The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 09, 1906, Image 3

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Jamestown Exposition Ap
preciation is
With only one dtuentlng vote the
senate Wednesday passed the bill
Mr. Wright, of Richmond, for the purl
flcatlon of the ballot. The Jamestown
appropriation also passed.
After that the session was devoted
to the discussion of the bucketshop bill
and the substitute recommended by the
committee on agriculture. Senator
Crawford Wheatley demonstrated his
ability to amply care for himself In
running fire of debate.
Member after member took a tilt at
him, but ho bowled them over by
aptness of his reply or the quick
of his repartee.
Following a long discussion as
whether the senate first adopt the sub
stitute or tho report of the committee,
the president ruling for the former,
Senator Wheatley opened the discus
slon In advocacy of his substitute.
"I favor allowing the brokerage
houses to stay In Georgia," he said, "If
we can catch the speculating members
of the Cotton Association with them,
If they are In New York why we can'
place our hands on such fellows."
He forced an admission from Senator
Williams that he had speculated In
bucketshops. Later Senator Williams
"Isn’t It true that the senator
himself cannot explain the difference
between a bucketshop and a
change 7*
When. the laughter had subsided,
F- ■ -r Wheatley oniue hack:
"No, not to the senator. The Lord le
responsible for hla Inability to compre
hend, and not I."
Afterwards he apologised for the
personal remarks, and the two shook
Senator Bunn spoke strongly and
clearly against the substitute, and said
that the whole question between buck
etshops and exchanges was simply a
distinction without a difference. All
were gambles pure and simple, he said.
Reconsider Hall Bill.
On motion of Senator McHenry the
■enate reconsidered Its action of Tues
day in defeating the Hall tax assessor
bill. - .
Senator Hand Immediately moved to
table the bill, and It will bo taken up
;:t ft Inter ilnte.
Jamestown Appropriation.
Without debate and with a few min
or amendments tho senato passed the
resolution of Mr. Russell, of Musgogee,
appropriating 130,000 for an exhibit for
Georgia at the Jamestown exposition
by a voto of 28 to 8.
Voting against the resolution was
Senators Adams, Poster, Hogan, King,
Lumsden, Strange, Walker and Wil
liams. It was Immediately transmit
ted to tho house.
.Pure Election Bill Passed,
The bill of Hon. Boykin Wright, of
Richmond,,for puro elections passed by
a vote -of 27 .to 1, Senator Hamby vot
Ing no.
The only'remarks made on It were
by Senator Bunn, chairman of the
general Judiciary committee, who ad
vocated It strongly.
It makes It a misdemeanor to buy
and sell votes and to vote Illegally, to
contribute money or anything of value
for buying votes at any election In this
state. It also makes It a misdemeanor
to hire workers or to be hired as a
worker in any election.
* New Bills,
By Senator Crum—To amend section
of the code which provides for chang
ing county lines In this state, so as to
further provide for changing the coun
ty lints in this stato by a vote of the
qualified electors of the territory to be
effected’ thereby.
By 8Snator Miller—To protect the
Western and Atlantic railroad from be.
Ing destroyed or deteriorated by par
allel road or roads.
By Senator Bunn—To provide for
the manner of appointment of Jury
commissioners In the several counties
of thle state, the number and compen
The senate will meet at 9 o’clock
Thursday morning.
8pscltl to The Georgian.
Greenville, S. C. ( Aug. 8.—There wm
a rood attendance today at the open-
Ing of tho thirteenth annual convention
of the South Carolina Pharmaceutical
AMOclatlon. Those present Include
prominent druggists from nearly all the
chief cities and towns of the state.
Various matters of Interest and impor
tance to the trade will be discussed
during tho two days’ business sessions,
which will bo interspaced with various
features of entertainment arranged by
the cltzens of Greenville.
Salisbury Under Martial
Law—Investigation of
RT Trlrate Lc.-wd wire.
Salisbury. N. C.. Aug. 8.—The Rowan
county situation this morning la some
brighter. Sallabury ti under martial
rule and the streets adjacent to the
Jail are kept clear. Two gatllng guns
stand In the yard where the men
forced an entrance Monday night, and
two military companies, ordered here
and commanded by General Armstrong
°f the First North Carolina regiment,
at the Instance of Governor Glenn, pa
trolled the yard all night, and there L
not the slightest evidence of further
Three arrests were made last- night,
following Instructions to keen the Jail
dear. Mayor Boyden ordered n man,
who said ho did not care If It was caus.
ing trouble, put In prison and later
a drunken bully was hauled out, after
threatening to kill anybody who at
tempted to arrest him when ho vaulted
the fence.
Mob Threatens Jailer.
The cause of the military force of _
hundred men being sent here, was the
arrest of tho leader, of tho mob, who
former convict, a notorious retailer
and distiller. He was recognized Mon
day night by Solicitor Hammer, while
attempting to batter down the Jail door
and encouraging the mob to greater
violence, when It seemed that It would
disperse. He Is known to have par
ticipated In the hanging of the men.
Rumors that a mob would rescue him
caused Judge Long to take all precau
tions, ang further fear that processes
In the court would be Interrupted made
his determination to proceed all the
greater. The mob has an Idea that
Jailer Krlber shot Engineer McLenon
and has sent out threats against him.
Court Convent,,
The court met at 10:40 o'clock this
morning. The first thing taken up was
the case of the lynchers who will now
be tried, while the Indicted defendants
who were not lynched were sent to
Charlotte, until the subsequent Rowan
term of court Is held the last of Aug
ust. The remaining three will then be
tried. The present Investigation of
lynchers will continue as long as any
evidence can be found against those
who took part in the episode. The vic
tims of the mpb were hurled at the
county home yesterday. The crowd
had mutilated the hands, ears and fin
gers until the bodies were a fearful
By rrirste Leased Wire.
Charlotte, N. C., Aug. 8.—Three com
panies of North Carolina national
guard, ono command from Statesville,
company of Infantry and a battery of
artillery from Charlotte, surrounded
the Jail at Salisbury today when a mob
of more than a thousand men sur
rounded the soldleps Intent upon'rescu
ing George Hall, arrested ns tho leader
of the lynchers who hanged Neace Gil
lespie, John Gillespie and Jack BlUIng-
ham, three of the murderers of the Ly-
erly family. The Jail Is a wreck. Ev-
I r window pane Is broken and the
nds. sashes and doors were literally
threshed to pieces by the mob, bricks
and stones being used with telling ef
fect. While tho mob was storming the
Jail Edward Wilson and Tom Brown,
:wo prisoners charged with burglary,
made their escape.
Brown, a negro prisoner, returned an
hour later and begged for protection.
Orphan Girls View Remains.
Judge Long, of the Rowan county
superior court, and Solicitor Hammer
are Investigating the lynching. Sheriff
Julian has a long list of names of men
surviving negroes, Henry
George Ervin and the r
rrirste Leased wire.
Cowea Aug. 8.—King Alfonso
safe In Jail at Charlotte.
The two little Lyerly i_ , _JB
members of that family who escaped
death nt the hands of the negroes, and
who were rescued by the sextette of
slayers, according to the confession of
Neace Gillespie, were taken to the
scene of the lynching last night and
made to view the grewsome remains of
the three dead men swinging from the
limb of the tree, their bodies riddled
with 800 bullets.
By Prlvste Leased Wire.
Greensboro, N. C., Aug. 8.—A mob Is
threatening to lynch the three negroes
A desperate fight will prob
if any effort la made to carry inio at-
feet the plana of the would-be lynch
ers, ss Governor Glenn has authorised
the sheriff to use the state troops.
ward and Queen Alexandria at
on board the Spanish royal yacht Olr-
alda last evening. There were ttven-
ty-slx other guests. The yacht was
brilliantly Illuminated.
Their majesties, as guests of King
Edward, today sailed round the Isle
of Wight on his yacht Britannia.
You’ve used ribbons this Summer—indications already show more
ribbons with everything this Fall.
Here then is a chance to practice a little fore-handed economy:
25c Taffeta ribbons in an excellent
quality and weight.
Five inches Wide.
Light Blue,
Dark Blue,
- Grsen,
35c soft finished Louisine ribbons
in the six-inch width.
Twe Blues,
By Print a leased Win*.
Pittsburg, Aug. 8.—Separated from
the beautiful girl who has been hla
companion for two years and practl
colly penniless, Clinton B. Wray, who
charged with stealing $125,000 from
the Union Trust Company, of this city,
being rushed back from Toronto,
anodo, where he was arrested by a
detective from the Perkins agency yes
terday. Tonight when Wray.arrives In
Pittsburg he will Join his alleged ac
complice, Clifford S. Hixon, the Indi
vidual bopkkeeper of the trust com
pany, who Is hold in the county Jail
the same charge In default of $20,-
000 ball.
The peculations of the trusted em
ployees are said to have extended over
period of three years.
Through Miss Grace Loughrey. the
girl who flea with him to Canada, Wray
was traced by the Perkins detectives.
Wray had made the acquaintance of
the girl two years ago, when she was
working as a telephone central opera
tor In Kittanning. Pa. * A few days
after ho first heard her voice over tho
telephone he called upon her In her
homo town. A friendship thus formed
continued until the girl eventually catno
to Alleghany to live.
Tho Intimacy of the couple was dis
covered by the'detectives when they
Investigated Wray's private history. It
was found that MIhh Loughrey hud
disappeared at the same time as Wroy.
Last Saturday Wray wrote to Alle
ghany requesting that Miss Loughrcy’s
mall be sent to Mr. Wright, general de
ll very. Toronto, Canada. Two IViklns
detective left for Toronto and yester
day afternoon after a watch of threo
days at the Toronto postofllce they
were rowarded by seeing Wray come
Into the postofllce after the letters. He
was placed under arrest and confessed
his guilt.
Wray said he and Hixon had lost all
the stolen money on stock gambling.
Miss Loughrey was seen by the detec
tives and she gave them $75, all the
money she had loft from what Wray
had given her. Sho was not. charged
with any offense and was not arrested.
License Inspector Ewing
Out After Eighteen
Sptcl.l !o The O»orglnn.
Valdosta. Oa, Aug. 8.—Two Ion*,
term negro convicts made a sensational
escape from the plant ot the Mllttown
Lumber Company, at Mllltown, Oa..
terday afternoon by stealing a lo
comotive on the Mllltown Air Line
railway and fleeing down the track.
The men secured possession ot the lo
25 years reading one
paper—and now gives
it up for
Salem, Ala., August 4, 1906.
Mr, Editor:—
Please send me your dally paper for six months with bill. I have
been taking the . for 25 years and want a better paper.
Yours truly,
J. N. H.
comotive while the engineer and flre-
mnn were temporarily absent. They
dashed full speed down the track and
were soon beyond the range of the
guards' guns.
It la supposed that they ran the lo
comotive three or four miles, when
they reversed the machine and Jumped
off, taking to the woods, the locomotive
was thus s*»nt back touard the
at a hair-raising speed, with-'no one on
it. When the wild engine dashed bark
toward the depot a fearful wreck
seemed Inevitable, but vslth forethought
while It was running at 45 mites an
hour It was witched on to a Biding and
run Into a flat car, the locomotive ten
der being demolished, hut otherwise It
waa little damaged.
Traclc dogs were hurried from thla
city with the hope of running down the
escapes, but without success. One of
the men was In for twenty yean and
the other for life.
Special to The Georgian.
Greenville, 8. C, Aug. t—A brick
building, known as the “Candy Kitch
en," located In North Main street, col
lapsed shortly after noon today, the
wall bulging ar.1 keeling over, laying
the roof almost flat on the floor. Next
the collapsed structure excavations
were being made for the construction
of the new Bank of Commerce build
ing. and Jt Is possible the wall waa In
this way undermined.
The Greek candy maker who waa In
the building escaped unhurt. The stock
of goods Is a complete loss.
Unless they pay the stipulated license
of $200 for selling malt extracts, cases
will be made In the recorder’s court
against tho owners of eighteen of tho
largest drug stores In Atlanta.
License Inspcetor IL A. Gwlng has
gathered evidence against tho drug
companies which are selling malt ex
tracts and, on advice ot the city attor
ney that the owners are liable to a tax
ordinance, has sent out notices which
will be received Wednesday afternoon.
It 1s believed that the druggists will
claim the malt has been sold for medi
cal purposes, nnd so as to prove that
It u IIS not sold •*x**|iih1v«*I> f-»r :«m li
Mr. Gwlng went to the drug companies
and purchased bottles of the Intoxicant.
In every Instance the malt was sold
without question as to what the pur-
I tut • I Intended to use If for
The portion of tho tax ordinance cov
ering the sale of malt extract reads as
"White hops, malt extracts or simi
lar products, sold alone or In connec
tion with any other business, unless
sold under some regular liquor license,
Among the specimens secured by Mr.
Gwlng to bo used, if necessary, in court
were bottles of wurtzburger malt, made
by the Atlanta Brewing and Ice Com
pany, and Pabst malt extract.
The license Inspector stated Wednes
day that he Intended to collect the li
cense If It Is possible to do so. The
total amount from the eighteen phar
macists will be $3,600. TWs Will go
toward the general improvement of the
DO YOU WANT $16.00?
not rosks this profit yoimtlf by buying direct
from our factory t
Golden Fegle Buggies ere , gverenteed
wiueT to tho liuKKloB your deel«r« sell for
•W.00. lUudsofiioly flnlahed end light run-
Pon t buy a Buggy until you get oar
v ..tlnRu« end gmt ilirnAii offor. Write to
day for ceUlogoe Ko, It snd Usrneu otfer.
■•ii u> Golden Eagle Buggy Co. »«••-,«.■
Are You Still Paying Rent? If so, I am Surprised!
Rent Receipts Remind me of Money
Thrown Away.
Do you know tlmt tho Btandard Real Estate Loan Company of Wash
ington, D. C., will sell you a homo-purchaaing contract whereby you
can buy or build a homo anywhere In tha United States and pay for
It In monthly payments for lea* than you are now paying rent? They
will lend you from 11,000 to $r>,000 at 6 per cent, simple Interest, al
lowing you to pay II hack In monthly Installment, of 17.50 on each
thousand borrowed. For prospectus and plana of our proposition,
call on or wrltn J. 8t. Julian Yatos, State Agent, 321 Austell Bldg., At
lanta, Ga. Boll phono 2653-J, Atlanta phone 1918.
Truthful Huitlinf Afente Wanted In Every County in Hw State.
Specie! to The Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. $.—A big
race meet has been arranged to be
held in this city beginning tomorrow 1
an«l cloning Saturday. Home of tha
fitment horses in thin section will be
In the ra<*s. The purseg for harness 1
horses will be 1260 and for running •
race V'fH be $100.
Kperfsl to The Georgian,
Chattanooga, Tenn.. Aug. 8.—A spe
cial from Johnaon City, Tenn., aays
that following the charges mado by
Hon. A. A. Taylor nnd his friends that
Mrs. W. P. Brownlow, wife of the
First district congressman and former
"boss" of state Republican politics, has
been drawing pay ns "linen inspector"
of the mountain branch of the Nation-
| a! Boldlsrs* Home, Paul K. Devine,
Hot Wave is Broken. * ti • ■a-urci >>f the Institution, m;ik— ;if-
By Private Leased Wire. I iidavit denying this report, and charge
Newport News, Va., Aug. $.—The hot ing that Mrs. Brownlow has never
ave here was broken by a terrific j drawn a penny from the Institution os
thunder storm and downpour of rain “linen inspector" or from any other |
yesterday. source.
Correct Clot/its for Mtm
At this store menns something. It
means that each dollar has 25 per cent
more purchasing power than it had a
week ago!
Our entire stock of Men's fino B'ancy
Suits and Odd Trousers at
25 Per Cent Discount
Tin's means an aetual saving of
twenty five cents on every dollar that
you spend.
Straw Huts at 1-2 price.
Essig Bros.,