The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 23, 1906, Image 8
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. ‘ .'fV? ; ‘ i : >V>; : ^-■^aV ; ysl<?lSSf^ S’S^airS SOCIAL NEWS itliilliutii Mr*. George C. Bell, Editor. . Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants. DR. AND MRS. LAMBRIGHT ARE TO ENTERTAIN. Wednesday evening Dr. and Mrs. W. A Lambright will entertain charmingly j a number of’ their friends at an in formal party. Games will be played, for which handsome prizes will be awarded, and music will also be a feature of the evenings entertainment j' . Punch will be served by little Miss Jeannette Bunkley, of Macon, and Mas ter Percy Bam bright. Mrs. Lam bright will receive her guests in a becoming gown of pink embroidered batiste. Those who will lie guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lambright ara; Misses Janie and Annie Morgan, of Tampa; Mrs. Bunk- ley, Miss Sarah Belle Bunkley, Miss Jeannette Bunkley of Macon, Mrs. Pinckney Cherry, Mrs. J. W. Nix, Miss Annie Barnwell, Mrs. Rice, Miss Kath- leen Wright, Miss Marie Wright, Miss Marie Moseley, Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. Julius Malsby, Miss Luella Mala- by, Mrs. V. W. Matthews, Mrs. SHU- man, Mrs. Max Thlebaut, Miss Lala Elizabeth Malsby, Miss Eugene Feath- erstone. Mrs. A. L. Morris, Mrs. J. E. Cummings, Messrs. Cliff and Charlie Wilkinson, Dr. C. M. Barnwell, Mr. Pinckney Cherry. Dr. Haulbapk Messrs. Rice, J. W. Nix. Wright, Thompson, Malsby, V. C. Matthews, Dr. Brown, Mr. Stillman, Dr. Thlebaut. Mr. R. L. McCullough, Dr. and Mrs. Ira de La- Mater, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baldwin. MR8. NIX ENTERTAINS. Tuesday evening Mrs. J. W. Nix en* tertalned In honor of her guest. Miss Sarah Bello Bunkley, of Macon. Trail was v played, and at the conclusion of the game prizes were nwarded, Mr. Frank Speer winning the first, a box of stationery, and the consolation, a dain ty pincushion, going to Miss Sarah Belle Bunkley. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nix were, besides the guest of honor, Mrs. Bunkley. Miss Jeannette Bunkley, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hastings. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Lambright, Mr. And Mrs. Julius Malsby, Mr. and Mrs. Dix on, Miss Stella Daniel of Macon, Miss Mary Cassidy, Miss Alto Eddlson, Miss Ethel Burke. Mrs. C. P. Brunkley, Mr. Jack Sum 11. Mr. McNally, Mr. Milton Keeler, Mr. Will Lowe, Mr. James Horne. Mr. George Burke, Mr. Albert Nix and Mr. J. W. Nix. TO MI8S~8TUART. Among the informnl affairs which have been planned for Miss Belle Stuart, the attractive guest of Mrs. Prloleau Kills, none have been more en joyable than the informal bridge at which Mrs. E. G. Ballenger entertained for her Wednesday rooming. Mrs. Bal- lenger’s party was small and Informal, only sixteen of her Intimate friends be ing Invited. Mrs. Ballenger wore a smart white lingerie suit, and Miss Belle Stuart was MI88.CARRIE P. WHEELER, youngest daughter of the late Gen eral Joseph Wheeler, of Alabama, who Is to marry Gordon M. Buck, of New York. silk, trlmmec bands. Her hat was of white lace. Mrs. Prloleau Kills’ gown was of white mull, hand embroidered, and her hat of cream straw, trimmed with grapes. The first prize was a beautiful mo saic picture frame, and tho consola tion a pack of cards. Miss Stuart was presented with a cut glass vase. COMPLIMENTARY*"TO MI88 HATTIE BOLTON. Monday evening Miss Kate Hall en tertained complimentary to her cousin. Miss Hattie Bolton, of Norcross. Miss Arnes Lyons assisted Miss Hall In receiving her guests. Mlsa Hall wore a lingerie gown of white organdie and Valenciennes lace; Ml»» Lyon’s toilet wus of whlto em broidered mull. Music and games were enjoyed until a late hour, after which refreshments were served. Invited to meet the guest of honor, Miss Bolton, were; Miss Cox of Tex es, Miss Agnes Lyons, Miss Eva Slider, Miss May Morgan, Miss Sally Bell Hamden, Misses Mattie and Bessie Burke, Miss Lula Jackson, Misses Katie and Mamie Hall. Mr. J. E. McDonal, Mr. Graham, Mr. J. D. Elkin, Mr. Coop er. Mr. Humphries, Messrs. Pacle and william Moore and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ivey. MI88E8 JOHNSON ENTERTAIN. Mias Lula Johnson and Miss Claudia Johnson entertained Informally Tues day afternoon a few friends at cards, at their home on Ivy street. MR. R08E’¥~BARBECUE. Mr. Randolph Rose gave a large, very enjoyable barbecue Tuesday at Gill- more, near Atlanta. The guests went out on a special train at 11 o’clock In the morning, re turning late In the afternoon. Music, good speeches, and a splendid collation mddfl the day one long remem bered. MISS JETEFV8 PARTY. Mies Lamar Jeter entertained In formally Tuesday In honor of her guest. Miss Lillian Brock, of Lafay ette, Ala. Miss Jeter’s guests were limited to the members of the L. D. 8. Club, who are: Misses Bessie Dobbs, Dorothy Ilreltenbucher, Florence Dennis, Edith Duncan, Juanita Grant, Sallle Lang- horn, Qriffle Durrah, Lucia Jeter, Messrs. Fenton Gentry, Ernest Sims, Will Latimer, Rob Fuller, Hay Werner, Ed Lewis, Anton Breltenbucber, Whar ton Montelth, Jeter Weems and Curry Moon. MRS. CRAIGIE’8 DELIGHTFUL PERSONALITY. Although very much of Interest has been published concerning Mrs. Cralgle (John Oliver Hobbes) since her re cent untimely death, still there are new facts relating to her life and per sonality being printed, which throw a delightful light upon the career of this rarely gifted woman. It was when she was eighteen, says an exchange, that Mrs. Cralgle ; decided to devote herself to writing, and at 21 her first book, “Some Emotions and a Moral,” written during months of dreary Illness and domestic anxiety, was published under the pseudonyme which she ur.d throughout her life, “John Oliver Hobbes.” She decided-to conceal her Identity behind a masculine pseudonyme, because the book was a rather cynical one, and she felt that if It were known to be written by a wom an, and a very young woman at that, there would be much gnashing of teeth among the critics. She had a great affection for this homely pen name, and when the publisher urged her to change It, together with the title of the book, she absolutely refused. "1 won’t chnnge the title," she said, “and I won’t change the pseudonyme, and If you publish the book those two things will be published w ith it.” An American by birth, Mrs. Cralgle was an American of the Americans In her ancestry. Her father can trace hl» ancestry back to pre-revolutionary days. In times of war his forebears w-ere soldiers and In times of peace they went into the church, no fewer than four generations of them having been clergymen. One of them, the groat-great-grandfather of Mrs. Cral glc, founded tho first theological sent Inary in New York stnte. They were mostly Presbyterians, while Mrs. Rich ards comes of Quaker stock. With this ancestry behind her, Mrs. Cralgle. as every one knows, became a Roman Catholic, and an Interesting Incident of her recent visit to America was her lecturing In Morristown, N. J., where her grandfather and great-grandfather were Presbyterian ministers/ But except In birth and ancestry Mrs. Cralgle was more an English woman than an American, and perhaps more a citizen of the world than either. She studied the piano with Walter Mac- farren; for two years she worked at classics and philosophy with Professor Alfred Goodwin at University College, London, and for years she had private tutors In every subject she cared to take up. Reared In an atmosphere of wealth, culture and affection, and free from all the sordid and meaner cares that vex the mass of mankind, the tragedy of her life was her marriage to Reginald Walpole Cralgle at the age of 19. She secured a divorce a few years later and obtained the custody of her little boy, John Churchill Cralgle, to whom she was absolutely devoted. He Is now a young man of 19. When In London Mrs. Cralgle lived with her parents in their magnificent house at Lancaster Gate, but she was so much In demand socially that she found It difficult to w*ork there. She had a suite of rooms In the convent of the Assumption that she used to retire to when she wanted to be free from Interruption, but most of her writing probably was done in the rustic re cesses of a Suffolk village, w'here, when thinking out her work, she used to tramp the countryside for hours Im mersed In thought. In appearance Mrs. Cralgle was slight and frail. She was not exactly pretty, but had beautiful eyes and a beautiful complexion, and she understood the art of dressing to perfection. The cynicism of her books was absent from her con versation, and, although the basis of her character was intensely serious, she took a genuine Interest In the friv olities of life, and considered it a fine art to skim “lightly like a swallow the deeps of a conversational lake.” MRO. MAS0NTNTERTAIN8. i . West End Bridge Club was en tertained Tuesday morning by Mrs. James Mason. The guests Included Mrs. E. J. Blood- worth, Mr*. Marshall Eckford, Mrs. W. E. Foster, Mrs. Edward Holbrook, Mm. Dan McIntyre, Mrs. Fred Stewart, Mrs. Leon Walker and Miss Ogllvle. IN HONOR~OF VISITORS. Wednesday evening Miss Annie Lee Thornton will entertain at her home on LLiden street In honor of Misses Dean and Ho*% the guests of Miss Lapsley, and of Miss Nell Goodrich, the guest of Miss Marie-Mitchell. Invited to meet these young women are: Misses Aylette Lapsley, Alma Goodrich, Marie Mitchell, Fannie Lou Mitchell, Hattie Mitchell, Louise Show er, Mabel Shower, Hazel and Ethel Thomas, Caroline Jolly, Edna Phillips, Charlotte Pace, Messrs. Robert Mitch ell, Jr., Robert Hook, Hurt Foulkes, Raymond Wisdom, Oordon Richards, Arthur Lane, J. T. Malone, James Wal lace, J. 8. Nunnaljy, John Brewer, John Sldell, Charles Shower, Lovelace Eve. Embry Eve, Cleveland Kiser and George Collins. w. cTt. U. The Atlanta Willard Woman’s Chris tian Temperance Union has Invited Dr. Elizabeth W. Smith, state superintend ent of the Georgia Woman’s Christian .Temperance Union, to address the meeting ' Thursday, afternoon at 3:80 o’clock In the interest of her depart ment—"Non-Alcoholic Medication." The treasurer, Mrs. G. A. Cochrane, urges the members to pay annual dues at the state convention, which will be held September 24 to 28, at LaQrange. will greatly add to the beauty and picturesqueness of the scene. THE MI8SES *8NOOK TO ENTERTAIN AT CARDS Misses Harriett and Lulu Snook will entertain at an Informal card party next week In honor of their guests, Mrs. O'Donnell, of New' Orleans, and Miss Mary McConnell, of Mississippi. AN 0UT?NG PARTY. Mr. Ralph Dyar gave a delightful outing to a party of his friends at Grant park a few evenings since. The chaperons were Mr. and Mm. J. H. Dyar. Mrs. E. C. Harris and Mr. Cliff Dyar. The other guests were: Misses Addle Fraser, Gussle Fraser, Allle Fra- ser, Louise Harris, Madeline Humph ries, Lucy Elder, Ethel Cawthorne and Messrs. J. H. Elder, Paul and Larkin Hill. MRS. ROBERT DANIEL WILL ENTERTAIN Wednesday afternoon at 8:80 o'clock Mrs. Robert Daniel will entertain at euchre at her home, on Central avenue, complimentary to Mrs. Milton Denton, of Macon, who previous to her marri* age. as Miss Mattie Kate Dougherty frequently visited Atlanta, and had many friends In the city. Invited to meet Mrs. Denton are Miss May Arch er, Miss Gertrude Brandon, Miss Net tle Mills, Miss Nan Carroll, Miss Ruth Johnston, Miss Lee Brandon, Miss Kate Carroll, Miss Margaret Brow r n, Mm. Ethel Tutwiier, Miss Ada Williams, Miss Annie Sharp, Miss Jessie Tut wiier, Miss Clara Belle MafVn, Miss Mae Taylor, Miss Alma Archer, Miss Julia Neville, Mrs. Albert Marbut, Mm. Frank Berry, Mm. Emmet Lunceford, Mrs. Tom Callaway, Mrs. Fred Lans- dell, Mrs. Edgar Chambers, Mrs. Rob ert Muir, Mrs. Walter Rowbothanj. jobsoTTparks. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Parks an nounce the iparriage of their daughter, Frances A del la, to Mr. Harris Jobson, which took place Saturday evening at 9:16 o’clock. The ceremony was per formed by Dr. A. T. Spalding. Mr. and Mrs. Jobson left Immediately after their marriage for a short visit to Asheville, N. C. Personal Mention Ga. ‘PHONE US’ BROWN & ALLEN Reliable Druggist*, 24 WHITEHALL STREET. We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free Atlanta Agents for Candy 80c Pound Pictures should represent good art. They should be of superior qual ity. They should have an exclusiveness which especially enhances the value and luu-r.-st. .They should be reasonable In price and appropriately framed. COLE BOOK AND ART COMPANY, 63 Whitehall St., can aupply these requisites. Also everything new or old In the world -t books. Visitors Invited to hear Dr. Smith. MRS. MARY I„. M'LENDON, President. MRS. JANE A. ADKINS. Recording Secretary. MI8S KINGSBERRY ENTERS JOURNALISTIC FIELD. The social aide of journalism In At lanta has received a moat valuable and charming addition in the advent of Miss Mary Klngsberry Into local news, paper work. Miss Klngsberry has accepted a po sition on tho society department of The Atlanta News, and enters upon her duties marvelously well equipped for her responsibilities and obligations. With a large and loyal circle of friends, a wide general acquaintance ship, an Influential family connection and of brilliant mental attainment!, Miss Klngsberry will at once take n most enviable position In the noble profession of Journalism. The Georgian gives her the warmest and most genuine welcome Into the ranks of newspaper workers. MRS. W. T. SMITH’S BRIDGE. Mrs. W. T. Smith will entertain at a bridge party Friday morning at her home In Inman Park In honor of Mrs. O'Donnell, of New Orleans, nnd Miss Mary McConnell, of Mississippi, the guests of the Misses Snook. MR. BLACK’S DINNER. Mr, Eugene Hlack entertained a par ty of gentleman friends at dinner Tues day evening at the Country Club In honor of Mr. Congdon, of New York city. Mr. Blnck's guests Included Mr. Rich ard Congdon, Mr. Charles Hlack, Mr. Mnrlon Jackson, Mr. Cliff C. Hatcher, Mr. Sanders McDaniel, Mr. W. O. Humphries and Mr. R. D. Draper. briogiTparty. Friday afternoon Mrs. W. E. Foster will give the third of a series of bridge parties at her home at West End, w hich will he one of the most enjoyable social events of the week. picnic at - East lake. A small but charming party enjoyed a picnic at East Lake Tuesday evening. The party Included Misses Aline Pat terson. Helen O’Brien. Natalie Taylor, and Messrs. Louis Leonard, Foster b'ltx- slmmons, John Mltnm and Percy Tay lor. MISS SPEER'S~MASQUERADE. Miss Sllvey Speer will entertain nt a masquerade party on the lawn of her home on Peachtree road, Aug. JO, In honor of Miss Julia Howell, who leaves early In September to enter school at the Sacred Heart Convent in New York City. The party will be at fresco, and will he one of the most delightful affairs given In honor of Miss Howell. The lawn will lie lighted with Japanese lantern* and there w ill be fortune tell ers anil games of all kinds to ente-taln the guests. Those Invited are request- Mra. A. M. Robinson and Mias Kate Robinson returns Wednesday from Tate. Mrs. J, G. Oglesby and Mlsa Eugenia Oglesby left Wednesday for Atlantic City. Mrs. Louise Spalding Foster left Wednesday for a visit to Indian Spring. Mr. Milton Saul ha* returned from Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mra. Marlon Dunwoody are visiting In Raleigh, N. C. remain there until late in the autumn. Misses Rose and Grace M&uck are at home again from Virginia and Wash ington, D. C. Isabel and George, Jr, are visiting in the mountains of Virginia and Tennes- Mlsses Dorothy and Lillian Stevens are with their aunt, Mr*. John W. Hightower, and John Jr., in the moun tains of North Carolina. Mias Alma Hardman la the guest of relatives at Commerce. Miss Luclle Kiser la vlsltng the fam- ly of her uncle, Mr. J. T. Nixon, at Vest Point. Mra. Frank K. Boland and little son are visiting the family of Dr. J. S. Horsley at West Point. Mlsa Grace Beasley la the guest of Ml as Bes* Smith, at Weat Point. Mlsa Vera Summer has returned from a three weeks’ visit to friend* and rel atives In Columbus, Ga. Mlsa Sarah Mai Ray leaves Wednes day for a few weeks’ visit to Miss Lil lian Grift In Marietta. "DIAMONDS BRING SUCCESS.” By our partial payment plan you can wear a nice diamond while paying for IL This Is the beat way to spend money and at the same time save 1L To be successful, look successful; wear a beautiful diamond. EUGENE V. HAYNES 00. The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall St. MARRIAGE INVITATIONS CORRECTLY AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., Engravers. WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. Mrs. Henry Porter and Mlsa Julia Porter are at Gate Park, N. Y. Mrs. M. R. Emmons and daughter, Miss Ethelyn Emmons, retur|ed yes terday from a delightful trip of five weeks on the Long Island coast and New York city. Mra. Leila Harrison Shackelford, of Birmingham, la visiting relatives In the city. the summer In the mountains < Georgia. Mlaaes Annie and Caroline Anderson, who have been the guests of Mrs. Pinckney Cherry, on Capitol avenue, are now In Newnan visiting their sister, Mrs. Eugene Askew. Mrs.' Frank Wynne and Mrs. P. H. Moore are spending some time at Llttfia Springs. Mrs. N. Solomon, of Savannah, la visiting Mrs. J. F. Cog, at Bolton, Ga. Mr. and Mra. Hugh Lyndon, 524 Woodward avenue, announce the birth of a son. Mrs. Myra B. Armstrong hnd Miss Laura Armstrong have returned from several weeks’ stay at Seashore Cainf> Ground, near Biloxi, Mlsa. Miss Gene West has returned from Hogansvllle. fi » lovely tea Wednesday Afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Horsley In honor other guest*. Thursday evening. Miss Johnson's guests LelT'scotr *” ^ * ut * rt,lne<l “J U,M “PP*e Miss Estelle Horsley entertained nt bid doraino for Miss Johnson's house psrty and for Mlsa l’eyton, of Shreveport, La. The .Prises were won by Miss Itoblsot and Hiss Hlgglnbothem. Friday fateruoon, Miss Nona Scott en tertalned at bid domino for Miss Johnson's guests. The young people enjoyed a delightful dance at Robinson's park Monday evening. CULLODEN. Mra. J. I* Wingfield and Mlsa Mary Cast leu have returned from Indian Spring camp meeting. Mr. Calvin 0 a house party. ..Mrs. J. W. Colbert, Mrs. T. J. Martin and MIm Minnie Martin btve left for a atay at Indian Spring. Mr. Star Winn returned from Washington, D. C„ Monday. Mr. Charles E. Martin spent several days last week nt Indian Spring and Mncon. Plynt i the guest of friends E. L. Connally at The Homestead. SOCIETY WITH OUR NEIGHBORS tng from his recent serious Illness. Mrs. O'Donnell and the Mlseea O'Don nell, of New Orleane, are spending sev eral weeks at the Bon Air, on Peach tree atreot. Colonel Charles W. Crankshaw has moved Into his new home on Peachtree place. Mr. and Mr*. J. O. Oglesby and Mlsa Oglesby leave Wednesday night for At lantlc City, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Hoke are the gusts of Mr. and Mrs. Z. D. Harri son, at Fern Bank. Rev. J. J. Bennett, secretary state mission bonrd, will conduct prayer meeting services at the First Bat ‘ church Wednesday night. Captain Cornelius DeWItt Wltlcox, of the United State* artillery corps, will arrive In Atlanta on the 26th en rout* to Chlekamauga, to take charge of his command. Captain Wtllcox. who la sta tioned ut Washington, O. C., a* a mem her of the general staff, will spend i few days with Georgia relatives. Mr. Walter M. Kelly has returned from n visit to Tallapoosa, where as president of the Tallaimoaa Furnace, he spends much of his time. Mrs. Annie Calloway, who has been the guest recently of Mr. uad Mrs. George P. Hardy, returned Wednesday to her home at Birmingham. Mrs. Guy Mitchell, who has been spending the summer at Wnynesvllle, Is much Improved In health, and will ACWORTH. Mrs. W. T. Bailey Is visiting relatives at Kingston. Mlsa Louise Awtrey umhcrland to. spend Mrs. W. E. Williams, of Marietta, Is here. nn, of Smyrna, Is vis- Alvin Smith, of Atlanta, spent Sunday Orlando Awtrsy spent Raturday In Marietta. Mr. T. H. Brooke and daughter. Miss Maude, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here. Mr. C- W. Rainey, after spending a few days with hla parents, has returned to Dothan, Ala. yatesvIlle. R. C. Collier,-of Barneavllle, spent Sunday here. Miss Clyde l'eurlfoy, of Blakely, Is visit. in» relatives here. F. Crawford left this week for Dallas, , where he will make his future home. Louis Matthews, of LaQrange, Is vlsttlug A Pretty Sight The modish bracelet on a rounded urm, and women today are wearing all kinds. Our jeweled effects, hoops, and etched bands are alike popular. Davis & Freeman, Jewelers. BEAlrriFUL LINE OF -NEW BRACELETS— Just Received. Look at Them. Charles W. Crankshaw, Diamond Merchant and Jeweler. Century Build Inc. Whitehall Si. Tex., where he will make hie future home. Louie Matthews, of LaC his father's family here. Miss Leila Collier, of Hi turned home after spending some time Misses lint tie and Cora Brown are visit- lor at Flatus. Mr. and Mr*. Tom Andrewa and little daughter, of Montezuma, nro visiting the family of Dr. L. M. Johnston. Miss Estelle Moore, of The Rock, Is the guest of Miss Annie Mlddlchrooks. Mr. W. W. Matthews, 8r„ Is spending this week at LaQrange. ~ Mr. and Mr*. K. FT Tudor are *pen some time at White Springs, Fla. HOSCHTON. Melvy and Herbert Smith, after spending several week* with relatives and friends In Hosehton, left Tuesday ut noon for their home in Enloe, Tex. Quite a number of young people attended camp meeting nt Lnwrencevlll© camp ground Inst Sunday. Mr*. Cleo VUeuger. of Augusta. Is spend- Inc the summer with her. sister, Mrs. L. C. Alien, of Hosehton. Mlsa Roth Reinhardt; of Hosehton, spending the week with Mis* I'enrl Ad at Gratis. Miss Maud McGuire, of Dnlilonegn, Is via- Itlng Misses F.innin nnd Lena Hayes. MTsa Estelle Anderson spent Friday In Pendergrass with relatives nnd friends. Miss Jessie House, of County Line, if visiting her nunt. Mr*. Jnne Arnold. Misses lMrkle entertained Monday even L n «. In honor of their cousin, Mr. Melvy Smith, of Texas. Miss Dora Audernou entertained the young people Mondny evening. Mlsa Mnmle McDonald, of Pendergrass, spent Thunulny with friends and relntlvc* In Hosehton. The Mnsonlc picnic, held at this place Inst Thursday, was quite nn enjoyable af fair. A large crowd waa present. Among the speeches made were those of Mr. Jef fries, of Atlanta, and Mr. Lapere. of Mon roe. Music was furnished by the string ha ml. composed of the following: Otmus J. Adams, ItuAselt Ilosch. Lester Lott. Jim Hmlth. 4. K. Arnold. Thurmond. Grover Adams. Will Ward, and Misses Lola Bln- luck and Curtis Adams. The Eastern Star was conferred on the ladies entitled to this degree. WEST~POINT. Miss Jessie Lewi* Johnson tins (men ntertalufng nt a house party, composed of Misses Met’nil. of Quitman: Miss laven der. of Montezuma; Miss Robison, of San- lersvllle. aud Miss Murmh, of Chtpley. They leave Tuesday, with Mias Joliuson i»r Columbus, where they win Ik* the r.5 **ti Miss I.uelle Kiser, of Atlanta.'la the guest of her uncle, Mr. J. T. Dixon. Mrs. Frank K. Boland and little soil, of Atlanta, are the guests of Dr. J. 8. dey’s family. . . Fred Shnefer, of. taGrange, spent Sunday here with his mother. Miss Grace Beasley, of Atlanta. I* the guest of Miss Bess Smith this week. Mrs. Eunice Winston and Miss Tiusley Wluston are expected home the last of week from California, where they been spending the summer. m Jessie Lewi* Johnson entertained Mr. John Jones spent last week In Macon *nd Indian Spring. . Professor Ralph O. Powell, who will head the Institute here next year, I* from Rome. School will begin September 3, with one the I * * * Mr. C. Mncon. Mr. B. H. Ray, of Macon, was here Mon day on his way to Crawford county. „ COMMERCE. Misses May Shannon and Emma Gober have returned from Monroe. Mra. John Montgomery ha* a* her guest Miss Helen Telford, of Gainesville. 3il«* Alma Hardman, of Atlanta, Is the guest of relatives here. •Mrs. W. II. Rico has returned from Clarksville, where ahe spent some time. v Mto* Lou Ona Little I* In Hltkory, Mrs. J. N. Ilearst and daughter, Mlsa Ruby, have returned to Monroe nfter a pleasant visit to Mrs. G. T. Jones. Miss Blanche Harrison la at Franklin 8prlng% Mis* (da May Bussey ha* returned to her home at Warm Springs nfter a visit to Misses Little. Miss Geraldine Hood has returned from Marietta. Rev. A. G. Shnnkle and family, of War- renton, are the guests of relatives here. Mr. Theron Mize entertained several of his friends *t s watermelon cutting Wed nesday In honor of Miss Story, of Jeffer son. Miss Emma Stapler has returned from Washington, Gn„ where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lowe. TOCCOA. Hon. W. A. Charters, of Dahlonega, Is a Toccoa visitor. Miss Rosa Davis Is visiting friends and relatives In Clarkesvllle. Hon. B. F. Can numbered among ... Miss Sallle Taylor, of Macon, Is stop ping for a month at "Vine I^awn.” Miss Susie Matheson and brother, William, are visiting friends in Hart well. Misses Kelle and Eliza Bright and lss ~ * “ “ ‘ lulah Mrs. E. B. Tuggle, of Atlanta, Is vis iting her niece, Mrs. Hattie F. Gil mer. Misses Vivian and Olive Capps are visiting friends In Clarkesvllle and Carnesvllle. Mrs. Ella Vickery Is spending a month In Atlanta. An Informal porch dance was given Wednesday evening by Miss Elizabeth Edwards to a few friends, which was Hoke and children, of Atlanta, are spending a fortnight with Mrs. D. J. Simpson. Miss Mamie Gilmer, of Roanoke, Va., Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hattie Fears Gilmer. Miss Tonny Rampley, of Carnesvllle, Is visiting her sister. Mrs. A. L. Fricks. Mrs. T. 8. Price has returned to her home in Abbeville after a visit to her mother, Mrs. N. R. Hnrrlson. Captain and Mrs. W. A. Willingham have gone for visit to Tate Springs and Asheville. Miss Emmie Willingham and broth er, Pope, are visiting friends In Lula. HARALSON. Quite a number of our people have been attending the services nt the Baptist —Iss Marls Ilnynca and her niece. Miss Irene Hayues, after a visit to the family of Mrs. Mary A. Hodnett, have returned at M Au.P.ll 8 thU W 4"ek! Tl,U,n * "" Into business^sfth °T. 8 ’.‘FUmlng!"* ,0M Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hawthorne are *iii» In* rebtrirea In Mansfield this week. G. W William., o( Lawrence-.!!!, u the xue.t ot bl* brother, John, this weet sociai/circle. Miss Mary Carithers, ol Monroe la week? Ue,t ° f MU * Myrt Mobley this Mr. W. P. Galllard, of Macon, waa a visitor here Sunday. Miss Kate Gloer, a charming youn* lady from Atlanta, la expected Sunday to visit Mies Vashtl Jones. V Editor W. F. Thomas was In Atlanta Monday. “ Miss Maude Mobley returned Wed- nesday evening from Washington, Ga where she spent several days with friends. Mr. M. W. Burton epent Friday in Atlanta. Miss Llnnle Wilson, of Hampton, Is the guest of her Slater, Mra. John Un- shaiv. Mias Annie Mae Conner entertained the Epworth League Tuesday evening Mr. W. E. Murzivller, of Louisville Ky.. spent last Saturday here. Little Miss Katie Knight has been quite sick thla week. Miss Lillian Curtis, of Centennial. I, the guest of Mrs. C. E. Almand. Misses Ruby and Edna Cook left last Saturday for a visit to Mlsa Frances Phillips at Douglasvllte. Miss J. M. Hurst and Miss Ruby are spending some time at Mt. Aalry and Commerce. The Social Circle public schools open Monday, September S, and a line year la expected. Mr. W. T. Knox and aon, Mell, have returned from Tate Springs. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Banks visited In Covlnrton Sunday. Mr. J. Knox Felker, of Monroe, spent Monday night In the city. Mrs. W. F.\ Thomas and babe spent Sunday and Monday with her parents In Covington. A number of Social Circle Mason, attended the Fifth district Masonic convention In Monroe this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Dunn and chil dren are at Salem camp meeting this week. Professor Carlton's residence Is near ing completion. MARIETTA. Miss Isabel Brumby waa the charm ing hostess on Thursday night at a delightful card party glyen in honor of Misses Lillie and Virginia Singleton, of South Carolina. The Ladlea' Euchre Club was enter tained on Wednesday afternoon by Mlsa Sarah Camp. At the close ot the game a aalad course, followed by an Ice, was served. The flrst prize, a shell-back comb, trimmed in gold, was won by Mrs. Oacar Keeler. Mrs. Pier*. Pont, of Pensacola, Fla., cut the como- Jatlon, an exquisite card case. Mrs. John Brantley, of Blackahear, offered, tbs club a prize, a cut glass bell, which was won by Mrs. Bradshaw. Professor Northcutt's dance Tuesday night waa greatly enjoyed by all pres ent. Among the visiting young ladles present were: Misses Lillie and Vir ginia Singleton, of South Carolina; Miss Nellie Legg, of Norristown, Tens, and Mlsa Marlon Brumby, of Carter,- vlile. Mr. ad Mra. V. L. Starr entertained a number of friends at bridge on Sat urday night. The top score waa made by Mrs. Ed Hunt. Delightful refresh ments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mra. Starr, Mrs. Agne, HUIsman, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cortelyou, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Bolan Brumby. One ot. the pleasant events of lha to Atlanta. Miss Ruth Alman. of Whlteaburr, Is vis iting the Misses Foster. Mr,. Alonzo Rawls and Mr. I.eon lfawla are visiting In Zelmlon this week. Mrs. Gilbert Caldwell, of Kenola, nml her father, Mr. Edwards, were In Haralson “ ‘ i on their way to Oak- Ill. I, again able to be ont. She Is now with her sister, Mrs. Walter Groven ateln. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lehman, who hare been with Mrs. Walter Grorensteln, for two weeks, hove gone to Coluiiilms. Mrs. J. IL Thompson has with her this week her father and mother from Baa ing. Mr. and Mm. Carleton have returned from a visit to their daughter, Mr,. Wil liams, at Parte, (In. Mr. amt Mr*. Brooks have been visit- nr Mr. Brooks' brother, at naralaon. Mr. Robert Key amt wife of Rocky Mount, are visiting Mrs. Hattie Taylor. Mr. Henry Favor Is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wood, this week. Little Walter frlmomlson hnd the mis fortune to break bis arm a few days ago. AUBURN. W. B. Moore nnd sister are visiting their brother In Cleveland. Tetm., this week. Mrs. A. II. ttawllns. of Tntnpa. Fla., Is visiting her father and sister this week. Miss Morhlle Chandler, of Atlanta, Is vis ing her mother this week. John M. Cnln nnd John M. Williams have Just returned from * pleasant trip to Rock- mart, Gn. Miss Alma Cnln Is at home now, having l*een In Alabama for some time at school. D. A. Moon visited hit uucte at Mulberry Tuesday. Charles 8. Sherman has sold bis business to II. Mnnghnni, nnd he will go to Mans field. Ga., and continue to engage In bust- Friday afternoon by Mra. Agnes HI Ms- man at the home of her aunt, Mra. J. W. Heyward. About fifty guest* were present, among whom were several from Atlanta and Albany. Icea in the shape ot lilies were served, and de licious punch was dispensed by Mlsa Isabel Brumby nnd Elmer George. The prizes, a pair of long tan gloves and a glove box, were won by Mrs. Egbert Freyer and Mrs. Fagan. Mr*. Joseph M. Brown entertained Miss Rambo and her guests with a delightful german Monday night. Her ball room was radiant with Japanese lanterns. A string band furnished the music and between the figures Ices were served. On a round porch punch was dispensed. The favors were va ried and the german was a great suc cess In every way. Mrs. Brown was gowned In a white lingerie cloth dress, trimmed with lace. The guest* of honor all wore lingerie dresses. via Mr. and Mr*. O. vlslttnl John M.- Williams Professor J. 8. )foore has Just closed bis music ('lass. Mrs. J. O. Hawthorne was called Wed nesday to the bedside of her dylug moth- ~T, Mrs. Davis, of Monroe. John Miles nnd C. II. Morgan and othera attended the campmeeting Hunday at Law- rencevllle. Anthony Haw visited relatives and friends at Grayson last week. $1,000 FOR 10 Cents □ -—-i n r—*, 160,000 I f n | Population Has Atlanta. [Atlanta] i'js-T Exposition snd Will 8pond Each 10 CENTS We will give (1,000 to tba 1010 EXPOSITION, or On* Cent for #v«ry official but ton or pin sold. BUY ONE WEAR ONE 8HOW YOUR COLORS. Solid Metal Gold Plata Button. For Sale by Dealer*. UNITED SALES AGENCY. 717 Fourth National Sink BuildlffK Atlanta Phone 1910.