c Mm ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for (eat than 25 eanta, the price of four Imp*. Six word* of avarage length n*,sk* m 8m. .*ui art for consecutive insertions: 1 time . 3 times . 6 times . 26 times . 52 times . 78 times . 6 oenta e line. , 5 cents a line. • °>Vi cents a line. , 4 cents a line. , V/g cents a line. , 3 cents a line. Written notice Is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are Inex pensive. but they bring quick re- suits and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. i ■■ --a WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME88ENQER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pa/ for at rates quoted above. J WANTED HELP-—MALE* WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE MEN •a h«ir>«>»a in the foundry to learn mold* Qood pay to start with and In two or th * K " rood refore PeLoacta Mill Mfr. Co. I>0 YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF YOUn goods? If so, cell np 2306 (Hell). The Southern Auction and BalTago Company, ft) South Pryor. WANTED. TWENTY GOOD. RELIA BLE BOYS BETWEEN 14 AND 17 YEARS OF AGE FOR SEVERAL HOURS WORK IN AFTERNOON. ADDRESS, IN OWN HANDWRITING, B. X. L., CARE THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MAN Tl _____ „ lllfK The Atlanta Georgian. IF YOU ARE A HIGH-CLAM MAN, competent to fill a hlph-elnae position, wc have It for yon. Positions In nearly eron line from <50 to 6300 per month. Good pool lions our specialty. National Employment Association. 1022-63 Century Uldg. WANTED-A QOOD. RELIABLE nORSE nhOer SBd ffenernl plantation smith; tmno other noed apply, steady Job and rood wages to the right mnn. Address Lock Ilox 87. Jarkeon, Go. DO YOU WANT TO RAJ A FIR8T-0LA88 barber? Easiest trade In the world to learn. We own s chain of barber shops In Atlanta In which w* work only our own graduates. Full course, $20, Commission| paid fron tfidlrge, course, <20. entef. Atl Whitehall street ATLANTA BARBER ASSOCIATION. Whitehall street Good »have-Dw>t. C, 8c ; Dept B, 6c.; hair cut. Dept. C, 6c.; Dept If, 7c. Free ehlno in both depart merits. WANTED—ONE EXPERIENCED MALE stenographer and two fairly competent beginners Apply at once to the Smith Premier Typewriter Company. employment department. 121 Candler building. WANTED-IMMEDIATE!. log and penmanship and experience. Good Teacher, care Georgian. LY: ROOKKBEP- teacher of ability salary. Address WANTED—FIFTY IHtICK I.AY ERB MV once to work on new mill buildings II miles from Asheville, N. C., on the Murphy ‘ • ■ * -1 Southern railroad. Good : Job, there twine ten million Apply to Frank B. Glibretb, ©for, Canton, N. C. WANTED—TEN TRUNK MAKERS AT rears’ er— ..... Euterpi fit. and Georgia WANTED HELP—FEMALE. wa.vted-femam:. competent rbm Ington operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co., 11S Peachtreo street. WANTED—A LADT WITH KNOWLEDOB of Remington typewriter u eopriat: aten- ..grnnhor oot required. Call at wl Emplw SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—POSITION UV ■ EXPKR1 .need drug clerk at prrun* *mploy«di good reasons for changing. Best refer- once. Htnto .alary cxpactad to pay. Box S'l. Tlfton, Oa. WANTED—8ALE8MEN. ALEHMAN. FIIIST-CLABR d poultry salesman. Good re** Poultry and Prodnco, can MISCELLANEOUS. AT COST-MT STOCK OP IRON "APRS and raalt door, to b* aold at coat do ring next week; now In yonr tiro*. N 8. Brand ■trwt R. W. Ellin, Atlanta. II Y«-I EN I C ready for the ,11 Inrallda. I, . M. Armstrong, Morrow, On. SANITARIUM ' 18 NOV ... .. recaption and treatment«f -yatri tm off, WE WANT A POEM. AND FOR ONE that anlta oor need* wa will pay ML Par condition* of contest and other Informa tion, address The Mocking Bird, Box 15, Newnan, Ga. FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS HOUSES should have high grade sltna CgllEH Kent Hlgn Co., Im North Pryor street. THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL- vage Company, at 28 South Prjor street, will tray or sell you out COAL, DRY BTOVEWOOD-PROMPT DE- llvery. John T. Stocks A Co., 296 Peters street Bell 'phone 16 west; Atlanta 'phone MASON A HAMLIN PIANO Ilf PER feet condition; had 676 worth of work done on It at piano factory, end coot two. Will taka ISO for It. ttauo. car, Th* Georgian. m "iiu nun m nunu u rhlnary - In good condition: good Apply to R. A.-Johnson, Hlfoain, fh MOO.OOO FEET OF SECOND OROWTH pin,: wtah to Bnd market for lumber. Ad dress -Lumbar," Urecnaboro, On. U. F. Itox 10. FOR RALE-ONE GOOD MILCII COW. Apply 14 Ilrmdlcy .treat FOR BALB-ONF. RET LAROE OAK folding doara. on, steal calling. Cola Hook Co.. 69 Whitehall at. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—ALL KINDS OF HALAOLB school. lav, medical lawk, for caab. ^Oarao^T^IVhltohall^traat^Pboaa FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. ■ . i:i.u m iii.i 1. iii st m:u:< room boro. In Atlanta for the money. Oo Kelly atreet, large four-room bouae, mol ern. Raven room, and bath, cottage, n Hana.ll: bait block Orant park. Reran room, and hall, Cll Cut Fair. Fir. largo rooms, bath and basement, on Williams •treat near Blmpson and Raker, Itro min- walk. .Elegant alarm room houa* on aton, nm Jackson alract Rlx room, ball, cottage, - near entrance, to Orant . tan-raoin raaldanca on Auburn evn- Fine cottage homo oo Aahby, Jut off Ion, West Knd. Fire room, and bath W Georgia nranna, on Garden. MS IIIII, six-room cottage, it» foot oo Hill, rot Eight-room two story residence oo Oac aranna, noar Grant street. Rig room, and ball on Lncklo. near Pina. Rlx room cot tage on Cherokee arenue, near Georgia fronting Orant park. Three nice new Brt ■ ill-room cottage, on Georgia arenue, . . 391. 97, corner Cooper nnU Rawaon 164 Gordon street, Weal End, ten-room residence, log Kelly Xtraat all-room home. Rlx-room cottage on Capitol areaue. All room, nod « foot hall at 1U Kelly atreet. Eight lota, M by *0 feet. Highland are nue. Corner of Weat Hunter and Homy, ot <0 by 100. On I!n«a, between Grant and Hill, n ibkdy building lot. JW-kCre firra. near lake wood: will aell nil or part. All reasonable In price and terms. Htevenaon A Co., real egUte agency, city and ctron- ry real estate, 1529 Candler building. Rail phone 1061; Atlanta 306. NICK BBVEN-ROOM. TWO-RTOHY residence, newly painted and papered: baa electric light., large lot. neat Ana; v-c.. one miork at term*. Ilox 02, FOR SALE. . Beautiful Country Home. SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE WITH ATTIC and stones room, nullt lass than year ago for a boms. %i Lsrge^ nsiv barn ^ana servants' house. trees. Lot 280 -. - - --- oy's estats, near Decatur. Town la grow- Oppoalte Dr. IUd* tijj In this dfSie titm.” - 'To avoid renting, trill aell at a bargain. TBI15IH. Box 62, Decatur, Ga. BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. UO BEG SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- ment Co. We repair, reconstruct, ax- rhauge, buy end soil automobiles. Gsrnte. 10 12 Mitchell Htn-ot. Albiuta, Ut. Bvl\ phone 4P4 L Main. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phones 1266. 30 E. Huntsr 8L “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW t^ld at f!& N. Pryor 8t Alsx Kent, Phone 460. KROM'B MEDICATED SKIN, _. sod hair soap; sold at drug and d< meat stores: ask for It or writ# J K ■ ■ OLD HATS MADE NEW PAN Alt A AN It It 1 LAN »T HAW " r|#au#d and r#«hRi>»*«l, 60c. Soft and stiff felt hata cleaned and re* shaped, 36c. Banda or aweaU, 25a #a#h extra. ACME HATTERS. 6ft Whitehall 8L BUSINESS, DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND KECORDfl- Wh'>l#*nl# and retail diatrlbutors of Vic* tor Talking Marhlnee an<1 Just received large consignment of maehinsa sod ..II talking machine dealer* In the eonth. Write for catalogue. Ale»ander*Elyea Co. BICYCLES AND BUNDRIES— LARGEST bicycle and sundry diatrlbutors In tha south. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale, Hnell and Hudson bicycles. Write for our 1906 catalogue and price UaL Alezai * Elyea Co. for apodal occasions. 20V6 E. Alabama St KIIOMOPATIIIL *< »l(» REMEftibA—‘cUTTfcJ and make hair grow.j GASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. BALLWOODR. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prtcea. We can soil yon a register, suitable for any bualneaa, at a price that cannot r but plesoa you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register unranteed for two yenra. Southern Caah Ileglater Co., Branch of American Second* Hand Caah Register Co., 24 S. Broad street, Atlanta, Oa. REGISTER EXCHANGE, 34 8. Broad St., Atlanta, Go. SNOOK’S TURE BIG FURNI- CLEARANCE SALE ATTRACT1VB1BION8 WILL BRIMO YOU baslneae. For high grade work call on Kent. 91H N. Pryor. Phono 2328. WE ARE IIEADQUAIITEIIR FOR FLOR. Un Ilim-I. Wrltn u. for price,. Wllaon A Ifnddlcaton, Miami. Fla. LOST. t will atlcki oca It nice, j b 7 tha prlcaf* -air..! la bard-to bcatl Ila’a at Number II B. Hnntat alraaL Both Phene. 660. LOBT-ON ROUTII RIDE MONDAY LONG blnck pockethook, containing four- bill, and n cncck. Reward. Untbman ■ Btanm Laundry. RANKLIN. T1IB CLEAN CLEAN FBL- low, clean, unit. II to 61.6A Pnnta ^he lm Whitehall 8t. Pbonca, Bell **“ FOUND-FRATERNITY PIN WITH A. T. A. L." on It. Owner can hire name ..y culling at Oeorglnn office and paying for thli ad. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED l’KO- EatahlUbad MR. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money tor porchone money note,; ■traleht loan* made for 6 per cent and up* to>n - money note, nod lende mon. > Improved Atlanta property at raaaot Sla rntna. Ball phone 7tl7 Gould Bldg, MONEY -TO IA)AN AT 6, 6 AND 7 PER cant Int.rrat, according to oecnrity of- n ; .mall npt.v .in C* 1 .—C- • on rani eaUta la and near Atlanta. Turman. MONEY l-OANED ON REAL ESTATE, 1 TO -6 - YEARS. « PER CENT. JOII.N CAREY, IS EAST ALABAMA BTBKET. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND: any amonnt, 4U, 6 and 4 per cant h rim or call 8. W. Cnraon, M 8. Broad FOR RENT—OFFICES. I or call at 1X90 Can- OFFICE AND DESK SPACE FOB RENT. Apply at 675 Empire Bldg. FOR RENT—HOU8ES. orx.n. nil Spring .treat. WALL PAPER. „WALL PAPER AKD PAINTS. „ f let «m fool yoo." Jim Bt 2®r~'. r *F •» Burnett A WtlUa) la •or tniMlng. He t« rootracttftg x and i>*lntTnf. Offlc# and *how .—_ Lost Hunter atmt. u yt h 'phones Kkl. _jrnett not dead wall paper WANTED—BOARDER8. WANTED—A FEW TABLE BOARD ERS. SERVICE THE BEAT AND EXCELLENT TABLE. APPLY 288 WHITEHALL STREET. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. « LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 3J5. Men', rawed half aolaa, 76c. FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, « South Prjror ntraat, oppoeltc co^hooaa. — work Orat-cUu. SAVES BUYERS $30 TO $35 ON EVERY $100 OUTFIT. Bedroom, Parlor, Dining Room Suites. 500 Metal Bods, factory cost. Hotels and Rooming houses, see ’this stock. Don’t wait and don’t miss it. Sideboards, Hatracks, Book Cases, Davenports, Chiffoniers. 56 NORTH BROAD. M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical stove and rangn repairer; beet work and material guaranteed, both phones 6276. 61 8. Pryor atreet Have good tenant for house on the . north side. -Will pay good rent. see LIEBMAN REAL ESTATE AND RENTING 28 PEACHTREE ST. Phones 1075. FOR RENT. 19 PEACHTREE STREET. AT cm: ABOVE NUMBER ON PEACH- tree at., between Jamee and Foray th ate., yon will Xnd one. .tore room, 27x47, with lineament about the name. alia. Thia place I. suitable for a nice grocery or almost any kind of retail htuineaa, and a live man ran do a good bualaaaa at thla aland. Rent, 1160 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, It Auburn Avenue, Both Phones 618. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 5485. 412 Peters Building. B. F. EBORN, Birmingham, Ala. 63.000—WILCOX COUNTY. ALABAMA. 1-2 mile of Arlington Station; 260 scree: 100 acre* und«*r cMOTfttSoft: balance good 66.600—BRAND NEW 6-BOOM COTTAGE ja.t completed, on North avenne, near Jackson street; yon will bars to see thl, eoiy little cettage to ayprictet? '*• vatoo. Beat of notarial and wrorkmanablp nrad, beautiful cabinet mantel* tinted walla, etc. Can make attractive terms to right parties. residence enpt ovi*r 63.00 to bnlld. B. r. Eborn, Birmingham. Ale. 613,000—£29-ACRE FARM AT M'NAIIIY. goes In at I1J.W0: baa exeellent dwelling and ontbulldlnga; It U a grain, hay, cotton and general f3K>; owner going to Colorado on account of wlfe’4 long tranble. Really prefers to aell one-half Interest and allow trayer to manage the ptaee, and wonM al low 6700 salary l>e«lde* buyer-, part of gen eral prodli. A Un*. property. One-third caah. B. F. Eborn. THIRTY ACRES UP THE 'PEACHTREE road, lying Jnst off the main road; eplan did 6room cottage, splendid orchard, at kinds of fruit, splendid wire fence, and Iron gates, good paatnrage, springs, etc. \Ve want to show yon thla and point out sev eral feature* not mentioned hero, end then make you * price. <2.500—170-ACRE FARM; ONE MILE FROM Oneonta. Alft.; 6-roomi cotUxe; running water; orchard. B. F. Eborn, Birmingham, Ala. % 66,260—N. BOULEVARD; BRAND NEW 9-room house on large lot. In prettiest part of thla atreet, being near North ave- ■ne and Ponce DeLeon. This la e beauty nnd no mistake. Can maka very ea,y terms on this to desirable party. 62,000-GKANGE GROVE; 22 ACRES; LAKE county,' near Lisbon, Fla.: 10 acre* In orange grove: 6-room dwelling: 12 acres One r.rm lands; large rocking honae; flno witter; 260 boxes of orange, thla year: will bring 600 boxes next yesr. A bargain at 63,000. B. F. Eborn. ' 66,250—A BEAUTIFUL FIFTH STREET home of nine rooms, on the prettiest 60 by 130-foot lot In tho dty; hour. I« fnrntce- heated and np to date. Can •••lit yon to got terms on thla FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—30-ACRE, 10- yeer-old vineyard; edge of good town; would soil on reasonable terms or ex change; also offer 30-acre, 8-year-old fruit farm and vineyard near the above; will pay from the start. B. F. Eborn, Birmingham, Ala. . <2,750—GRANT BTBKET BARGAIN OF room house, lot 60x150 to alley; elevated, on car line; can make term* to acceptable party of 6400 caah and <25 per month. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-MO ACRES', neer Loring Sprlnr. nnd Mentone, Ala., with river front; J.000 ft altitude; ne«r Valleyhead; on the A. G. S. It. R. IieKnlb county, Alabama, big things abend for this location for summer home location, nnd pleasure resort. B. F, Eborn, Birmingham, Ala. <3,000—COLLEGE PARK HOME OF 8EVEN room*, two etorlee, In good coddltlon, on corner lot (102x172), ehady end pretty; near car line; we can make terms Of 61,000 caah, balance easy on this. FOR HALE-410,000; ONE OF TIIE FINEST null grocery builnraiea In Birmingham: buxines! oot ot debt; hlgh-claas trade; pays 645,ot« per year and Increasing; owner leaving the city; ttnaNe to give personal at tention; will atand closest Inipeffloo- It t. * gtlt-edre propo«ltIon; might ooawlle- ac centing desirable farm In exchange nnd pay cash dlffarence. B. F. Eborn, Birmingham, Ala. 64,000—ABOUT COMPLETED; NEAR THE Peachtree*, we hare a lovely 2-atory S* room home, finished beautifully Inside end out; If you want a bargain, let oa show you tbla place at once, at it le the only thing of its kind in the city situated so favorably and to be had on eaay term*. 67,600-16* ACRES ORANGE AND GItAPB fruit farm; IHUiborongh county, Florida, 6-room residence; store and warehouse; pas ture; railroad and water transportation; a flrat-cltss property. W. E. WORLEY, 325 EMPIRE! BUILDING. Atlanta ’Phone 3983. 82,500-70-ACRE FARM; BRADLEY CO.; Tennetftce; bottom and upland; houses, barn, etore; also Interest in 64-nere Join ing goes in/ B. F. Eborn, Birmingham, Ala. 625.000-J0-ROOM BRICK HOTEL; PLEA8- ur* resort; large grounds. Booth Carolina mountains; would exchange. B. F. Eborn, Birmingham, Ala. , CLOSE IN NORTH 8IDE. <60,000—FINE CORNER LOT, RIGHT IN <5 PER ACRE-840 ACRES; PRAIRIE land; Marengo county, Alabama; part of the large tlmbora have been cut off; largo portion good timber remaining; bottom and the heart of the city, between the Pled* moot hotel nnd Alabama street. , 68,60Gt*QNE BLOCK OF PEACHTREE, this side of West Baker, big corner lot Good house. You can sell this la two years at <12,000. \f. Eborn, Birmingham, Ala. , COAL LANDS—IN ALABAMA* VB HAVE several very choice prospected tracts. • If Interested, write. Carry 51-2 to 6 ft vein. B. F. Eborn, Birmingham, Ala. <15 t 000—BEST BRICK HOUSE IN TIIE Investment very cldee In, north aide. 610.000-RENTAL <1.200; 100x190; A COR- ner: fronts car line; .convenient to cen ter; Birmingham, Ala.; has 10 4-room houaoi; steady renter. B. F. Eborn, Bir mingham, Ala. * i 'M..W <10,000—DOUBLE HOUSE OF 24 ROOMS. ■ 11-2 blocks of Peachtree. Close in, uorth elds, paying 10 per cent on Investment <16.000—24-ROOM HOUSE, ALMOST AT toe Piedmont hotel, rent at <100 per month un^ar * 6*year lease; Want an offer. 611,500-RENTAL <1,6«0; A CORNER, lOOx 240; 6 8-room modern house*; excellent white tenants; Eighth ave., north side; convenient to center; Birmingham, Ala. 65.800-HERB IS WHAT YOU HAVE been looking for to get your 62,000 profit In two years. Right close In corner. 81 foet front Good house, well rented. One- third cash, balancq 1 and 2 years at 6 per cent -, . 616,000-RENTAL 61.05 PER YEAR; A COR- nef; 50x110; with two-story 10-room and 2-atory 8-room residences; 3 blocks of tbs court house or center of Birmingham, Ala., north side; ,one of the choicest and safest Investments in this city. Reasonable terms. B. F. EBORN, Real Estate, Birmingham, Ala. 66,600—B, ELLIS, DOUBLE HOUSE. Close In, paying 10 per cent. Lot 60x200. Bide drive. 68,500-IVY 8TREET, THE LAST CHANCE to get a good bouse on Ivy street this side of E. Harris st sny such price. <6,280—E. CAIN STREET, LOT 65x100, with O-raom house. Very nesr Pescbtrse. <8,000—W. • HARRIS, CLOSE IN, LOT 60x 180 to 20-foot alley. Good 8-room house. Wcgro house on alley rented 610, and room for two more. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. 63,600-62,000 CASH. ON LUCKIE. JUST 3 minutes' walk of Piedmont hotel. Spend <500 sud rent It-at 660 per month. Easily done. NEAR GEORGIA AVENUE WE HAVE two new threo-room cottages, renting at <6 each. We can sell the two for 6900. Let us show yoii this. 64,500—AUBURN AVE., UNDER TUB shadow of the big Candler building. Good 6-room house. See me about thla. <3.600—W. CAIN ST., 7-ROOM HOUSE, lot 60x200 feet. Thla place does not kfsa the sbn until'about 9 o'clock on account of the big Candler building being In the IK GN'g ntOPK OP'CAft IJWB'IW WBM End we have a nice cornu lot, 256 by 19; only 44.000. FIVIMtOOH HOUBB 5J5 S'EIJlrtN atreet. l->t CO by 129. This la do*a In. Pries 43.000. 62,266—LUCKIE BT., 6-ROOM HOURS, clora to Tabsrnaclc, elevated lot. Don't yon think It'e cheep? NEW FIVE-ROOM tt6u8B Wltll HAlL and 23 acre* of land, one-fourth of a mils of chert road# 8 miles from center of city; <1,200. 65,500—GILMER 8T., CLOSE TO BOYS' High school, two good honsee paying 11 per cent Thl* Is close to I>ecmtur at. or society ave., «s you -may call It. ON ASHBY BTBEET Wfi HAVE A SIX- room house with hill; lot 60 by 200; <2,- 250. t7.oo»-6Lb iidtJBfl, l6t texito, TWo blocks of Kimball house. Here la you livery stable or wholesale site. EIGHT-IIOOM IIOUHto, CORNER LOT, « by IK In a block of car line. Price 44.000 cain ANb cdUhYULVB, 6 room house. It'a a pick-up at the price. BRAND-NEW BIX-RODM POTTAOE, —Glenwood avenue-41450. Easy terms. South situ! hDMes. 616,000—rEACIlTREB HOME. ONE among tha nlmet on thlk leading atraet. Built of granite. SICE felrf-tlOOU nfll'HE ON GREENH- ferry avenne; rents for 817.90; price 8L600; easy terms. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF 6TIIER GOOD Investments. Call and aee us. 67.6.0-CtOftE TO JACKSON AND I'ONOE DeLeon'ave. 1 have the beat and moat Lg*L. lOalMfaat tX.000 caah. R;»»=5ouirriu7osr-Hou.sTro.N-jA-0K ■on at., near North ate. Ffna elevated lot, half caah. It could not ba duplicated at the price named. TroomTiOTSb-oS ' x are. nod Linden Jackson, between terrace. fc4oo-fil»lUNG"8T., CLdM jfV ave., a * beautiful caah, <60 par month. caeb. '|60 par month. *Ute-N6llTtt AVE.. HBAtt ' PEACH- tree. hroom hotw, lot tCilSi to tlley. illooo-W. PteA’ctlTftB^llOMg,'' NEAR North are., doe alaratad lot. It'a worth roar money. kpd^.uooM 2-HTOhV ’ tlot'si:. o.n 1 Piedmont are., aud a corner. It'a a genu ine -baraaln: part rath. fc.t5>-'A NICEtThttOM llOl'ftfcfl.N MILLS 5TwT per month 6 per cent for two f.mi Ilea. I.inBen. nk\V Hraox IlbCflE, HENRY H. JACKSON. I4.i06-TEN.ROOM MODERN NORTH aide home; 6600 raah and 160 month. Houae wtU rant 140. month. Coma quick before D.Mo-S‘lSK-ft06U H0l‘8E: COST to build: 10 acre. Doe grove, worth 66,000 to ‘ moo BUYS SO ACRES LAND. FOUR nonaae; fall stock fnrtnr only tLOOO cneb. Owner got to hove thla quick. 21 AS and brick day; adjoining farms raid X36 to 19 par acre. 8BB 1'i QI1CK VOtt ' ABOVE aS‘B other properttea yon wlah. Corner Peachtree and Edge wood Arenue. R. 0. MEDLOCK. at $2,300, oa your own terms. A chance to own a neat new home almost Ilk* rent Look AT WC 0A1S; PftiCTrftttt— lit W. Merritta. Easy t»wn«. ' N ami 94 l-ovt-J.ty at. 900 each. EAST 1‘INE. IU.TW'EEN' fOlKTI^ND and Piedmont, our 6-room bouae at 63,000. READ AM. TIIE WAY DOWN FOR SOUTH SID- PROPERTY.' IioMes ON ftOl'tjl tUBB. A BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM HOUSE, minute.' walk of state capital; lot 60x300 .feet, bine barn. -STttlCTI.Y ri>-T6-t>ATE UtOoM : clone In; lot 60x90 feet: aide and rear alley. CLOSE IN O.N CENTRAL AVE. I HAVE a good 10-room hoora at 64,360, on eaay terms. So car fare to pay. close - In~wThtBMAm. st., i-hooM 1. •lory bonra at I6A00. lUa ' m Washington thla aMa of Oaorgl* ave.. ‘a cheap. YWOli ram 8«Ai»-A~iCR66M U6L'8e ON'CaMTQL are. that com 65.000 alone to build. I WILL AAte coiT pleted by the 10th an np-toriate 6-room bonra. In 90 feet of Grant path, tile sidewalks: price U.J6*. »t eaxh. 63 per ninnth. Better see me Monday about thin, flare Grant park for play ground. O'UBKiiKKB aVB.. BaCIKVi Tllk PARK and on ea.t front lot 50x99 feet, I hare > beautiful 7-room bonra at t3£0& Part caah. ’ No. 89 Capitol Ave. Here is a'big residence between Fair and Wood ward Avenue on a lot,l( 5 x 2C0. We will “ell this place for $9,000 cash. It if right in town, and in the vicinity of big improvements. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR SEE M. M’NEIL AND WM. S. SHERWOOD Room 514 Empire Building, IF YOU WANT A nOME OF FROM SIX to tan rooms at from <1.700 to 63.000, 64.* 000 to 612,000; uny part of the cltv; with F YOU WANT A LOT. PURCHASE same from u§, and w© will bulM for you n long time. Lota from <600 to 62,500. IF YOU WANT CENTRAL PROPERTY, which w© wfll guarantee to double your money; clo»© In. near the postoffice; 100 „_ney; r by 100, for 625,000. to Increase—call and see un. FARM FOR SALE. 76 ACRES I.BVEL LAND,. WOODS AND tunning water; n«w. ltfroom house, cost 63,600; |;rge barn, outbuildings;' near Sen board and Georgia railroads; good neighbor hood; churches and schools. Trice 66,000. C. II. W,lli St Co., 1KR Fourth National Bank Bldg,, Atlanta. FREE ' Only Three Left of Eight Brand Nsw Suburban Homos. Tbs first month will be given FREE and It occupied one year, two more months will be given FREE at the end ot the year, making only nine month* you wlU have to pay for. None but good families will be allowed In these houses. These are located on th* River electric car line only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and 8 rooms; have never been occupied; are located In West Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a flfty-foot Pork, which Is set In tries, evergreens and flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It Is cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings ere more whole* e. In the center of thla Park are the Ferro Phosphate Springs, which will cur* any case ot stomach or kidney trouble, no matter ot how long stand ing. It now has * new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house cost ing 67,600.00 will soon he completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who Uvea on the grounds, wtU show yon through tbs houses. Rent 620.00 per month. JOHN J. woodsidh; 12 Auburn Avenue. J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 305 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4499. WERT PEACHTREE—VACANT nesr Pine; 60 feet front; 13,753. WEST PEACHTREE PLACE-EIGHT- two, tnre# nna four years. liPiUNO STRUfeT-REVEN.; •ifo6M ti6t'8E la; <5,500. Oae* PBacBTrbb circlB. at tiie head of Fifteenth itreet; lot 100 feet front! W V617 WaS‘T to hl‘V 6tt rbll it will pay you to see na before trading. STATISTICS. nf typhoid fever at 467 wi Mrs. F. C. Whlppy,.6X yenra old, dled tt i West Peachtree street. Clarence C. Ray, 1 months old, died at BUILDING PERMIT8. 635—Mrs. Myra McRae,- to add to ooe- itory frame dwelling at 141 Juniper. 6400—F. C. Wllkenon, to build frame 1760—George P. Moore, to bnlld one ntory tl.MO-A. J. Woodward, to build three ine story frame dwellings at n-9-TT * treeL IUOO-C. E. Miller, to build one-story rnmo dwelling at. 63 Daniel street. 6JOO-Mra. E. M. Rice, to add to one-story frame dwelling at 66 w. Harris slreet. 6600-King Hardware Co., to repair brick building nt 444 Marietta street. 61.260—L. J. Groom, to bullit one-story frame dwelling at 113 Jett street. 6400—L. C. King, to repair two-story brick building nt 374 Poure DeLeon nrenne. property"tbansfers. 66,100—Mrs. Cornelia F. Daniel to 8usti. E. Jones, lot on Routb Pryor street, near Woodward avenne, 65.500—Paul Wesley to II. H. Hale, lot on Roulerard, near Ponce DeLeon avenne. Warranty deed. ..68.92, renal Rnm-Mlia Lina Rcblrfer to Mrs. Tlncle Slay Cleveland, lot on Orlatna atreet, near Grant itreet. Rend for title. ..6750—Mr* I. O. Turner to Dr. W. J. Maynard, lot on Peeplea atreet, near Uath- ewa atreet. Loan deed. 61.M0-F. P. Itlce to Charles F. Rice, lot » West Peachtree, place, near Orme itreet. Warranty deed. 6600—W R. Kilpatrick to A. P. McCrary, lot on Hampton atreet, near Ethel street.' Loan deed. 6700—J. W. Joh neon to L B. Tbompeon. lot on corner of Grerniferry avenne mid lloldrrness atreet. Warranty deed. Wl'b*™ I® D. W. Morrab. Ireef dST*’ “*“» P. r ynTfirt* , .t ,ta £l^ C ivS"ni. C 'SS , r l Lourtland street Wsrranty deed. 835,000 Fir* at Norfolk. By Private Leased Wire. Norfolk, V*., Aug. 8.—A big Mas, lajt night In Berkeley ward completely destroyed LB. Biggs' hardware store Johnsons bakery, owned by C. 0 ?i b m™‘ U i d J, dw * ,H 5* hou “ occupied "V Mrs. I. King, and owned by D. W. To 5 d ; „ T !’ e lo 6* hi Placed at 625,00a and Is fully covered by Insurance. BRAKEMAN IS KILLED AND SIX MEN HURT Private Leased Wire. Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 8.—A brake- in** com Jill!"* v *? d ,lx m * n injured J? of two work trains on moril^ ^ 10 tbl * clt »- ‘“J/ thl* THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECA8T. For Atlanta and Vlclnltr—Sbotrpr* night and Thursday. ^-oauin*r« WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. univegton. clear. 84; Fort Wort Sh.Tii.aii, fair. .3; Texarkana, cloudr.' Beaumont, rl»ar, 81; Dallaa, cloud/ m! Navneota. clear, 74: San Antonio. pertB cloutlr and warm; Tyler, clear and i-.Vm Misslaslpnt—Yazoo fity, SSr nid^S hot; Katcncx, Jackson, Meridian. HaxlZ hurst, II rook haven, Vlcksburf. Greenwood, Natchez, New Albany, Tugalo, Aberdeen and Amory, clear and hot . . • Alabama—Opelika and Troy, deer end vnrni; Mobile, Selma and Blrmlnfham. clear and hot; riuntsvlUe, clear and pleas^ Georgia—Columbiia. clear and hot; Rome, clear and warm; Macon, cloudy and warm, had rain yesterday afterpoon; Amerlcus. clear and warm; Albany and Atlanta, clear nnd hot. Louisiana—New Orleans and 8hrcveDort clear nnd hot. North Carolina—Raleigh and Greensboro, clear ana hot . # . Tennessee—Chattanooga, dear and warmi Nashville, clear nnd hot. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Clear, 46 to 66 aboT*. Northwest—Partly cloudy. 54 to 6S above; general rains in South Dakota, local In North Dakota and Minnesota. West mid Southwest <;ein>rni: v ii-.n.J r, 60 to 76 above; general rains. In Iowa, lift* nols, Missouri, local In Nebraska and Kan* Ohio Valley—Cloudy, 70 to ,76 a bore; feu* eral rains. . . J, . WEATHER FORECAST# Louisiana, Georgia. Alabama. Mississippi, nnd Hast Texas—Fair in south, showers la ~ rthern portions Wednesday and Tburw v; light to fresh south vuMs, * veetrro Florida—Fair on Wedneaday and STATE FORECAST. night; Thursday showers. south portion to> WEATHER CCSNDI1ION8. STATIONS OF t ATLANTA DISTRICT. ^Atlanta, dear. Columbus, Gainesville, dear. . Greeuvllle, clear. . Griffin, clear. . . •Macon, p. cloudy, dontlcello, clear. . s>wn*n, clear. . tome, clear. . . . , I Spartanburg, dear. Tallapoosa, clear. . Toccoa, clear. cloudy.. Weat Point, clear,*. ... „ ... "•Minimum tcm|>#r*tures are for the ji* hour period ending at 8 a. m. this date. CENTRAL STATION. Atlanta. . . Aucnata. . Charleston. Galveston. . Little Rock Memphis. . dobile. , . . Montgomery New Orleans. . Oklahoma Savannah. Vicksburg Wilmington T Indicates S Temp'tars. t Max. Jlln. ill Diet Averages. rainfall. REMARKS. The temperature chancre were unimpor tant. IJght rains*were general except In the Mobile and Montgomery district*. Hravy rale, were r^prted ^UbJ”*- ' Rectlna Director. STOCK8 AND BOND8. &'w h IS* !!? Atlanta, 6a. mi 106 Atlanta, 4Ha, 16S., 107 Wi Atlanta 4a, 1*64. .. 106 197 I • H. of Georgia 1st Income 2 do. 91 Income 2 do. Jd Income..X »•' * TURPENTINE STILL „ DESTROYED BY FIBB Special to The Georgian. Valdosta, Qa., Aug. I.—The tun*® tine atlll of A. M. Chandler, at Delm*L 6 mile* east of thla city, was burn*® yesterday afternoon. So quickly the flrf spread that the entire .till- ®** tuns, several barrels of spirit, »»“ • considerable quantity of roaln were de stroyed, causing a loss of I3.6W- TRY AWANTAD" . IK THE GEORGIAN The atmospheric pressure haa decreased at all stations except In southwest Kansas iwnwii iiciii ninif turre un* putruti #1111111 areas of relatively low bnrometer scattered over the weat nnd northwest. In the last 24 hours the rnlns have been confined chiefly to the northern half of tho United States nnd Texas, ltnln was falling been vefy little change^ Tho conditions fnvor showers In ihls sec tion tonight and Thursday. J. D. MARUURY. • Section Director. COTTON RECKON BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending at I a. m., 75tb meridian time. August *, 1906.