The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 11, 1906, Image 17
THE ATLANTA GEOWHAN. i n ni'AV. At hi sr n t» crHOOLS and colleges. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. — — 1 ,, 1 'j , j ii .. i-aai BAGWELL'S BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND 1 ;| Is meeting with phenomenal success. The rapid growth of the school has far surpassed the expectation of its promoter. Its unusual success is attributed to the superiority of the systems of Shorthand and Bookkeeping taught, to its excellent instructors and its complete equipment. Chartler Shorthand Most Wonderful System Ever Published. Over 100 of the leudlng bualneea college, of America have dl.curtled the old system* and adopted the Chartler. ■ 'In one-half the time, Can be learned Can be.written faater and more accurately. The only ay.tem In exlatence that can be read like print. The remarkable reaulta accompllahed In a few weelca give, convincing proof of It. auperlorlty and attrarta many student*. Pupil* who have »tud- led the system for only a few week, are now writing from 60 to 76 word, pgr minute of unfamiliar matter. A number have been able to hold poel- llillia after Olllv weeks* Htllflv Krtthlncr #ntml tn thla hna rattap Kaon n- tlnna after only alx weeka' atudy. Nothing equal to thla haa ever been ac compllahed with any other ay.tem. deatlnad to supplant all other ayatema. for the alow, uncertain, complicated, hard-to-lenrn way of doing anything mu.t na aurely give way Bill' to the awlft, aure, simple, eaay-to-learn way aa night muat give way to day. Figure it for Youra.lf, Compare It wtth the Pitman. Graham, Munann, Oregg or any other rec- ugnlaed ayatem. All of theae ayatema conal.t of hundreda of ralea and hun dred. of exception* and thouaunda of hard-to-learn word algna and con- tractlona. Chartler Shorthand con.lata .Imply of the alphabet and — simple r— — TIN SIMPLE RULES. That’a all—Chartler haa done with ahorthand what Bell did with the telephone. He haa saved time. SIX WEEKS IN CHARTIER AGAINST THREE MONTHS IN GRAHAM. A few weeks ago the president of one of the leading bu.lnes. colleges In the city, alarmed by tta growing popularity, attacked the Chartler ayatem. lie agreed to forfeit 61,000 If BagweM'x Buxine*. College would produce u better stenographer In the same period of time than he cobid produce with i he arolutm system. The president of Bagwell's College Immediately accepted the challenge, ottering to contest publicly a six weeks' student of the Chartler against any three months' pupil of the Graham. The Graham advocate, with every ad vantage In in. favor, refused to enter the contest and failed to back up hla 61,0(10 challenge. Bagwell's Business College will pay $100 in cash If the Graham advocate will accept his own proposition to teat the relative merits of Chartler and Gra- liam shorthand. The matter for dictation to be selected by the judges. Pupils who have spent several months at /other business colleges In a fruitless effort to master the old line systems have entered Bagwell's Business College to study the Chartler, and they are all delighted with the change. Those Interested In shorthand should not be governed by atiitementa of competitors turned the Chartler system. They do not have the right to teach It and cannot afford to recognise Its merits. What the Leading Business Colleges Say About It, Eaxtman Business College. I'oiifhkrepala, N. Y. We toach tin* famous Chartler System of fthoithauU. The system U ao almple that a child can learn It. C. C. OAINKH, President. Rublcam Shorthand College. Hi. Utile, Mo. We consider Chartler Shorthand as far auperlor to the I'ltatmi at tbo electric light la to the tallow candle. Owensboro Buslneat Uuniverslty. Owrnstwfo, Kjr. * L’udontiteriijr Chartler Shorthand la the frrnteet system of rapid wrltluff before the paid I e today. We nre meeting with almoat unlimited success and atudenta delight In their atudy. Central Business College. ludlannpolle, Iud. We consider sli weeks In Chartler Short hand mpml to that many months In any other system In existence. We recommend It miroiidltlnunlly. We hare discarded both Pitman and Greff. Bliss College. Polumhus. Ohio, t am potltlve that we are fettlnf better results In weeka In Chartler Shorthand khan wo could In months with either the Pitman or the arefg System. Indiana Builneis Collaga. Marlon, I ml. We have adopted Chart ter Shorthand— nothing like It. It la new, wonde.fnl and abooliitely reliable. Carthage Commercial Colloge. OrttSIfe. Mo. Chartler Shorthand Is the wonder of the twentieth century for tta eaeo of learning, Its rapidity In writing and It* wonderful legibility, which makes It aa easy to mad as print. * South Bend Commareial Collaga. South Bend, Ind. Chartler la a wouderfnl Improvement over any other existing system, and can Im* mas tered In ouo-tblrd to one-half the time. Actual Business College. Akron, Ohio. Chartler Shorthand makes It possible for a person to become a shorthand writer In one third the time It takes under other systems. Cantos Aotual Business College. Canton, Ohio. We have opened a detriment In Chfc?tler Hhorthaiul. Ity thla wonderful system of shorthand writing, atudenta can Iwenmu steiyigra(iticrs In one-half the time required for ttmbnni, Pitman, Munson and other systems. Goodyear-Marshall Bookkeeping. The latent and mint practical .y.tent In u««. Actual bu.lnen. trans action. from the outset. Bookkeeping 1. presented In a almple, under standable way, which make, tpe study Intensely Interesting. All useless theory and copying of Imaginary account* I. eliminated, and It can thus be learned In a shorter time than Is usually required. It I. In perfect har mony with methods used In business office, of today. GAVE UP GRAHAM FOR CHARTIER Mllltown, (in.. June It, 1906. Tha Richmond Business Collaga. Ulcbmond, Ind. Tlio best fmm any point of rlvw. Metropolitan Business College. Online. Texas. Chartler Shorthand Is ao fur superior to Pitman, Graham and Grefg that there la no comiarisoii. Professor J. O. Bagwell, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Professor Hafwell: I learn t have adopted the Chartler System of Hbon While I was In Birmingham Inst 1 lenrn through the columns of The Georgian that you Shorthand. October, Mr. Chartler gave a free demonstra* Mon course there. I took a part of the cntir«c. nud was able offer the Till III» l.EH- 8()N to take my notes IN CIIAHTIKIt HIlOItTIIAXU nt n OltRATKIt ftl'KIUJ than nfter FOUR MONTHS of bant study IN T1IK OH AH AM 8YHTF.M. At tbe eml of twenty-six darn’ study. I secured n pmdtlon with one of the lw*«t law (Inns In Illr- mlnghntn, which I held with entire satisfaction until I resigned to nceept a posi tion nearer home, Endorsed by Leading Court Reporters of Georgia. Augusta, Ha„ March ft, 190ft. (TO orncL court iiophk, To tbe ptibtte: Ihu b member of our tlrru has devoted a portion of several days In making n thorough mill crltleitl oxnlnltinflon of Chartler Hhorthaiul. In otir opinion, Chartler Before accepting tny permanent position. | did considerable manuscript work for an sutboresa. taking difficult stories < *nhlng th *" * ' ' —. — —. „ 1 containing alx to eight thousand words, mid tratiNerllilug them verbatim, This, as you know, was n severe test. Mr. llrynti. my Graham elnsstnati% Is also taking the Chartler System. iaMoq of chartler Hliorthnml. In our opinion, Chartler t marvelous educational dlKcorcrhn of tnialcrn times, for be outlines to t e much twlefer than ttioee of any other knowledge; serond. these same brief outlines represent Mr. llrynti. tny Graham classmate. Is also taking the Chartler Hysteui. I ntu an enthualsstle ndvonite of the (Tf ARTIKIt HYSTKM. ami I would really flint I hurt left n ('lIAHlTAIll.t: DSHD CXIIONK were 1 to 1st . proepectlra lent of shorthand pass me wltliout emlenvorlng to eonvlnco him of the merits this system. With best wishes for the success of your school, t am very tndv yours. AM MY PKAnt, WADH. front tbe few rules In tbs system, Hhorthund Is one of the ihost the reason: First, we And tb system of which we have any knowb-do*: strond, tli front 300 to *» per cent mere rending power; third, it • it- il-l i" I In "iif r• • • 11 Hi tli.** We take plenstire In rec*Miinicudtiur Chartler HhorthSUd to the rsrefill couald«ra< tlon of all prospoctlro students. \ory respectfully, (Hlgncd) RAMIOW A TARVER, . Expert Stenographers. Positions Secured for All Graduates. DORMITORY FOR YOUNG MEN FURNISHES GOOD BOARD AND NICE ROOMS AT ACTUAL GOST. WHOLESOME DISCIPLINE. For Further Information Address BAGWELL’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 198 Peachtree SI., ATLANTA, GA. Conservatory of Music KURT MUELLER, Director. Beautifully located at 371 Peachtree Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. FOUNDED 1900. FACULTY! Artists or national reput.tlon, ATTENDANCE! Lilt ye»r 97 itudenti from eifhl different itatei. FREE ADVANTAGES: Theory, Hirmony, Hlit6ry of Music, • ... hlng to | — Pedagogy (of speciil benefit to those wishing t selves for teachers), Chorus, many Recitals and Li prepare them- ectures. DIPLOMAS and TEACHERS'CERTIFICATES. BOARDING ! DEPARTMENT. TENNIS COURT. PRICES REASON- j ABLE. PIANOS: The famous MASON & HAMLIN. S For Cuts! CB address tbe director, KURT MUELLER, Box 77, ATLANTA, GA. Marist College WHAT IS DONE? Bovs are developed physically, mentally, morally; are taught HOW to study; are made self-reliant and reliable. HOW IS IT DONE? Through daily, obligatory field sports, • military discipline, gymnasium work;, through three high school departments and the 6th, 7th and 8th grades; through special attention to conduct aud to , manners. WOODLA WN SEMINAR Y AND MUSICAL INSTITUTE of Gordonaville, Virginia. A BOARDING 8CHOOL FOR GIRL8. was founded in 187S and Is located st the foot of the Southwest italns In the Piedmont region. The climate la Ideal, the water and pure and the arenery beautiful. Aside from tha excellent '.ulum there Is a course In music,.voice culture, elocution, art and it OTTO P “Know thy work and do It” Write .'or catalogue. Ad- t EDGAR STINSON, M. Sc„ Principal, Gordontville, Va. FOR 1906-07 AND AFTER The College adds full Science ami Business courses to program and passes its certified pupils into "Georgia” or into “Tech!’ on its own examinations. BELL8—1598. 782. Very Rev. Jno. E. Gunn, S. M. Peachtree and Ivy Streets. "AUBURN” Alabama Polytechnic Institute d) (5) Oldest College of Technology in the South. Eight Degree Courses. CIVIL (2) ELECTRICAL (3) MECHANICAL (4) and MINING ENGINEERING. 13 Professors and Instructors. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, VETERINARY SCIENCE, ANIMAL INDUSTRY, ETC., 14 Professors and Instructors. CHEMISTRY AND METALLURGY. 8 Professors and In- atructors. (7) PHARMACY. Every Facility In Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Large 8taff. (8) . LATIN. Modern Language Course; English (4 years); French (2 years); German (2 years); Latin (4 <«■) years); history (4 years): Mathematics (through conlo sec- tloi MlBMr tlons); Physics, Chemit try, Political Economy, Seven Profeeeora and Instructors. Psychology. Well equipped laboratories, progressive Instructors, gradu ates take leading professional positions throughout tbe South. For further Information address the President, C. £ THACH, A. M„ L.L.D., AUBURN, ALA. The South's Ideal College-Preparatory Boms School Georgia Military Academy Coi.lf.ur Park (suburb of Atlanta), Ga. Your oon’a (leafing it f1«*d aa h« mim* from It to 1« Yrnmof paramount quant ton with every Parent What tnarhara, what com- » panlon*. what mrlmnmitnt will fully satisfy tha peculiar ne#«la of my h •on and Inanra hla fulleat development, aor-lal, moral, intellectual, phyalral T Cnrreapondenre with us will aid any parent. In thla academy every teacher Is a aperUilUt, ovary opportunity ia afforded avary boy, the full limit of attendance la rear lied every year Hplendid equipment, prrfart health, daliirhtful Hnuths>rn winter* of th# famous riMlmont ratrion, l.xwi fast ah.,*# a#« |#v#l. About /«» Imardlng pupils bv# wifi. prMbUnf arwi faruity ««f 1>) llitfhrst moral and social ton#. put runs** from many Hf»I#a l(#tfnlsr milifsrv drills, yixxl xvniripaitiTn, inotlrrri rrsding mom. whtilrin.rrir nthl#tii-a und#r trained director, thoron/h |.r#|>srsti,,n for sny ro||p|r«4 or th*» national aradstnlra, |ris>kk##|>in|r, atrnoif isi>h>. typawrilm*. niatiusi training, mu-lr. t IN., of. < . U (lOlKv A III). A. M. STATE UNIVERSITY, ATHl David O. Barrow, • Ohonoollor 20 OCHOOLO 35 IN5TKVGTOK* KNOf* FTlfhar training in LAW, AdRKTI.WRK. KNOI- NP.KRIMI, I'lmiMM V. TKAt lllNf* FOItENTKY. and in CLASHICA I. ANI> MCIKN'TI» 10 HTtiDIK*. Hoard |s 14) • iimi,Hi mmtiiiM Tmt on PltKK. iionanofor #nlara#mnnt of Agricultural brpartmrnu «too/)06tn rer#niim- arsdoatea among foremnat In Mw.Hiaioamansntp. R4ara> tion. Ministry, Industrial Aria, Finsnco and Journalism. PALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19ttl. SEND FOR BULLETINS. Georgia School of Technology A technical institute of the highentrank, whose graduate, without exception. . , - - - - -ftp' occupy prominent and lucrative poxitions in engineering and eornmernal life Locatea in the moat prograaaive city in the Soutl South, with abounding opportiinitie * it. The forty MERCER UNIVERSITY offered its graduates in the South’s present remarkable development riiemhera of tn<* rlwM of IMG were placed in lucrative und desirable positions hri-irr^fritihmti m. Advanced courses in Mechanical, Klectrical. Textile, Mining and Civil Engineering and Engineering Chemistry. Extensive and new equip- f • nt of Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New l.ihrary on«l new (Jhemiral Labo- ri'lory. <’"Mt rea-onahl**. Each county in (Georgia entitlml to fifteen free scholarships. The next aession Iwgms Sept. 26, 1906. For catalogue, address H. G. MATHESON, A.N.. LL. D„ President, Attests. Georgia DENTAL COLLEGE OPEN ALL SUMMER ALL WORK DORC AT RCOULAA COLLTOC PRICE* COST OF MATERIAL ■ r mPACeSIONS TAKEN AND WORK OCUVEBIO SAME DAY. TLI. M . n.r.'al Sfhoot *Wn Drfitl.t. of rmrw of „ n-rl- iJcIInn, th. I«t thinr. to Crown mndBrkle. Work ud D«t.l OpotoUQKA. No' •? „_,. r l’sticnls ustrnnlri—' tM will get the odrantage or nrninr. .-ul.ElIl et ««to.wklrktb»» whVro. Gu. Air or Loeel I.looOon ^Imim.irrrd for th* PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH ThU b > mmtor chuUnd Drotri Coltoe.., ra.nlr.» 16 month* In U»« year. SfflALWAraOrw*. remember the place ATLANTA POST GRADUATE DENTAL SCHOOL w DR. W. S. CONWAY. Mansocr. I fWShletr-fiurry BeiUh*. Prochtree Slrtet. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. /- ATLANTA. (xmme/i i-a Wmitimau atk^Uanta. aa. Thorough courxea of Bookkeeping and Shorthand at greatly reduced rates. Good positions secured or money re funded. Ask our hundreds of gradu ates and their employers about ua. Clip this ad, send to ut, and receive large illustrated catalogue. ALABAMA BRENAU KL’PAULA, ALAUAUA. A high grade Coll**** r**»n aerva tor j for young ladle*. Thvrougb course In lite rary. eperlal ndvantagra In montr. art. •rntorv. Orchestra of 15 Inatmucnti Iteatitlful new bulMIoga located upon magnificent elerutlon. Iileil wlnte*r H magalficent elerutlon. Meal winter mate, oplradld health record. Ala. Bre- mi ChantanqtM lake* olare of aa«ml S( . , , 1 . W [.I.. Write for Ulua ALLOWS SELECTION OF COURSES PREFERRED. 3E C UMUCL'LUU *t M.rc.r allou. th. fultnt .(tocUl d«- velopm.nt of apecbil ■billtl.a In Riving full, finhamp«red choice of pKrtlcularly dmlrnbl. , ounw*. Our tradition., environment and teaching aerva to devalop the. Mat — ilghe.t atandard of Christian manhood. -Equipment con- ry and too current periodical.. Well equipped laboratorlea. gymnasium, hot and cold hatha, literary aocletlea and all cultured social advantages. Write for Information and cat* alog. . Address S. Y. JAMESON, Pres., Macon, Ga. WASHINGTON SEMINARY North Avenue and Peachtree Street, ATLANTA. For Girls and Young Ladies. Boarding Department strictly limited to provide refined home life. Clasoe* divided into sections averaging about t«*n student* to secure personal instruction. 1 in tilty of eighteen college graduates. Primary, academic, college preparatory, music, art and elocution. Certificate admits to Vaasar, Wellesley, Etc. 28th Year begins September 1J, 19ti. Catalogue on application to Phone 647, J North. L. D. SCOTT, FMMA B. SCOTT, Principal!. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 8T0NE MOUNTAIN, GA. A home school limited to seventy boys with eigllt experienced teach ers. The largest and best equipped school gymnasium In Georgia, with a competent physical director. Opens September 12. Write for catalogue. W. B. GRIFFIN, Principal, Stone Mountain, Ga. PIEDMONT dotation High firhooL grad«-l aud ~ ‘ ‘ *t rsHnrm uf or pupils tram INSTITUTE •fate to which oar pupils trans- Atm: To Kqat|» th# Man. tb# Wa Kir. U F. VKNAIU.K. ITMlrfg ROCKMART. GA, Fi:\ l V I ! i:\Tll ANM A1. HKFTKMMKIt 4 spring T.rm Op*-n« J ftn iinr S’ I f 'iltv, Kai-ri-oafii| p.., MU Kt|»ens#s dy i' co-i ratio al Knrtillmr LOAN FUND AVAILABLE FOR TWO OR THREE WORTHY GIRLS.