Newspaper Page Text
Homes ■
Mnfn if rafiroads!,
Miles of street railways,
Banting capital..
The Atlanta Georgian.
:rnp $100,000,000
VOL. 1. NO. 110.
Special Saturday Night Edition.
ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1906. Special Saturday Night Edition. PRICE: JMSSfMg SS&
The City Has Already
Voted in Favor of
movement begins
Fight To Be Carried to Of
ficials and Put Square
ly Up To City '
Municipal ownership and mu
nicipal control is the slogan which
is going to bo used by several cit
izens and city officials for the next
two years.
They are going to tell the people
of Atlanta that they ought to own
their gas plant.
They are going to tell the people
that they ought to own their elec
tric lighting plant.
They are going .to tell the peo
ple that they ought to control the
street railway system.
And to back up their assertions
these citizens' and city officials are
prepared to give facts and figures
which are going to carry weight.
They are going to tell the peo
ple that Atlanta has already voted
for municipal ownership of an
electric lighting plant.
They are going to refer to the
records and show where commit
tee after committee of the city
council has recommended the very
thing for which they are contend
They are going to insist on mak
ing a fight to disprove the claims
of the Georgia Railway and Elec
tric Company people that the
franchise under which they are
operating the gas company was
granted in perpetuity. ,
They are going to present rea
sons for municipal control of the
atreet railways of the city.
They are going to show the peo.
pie where the tax rate can be re
duced materially, and instead of
the profits going into the pockets
of the men who get these favors
from the people that the people
themselves will get the profits.
Corporations Not Philanthropists.
These are facts which cannot be
denied. The city of Atlanta is a
more powerful corporation than
any of the corporations which op
erate within its corporate limits.
It has properties which are worth
thousands of dollars to the corpor
ations. These properties are
worth just as many thousands of
dollars to the people themselves.
Operated in behalf of the people
these properties will yield 'the
profits to the people. It is a well
known fact that the average cor
poration is anything but an elee
mosynary concern. They are in
business in Atlanta for the money
they can make out of the people of
Atlanta. To help themselves they
have got to help the city to an ex
tent. Rut if the city went to
"•ork to help itself just as much
ns the corporations help them
selves the city would be benefited
«s much as it is already being ben
efited and in addition be benefited
as much as the corporations are
There are a lot of people in At
lanta who have lost faith in the
present system. Thomas H. Good
win is a young man who has
brought that evidence'to light. A
lot of people know Goodwin per
sonally. Many do not know him
personally. But every man, wo
man and child knows him now by
reputation. He ran for mayor re-
cently; ran against a man whom
every one believed to be the most
popular man in the city. Sir. Good-
' vm was not so popular. He had
been in the public eye only in the
capacity of councilman. His rec
ord was good but ordinary. When
he started out to run for mayor
he told the people what he stood
People Voted for Principle.
Municipal ownership was the
strongest plank in his platform. A
»reat majority of the people smil
ed at Goodwin—at first. Then
some of that great majority got to
tmnkmg. Then they got serious.
> hen election day rolled around
Continusd on P«a« Three.
No part of Bryan's New York speech created such widespread com
ment. adverse and favorable, as his utterances relative to government
ownership of railroads.
Mr. Bryan’s remarks along that line were worded with all the con
summate skill for which he Is famed. While he commits himself person
ally to government ownership, now here does It appear that he commits
his party to It, or will he Insist that It be one of the great Issues of tho
campaign Just ahead.
In order to clarify the atmosphere and place before the public Mr.
Bryan's exact position, his utterances relative to this matter are here
with reproduced:
"1 have already reached the conclusion that railroads partake so much
of the nature of a monopoly that they must ultimately become public
property and be managed by public officials In the Interest of the whole
community, In accordance with the well defined theory that public owner
ship Is necessary where competition Is Impossible.
"I do not know whether a majority of the members of the party to
which I have the honor to belong believe In the government ownership of
railroads, but my theory is that no man can call a mass convention to
decide what he himself shall think. I have reached the conclusion that
there will be no permanent relief on the railroad question from discrim
ination between Individuals and between places, and from extortionate
rates, until the railroads are the property of the government apd operated
by the government in the Interests of the people.
"And I believe—I believe that there is a growing belief In all parties
that this solution, be It far or near, Is the ultimate solution. But, my
friends, to me the dangerous centralization Is a danger that can not bo
brushed aside. The greatest danger of a republic Is the consolidation of
all power at the capltol, remote from the people, and because I believe
that the ownership of all the railroads by the Federal government would
so centralize power as to Virtually obliterate state line. Instead of favor
ing the Federal ownership of all railroads, I favor the Federal ownership
of trunk lines only, and the state ownership of all the rest of the rail
This' ploturo, which was taken In New York expressly for Tho At
lanta Oeorglan, shows Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings Bryan with the
members of tho reception committee on board the yacht mini. .
Many of Local Party
Leaders Too Dazed
To, Discuss It.
Governor Joseph M. Terrell favors
government ownership of railroads,
along the lines laid down by Bryan in
his New York speech.
So does Secretary of State Phil Cook.
Comptroller General William A.
Wright and State Treasurer R. E.
Park are oppiosed to It. Attorney Gen
eral Hart was out of the city Saturday
and no expression of opinion could be
obtained from him.
But many of the men prominent In
the political affairs of the state shy
when approached for any expression of
opinion along this line.
Most of them meet the query for an
expression of opinion with the state
"I do not care to be quoted. It la a
big question, and one which I have
not had time to thoroughly digest. It
Is too vital a matter to give an off
hand opinion on."
Watson Strangely 8ilent.
Even Thomas Watson, who reached
Atlanta Friday evening from Thomson,
en route to Afton, Virginia, to visit his
son for several days, when seen Satur
day morning at the Piedmont, declined
absolutely to express any view on that
question, or. In fact, any other.
"My views on government ownership
of railroads are too well known for m*
to say anything further." was all h*
would say to persistent questioning.
Government ownership of the rail
ways was one ot the leading planks In
Mr. Watson's presidential platform In
Editor James B. Gray, of The Jour
nal, and Speaker John M. Slaton de
clined to express any view on the sub
'I have not had an opportunity to
digest the matter in my own mind
yet," said Mr. Gray. •
do not care to make any state
ment now, because It is too big a ques
tion for an off-hand opinion.” said
Speaker Slaton.
Clark Howell, editor of The Atlanta
Constitution and national commlttse-
man for Georgia, said:
"Givs Commission • Chsnes.”
Unless the Inter-state commerce
commission, by authority recently
vested In It by congress, meets every
demand of the public ns to railroad
rate re-adjustment, government own
ership of railroads will be the dominat
ing political Issue In the near future.
What the people want Is results, and
they are not so particular as to how
they are brought about
"If private control Is absolute and
satisfactory, and the Interstate com
merce commission meets the demand of
the people by establishing satisfactory
rates, then the question of government
ownership will be postponed, and per
haps entirely eliminated as an Issue.
The matter is largely In the hands of
the Interstate commerce commission.
A Republican’s Views.
Colonel Robert J. Lowry, president
of the Lowry National Bank, and one
of the leading Southern Republicans,
"I do not believe this country Is yet
ripe for government ownership of rail
roads, telegraphs, telephones and other
great public utilities, for the one leads
Inevitably to the other. In my mind
there Is doubt as to whether we shall
ever reach that stage. Such centrali
zation of enormous power Is a question
that should be approached with great
care and caution..
"To my mind government ownership
of railroads would mean the placing
of too much power In the hands of
any political party. It would mean
practically the perpetuation of the
party that might be In Power wheh
such a law became effective. I think l*
Is purely visionary now to talk of such
* An ln effort was made to see Judge J.
K Hines, former candidate for the
governorship of Georgia, on the Popu
list ticket, but he was out of the city.
Four years before he ran for governor.
Judge Hines in an open letter declared
for ownership of railroads by the gov
Are the leaders in matters political
In Georgia stunned by this great prob
lem suddenly thrust by Mr. Bryan into
public affairs? Reticence to speak In
dicates that most of them are chary
of leaping Into the arena with any
opinion on the matter, pro or con.
Opinion Differs Among Lenders.
Colonel John Temple Graves' dis
patch to The Georgian Friday Indicates
that a wide divergence of opinion ex
ists within the Democratic party on
the question of railroad ownership.
The conservatives, led by such men
as Congressman John Sharp Williams,
of Mississippi, minority leader in the
national house. Senators Daniel and
Martin, of Virginia; Senators Bailey
and Culberson, of Texas: Congress
man L. F. Livingston, of Georgia, and
others, shake their heads ominously at
the Idea.
What Is designated on the other
hand as the radicals applauded Mr.
Bryan’s utterances along this line?
What significance attaches to Tom
Watson's declination to express an
opinion? Usuaully he Is free about
expressing his views on such funda
mental issues. That he has favored
for some years government ownership
Is well known. Why. then, does he
now decline to say anything relative
to Mr. Bryan's views along that line?
Who has the answer?
By Private Leased Wire.
Washington, Sept. 1.—The Post to
day publishes as apparently authorita
tive the following dispatch from New
"The greatest dissatisfaction was ex
pressed today by Southern Democrats
over Bryan's dramatic declaration for
government ownership of railroads. Yet
not a Democrat from the South would
give an Individual Interview express
ing disfavor with Bryan's utterances
"The Southerners simply contented
themselves by Individually and collect
ively declaring tWLt If Bryan persisted
on thrusting his views on this subject
upon the Democratic national conven
tion of 1908 the Southern delegates
would be opposed to him to a man, and
should Bryan, overcoming all objec
tions, become the candidate of the
Democrats for president In that con
vention, a number of Southern Demo
cratic-states would go over to the Re
publican columns.
"The Southern Democrats went on
to say that government ownership of
railroads would cause an upheaval In
all states below the Mason and Dixon
■ "Several Democratic national com
mitteemen said that a majority of the
committee who had come on from dif
ferent states to welcome Bryan were
much dissatisfied with his speech. They
not only objected to the government
ownership of railroads, but It was
stated by these committeemen that
there was a flavor of Socialism about
It which was undemocratic and which
has caused dissatisfaction in the
minds of a majority of tho commit
Special Cable—Copyright.
Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1.—New out
rages on the part of the Rueslan police
threw the city Into a turmoil today and
a revolutionary outbreak Is expected to
In a wild raid through the city last
night the police officials of the czar
seized 2,000 persone, most of whom
were Innocent of offense, and cast them
Into prison.
The City Engineer To
Advertise For
Street Committee Finally
Makes Move in Much-
Talked Matter.
At last the city has decided to ad
vertlse for bfdB on paving Peachtree
street, and after twelve years of con
tinuous annoyance the supreme court
will be annoyed no more by the rumble
of passing wagons, as Capitol Square
will also bo paved.
These two Important matters were
settled at the meeting of the street
committee, James L. Key, chairman,
Friday afternoon, and there Is rejoicing
In two camps.
The Peachtree paving proposition has
been before the public for the past six
months, and Us every feature is well
known. Friday, after a few minutes'
deliberation, It was decided to adver
tise for bids and City Englner Clayton
waa so Instructed. The asphalt-bltu-
llthlc duel Is not yet settled.
The paving of Capitol Square la a
smaller matter, but one which has been
brought before the general assembly
consecutively for over a decade, and
has as regularly been turned down. The
state is a part owner of the street and
the city has refused to pay the state’s
share of a new paving. The poor con
dition of tho street and the annoyance
It has caused to the supreme court has
at last compelled that body to take a
hand, with the result that the court
will stand the state’s portion of the ex-
Dr. J. B. Baird appeared for the^citi
zens living on the street and laid the
facte before the committee. Logan
Bleckley, dork *f-the-supreme? court,
appeared for the etate.
Transport Sheridan Is
Aground and Pound
ing Badly.
By Private Leased Wire.
Honolulu, Sept. 1.—Up to thle time
only some of the women and children
have been rescuer dfor the United
States transport Sheridan, which Is
ashore on the reef off Barbers Point,
near here. Tugs and boats are stand
ing by, but the surf Is so high that
the transfer of passengers Is extreme
ly difficult, and much concern Is felt
for the safety of those remaining on
the ship. There Is some hope that the
vessel may bo saved, as lines have been
gotten to her and the efforts of the
tugs hav moved her some. A Bpectal
effort will be made at next high tide.
The swell Is very heavy and the ship
Is pounding badly. Captain Peabody
cannot explain how he came so close
In shore and Is Inclined to blame an
uncharted current. Men familiar with
the water say that It would not be
strange If tho Chilean earthquake bad
changed the currents.
Declares Government
Ownership Is Not
Paramount Issue
After Receiving Welcome in
Connecticut, Nebraskan
Returns to New
O o
g By Private Leased Wire. 0
O East Radford, Va„ Sept. 1.— O
g William J. Bryan and William O
v Randolph Hearst have accepted O
g Invitations to attend the district O
O fair to be held at Radford the sec- O
g ond week In September. 0
° 0
By Private I.pnseil Wire.
New York, Sept. 1.—William J. Bry
an Is back In New York. He arrived
at the Grand Central station at 10
o'clock from Bridgeport, Conn., where
he had made a speech and afterwards
was entertained at the home of Sena
tor McNeill. There were few people
on hand to greet the Nebraskan when
he arrived, as there had been no an
nouncement of the train he would take.
But the "home folks" made up for
this when the Hotel Victoria was
reached. They greeted their neighbor
and leader with loud yella'of welcome,
ond made the corridors look like the
late hours of Thursday once more.
Mr. Bryan went to his rooms as soon *
i he could get nway from his boys
from Nebraska, and there was greeted
by his wife nnd daughter. Later he
prepared to go to Jersey City where*
Whether or not a fight Is to be made
on the Boykin "anti-bucket shop bill"
passed by the last general assembly,
will be definitely determined here Sat
urday afternoon.
Ware & Leland, who own a chain
of the largest exchanges In the coun
try, will consult with prominent local
attorneys during the afternoon to see If
a light, with possibilities of success,
can be made on the new law, which be
comes effective on January 1, 1901.
J. H. Ware and F. T. Biakemore, of
Chicago, heads of the Ware & Le
land Arm. are In Atlanta attending a
convention of Southern managers of
the Arm. It I* given out that the
meeting Is to promote closer relations
between the local managers over the
Southern circuit, and to discuss gen
eral brokerage conditions in the South.
The plan to combat the anti-bucket
shop law has been kept as quiet as
possible, as the exchange people do
not want It known until the opinion of
their legal experts Is obtained. Upon
that opinion will depend the course of
events In this state as regards the
brokerage business In the next few
By I'rlvste Leased Wire.
Bridgeport, Conn., Sept. 1.—After be
ing heartily welcomed In New Haven
and In this city, William J. Bryan spent
the night at Senator McNeill's home
and took an early train today for New
York to begin the Anal day of recep
tions In honor of his return.
At Now Haven Mr. Bryan's recep
tion waa particularly cordial, being In
Strong contrast to the reception he
received ten years ago. Three speeches
were delivered by Mr. Bryan In New
Haven—the Arst, nn absolutely non
partisan discourse: the second a
strongly partisan utterance at a con
ference of Democratic leaders from
New England, and the third also a po
litical speech to the big crowd on the
Brya.n Talks Bluntly.
At the conference In tho New Ton
tine, which was called for the purpose
of taking stepe to spread throughout
New England Mr. Bryan's views of
whnt ha believes should be the party's
policy, he was harsh to bluntness In
tho expression of opinion as to the
party needs.
Mr. Bryan dwelt principally on the
question of the public ownership of
railroads, which he said was one
of the most Important to be considered
by the party, though he did not hold
Continued on Pago Two.
Washington, Bept. 1.—"The entrance
of organized labor In the congressional
campaign does not mean that organi
zed labor Is unfriendly to President
Roosevelt but rather a protest ngainst
centaln congressmen, wlfo, In the opin
ion of the American Federation of Ba
bur have displayed an Indifference to
the cause oflubor," said Frank P. Sar
gent, commissioner general of Immigra
tion and naturalization today.
Mr Sargent Is IdentlAed with organi
zed labor, having been for many years
connected with It 'as president of the
Brotherhood of Lomotlve Firemen.
"The Aght In congressman Llttle-
Aeld's district," continued Mr. Sargent,
’• |H a personal one and In no sense of
the word does It mean that the presi
dent has lost any of his popularity with
organized labor."
By Private Leaned Wire.
Valparaiso, Chile, Sept. 1.—The safe
arrival at Sota of the United States
cruiser Charleston with Secretary of
State Root and hla party aboard has
caused generaly rejoicing: here
They had been delayed by the dense
fog which has been hanging over the
.woter for days. All the Root party
are in fine health.
O Ry Private Leased Wire. 0
O New York, Sept. 1.—A flutter of 0
O excitement was caused shortly be- 0
O fore noon by a rumor to the effect O
O that President Roosevelt had been O
O shot. Preaidant Roosevelt waa sur- O
O prised to hear of the report, as O
O there had been nothing out of the O
O ordinary with him today. o