Newspaper Page Text
190.9™ popnlsfloo.
M.W home*.
1R.M0 telephones.
Sereo mein line* of ratlroede.
JM mil** of street rillwa;.
fK.vo.ono of hanking capital.
The Atlanta Georgian.
nlnt Ion.
otton crop la 1*».
• Wi iii 1 lea of ctentn railroad.
<nn mile* electric atroet railway.
ISO Totf«n factories. 1.5/»,000 enfoltee.
Kuctorle* r«naume| MO.ofo bslee l**.
VOL. I. NO. 90.
PPTr’I?. In Atlanta TWO GKNTt.
1 IUGD. On Train* FIVE CENT*.
Admiral Birileff is to
be Removed From
It Is Rumored That Czar
Is to Take His Family
to Finland.
By Private Leased Wire.
St. Petersburg. Aug. 9,-Mt Is report,
ed today that the court of Inquiry,
having In hand the-Investigation of the
OUtbreaK at Cronstadt, will recom
mend that Admiral Birileff, master of
marine, be reduced, and that some oth
er officer be put In his place as head
of the navy.
Rumor has It that Vice Admiral Du-
basoff, who was governor general at
Moscow until July 18, when ha resign
ed, on account of bad health, will be
the man. He Is still suffering ffbm
wounds which he received when a
bomb was thrown at him In Moscow-
on May 6.
The Novo* Vremya today says that
the Grand Duke Nicholas Nlcholae-
vltch Is to be given supreme command
of the army, but without dictatorial
A report Is being circulated today
that the exar has decided to go to
the summer camp at Tsarskoe-Selo on
Saturday. He will remain there five
days. The yacht Alexandra Is at Pe-
terhof, having arrived there last eve
ning. This has given rise to the report
that the czar and his family are con
templating making their long deferred
trip to Finland.
Rpeelsl Cable-Copyright.
London, Aug. 9.—The London Times
publishes a St. Petersburg dispatch
which saya that reports are constantly
reaching the capital that robbery and
murder continue dally.
In Gomel a bomb burst In a private
residence. Bombs have been discov
ered In Yalta, Kaluga and Bumara
roads. Firearms have been seised In
Poltava and Theodiia.
A record of murder includes the as
sassination of the commandant of the
Pyatigorsk garrison by a crazy of
ficer, the shooting of a woodman In
Riga by the rural guards, the killing
of a prison director at Breat-Utovsk,
and the ahootlng of a policeman, a
woman and cnmmlssalre In Warsaw.
The buildings on the ealate of M.
Lukyanoff, near Poltava, are burning.
Prince Kochuvey's estate. In the aame
province, has also been burned down,
and a large quantity of valuable live
stock killed, in the province of Orel,
rural guards arrested an agitator, and
peasants who attempted to rescue the
man killed one guard and wounded
Special Cable—Copyright.
St. Petersburg,'Aug. 9.—The official
telegraph agency reports serious dis
turbances at Ekatonostav. A reaction
ary organisation has been formed there
whose avowed purpose Is to exact a
life for a life for every Russian of
ficial killed by the revolutionists. The
murder of ex-Deputy Hersensteln Is
an exampla.
In the Ekaterinoslav and Poltava dis
tricts peasants are said to be suffering
from famine with the store-houses
overflowing with grain. There have
been bumper crop*. but the land own
ers are unable to get rid of their
products at any for the peasants
• are • unable to pay anything. Great
stacks of unthreshed grain are rotting
while the people statve.
The larger picture la from a photograph showing a street in Hel
singfors, Finland, during the recent riots. BeJou' it i« n diagram show
ing the Esthoni and coast showing the movements of the Painyat Azovn
during the mutiny. The portrait in tin* upper small pane! Is that of
Count Hejrden, a noted constitutional Democrat, who lm t returned to "his
estates Imviiu><' Mm .7.111 v-'i - - plans for lofum. The picture In
the small panel at the bottom la that of Admiral Birileff, who was suld
to be a prisoner on board the Pamyat Azova.
Wheatley Substitute
Killed By Vote of
29 10 14.
Only Three Dissenting Votes
Are Registered Against
Winning Measure.
The Boykin bucket shop bill passed
the senate Thursday afternoon, with
only three dissenting votes, after the
Wheatley substitute had been hided 20
to 14.
The senate first voted on the Wheat-
(ley substitute, the vote standing as fol-
Nays—Adams, A Iso brook, Ben net, A.
C. Blalock, A. O. Blalock, Bloodworth,
Bond, Bunn, Gandlsr, Carl there, Cars
well, Copelan, Fitzgerald, Fortner, Furr,
Gruyblll, Hogan, King. Lumsden. Mc
Allister, McHen’y, Odum, Parker, Phil
lips, Reid, Strange, Walker, Ware, Wll
Ayes—'.’rum, Foster, Foy, Hamby,
Hand, Miller, Mills, Peyton,,Rose, Bleed.
Blrmuns, Westbrook, Wheatley, Wilcox
Immediately the vote was taken on
the Boykin bill. An effort was made
to place sunn amendments on it, but
Bcnator A. O. Blalock objected on the
ground that no Notice had been given.
Senator Wheatley who had sent one
the Jui
his amendment W
On the vole for the Boykin bill It
was 28 to 3. Senators Foy, Mills and
Peyton voting against It, and Senators
Ilninby and Steed pot voting.
The discussion on the bill continued
throughout the scsmIo^. Senators
A. Blalock and d’nndler spoke against
the substitute, ekd Senators Steed, Mil
ler and Crum fdf It.
The bill wluLv puts #11 kinds
out of bunlneMM now g<
ornor for his signature,
Throughout .the session the rea
the senate chamber and the gallery
were crowded with Interested specta
She Had Just Rejected
Plea For Recon
By Private Leased Wire.
Cincinnati, Aug. 9.—Thomas F.
Kenna threw his 3-year-old child
from a fourth atory window of hia
home today and then jumped af
ter it. The child was killed by
the fall and Kenna died n short
time later. It is believed that the
man was insane.
Despondent because of, family trou
bles Guy T. Branch, 28 years of ace,
a bookkeeper In the office of Louts J.
Anderson, broker. In the Prudential
bulldlnc, Wednesday afternoon aoufht
a secluded spot on the Cobb county
bank of the Chattahoochee river, op-
poalte the water-works, and swallowed
an overdose of morphine.
He waa discovered late In the after
noon In an unconscious condition by
some fishermen, who hesrd him troan-
Inc, and he was broucht Into the dty
and taken to the Grady hospital, whsre
hs died Thursday mornlnc at 7 o'clock.
Branch was separated from his youn* 'y on( j this he cave no details,
wife, who reesldes with i Branch made another attempt to end
t®r, Mrs. O, O. Butler, 7* Central place. h ls life a year a*o last January by
and Wednesday had Just received a ,.tinr noiann Hs was i„
O After swallowing the fatal pol- O
O son dose and as he lay upon the <0
0 dismal river bank realizing he O
O would soon enter eternity, Ouy IT. 0
S Branch, the younc bookkeeper, 0
turned hls thouchts to hla little O
O child, 'now an orphan. 6
O While the deadly poison was O
o getting In Its work on his system, o
O the young husband and father 0
0 started to write a letter to hls O
O parents, telling them he had de- O
O termlned to end hls' troubles In o
0 death. 0
O Bidding hls parents an affec- 0
O tlonate farewell, young Branch 0
0 urged them to kiss hit child for 0
0 him. O
0 This letter was never flnlshed. o
0 Before concluding It. the young 0
O man became unconscious. The un- O
O flnlshed letter dropped by hls O
0 side, ‘ where It was later round. 0
and Wednesday had just
letter from her rejecting a plea of the
husband to her to go back to him and
leave Atlanta. After reading this let
ter Branch determined to end hls trou
bles In death.
8tartsd Letter to Parents.
After swallowing the poison the de
spondent young man sat upon the
bank of the river, hidden from view
by a lot of undergrowth, and started to
write a letter to MX parents, who re
side at 147 Walker street. Before fin
ishing this last mesasge. however, the
hand of death benumbed hls brain and
he fell Into a deep stupor. The unfin
ished letter was found by hla side.
Whlla this letter, which I* In the
hands of the county police, has not
been made public. It la understood the
young husband expressed hls purpo-e
of ending hls life. He bade hls father
and mother an affectionate farewell,
and requested that they kiss hls little
child for him.
The unconscious man waa found by
Elmer Simmon*, of the street railway
company; W. H. Worley and a man
named Smith, who were fishing In the
river. They heard groans Issuing from
the undergrowth, as of some one .In
anguish, and hurriedly made a seared.
They soon discovered the form of
Branch. Chief of County PoHce Tur
ner, who waa a short distance away,
was summoned and assisted In remov
ing the apparently dying man to the
Marietta car line and ’Discing him on
board an Incoming car. The Oredy
hospital was notified and an ambulance
met the car In the dty.
Told Hls Reasons.
The physician* worked hard with
Ing. the poison having had too mucl
time. Before hi* death he regained
consciousness and told the physician*
what prompted bis rash act
He said hls win’s peop'e had turned
hls wife against him and that he had
taking poison. He was discovered In
time, however. In the office of Louis
J, Anderson, gnd was saved by tha
hospital physicians. This attempt fol-
lowed Branch’s ejectment by hla fath-
er-ln-law, J. C. Brewer, from the lat
ter’s home at the time Mrs. Brewet
was on her death bed.
The father-in-law, Mr. Brewer. Vho
resides at Lakewood Heights, was seen
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Rutler,
In Central place, and talked freely con
cerning hi* dead son-ln-law. He de
clared Branch was a "dope .fiend,? and
had given hls wife much trouble.
“My daughter had done everything Is
her power to get along with Branch,
but he abused and worried her until
she couldn't stxnil It any longer- And
this Is why she would not consent to
leave our protection and try and live
with him again."
“Conduct Unbearable.”
Mr. Brewer stated that Branch's
conduct became so unbearable more
than a year and a half ago that hls
wife qalt him and entered salt for
divorce. On the promise of the young
man, however, to reform, the divorce
proceedings w*r» withdrawn and the
couple went back together. It was
only a short rimer Mr. Brewer stated,
until Branch again began to use “dope"
and misbehave. Mr. Brewer said that
u at the time hls wife was dying Branch
* came to hls home under the Influence
of drug and that he ejected him.
Branch and his wife and little child
have been residing of late at the horns
of Mrs. Butler, and on Monday of this
week the husband waa ejected from
there by Mrs. Butler. Tuesday Mrs.
Branch Is said lo have received a let-
back to him and leave Atlanta with
him. The elder sister and father, how
ever, advised against this, and a letter
of refusal wai sent to tha husband. The
next thing heard of him by hla wife ami
her people waa that he was dead at
decided to .seek solace lo- death. Be- the Grady hoe{4tal—a suicide.
Hcring, Claiming To Bo In
nocent, Offers to Sur
Dy Trieste Leased Wire.
Chicago, Aug. 9.—Henry W. Herlng,
cashier of the Milwaukee Avenue State
Bank, looted by Paul O. Rtenaland, of
over a million, la In Chicago. He has
not been out of Chicago since Monday.
Ho says he Intends to give himself up
and Is confident that In a short apace
of time he can show to tha satisfac
tion of every one concerned that he
had no part In robbing the depoeltora
of the wrecked Institution.
8ayt Ht Was a Tool.
Mr. Herlng la Insistent In hls state
ment that he had nothing whatever to
do with the peculation of the bank
funds. He declares that Stensland's
Instruction* were such that there was
no way on their face of determining
that any crooked business was going
on; It was only tha culmination of a
number of suspicious Incidents and
piling of nots upon not* to carry
Btenaland's real estate operations
that finally mad* him morally certain
that thievery waa rampant In the
How 8tsnsland Workod.
Whenever Slensland needed money to
bolster up hls operations he worked as
follows, said Mr. Herlng;
Mr! Btensland would com* to my
desk and say to me; ‘Mr. Herlng, please
make out a certain number of notea
(the number of which he would give
me) for these amounts,' he giving me a
memorandum for thefh. I then made
them nut and sent them to him In the
regular routine of business. Later,
ueually the next day, they were re
turned to me duly signed by various
people, or st least they had the alleged
signatures of various people. Mr.
Btensland ordered me to place them to
the credit of hls personal account and
would then drew checks on hls per
sonal account for the various enter
prise* which dragged him to ruin.
Told of Indebtedness.
My suspicion* were aroused some
Urn* ago, hut I made up my mind that
It was my duty to say something to
Mr. Btensland about five weeks ago. I
handed him a paper containing a Hat
of notes for 9880,000, which I believed
should be among the assets of the
"This Indebtedness,’ I said, ‘la get
ting too large, and It ought to bo fixed
up In some other way, or the bank
will be In trouble.’
"He sat for a moment, and then
said: 'Yes, I kmw: but I bars every
reason to believe I will have tt all
fixed up shortly. Don’t worry. It will
all be taken rare of”
This picture Is from a now photograph of the wife of the slayer of-
tanford White, and is regarded by her husband as one of her best posts.
Anna Held’s Husband Supplies District Attor
ney’s Office Wi h Sensational Story of
Motive For Slaying of White.
fly Private leased Wire.
New York, . Aug. I.—The startling
declaration was made today that a
girl's Joks led Harry Thaw to slay
Stanford White. The district attorney
la In possession of evidence that White
sent a basket'of flowers and a note to
Evelyn Nesblt Thaw on the evening of
the shooting, and that the tragedy grew
out of this.
The fgets were communicated to the
district attorney Indrectly by Florens
Zlegfeld, husband of Anna Held, who
a theatrical manager. Mr. Zleg-
fetd Is now In Paris.
The tragedy occurred just before I
silled from New York,? be said, "and
w* discussed It on the trip across. On
the ship was a prominent member of
the chorus In one of my productions.
She waa an Intimate friend of White,
flhe said she and two other members
of the company want In White’s studio
In M*Uaon Square Garden to pay him
a farewell visit. Mr. White was not
there nnd an attendant asked them to
leave their names.
" ’Oh,’ said one of the girls, 'you
need only ssy that Mr*. Harry Thaw
ralltd,’ and they departed laughing over
the Joke. White, the next day, this girl
told me, sent a little not* to Mrs, Thaw
expressing hi* regret at hi* absence at
the time of her call, and dispatched a
basket of rose* to her address,,
"The girl believed Thaw saw tha
roses, the card attached and read the
note. Hh# was convlncsd that White’s
death was due to this Joke."
The girl the theatrical manager re
ferred to la In New York today, having
returned from Europe st the request or
the district attorney. Bhe Is to be a
witness at the trial of Thaw.
The heat had affected Thaw In the
Tombs, and for the first time sine* hls
arrest he sent for a physician. Th* 1st.
tsr said he would be all right In a few
days. .
By Private Leased Wire.
Rome, Italy, Aug. 9.—Th* pope waa seised with a sever# attack of
heart weakness today after the fatiguing ceremony In celebration of tha
third anniversary of hls coronation. Dr. Lapponl, the pontiff* physician,
was called In and was able to relieve th* patient He directed that the
pope mud have complete rest.
Serious Charges Made
Against Judge
H. Martin.
I no.
tSrtiimcl Greer, of Fitzgerald, 1
Charges Alnisc of
John H. Martin* Judge nt th# sup#-
rlor rourt of tha Oconss circuit. Is tha
defendant to Impeachment proceedIuk*.
Before the Georgia legislature. A pe
tition for hla Impeachment was pre
sented to the house of representatives
Thursday afternoon by Samuel Qreer,
of Fitzgerald, and referred to n < om-
mlttee which will report to the house.
Tha petitioner asserts that Judge
Martin * has abused hls ofnee In the
matter of certain restraining orders
against the Commercial hotel at Fitz
gerald and accompanies hls petition
with various exhibits. The pet in . n
was presented by Representative
Hill Hall, of Hlbb county, who m oed
that It be referred to n committee for
Investigation and report to the house.
Hpenkcr BJaton appointed the foil
ing committee to fovestlgntc
chnrges: Hall, of Bibb; Wtlglit,
Richmond; Covington, of Cohjul
Adams, of IClbert, and Hays, of Mm on.
Judge Martin resides at JlawkUi*-
vllle. Go., and 1ms for years been one
••f the bent - known m. mb.-rn of the
Georgia brant h The petition for bis
Impeachment, which was not read un
In the ho
discussed It In
dors a H they
r of the in-
hud the effe
of a
President Roosevelt to He Awarded
Prize For His Efforts For Peace
By Private-Leased Wire.
Washington, Aug. 9.—Theodore Roosevelt, president of thn United
Btstes, will shortly be awarded the * Nobel peace prize—th* greatext to
ken of International honor and esteem that It Is poaalbl* to receive.
President Roosevelt’s great achievement-In the Portsmouth peecs con
ference, which resulted in the cessation of hostilities between Russia and
Japan, placed him In the logical position st the head of the world’s
peace makers, and on December 10 a committee of five person*, selected
by the Swedish government, will make the formal announcement.
Pittslmrg Policemen Save
Hooe from Angry Men
nnd Women.
Ilf Private I«en»ed Wire,
Pittsburg. Pa., Aug. 9.—It had been
Intended lo give Clifford Hooe, the ne
gro coachman named in August us
Ifnrtje’s divorce null, a hearing yes-
terdny on the charge of cnnoplrlng
with Ilartje and John L. Wglshons to
defame Mrs. Hartje, but the gathering
of a mob of 800 angry men and women
who wanlod the negro lynched furred
the abandonment of thla plan, and
llooe was taken back to the <-Minty'
As he waa led from th** office - f Al
derman King, the mob rushed forward
to get at the negro, w ho has confessed
to defaming Mrs. ‘Hartje for a few
hundred dollar*- Policemen saved him.
Kpeelnl to The Georgian.
Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 9.—Feeling
ran high In Hallsbury again today when
news reached here that the barn on
the farm of Isaac Lyerly, for the mur
der of whose family the thre** negroes
were lynched here Monday night, was
burned shortly after midnight, pre
sumably by friends of the men lynched.
T*.ro horse* in the stable broke out,
but were so badly injured that they
The military Is still on duty In
George Hall, the first men arrested,
desire* to submit to a charge ..f con
spiracy, the maximum penalty for
which 1* twenty years In the peniten
tiary. Tlfe investigation Is proceeding,
and It is expected that many Indict
ments will be returned.
By Private r.e
*d Wl
Omaha, N’ebr., Aug 9 Five children
of Thomas O’Daniels, «,f peym *ur Dark,
a suburb of Omaha., died In a rtra
which destroyed the family residence.
Mrs. O'Panlels was seriously burned
and may not recover
was badly burned in
bl»* family.
The dead children
Krnest, 9; Bertha. 7.
ence, 3.
and h<
smn fee