The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 13, 1906, Image 7
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONDAY. Arur«T 13. 1*< start* ■* with a LITTLE HOME BANK and book or trith the book only in me SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF THE NEAL BANK ®‘ 'll* nXt ot THREE and one-half per cent. PER ANNUM, (*n;npoun«Jed a, ml-annually. E. H. THORNTON. Preaident. W. F. MANRY, Cashier. H. C. CALDWELL, Ant Cashitr. BOB FITZSIMMONS SELLS HIS PET LION FOR FEAR IT WOULD EAT HIS BABIES TROLLEY FS AUIOl T American DENTAL PARLORS Summer and Convention Rates. Round trip summer excursions from all points East to Pacific Coast and Northwest, from June 1 to September 15th, with special stop-over privileges, good returning to October 31st, 1906. Summer Rates to Colorado, June 1stfo Sept, 30 Use the splendid through service of the SOUTH ERN PACIFIC from New Orleans, UNION PA CIFIC from Kansas City or Chicago to all points West, Northwest and Southwest, including palatial steamship service from San Francisco to Japan, China, Australia, etc. . * Through Pullman Tourist cars from Washington, Atlanta, Montgomery, etc., and from St. Louis and Chicago to California. WRITE ME FOR LITERATURE AND INFORMATION. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agt., 124 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. R. 0. BEAN, T. P. A. G. W. ELY, T. P. A. »95SS5SS8SSSSS.Si Woman Is Slain and Another Likely To Die. CROWDED CUR FULLS INTO STAGNANT POOLi EIGHT PERSONS HURT A Dozen Others Nearly Drowned in Evil-Smell ing Water. ASKS A LARGE SUM FOR RIS SERVICES S. Ill to Till' Georgian. Cleveland. Ohio, Aug. 1«.—Eight per sons were Injured and a doxen other* nearly drowned laat night when a car Containing fifty persons on the Cleve land and Eastern Traction line jumped the track eight mllea southwest of (.'harden, Ohio, and plunged Into a large stagnant pool. The car was headed toward this city and wiin going nt moderate speed, when the accident happened. Henry Hof- Iler, conductor of the ear, received se rious Internal Injuries and may die. TWO NEGROESliLLED BY SWITCH ENGINE Special to The Georgian. Adrian, Ga., Auk. IS.—Two ne*roee, Maehon Ramey, and Adam .Glvlne, v ert? tun over here by tho yard engine • f the E. I< Renta Lumber Company. The men, after returning from the woodsi where they work, got some whisky from some place, and, as they "ere coming through the yard, drunk, "ere struck by the switch engine, cut- ting both iegs off each. They - wero given medical attention nt once, but before the doctors had completed ilre.-eing their wounds, the men were both dead. That once doughty fighter and still aspiring actor, Robert Fitzsimmons, •old "Senator Reynolds" ths other day for 95,000. The “Senntor" Is a big 3-year-nld lion which has been almost a member of Ruby Rob's family for the past eighteen months. The pur chaser was Boatock, of Coney Island, the deal being made over the telephone Many In the large crowd ussembled at the American Horae Exchange were moved to tears at the affecting part Ing, In which Mr. Kltsslnimons and his lion took leading roles. The actor was genuinely moved, and It Is safe to say that he never did anything better be hind the footllghta. There were two real tears In Mr. Fit xslmmona' eyes, one In each of them, and a catch In Ills voice, as he said: "Why, 55,000 wouldn't' have touched that lion If I could have stayed at home all the time to keep him company. He loved me, and 1 thought the world and all of him. But he didn't seem to take to anybody else and I was afraid he would eat one of my children some time when I was away. He took sev eral bites out of a good horse of mine the other day and I'm. afraid It will never be the same horse again. R wasn't that the Senator was Ill-tem pered, he’s got a sweet disposition, but little away ■■ _ it for love,’ and I didn't dare to Jaava the big fellow at home;’’ and Mr. Fltistm- mons sighed profoundly. “Bob” and Lien on Broadway. The big lion had been shipped to the American Horse Exchange recehtly. MR Fitzsimmons, no longer able to endure the strain, left his home In Dunelten, N. X, and came (o have am other look at his pet. He found him almost prostrated by the. hdat and as tonished the crowd by taking him out of his cage und walking up and down Broadway. The Senator was only re. pereu, ne s goi a aweei uisposmon, i he’s playful, very playful, and a III rough nt times. I've got to go aw this fall with my show. 'A Fight the deal was rinsed on the spot. No Effort at Secrecy. There was no effort on (he part of Mr. Pltaatmmona to keep the details of tho trade from the public. With al most childlike condor he discussed the nffulr at length, dwelling particularly upon the necessity of leaving home fn Hie fall with his wife In hl» show, "The Fight for Love." The actor's mana ger was present and supplied any lit' tie Incidents which had been overlook' ed during the conversation. It will be remembered that "Senater Reynolds" was the lion which caused Mr. Fltxslmmons to remain In durance vile In a cell at the Coney Island police station, for two hours and a half In Ihe spring of 1905. Senator Reynolds, Ihe statesman, had given the Hon—tils namesake—to Rob ert when the animal was only n few months old. With the Impetuosity which frequently charncterlxed his ac tion In the prise ring. Mr. Fltxslmmons entered the enge without saying any thing to Mr. Rostock about the Sena tor's gift, and took the little Hon away. It looked so'much like theft to the ani mal trainer that he caused the fighter's arrest. For two hours Mr. Fitzsim mons remained In a cell w hile the mat ter was Ming explained. As In the present rase, their was no effort at the time to keep ths affair from the papers. "I raised thst lion from a pup—I mean cut.,'' said Mr. Fltxslmmons, "and I certainly do hate to give him up: but I got to go with my show 'Ths Fight for Love'—that's the name of It—hove you got that right?" the curious throng fell spectful distance. "Couldn't he break that string. Bob?" queried an nnxlous ndmlrer,. edging backward as he spoke. "Like a cotton thread," answered Mr. Fltxslmmons pleasantly. ‘‘But he wouldn't think of hurting anybody be fore me, he’s that considerate of my feelings—never chew* any one up un less I'm out of sight." Mr. Fltxslmmons then mounted the top of the Senator's -age with the Hon and posed for a picture, after which he forced the animal Inin the cage- with .an affectionate parting kick, wiped his eyes with his handkerchief und went to the telephone. He ex plained to Mr. BostocMhat he wouldn't think of leaving the Hon In town an other night while tb* weather waa so warm and asked him to make a bid for l». Mr. Boatock said 15,000 and ITALIAN COLONY TO BE ESTABLISHED Spselsl to The Georgina. Brunswick, Ga., Aug. 1*.—Parties from Buffalo, N. Y.. who were here several months ago looking over .this section of the country with a view to establishing an Italian colony, have written to members of ths several trader organisation* here that It has been practically decided that the colo ny w’UI be located In Glynn county# a few miles from Brunswick, and that ilnns will lie made within Ihe nest >w weeks to bring several hundred of the colonist* here about October I. This colony will consist of Italians of tilt agricultural class, who will devots themaalvss to truck farming and cultl vatlng vineyards. canoooOUOOOOOOOOOnOOOODOOO O IN A FLAMING CAR O SIXTY-SIX PASSENGERS O CROSS HIGH TRE8TLE. BABES SEE FATHER KILL THEIR MOTHER tty f’rlvnt*' l*#iiap?l Win*. Sherman, Tex„ Aug. 13.-fitter beat- ins hl« wife'll braltift out with a flat iron. j. v. c. Wilder, a farmer, whose home wan near Tom Bean, a small town fi mile* from thin place, venter* day afternoon commlttr!! nulclde with a *hotgun. Thre«* nmall children wttneeeed the crime of their father, one boy, 7 yearn "Id. and a nmaller brother walked to Torn Dean and told the ntory to a mar- iicd muter. The room where Mm. Wilder’* body Inv is bespattered with blood, giving evidence of a struggle. No motive for the crime In assigned. MUSEllAS RECORD IN MONTGOMERY Special to Tb* Georgian. M»tit*(iinpry. Ala.. Aug. 13.—George Ms***, *lie young mini arrest ml In 8f. Loul* Sat- Ii.m a police record here, and I* to come from Rentvvllle, Ala. Mps* held np nt the point of a pistol by • *nimu» In Ht. Ural* *• he w«» tryf— rob her home, so she allege*. Mi h™ ronfrMod •«» the Ht !«oaf* iuif1*rfffe* >f several robtierles. He ws« ™22e ,0,|; ! i re in I** f„ r trenims*. nnd lined $21 and 11 V»- This lie worked out on the street - mine yeer he wn* nrrestedp Copyright ,1906, by W. R. Hearst.) Specially posed picture of Laura Digger, the former actress and widow of Henry N. Rennet, who In now being sued by Dr. C. C. Hen dricks, for $209,380 for medical services. reti. .... _ and ••need to nlxty day* on the rbnlngnog. Beautiful China The beauty of our English China is not equaled. New and very artistic designs are shown in our most recent importations and tasteful housewives will be greatly interested in them. Odd pieces and full sets in tho prettiest shapes. Muisr Sc. Berkele MISSISSIPPI CROP WILL FALL SHORT, SAYS PRES. CLARK Hpcclnl lo Ttli> Georgian. Jackson, Miss.. Aug. It.—President Clark of the Mississippi Cotton Asso ciation. bus Issued the following state ment In regard to the crop in this slate: "The crop, while generally good, Is the worst' spotted .In years, and It will be hard to estimate, with any degree of .accuracy. With the present esti mates ranging from H.000,000 to 14.- oon.ood hales, the spinners wilt buy very sparingly. To meet this condition the farmer has but one safeguard, ’sell sparingly,' nnd we will have a gradu ally advancing market. "I am constantly examining the fields and I find that In many cases the crop is- being overestimated, • due to the large nnd rapid growth. However, there is yet time to odd the fruit, and It behooves us to watfb conditions very carefully and not deceive our selves." ' Blanks were aent out today by Sec retary Woods to the officers of county organisations nnd other correspond ents on which lo make their reports sc nerrnlng crop conditions on August 90 * BURGLARS OPERATING IN MONTGOMERY, ALA. Special to The Georgian. Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 13—Thera has beci hardly a day or night in two week* that some residence has not been robbdd here. The police are mak ing every effort to locate the thieves, but so far without success. The rob bers are not content lo watt until night but rob In the day time. Many people are away for the summer and the homes are left unprotected. The rob bers ore only after money and Jewelry. LOW RATES via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Warm Springs, Ga .... Chick Springs, S. C.. . Asheville. N. C Waynoavillt, 14. C Hendersonville, N. C. .. Lake Toxaway, N. C. .. Tryon, N. C Tate 8pringe. Tenn .... St. Simone, Oa Cumberland Island, Ga Atlantic Beach, i la .... Chicago, III Saratoga Springe, N. Y Atlantic CKy, N. J .. .. Atbury Park, N. J. .. ,. Detroit, Mich . .$ 3.76 8.60 . 10.50 . 11.60 .. 10.00 .. 12.70 ..10.00 .. 11.35 . 12.00 .. 13X0 .. 14X0' .. 32X6 .. 43X0 .. 40.00 .. 41.50 30X6 Special to The Georgian. O Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 19.— O O Saturday afternoon passengers on O the electric car In charge of Mo. p htrman It. (,'. Strickland, return- o Ing from ths ball park, had a O O scare that they will not forget O O eoqn. A long trestle spans the O S Central of Georgia railroad nnd Juet after the car started across S it ths front part blared up and L was a mass of (lamas. The paa- O sengers all rushed to ths renr. O Motormnn Strickland brpvely (3 S stuck to his post with (lames nil O about him and carried the car O 0 safely over Ihe trestle, where O V the passengers, 14 In number, fell O Cover each other In getting off. O aooooooooooooooooGneoooooo ROAD INSPECTION PARTY „ IN MONTGOMERY, ALA. Ilr Private Leased Wire. Montgomery, Ala.. Aug. 1*.—The of- flclals and section foremen who have been Inspecting the Western Railroad and (he Atlanta and Weat Point Rail road, arrived In Montgomery yester day. They left Atlanta Saturday morn ing and spent Saturday night In Ope lika. on this Inspection tour were \V. N. fox, superintendent of trains; O. T. Nelson, roadinaster, and twenty section foremen. TWO NEW BUILDING8 FOR STATE HOSPITAL The above rates are for the Round Trip. Tickets on sale dally limited for re turn until October 31, 1936. Pasxanger and Ticket Office No. 1 Peachtree Street. 'Phone 142. J. C. LUSK, Lnstr'Ct Patsenger Agent. Special to The Georgian. Jackson. Miss, Aug. 13.—The board of trustees of the State Hospital for the Insane, located In this city, will let the Contract for tha erection of the new buildings, authorised by the laat,leg islature soon. Two new huepltal buildings, ensttnx about 990,000. are to be erected, and extensive repairs will be made on the old structures. - | and WHISKEY HABIT® aretl it tome with* I out pels. Book cf par* I ticaUrt i<*:u FitKK. _ I B. M. WOOLLEY. M. D. } Atlanta,***, office 104N.Pryor£*rcet. OVERWORK PUTS SINGER IN A SANITARIUM Ilr Private l«wl Win,. Detroit, Mich, Aug. J9.—Gertrude Kimberly, opera singer, formerly of the Metropolitan opera hnuee, of New York, has been placed In a sanitarium here. She Is a victim of mental col lapse caueed by overwork. Bhe went Into light opera recently, creating parts In "The Show GlrL" "Nancy Lee" nnd other productions. Her husband la hare and playing In B. C. Whitney's "Captain Carele:- o." Iljr Private Leased Wire. < t'hlcagn, Aug. 19.—^tre. Ellajbeih Slaughter, aged 15, was Instantly kill ed: Mrs. II. H. Slaughter, aged It, had her right arm and Jaw broken, skull fractured and will probably die; C. 8. Slaughter, husband of Mrs. Fillsabeth Slaughter, and cousin of Mrs. II. II. Slaughter, was slightly bruised, and Mrs. Christine Daulby. a nurse em ployed by Slaughter, waa slightly In jured, when an automobile In which they were riding was struck by a Chi cago nnd Milwaukee electric car at Noyes street and the Chlrago, Mil waukee and 8l Louis track* In Evans ton laat ntght. ami were thrown agolnst a telegraph pole. IN TROLLEY CRASH Members of Two California Ball Tennis Among Victims. Iljr Private leased Wire. Oakland, Cal, Aug. 19.—Pocked with people from Berkeley and Idnru Park, a Telegraph avenue rar crashed Into a Key Route electric train, bound from Piedmont «o the ferry mole at Fortieth street crossing yesterday, In juring a score of passengers, two of whom may die. A defective air brake Is said lo have caused the wreck. Nearly all the injured were In the street car. On this car were moat of the members of tha San Francisco and the Los Angeles baseball teams, who had Just tlnlshad a gamo al Idora park. The more severely Injured: James 8. Johns, Oakland, may dla; I, Bloom, Oakland, may dla: F. F. Dillon, Loa Angeles, ball playar; Georgs Hudson, baseball umpire; O. L Whealer, Han Francisco; Albart Baulbsrg, Almsda; Mrs. Margaret Welch, Oakland; Edith Parker, Oakland; Mrs, Henry Dlemalt, Oakland; T. C. .Chaney, Point Rich mond; William Pittman, motorman. DECATUR WILL YOIE EOR SEWER AND WATER The rltlxens of Decatur, Oa, are go ing to vote to decide whether the little city la to laaue 944,000 worth of bonds for water and aewaraga. Many of the leading spirits am working hard In lha Interaat of tha Improvement, and It la sold there la little doubt of IheJr sue ceaa. The only fear Is that tha registered voters may svlnca apathy and fall to go to Ihe T>olla. Thera ore lid regis tered voters for this special election. Under the law two-thlrda of this reg istration must be rast In favor of the bonds, otherwise tha effort will fall. Those who do not vote will be counted ns having voted agalnat tha bond Is sue. Al. I. Htone haa nnd printed 194 poe tnl cards und Is sending one to every registered voter. Probably the entire cltlxenshlp favors the bond Issue. CAPTAIN WM. BEALL' DIED ON SATURDAY 19 } Pncklna Strjil, Atlanta, Si. oven *CWAU«_ A MAY FutUr Plaia. 72-Y Gold Crown Tcicdain Crown Erldgcworlr, per loolli PAINLESS EXTRACTING TEETH CLEANED Hours, Sam. till 4 p. m. j StanrJmy, 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. IVE TAKE IMPHF3X|nN AMP PUT IN YOUR TTFTH SAME DAY. I Dr. G. C. NEEDHAM, Prop. $0.50 Mp FREE! SHINGLE LATH BUYERS We hare for sale-immediate delivery: 300 M. "Carolina Specials" Highest grade Cypress Shingles, full dlmonslon, 5x14. neata-Prlmea, • ' 600 M„ each All Heart Pine, full dimension, 4x14 and 5x14 Shingles. 500 M. No. 2 Pine 4x14 and 6x14 Shingles. 1,000,000 Standard Green Lathi, 4 feet long, exactly I 12 Inches wide, exactly 38 Inch thick. * We can deliver carloads nnd mixed carloads to nil polnls In Georfila at satisfactory prices. Drayload lots a apeclnlty. $00 tons Fibre and Wood Flhra Plaster rond> for lin medial* shipment from Atlanta, Birmingham and Montgomery. • IVhydrntlnc, the highest g ado Damp and* Water Proofing Compound, KEYSTONE LIME THE PUREST, WHIT EST LIME ON THE MARKET, PUT UP IN THE STRONGEST AND MOST ATTRACT IVE BARREL8. SEND FOR SAMPLE BAR REL OF KEYSTONE LIME. CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Captain William Basil, assistant doorkes|*er of the aenate, died at G(ady Hospital Saturday afternoon from tho effects of a paralytic stroke he suffer ed laat Wednesday. He was stricken with paralysis at his boarding house, 85 South Pryor street, a, d removed lo the hospital. , Captain Beall waa a rlllxen of Catoo sa county, liking at Ringgold. For many yaara ha waa an engineer on the Western and Atlantic railroad, but waa forced to give up hla profession some yeare ago on arrount of rheumatism, which crippled him severely. The funeral was held Sunday after noon at the chapel of Borrlay * Bran don. The pallbearers were Captain D. ihai Milton A. Smith, S. Captain O. J. Dallas. NEW REGIMENTS ARRIVE AT PARK g|ieetsl to Tbs Georgian. tlMtlan<s«n. Ti-aii, Aug. Il-Tbr Third ?nsw, regiment. In charge of Colonel Cnry F. kprniT, ot Knoxville, has taken ■nweeshm of the army menenrsre at 'falrkamsngn, the soldier beys haring sr- .1tt-d ttatnrday afternoon. The three Chat tanooga eonqisnlea joined the Knoxville hors also. Slid they are all qnartered la wall lima near F«ytle hill. ,Th«- Knoxville Iwya rnme on a fln-rlal train, and three ■ ompanlea from Uriatnl rente on another train. The 1*1 rat Month Carolina regiment la also at the perh for the week's sumeuvers. They esme front Torkrllle and vblslly. They are rent, •landed by Colonel W. IV. Lewla. of forte rtlle, and bla flag moetete of the follow ing: Captain II K. Mefally, adjutant: Captain 11. r Willie, qmrleynrtalni: Celt tain J. U. Undue/, .•nmntleaorr: Captain M. C. Jeter, rhnpfale: Mejer it J. tVel w. r< r»^sr rv: K& i-ommanfllntf flu* thiw Irtftnllmis. RACE FOR PISTOL; DEATH TO LOSER SprrUI to Thf Georgian. riMttiUMN’C*. Trim.. An tin. * nfirro. ha« lom Iwnn tot thr rhNnrr of thr mnnW of Hurt A*h Th«*jr to gnfn aM.jfsiloo «»f n ini In • combat* nn*a uatile* c»t »* I and Sredo S E A B O A R D AIR LINE RY. Best Rates of the Season to the Seashore. OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYBODY ■TO- OLD POINT COMFORT, VA. OCEAN VIEW, VA. CAPE HENRY, VA. VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. PORTSMOUTH, VA. To All Points Named Above S10.50 AND RETURN To All Points Named Above CHOICE OF ROUTES— Via cither Richmond or Norfolk. This excellent rate will be given to tbn pabllo by the Seaboird Air Line Railway from Cnlhuun Kalin. Able till" and Grin-liw*ml. H C , In points mentioned above and return on August Ills 16th. Parties taking advantage cf these rates ran board any of tho do ible dnlly through trains from the Weal and Allnata nnd theroby enjoy the comforts of nice vosllhttlcd coaches. Dining Cars nnd Pullman Sleepers. For further Information or reservations, address W. K. CHRISTIAN’, A. Q. P. A., Atlanta. Ua CHARLES IL RYAN, Q. P. A., Portamouth. Vs. SECRETARY BONAPARTE . SA YS NANG ANARCHISTS By Private t-eased Wire. fundierlauil. >14.. Ana. l4.-"On annn-h- lata the death penalty ahnuM lie uneqnlvo. ■•ally Impneed by law and laflnlMy eg#- rated whenever the prlaoarr baa annshl "SnJJhl or IlMlIii'rfljr fii tftk* u| l SrritKameofauy pmJfirut Tie. If .. . forbidden by law, el Ireel strongly din- rwnngrd l>y poblfr igtlnlmi. on the xr-xiM that aurh renawre, whether JaatiarJ or not liy the tart, might lend *«ue rrarh-lwalin'd visionary or dangerms fsmtlr to Imagine that the prrslrtent's mnnler wimld sdvagM dnm of ap**«rb eipnas- thrni tn vM'-n-e, nnd If we rannnt nr will not protect mein, we tin iiut ttrmarr* tn 11% m h, .1 fie,. momry. Ifotil.fhfh RMPh that l« «nlet .if thrill. friHM tl»r i.rrtliUnt il*n.n. Is. r.l + ntt bn* mm *[«r«fr* Will m mil I»I. UU, i*ii«r1fnMr mill f.H.iUli, l.ut Hie Aiiifrlrnu In fa< floil. wklrli !*ffll *l«rrt)f*fl uiMbmlitMllF " 4*ii to an five with wilier p*.n. r« w!»^ rM fb# romiirjr # lent allnift. vrhftlicr fl ■|^nRrrlll»lfs. , nr tmL fhu* miner fb** miinh« If la mrfl/ rrnaln flint rlrf of «uRri hlam: »ri» iiiml** l*rnr»*l *»f lh^ nr liririftirt t» Inrjf. i»mui ^= UP IN THE OZONE "In the Land of the Sky” KENILWORTH INN Situated in • Private Park of 160 Acre*, Blltmore, Scar Ashe ville, N. C., 2,500 Feet Above the See l*evel. —1 MWJuar THE PLACE TO SPEND THE *1 IT iril~n K4*cf»gnl7«nl •• lit* li*»ti*| |n fU«> ni«mirHlDri of WVtirFrn North CurtiUmi. No RfFtirTr In tb^ wor!«l will 4-ouii>Hre wl*h »b*» rli*w from tliiM hotel. JUnnt MltrfeMl «n<1 I’ ^'ih in f.i;i vlfw. A.ilolnt • ml «*rrrl»ok« tb«» fUlfiunr* wt*(» fool. In-' * 1 efVsetlg ftirnfshril. ctiltLop iin«nriMitf«*1. I*»r fnrm our prtTSte g*Mi*n gather nl frri!j rr*rr moruin' golf. p«4rf. MIIUMs. trftnfl*. llt^rr. bg-nntlf*! rble* nn<1 .Irlr • ’onrh m«.f* nil rrabm it IMlru..irf> rititlon < 1 cnAer any clrcttmataare* i vneh In sjrakjFOf. miming exrrr half b-»*ir r.»r*p^n tm!l**v fr..ii tbn Loin?. Opi-n nil ifif* Writ# nr «lf..- I,™ CIM1AR M Mfioitl