The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 07, 1906, Image 10
WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No «d. taken for less than 25 i aanta, the prioe of four lines. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates • re for consecutive insertions: 1 time . 3 times , 6 times , 26 times 52 times 78 times , . 6 cents a line. . 5 cents a line. . 4y 2 cents a line. . 4 cents a line. . 3/2 cents a line. . 3 cents a line. Written notice is required te 'discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suits and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. we WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. J FIRST-CLASS should hare high grade slrns- Kent Sign Co.. 914 North Prj Phone 2928. HOUSES Call on rjor street WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED, HELP—YOUNG MAN bookkeeper and stenographer; must have hs»l eiperlenee; send references; must l>e steady, reliable and sober. Address in own handwriting B. St 8.. care The Georgian. PHARMACY DIPLOMA AND LICENSE l months. Address 8< nrmney, Atlanta. Gn. NIGHT SCHOOL—II OOKKEEPING, Shorthand, Typewriting, ete., only $4 a C onth. Drnughnn’s Prnctlrnl Business Col- ge, Piedmont Hotel block, 122 Peachtree. Bell phone 889. Call, phone or write for catalogue. It will convince you that Dmughnn's Is the best. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS, WELL-EDIT- ented, experienced male stenographer, one who will take dletntlons early and late for satisfactory romi>en*ntlon, and not change hla mind about It after agreeing t« It, sa I ain kept too busy to give dicta tlons during tb'; day. I have n good open ing for n flrst-cinas man who will manifest an Interest In my business. None other need apply. Address II. b. hborn, real estate, Birmingham, Ain. ATFLY STENOGRAPHER. 175. STENOGRAPHER for out-of-town jHisItlon, $6) and expenses. Stenographer and office innn who under- stands paint business. $100. Stenographer. ter 6 p. in. W, k; go . 8. »<Z- ,/M' 1 28 Wes WANTED—STEADY yenrs old and over, to pack to Capital City Chair <V WANTED—GOOD JANITOR. APPLY early. Postal Telegraph and Cable Co. WANTED—HELP. YOUNG MAN AS BOOK KEEPER AND STEN- OGRAPHER.MUST HAVE HAD EXPERI ENCE. SEND REFEREN CES. MUST BE STEADY, RELIABLE, SOBER. AD DRESS IN OWN HAND WRITING, B. & S., CARE THE GEORGIAN. 463, Athens, Gn. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTBD-FEMALE. COMPETENT REM logton operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Ca. US Petehtrea WANTED - HOUSEKEEPER IMMEDI- stely for young ladles' college. Only com petent snd experienced persona need npply. State salary required and send recommenda tions. Address at once Shorter College, Borne, Ga. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS, ALL-ROUND » printer wanta situation In Atlanta; four teen years’ experience; *o1»er and reliable. Adwreaa Printer, rare Georgian. WANTKI*—I’OHITION AH CLERK IN' littV SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. W A N T R D - K M P LOYM K NTIN MILLIN'- ery or dry goods store. Address Lcun Lndwlck. leverett. tin. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED—AGENTS-BOYS AND Glltl.S in every town In Georgia and Alabama for midget cards. Write for free samples snd terms. Autry Greer, Atlanta, Ga. 1312 Empire building. AGENTS WANTKD-WK MANUFACTURE ten splendid household articles that aell rapidly; our agents are making_ from $3 to $10 per day; men and women; write regret It. American It. ' bridge, Ohio. oney winner for you won’t Co., Cant- PICTUBE AGENTS SEND YOUR WORK to ns for enlargement; fntr prices, good flulsti; 14 by 3>. Religion* and scenery pic tures cheap. The Garner Company, 13A Peters street, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—SALESMEN. WANTED—E X P K It I E N C E D ROAD salesmen; give reference and experfeiiee; regular or side line; g«ssl. legitimate line; no scheme* »»r fakes. W. J. L»rnck. Iowa Gltv. I 1 PERSONAw. DAVID W. YARBEOUnn. ... - - -MASTER CLIMBER. rt«« IK » B. lluot.r II. “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold at »14 N. Pryor St. Ales Kent. Phone 484ft. KUOM’S MEDICATED SKIN. SCALP and hair soap; sold at drug and depart ment stores; ask for It or write J. J. Krota, Scrtlp and Hair Specialist. <13 The Grand, C. W. RUSSELL HAS MOVED TO 1» Peters street. Have your roofs, gutters and warm sir furnaces put lu shape before winter comes. GET A HIGH-BRED SCOTCH COLLIE pup for your boy or girl. For desortp- flon nnd price, address G. A., care The tjeorglnn. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—ALL KINDS OF SALABLE school, law, medical books for cash. J. C. Gavnn. 71 Whitehall street. 'Phone 1622. WANTED—TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TO buy Money Flour. There la money lu every sack. WANTED—SECOND-HAND ROLIrTOP or flat-top desk, with side drawers. Must be In good condition. State price. Ad dress Desk, care The Georgian. WANTBD-USE OF MULE FOR WINTER for feed; will have best of cure. Address No. 20, care Georgian. \VANTED-*OLD GOLD. WE ALLOW highest values for old gold. Eugene V. Haynes Co., 37 Whitehall street. MISCELLANEOUS. THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL- rage Company will buy or sell you out. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CltOME steel bank safes nnd vault doors; every thing In safe line. 11. W. Ellis, Agent, 26 B. Broad street. ATLANTA DENTAL OFFICES. THE largest South. Remember the place, 394 Whitehall. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL. place It with us; we give It our special and peraonnJ attention, it JUs worth the price we will aell It. C. II. Wells St Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL OB EX- change property of any kind, It will pay you to see us. C. II. Wells St Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank Bldg. STOKE—132 PEACHTREE STREET. IIUN- ultig though to Forsyth street, Includ ing good basement nnd upstairs. Apply at office of Guthman Steam Laundry, 130 Peachtree street. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL OIt Ex change property of any kind, It will pay you to see us. C. II. Wella St Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank. LOST. Who puts your paper on so slick. And guarantees that It will stick; Does your painting, does It nice. And *'always lowest in the prlceT* Barnett, of course! Your “Uncle Jlsi” Is bard to beat: He's at Nnmber ll R. Hunter street Both Phones 560. LOST—FROM 86 OAK STREET SETTER dog, white, Idack and tan; ears large; ldack spot on back. Good reward. Thos. H. Pitts' Cigar Store, 21 Peachtree street. CONSOLIDATED IN ONE BIG BUILDING at 394 Whitehall street. Dr. Lanier's At lanta Dental Offices. FOUND. FRANKLIN, THE CLEAN CLEAN FBL- low, cleaiis suits $1 to $1.56. Psnta 60c. 168 Whitehall St. Phones, Bell 620, A. 3881. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST —Atlanta Dental Offices, 394 Whitehall street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ATTItACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call on Kent. 914 N. Pryor. Phone 2928. AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 a. m. at the Southern Auction snd Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, HELL OIt Ex change property of uny kind It will pay you to see us. C. II. walls St Co., 11W Fourth National ltaok. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pie nnd others. American Investment Co., 704 Candler Bldg. H.tnbll.beU 18M. WETMAN * rON.NEIlH. KQPITABLE. MortitM* .loon* on reol Korn PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money to? purchase money notee; Straight loans made for 5 per cent nnd up wards. According to desirability of logn. W. A. Foster, 13 South Broad street. THE UNION HAYINGS BANK BUYS purchase money hotea nnd lends money on Improved Atlanta property s', reason able rates. Kell phone 769. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5. 6 AND 7 I’ER oent Intrrvat, acroriftni! lo aeourltj of. freed; mull ctprutr nud prompt attention. Only on ml «Ut. lu anil u,nr Atlanta. H. B. Turataa. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any amount, 44, 6 and • per cent. Writs or call 8. W. Carson, 24 8. Broad street. FARM LOANK-WE ARE PLACING loans on Georgia farms at tho lowest rntca ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE •t very lowest rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 202-3 Teiuole Court. I HAVE $5,000 TO LOAN. SUMS TO SUIT. on unencumbered Atlanta realty. Addre** R. B. 31., care Georgian. PICTURE FRAME8. PICTUBE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. II. W. Yarbrough. :4 Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn aveuue. TEETH. . YOUIt TEETH NEED FILLINGS AND erowna. Visit tho Atlanta Dental nfflee*. 394 Whitehall street, and consult dentist* who are st*eelnltsts. Hciiicinhcr the place, 394 Whitehall. M. A. SHKLTON, DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical stove aud range repairer; It at work and material guaranteed. Both phones 5275. 61 S. Pryor street. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. ’’Don’t let ’em fool you.” Jim Burnett (formerly of Burnett St Willis) Is not dead nor missing. He Is contracting wall paper and naiutlug. Office and ahow room 12 East Hunter street. Both 'phones 550. ATLANTA DENTAL OFFICES. ment and have your teeth crowned, tilled »r bridged by *|N*el«lints. Atlanta Dental XTievs. *»4 Whitehall street. TEETH. TEETH FILLED, UltOWNED. BRIDGED nnd made by specialist* at Dr. Mniier’* Atlanta Dental office*. 994 Whitehall St. ART SCHOOL. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. W. R. SHELDON. FELLOW or THE American and Georgia State Association of Public Accountants. Sheldon AudH.Co.j- •ubllc acoountanta and auditors. tiisii traits painted by his larfe classes. Corner Pfnchtree nnd Auburn BOARDERS WANTED. TALKING MACHINE8. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and retail distributor* of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Jual received large consignment of machines anc over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mail orders. We want the names of all talking machine dealers In the South. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Llyea Co. BICYCLE 8UNDRIE8. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST blevde nnd sundry distributors In the South. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale. Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write for our 1906 catalogue and price list. Alexander- Elyea Co. • ME8SENGER SERVICE. FOR PflOJIPT AND RELIABLE MES- •engers, 'phone 83. J. A. Davies and J. C. Bra nan. MEDICAL. KROMOPATHIL REMEDIES CURE •calp diseases nnd make hair gf^ v - Kronra Medicated Soap makes you by- cienlcally dean. . (90 years aucceaa.) J. J. Krom, specialist, <18 “The Grand," At lanta. Ga. . PICTURE FRAME8. PICTURE FRAMER MADE TO ORDER. H. W. Yarbrough. 2Vfc Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn nvo- nne. PRESSING CLUB. PRESSING—ALTERING—THE NEW EU- rekn Pressing Club—Cleaning—Repairing. Atlanta 'phone 700, Beil ’phouc 247o.» IO64 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Membership $1 per month. 8EWING MACHINE8. RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH, either Singer or Wheeler St Wllaon. We rent only new machines with complete set of attachments. Prompt delivery. Both •phones 1893. Hlnger Hewing Machine Co., 75-Whitehall street. 8TOVE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVEH ASH tlASGBH REPAIRED ASD act up. Expert workman. Pntterion Furniture hnune, 286 Petera afreet. ‘Phonea, Atlanta 2472, Dell 794 weat. Wo buy any thin*. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE St BRO. TRUNK AND BAG CO. Ketall and repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 1576. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED wntehe, nro my hobby. Modern Idea, In work and deallnai. H. Walter Lett. Room 1217 Fourth National Bank Btd*., Atlanta. 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Ball ax. Men n wwod half ooles, 75c. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS, MALI,WOODS. IDEALS and nil other mnkea at 1 inrun in prices. We can aell you n real.ter. suitable for any tmalnen,, at a price tlint can not help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every reg ister guaranteed for two rears. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTERS OF ALL MAKEH BOUGHT AND HOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, 24 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Gn. TEETH. SPECIALISTS WHO ARE EXPERT DEN- tlata at Dr. Lanlcr'a Atlanta Dental Of fice* at 394 Whitehall street. FOR RENT—ROOM8. ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. In refined home on north side; geutlemen only desired. Charges reasonable. Address J. C. 8., care Santa Fe Railroad Office, 16 N. Pryor street. FOR RENT-TWO LARGE ROOMS ON second floor of the L. P. Grant home, on Ht. Paul avenue. 1'orcetnln bath on sntnc floor. Apply at residence or to Dr. M. F. Foster, Inman building. A WORKING COUPLE OR TWO MEN will And nice room In yard. Apply 167 Oglethorpe. References renulred. WANTED—ROOMS. WANTED - A LARGE DESIRABLE pleasant room (with or without lioard) with m«M|ern convenience*. For man uud wife. Addre** J. Stobo, Austell, Ga. WANTED—ROOMS, ROOMS AND BOARD, oj* apartment. Apply Ilox cJi. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms lu private family; north aide; every convenience; close In. Would pre fer young men, or couples. Ileferenco re quired. Bell ’phone 2020 M. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. with private fatuity, for couple or two gentlemen; walking distance; reference re quired. 387 Piedmont avenue. ATLANTA DENTAL OFFICE. REM KM BKII—DU. LANIER HAS UON- nolldiited all hi* practice In one big build ing. at 394 Whitehall afreet, under the name. Atlanta Dental Office*. Nothing In the South to equal them. Come and see them ami have your teeth filled, crowned nud bridged by *t>cchi)lM!M mid not by atn- dents. Phone 2563-J for Dr. I*nuler or Dr. l«ovelnee. 39V^ Whitehall street. OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and reshaped, 50c. Soft nnd stiff fell bats cleaned and re shaped. 35c. Bands or sweats. 25c each «xtra. ACME HATTERS. <4 Whitehall HL GItORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. THREE NICK LOTS ON CORNER. ALL for $500. NIUE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, lH-*t part of North Jackson afreet; prac tically new; $5,200; one-half cash. FIVE-ROOM HOr*K. WESTERN lli'luhta: bit bfl by tin; fur 11.251. NICE LEVEL LOT 50 IIY IM: IIM.V I225.' LOT H»* BY 1*3. WOODWARD AVENI E. running back to another street; $1,100. NEAR GRANT PARK! NIUE! LEVEL.' shady lot. 100 by 185, froutliig on three streets; $1,400.* NEW SIX-ROOM IIOCME IN SEVEN minutes’ walk of terminal stutlou; aide walk*, sewers, cabinet mantels; renting at $16: $1,550. It. M. JONES OO., 515 Empire. Phoue 3453-J 62.00ft—ON WEST llt'NTER—FIVE-ROOM tilting*; rnbtnet mnntrl.; tintvtl tvnll.; trnt.-r. Imtli. ««. V.-ry t.-rni.. Iti-.t nti-iiitn of itmt fi.:6t)-oS' coo I* Kit stuKET. SeaH Southern shops; a modem home and a mrgntn. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. |3,250—NO. 275 EAST NORTH AVk, 5-ROOMS AND HALL; EVERY CON VENIENCE; BRAND NEW; LARGE LOT. TERMS EASY. $4,000—137 PARK AVE.— 7-R, UP-TO-DATE COT TAGE, ONE YEAR OLD; CORNER SIDNEY ST. AND GRANT PARK. RE TAINING WALL . ON SIDE NEXT TO PARK IS COMPLETED. TERMS $500 TO $1,000 CASH; BAL. EASY. STOP PAYING RENT! BBCOME YOUR OWN LANDLORD! THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. of Washington, D. C.. will sell you from one to five contracts entitling you to a loan of from $1,000 to $5,000 at 5 per cent •Imple Interest, returnable in small monthly installments of $7.60 per month on each $1,000 borrowed, enabling you to become your own landlord and paying for your home for less than you are now paying HONEST, TRUTHFUL, HUSTLING AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY IN GEORGIA. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1384 Main. TWO EXTRA GOOD ONES FOR YOU IF YOU ARE WIDE AWAKE. LOT 50x100 WITH TWO HOUSES. CLOSE IN. PARTY BUYING THIS CAN DICTATE TERMS TO FACTORY WHO OWNS ALL AROUND THIS. I HONESTLY BE LIEVE THERE IS A BIG PROFIT IN THIS. PRICE $2 500. 80x200—A HANDSOME LOT TO MAKE MONEY ON. TWO HOUSES; FINE SECTION; NEAR WHITE HALL. PRICE $1,750. I HAVE OTHERS AND CAN SELL YOURS IF YOU WILL LIST IT WITH ME. tin* prettiest nix-: AVENCE - FIVE-ROOM A bargain; on easy TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN GOOD INVESTMENT. Four houses on corner lot. Good street. Rents $31.00 month. Price $3100.00 See LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, Phones 1075, 28 Peachtree Street. WANTED ECOND - HAND ROLL TOP OR FLAT TOP >ESK, WITH SIDE RAWERS. MUST BE S T GOOD CONDITION. FOR RENT. SI WEST I'KACIITKKK I-LAt’E. TUI* two-story eleven-room frame, on i»t 00 by 100. which lies elevated slightly, « on the north aide of West Peachtree Inge, at .the corner of Spring; hits gas, hot and cold water, bath, closet and sts- washstnnd on each door: sink In .... — heu. ami sink In the butler's pan try, with servant's closet In the ysnl. This building has live rooms on the drst lhw»r. four rooms on the second floor and two nNsna In the Imiioiuent; It Is In n good JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Arenu., Both Phone. 416. Real Estate At Auction 75 Lots. We have subdivided the Blount property into 75 lots and will sell them at auction on the premises Saturday, Sept. 8th, at 3 O’Clock p. m. This property fronts De- Kalb avenue and runs through to McLendon St It adjoins the handsome res idences of Messrs. High tower and Morris and within 167 feet of beautiful Moreland avenue (Inman Park). These lots will front on two electric car lines and covered with pretty shade, lie beautifully, no grading, no fills. Schools and churches are conven ient. This entire tract is sit uated on a commanding em inence, which overlooks At lanta. On all sides of these lots are some of the most beautiful homes in Atlanta insuring to the purchaser an established neighborhood. We are offering very liberal terms to pur chasers—one -third cash, balance 110.00 a Month, 7 per cent interest. Plats and informa tion at office of RoffSims&Co. Real Estate Agents, 319 and 320 Fourth National Bank Building. Bell Phone 888. Standard 2880. Cor. Edgewood Ave. and Boulevard. Fronts 55 feet on Edgewood avenue, runs back 98 feet along Boulevard, for sale at $40 a front foot, or $2,280. This is your chance to get a good comer on two of Atlanta’s prominent streets. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. MATHEWS & HILL. 611-12-13 Empire Building, Bell Phone M. 1748. Atlanta 172. WE HAVE H031R OF THE LOVELIEST homes on Washington street to l*e fountl In the city. Come up nnd look over our new list. We know we can suit you ou Washington. IS' OAKLAND CITY WE HAVE A I'lhicl-i »t land admirably adapted for' a sub division. We can show Investor* bow prop erty hns doubled In value In this suburb in last two years. ST. CHARLES AVENCE—WH HAVE Alt- solutely the nicest bouse for the money to 1m found on the North Side. House has eight rooms; every convenience; lot la 60x 200; hns furnace, and only $5,000. A building boom hns commenced out there and values will increase. IIS CAl-ITOL AVENCE—NINE ROOMS, stables nnd servants’ quarters, 3 rooms lu bnsemeut; lot 65x200, only $8,600. Where can yon l»ent It* 1*4 CA1-ITOL AVENCE—Elf HIT ROOMS, lot 50 by 170, a lovely home nnd only $5,- 750; terms. 220 CAFITOL AVENCE-KIOHT ROOMS, modem, targe lot; $5,500; terms. 147 CHEItOKKK AVE.—SEVEN ROOMS: lot 50x204; nil Improvements, right at Grant Park. We can offer this at $4,250. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & CO. 510 Temple Court. , Phone, Bell 2081. NORTH SIDE. A BEAUTIFUL <-R003I COTTAGE, brand new and ou lot 65x210. Close in. $3,500. CHAPEL STREET. 8EVEN-R003I COTTAGE ON LOT 38x176. This Is close In, and this part of city la rapidly improving. $2,800. WOODWARD AVE. SIX ROOMS, ON LOT 62x162. THIS IS an laenl place for a home; plenty of shade. $2,800. , IRA STREET. EIGHT-ROOM TENEMENT IX O U 8 E, renting for $28 per month. This Is a good Investment. $2,660.' STORE AND EIGHT- ROOMS, ON EA8T LINDEN street, on large corner lot, with room for another house. Now renting for $30 per month. Can arrange terras. $3,000. LOTS. ARIIBY HT., NEAR W. HUNTER; FOUR good, level lota very cheap. Each $450. WB BUY, HELL OR EXCHANGE REAL estate. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WB BUY AND SELL IIOC8ES AND LOTS on easy terms. 186 Auburn avenua. SPECIAL NOTICES. FUNERAL NOTICE. McKOY—The friend, and relative. .Mr. and Mr*. John J. McKoy•!? Invited to attend the funeral of uV John J. McKoy at 11 a. m. Saturdw front his residence In Decatur in' terment at Oakland. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit and Produce Exchange. Lemons. $7.75«8.00. Lime*, 504:76c. Pineapples, $1.5rtff2,50. Jin tin tins, straights, per bunch, $1.5001.75. Culls, per bunch. $l.Q0cl.25. POULTRY’ AND COUNTRY PRODUCE- Llve hens. 3S03?Hc; fries, 22H025c| broil- ~ts, 150224c. Live duck*. Pekin, 85c; puddle. 25©274c. Dressed hens, per pound, 12013c. Eggs, per doxeu, 25c. Butter, table, per pound, 200224c; cook- R per pound, 124015c. oney. new, 8Ol0c pc racks. I0fl*“ ETA pound; In one-pound VEGETABLES—Irish potatoes. J. W. FERGUSON, AUCTIONEER. Onions, 3c per pound: cabbage! 14c pound. New sweet potatoes, 50c bushel. CALIFORNIA FRUIT—Fancy stock: Klbertn peaches, per l*ox, $1.50. Mnuntnlu Bartlett p«*nrs, per box, $3.25. Groan plums, per crate, $2. Columbian prune*, per crate, $1 Ro*e Peru grapes, per crate, $2.50. Blue Mnlvolse grapes, per crate, $2.50. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVI8ION8. FLOUR—Postal s patent, $5.75; Diamond patent, $5.10; Mnscoutnh Star, $4.00; fancy patent. $4.50; Red Engle. $4.15; Blue itlbbon. fanc 7» ^• sw i spring wheat patent, $5.0? CoiiN—Choice red cob, 7<c; No. 2 white, ►c; No. 2 yellow. 74c; mixed. 73c. OATS—Choice white clipped, 52c; choice white, 60c; choice mixed, 48c; Texas rust proof, 60c. MEAL—Plain water-ground, per bushel. L *' “ *" *“ l #utes. per bushel, 65c; medium. $1.40: brown. Shorts, white. $1-86».pure brat,. *Liv: inixfii 11 ran, HAY—Timothy, choice large bales, $1.10; do., choice smut; $1.06; do.. No. 1 time* - raw 90c. CLOVER—Choice 90c. The nl*ove prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, snd subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. SITGAR-Standard granulated, $5.30. New York refined, 44c; plantations, 5c. Market very strong. COFFEE-Rossted Arbnckle’s $16.50. bulk, In bags <s barrets, jSc; green, 100 RICE—Carallns 44074c. according ts grade. Market very strong. CHEESE— Fnney full cream dairy, 144c; twins 14cr brick 14c. Market strong. w PROVISIONS—Supreme hams. 15c. Imre Irma, 154c. California hams. 104c; Red «*"• h 2i n /\,!* v 'salt extra nbp. $9.75; bellies. 20-5 lb*. $?0-W; fat , *cks. «c; plates, 6c; Supreme lard. $0.75: Red Cross, 10c. Snow Drift compouud, 7*ie; Red Cross, 7%c. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. For Atlanta nnd Vicinity— Pnrtlr rinM. tonight nud Saturday. * c,00 v WEATHER llTcOTTON BELT, Texas— Houston, Temple, Hherninn n«L In*. Cisco, IIIco. Pnu Antonio, clear pleasant; Fort Worth, partly cloudy warm; T/lcr, clear and warm. m Mississippi—Yaxoo Cltjr, Jackson sag Alalmmn—Huntsville, cloudr and Mobile, dour. 2.63 Incho. Min |„„ ,g: 1 •Montgomery, clonr nnrt plemnnt; ownE* luietly cloudy ntul pfmunC; 8o/mn. rlo 0 ,* T ' nnd wnrm; Troy, cloudj- nnd i.lvaunt' Uirinlnghnm, clear nnd cool. ' Georgia—Amerlcus. Savannah and Macoa. clear nnd pleasant; Atlanta, cluudy aid warm. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Generally clear and warmer, 50 to 68 above. Northwest—Clear and higher tempera, tures, 54 to 70 al»ove. West nnd South west—Clear. 56 to TO de grees above; sbowera at Wichita and Calm Ohio Vn I fey—Clear, 62 to 68 above. weathefTforecast. Louisiana nnd East Texaa-^Fnlr Friday nnd Saturday; light variable winds. Georgia—Showers Friday; Saturday fair; brisk northeast to north winds. East Florida—Showers Frida r; brisk northeast to north winds; Satuntay fair. West Florida, Alntuma and MIsmImIppI- Showers Friday; Saturday fair: light varia ble winds. West Texas—Fair Friday and Saturday. WEATHER CONOn IONS. me aoutneant or Fiorina, as shown hr the direction of the wind In the southeast There hns l*een a general fall In the ba rometer over the entire country east of the Rockies, most marked along the Atlantic const from Georgia to Maine. Cloudy weather prevails over Tenneaiee nnd northern Georgia; elsewhere it Is mostly clear. There hnn l*een but little rain In the Inst 24 hours. Showers have occurred on the gulf const of Louisiana and Alabama nn>) throughout Tennessee. at a few scattered stations. The condition* favor partly cloudy weath er In this section tonight and Katurday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For ths 24 nonrs ending at I a. m., nth meridian time, Heptenilwr 7. 1906. STATIONS OF DISTRICT. •Atlanta, cloudy. . •Chattanooga, roggy Columbus, dear. . Gainesville, cloudy. Greenville, dear. . Griffin, dear. . . . •Macon, dear. . . , Montlcello, cloudy. West Point, dear* Minimum temperatures are Temp'tura. HEAVY RAINFALLS. Jit hi IT Atlanta 14 84 Augusta. ..... Charleston. .... Galveston. .... Little Rock. . . . Montgomery. . . . New Orleans. . . Oklahoma Savannah V lekahurg Wilmington T indicates inappradsbla rainfall REMARKS. Ternperaturea were slightly higher In tM extreme eastern nnd western district* and slightly lower In the central portion of w belt. There was practically no ralnfsn List. Aftrift*. Tamp’tur*. h * j ~ r ~!k Son. of Votorono Moot Spf-dnl fo The Georgia n Savannah, Ga., Sept. 7.—A meeting of the Francis 8. Bartow Camp, 8ons of Veterans, was held last night to con. aider the matter of entertaining the visiting Sons during the Confederate reunion, November 13 and 1L 8TOCKS AND BOND8. Georgia. It. It. €& 1910./ 103 Savannah 5s. 190& 1024 Macons 6*. 1910 106 Atlanta. 6a. 1911 106 Atlanta. 44a. 1922 107 Atlanta 4a. 1934 106 Atlanta and Weat Point. . . .165 Atlanta nnd West Point Dabts..lOT Central Rnllway of Georgia 1st Income .. ... do. 2d Income „ do. 3d Income Georgia 265 Augusta and Savannah M bouthwestern 11< Georgia Pnclflc 1st* 120 C., C. snd . A. 1st*.. .. .. ..112 THE DRY GOOD8 MARKET. . Now York. Kent. 7.—I»ry irn«<l« from the West wno todny tried nenr-».y delivery. In percale*, shirting} denims nnd blenched cottons of finer *pwlW the situation Is exceptionally strong. •Ilk hns advanced ahnrnly hi nrlc* n"' 1 '! coiiaet|uence buyers paid ilvaw* (lriiinuiliM In Mmi. nuarler. for nil. r 1 -* konUh Bought N.w leo M.ehina. kp«.|»l tu Thi* firornlnii Balnbrldgo, Oa.. S«pt. ?.T-Thr baum Ice Company baa Ju»t pur. na»« a 32-tnn Ice machine of the jij]’ proved type and will Inatall It, In aM ’ tlon to the one they already have [J operation. This will give them a daily rapacity of 45 ton*. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN